"Peace River Country" Quiet, Nostalgic Novel Canadian Author Ralph Allen; For Beatrice Sondern and her shame for their smallness, given |, has written a quiet, orderly and|two children, the promised land|in pride because that is all there! nostalgic story of a prairie fam-|is the Peace River country in Al-|is to give." fly in "PEACE RIVER COUN-|berta, When they leave the Sas-| There is a most humorous epi- Allan writes a story of quiet/have little more than a wicker |to bolster the family fortunes by |acquiring a home knitting ma-|4 Sonderns leave Doble|chine, Another unforgettable epi- hope, one well punctuated with suitcase. | gentle and homespun humor, as| The 1 he relates about the wanderings primarily because the father has sode has to do with Mrs, Sondern of the Sondern family which is|returned. Despite her love for her|and her grocer as the poverty without the el ary forts husband, Mrs. Sondern is deter- stricken wife and the grocer are| mined to raise her two children |both painfully aware' that she is The tragic figure of the Son. without the presence of her mate. |going to ask for credit. derns is the drunken father, a| As the Sonderns roll along in| "Peace River Country" ap- prize lush of the city variety who|the old day coaches of the Cana-|pears to have been written from forces the family to live without dian Pacific Railway, hope beats Mr. Allen's recollections of his | his company, or support, to keepin their hearts that they are going boyhood in Oxbow, Sask. The constantly on the move to|to the promised land. They go to|story holds attention throughout, : avoid him. Elevator, Sask wieh is precise vet it is Sogn) Usat it will be Roybrook Revelation jointly .|1y another ie, and eventually/long remembered once asf. . Allan portrays his central char-|y 0 S00 Pho ce Taw, {tone wd by F. Roy Ormiston, |been read. Perhaps the main rea- : acters with sharp, vivid strokes. Goi Cris Sondern 'goes on [son for this is that the character Prooklin, Ont., and Oxford and A Taringa wild binge when the family of Mrs, Sondern somehow fails to District Cattle Breeding Asso- and manage to come alive as tite|leaves town. Chris receives the come alive. As one litera critic |biation, 'Woodstock, Ont., has story unfolds. Their problems are|inipression, "strong and unbear-|said recently of Mrs. Sondern, heen selected as the reserve the problems of everyday life, the (bly sad, that the people he had| "She does nothing to come alive. iA]] . Canadian Holstein bull problems of love and heartache, |¢0Me to Dobie to see . .. would She is what is known in the trade oalf for the current show of poverty and broken promises. Ways be remembered in this as a 'flat' character who always! |tiny place in a way in which, he,!does the expected." WESTERN NATIVE their husband and father, could ( ; Mr. Allan, a Westerner by rhe be remembered in part of SECONDARY CHARACTERS BOWMANVILLE and DISTRICT and editor of Maclean's|the earth." Me. Alen, Joes much Setiel t i with some of his secon magazine, unfolds his story in AGAINST NATURE acters. especially CPR ChatsStaff Reporter -- BERYL HUGHES -- MA 3-3144 front of a familiar backdrop for| i Somdern fully realizes worth, a conductor with a hear y of his readers, those prairie | Jt i; 4" ggainst his nature to|of goid who befriends the luck TRY" (Doubleday and Co. Ltd.). katchewan village of Dobie, they sode when Mrs. Sopdern attempts i ; BROOKLIN BULL ALL-CANADIAN season. He was first prize junior bull calf at the Royal Winter Fair; junior champion at Peterborough Championship Show and junior and reserve | grand champion at the Ontario | County Black and White Day | held in connection with Port Perry Fair. { Py ns are di about about. : ; f a ruin the good memories held by| All in all, "Peace River Cour In telling this story of a plain, the citizens of its inhabitants. But try" provides an evening ou een 0 Oris S/ ay of sentimentality. |by a fellow alcoholic who wants' make most of his fans happy wit - . {him merely as a companion this nostalgic story of Wester nes n pe ing ases to follow his family, and their has selected this book as its Fe|people were convicted in Bow-|Toronto, was fined $15 and $2] Correspondent |a close in this fashion. Mrs. Son-|test, Magistrate R. B." Baxter on|December 16 on 401 highway. | Connie, Toronto, visited his sister, held high in an atmosphere of HOW TO HELP YOUR Mallard, 82 Northington boule-|ing on 401. Elliston McPherson, Sunday. |ing. Meanwhile, Mrs. Sondern |had driven at a speed of 75 miles highway 401 on December 16. He Pe scouraged the itching soreness and wedding anniversary at t helShe could. pain of your piles a saws ald, OPP, was the investigating|$15 and $2 costs when convicted | down-on-luck family of the 1930's, he stays on, despite his good in- pleasant, if not unforgettabi This theme takes up the|Canada. I HAMPTON BOWMANVILLE -- John J. Carley, Clifton road, | flight before him ruary selection, That's when M manville Police Court on Tues-|costs when found guilty of hav-| HAMPTON -- Mr. and Mrs. dern and her children-have some- -- |charges of driving in excess of| Paul Belanger, Toronto, was| rented rooms while the mother vard, Toronto, was fined $20 and Wayne Beach, was convicted of | Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, has given the children the deer {an hour gn December 26 on 401|was fined $15 and $2 costs. surprise In the end the son realizes that Y3* When you try Hem-Roid, an Interd officer. on a similar charge. home of her parents, Mr. 175 Cum-| I | Planned Saving Booklet Brief and clear -- with colored charts -- this 12 page folder gives you valuable pointers on Planned Saving. Ask our nearest branch for your copy of the "2-Account Plan", Main Branch, | 1465 King St. W. Manager -- towns he has 'written so much qu yn "fhe village of Dobie toless little family. Allan skilfully avoids the piel tentions, detained more or less|reading, and Mr. Allen shoul balance of the story; his fight not| Incidentally, the Literary Gull Fourteen M. HORN, Auth 3 N 3 : : A | | Author Allen brings his novel t6/ Allen will face his stiffest literal day when they appeared before ing exceeded the speed limit on | Arthur Sulllvan and daughter how survived with their heads the speed limit. Mrs. Mary Alice! fined $10 and $2 costs for speed- Mrs. J. Gallant and husband on goes floor-scrubbing and launder- 1 M |$2 costs. Evidence showed she|speeding at 70 miles an hour on , Painful Pile | Toronto, celebrated their soth est affection and all the security ol owt highway. Constable J. McDon-| Tony Brockton was also fined and 'something has been gained, "I Pils Seatment, itj : g I { package of Hem-Roid 1 ,: TH Arthur C. Lambert, Mos Tr Salter, on Friday eve- was 2 tiation hd not Fs grog store aod se as direc. Fond a Ee or veriend avenue, Toronto, w as| ' complete understanding; a swift, at how qui your imi found ilt; f di t 75| Congratulations to Mr. and halfseen vision of the grandeur trouble NC eved Myon weet Jo [coedent the Spesd limié a Xo. 2 -- ro Hy "01 on| Mrs. F. Payne on the birth of a of defeats endured but not admit- days as a test, ask for your bes (75 mi h |December 21. He was fined $15 A Ref money 75 miles an hour on December 28. 4 ted, a glimpse into the splendor Refund agreement by all drug stores. | Mr. Witjes explained that he was and $2 costs. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray were of Sifts that are given without | a "|best man at a wedding and was| Clinton Stockdale, 12 Liberty Sunday evening dinner guests of [rushing to get to the church on|Place, Bowmanville, was convict-| their son, Jackson, his wife and . v 2 of ,|time. Constable McDonald, OPP, ed of begin driven at 30 exces) family. S N y Sh k Pp | testified he had chased the Witjes sive rate of speed on igh- His many friends are glad that cience ow rim § 1 es sear for three miles, and had|/way, and was fined $10 and $2 J. Balson has returned home, fol-| it t . . t clocked him at 85 miles per hour COS. J McCallum. Brockville, | his several weeks in Bow Ww h 0 D fi {for a quarter of a mile. Mr. , : Vi 8, rn Hospital. : 1 ou am r iscomior »| Witjes was fined $35 and $2 costs.| Was found guilty of having driven the meeting. A student mayor ing the building Monday night. |Mr. Romeril and all those who John Wesley Offen, Oshawa, [00 December 17 at a rate of 66 Bo Jaehine. student mayor E G. A. Graham. 60 King St., took part. was convicted of speeding on miles per hour on 401 highway. | : |was driving south on Elias St.| As the group awaited lunch highway 401. The offence occur-| He, was fined $25 and $2 costs. APPOINTMENT and, as he crossed Augusta, was Bert Stevens sang two solos, ac-red on November 10. He was "Charles A. Pearson, 100 Dele. | PORT HOPE -- J, A. Reynolds|in collision with a car driven by|companied by Mr. Warrach at|fined $25 and $2 costs. Ware ayenue, Guelph, was fined and E. W. Carr have been ap-/C. F. Masterson, of Grafton, |the piano. William Bruvski, 55 Rosedale i 20d 32 costs when convicted inted to the parks board for which was Proceeding down | Cote De Luc, Quebec, was fined Allan B, Hoar, RR 1, Brock oli Kelly was re ja gpg AL og Re iy ALMONDS iw mere: "cted ville, Was loumd Sully of having Mrs. oie oo 3 ve] op signs a 5 on a speeding charge. driven on December 21 at an ex-| appointed rd LIQUOR CHARGE | | Nielson Palmer, Scarborough, cessive rate of speed and was and Sin ma Md PORT QUOX -- Frank Jung, ALMONDS -- The WA met at/was convicted on a charge of fined $10 and $2 costs. Jere rm: proprietor of Ray's Restaurant, the church with a good attend-|speeding on 401 highway after| Jack Wear was convicted of A court of revision to hear ap- Bewdley, was fined $50 and costs ance present. It was decided to evidence was given showing he having driven at a speed of 66 peals In connection with assess. |in Port Hope police court Mon- send $25 to Miss Murial Bam- had driven at a rate of 70 miles miles per hour on highway 401 ments for local improvements|day for unlawfully selling liquor ford, daughter of the pastor and|an hour. He was fined $5 and $2\on December 15. He was fined was and will be made up NOV. 24. The premises to the rear A Inssionary nurse in an Indian costs. $15 and $2. | Mayor joore, Reeve|and west of the restaurant, occu-|0Spital. Read x iy Ni pon " Reeve pied 'as a residence by the gol Mrs Dercy 2 ascve took the w | Micha -icused were declared a public| period. | lors a ns | lace within the meaning of the| Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Atkinson Business Women Hear wear, The court will meet Feb, Liquor Control Act for one year.|[had Rev. A. F. Bamford, minis-| f 10 at 7 p.m. | In imposing the fine, Magis-|ter of Almonds United Church, - | |trate R. B. Baxter warned the christen their three youngest chil-| N F h CIVIL SERVICE accused that if he appeared on a dren on Sunday afternoon. | d n ew as 1001S . PORT HOPE -- Paul Simmons, [similar charge again, the fine Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Pogue vis-| #8 Croft St. has been elected would be at least ten times as ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., BOWM"NVILLE -- At a dinner Mrs. Garvock also mentioned | president of the Port Hope'great. * {Gordon Kirby, and Mrs. J. Bals-| meeting of the Bowmanville Busi-|fad fashions which are attention) don, Markham, i 8 A 1 |getting for a short time but do = The neighbors and friends of ness and Professional Women's | i"sioy iy favor. Mrs, Garvock . . the Almond community gathered Club held in the Balmoral Hotel, | predicted that chemise and sack| A | ; ; rosecution n S ase at the home of Mr. and Mrs. plans were discussed for the| dresses are in this category. She : Reg. Foster on Tuesday evening|club"s "International Night"|ajs, gave an excellent demonstra- | : . . bo honor their son, Donald|which will be held on the third {jon of original design illustrating] In African Treason Trial [im i tise "uethn ims ve oi poh" Btn yy ? Mrs. Ruby Garvock was the it is possible to copy a gown Oshawa. A presentation of a special speaker. She gave an in-|from any picture by taking it| wi ANNESEURS (Reuters) of them were withdrawn ia Dec- cofise Sle BE lamp Was teresting and instructive talk on apart into sections mentally, and | prosecution Tuesday com- ember. x A | fashion, design, and dressmaking.|then making a pattern. An unani- | pleted its case in the prelimin-| Hundreds of witnesses gave evi- a The Jome aud Schiogt snjoyed Styles for the coming spring and mous vote of thanks was tender- | ary hearing of treason charges dence in support of charges that|' =. y nesday summer offer a.wide selection to|ed to Mrs. Garvock for her enter-| against 95 South Africans. there was a plot to overthrow the|SVERIng at the home of Mr. and|g.it different types of figures, she taining and instructive addr | The defence said it will call no government by violence and set ME Chatles . Roberts, | Eight/ pointed BT eo Mpures, she g ess. | " | " y acy" 'e were ay: Hl a i A | ayidence and, wil meve that the 1, 8, People's democracy" om Gove Shemslves Ligh Ti cYcler Vi thelr inspiration icurned until Jan. 20 to| High treason in South Africa is|freshments were served at the ;ionC D8 CREPE PERUNS SC ings adjourn mtil Jan. | : le tory, she explained. This season give chief defence counsel Ver-(described as a common law of- lose. itarnininitv 3c: the' keviot d mon Berrange time to prepare his|fence committed by those "who| emininity 13 118 Jeyno'e, ano Son Ber (with a hostile intention distush,] NO BUTTER SHORTAGE |.h¢ modes of 1958 are a modern] PAPERS a limpair or endanger the independ-| OTTAWA (CP)--There | adaptation of a reflection of those The prosecution case was com- qo; qe or safety of the state, or at- decli im 8 10 popular in the times of Madame one year and 33 days after | y s ecline or possibility of a short- | 4 B d the M ise d iN BOWMANVILLE opened. Most of the suspects] emPt or actively prepare to do age in Canadian butter produc $ ary an e Marquise de were arrested Dec. 5, 1956, and! *p orn the trial. Bi id tion, F. J. Reynolds, president of ompag ofr | the hearing began two weeks) g the trial, Berrange said) the National Dairy Council, said| Materials are particularly at- or [ihe proceedings hw been Jnsth| Tuesday in a statement. tractive this season, and the Pro : He was replying to a statement |colors are delightful. Brilliant Iw 'Tocecdings are Boi Pa Reed juutiaw the {eat held 19 Hie ac-lissued earlier Tuesday at To-|shades of apricot, lemon, and MA 3-5561 two after the resumption. Th2 ac-|sons whom they represented Fhe ronto by Robin E, Merry, presi-|sherry are in the spotlight. Other | : cused then will either be dis-| ons he maid war the result of dent of the Institute of Edible Oil fascinating color effects are also If you have not received charged or committed for trial in|a political plot similar to some Foods, who said butter produc-|new. The figured materials are|| your Times - Gazette by the Supreme Court. BD tie of the I auisition. and | HOD is declining and a shortage |lovely, Mrs. Garvock stated, and| 7 m., call Under South African law, the|to the Reichstag fire trial in Nazi|of edible food fats has been|gave as examples the charming Pm. maximum sentence for high trea- Germany. averted in the last few years rose designs of huge splashy | son is death by hanging. | Negroes, Europeans and In-|°%Y by the use of margarine. |flowers against white back-| KING TAXI Originally, 156 persons were in dians make up the roster of the |grounds. These flowers are not the dock. Allegations against 61'accused. Pl T R limited by horticultural colors but All calls must be placed - i |are obtainable in sof ue : J an 0 esume :.... bright reds, or striking before 7:30 p.m. : Sch 1 Cla {tangerine hues. a BOWMANVILLE -- The loss] was estimated at $16,000 in the| Jgre which destroyed Bethesda | KINSMEN CLUB OF AJAX Let these hel ou to Pla | School in the early hours of Tues-| P y 44 |day morning. It was situated one| and a guarter miles south of Ty-| [fone Village: The Bethesdasgchool | ; oard held a meeting yest®rday Use our Personal Chequing Account 3 afternoon at the residence of Gor- | : . {don Brent, the secretary treasur- Savings Account together. ler. The chairman, Arthur Hamil- ton, presided, and other members i . . present were Mr. Brent, Don 1 Pay all bills by cheque on a Personal Ch |Stainton, and John Broome. Plans quarterly statement will help you keep yo Were discussed for continuing + ," '|classes for the 19 pupils of th EVERY H iH RSDAY The low Service charges are prepaid. You|gehool, A Fer rary retin had are on file if you need them not yet been found, but the trus- $ tees ave several in view, and it . NI I Va 8 Pp M . : |is expected classes will be re- . * Keep your Savings Account for saving. / |opened on Monday. Miss Velda pay. As your balance grows, you'll gain, '-- oo Millbrook, is the teacher. ROT A RY x] A LL %- ' aid ke AJAX 2] FOR MISSED > PAPERS T Start Planned Sav" PRIZES U P (0) - gd 4 HE hy | *I| 1¥ you have not received your | BANK ©: | Times-Gozette by 7 P.M., Call $ 0 I 770 BRANCHES ACRO AJAX TAXI JAC KPO | 3 00 0 Phone > (0) h S » AJAX 333 ther Specials All calls must be Plueag before PROC EEDS JUNIOR SPORTS i Simcoe St. N, Bron THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, January 22, 1958 § HERE ARE BARGAINS THAT NO ONE ELSE. DARES OFFER! BRESLIN'S |ODDS AnD ENDS STARTS TO-MORROW AT WHITBY STORE YOUR CHOICE OF ANY OF THESE ARTICLES LADIES' GIRDLES - BLOUSES - DRESSES - PYJAMAS - JEANS - HANDBAGS - CRINOLINES - T-SHIRTS - JER- SEYS - GOWNS - GIRLS' PYJAMAS - GIRLS' JEANS, ETC., ETC. REGULAR PRICE 2.98 TO 19.95 NO EXCHANGES - NO REFUNDS - PLEASE Ladies' Car Coats Girls 3-Piece Coat Sets REG. TO 16.95 REG. TO 16.95 00 ON ON oe 5.00 SALE SALE Save On Skirts! REG. TO 12.95 oN 15.00 SALE Better Quality Dresses REG. TO 39.95 0° 'MANY OTHER GREAT VALUES! BRESLIN'S LADIES WEA WHITBY | Save On Dresses REG. TO 25.00 ON 5.00 SALE All Weather Coats REG. TO 39.95 SAVE ON CARCOATS! REGULAR TO 29.95 ON SALE ON SALE - Tr