THE DAILY TIMES-BAZETTE, Mondey, Pebruory 3, 1958 § Laufman Still Leading |HOCKEY SCORES, STANDINGS NHL Players' Assoc. i 18 club i he is sent 10 the minor | "By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Sunday's Rest Hfeaguas iter he wos von fhe ut ers n Notional Langue . | Worth or AN 4s RE » ' for five seasons. : SUDBURY (CP)--Vetersn Ken, In the goaltending race Kitch Montreal 34 11 6 187 104 75|Chathem at Sudbury Make Wishes Known Iwan AY No) Ne Y bis wold Lawman of lesgue - leading ener's Boat Warley has a bif\New York 202 14 17 OPA Seulir A agen ask (hat the portion of mo iteh Waterloo Duteh re-\lead, Hurley hes # | Detroit wu 711% 4 aA ( . ' , ; por a comfortable lead in the|gosls in 47 games for # 2.95 Boston 16 21 11 134 126 47|Whithy Mid YORK JAL)=The did reget Js thot 4 Sod 1, ave the clube reesive for' the Bal OHA - NOHA Senior A scoring gonls - against average, while Toronto 17 23 10 142 141 44|Belleville b Bp vers Associa'ion called Fric|istion {day const-to-const hy gh race last week, but below him|John Albani of Sudbury Wolves| Chicago 172 6 104 133 40 Pembroke Haay for the "emiecsble wits I to pension fund the competition stiffened, has 8 3.44 average and Don Head Saturday's Resulls ¥0ttaWa Harawal" of the growy's pending | M98 97.000 MINIMUM hat payer contributions he raw Laufmen has put together 20iof Chatham r 3.52 mark, | Boston | Montreal 3 Kingston $3,000 000 damage sull against the| Lewis seid the gronp will take duced, sired goals and a league-leading 44 as-| The leaders; | Detroit 2 Toronto § Cornwall 42 2156 191 80|0100 owners a strong stand on the following: Under (he present plan, sists for 64 points, Ps. Chicago 2 New York 8 ¥Ottawa wins count three" points: player contributes $909 a ves Five points behind are hard-|Leufmen, Kitchener 64 | Sunday's Results (points, but team ineligible for| "This Is one of the things we yoo ouement in the players |e fund, which Is embeil shooting John Bailey of Sault Ste. | Bailey, Sault Montreal 8 Chisago 1 | playoffs, hope to achieve st next Pues pousion pian, . with revenue from higher: Marie Greyhounds, who held that| Power, Chatham Toronto 1 Detroit 3 Saturdoy's Results 08's meeting with the owners In|" go soli ion of the players' ae. (tiEkets for the Manley Cup Jost week, and Ted Power of (Bathgate, Windsor New York 5 Boston 4 Cornwall 8 Pembroke 0 Palm Beach (Fla 1" sold 3 Nor| 000i" ang its lawyers for Paar games, pro hd Maroons, always » Lumley, Sault Games Thursday Belleville 2 Kingston 8 man Lewis. Lewis met with sev: denlings hetween the ov ners and The player represedtative Wa strong finisher, Each has 256 goals| Bendo, Windsor 58 | Montreal at Detroit Sunday's Result ern of the association officials, | players, | tems, Lewis added, would call for and 34 assists, Theberge, Kitchener Chicago st Boston Pembroke 1 Cornwall § including president Ted Lindsay |"oreotion of Lecognized player three meetings # year Reiwien ------ Frank Bathgate of Yindsor|Connelly, Chatham American League Wednesday's Games of Chicago Black Hawks and | oe ionieives club the representatives and the Bulldogs, in fourth place with B8|Cabanas, North Bey " LT F A , | Pembroke at Kingston Montreal's Doug Harvey, ib of drom_soni ib ers, points, still leads. the goals race| Barlow, North Bay 47 | Hershey 26 16 6178 141 | Belleville at Ottaws Lewis also be ad penis the ma: problems and player-owner mia " " with 30, and John Lumley of thei - S------------ClovEIIN]. 27 18 § 166 200 SATURDAY Jor league hasehall players tionships, STAYS PREPARED Greyhounds has 27 for second GOLD RUSH OFF | Providence 21 22 § 156 153 ! "The hockey plavers assoris- A $7000 minimum v age Sweden (raditionally a neutral place in that depsrtment, BURNABY, BC, (CP)--A Ion Rochester 18 24 6 136 174 42 Western League (tion expects a peaceful sohivon| Payment to players of $50 (or siate, has nesrly 1000000 pers Phough Dutchmen hold : 30 to selebinie Semin, Solumbias Buffalo v 4 3 3 in i | on 3 Vietoria Cea mimer AL h as nas heen achieved inleach exhibition game, 'sons envolied In eivil defence ore oint edge in the league stand- centennial with a Springliel 176 jus haseball," wig "Our ope royiE £1245) nye ! es they have no Monoboly of has been cancelled, It had been| Saturday's Results Winnipeg 4 Edmonton § MSL A Lois OW ue A YRoVision Jeviaving A VInyes siiantion, the scoring, placing only twoiplanned to hide simulated gold |gufalo 4 Cleveland 7 Maritime Senior A iy men in the top 10, Greyhounds, (nuggets to he exchanged (oF Rochester | Hershey 8 Charlottetown § Amherst 10 THE PETRY SCHEME Windsor, Chatham and North|prizes by "prospectors" Legallp ovidence 0 Springfield 4 | Porcupine Mines Senior A OF THINGS MAY Bay Trappers each have a pair|officials said it would be eonsid- Sunday's Results Kapuskasing 6 Timmins 2 CALL FOR BILLY ro up there, ered a lottery, | Springfield 3 Buffalo 5 Abitibi 4 Bouth Porcupine 3 PLAY SHORTSTOF = . Hershey 6 Providence § Western International Cleveland 6 Rochester 1 Trail 4 Nelson | OLD COUNTRY SOCCER |, comes Weimer 5055005 She Springfield at Cleveland Okanagan Benlor Buffalo st Hershey 1 LONDON (Reuters) -- Results Southampton 2 Southend 2 OHA Junior A Kamloops, 4 Ponieton 1 of soccer matches in the United Torquay 1 Coventry 0 WELT F APs Kingdom: Saturday; Watford | Reading 1 St, Cath, 24 10 5181 134 63 Saskatchewan Junior ENGLISH LEAGUE * Division 11 Northern Hamilton 20 17 8 147 142 43| Flin Flon 6 Melville | Division 1 Barrow 4 Bury 2 Bt. Michs 16 15 41| Prince Albert § Estevan § hn Bradford 1 Tranmere R 0 Marlboros 8 International League OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS [foes en, voiea [Corfii's' chestortoa's" [vee 1s Cinemas J Burnley 2 Chelsea 1 Crewe Alex 1 Hull City 2 Barrie ; | Von Wayne 4 Toledo 4 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Orley Conlin 208; Jim Lovell #01 Everton 0 Luton 2 Darlington 2 Mansfield 0 Guelph {Indianapolis 6 Troy § / 8 th nd think shout " Hartlepools 2 Gateshead 2 xOtawa 28 Eastern League be Tension Is certainly at W's peck BAR Ag A March | Thekets Man City 4 West Brom 1 Oldham 2 Halifax 4 xOttawas games count for op-|Charlotie 6 Philadelphia § KZTEY) fa | EISNER Ea STETTIRTER> ! er ---------------- section as 0 nee SEMIN there was only Bolton 0 Leeds 2 4 one bowler in the lemon league, will be on sale next Sunday. Bes your Rochdale 8 Stockport 0 ponents only, Clinton 5 Washington 2 Ladbte ab Only ond henge in the SAUMD G bit OF Tue axsettive Pon's Seveaste 2 Sundeviand 9 Seunthorpe 2 Workington 3 Saturday's Result New Haven § Johnstown 4 &F yg y ir Southport 2 Chester 4 Ottawa § Bt, Catharines 6 Niagara District Senior W : vy BP a an Wy See PLAZA LADIES LEAGUE Preston § Birmingham 0 Bouthbent 1 Bradford C1 ave AR Results Stamford 8 Fort Erie 4 A BEAUTIFUL NEW RECREATION ROOM! of 308, while Rev, Parkhill of Scho 1 n / 2 Tottenham feds ook aver the High Average of High bowler of the afternoon and win. | Sheffield W 2 Tottenham 6 York City 1 Acerington 3 Barrie § Bi. Michael's 7 OHA Junior © ido, Bev." sis woidy the High "Trivie aur of ihe cokes 'and key aa YarMAMINOR, 4 Loi ester 1 1 SCOTTISH ASSOCIATION CUP [Ottawa 4 Marlboros 3 Brooklin 6 Whithy § AS EASY AS A DANCE STEP Ross Morgan of Jokers took eover|C.ose behind were Greta Skinner 695 J First Round Tonight's Games the Men's High Average of 198, Donland Blanche Norton 695, Greta also [Bristol R § Ipswich 1 Alrdrieonians 8 Celle 4 Peterborough st Hamilton SUNDAY Shechey of Jets has the High Single | took over the high triple with handicap | Charlton 8 Cardiff | Albion 8 Berwick 1 St, Michael's at Marihoros Quehee League I] you use of 318, and Frosper of Jokers still holds 728. Congratulations girls (Derby 0 Blackburn R 8 lio 0 Dunfermline A 8 ] Chicoutiml 2 Montreal 7 the High Triple of 730 Four points were taken by the Mad Alloa 0 Dunfermline OHANOHA Benlor A Leading the league again this week Fl 4 Canaries from the Go. | Doncaster 2 Bristol C 1 Avr U 1 St, Mirren 1 W ; [Quebec 1 Trois-Rivieres 8 ars Jokers w. Alterhumers 3), Je Gettars, Boxers and Plata Helios The Fulham 2 West Ham 2 Ave bb Montrose 1 Kitchener 12 LY, Vo A ru. Western League SYLVA-- ofield 18, Pile f ield | p, " . y t afi " ! 3 L y . 8 19, Behofiel \ pr Pulls, Skippers, Busy Bees, Hus the | Huddersfield 1 Grimsby 0 Chirnside 0 Thd Lanark 4 8 6 Marie 2619 8 176 181 85 Calgary § Saskatoon-5t, Paul 0 Alres 14, Brokers 15, Gutter Cullers and Crowns took three points and 4 ' ( Vv y 3 1" Bo-Peeps, Jeits, Wildeats, Starters and (Leyton Or 1 Liverpool 0 Cowdenbeath | Rangers 8 dapr 21 25 1172 170 43) Vancouver 2 Seaitle 0 Aces had to settle for one Lincoln 2 Noits C 2 6 Windsor : 172 110 43 Quehee:N.B, Benlor A OSHAWA DAIRY Pive girls were shunt and tres girie| Middlesbrough Bamsley 1 Dumbation ¢ Glyde 4 Chatham i 3 3 i 10a a" Campheliton 2 Amqui 8 WOODGRAINED PLYWOOD PAN ELS Mar the dust of battle hat sstiied| won, kel SHIRE: Sonn. M*'8 (Rotherham 0 Btoke 2 E Stirling 8 Motherwell 7 North Bay 16 28 1 162 191 g7 Matane b Rimouski # en Wednesday night, the league had Logan and Ethel Tonkin 8 4 sheffield U 2 p | th | 600 Trip! Ethel Tonkin 697 (a73, Swansea 0 Bhelfle palkirk 2 Hamilton 0 hith B83 1 568 86 17 Porcupine Mines Senlor A a mis separating tha F030, nie' sinner as (ah, 0 Division 111 Southern Pallirk Tambien 1 AWhithy LAIN , bon Porcupine 3 ® Lightweight © Strong © Modern @ Longlasting And Inst teams with two of the teams Blanche Norton 605 (236 A) Aldershot 2 Millwall 2 Hd § Pl th 2 | Thunder Bay Junlor | for frst place, The cellar dwelling! Elsie Smith 663 (215, 204, 245); Ev Fed Ris Stranraer Plymou ponents only | FO { . ft 200 Sod lor firs) Wines nny time of i path 845 (317, 240) Elsie Tavior 634 Brentford 2 Walsall | SCOTTISH LEAGUE Saturday's Results Port Arthur 7 Port William Hur PANELS Va in, X 4 ft, X 1 or 8 ft, CR I | per 84, " when they took sll four pointe from | (324, 831), JFaaneile King 619 (261, 818) | Colchester 8 Bournemouth % Division 1 Sudbury 5 Sault Ste, Marie 8 leanap A toba Junker A Doug's league loadin m Kos us "™ » 2 Shy, d A Pp 4 q Manitoba Junior eoming into contention for the firsl' 200 Beores: Marguerite MacDonald Crystal P 3 Surewsury : Stranraer 6 Plymouth U 2 Chatham 2 Kitchener § §t. Boniface 10 Transcona 6 AT OSHAWA'S COMPLETE SUPPLY HOUSE Ume this section 284; Madeline Morrison 260; Marg | Newport 4 Queen's SCOTTISH LEAGUE Winni M ohs B Wi y The Pure Paks led by Ed, Logan 256; Shirley Oliver 250; Harriett | Northampton 4 Swindon 0 innipeg Monar: nnipeg Mohder Division | ' . h th 242; Lois Burden 240; Mar in y Braves 4 Hb So ad ah ehiy night of' i by Voushan 238 Vers Begg 392; Carol | BOIWS he Jolson § 1 Partick 1 Aberdeen 0 HOCKEY 3 BIG 7 3 iwhiwdn Junior. A By taking these three points, the Pure| Wright 330 Doris Clark 4a, 217; Aud- (Plymouth 3 GHIREham Queen of § 1 Kilmarnock 2 Melville 1 Flin Flon § Bika: ured. 0 win ons point of ve Hodgson 877 Snirier Moves 0 [Port Vale § Exeter City 8 Division 11 By THE CANADIAN PRESS | ; the leading teams. The only big gun| Hazel Bannon 238; Ruth Hoppe 831: Hea | International League . 1279 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 3.4694 of the night Ed, Henderson who MeKengie 816; Marie Jordan 84; Susie | | Arbroath 2 Stenhousemuir A goal and an assist by Dickie posi Wayne 4 Indiannoli ne o ded very i. ts night | EReer Sioi Josie Hurrie dod: Blanche | Willi Sh k Division 11 Moore in National Hockey | oimsimal 8 J diana 5 2 fa hs average above the) Gites) Marie Manning 301 lle oemaxer Arbroath 2 Stenhousemuir 0 League weekend play gave theimoieds | Troy 6 | ® | p 8 + 0A | St, Morton § hard-working Montreal forward | There | " cod list of Standings Madeaps 13 10,317 ' {8t, Johnstone | | | Eastern League 00 games Die" week and they Were Shnaries 13 « Woah Flvers 18 Ra" Gets 3,000th Win | Other match 65 points and a five-point eush:inew Haven 1 Washington ¥ Bor "hob" Feen Bd. Tendersan 894, | Hustlers § + 10,980; Go-Getters § + 08 ARCADIA, alll, (AP) Jockey | Pindee vo Runes A our lon in the race for Individual| a ---- - i esney 308i + 96h B ; BHF, oy IRISH ASSOCIATION coring honors, : Ken Res puis 1° ie Boner Juprers Willie Shoemaker hit the win- First Round "The lenders: » . } ces ' ' 0A ond Plane Bellen 4 + 0643 and Jette per 4 circle for the 8,000th Hme| Ards 4 Glentoran R 3 woek the Lemon League had' m ay. hed the mark at Santa |Giftonville } Linfleld 3 Moore, Mosiranl | n e reache : | Crusad Ci , Rie , Montre Just one member -- Dorota Duro 9 | wEATMOUNT LADIES' LEAGUE (Anita when he rode Eternal Pere outta 0 A : Goninon, Monigent TAReR 18, Pure wine ropes whore' Sounder the yasdile of Molhen [to '@ close: victory in the eighth | Gienavon 3 Distiery 0 Bathgate, New York i very UneoTOUS in Ietting the Kools take ng final Face of the i A {Glentoran 1 Bangor | Horvath, Boston FARTS OFFIOR MIXED the'thiee pointe whith lola ther Sees Lowi ou And King, was the Newry Town § Linefield R 8 Howe, Detroit Team Standings: Pinheads 8 Pied |1; Gaylords 3, Winstons 8; Lucky [oon favorite of the afternoon Portadown 3 Coleraine 0 Stasiu , Boston balls 8, Roek 'N Rollers 7, hiowers Ti Strikes 2, Spuds 8, The team standing ourth favo oH p old -------- - Hepat 8, Hustlers 8, Strikers 4 and | is as follows Kools 11, Spuds 8, Sweet |for Shoemaker The 26-year-0 3 | Caps 9, Players 8, Winstons 7, Gaylords | rider went into Friday's racing) , Eileen MacNeil 379 7, Rothmans 7, Lucky Strikes needing one victory to reach HS HT, Ellesn MacNeil 600, We have three girls in the honor rell, . " | HS wh Marion Herron a $08, J 8,000, He drew blanks for his first J. wh Marion Herron 63 Pollard Aceals 910, Fie Ryo "tive mounts after being blanked HS, HT \ H - Ll | SuESsEEe | ERR RER> £3333 - { : : ; | = Hank Pressing wl, High Triples Ann Fisher Joh. Midred seven in a row Thursday, ressing kew 840, Stella Newsome , Doris a | 8 wh Tem Currell 263, [rhe By Mier Harding 813, Dot | Shoemaker got a good hand soanseit MH.T wh Bob Mathews 831 [Mathews 513, Toots 811, Joan Sobanski [from the 19,600 fans who had 9 Over 200. Don Leach 2; Mort 502 aA heen hooing him all afternoon for Mitchell 203, 231; Hob Mathews 238; High Singles June Pollard 378, Toots " . Tom Horne 817, 208; Harold Penney | Anderson 433, Audrey Meteall 233, 804, losing #4; Val. Harvey 217: Roy Gorham Flo Knox 219, 202, Gwen Berwick 217, | He hecame the seventh jockey M4; Bam Mann 315, 204; Hank Dress: | Annabelie Cobh 313, Ann Fisher 307, in pacing history to bag 5,000 or Ing 260, 2316, 331; Tom Currell 847 Helen Owen 206, Peg Harding 204, Mil , b A 4 . by Wilson 231; Olive Penney 218; dred Askew 201 more Winners, The others are Eileen MacNeil 379; Donna Rochelesu| Lemon Leagues Jackie Lymn ®, (Johnny Longden, Sir Gordon) oH Muriel Mann 315; Marion Herron | Eleanor Elsie 84; Dot Hrabin 84, Jean (Richards of England, Eddie Ar: 1i Barb Cochrane 218 | Gaskell 84, Bernice Yulll #1, Vi Genge caro, Ted Atkinson, Johnny Lemons: Enid Hane! 86; Jean Dickey | 85, Maggie Malema 81, May Whiting d ' #4; Shirley Gibson 98; Anne Harvey |77, Helen Owen 70, Adams and Ralph Neves, 5; Hilda Wilten 71 - - LEGION BOWLING Congratulations to Jack Strank 337 and efleen Smith wit a 321, you really | showed Bill up with his 8. Nice going | | to Shorty Davies 314 and to Ray Pope | | " -- . _- Jou | i fF 4 There are just two weeks left in this f 3 ; section and it's anvone's guess at whe AL | & we 2 ] ZEZERTTCT has IL: Smoothies - 22, Midgets 81, Meadow Larks 16, Sputniks 15, Braves 14, Little Brown Jugs 13, Easy Aces 18, Squeezers 18, Spartans 8 and Roust.a (i bouts § Lil ull Over 700; Shortie Davies 78 (314) Over 600: Ray Pope 604 (308, 319) Lloyd Corson. 687 (230, 221, 830); Buck Hobbs 673 (217, 228, a kos lower COM 70 (253, 232); Rita Hughes 658 (213, B Bort Brown 847 (318, 3701 INATION ) 48 354, AIR ae i dry 633 (346); Eileen Smit! { ' Tam Mahaffy 418 (320, 331); Sid Hobbs ALUMINUM £15 (223, 210) and Mary Brookinan 603 (276, a) 4 Over 300: Joan Mohatfy 384; Edna Elliott 381, 301; Rob Skelton 242: Ant Cocker 237; Rill Look - 286; Denny . . an . | Brown 2085, Shirley Burkhart 223. Wil § p i | Ee 4 your fingertips Gi icEacharn 80; Frank Jonas Bobi Baked-on enamel pot : ir SE SR w=just like your car or refrigerator, The fireman's hat Is a symbel of protection, Sugar Nick So Is your fire insurance policy, . neaen dma | Oshawa Wood Products recommend sasy-to-apply PERMA. A nd Spice colors plus black, TREAD concrete floor paint , , , evailable in Hight and J When fire strikes, alert firemen are soon on thelr way, white and naturel dark grey, green and red, accepting risks themselves to protect your life and property, luminum, And Some hh i PERMA-TREAD Is a long-lasting molsture-proof and fire. And when fire strikes, fire insurance steps in te All aluminum, : 4 oroof, odorless and nenfading, It makes your basement offset disastrous financial loss, ed H : h \ lo d attractive , , , seals in the dust Wise Advice w won't rust or warp, Wout aot - gen Yad wires Rn i - : Every week, some 1,400 fires break out across Canada, of the hows, Companies wiiting fire Insurance. pay out mere than Linde girls--hy legend, part EE -------- ( sugar, part spice, and a twist of | an +MUILYIT MN ane hundred million dollars annually in glalme And yet everythir ice 1 slightly |nsessmane di Yeu, we can even roller skate on PERMA.TREAD without LAR LLL AR 2 bigger os -- on Then wld | JER tk ut Sat tetas Sue San I marking the finish, all the fires which take the lives of more than | aw compiled by some fifteen staff] Han Make Your Home PERMA-TREAD is o type of floor paint ever which Hoer 300 Canadians each year are preventable, fashion experts in every issue| wom wile be laid with satisfactory results, of the Toronto Star, Now YOU | na ane More Comfortable id Fire insurance safeguards your property, may or may not think that Approximate cost for But only you can guarantee against loss of lif fashion is a subject worthy of | ---- I More Attractive average basement 2 00 xy w ay Te: such complete coverage. But floor 24° x 30', ONLY Safety pays dividends. , , saves lives, helps the point is, we do, In fact, Star \ : ; ; hi policy is that anything that! to lower your insurance costs. Be Carafyl, might be of news to even a | Your Home-building /Remodelling handful of readers belongs in| anal Materials Centre the paper. And in it goes, Thats why the Star is such a big, thick paper, filled with Y I news for every reader in every \ i walk of life, no matter what his KOOL-VENT MASH LTD, £ ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION yt Ret lnteteas fay br. That ¥ 94 Bruce $1, Oshawa RA 3.221% Downtown Office Yard, Main Office and ! on behalf of more than 200 competing companies Wiiting. nes ¥ and Showroom Showroom Fire, Automobile and Casualty Ins ! " urance can count on the Toronto Star 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH COURTICE | for all the news , 4, all the KEN SMITH RA 8.1617 A 81610 "heat Alex 888