THE DAILY TIMES-SAZETTR, Mendey, Pehruory 3, 1958 { TELEVISION LOG {EHURTY Channel Li~iomilion CBIATY Channel = Toronte| WROCAY Channel b=Rochester WOH TY Channel 3--Buiiale WhENY Channel TUESIAY pM FM. amity Thestre Mest Mr, X Election Machine [Couple Fight | Gets Into Action | % Robbers HAMILTON (CP) ~Mrs, Mabel OVIAWA (CP)--Operation of 8 sheets of ballot papers prepared Agnew, 0-yesr-old mest market general election In Conada re-lfor insertion of candidates cashier, Saturday bight fought| EVENING quires an army of lens of thou names, will he shipped between with a 200-pound youth whe (ried sands of official election work: now and polling day, to grab » bag containing nearly ers, about 350 tons of printed] The cost of holding the elec. $10,000 ouiside 8 hank S=Flayniuee | material and intricate planning, |tion--excluding expenditures hy! Mrs, Agnew, driven to the Sn Ba [* But the election machinery wes|the candidates and parties them: hank by mensger Richard Led- Tel all in readiness for & smooth, | selves--will he 8 record, Lever, was going to a night deposit b= Chiaren's {swift start Saturday evening fol-| Mr, Castongusy, d-yesr « old hox when the youth spprosched "AM, Theatre {lowing the announcement that the chief electoral officer who sue her, They grappled, hut Mrs, Ag: Mon-| ceeded his father, Jules Caston ROARING ACTION ! AT 60,000 LET 'ER RIP! Man-Flown Rullrtg Of The Skies! Crashing the Heat Vall of Space and Speed! l/r id ike #1 bing BIL TUESDAY MORNING AM, MONDAY EVENING bw PM, Theatre Cuphonrd a fFuh 1 Learn i LB perm n | lod y bis FM | dellapt Kangoron bhi en's | obi Glas Newsies) ! | 8-H LF mily [2 country will new refused to let go of the beg, " Young PC's Head "= - ¥ FACES 11 Charles Starkweather, yight, sccused of murder, Is led out of the Converse County sher- M's office in Douglas, Wye, by Merle Kagnopp, sheriff of » Douglas By DAVE OANCIA Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) ressive Conservatives almost | 0 strong have chosen a Chinese Canadian as their new president amid scenes of exuberant confi dence and praise for their spirit from Prime Minister Diefen baker The new president is Douglas ung, A-year old member for {une 0) Centre of the just-dis solved Parliament, who in inteo dueling the prime minister to his outhful eohorts sald that My J a had Inspired a new spirit of Canadianism In (his country The national convention of the Young Progressive Conservative Association ended Saturday night with a ringing speech hy Mr Diefenhaker that he sald was his Md-Aifter In the campaign for the March 81 federal general tion But he took time to praise the influence of the party's young members and urge them on to reater things before swingig nto his electioneering THE GREATEST He described their convention attended by almost 1,000 dele ates from across the country, a 'the greatest gathering of its kind" ever held in Canada Mr, Diefenbaker sald the ervative party 'owes ils revital ton largely to the enthusiasm Young Pro Con elec | Lancaster County, Lincoln, Neb, Starkweather Is being re: turned to Nebraska by automo bile to face murder charges (AP Wirephoto) Yung Is and energy of ls young mem bers Earlier, the convention ap proved resolutions calling for government mbves to strengthen Commonwealth ties, Increase trade and provide more federal ald for higher education Mr, Diefenbaker sald he and his cabinet ministers would give consideration to resolutions call ing for early action, But he said not all of the resolutions could with eash prizes aimed at turn necessarily be accepted WINS NARROWLY Mr, Jung, first Chinese descent Commons gan, 20-year-old Toronto automo hile dealer, hy what was nounced as 8 NATOW MATTED Earlier, a third dropped out of the contest---Frank MeGee, 81-year-old former Com mons member for York « Sear borough During morning sessions, less than 75 of the 900 registered dele fo sit In gates turned oul to discuss the examination, written In sittings of | 40 resolutions submitted by the igs and go minutes, Questions are| various university eluhs and YPC associations gates objected there was Canadian of jperts has been launched by the the Manitoba branch of the Canadian defeated George Ho Mathematical Congress a0: which offers top prizes of $100 candidate! gwards of $25, all unconditionally, Some of the dele: ng jg expected to solve them all not Much of the test's value Is in Fopere's Flav iyi be S-Romper Boom be rm, fa Bengnl |ancers Mickey Mouse he FM S=Kingdom of the Ber b--dim . 4-Headiines, bporis Shy [7 1, G=hewsj Wenther; Sports S=Wonders of the Wild Fait PF ah EW, §. B-News B-Comedy Capers im FM, i=Frontier Doctor ud $=Date With Angele & Annis Onkiey Captain Grief TH PM Hide with Father That i# Kablenmeons | Blair Henniipes pw AM, ps S-Diskriet Aiorney Ge Atrinwe) Biel "hr Buse wm Ariens Finances Larry Moore My iti Margie Wa AM 4 $ rs (2) 4 Weather; » h Trepwire Hunt Godley ward Costello AM, A Arthur | Ab 6 B-Wenther News FM, 1 I 8h Lancelot | oh anioid | bebid Caeen¥ | Helicopter | 4 7 | | | wor | 8=Fptls Pigs ! wh FM 10 Price Is Hight My Favors Bory Haw ' AM BTruih oF Consequences fiotin ~Fut Defender TUESDAY AFTERNOON 10 NOON | Adventure » Corliss Arche iFM, Dance Pury Nations Bi siness $=Tic Tae Dough Friee Is Right 4=Newn; Wepther Robin Hood * & Mid Day Matinee Kingdom of the Bes 12.84 M TPA B=it Could Be You 6 t Aum b--Berial Blories FM, 1 A=Milhima ire §, &-Love That J A Lueiile Ball nin v Teo d-- A---Name Tune Cheyenne FM, 1HA=Front Page b-Eddie Fisher Phil Slivers a FM, it, 6=Dragnst =Wratt Es en 473 i, 6=GM, Fresents S-Meet MeGraw To Tell The Truth Broken Arrow "» | | b=Mavie Theatre =Fiayhouse ih PM 7] the Warld Turns 1A-On Lames & Helen Neville b- Wells Farge #0 FM, Bain Journe ym FM, A= Love Lusy b-Twenly-One Danny Thames g=Vnlee ot Firestone 8PM ' EEO! Men of Annupol = Turn of Fale 1awrence Welk Ll] A-Matine he S~Home Cooking 4 Mest The Millers "PM, %- House Party 4=Red Belton ! ih Fu #-~Telenhane, me | HeNursery Sin 11, 6=Call For Mune Annie =Movi: Mil Lee §=The CHilfornians S=Matinee Theatre 4 464,000 Geslion The Big Payot B-West Point G-Americian Sapusiand Wee Frm MPM 1, 6-Fress Conference 4 Ihe Verdict lo B-All Siar Theatres Yours . he oy Paral W fy ighway Fair ' di 4 id "ew FM Alfred Hitech oek ABtudia One b-Tes Hi) na FM L=Oh Busanna b-Lawrence Welk &=The Whistler | 50 eh i, 6 6 A-Newsi ' if Mursary Behon Weather Sports BOpr) Hil PM S=GQueen for » Day Serial Blories Aw 1ondstand | 11 "rm H-Bporisviey | 4 Theatre i, 6-Howil nndy | Edge of Night 2-Bwini Bhi wily 7 M | 145 PM Boxing Theatre FM, Late Show "nm FM Movie MH 6 6 4 E-News " Weather; Bports ¥ is Frm b-Maovis RT Theatre La 3 4 | gModern Homances 1] Math Contests For Top Students RB BOB TRIMBEE There is too much conformity, Canadian Press Staff Writer (soholarships are awarded on a WINNIPEG (CP) A contest (otal average instead of on In dividual achievements and our educational temperament hreeds contempt for the egg hend "The last thing a student today wants to be called is a brain," he sald The system now turns oul greater numbers of university students but many got here with "little idea of what they want," he sald "I suggest courses should be tougher, and only. those who have roved themselves should he al owed to enter university, The currieulum should give students more ehallenge, Achievement must be recognized In all sub Jects, "It's not snobbishness to sug could be business ex ing up students who come scientifie or It's a mathematical contest $60, $60 and $40, and 12 distriet But no student win more than one prize The contest will be held in May at high sehools dra can the province, open to all grade eleven students, It's a two-part the long-answer variety, and no enough time to consider the pro: w ihe students arrive at the gest that net everyone should be posals Resolutions committee hers replied that all had heen discussed fully in elosed essions Friday) One delegate re mem measures DISCOVER TALENT alowed to go to university, Btu dents who have ability in build Ing and trades should he given Inst courses in these arts, and not in forced to waste time on some Answers started Interest The' gonlest was year "to stimulate torted that if this was the case high school mathematics and to thing they do not understand nor there was no need for a general ferret out those with more than want, meeting Pioneer Railroad Builder Dies TORONTO (CP) William Qlarke Chambers, 85, one of Can ada's ploneer railway huilder died Saturday at his home Barn at Wrexeter, Ont, for many years he was a resident of Harviston helore he moved to To ronte in 1026 Ha was president of Chambers MeGuigge and MeCaffrey, Co, Lid, and a director of other eom anies engaged in road, rail and arhor constryetion in Ontario Mp, Chambers was responsible for the building of many miles of the Timiskaming and Northern Ontarlo Rallway, 100 miles of the Grand Trunk Pacific north of Lake Ntpigon; 100 miles of the Canadian Northern east of Lake Nipigon and the. Canadian Na tional Railways branch line from Taschereau to the Noranda min In 1925 to 1026 SHIPPED COBALT ORE While building the rallway through Cobalt, silver dis eovered on his company's work site and he and four of the other original owners of the Nipissing Mine shipped the first car load of are from Cobalt, He was In terested In a number of Cobalt Was mining ventures in early days Other construction work for which Mr, Chambers was respon sible included the first filtration plant in Toronto, harbor work at Part Arthur and other Lakes ports and road building in Ontario Mr, Chambers was elected Con servalive member to the Ontario Whe write the test legislature for West Wellington in 1011 and represented his riding for three terms Survivors include three sons, Robert G, of Toronto, J, Clarke of Owen Sound and William A, of Fort William and five daughters, including Mrs, T, D, Kennedy of Owen Sound, 12 grandchildren and five great-grandehildren DISMISSES CHARGE WASHINGTON (AP) The army Saturday dismissed charge against a leutenant in Germany who @llegedly vefused to shake hands with a Negro captain Lieut, William 8. Marton, 32, of San Antonio, Texas had heen charged with disrespect and in sult, The army' gave no reasen for dropping the charges the eamp's men lost to industry Greal ematies " a usual ability in the subject," e plained Prof, J, W, Lawson, ph : provineial chairman of the Cana. The Canadian Mathematical dian Mathematical Congress and Congress was formed In 1046 dean of mathematics at the Uni. through the efforts of Prof, W, L, versity of Manitoba G. Williams, of MoeGIll univer "re " i ty, Today It has a budget of There is a growing need for Mi y i persons with good mathematical [$90,000 to earry out its work of ability." he siid in an interview {hroadening the horizons and rals "Research needs them to replace INE the levels of mathematics in or for new|MEN schools and universities, openings; and business needs| It is supported by membership them for a widening actuarial fees, and by most chartered field," {banks and Insurance companies, The special test is prepared bythe National Research Counell, the University of Manitoba math. [the Carnegie Corporation of New department, and York, and grants from the prov distributed by the provincial ed. Inces of British Columbia, On: ueation department tario, Quebec and Nova Scotia, The top 10 per cent of those It sponsors a week « long eon: 75 in 1087 @rvess every four years, the next ave sent questionnaries by the At Montreal in 1061; a three-week mathematics ¢ on gr ess asking Seminar every two years attended their future plans, Last year, 27 by university staffs and graduate said they would take grade 12 /8tudents from across Canada and first year university course--at|the United States, the next In high school; 83 said they would|New Brunswick in 1049; six-week enter university, and the remain. Summer schools for teachers In der said they would quit school|the four atlantic provinces, rit akethe end of the term, {ish Columbia, Ontario, Alberta An additional $100 was given and Queheo, unconditionally to those in the top| I brings in lectures to its sum: 14, Six received it for university Mer seiminars and congresses entrance, and six awards went to Which In the past have Included those attending high school fop|Albert Einstein and P, A M, another year who ave eligible for Dirac of Cambridge, a Nobel it if they attend university next! Prize winner in physics, Two have quit school, BROAD PROGRAM year JDECRIES "WASTE" Prof, Lawson eriticized what he called the wasted years in high!'} schools for many students: "The tone of our education sys tem has heen allowed to go loose, Marine Wonders Attract World-Wide Attention By J. €, GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent NOUMEA, New Caledonia (CP we Marine wonders in an aguar fum at Noumea, in the island of New Caledonia ginning to attract tention Kept by a French scien Rene anil his wile South wane French Ary world-w Catala Pacity and features believed to be unique One of the most remarkable a fractions is the fluore whieh Dv, Catala ha to keep alive. The discovered accidentally months ago 130 feet below tu surface the sea in the surrounding New Caled FOUND BY CHANCE Underwater ex sul POETAM revealed a dense Wek and when down to Investigate ent coral Coral wa some of reel As part of 4 \ BIS were they managed u amazed to see a heilliant of red, green, ovange and were glow yellow samples brought ta the found that all essed fluorescent Catala believes the he caused hy rich mineral con wad the island 5 Which the were and it po Al} race Was he corals ualities wesceney may ¢ extremely Lo the soa ar IY micre-organ corals have absorbed It was thought the corals might Al Surface pressures since natural habitat is 130 feet the sea, However, Dy has been able keep WVINE sea wales dig below Catala them to Alive hy constantly pumped through the & Anks of the aquarium we hrillian Ow in n mn give a eved RARE FISH This colorful wonderland also has some rare marine curiosities is a species of parrot fish body ecireled hy ved and stripes and with blue and green markings on the head, lis teeth are blue, tipped with white Another strange ereature, bull dozer, daily builds Itself a nest in the sand in which to sleep dur ng the night, It digs the hale with its mouth and erects the nest of stones, shells and seaweed oar ried between its teeth, At dusk it watches until other fish are else where and then dives into the nest and covers the opening with sea weed One With white Deep sea anemones, Sponges ea turtles, erabs, sea snakes and me fish kept in the sh are one Ei four are ! ht thousand siek and dis od veterans fram all fanan recentiy demand an increase in pen | sions, Petitions written in blood warium, The stone 1 deadliest ereature of the atl ea. Ta stand an the shikes can WIRE ARORIAIRE death within two hours { JAP VETS ASK MORE PENSIONS © & to the polls ! day, Mareh 81, | guay, in that post in 1040, estim- Chief electors) officer Nel-|Bles the Mareh 31 election will son Castongusy immediately tele-| cost the public treasury #9434, | graphed returning officers in|7%0. That is an increase of some every constituency to put into $2,725,000 (rom the cost of (he operation the instructions many weeks Bgo, They were ready last Novem ber to tackle the first major job enumeration of the estimated §, 4 000,000 eligible voters across the(Teited ghory bh the Jeter:| country, AL that time, about 100] Br FOE nes hiped| tons of printed forms and in|" gy Md apes, Pi structions for enumeration were ry ph " boi Ball shipped from the central elec. 0/000 DOING stations---complete, toral office here, down to the sharpened lead pen On Monday, ¥eb, 10, some 56, {ell the voter will use to mark his 000 workers will start a week of listing voters' names, {5,000 ballot boxes, in ease the TONS T0 GO | boxes which sre kept in each eon Another 250 tons of printed stituency have heen lost or dam material, ineluding 1,500,000 aged since the last election, mainly to higher payments to enumerntors, polling officials and ners, The detailed planning that Is Also on hand is a reserve of Aussie Cabinet In Long Time | By LOUIS LECK shreds by dissension, he may well | Canadian Press Correspondent rule the roost till he is past 70, SYDNEY (AP) Australla's| Sir Arthur ¥adden has threat cabinet team Las replaced the ened on four or five occasions to former Canadian Bt, Laurent re- (leave politics because of ll gime as the Commonwealth's | health, But he is intent of enact longest-lived government still in ment of a pet banking bill, now office, blocked in the Benate where the It is exactly nine years ago Bovernment lacks a majority, and that Robert Gordon Menzies, the probability is he will stay on then B65, became prime minister PASE another election of the Commonwealth of Aus! Australia has a coalit'on re tralia for the second time, Sworn Eime, Menzies heads the Liberal in as Menzies' deputy and fed- Party with 67 seats, Fadden Is eral (remsurer was Arthur Wil. leader of the Country party, with liam Fadden, then 54 16, Lahor has 47 This pair still holds the reins,| Others of the original Menzies and most of the eabhinet ministers| team still in the cabinet include who took office with Menzies and the ministers for external affairs, Fadden are still around the eap-| Richard Gardnier Casey, who at ital at Canberra. And there are 67 Is the oldest member of the few Indications of any bright|cabinet; the trade minister, John young men pushing to the top to (Black Jack) McEwen, BM; De oust the old-timers, {fence Minister Sir Philip Me LABOR DIVIDED {Bride, 66, and Labor Minister Menzies, at 63, has "put on a/Harold Holt, 40, good deal of weight and his high! The opposition remains dom color has heen enhanced in the inated by the brilliant Dr, Her last couple of years, But he still bert Vere Evatt, 63, But his hold is the most brilliant parliamen-lon the Labor leadership is less tarian in the federal House and, secure than Menzies' grasp on with the Lahor opposition torn to the premiership Gladstone Becomes First 'Canadian-Indian Senator LETHRRIDGN, Alta. (CP) Always, he was willing te adopt James Gladstone, 70-year » old new methods--he was the first to member of the Blood Indian tribe use power machinery, ehemieal whose appointment as the first sprays, and the first to get elec Indian senator in Canada's his: tricity into his house, tory was announced Saturday, i| One of his four daughters is a known in his native Blackfoot graduate nurse who for many tongue as Akay « Na « Muka or vears was at the Royal JubHee Many Guns Hospital in Vietoria, In 1037, she | He has devoted much of his life was one of two girls chosen to to the hetterment of the Indians represent Canadian Indians at the of Canada and has been presi: Coronation of King George VI In dent of the Indian Association of London, Alberta, Several times he has| During his work with the In. {travelled to Ottawa to fight for dian Association of Alberta, Ben. the rights of his people ator Gladstone was a delegate to | Mr, Gladstone was one of the Ottawa on thrée occasions to dis: first group of boys enrolled at 8t, cuss proposed changes in the In Paul's Anglican Mission on the dian Aet and to volee the opin Blood reserve In Southern Al: ions of his people herta On the reserve he has been a | In 1008, he transferred to the strong supporter of native tradi {industrial sehool In Calgary and tions and religious practices, learned the trade of printer, In - 11004, he served part of his train [Ing In the composing room of the S Ch hy Herald where he was a eaway amp, |typesetter [WORKS ON RANCHES B t d S 11 Mr, Gladstone left school in] er ran ne 1008 and worked as an interpreter . Iat the reserve mission, For sev: | Dies At 85 eral years, until 1911, he worked | on various ranches In the Fort| POTSDAM, N.Y, (AP)-Rert Macleod district 30. miles west of rand H, Snell, #7, former Repub e lean Jeader of the House of Rep During the First World War, he resentatives, a champion of the was employed to put large areas |St, Lawrence seaway and an of the Blood reserve into erop to arch-foe of the New Deal, died help in the war effort, Sunday In 1020, he began his own|. A onetime lumberman, Snell ranch about five miles north of | was the Republican minority | Cardston, [leader from 1031 until his retire. [ Today, in partnership with his ment in 1888, He had served In two sons, he runs 800 head of angress since 1014, [cattle ad has 000 acres under! Spell, a fighter all his life, oultivation, [tangled with the White House [TRIED NEW METHODS whether the president was Re | Mr, Gladstone usually operated publican or Democrat, He was independently of the Indian known in Washington as Hard agents, He was the first Indian poled Snell 'on the reserve to buy a tractor. | fe won the minority leader. i ------ b sm-- ship over the reported opposition ~ Sy i lot President Herbert Hoover, He [played a leading role in the de feat of President Franklin D | Roosevelt's plan to enlarge the | Supreme Court In 1017, Snell introduced the first bill to authorize the St (Lawrence seaway, He supported {it throughout his career and lived to see construction almost com. pleted THEATRE GUIDE Brack (Whithy) "Desk Set" also "X The Unknown'. Even ing Shows 7 pm. Last com plete shaw at 8:20 pm Biltmore = "Destination 60.000" 1:00, 1:40, 6:30, 9:08 pm. "The Tall Strange in colar, 2:10, 4:50, 7:30, 10:18 p.m. Last com plete show at 9:00 p.m Marks = 'Teenage Thunder! 12:80, 2:30, 6:10, 1:58 p.m. also Rock" $118 1:55, Last complete at ia pm "Miracle in Soho™ at "Slaugh i VIVA X 0:30 pan show Plaga = 1.30, 4.59 and 8.38 pm Mr. Lederer sald he wrestled! with another youth whe stood oui- side the ear and threw him to) the ground, When he went fo Mrs, Agnew's mid hoth youths iscued June 10 election last year, duel g.q FTASSEN MAY RESIGN WASHINGTON (AP) Admin istration officials said Sunday N appears almost certain now thet armament adviser Harold Stassen will resign In the near future in order to run for Gover: nor of Pennsylvania, ! GET MORE OuUY 30 - 3:30 FEATURE TODAY AY , ,, 5:30 EGENT oat CONWAY rt DONNTL] Playing ! Added Trent | COLOR CARTOON GO ou ro A mo ATTEND OUR SPECIAL AFTER-SCHOOL MATINEES STARTING AT 4:30 P.M, WALT DISNEY yee THE STORY OF /5 Zz, "The Truth About 5 Mother Sooue "7 ND i 9:48 ou A wn NIOK, the tale of a MAE baby elephant and a boy 7:40 » CTUAL STORY it ATERFRONT SAVAGE W OF NY's W (| Greenwich {i Village= JOHN GREGSON BELINDA LEE CYRIL CUSACK AFTMAN COLO | Stars Today | ALL-NEW, RHYTHM-WILD, ATOM-POWERED, HIGH-VOLTAGE HITS! hungry for to go, £0 00 BRIAN ter on 10th Avenue" at 3.10, and 10.38 pom. Last cam pleie show aL8&.38 pom ™ ont Walt Disney's "Pepi Bhi \ nen ua raga in Te olor, Feature shown a hy » [UR PR HB 1] Last complete show were sent ta the me minis. Re nn daily at and 9 at A po through. the si and other oities eels of STARTS TODAY The penteup fury of » today's Rook 'n' Rollers + +o Wiioks" and ready all the way! pavio OABOT HUTTON STEWART 800 Liman THE MLATYERY BAVID Neuse THE SNiDows THE BLORKBUI TERY Revvedsup youth on the threshold of adulthood , , | they can't turn back , , they can't go forward , , THEY Jusy nave T0 EXPLODE! STARRING MELINDA ROBERT BYRON * FULLER , OHARLES COURTNEY SHOWINGS !