Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 3 Feb 1958, p. 14

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J4 THE DALY TIMES-SAZETTR, Mendey, Pebruory 3, 1958 === THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads |: LAccounianns 8---Bullding Trades 17--Meoney to Loon 29---Summer Properties 36--Female Help Wonted 44--For Rent 44--For Rent finance o the purcha new For Sale or Wanted | Please Note | INDEX T. PLASTERING, peiching, (pisia and we will hase of GIRL ----" wit ox f i Street | grnamental), Re ANC winterized cotta, nee, person, Mrs, Me Radines now In effect for TO WANT AD East, Oro TP Rot 3| mates. Call G. Abra RA pd v est Catt "Herb Rey. |¢ Lik niture included; ge ve bt, Go hy FOR RENT Bi Terrors. co | CLASSIFICATION | Fao cm pms, cn 0 Eoin 40 ago 0 pcs MODERN OFFICE SPACE ky Birest Easts WB, L, Yaies A, ¥, ¥ remodelled, 2 4 "9 AM. SAME DAY | Ageourtonts Tatier, BCom, COAL 3. Hunter CPA hardwood floors, (fle Mam. T6--TLoan Wanted pigs iB ; : DEATHS -- BBarristers Dial AA 81021, PO eee ST ave sibs ha FORE: LOR = TAd7% ain wii 140, #7 Simeos Street North, CENTRAL -- 1000 SQ. FT, 11 AM. SAME DAY 3=Chiroprocter BOR Clancy's Ontario Accounting ery. butlf and : mortgage money on the very best|two diamonds, vicinity of Johnston's|325 weekly for wearing lovely dresses "DIAL RA 3-3492 4ontists leas oilers complete boTkKeoDIN sure: (Malied, Furnaces . va Any | Fiske paying 7 per eent nd good month |and Lewington's, Reward, RA 8-8684. Alr-conditioned two office, or con be used as one lan ores, hi os for amail business. 164 Bon Stress milly Severs: Free entimates, RA J evayments, Cali Herb Reynoidy,| 7 American ¥ashion Frocks b ifiends right here, downtown (upstairs), Reasonable rent, Phone 9 "io Optometrists dence, RA 37600, Feb! Por EL re |@VENINGS Oshawa RA 81513 28 haired le eat, "» grice necessary, North American ¥ ash | details to Jack Appleby, RA 5-6544--John A, J, Bolohood ore , Monteith, Riehl and Co, ALL types dwelling B.... -- RL ee ------ rocks, " ustrisl Be ealtor, BIRTHS Jebiirveyors MONTEITH, Mone, ea reas. |ading, piasiering and. 7epairs, T8a--Mortgages OUND = ta Whiths, raate pur. dark vard, Department 22889, Mon Jon31 Feb.3 Jo~Vmerinorions Oetawa, Srailord, To-|neys, sew 4nd repaired, Die) RA 34011 , Pa, " on.31 Feb, » Ajax, ° Awa, Mae Ons ¥eb.28 | FIRST | Tortgase money wanted! lrown. Short tail, Phone RA 88055, 268 - ¢ % f Re o_ lraes B, ¢ / rs Ye $1500 home per cont) (LOST ~ Male Beagle, black, hit 44---For Rent 44--For Rent PBuilding Materiel A. B, Monteith, B, Comm. CAs G. W.| Sy ™ piu and heating ng applies. $2500 on $12,000 farm, 2 cent, | tan, Saiurasy oo as REGISTERED NURSES BILLON -- Mz, and Mrs, Allan Difion | Service RV, toot, CA) George Phone RA on Harold RK, Bia h # FIVE + room, sell + contained apart fi Lyneh) are happy to announce || 'OShorpening W. Trethewsy, CA. RA 5.3521, 135 i Far heating and eniinsering, TRAY Non as Phone NA 2 ason | Mount Tom. Finder Piewie cal "esiect ment, ehildren welcome, RA BASIL LITO 100m spArin yurished oy Birth of their son, Jerry Francis,|| 11==Business Opportunities cos Bireet North, Oshawa, Pei 4 Fo 1 duty, S-dav week, i! § oz., at Oshaws Gi 1 Hospital, Business Opportunities Sr ------------ Fe r-- », a A, He rg Ys y vate bath, chan (A refrigerator, 20, 1908, A brother for Gal, Va iintn 2---Barristers WE have clients with oniss to pur. hs Arhie ; i E rotoling i Reviaince [i FOUR rooms. ig TH Pramiy Ay children, 1313 eau a Vv wets for rent, $1 per day,| . required, d " MAYERS -- Jerry wnt hisiey wre| 13-~Orewmaking CAMERON and MacDonald, Barrisers ACADIA ROOFING [agreements 'for "sale ats discount [seven dey minimum, siso taps re.| Director of Murses, Ajax ond |¥9972 or 877 Ritson Road Sou aan a eo noounce the arrival of their | |13---Gordening Suppl! Soligitors » tates Flot roofing, asphalt shingles, Louis 8. Hyman, QC, 37 King Btrest corders for rent, $2 per day five-day Pickering General Hospital, VIVE + 1 room apartment wy "floor, downtown Sparment. heavy hath Baopy to #90 on Friday, Jan, 31, 1958 at the Oh. || | gubiousehold Repairs # NHA and J East, Oshawa, RA 53-4943 Feb, 5, 5 King Street lrigerator and stove, Ava th Feb.24| Insul brick, siding, chimney = Torstuat West, Feb.ii| Ajox, Ontario, pring arch | od Yor | piece Balmer, | Sr Barrister, solicitor, a - rangette, refrigerator, electricity, | Bo--Mortgages ete., 13% Simeos Street North. Disl of-| 150 Fairbank Ave, Toronte [M og Bervice w wil once DO-IT-YOURSELF ASSISTANTS FURNISHED rooms, friends tn. share. ve. | session immediately, $33 monthly, 1418 Close 10 20 A General Hospital on Sunday, 1 4 0 i ary 2, 195¢, Harriett Ellen Guess,|| 22=Rodie Repairs tors, ete, 7 Simeos Street th ANDREW BUTLER or findin from Director of Nurses, Ajax ond EIN OLE isha a Ny hear diy bog MB yahar buns General Hospital, A brother for Blena 174" A 18-inatruction ------ irs, Work guranteed 26% Ct Amt eta « Lee and Murphy, Barristers| [€POITS, ¢ " HALF - ton pick-up truck for rent, For NEW fiv Mar, "| iid Saueiers 8 Kin Sirest East, Osh.| Terms, WAVE you a drinking problem? Write | light eartage, Rent with driver or with. NEW five - rov ml a Bene 80:1 | 17==Money to Loon Dial BA § 711 Yo.» Phone collect, Aleoholies Anonymous, Box 103, Osh. out, RA Veb.25 in apartment building, near south GM SMALL cottage, furnished kitchen, 19==Personel flee, RA 53741, Residence, RA 5-5542 Feb, 28 Jasin solve your sewing oblems, For | d 5-day week, [86 weekly, light housekeeping. Simeoe ftreet South, ree pick-up and delivery, erations | general duty, y y, lg se 20==Cartage LL a specialty RA 59843, Jan, 15 RENT-A-FLOOR rotating shift, Residence If |Shopping Centre, 137 Rosehil Souls. | arensorive three » oom self + com he . h vial RA 32278, Residence, 1 ) dow of fi ae Charles J, (orowhs || 23-=Women's Column Me Greer, Bh. Beith 533083 Farence BUILDING CONTRACTOR tase tel is S5CA, RA 3.0000, 4 i HARRISON & KINSMAN Pickering General Hospital, Apply 180° druce Street. __Feb3iness couple only, WA 55445 after § Osiigwa) In her 75th year, Resting aij] 24==Morket Basket V. Kelly, BA, BC, RA 8.2002. ¥eb.10| Homes built, repairs, alteras HYGIENIC supplies (rubbe Ajax, Ontario, TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and |P/™: "ant 18e=loon Wonted WT RU 1.7861 awa Feb, 28 --~ -- CERTIFIED NURSING plant, RA 88187, 21 | (bedroom, cupboards, space heater, gnaw Nienoiirtered Into rest in a 2) Personal Sarvies OREER asd Kelly, Barsisiers, Soll SANDER & FINISHER required, Apply in writing to |": ined" apartment, privaie olf» son the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawn,|| 25=-Pets and Livestock CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and| tions, all trodes, Also bricks Fri 337 Simcoe St, 5, RA 3-4425 26¢ kitchen, buflt-in cupboards, sink, and |¥WO large rooms, convenient to F Mandsy evening, then at the R, J.|| 2é~eFarmer's Column Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, Ne-| on" 'Blocl ion "onevork, [[malled post paid in plain sewed enve. Feb, 12 | Frigidaire, Close to hospital and down. | laundry fneliitios. Will tay mite. Dus. Reid Funeral Home, Kingston, where | tary Publie, Sank of Sommeles Jhiid- 4 rd" qd cents; 24 samples $1.00, Mail Order ----- town, able for two girls, RA 55228. (while mother works, RA 50241, Marchi funeral socvice will be held Wed. | 27=Fusl, Wood ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3446; chimneys built end 'repaired, y ; HER 251 day, February 0, Interment Cataroqui || 28~Summer Resorts TK, Crelghion, Qc; N. er Work guaranteed. Pest, A3, Nov J Rube Cou Box " Chain Sows, Gos and Electric JUNIOR STENOGRAP BAREMENT apartment: new: three. YEW three « room basement apari- Cariutery, Kiogson, hos Iie. 4ebih | 280 Hunting ey AUTON RA 5-0547, A eee | Complete Floor Sanding ond | For general office duties. [mom self contained, year nests and loans "inky And cupboard iit [ or Lo -- k i h «2 oe boo Bes partion Por Sale | ieGIBRON and Bastedo, ters Feb. 91 For that Special Someone! Rolishing Suipment 2nd Typing and some short washing facilities, near bus. RA 37928 plays 85_Southlawn Avenue, mn LWELL = Entered into rest ' i i | AMILY size hous the Quis Genera) Hosmer on pun | 20~tLosw end Foun [ana Solicitors, C 10--Sharpening Service J A_somplste ling. of MBO, Skil Sow; Senders; Drills; ond Medico ¥lospirel THREE room spartment, private" en. session. Phone WA 8.85 Ammediaie pas Ayaan ruary 3, 1008, Ernest Williom - y 53 ch :, A in now, y walches, Lodders; Paint an edical Benefits - Colwell, beloved husband of Beatrice (| 31=Articles For Kent Done haCy Eaunr ¥. Bastedo, GC, Feb.20 WAVE Tour Twinn ete, "Ferey. ng Diomonds, Cultured Pearls, Extension of : 1 ce P : furnished, sep ge, Call Wh THEE hon sit contained Tt Tower and father of Mrs, ¥.. Wilband || 32=~Articles Wanted J = 1102 Highland, RA 8.8363, bo Sprayers; t. Tree Pruner; pply 3.3325 between ( marda Nader kitchen, Avy wirng, otiy) and Donald, in his 48th year. 34=Auction Soles HALFM 8 Jones, BA and Thombs i oe Pipe Threading Equipment; Box 741, A Gazette |IMMEDIATE possession, Four room RA 3.913, 'ie floors, near NCI, Re wi meal Funeral a5--Employment Wanted Hg Bro Bo South RA 51625, 11--Busin Te CORNISH JEWELLERS Electric Hommer; Chain 26c | Apartment, In oentral locator, All facil Fs heated, sxouilont Jost u y Oshaw 0 © , Of . i. é : 2 A A in the chapel, Wednesday, February 5,|| 36-=Female Help Wanted Mortgage loans Available Feb, 7 Ron 5 borat -- "wood po 20 BOND STREET WEST Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow iE _&¢ {ities includ ng TV antennas, Adults i | Sombie raved, extellel Joet on, r y " . ' ™ < 4 1 3 p.m, Interment Oshawa Union Como. (| 37-=Male Help Wanted JOUN A. G, MacDonald, BA, Barris |, 3 Your Watch Personally Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; " | West, Bowmanville, " A lly aquipped owner moving, Phone / AT © in tery, | 34--Maie or Female Help Wanted [lier ne, saint to Simeos " a Ut Serviced, ; Joo ft, Tope, etc, Stan's JEWELLERY SALES ATTRACTIVELY | en Fark APARTMENT, available immedis FENEMORE ~ At hi ee A Wanted orth on dd SRE Ti--Gardaning & Sopp Feb.20 arpening ervice, corner Road North, 5-7 p.m, RA 88671, Feb, 10 VIDE room, bedroom, kitchen Palace Birest Whitby, et i) Baas Vian HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris: 1. nrdening upp lies" King ond Burke © == Dial i ReEQu RED not TWO furnished rooms, Modern kitchen (bath, Avie, Birdwood Nowrts 3, 4 shrusry 1, 1088, Willi A ters, Solicitors; 4 ye, ------- 29 4 4 3 Centra; 1, Rens usa or ito ny ¥qugmort, | £ poom and ford GB Doyen, BAI Wo A Wilman, TREE trimming and removal, Wood ELECTROLYSIS RA 32724 Fob2)| necessary, Permanent posi fu iy BAAfe mace, avy 4 Mi | i ] dear father of Beity and Gertrude of || 42-~Room end Board Wonted A HARRAH ut with ohiain saw, Free 'estime Hekl Removal of Superfiuous Mar. tion. Apply after 10 a.m, son Road South 4 |THREE . room, self . contained un. Whitby, William J, of Morin Heights, | d Te Rent i 3 Articles W. d furnished apartment, Located 51 #29 Quebec, in his 66th year, Resting ail] 43==Wonted To (Whitby, 'MO #1761, Money to loan, 5 H hold Revel Marie Murduff will be in 2--Articles Wante BURNS CREDIT FOUR + room apartment, priva Ton King Street Enst, heated, hot and cold w Town Funeral Chapel, Whit. || 44=For Rent bo -- p--------a hd 4--Househo epairs . Oshawa Feb. 4-5. Phone TEN Stance. WIT vay envi: Siate mrake JEWELLERS LTD room, private entrance, centr RA [water supplied, wired for heavy duty yice In the chapel on Tues. | 45--Recl fatate Por Sole JOSEPH PP, Mangan, QC Wi PAINTED walls cleaned, scientific, in| Genosha Hotel on these dotes and price, Apply Box #04, Times ' 3315 after 8 pm, u Move, laundry taciities in base: ent, y at 3.30 p.n ntermen r ce, 4 y on bu nl t i John's Cemetery, Port Whitby, | 450~Real Estate Exchange eo, oe WY, low. RA 38232. [expensive, Walls cleaned often saves for appointment, zette, -- --i------ ------ 32 KING ST, Ww, NE ee oon Sevtloman, Ai Apply RA 3 i only, Ava "ai - wa a 4o--Real Estate Wanted Residence, RA 85-3405 Peb.i repainting indefinitely. Lat ws ve Feb, 4 WANTED =~ Recond + ha Jes. 27¢ RA Boson | PARE, Tour or fives wv ARTI Maitland t 8 residence, | -- you is back « breakin round 4 hb 0 hi, ad Nn w-- 4 ' bd m "apa 80 Brock Bt, §., Whithy, Maitiand W.|| 47--Auiomoblies For Sole MANNING ¥. wartz, Barrister, Soliel. |¥E8 CUE SOO ted Von Schroder 20--Cartage A 23 vy Wun, 37--Male Help Wanted THREE unfurnished roo ment, central, 'downtown. Furnished or Martin, beloved husband of Anna Milis| 4B-~Automoblies Wanted tor, Notary, Money to loan, | Henty wall deterger, producing perfect re. --- ; cupboards in kitchen, one child wel. Unfurnished, Frigidaire, electric stove Glartin), in his 73rd year, Resting at|| 49-~Automobile Repairs Block, 264 King Street East Feb. 1|8ults. Call us for estimate, Phone RA MOVING and earings, Phone 1A MEN, executive type salesmen, $30 comed, RA 5.6476 or apply 634 Merritt |! desired. Apply 156° William Street W. C, Town Funeral Chapel, Whit Residence, Dis 3.4020, 5.1278, Marchi 57786, Feb.1! on | treet 24¢ [East or phone RA 5.2173 for appoint. " S0==Articles For Sale per month plus bonus, Intensive one 4 for service in the chapel on Tues | S0uhrticas fo fue MONTEITH, Monteith, Iehl BRA C0, | yi cory Topi - Lx winds CATH Wad ot year training, No experince neces. THREE gniirsished roamv-vostaire. | ment, Available immediately, 4] day, Feb. 4, a veloek, Interment Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus: (Ty or oy Phone RA § 17 | kinds, furniture and appliance moving sary, Married man with good education |Close to South GM. Children welcome, | THREE furnished rooms, private bath Aon Comatery, Os 0dd Fellows || §2-Legal Notices tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To- : preferred, Write in confidence to Hox Phone RA 5.0845 or 116 Annis Street, '|T00ms, close 0 school and bus, RA will a0 a service in the chapel on AD RATES rontoy Hon, J Wf Monteith, Jeu FURNITURE repurad 4nd Taal 834, Times-Gazette, giving particulars 28¢ | 32050, Monday evening at 0 pm ontelth, B, Comm., CA; G -- DGGE man x CLASSIFIED Ao Nt sghifoot, CA; George ing, Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Breet RAG AND METAL |*hout yourselt and telephone number. | Fi Targe unfurnished rooms, new: | NEW apartment, three 7on [ as words or lew flo Eos eway, CABRA 53527, 138 Sim. | RA 3.7213. b11 . eeeme remem . I decorated. 865 monthly, Apply 16 Rit, | Blece bath, washer, merial, adults. near x 25¢ |Shopping centre Avply 212 Stevenson's EL wh Charge |i ge street North, Oshawa b.6 FOR | " son Road North, CHESTERFT | rebuilt, 1 PAY CATL May's for quality sewing, . Home R local hotel commissary, rou IN MEMORIAM ) coNStcuTIv 1.08 2.07 ||DONALD Blake Dodds, ra on like new, Why pay more? Our rvates|fittings, pick ur and delivery. RA joke Shaw will pay you more man with at years' THREE - room apartment, "Tarnished | LOB ka South until ¢ INSERTIONS f a Solleitor, 26% King Street East, Tele: are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran: (59843 Yeb, § or your scrap iron, tin, cop- school education, Must be nest in aD or unfurnis private bath, h THREE +» room a tm , sul fam Tamily o coNstcUII 2.00 3.30 ||phone Business, RA 53501) Residence |teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up | Sere -siieomror, ow i mige | - per, brass, lead, aluminum, [pearance and ambitious, Apply Mr. |iignts and supplied, adults, near (With one child, Reasonable, Immediate N y INS A "FRA 8.597, Feb.1 holstering Co, 10 Bond Street West, crubbed, waxed, buffed; store 89 BLOOR ST, WEST R, K. Campbell, Genosha Motel, 27f bys, reasonable, abstainers, RA sais possession, Phone RA 88074 EL] FRANKO = In loving memory of my | i not paid within 7 days the Dial RA 85-0311, Janitor' service, Phone RA 311 ROOM for gentiemen, willing fo share, a -- r 3 doar wile, Aunle Franko, who passed Charge rate will apply. T-Chireprasion cp aay HL OIE pagered, W up, painting, walls 5481, Feb. 21 Also Solesmen: = How much |THREE unfurnished rooms. upstairs, [separate beds. Apply 16 Ritson woud repaired, G 0 A : : a Above rates apply only te or | AYDNEY W, Buffett, DC, Office, 138 JEM. CF eo, C. Going, WE 22--Radio and T.V, Repair OPEN SATURDAYS money did you earn last year? Beat ahs, water. Clove o SGM. RA #1105 eto, Reasonable rates, RA 5-4408 Penceful be thy rest, dear mother, | It is sweel to breathe thy name) ginal orders for consecutive Inser- igi. oo street North, Phone RA 5.4163 | {FOUR « room basement In lite we loved you dearly, | ions, Sublequent insertions ordered for appointments, Feb, 138-7207, --_-- oo font tale Shatalted. rr py 0, 4 RA 5.2311 be you wish 30 Increase id 35f | Abstainers, Child welcome, Rea. death we do the same of a later oate constitu Ww FLECTRICAL appliance repairs, light. s s 40, 30, 40 ull time position open for THRE "unfurnished rooms, (for right tenant, Dial RA 5.3095, a7 Rlware remembered by husband || origina order 5--Nursing Service ing fixtures hung, switches, outlets, foot, Traveling Wave, ete, digliand HV, AUTO WRECKING salesmen, Part time help also [light dh supplied, on No, 2|TWREE furnished rooms, kitchen with nk and ehildren Professional and. Butirgss HRN: | meee ---- ete. installed, Keith Good, MO 8-4135, 4049, ; -- required, For appointment highway at Gerrard Road, Phone RA refrigerator, living room, room 6.00 per month for 3 lines dally, |[MARNWOOD Nursing Home announces 23¢ | RADIO, radio repairs Ai Feb. 12 : 25! (adults, private entrance, bath, ROBBINS ~ In memory of Lorne 8. || Soci¥ FOr TONIA (6 0 O08 Mossi the opening of new accommodation for | makes ble work Fred Thomp: |= se --| call Colonial Homes, 289 Om AParimant, aie! J hid ppg hh dean: Jovbing, who passed away February 3,1 "Ckoch initial letter, abbreviation, |lconvalescent and elderly ladies. Our son, 157 EMiot wtreet. Dial RA 30702 Park Rd. S., Oshawa, v i three + vom apariment, : Wha ll t gistered . very central, for three atin girls, Water, garage. 97 Elgin East, mn We treasure still, with love sincere, || § end « sign vigure, count as @ [(7iaft of eight In ene care of pro:| REWINDING AND REPAIRS ---------- CEDARDALE SCRAP RA 8.8571 Immediate possession, Phone RA 34935 | LARGE ground floor anariment seh: Beautiful memories of one so dear; || word, Box charged 15¢ additional, | dards, Telephone MArket to oll sizes of motors ond ~ 25f |tral, parking, stove, refri 1 in Sadly missed by brothers Art and All Clositied Advertisements |[5 rss or "visit 26 Elgin' Street. Bow:| generators, Full stock of parts Prompt -- Same Day IRON AND METAL 261 | TROT Tove Taree Tout vow Randy Troe ves Tori ator And Frank, and daughter Pauline, MUST be in b 9 am. the day of manville, : Feb, 22 carried ot all times, 100 Annis: Sireat GENERAL hath, venetian binds, due RA 53984, Be mm ublication, 1] wrest Daily 8-8, v y epalr sion mmediately, ox ind board, A 204 REFUSE TO PAY Baturdoy" 4-12." Avtar dation svalisbin, | Gu or for DELCO motors 24-HOUR East of CNR Station UPHOLSTERY FOREMAN [fimesdisie: ~*~ eres and teard, sAvviy g + roam unfurnishe: 9 go BONN (AP) -- Officials Bun- | The Daily Times-Gazstte shall service, Rater, $22 - 435 weekly, ROBBINS & MYERS motor, TV SERVICE WE PAY: REQUIRED by large Toronto |apartment, Apply 181 Oshawa. Boule: FENIAIRS. four - } room Jat, 2h day again refused to pay more || nor be responsible for errors in Phone 2420, Newcastle, fl en nN plant, Must be experienced |[Vord South, ~~ 221 clean couple with one or two ehildren, money to support Allied troops in| advertisements submitted otherwise yo day avanty ono CALL itt prices, for lror in all departments and caps THREE 3 rot on 303 Leslie Street, e . than in writing, nor for more n rg we year w etal, ags, oper, et. or unfurnishes wo oath for Halt he West Germany, The refusal came || one incorrect Insertion of any ad- Rewinds, RA 8-5286 Residence' RA 5.4159 shle: of handling assembly HR LTT Tor at Fat fa what was described as an un vertisement, nor beyond the price AN DEN type piece wor operation, o 250 for working couple, Plenty of hot water, "|| charged for o single Insertion of HILL-CORNISH ANYTIME RA 5:3432 Free Pick-Up REPLY stating marital ste- TWO roo. ment, furnis} stove, |Abstainers, Apply 48 Broek Street Jeasant Stacumion with a NATO UA Svat in which aor ELECTRIC LTD Open Saturday na, ee. salary desired and retrige tor oy a I bat! East. FH] mediator, aul-Henr paak o : 4 URSING HOME ' Feb.20 etails Fl experience, + Holy.Cross Chure 2 Belgium, NATO secretary « gen- || |f on doar on Sry N Meter ord FET OSHAWA Vogel Furniture Company |THREE - LEERY fe gin Bu ge AY -- - | ments, unfurnis vate entrance. hath: d Im J -- = ir = KING ST. WEST After un -- RA 3.9124 ELECTRONICS 121 McCormack St, Toronto {Apply 892 Drew Street, aw [in "one - Welcome. "en Si East 28¢ | 7 264 JARM furnished room. Central, RA . 38 Bon U S SATELLITE Exclusive rest and convalese fab, 26 40--Opportunities 3.437, 3 1g1X . room modern bungalow, ocous --- EN | CAMPBELL'S en FUNKE SR tn Li LSAT. HL HO 0 'ontae " orrison, » private toca, Sitioted snd CROWN DIAMOND ? ai couple. Apply #30 King Street West, fonda, Phone 33, y . acres, Tray service, Raw furs, live poultry, fea. LEARN Pine Tree Cabins, § Monk er -------- Ike S Reaction television ore pede. Runa DECORATONE | AERIAL thers, scrap Iron and metal, THREE . room he aa ment. a ment Bro Vin m self oon LL hy : em conv 101 weastle Low rates. Inquiries Invited, PAINTS I. TURNER BARBERING |Hovmanvile, Wa" a Ap A eg A HE " " Custom-made colors In flat | SERVICE TWO room furnished apartment, with [Ritson Toad North, kind: Is Wonderful PHONE RA 3-2330, sy, 14] satin finish, and glow. | RA 3-2043 Toronto Barber School |Family neta cuties, Set THO fat, Sarl, fe sa - Crown satin (rubber base) oronto Barber School : 8 Ji 20 + Vv A ' | 2 Mé Caul S business couple, RA 5.0228, By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITH | wind started to whip the course TrOplometiitie paints, and alkyd enamels LAE) erials (collect) cCaul St. at Queen THREE rooms and bathroom, with & pd THREE room apartment, Jiro plece AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP)--'That's/in the late afternoon. Tg Be Quality As Usual At 35--Employment Wanted g7¢/ South. RA 3.7 201303 Verdun Road evenings Wher 0, 260 Tuck, Oplometris, specialising] ond duronamels, Installed Feb, 12 Toronto, Ontario and cupboards. Apply 263 Cadillac | private bath, Vacant Fe Apply derful!" was President Eis. pside d a Evenings Mon,, Wed, Fri, 6.8. - - ox ------ THREE unfurnished rooms, heavy duty TWO nicely furnished housekeeping yan wer' arn Preside early Bip oh ident ha Just some ult fasts examined at home, RA 5.8143. 4 | H DIAL LADY would give day care to one 38--Male or Female Help | wiring, sink and cupboards, 3rd floor, | room, use of washing mace roving guiliow : {] ie Mh -l vy ; e ou se ne was 4 at Lng ( wh Disney Bldg, 31 King East, Feb26 RA 5 9 1 35 child, Monday te ¥riday, while mother Wanted central, adults only, RA 8-8330, 201 |yate home, one block from King East oany 0 wore al an armyito a few rubbers o ridge w - Not, soa any wor two lLttle gh TWO unfurnished rooms, bullts n sink bus, RA 5.9248, 201 Jupiter-C rocket had rammed friends when Hagerty received 7--Surveyors 3 CAN |and cupboards, one ehild welcome. THREE yoo - - - } 3 D ms for rent, furnished, the first United States satellite|tho first of several phone Sele T -t ( 0. DAY OR NITE 36--Female Help Wanted |iive youns men or ed oe close to south GM. RA 57377, 30f (Appy 95 John Street, 20 into orbit around the earth. from Washington, They all came|Land Surveyors, Professional Engl Feb.16 selling career, Bilingual preferred, Ex. (THREE room modern Apartment, pri ONE sing! Hl : {MOVING compan, locat! in Plok. p! single room: also one room sults Then, alter waiting up for that| from Brig, Gen. Andrew J. Good | ne 70 Harwood Avenue South, Afax, 16 Celina Street {23--Women's Column (ering ey any, ivcaling in Pick: Thricnice not essential, 'Box 82, Times. [vate entrances south end of city, would | able for 3 to share, cooking hit h 23 [Swit business couple, RA 5.3555, 201 | Apply 195 Albert Street, arly paster, White House staff secre! - x RA 3.231 staff, One dicctaphone typist, age 18 to _ a word untll ne arly 1 am, EST, WY and ESeonvers Diloon (DONALD HM. Trollope, Ontario Land 3 2 SPECIAL, heat permanentn, 34.00, cold |211 one shorthand typist, age 20 to 25. |AMATEURS' talent wanted for coming APARTMENT for rent, four rooms [TWO rooms, kitchen, bath and the happy president put out the : ! § Survoyor, 218 Allee TStreet, RA 5.6881, Feb. 20 | waves $5.50 Page Hairdressing, 364 (Call collect Toronto ROger 2.8348, Mr, [shows Auditions at Club Bayview, (and a bathroom, range, private en: rage, unfurnished, Apply 178 Amel first official announcement thatman with the defence depart: Feb. 3 1 war moro Pine Avenue, RA 5.3363, Feb.20 | Grosvenor, § a.m. to p.m 20f | Whitby, from 3 + 8 p.m. every Sunday, trance, all a adults, Avs Bree East after 8 pm, 200 baby ** "ow cing ment, |F. J. Donevan and Associates, Land instructions mm? | ---- ---- Feb, 30 Apartment 2, 165 Verdun 20f "Sour Rive the . baby eon Was Tracing Surveying and Engineering, 12 Rloor - ---------------- 25--Pets and Livestock a {ROOM for senileman, $36 n Firest. around the globe. | As the moment of launching ¢ Street Fast, Oshawa, Ontario. RAILEARNING to dance Is y and fun - - re SECRETARY 41--Room and Beard {TO Targe room apartmentc furnish RA 3.0440 GERMAN Shepherd pups, six weeks, p - k - ib terval Eisenhower, here for a week. approached, Goodpaster repeated |s.sssa. Feb.23 (at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 ROOM rate entrance, bulit-in cupboards, bath. FOUR + room apartment, private, o md of golf, got the orbiting in./the Cape Canaveral bad] = *Buildi Trades Prince Street, RA 5.0041 or RA_Si800, Ritenred, black and sliver, en 3 For law firm = to begin ot ROOM and hoard in private home, 0 | voom, heat and lights, very central, An | conveniences, il facilities, Apply rmation by telephone from countdown to Hagerty--"X mi uilding CR eb RIMMING, wathing, Golesi : oud once or on February 9, fives {Ply 247 Mills Street or call RA 377M, [i Celina Street, 200 A ' + ) A \ : i - ashiington about two hours hus seven, X minus six , , , * la Horton and Associates, Commer: bs 10%: tu ot counselor Hye '8 ling. Waubena Kennels, RA 5632 day week, medical and life | ROOM "and board near SGM, home TI --yy AVARPMENT, heated, {he and so on [ela White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave-|SXpe PPO 4 reba) insurance scheme, legal ex- [privileges Dial RA 5.3710 or THREE.-ROOM self-contained apart. | kitchenette and bath, tile floor, ne after the satellite-carrying rocket h {nue Soith, Ajax. Phone Ajax 728, RA 35-1084, r ferred but not ' = ee' | MEN, builtin sink and cupboards, laun. | wiring. 860. Apartment No, 7, 63 King was launched at Cape Canaveral, | Then at 10:48 the fire com. | Feb 10 | [FULTAN Mae Mars, | YOUNG indy resizes housework, all pepignce pre srrech u ol ROOM and hoard for gentlemen to dry facilities, completely furnished, | West, Bowmanville, Ahonen Fla. mand echoed and 16 seconds | FLUMBING and heating pipes, Attngi, [Dancing wehool, Ballet ,|48y Fridays, RA 5-804, 26a essential, pp ications Tully Ishare, with single beds, five days a |Pv vate entrance, adults only, 272 a NEW modern three » room self « cons Then, at a hastily called press later the Jupiter-C w . , changing from Masonie Temple, Frid ; v COCKER Saaniel Pipes, Trimming, confidential, Apply Box 731, [week, RA 5.6721, 79 McGregor re Rd, N RA 530M tained basement Anartment, ory row. into space sewer 2 4pecialty, ln dia --m---------- fs QEIICH IN &. Waubena| Times-Gazette, FURNISHED bed . sitting room and |sonahle, Wi , RA 5.4301, conference, press secretary way in Pp " | staliations at reasonable rates. Infor: | rrevEy Dance 7.onde oaton. ap, Kennels, RA 56321, u _Marehl 26¢c | ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, con. kitchenette, contains stove, retrigora. | FIVE Tim i three years Japigs C. Hagerty put out this| At that point the president got|mation and estimates free on any type |Royai Academs ballet Higniand RE |REAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for |= === wees | HNVOUS hot water, home privileges, tor. builtin cuphoards, and Mi! fad, er ets ig By statement by the president: lon the phone to Washington and of plumbing. Dial RA 84241, J, Foley. ljster now, 434 King ¥ RA 86122, raining, talking strain. Apply. Mrs, Apply 241 Ritson Road South 23 (machine, Apply 34 Llovd Street, 28f Run 4 ad a RARY ¥ ta b Inne X ub Fonsi Ne wiv. G1 King Won RA o9I. Iu u 4 EARN EXTRA MONEY. [on - vision, Very reasonably pri . "Dr. J. Wallace Joyce, head of for several minutes listened to m-- Ad Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. Feb.2) BEST menis in town, single beds, | RA 5.4501, Me } | geophysical of- Goodpaster relay from Cape Ca- PUREBRED -- Englih Soiters, four| IN YOUR SPARE TIME, [modern conveniences Close to south| New modern two bed- [APARTMENT for couple or as single 104 Jutomational Seophysical al. | ven a word pleture of tb FOR SALE Musle Studio for 'All Instruments months, male, female, registered, Rea fe houw: A Tm or 2 Lovute 108M apartment, imme. [roma for men, housskeshing bev fice of the National Science rbd Pp of the Plane. Tunin sonable to good home. A, E. J. ailler, Work direct from 3 ' © nl A ahd [oges. Apply 230 Bloor Street West, RA Foundation, has just Informed rocket's flight, ALTO MUSIC'S RD Valley Farm Road, 370M2, Pickering 0 y Room and board for two Kontiemen, ediate possession, 56790, at . 4 : [] ome privileges, TV, $15 weekly, seven! me. that the United States has Coarse and fine drive- LTO IC SUPPLIES om --- your own home, We bisghabitin a FY "oat! Phone RA 5.1177 9 roun ~ room unfurnished apartment, sfully place entific ™ iano: GER epherds, registered, k mm heavy wiring, private bath, 80 Hill. successfully placed a sclentifi ew ond Used Pianos have an interestin ste : | and silver, Market 3-3986, Bowman. 9 ROOM and board for one girl, For to 5 p.m. after 5, RA croft Street, opposite Christ Church, 28¢ eafth satellite in orbit around way gravel $7 per load. [Full Selection of All Instruments ville Feb.11 d profitable offer f further information, RA 3.9345, 24f » the earth (New ond Used) 3 - F 7s Col Li and profitable offer tor ROOM : hudhiod ab BR 5-4604 SELF. wantatned apartment, \inres wil ' 6 - M or room and board for two, rooms and hath, all conveniences, ad. "The satellite was orbited by| STEAL $10,000 Also fine cement gra- 477 Simcoe St. S =--farmers Lolumn you $59 telephone €aN= | oparate beds, Pleasure Valley, ei SOHNE wi nt a modified Jupiter-C rocket, | STE. SCHOLAST: he EAD farm stock picked up promptly, | vasser, Canvassers re- [33361 251 mf -- B, LASTIQUE, Que.| vel $9 per load. Phone Jan. 30 phane collect Bowmanville, MA 32679 3 ' A h -- . ' v MA 3-2 TWO nicely furnished rooms, board MODERN quired in Ajax, Whits ) FOR WHOLE WORLD (CP) = Three masked men, one 6 fargwill Fur farm, Tyrone. Feb.17 optional, $15 weekly, RA 8.8383, 378 "This launching is armed with a revolver, escaped| RA 5-5279, 16--Insurance i by, Oshawa, Bowman. [King Street West. "auf FIVE ROOM FOR RENT This launch ng is part of our with $10,000 1 I F b, 10[CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. ue ood i as Jape fruniys erica i, Se ih Adon fun 8 Shee, 0 = EE EE IES Cobiun Wine, Bot |e ed Yo Rew | APARTMENT | Modem bearer i nation 100 's ure 3] mortga r 1: a $ - 1 H H All "Information ceived from this town 25 miles northwest of Creighton, Fraser, Dynan and "ur: Git) A p15. aida 15 Cobourg. Yrite Box ing room, dinette, kit FOR SALE doch, , 525 Times-Gazette. tng room. comfortable, central, APPLY | jneation. $1085. 00 chen and one bedroom. .! Montreal. Mr G thie " iy s oorgetta Ta. BOX 87, TImes-Gazetie sur | 'me re ALLS E Auto 1 EL] | il made hots to the scientific Tarche, te Spungen told police Sand fil 50¢ per load. |! ran gM, yk ho wl E------ SIX. or more, room house wanted RA 8-8676 Laundry room facilit- community of the world en forced her at gunpoint | Haul yourself. For fur [personsl service 'at your home. no | Toronto family, Post Office Box 382. Mor] ies. ldeal for business ! SRT | | GENTLEMAN requires good bed sit Electrically equipped, best . . to ope 8.7 ec' in Sh a, re wan an OMY. © Co" "| ther information Phone [+4 give Ble euple. Avplshle Mar doubt that the army's successful GETS RIG CROWD { RA 5.9202. FIRE AND HURRICANE IN WORK square feet, King "Simcoe Street (1 STORE FOR RENT 1 In Hi Bums Bulg: Jann hing amounted to & SPeCiAll pope SPAIN. Trinidad (AP _Feb SURANCE. AUTOMOBILE GOOD PAY ey TF mtstuete 1 60 4h pply Burns Shoe The army, once just about BUY Graham spoke before al LOME IMPROVEMENTS | outer ChoLicke RIK BL | Ajax. Plaza, 13 x.60, ore. crowd estimated at more than ut of the le develop! FL We have Openings for Single [MOUSE wanted -- North Simcoe area] heated $130 monthly- Juled fleld. Ra aed Cove WA 20,000 persons here Saturday as) PACKAGE DEAL STALMENT PLANS IF DE. J ricul a Arte, bedroom apartment, Phone i RA 5-4611 h in vy SIRED. Junior Matriculants as RA 83198 26¢ lease. Phone Pickering ster U.S. prestige after Russia's '¢ continued his Caribbean crus Fo ' - A -- 28 ade. Officials At or Home Owners, One to DQ M RESPONSINLE agement Ww m, EE -------------------- launching of two Sputniks, fie 8 tals said it was the big: toke oll trades in one loan obert S cCallur n CLERK-TYPISTS requires six 200 ir Ra 217 after 6 P 26¢ 45 Real Estate For Sale y rest Thureh assembly ever held pisenhower flow - fi b i . rent Write B \ TN G . ; Eisenhower flew from Wash, "nvinidad. Residents travelled] ond monthly repayments. 521 Rossland Rd. W, : : k SALI Des Gorette, nted |THREE bedroom brick house, wit at: ington to Augusta F riday afters © train, bus, suto and donkey on Room, Building PHONE RA 5.6402 Please call Mrs, Davis-- 37--Male Help Wanted | 37 Male Help Wanted | tached RATARC on Mary Braet. roa 3 oon, hd tho § od Whe he as carts from all corners of the is. ¢ Bativoom aralied, Feb. RA 5.7651 -- for ap- {Stmeoo "School, Phone RA 3.208% 2% hi hip land to hear the Evangelist, h fchens, ing ointment, SIX acres, corner property resides il tions for a od launching at : . and Floors, alterations, addis T= --Money | to Goan Pp EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY area, east of Oshawa Reas ) tempt proba would not be KILLS FIVE | tions to basement apts,, heats BELL Phone RA 33M after & p.m ho] ho wgup "1 eek. | RIO do JAREING Bast (AP)| ing Ning wolt, mew rioing, [HINNY, tut wotd WIRE Bl prompt Dolly Daiery A company doing busines In Canada for over 100 years wishes 18 cio, 8 miles, hh of OoRTnY K TO GOLF airline , ectri rena va' n pase ale " " y ' Ya v Ba ot the hon p me since he A Brazilian airliner burst nto | rical work nick and Henniek, Barristers, an King » TELEPHONE to increase its sales staft in the City of Oshawa, This company county road. Close to senool, bus serv. C € J me iC \ Hames in an at'empted: takeoff | P} Oho MO 8 2376 Street Bast, HA 372% Feb 9 HARRY 0 PERRY offers pension fund, hospital services ond group insurance, etc y0. hydro, water, litter carrier, good roke Nov aturday night and crashed into one hs i" CLIENTS' mante " ' PETROLEUM CO COMPANY Excellent opportunity for a man 25 to 40 years old having a goed building, good land BAe and cash 4 panies available for first ETROLEUN C " 0 io N ¢ a regu ( on the edge of Rio's h WHITBY [and Second mortgages. Mortgages 3 \ "Hh oF ANADA education ond who likes to dea! with the public, Write, giving bob sfanmay i Paction hs ¥ 3 \ Ly played 15 killing five of the- 87 persons {agreements of sale purchased. Apply Phone RA 3-3443 : age, marital status, education, present occupation, to Box 744, TEN room house, Rood TOF Barber from the aboard. Another 33 were {njured, Free Estimates a Kian Mptter and Notard| \Jights: RA 3.7944 or 5-882) 15 VICTORIA Times-Goze. {shop or two families may live ia ™ dng F ne af 18 because a stiff nons ssversly ia laa Ma King Kast, Othawa_R4 0.18 UT TE! LRT)

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