ago gives one of the methods for point, cover pan and set off heat., To have the egg reach the table cooking eggs in the shell advo-| Let stand '3 to 5 minutes depend-|at the right stage of doneness cated by most good cooks $oday, ing upon the degree of softness/remove from pan, plunge quickly says the Poultry Products Insti-|or voix desired (for hard-cooked|in. and out of cold water, and tute. Place eggs in cold water to cover, bring quickly to ater tol leave 15 to 20 minutes.) serve. wn SALE Infants and Pre-Teens STARTS TO-MORROW -- 3 DAYS ONLY Thursday e Friday e Saturday | 10 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, Januery 22, 1958 | | One-Third Yard Of Fake Fur | Can Glamorize Your Cardigan As any woman will tell you, a|(so that the "fur" will turn un- |coat-style sweater is one of the der along the edge when the, 4 most comfortable garments she|strip is finished). Stitch lining jowns. Unfortunately, it is oftenjand "fur" together, right sides) |considered the most prosaic. facing, long edges even. Turn. | : | "Convert your most comfort-|Slip-stitch edging to sweater, § |able cardigan into the very high-|covering buttons and -button- lest style for late winter or|holes. Now slip collar over neck |spring," says Martha Blair, Dir-|ribbing. Slip-stitch inside edge lector of an American sewing|of collar to inside base of rib- institute. Touches of your fav-|bing. Finish outside in the same |orite fake fur at the neck, front land cuffs of your old button-up {sweater will make it glamorous {enough to top an evening skirt, |flattering enough to wear on |your favorite date. It takes only 1-/3 yard of "fur" way, using the collar to cover the raw end of the front edging. | To make cuffs, measure largest part of forearm, add 2 inches and allow for diagonal cut if desired.! Cut two "'fur" strips this length, 1-% inches wide. Cut two pieces CORDUROY OVERALLS SPECIALS SNOWSUITS 98°... 1.98 5.00 to create the lush, plush effect/of lining the same length and With domes now so in vogue. Collar, front|slightly narrower. Stitch lining edging and cuffs are cut and fin-|to fur, right sides together, turn ished as separate pieces and|and finish raw ends. Turn cuff slip-stitched in place for easy|ribbing back on itself; slip-| change-about. The collar is cut/stitch cuffs to ribbing top and {from a pattern to fit the neck-|bottom, tack diagonal points to- line, or mandarin style. For the|gether. i g th ak mandarin effect, measure the| 5 . a Fe |base of the neck ribbing, cut a QUILTED BED COVER Jlece of Fray Sus Lenzi plus) Eggs Taste Better Almost everyone has contl- | in the house. This fitted bed | either patterned or plain ma- If Cooked Gently wide 3 you wis the Solar to be. | 0 e "fur" lengthwise, right nental beds these days, and | cover, with quilted top, for a | terial. The sewing directions sides together, stitch the end| E | A , s are one of the easiest and| specially tailored covers turn | continental bed will blend at- | are ver, simple, and require seams and turn. | ota of the protein foods to! them into ornamental and use- | tractively into the scheme of | no pattern, The cover is design- for ate; ot edaing ol, tus cook ai serve Unfortunately, | ful pieces of furniture which | your living-room or bed-sitting | ed to fit a standard size single SW » meagre irom pec, many times they are not as de-| can be used in almost any room | 'room. Y : 5 ; bottom of waist ribbing and add|licious to eat as they might be a ----- y mn on may, of course, use i bed (2 ft. x 8 ft.). To receive seam allowance. Cut two strips|because they are cooked at too| of "fur" this length and 8 inches high a temperature and develop] Through an interpreter, she wide. Cut matching rayon lining|a tough texture. told an interviewer she hadn't/the same length, 2% inches wide' A cookbook of over 100 years tried for a place on the Hungar-| : . . ian national team because a gov- Women Trained To Meet Disaster men vem vas ecied. $e couldn't get one since her fam To School Robbers MONTREAL (CP) -- Everyla St. John Ambulance course in!ily were former landowners. | WHITE ROCK B.C. (CP)--A woman should have nursingifirst aid or nursing can arrange! Had she ever beaten men at pistol - packin' grandmother, 84 training--for running her home! for one at almost any time ghat Hungarian riding shows? 'Oh, and i Jo mood fo di, Jas an property. as well 3s for, Himes of |is fouvenient. &l tods ot yes, Hungarian women often beat | 1 ready se/emergency, says a ohn Am-|- "For 10 weekly periods of two the men." robbers come back "to get me." |bulance official. hours each, she takes lectures She added she'd like to ride il Mrs. Pansy Mae Stuttard has| "Every community should/@nd practical work and then some Canadian shows "but I a fy of her own big-game have a backlog of persons whojtries the examination. not have a horse now." In the les in her bungalow at this|gnow how to help doctors In an Many of the women become... 1, get out of the country, astal resort town 30 miles south emergency," said Jeasne Vin-|S0 Interested they stay on with she left behind her riding habit Yano = 2 Yobher of two cent, the organization's Quebec the organization and take thelr) =. ci. sports clothes as well op © the collection, She nursing officer, in an interview, turns being 5p duly 2 picnics, as a precious scrapbook. | be | we " SK1 events an in ospitals | Mrs. Stuttard fired two shots| "pasides, SUCH B {raing Bives Miss Vincent trains and exam. Miss y eres who speaks three from her 12-gauge shotgun as two 3 FEAT 8, 8 ines 30 St. John Ambulance nurs-|languages, hopes lo) Faye nid men she sald robbed her of| . ; ing divisions in the province and|tered sufficient English to enter nearly $15,000 fled into the dark-| During the Asian flu epidemic, organizes nursing classes con- Ontario Agricultural College at ness Monday night. 75 per cent of the pupils at Mont- ducted by the organization. Guelph in. the fall, Tne gil, who 8he handles her many weapons real's Hochelaga Convent were| 'Teaching has always been my has spent years with fine horses, ndly and keeps them close at|ill, and many of the nuns had first love," she said. "Seeing the Wants to be a veterinary and in case the men who robbed contracted flu also. . enthusiasm of these women and ber 'come back to finish me off. When the nuns & imply|the wonderful work they do is a IN MANY VENTURES couldn't cope with the situation| wonderful satisfaction to me." |any longer, they called in the St.! She came to British Columbia| yin brigade," said Miss Vin.| jrom New Yok 1% = ABET cent. "Trained women staffed They t ht five boats for athe infirmary in shifts -- around eooastal freight business. The busi- the clock -- until the epidemic ss was sold and Mrs. Stuttard he uns just couldn't h ot "soft ave . . Became "proprietor of five "so Joh things to women without nurs- In Canadian Trials Hey tag we drinks, near. "8, called the London train| MONTREAL (CP) -- Maria jer Ne raed beth {wreck a few weeks ago when the| Veress, 20 - year - old Hungarian ater she own ProP-|injured were treated by volun. equestrienne, longs for the day erty near here which she sold re-| , . cently for $32,000. Some of this| cers until doctors and nurses she'll be able ot ride in Cana CORDUROY BOXERS 98° 3-PC. PRAM SUITS Suede, corduroy end gabardine, TO CLEAR 5.00 YOUNG MODERNS 16v2 BOND ST. WEST RA 3.7428 Chinchilla BUNTINGS HATS © GLOVES eo DRESSES eo SKIRTS PYJAMAS eo SLACKS eo HOUSECOATS GREATLY REDUCED. | | the sewing instructions, simply send a stamped, self - address- ed envelope plus 10c for hand- ling, to the Needlecraft Depart- ment of this paper, requesting Quilted Bed Cover, Leaflet No. 85-6043, Armed To Teeth Every Community Should Have Grandma Waits y = a GIRLS' DENIM SLIM JIM ideal for home or school. Smart % . i Sizes 20x40" ava 20x42" --striped, check or solid colours in a wide assortment of shades. Buy now and save at this low, low price. Reg. 55¢ seach. NOW Hungarian Rider Hopes To Compete ond dur- able with flat front, elastic in waist back, two pistol pockets. Assorted colours fo choose from: red, Caribbean blue, gold, pk, re 3 ah Quality: $ 5 °) . Now only . .. If baby is cross or fretty, it is usually 8 sign that something in his or her litde system is "out of order". And in many cases, mild, gentie Baby's Own Tablets can prompdy "put it right". That's the reason more and more modern mothers keep Baby's n Tablets on hand for instant use when minor ailments, colic and upsets, due to need of a corrective, cause baby to be fretful, feverish and restless. Clinically and time {could reach the area through the dian horse shows. a Lam Sitios ae plotveshly oney was included in the cash fog. Miss Veress, who escaped Her by men eos vocke roca tune Toc DENIM SLIM JIMS e robbers took. [ "There was no short tablets have baby feeling h d com | 4 5 4 , Mrs. Stuttard says she does not| (here and 111 8 D age of help|troubled country in the autumn BR vous Sony band soo | : Durable, first quality Slim Jims with elastic wast, in @ bank because A venture to guessiof 1956, had built up a reputa- Geta package at your druggist 5 ue | of ear Sho De re many people had been trained in tion a a rider and had won sev- 33 1 ow. » Q # E BOYS' HOLLAND WOVEN had th "bad experiences" |. i oN lours, Sizes: 2 it Canada 3 peri] first gid ,and nursing throughoutieral provincial champion- 3 NEW! many Duy. cousH svar Soom a. the 'blitz. | ships before she left during the Reg. 1.59 Now only longer trusts them. A Woman wishingt | : he relieving... pleasant...won't upset digestior She still is suffering from a| -- oan Wishing to enrol for Hungarian uprising. Sport shirts are something a boy can always use more of. Handsome, durable shirts with bead blow received in the rob- 4 long ate. Jor! ket, and button front. 1 39 CHILDREN'S MORRISON FURS Fabulous Mid - Winter FUR SPECIAL! THE EVENT YOU'VE WAITED FOR! Here's your opportunity to have a luxurious fur . . . coats, jackets, and stoles are on sale . . . at unheard of low prices. Easy credit terms. AERATED SHREDDED FOAM PILLOWS Dustless, Cool, Light, Vermin Proof, Nen-Allergle, Chemical Resistant Special an ambulance and a priest, she said "I've got the bill for the hearse my drawer. I'm going to live be 100. The Lord don't want home for four days until some- me and the devil won't take me.' colours. Sizes: one found her and called a hearse Reg. 1.98 bery incident. She lay in her sleeves, A good variety of jorian patterns and to 16. Now only CANDY SPECIAL! Chocolate Drops Delicious vanilla cream centre with pure chocolate coat ing. A real taste treat! Reg. 49¢ Ib, 3 Is lock- tite Ethylene. Lots of left- overs can be stored away In this handy space-saving con- tginer, It can, also, be used os a cookie container, sewi basket ond button 9 ig Now only . .. FRAMED PICTURES Here's your chance to get exciting oilettes ot a antic saving! For less thon two dollars you can add 28 and interest to your home. 25 beautiful subjects to choose from. Size 22 x 28' with T14" reeded embossed grey moulding end gilt finish. Come in--see for yourself the outstanding pictures on sale at Kresge's, TV LAMPS Beoutitul ana modern--brass cage on 3- legged stand, insert of decorated Fibre- plas complete with matching pancake drum shade, Height 1214". Colours: white, pink, yellow. turquoise, green Reg. $2.98. Now only 1 99 PERSIAN LAMB dyed Full Length Reg. 795.00 CLEARING PERSIAN LAMB dyed ¥;-Length Reg. 795.00 CLEARING 1,ONLY CANADIAN BEAVER '695 Reg. 1295.00 CLEARING 1 ONLY GREY PERSIAN LAMB nat- 195 ural Reg. 1295.00 CLEARING .. MUSKRAT BACKS blended full 295 length Reg. 495.00 CLEARING . .. MUSKRAT FLANKS blended 4 $ 4 length Reg. 349.00 CLEARING . .. 2 LC) MUSKRAT BACKS blended ¥4 length 295 Reg. 395.00 CLEARING AT .... MUSKRAT BACK JACKETS blended 229 Reg. 349.00 CLEARING . . .. A MUSKRAT FLANK JACKETS blended "1 64 Reg. 249.00 CLEARING . .. .. Res. 493.00 CLEARING oo "329 "395 GRAY PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS $ 49 Natural Reg. 595.00 CLEARING AT RECUT JACKETS Limited Quantity 12 KING STREET WEST RA 5-6312 AFTERNOON STYLE A trim Montreal style suit- DOWNTOWN STORE 15 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 8-8311¢ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-9301 Assorted Furs ot for mature figures is from a richly slubb€d fabric ne na able and tailored buttons are An all-Cana- fashion available across Mn a neat bow pockets and self flattering detail dian L.