[THE DAILY TIMISOAZETTY, Mondey, Vebruary 3, 1958 mn | Start Minor (Ontazies Widen |porois avy niarios 1den | On Tuesda dude i ha a Lead On Regents | PORT HOPE, ~ The ay Hash Dieiumis &. Ontastor ¥ FIRE DESTROYS PLANES : in the Pee Wee Division of Se the Bantam All Stars in handy) CHICAGO (AP) -- Flames 150 ss 1 VE -- The Port Hope Hope High sod in the Junior Beaver Mhletic Association has fashion Ontarios opened the scor- feet high swept through s hangar i omarion end up a er Boy Hy they beat the home. |lerminated with the teams finish lng In the first on & GORl by FE ut Midwey airport Wednesday, ? | tween themselves and Lindsay sters #5 « 25 In an exsemtionally| Gl ors. ed Wings, Biack on om ol h ahr Ad 3 ph destroying six small siep) tr mer of ve points Vion dime the 1098 01d Toys play. Hawks, Male Leafs, Bruins. and , Black Diamonds scored and causing damages estimated Ton id edged the homesters ed -the Port Hope Seniors and Ir, A's. Playolls will commence iwice in the second and added at $350,000, Firemen said the by B74 score In & penalty stud- the old timers proved too muah) Tiesany night with the Tolowing three in the finsl 20 minutes If pare may have started after & ded game for the present day erop us they No less then 2% ities were Annexed a BOB triumph for & lineup: 6.90, Binck Hawks #08 Jv. the win, Garry Lousberry notched A's: 100 ~ angers ond YAaphe a het trick with Marty Brereton 9% (60K In one of the airplanes \dished out, including two mis 2 = point win margin, (eonducts, one to each side, 1nd: BOWLING hens; B90 Red Wings and getting the other two plus an as exploded Mo one was burt, {say got 11 of the 20 minors Standings in the Town Bowling, "PORT HOPE fhe Diters I uated oat was assessed a ten minute mis in ' | conduct for protesting a slashing scored the game's only WW oenalty, Grimshaw snd Resord the first period from Fitzsim- mons, One pensity to Campbell #94 the gate for fisticulls while of ll lg og Badd | Hutiman snd May of the vianers (received minors, | AFTER HEDY'S MONEY FOUR CADETS of the B69 Sale Squadron of the Royal Canadian Alr Cadels were nom: inated for speeisl courses st People say HFC's money service is outstanding One friend tells another about Household's prompt, cours teous and businesslike service, Infact, 2o0ut of 8 new customers are referred to HFC by old customers, You may borrow up to $1,000 with con- fidence from Canada's most recommended consumer finance company, Modern money service backed by B80 years of experience 2 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 64 King Sree Bast i § 5 5 5 § § st RA i) Oshawe Shopping Contre . + + + i § : Telephone RA 5-119 OSHAWA " ' sults in the BAA last week, helper, The winners had six pen | PEF WEE alt A rd for the Omiatios, Shad da One ween berry an lend in the opening period, high-| Clouters 100, Royal Grill 95, Ir. Ns § ' VB ors trying to collect sileged une thelr recent semi-annual inspec. ( ship; Cadet-Cpl, Doug Gailey, | eourse at Camp Borden, All 816 |jiguied by Jimmy ¥reemen's wo Lightie's 04, Welders #, Mur paid fees of 4591 have ab ton, From left to right they | nominated for the exchange | residents of Colx he | coals in six seconds, They stale: ray's Taxi 81, K of C 81, Trouble tory in this one as he notched Eidos 2, Atoms § tached setress Hedy Lampre's Joe nominated for fying scholar. | Cadel-Bgt, Glen Daye, nominal | Cobourg Rotary Club, leggy during the last two stan. Service 76, Foden's 78, Church: third which was scored by Box ing to Sam Haskill, Eido's got tress owes them 86,557 for gone (288 ley's 71, TPT 70, ¥)dos 70, Tin: ter, Ted Wall averted a shutout both gosls in the second when eral services in the last four --r d Members Named |" Freeman added another gon! to ton's #7, Lucky Strikes 65, Beta for the Bruins, Only one penalty Brown scored from Smith and years snd $16,000 for special School Grou Sabre Squadron To Health Body | ei vik yhuadiag wiser see BAS Wire ts, Mopich boon. een in asi, Does moe Lov f Tiree Gaon. 4 Rowe r ne 02, Lakeshor 5 0, | . - A -------- 00 p C dets H nor d 0 a Y tarios ss Rowe potled no less|Ol 5, Uptowners #7, Wighfield's| Black Hawks 8, Red Wings 0 | a (o] e vd of th for the North- man scoring slfair , Road Bullders 47, Wakely's came his way in this one for the To Present Board of Meolth for | Lindsay 'divided their scoring 56, Eldomaints 36, Lab, Techs, sams | Laon was the SBT BS the 89 Sabre Squadron Air Ca evenly with singletons going to 81, {he got the game's only penalty dets recelved high honors at thelr when the eandidates have om: oii at the January session, They ham and Hennessey (Grill, #0; J, Denlge, K of C,lund helped on the third, Winfield semi-annual inspection They pleted thelr eourse and pul on * ure W, E. Walkey, Newtonville; pRINITY COLLEGE (881, ©, Branning, Royal Gril, hed two assists while Foster scor: COBOURG ~ There's growing nominated for flying scholarships) Cadel-Cpl, Don Brooks, who 867, excitement and tension wround | exchange visits, and special joined the 559 Squadron in 1066, at D, C, Johnston, Grafton; ¥,-M. and Second Hockey teams Jour-| High Double: J. Rowden, Jager 5, Maple Leal 3 the Cobourg Collegiate these courses at Camp Borden the recent inspection was nomin:|futherford, Camphel'ford, The neyed to Aurora on Saturday for|yightle's, 664; V, Huffman, Weld: ay all four goals 85 10 pen | 4 TAY member Is | days before the curtain rises on inated ss the cadet from the senior lenders' course al: RCAV| I {they split the doubleheader, In gsi; H, McCaw, Clouters, 650 J . the Sixth Annual Drama Produe: (squadron to attend the flying| Station Camp Borden, It Is from Meggs, Gore's Landing, Who 8 the Senior game, Toinity ran all] High Triples; B, Golding, Clout. Yecond paviod, Bray and, Behm tion {training course al the Ontario|this eourse that the eadels who the Lieutenant Governor's repre: over the home club to post 8 one erg #71, V, Huffman, Welders, [from Kinsey and then Croft un "What ¥ Ww Knows," It cessful In being selected by the competition with US Civil Alf Pal: tenth year on the Board, (route, 100, It was nu different 7 Bland, Queen's Hotel, #32, | il' me BO "7, Dominion Commitiee and passes rol are chosen, The competition The first meeting of the new Sory In the Junior fray however) pig A Single: Clouters, tue penalties, odinibiaib K. V, Brown Is director of the the course he will receive a pilot's| takes#place every year during the {as Bt, Andrew's picked up a hard) 1424; Queen's Hotel, 1406; Mur. ' | fice of the Health Unit, at which . BANTAM radue with the squadron for 2% yesrs| Brooks received his recommends. | ! | Here In Port Hope TCS Thirds) §iiah Team Triples: Lightie's, dong nh their Hake productions! .q' nas aiiained high marks in| tion to the rank of sergeant from Hime 1 B- Walkey Was appointed ot oriained Bt, Andrew's at the 2, Queen's Hotel, 3771) Lucky : (eked during the past six years {all his examinations, His report! the commanding officer of RCAF |" ' Peter Campbell Avena and they|girikes. 8744; Clouters, 8729 The Pee Wee All Stars plcke The cast ' } 4 Roval | UP # goal a period In this game WEll(o upset thelr bigger opponents (Bruins, Following are he re sist, David Watts also had one, Port Hope jumped into & 4-1 League alter 19 weeks of play --| HOLLYWOOD (AP)~Two law. Cy r, Rowden led his team to vie op | og T are: Cadei-Cpl, Don rBooks, | visits 10 foreign air bases; and | squadron is sponsored by the |moied the losers at three gouls Shooters #0, Blardusters 76, Chvilliwo gosls and mesisted on the Another shutout this time go cal mssets, They claim the Bes ed for the drill Instructor's {his effort for the hat trick but it Rays 66, Queen's Hotel 64, Bal- land thet to the losers, Lock for Record at 13.90 and Bates scored work in connection with the COBOURG «~~ Members of the than four gels to make it a two. Dany #6, Vigers 88, City Dairy, Packer stopped sll shots that COBOURG = Four cadets of was chosen ss the officer eom. umberiand- Durham Health Unit Barrie Pla |manding the baseing-oul pisade were appointed by Counties Coun- McDougall, Bob Growden, Ora: High Single; C Clarke Ravel for elbowing, scored two goals y ! p heen | march-past p {ficers, | gma' 4 were notified that they had been march-past for senior officers IR. Bothwell, Praserville, Warden; Trinity College School's Pirst mz; 7, Bland, Queen's Hotel, | gq the last gosl, days, For Ws only a few more! Cadet-Cpl, Al Brooks was nom- ated as the cadet to attend the! sin Mrs, Ruby|# clash with B, Andrew's andl ers, 651: 7, Bland, Queen's Hotel, ab oll _tour gods and to poi This year's play is Barrie's| County Flying Club, If he Is sue are to compete in the annual drill sentative and is now serving her sided triumph via the shutout ers, 671; V, Huffman, Welders, aesisted the scoring plays for the | 4 C A play, He has directed the Mu Woence, Cpl, Brooks has served|Cansdian National Exhibition, Cpy|1EAF WAS held In the Cobourg of-| Ce mph, ray's Taxi, 1900; Foden's, 1864, Barons 5, Bears 0 by Rienand Alick Wylle, played giiows him to be "keen and a Station, Clinton, while on duty| The Board meets at least once squeezed past the visitors by 8 High Team Pinnage: Sova ' } Rooke; James Wy'lgond cadet", there during the summer {a month and more frequently ¥|oiose 84 count in a thrilling ! ) le, Woy Jones; David Wylie, EXCHANGE VISITS The candidate nominated for| Decessary, At these meetings the fray, AL TCS in basketball ny il, Ma Coutens, 201, || With & goose egg. Paul Crowhurst Timothy Archibald; Maggie Wy | Cadet-Cpl, Doug Gouley became! the drill instructors' course at Board authorizes expendiiums, | visiting St, Andrew's teams wep! | High Single 'Pinnage: 7. Bland | got two goals with a singleton fo Ue, Busan Bine; John | the first onde of the to be RCAF Station, Camp Borden, was reviews the work of the Health noth games, They were hard|oueen's Hotel, 12,628: B, Gold. 1% to Keith Jay from Terbenche Robin Russell; Countess de 1a nominated for the exchange visits, | Cadet-8gt, Glen Daye, whose at-|Unit for the preceding month, | pressed in the Senior game to ing Clouters, 12.992: B Bowden! VoYne Stephens earned the shut Briere, Lois Buhr; Coweaddens| if nis application 1s approved he tendance record showed B5 per|considers future work programs, post u 48-48 vietory but the Jun K of C 64,600; Welders 64,201 | out Each side had three sin bin lub, Allan Blackwell, Lanny wil visit alr force bases either cent, Sgt, Daye, originally ~ of appoints staff, discusses prob-ijor game was a Walkaway as BLlpay's Taxi, 11,478 10k trips, Williamson, David Mills, Monty | in the United Kingdom, the Unit: Glace Bay, Nova Beolis, joined) lems, especially in relation to san: Andrew's racked up a bE» 18. y MAW Knights 1, Hornets 0 WORLD CATCH The Knights took to the fee In Thamton, Charles Yonaples, ed States, Sweden, Holland, Nor:|the squadron in 1055 and has Radler, i Janctions My Sosure] triumph. Monty Thornton; servant, David way or Denmark, Cpl, Gouley's| go arks to show his serv.|!0 be lake COUFt 0 Mills; maid, Rhoda Jones, a thoughout his id HATES 0 Wow for of watabiisliments producing or PAETAMLL 'a ak to Total world eateh of fish, eon brand dew sweaters furnished by J and-half years' service has heen! The | f (serving food where an unsanitery| In High School Basketball, the tinuing to Increase, now Is near: Lyall Carr and promptly score ae J Sram Woh al ont. Last a BBR RL firs {condition exists, Cobourg Collegiate visited Porf'ing 80,000,000 tons a year, ithelr first victory of the year production of "Dover Road' in|attended the 8rd Medium Artil-|vinelal Committee and then pass EE n - ---- -- -------------- the Eastern Ontario Drama Fes- lery Fegiment's summer school on to the hoard at Ottawa for the tival for Becondary Schools held program, This training included approval of the Dominion Com ot Queen's University, Kingston, [small arms, drill, fielderaft, map mittee Ny A " JUST TOO THRIFTY CHICAGO (AP) Mrs, Rose Hellig, 40, was granted a divorce reading and other essentia The 600 Squadron Is sponsored | A every soldier must kmow, Of the by the Cobourg Rotary Club and} one iY flat she suing sined ory Electronic Data fifty eandidates In the course he|has been for six years, buy furniture, Mrs, Hellig told Course Given At C Oo B oO U R G the Judge she had spent 30 years in a house furnished with gree. Ordnance Depot Staff Reporter ROBERT CZIRANKA FR, 53-9881 Now! Of all leading mekes... fek, 43, put a governor on the on the application of electronic tonal people in marching order, ory erates, Her husband, Preder COBOURG ~~ Wiveday course . Muir Heads furnace to keep heat below mor: | data processing in ordnance Ae: We will intensify research and anization is so young, Mr, Mulr| explained, and is not organised for mal, lant tures on Monday, outlining the object of the courses and discuss Wy June card equipment, Oper. of electronie 4 Process fog machines was also dealt with on Monday, J, 8 Crowson of the Organization and Methods divi sion, was in charge of the leo: ures un Tuesday, There was a film on a and Decision" and in connection with the EDP sys. "| \sunching the 00,000 deaths every Heart Fund "| Campaign ames Muir, dent of the A, has heen MONTREAL - J chairman and Royal Bank of O "| appointed general « halrman of the | first Canadian Heart Fund Cam palgn, seeking $850,000 to fight Canada's No, 1 health enemy Heart diseases, he sald Wn campaign, cause able 300,000 more, 1,500,000 persons in Canada who suffer from some form of these Maeases Up to recently there was no "| nation-wide, cohesive, planned at. tack on diseases of the heart and blood vessels, hTen, in June 1056, the existing six Provinelal Heart| Foundations were Incorporated with other organizations and per wns to inate the efforts of research people to reduce the mortality and the morbidity from | heart disease "The present campaign," sald | Mr, Muir, "will put this new units | tem, a talk on components chars acteristios and data transmi ed army of research and uon! GQ, Henderson and H portion of the course and the subjects covered were program. ing, planning for EDP, the com puter groun, feasibliity study and installation Mr, Baird conducted Thurs day's lectures on typloal stock control poplications; impact of EDP, of ce processes, manage: ment infurmation, personnel costs and organizations, The concluding day of the lee ture series was in py A of Mr Ervin and this included US Army studies of EDPS research and development, Also disoussed were planning for KDPS in the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps and eurrent projects During the week, representa tives of HAL, Remington Rand UNIVAC and Burroughs Eleetro-| Data processing equipment gave talks on equipment features. | 1 2 Men Sentenced | To Burwash Farm SUDRURY (CP) Two men were sentenced Friday to jal terms for escaping fram nearhy Burwash industrial farm Russell Hinds, 25, Toronto, was sentenced to 12 months for es caping last Nov, & after serving two months of a nine-month term Aréhibald Christopher Primeau 20, of Chatham was sentenced to six months for escaping custody in IS with 16 months remaining on his term. He was parolled re pently Im Alehigan where he served a sentence for vahbery, YOUNG OFFENDERS HAMILTON (CP) Governol EP O'Neil of Barton Street ial) sald Wedne day night a "dismay ing number of young affenders are hesinning © appear at the all. He wld the Hamilton five and jal committee the increase I YOURE prisoners makes more Wigs We Revessily of providing rehabilitation facilities for them. | will eolieet medical profession and laymen all bring together its findings, We and publish to the formal eonv. and collecting | outside of BC Aeris and bar | katehewan, it is not possible to conduct an every-person canvass the useful facts we discover, for wich as a carried out by older| ether with information about | associations, Instead, he sald, the | ow to ward off heart disease, chartered banks of Canada have That is a service vorthy of the offered to place thelr branches at support of every Canadian man the free service of the Campaign | Because the national heart org: and woman," [to aecept donations and lasue re. | oelpts, co] | NEW REDUCED PRICE BEST QUALITY STOVE OIL ® Prompt Delivery 20: ® Courteous Service GALLON VIGOR OIL CO. LIMITED TELEPHONE RA 5.1109 78 BOND ST, WES? OSHAWA STILL... The symbol of protection for millions, Working best wher it's needed most== Hospital care "Prepaid" the Blue Cross way. ONTARIO HO YORONTYO SPITAL ASSOCIATIONS SNTARIO » " PLYMOUTH BRINGS YOU THE LOWEST PRICED CAR bullt In Canada l Beg 3 »» " PE a Six Thrill-Power GO, , , advanced Totals Contact brakes , , ,.and Torsion. A/RE Ride. too. It's the extra-smooth. extras level ride that doesn't cost you an extra cent! How about it? Why not come in and trade this very week? You pay less, You - got more qiality, more reliability, You gob, the pledsure of owning your new Plymouth all year, not just part of it! Choose from two.door hardtops, four door hardtops, two.door and four-door sedans in three great 1988 Plvmauth series, They're the lowest priced of all leading makes--yetthey're years ahead in design, ,, years ahead In features! It isn't often that you can get the most by paving the least, But here's your chance. And it's a honey! Plymouth prices on all the most popular models are right down in the cellar, Yet Plymouth ia the most advanced car in the low-price fleld, The Fashion Plate for "68, The sleek, new beauty with modern Silver-Dart styling , . , push. button Torque-Flite automatic drive, , eye-opening new V-8 or newly improved VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 King St. W,, Oshawa wp) ye YRS TUS IMOW pra # or JO Plymoutin New, .and sluply tonifle Good naws under the heed | New refinements in engineering bring you the finest-quality Plymouth Six or V-8 ever built, Take a demonstration drive in a Plymouth, See what we mean' You're always a step ahead in cars of The } wo Quality orafted to highest standards of the industry STREET MOTORS LIMITED 1003 Brack Sp §, Whithy Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited N\, Weteh Oliman---Shower of Stars every Thursday night on TV---check local programme Hating for time and channel.