Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Jan 1958, p. 6

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{liary was held at the Union Hall Philip Perry and Miss with Sister Pearl Badour, the|Glass. president, presidi The feature of he avesing was| The minutes were read by Sis-2 talk by Mrs. D. G. Arkless in ter Doris Craggs and treasurer's Which she told of the work of report by Sister Florence Kitch- the Oshawa and District Cere- en. Bingo report was given by bral Palsy Parent Council which Sister Pearl Badour and report|Was formed here in 1953. School of "get-well cards" sent out by/and physiothérapy for the chil- Sister Viola Magee. dren i hela jn Simcoe Hall Wiers ey have two teachers and a Diicusslon tack place cancers phyitberapist as well as vole 10% raising of prices in' the bingo By or ers. Pictures of the Bassett, Mrs. games chil 3 at heir, work and play Mrs, Fred Bidgood, Mrs. R. F. Sister Pearl Badour presented were shown. While progress isip.yargeon, Mrs. Morris York. th Shing slow, Jrorking with these handi- e remainjng rings to mem-| capped children is very reward- : bers, who did met attend the|ing, she said. iY Ieyar a Fred Thompsod: Bute Christmas party. Members were aE tn sive Tofrovar vhIv|a hss Mary Wales thanked Mrs. | misirest at the recsnt installation dren's gifts at Christmas time to ceremony of Victoria Lodge, Loy- . al True Blue, No. 55. {the Salvation Army in future years as was done this year! Mrs. Kenneth Sands, Mrs. F. R. The next meeting is to be held, Stephens and s, William ion February 11. Sister Gwen Alchin are completing arrange- Bristle) 2 Bev member, was me-ts for the annual banquet of welcomed to the Auxiliary. the Oshawa Naturalists' Club. HARVEY HUNT AUX Following the dinner at North- y minster United Church next The monthly meeting of the Tuesday, Mr. Stuart Thompson of Lenore | | PERSONAL Mrs. Robert F. Kelly, Suther- land street, was hostess recent. ly to the conyeners of the annual Bridge and Evening of Cards for North Simcoe Home and School Associftion, Heading the various v Bs Jobe, UWeneen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Wednesday, January 22 1958 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES PEARL GROUP The Pearl Group of the WA showing a substantial bank bal- ance. [ of Albert Street United Church Plans were made for the an- held it January meeting in the|nual turkey supper which will be board room of the church. {held in the lower hall of the The devotional period was led/church on Wednesday, February by Mrs. Frank Cooper, with Mrs. |5- Albert Walker, Mrs. Ernest Jones | | i | The remainder of the evening and Mrs. part. The minutes of the meeting were read by Mri liam Grandy and Mrs. Rober i |Bent gave the annual financial report which was very gratifying deal om from the last year was with, Mrs. Ernest Jones, inc |ing president, presided for Eric Cooper taking] previous s. Wil-| After the business carried over t the| took the form of a social gather- ing and new members were wel- |comed into the group. Refreshments were served by| t| hostesses, Mrs. Jack Kartow and| 1/{Mrs. Ralph Boneham. The next | meeting is to be held on Wednes- day, February 19. [TANNERY UNION AUXILIARY | The first meeting of the mew year of the Tannery Ladies' Aux- Harvey Fnut evening auxiliary of Simcoe Street United Church openeg with prayer by the presi-| dent, Miss Lenore Glass. | During the business period an-| nual report¢ were received from| the various departments. Miss Margaret Patterson con- ducted the worship service, the theme being 'Things Come to Toronto, a well « known natural- ist, will show slides and speak on Canadian wild birds. Mr. E. J. Pomery, Stevenson road north, was in Ottawa last Thursday, attending the final day of the Liberal convention. EARLY WARNINGS Signs of ear trouble in infants 'new business. | Pass." She was assisted by Mrs. be held | A rummage sale Is to {in February. { Plans were made for a pre- |pared meat demonstration to be {held at the church on Tuesday evening, February 25 at 8 p.m A Valentine party was planned Fi [to be held at the home of Mrs.| i |Robert Bent, Elizabeth street, on " |Wednesday evening, February 5. i | Mrs. Jones closed the meeting ith a poem. CHRIST CHURCH GUILD The Afternoon Guild of Christ Memorial Church met recently in| the parish hall with 16 members| present. | Mrs. Fred Lloyd opened the meeting. The minutes were read by Mrs. D. H. Moore. Owing to the illness of Mrs. J. D. Elliott, the treasurer's report was not| Northminster WMS Installs Officers rs. R. H. Broadbent presided] The first meeting of 1958 of the as president for 1958, with Mrs. | United |G. A. Fletcher as vice-president. | Mrs. M. W. Sutton, secretary; iMrs. J. D. Elliott, treasurer; Gordon Summers, social should be given medical attention £ to avold deafness in future years. {In the old days filty semed the sigma! te slow down take things easy --watch your diet --get more rest. It's still good advice. But these days you can face fifty with many interesting and active years ahead, -- active, that is, if you can avoid backache and the "fired-out" feeling, due to kidney bladder disorders, that eften around that age. For mare than 60 Dodd's Kidney Pills have been helping men and women of all ages to kidneys and bladder in good order, --helpi LJ get more fun eut of life. If you ats apuresching 1, or past it, Dodd's Kidney may help you, too. You can depend on Dodd's. 54 REACHES 95 Mrs. Emily Frénch, a former well-known resident of Osh- . | awa, will be receiving the con- | gratulations of her many friends on Friday on the occa- | sion of her 95th birthday. Born § | in South Hackney, London, ¢ | England, on January 24, 1863, she was married there in 1890 and came to Canada with her husband in 1906 and settled in Oshawa. She is now living in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. Sidney Arris, 229 Cran- brooke avenue. TO LOOK YOUR BEST. have it Cleaned essed by PICKWICK creaness & DYERS _AND SHIRT LAUNDERERS 434 SIMCOE ST. 8. Diet RA 3-4893 |w IS THIS THE SHAPE OF THINGS T Fashion Is Looking Backward, Ladies 'Will These Styles Again Become Modish? With fashion designers reach-/effectively shirred at top and fin-| The reverse side of the leaflet ing back into the past for inspira- ighed Wi file rows of cording advertises a full - length, mana WMS of Northminster to ashe. anther sping wi 007s te hem Bust sizes 34 lo sy apres fo 0 ces ad 3) Church was held recent an the see fe sinartost women dressed with deep basted hems. Colors silk - finished velvet skating hat, following officers were installed : e these models of February, plack, navy, copenhagen blue or very dashing in cardinal red or by the Reverend H. A. Mellow: 903. Mrs. Charles Lamb, Huron|tan Away below regular price at saxe blue is priced one dollar. | president, Mrs sireet, found a sale sheet for the|sg.50. | The prices, of course, were, .... a . |coming year, including the 'Daf- T. Eaton Company tucked into a| A surprise suit offer is shown, comparable to the incomes of the raith; first vice - president, s 4; Bridge' to be held in April. copy of the Toronto Globe and centre, in serge or tweed semi-'day and the preference for| Mrs. H. A. Mellow; second vice: Tea hostesses were Mrs. J. D. was kind enough to share it with! military style in black, navy, black, navy blue and grey, indi- president, Mrs. Samuel Snowden; Bailes and Mrs. M. W. Sutton. 3, 3 Mrs. Mrs. | convener. R. B. Gal. Plans were discussed for the PROMPT SERVICE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY VICKI IS ONE TODAY Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | --Photo by Hornsby Studio | John. Campbell, Simcoe street | ere north, Vicki Lyn is celebrating her first birthday. today. Vicki is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baker, al! of Oshawa. SALE Ladies' High-Grade Shoes HOUSEHOLD HINT Let the children help with household chores as soon as they| are able. Child psychologists say| it helps create the vital feelings of usefulness and belonging, and eventually, as the children learn, they will actually help you with housework. Good starters include drying pans and silverware, emptying wastebaskets, washing toys, gathering dirty laundry and carrying it to the basement. | E!! STARTS TOMORROW JANUARY 23 STORE HOURS Daily 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Except Wednesday--9 a.m. to 12:30 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. welcomed by Mrs. Lee and with|munity, he said. D S the assistance of Mr. Lloyd an { 2 ed Newton E FINAL CLEARAN 14.99 85 DRESSES Regular 25.00 to 59.95 The Shoe Event of the Season. All our Famous Names fitted to perfection at these outstanding savings. RA 3-2294 GOLD CROSS GOLDEN' PHEASANT WHITE CROSS DR. M. W. LOCKE LA VALLEE SAVAGE 5% ofr ALL SALES FINAL | readers of The Daily Times-grey or brown. These are listed cate that the garments were to | Gazette, |at $6.95 each, a special clearing be worn for a considerable Hime, jecreLary, Mrs. E. §. Dafoe; CHALLENGER GROUP treasurer, Mrs. R. A. Nicholls;! The regular meeting of the ceptional interest. Handsome Right is a practical style all- colors. dresses for women, made of rich| wool serge dress, made with high| From this distance a women's Theberge; community friendship, | Albert Street United Church was |held recently with the president, coat style. The bodice has net full - length sleeves. Roll collar flock of starlings. foundation and down front is|and pleated belt are of rich, Even if the waistless sack Jack Humphreys; associate] Mrs, Victor Phair led in the . W. E. Jeffs; devotional period and read the double pleat and frilling of self|skirt has effective side pleats and going to discard her treasured citizenship, Mrs. material with an under-frilling of|is joined to a deep yoke. Colors uplift foundation to look like missionary monthly, Mrs. J. R. was given by Mrs. Lee. a {Lint; press reporter, Mrs. Donald read by Mrs. Alex Maracle and Albert Street H&S Weiderick presented school pins ¥ Scott; pianist, Mrs. Harold Mrs. Albert Walker. | fd Lee who sang "Tammy" and | to the boys and girls of last My Speci a 1. Band was The devotional period was led urer and sick committee reports by Mrs. H. A. Mellow and the Were read. It was Annouggced that | Korry wished the boys and girls| Mrs, William Reid. (1 nned for The first meeting of the new d 1 and Mr. Weiderick offered his! ards view between Mr. Earl Toppin| J congratulations. AL 19 =k Je smo on Feb nd' Mrs. Watari, a Hy - ELEANOR HOY GROUP | School Association was held re-| The . The regular meeting of the cently with the president, Mrs. ening . Vipond was in-|mrs Carman Westlake, Mrs tor of "Women's Friends" maga- di ; { Mrs. s "lz cently at Cedar Dale United Lee presiding. She opened troduced by Mrs. Lloyd Annis.|1joyd Annis, Mrs. Elmer Wo- zine. jeenty with Mrs. Albert Singer ute silence for the late Mrs. on Citizenship Dr. Vi | | RS, Mclaughlin else Mis gested that I SuFiD. Kemp ad Mrs. Burkets | is go Reported Oka byl The devotional sefviee was con. in' the |Miss Yeo and Miss Wilson on qucted by Mrs. Ralph Boneham, rts were read, followed by home, but at all places where fv istri Biter roll call. Room attendance prize | 23 Son ut fhe district meeting obligations. | ing to get along with others. Dr. > | The minutes were read and the son's class Vipond gave the group much food the annual "Fee T {mitted Mrs. Russel Worsl A t al "Fee Tea." mitted by Mrs. Russe orsley report on the regional con-|makes a city a good city" and Northminster United Church was| d Neatness was one thing and Osh- Mrs. Lloyd Burkett.|awa was stepping forward with . ~ Mrs. Lloyd Patterson : 7, |) | | 1D) | Bd ey N S01, citys soul and spiritual life, its| Mr. G. A. Korry former prin-|beauty, art and music were "DOWNTOWN" 21 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH . SIZE ® each On the left is an offer of ex-iprice. These we.é considered ladylike stewardship convener, Mrs. C. B. Challenger group of the WA of | o pallette silk in the attractive collar and yoke of fine lace and meeting must have looked like a : Mrs. J. W. Parkin; supply, Mrs.\\s. clayton Lee, presiding. prettily shirred. There is a|paillette silk. The fashionable full dress catches on, what woman is membership, Mrs. R. S. Disney; scripture lesson and a reading fine, pointed lace. The skirt is'black, navy and brown. ithis? | Pickering; literature, Mrs. O. A.! 'Thought for the Day" was right who then introduced Dav-iy jy |" The roll call, secretary, treas- : year's graduating class. Mr. : anuar eeting. | accompanied on the piano by r y M e g 4 Reverend H. A. Mellow gave ana spring tea wal | success in the years to follow| 1t was decided to have a night | interesting recording of an inter- March 27, year of Albert Street Home and Sites t speaker of the ev-| Refreshments were served by|Freedom school, Japan, also edi-ip ony Hoy Group was held re-| GV the meeting with a two - min. As the Theme of his talk- was ermke, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. H.| Mrs. R. B. Galbraith, the new| presiding. : a should! The secretary and treasurers only practiced |their misionary work in Nigerialwho based her talk on New Year \children are meeting and learn- | was won by Mr. Morley Adam- y am | The February meeting will be treasurer's report was sub-| for thought as he asked "what ference held in November at|"what can we do about it". e correspondence was read by|new buildings replacing old. The | cipal of Albert Street School was |things that enriched the com- RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 72 x 84 As an added attraction to our well known semi-annual sale we are offer- ing special discount of 25% on dis- continued and broken lines from our regular stock of high grade women's shoes. This will afford the wearers of these fine nationally known shoes an opportunity to procure a pair of their favourite brand at this 'outstanding saving together with our personalized fitting service. Many styles and fabrics .. , Clearing to moke room for our new spring merchandise . . . If you have an eye for fashion and value, take advantage of this wonderful saving. NO EXCHANGE NO REFUND A blend of viscose and rayon fibres that give wonderful long wear, heat ! without weight and are completely mothproof. Buy now at this new, low price--a wide range of beautiful colors. LAMSDOWNE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS scons Here is your chance! Buy these wonderful large blankets now at consider- able savings. Although substandard in quality this will not affect wearing qualities. : 3 s OUR REGULAR TYPE OF SELF SERVE SALE WILL FOLLOW SHORTLY, WATCH THIS NEWSPAPER FOR ANNOUNCEMENT All Sales Final Franklina of OSHAWA 4 64 Simcoe St. N. RA 5.6682 |. 5.77 pair Our services are designed for your use and convenience. DEPENDABLE --Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years. ZELLER'S TELEPHONE ---You may order by telephone: RA 3-2294 DELIVERY --Two deliveries daily within city limit, : oD i > (7) veal MEMBER OF SIZE 80 x 90 INS. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. 18 Simcoe Street South, RA 5-1833. OSHAWA---ONTARIO LAYAWAY For your convenience at no extra cost, CHEQUES --Baby bonus and pay cheques cashed. GUARANTEE --Merchandise satisfactory or money refunded OWNTOWN f-

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