"Peace Quiet, Nostalgic Novel Canadian Author Ral has written a quiet, o nostalgic s of a prairie fam- fly in "PEACE RIVER COUN- TRY" (Doubleday and Co. Lid.). Allan writes a story of quiet hope, one well punctuated with gentle and homespun humor, as he relates about the wanderings of the Sondern family which is without the elementary comforts of this life, Allen rly and figure of the Son- a prize lush of the city variety who forces the family to live without his company, or support, to keep constantly on the move to avoid him. Allan portrays his central char- acters with sharp, vivid strokes. Although they are not exciting people, they are real and human and manage to come alive as tite story unfolds. Their problems are the problems of everyday life, the problems of love and heartache, of poverty and broken promises. WESTERN NATIVE Mr. Allan, a Westerner by birth and editor of Maclean's River Country" |] For Beatrice Sondern and her shame for their smallness, given|, two children, the promised land|in pride because that is all there| is the Peace River country in Al-/is to give." berta, When they leave the Sas-| There is a most humorous epi- katchewan village of Dobie, they|sode when Mrs. Sondern attempts have little more than a wicker to bolster the family fortunes by suitcase. acquiring a home knitting ma- |g The Sonderns leave Doble chine. Another unforgettable epi- primarily because the father has!sode has to do with Mrs, Sondern returned. Despite her love for her and her grocer as the poverty husband, Mrs. Sondern is deter-|stricken wife and the cer are mined to raise her two children both painfully aware' that she is without the presence of her mate. going to ask for credit. As the Sonderns roll along in| "Peace River Country" ap- E the old day coaches of the Cana- pears to have been written from 5 By dian Pacific Railway, hope beats Mr. Allen's recollections of his |[ in their hearts that they are going boyhood in Oxbow, Sask. The BROOKLIN to the promised land. They go to|story holds attention throughout, | , Elevator, Sask., which is precise- yet it is doubtful that it will be § Roybrook Revelation they go on to Moose Jaw. |been read. Perhaps the main rea- [f , Husband Chris Sondern 'goes on son for this is that the character [PProoklin, Ont., a wild binge when the family of Mrs. Sondern somehow fails to leaves town. Chris receives the come alive. As one litera impression, 'strong and unbear-|said recently of Mrs. {ably sad, that the people he had,' 'She does nothing to come alive. | {come to Dobie to see . . . would|She is what is known in the trade |always be remembered in this|as a 'flat' character who always! | ly another Dobie, and eventually long remembered once it has}, .4 py F, Roy Ormpenses and, for the first time, as, and Oxforranada's District Cattle Breeding 44, critic biation, Woodstock, Ont Coming immediately to their as- TEAM" to all of Canada, it is, ndern, heen selected as the reistance with a very generous hoped that well . wishers will| 1 - Canadian Holsteincheque for $250 was the Labatt| send them gifts to help them as st calf for the curren thieving Company and many suggested. (Sudbury are the Dun. five. years av Dunnies Ask Help On Whitby-Oslo Fund Whitby Dunlops have just e list and message of cheer Norti Bay Trappers last night a MB abomshiagly appearing in the Whitby - Oshawa | completed the shopping done by uccessful season -- as regards| Times-Gazette issue of Monday | manager Wren Blair. O sults. Because they had to add|next, January 27. On this date| A few hours earlier the ue o their team to make it the best|the "Dunnies" will be playing |nies had been successful in the ssible in their contesting the|their last game in Canada on|pursuit to add defenceman Jean orld Amateur Hockey Cham. their home ice in Whitby and a Paul Lamirande from Quebec »ionship in Oslo a month hence, COPY of this paper will be handed) Aces. i . Gosselin, 25 years of age, is Jey Jad Se eA from the left winger Blair has been y seeking for some time as re-| for Fred Etcher of who broke an ankle to each player. Special signs will be up or are neighboring areas .who rightly, on Whitby as "OUR TEAM" | placement "QUR | Dunlops, | bone. A fine defensive player, Gos- | as selin has averaged 25 goals in | with the Trappers i | Whitby for this/and has rejected professional El ars: les, wt y bids to leave North Bay. Last representatives, r for financial joo! naking an appeal {too. Now that they are thers men place in a way in which, he, does the expected." their husband and father, could never be remembered in part of SECONDARY CHARACTERS BOWMANVI |the earth." Mr. Allen does much better with some of his secondary char "ion of giving. A total of some final match). 5000 is sought but, if more is| write your name clearly when raised, it will enable the team to yoy send your donation so that, eplenish some of the funds de- at least in spirit, the Whitby Dun-| pleted in seeking new players etc Jong may "hear" you chanting vear he scored 36 goals for the| | Trappers before they were elim- inated by Dunips. The newest Dunlop played all| his minor hockey in North Bay, magazine, unfolds his story in| AGAINST NATURE front of a familiar backdrop Jor] many of his readers, those prairie that it &s a | gainst his nature to of gold who befriends Jowus he has written 30 muek stay in the village of Dobie to less little family. . [ruin the good memories held by In telling this story of a plain, the citizens of its inhabitants. But try" provides an down-on-luck family of the 1930's, he stays on, despite his good in-| pleasant, if not of sentimentality. {by a fellow alcoholic who wants make most of his fans h him merely as a companion. this nostalgic story of HAMPTON balance of the story; his fight not [to follow his family, and their pas selected this book a Corrrespondent | wis {a close in this fashion. Mrs. Son-|test, HAMPTON -- Mr. and Mrs. dern and her children have some- - Somdern fully realizes worth, a conductor with a hear Incidentally, the Literary Gull Author Allen brings his novel to Allen will face his stiffest literaiday when they appeared ---- the luck acters, especially CPR ChatsStaff Reporter -- BI; 4 thus to start off next season "Go, DUNNIES, GO" as they at least as we'l off as they would gkate their best for Canada at have been had they not taken up Oglo in the Championships from he world challenge on behalf of February 28 to March 9. All in all, "Peace River Cou F rt | evening + I QUITEEI The club hopes that fans will unforgettabl Allen shoul y wit Fi I S to this station or direct to, Mr. appy Ww Jack Frost, Treasurer, y Wester nes n onions Hockey Fund, Whitby. BOWMANVILLE -- FMWILL ACKNOWLEDGE s its Fe people were convicted in All amounts of $1.00 and up The Dunlops yesterday added their. fifth and sixth additions to send in large or small amounts last year's Canadian champion- ship team, and announced they were "set" for 'the World Ama- evr Hockev Championships at Oslo, Norway, next month, Acquisition of left winger George (Goose) Gosselin from when M|manville Police Court onwiil be acknowledged in a full Allan skilfully avoids the pivalls tentions, detained more or less reading, and Mr. This theme takes up the Canada. M. HORN, a before him ruary selection, That's Arthur Sullivan and daughter how survived with their heads Connie, Toronto, visited his sister, [held high in an atmosphere of HOW TO HELP YOUR {rented rooms while the mother » goes floor-scrubbing and launder- S Pp Sunday. |ing. Meanwhile, Mrs. Sondern ore, all | Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, has given the children the deep- lest affection and all the security rd Toronto, celebrated thelr 30th. my hs danting wedding anniversary at the home of her parents, Mr. and something has been gained. "Ii Mrs. T. Salter, on Friday eve- was an infimation only, not a drug store and use as di ning, complete understanding; a swift, b® pleased at how quickly Congratulations to Mr. and halfseen vision of the grar Mrs. F. Payne on the birth of a of defeats endured but not admit- Mrs. J. Gallant and husband on the itching soreness pile treatment. ra are discouraged about gott) Get a package of Hem-Roid at a trouble is relieved. 1 Sky Your ¥|ceeded the speed limif @ dent, Mr. r glemed Sheer using Hem-Roid 2 or. highway by driving at a £ est, ask for your money 5 miles secretary, ted, a glimpse into the splendor Refund agreement by all drug bay |75 miles an hour on Deget [Magisirdte i B. hg I |charges of driving ex M Cl b '|the speed limit. Mrs. Mar} en S u Mallard, 82 Northington . "|vard, Toronto, was fined { H 1d El Pil |$2 costs. Evidence show 0 S ection : : y n € hac driven at a speed of qo gt John's Anglican Church an hour on December 26 highway. Constable J. Edwards was in .the chair. Peter P aul Witjes, L You w/was found guilty of has ing t.rm are as follows: Presi- Percy Bourne; vice- Mr. Warren Watson; Mr. Stan Atkinson; stores. "| Mp Witjes explained that treasurer, Mr. John Fawcett. wl president, Mr, and Mrs. T. Wray were of gifts that are given without! |best man at a wedding a A film was shown, followed by Sunday evening dinner guests of | ------ Shelf Som, Jackson, his wife and S P N : Sh inks Pile amily. His many friends are glad that] Jcience Now Sari 7. Balson has returned home, fol-| J his several weeks in Bow: | adrerpliisMeragrial Hogoital...... - i ing the building Monday night. the Meeting. A student mayor Nf, 1G. "A. Graham, 60 King St,, took part. |was driving south on Elias St.| As the group awaited APPOINTMENT and, as he crossed Augusta, was Bert Stevens sang two solos, ac-[red on November 10. PORT HOPE -- J. A. Reynolds in collision with a car driven by companied by Mr. Warrach at|fined $25 and $2 costs. Carr and E. W ap-/C. F. Masterson, of Grafton, |the piano. Without Pain Or Discomfort (Mr, Romeril and all those who, »|rushing to get to the eh refreshments. i/time, Constable McDonald ~~ ~ S | testified he had chased the . scar for three miles, & C 1H clocked him at 85 miles' ouncr as ./for a quarter of a »| Witjes was fined $35 mid New Faces John Wesley Offen, |was convicted of Seven new faces appeared at lunch highway 401. The Ontario County council. In fact, 28 acres appeared, whereas las! William Bruvski, 88 i. year, only 27 members sat at the 3, Augusta toward Queen. There are mnty council ever since srestop signs at the intersection. 'Wa wa , ® ried tothe parks board for|which was proceeding down ALMONDS Cote De Luc, Quebee, 110 table. $10 and $2 costs whem is| The second lady councillor in on a speeding charge, : the history of the county took her Nielson Palmer, Seam place as deputy-reeve of Ajax. ALMONDS -- The WA met at/was convicted on a e}- She is Mrs. Mary Reid. the church with a good attend-|speeding on 401 highwr - t It was decided had, ari was given She year comes from iy om . office in the county, War-/ter Be {and strawberry supper on Tues-'* {day, June 24. Officers were elect- 'We wom, d for 1958. bringing it. tow, Honorary president: The Rec- senior governments te. aild Holds » "| ames Nig t tor; president, M. Kerr; secre- ies or scholarships should be pe tary, Bill Clarke; treasurer, Don vided fo permit more students The All Saints' Evening Guild Caller; social, Mrs. 'H. Browne; to attend universities," he said. beld their annual "Games Night" |librarians, Marilyn Vaughn,| He said that county council last Monday at the parish hall. Nancy Carter; robe supervisors, could also take a greater part in The guests were welcomed by the Mrs. C, Watson, Brian Reagen; national affairs. president, Mrs. W. J. Barton, and | choir mothers, Mrs. D. Cuddy, In a recent trip to the west, he the evening was officially open-| Mrs. J. Vickery, Mrs. Wm. ) ed by Mrs, M. Cathcart. A very Clarke; organist, Mrs. F. W. of Canadian wheat, Meanwhile. ood attendance of 27 tables en- Marsh. he said, the nation is stockpiling ved various card games, Refreshments were served by arms to help the smaller coun- wr Winners were oor; V, the hostess, On behalf of the tries. . vans, Miss L /hitelaw, | choir, the president thanked Mr.| While builli Mrs. 1 Booth, Mrs. Greta and Mrs, Cathcart for their hos- defense, he IR5,008 Seekplle tr McDonough, Mrs. S. Osborne, pitality, expressing regret at to be protected need the wheat Mrs. G. H. Bremner; Mrs. A. their "departure, and wishing from Canada but are not getting HOCKEY SCORES STANDINGS IN OMHA JUVENILE L Pts 110 said, he had noticed huge plies Windsor. 1 10] member this P East Whitby had driven at a rate of",|Twp., which sent Deputy-reeve 41jeg "THe was fined | Wilfred Pascoe to council. This ' "Ug, Sour, JF is the first time in eight years Ll that this township has had a " AE deputy-reeve. apd 5 Other new members are Dep- asda," 407 5, 2WiGes- uty-reeve Everett Quantrill, of Peg "0 '4a 0 Bip opr Whitby; Reeve William Beer, of oy 4 Jo yore i) r. Cannington; Deputy-reeve Irwin and a. SN 1810.4 Cowie, of Mara Twp.; Reeve Mrs. J. wv. Ww 5, "9d Pal- John McGillivray, of Scott Twp.; ace street, has re. {home and Deputy-reeve Robert Nes- after visiting for the past week bitt, of Uxbridge Twp. with her daughter and son-in-law, -------------- Mr. and Mrs, P. J. Haggerty, of Mrs. W. E. Pellow will open Accused Man Ber home on Friday, Jan. HD the Women's Institute members| Jor their regular monthly meet- Is Remanded ng. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Akey, of Pleading guilty to two charges Toronto, were Sunday dinner of forgery and two of uttering guests at the home of their Jerry Kenneth Cavano, 21, York mother, Mrs. E. Akey, of Walnut St., street. week for sentence, in Whitby Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nickel and| Magistrate's police court yester- The additional Mog |sons Curtis and Bruce, of Belle- day by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs, |ville, were visitors at the home, Cavano told the court that he of Mr. and Mrs, Cleve Worthing-' forged the cheques, amounting to |ton, of Centre street south, last $68.72 because he: had pie Bd | Sunday. a lot of people he would buy Mr. and Mrs .George Carr and them Christmas presents. son Steven have now established] Magistrate Ebbs replied, 'they | residence. in Toronto. Their | woul not be appreciated gifts if many friends wish them hap-|{they knew where the money piness in their new surroundings. came from would they?' Cavano on Mrs. A. Walters spent a few remained silent. days in Buffalo last week where| Cavano was charged Dec. 20, she visited her sister and broth-|/1957, at the town of Ajax. The er-inlaw, Mr, and Mrs. John|cheques were présent at the Jones. | Grand Union store in Ajax. SHIFTING FIGURES } MONTREAL (CP) -- Suburban FIRST AID ST. THOMAS, Ont. (CP) -- A its 1958 property tax to 82 cents over on the highway near here. for each $100 valuation, from Service station operator Percy R. $1.65 in 1957. But the valuation Sanders rescued the dog, roll was increased to $151,910,191 suffered three leg fractures, and from $64,640,214. Hackett, Mrs. A, Brows, Miss them well in their new parish at it. Some soluti houl Isabel Davey, Mrs. E, C. Hughes, Eatonville. The Rector closed the he said. Solution should be made, Mrs. C. G. McLean meeting with the benediction. The general convener of games ------------ - mgm, was Mrs. Jack Wilson, as sist y Mrs. Harry Town a : table convener. A dainty lunch Found Guilty was 'served by Mrs. H. Hiscox and her helpers. Li h --- ---- LiquorLharge | w Ch h h = | Donall Reid Fisher, 19, 111 Lindsay i 5 urc oir Palmerston Ave., Whitby, was Bowmanville 2 4 | vesterlay fined $10.00 and costs Port Perry 8 0 6 0 . or 10 days in jail in Whitby Mag Games This Week S ntertaine istrate's Police Court by Magis-| Jan. 20--Bowmanville at Port Th R Rev a3 » Yale F.S Ss on a charge of Perry e Rector, v. M. J, Cath- purchasing liquor while under the Jan. 21--p P , i cart, and Mrs. Cathcart enter-| age of 21. Jan, a Wboer BL TY tained All Saints' Church choir' PC Wm. Middleton testified Jan. 24--Whithy at Lindsay for the annual meeting recently. that with the company of PC E.! Jerry's Men's Wear Juveniles Reports showed much accom- Stoneman, he found two men Whithy's entry in. the OMHA plished musically by adult and scuffling in. front of a i y ® junior hoirs, also equipment hotel Jan. 10, at approximately good 1ti ' ir purchased. Plans were made for|11:50 p.m. Fisher was charged i With ue oe bus: the annual St George's Day serv-| with purchasing while under age, to Lindsay one. Whitby are dis ice on Sunday evening, April 20,'and taken to the County Jail. playing a good brand of Hockey. -- ~~ and would welcome any support. B R 0 C Phone MO 8-3618 poow a» EVENING SHOWS 7:00 P.M. LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 DRAMATIC AS "CASABLANCA"! ROMANTIC AS "aliens" . £ OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis: ' ter Diefenbaker and his Progres- sive Conservative government to- day seemed assured of a period of clear sailing unless he himself decides to go to the people. Two days of clamorous Com- mons debate ended Tuesday night COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A DAVID £. ROSE Production position party in the House wants ment and none of them want an| immediate general election, Lester B. Pearson, the new Lib- eral chieftain who took over as/ official Opposition leader Mon-| day, immediately took steps to, show he and his party did not! want to force a general election. | He did move an amendment to the government's motion to go into committee on estimates--an! amendment which if would have toppled the adminis- tration SIMPLY A REQUEST | RANDOLPH WARNER BROS. varsens | SHOOT-0UT AT MEDICINE BEND' JAMES CRAIG - ANGIE DICKINSON JO TOCRER BATTLE se 0. B. BEAUCHAMP - MCHARD ons WCHARD | BAD dence motion of the three-month- old session was so worded--/| simply a request that the gov- ernment hand over the job to the party | A CCF Midi ji motion| Clear Sailing Seen For PC Government By C. R. BLACKBURN (also was so worded that it could|the newly - revamped Liberal Canadian Press Staff Writer [not command the support of any party. take office and help it to with clear indication that no op- the other groups for his strange; to defeat the minority .govern- about it by reporters. of the other groups. carry on with its newly-formed When the voting came the Lib- policies without he disruption of erals alone voted for their mo-|an election. tion and the CCF alone voted for, Conservatives laughed at and theirs, and the government was scorned the proposal and accused Men's Club he'd Hew election of at St. officers at their Monday evening grand surprise Id, , was the fi ing Sant 4 In the end the son realizes that YU When you try Hem-Roid, sn Tater) al, Orr was the INVES nceting. The president, Mr. A. Officers elected for the com- which The Iplaced the injured legs in casts, ® OBITUARY SISTER MARY LOUISE WARREN Requiem mass was celebrated Mary's Priory chapel Wednesday, Jan, 8. Sh2 was 83. Born in Brooklin, t)ntario, she studied Arts at the University of Toronto and Toronto Trinity Col- played junior with Galt Black] Hawks, was with Philadeiphial | briefly before that club folded in the U.S. Amateur League then|P® [finished the term at Sarnia be-| fore joining the Trappers. Lamirande was finally pried away from Quebec Aces, who didn't release him until they were promised defenceman Bud Hillman and Bob Duncan from Springfield of the American League, as replacements. BBN 3 --- Six Moniz. | Given Accused Sidney Boynton, of no given address, was given a place to Jan. 11 at 10 a.m. for Sister Mary stay for the next six months by Louise Warren, OSB, who died Magistrate ¥. S. Ebbs in Whitby # Magistrate's Police Court terday. Boynton pleaded guilty to a vagrancy charge. PC P. Holly- yes: lege. She joined the Sisters of wood of Pickering, testified that the Love of Jesus in 1926. Principal of St. Anthony's Col- lege in Vancouver from 1929 to 1939, she moved here with the |order in 1941. . At the Priory, operated by the sisters, she held the posts of novice mistress and assistant superior, | Surviving is one sister, Mrs. A. E. Christian, in Whitby. Burial was at Hatley Park Me- three weeks. He then came back - Wa¥, be morial Gardens. Chaplin's were to West Rouge, and was picked, Championship. : | vesterday's first meeting of the in charge of arrangements. Five Children Are Baptized Five children were baptised Sunday at the United Church, Whitby, by Rev. John M. Smith, BA. : The following children received the infant baptism: Christine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, V. Moore; Mary Jacqueline, | The outdoor barbecue was ufider | Charles Stafford is the chairman] J. the leadership of Cubmaster B, °©f the St. John Ambulance for Kalar; Gien Adrian, son of Mr. Bradshaw. Also assisting ine this| the Chamber of Commerce. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. Geoffrey Lee; Cather- ine Louise, daughter of Mr, and omotz and Mrs. Willie Povinsky, course will begin the first week Mrs. R. Broughton; Leigh Eliza- beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs R. Horner. Home-Made Snow Kitchen Speciality MONTREAL (CP) -- Home- Ajax, was remanded one made snow is a speclalty of the tdeep freeze kitchen of a McGill University research ~roup. | MeGill scientists, members of {the Stormy Weather Group, find snow crystals fascinating. They grow them on strands of spider we)s inside a domestic deep freeze umit. Their work is financially aided by the Defence Research Board lof Canada and the United States {Air Force, both vitally interested in forms of precipitation. heads the group's snow research |department, 5ays Snow crystals (are formed in "snow cells' some [20,000 feet above la : level, The snow cells are about one mile across, but the clouds in which 'they exist may extend hundreds Whitby Juvenile series, are now in a Ville St. Laurent council reduced mongrel puppy was twice run of miles. No one knows how or why the snow is formed in these cells. snow research group at Me- Gill is attempting to find the an- wers. To do this, they must make |p ain staking examinations of snow crystals in the process of being formed. The crystals are watc! under micr.sco"; the deep unit. Three basic types of snow crystals are known--dendrite or starry, plate and column or needle. Each type can be grown Professor Kenrick Gunn, who. as they develop on spider webs in|; 4 on Jan. 15, at approximate'y 1:00 pm., he found Boynton s'eeping in a car. The accused had no job, no money, and said that he had been sleeping in the tar since hefore Christmas. The car belonged to his former foster parents, in West Rouge |with whom he lived for 12 years He left for Calgary to join the army, but was discharged after (up on a vagrancy charge. | Magistrate Ebbs concluded, | "this will put you over for the {winter," and sentenced Boynton to six months in the reformatory, DAY-BY-DAY CUB SKATING PARTY The 5th Whitby Cub Pack held their first skating party last Sun- day afternoon under the leader- Shelley ship of Cub leaders, Bernadette tries of the town of Whitby, it| McGriskin and Carol Dragomotz. | successful event were: Bill Drag-| TO ATTEND SERVICE | Next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 |p.m. the executive of the Ontario | Mines Hockey Association will | visit the United Church, Whitby, to Join the local minor hockey leaders and players in worship, Men and Loys from a number of Ontario towns ani cities will be present. Worship will be conduct- |ec by Rev, John M. Smith, assist. ed by members of the OMHA executive. COMMON OFFENCE REGINA (CP)--About half the 10,000 cases handled in city po- {lice court during 1957 involved in- fractions of traffic laws. WHITBY CLASSIFIED OR rent -- Furnished room; for sale, | chesterfield, cheap, MO 8-2466, Feb 21 HOME insulation, blowing method. | Free estimates. Septic tanks cleaned] |the sanitary way. Walter Ward, Whitby Phone MO 8-2563, Feb. 2° APARTMENT for rent, three or six rooms. Fu'nished or unfurnished. All | conveniences. Vacant February 1. Apply 806 Brock Street North, Whitby {or Dial RA 5-3214. 131 {HOUSES wanted for clients in Whitby |For quick sale call W. McAuley, Real | tor. RA 3-2512. Feb.11/ |FOR Rent -- One furnished room. 13 Brock North, Apt. 3. 17¢ ROOM or room and board for one. |ever, if any citizen wishes to take! { 4 5 LIFE IS NOT ONE SERIES | of hockey games for members of the Whitby Dunlops who H leave next week for Oslo, Nor- and the World's Hockey ule of games. Gordie Myles is shown in top picture doing his ob at a local warehouse. Be. ow, Harry Sinden, another | Dunnie star, is shown on the job at the south plant of GM The Dunnies here. He is working in the also hold down jobs, in addi- | power house, where he is a tion to following a stiff sched- ' fourth class engineer. : was announced yesterday. ny Mr. Stafford said that the in February, and a suitable place is being sought by the Chamber of Commerce to hold inis course which lasts six weeks for two hours one day each week. On the seventh week an examination is given by a doctor, and in passing they are presented with a dip-| oma. "Industries find it very advan- tageous to have first aid," Mr. | Stafford continued. This source is| definitely for the employees of he course they can contact The Chamber of Commerce Rid C will be sponsoring another first 1 ourse . ning after the summer holidays Whitby Chamber of Commerce in September. lance First Aid Course for the employees of the different indus- PAPERS IN WHITBY MO. 8-311 If you have not received your BELL TAXI All calls must be ced between 7 end Sponsor First Charles Stafford. aid course for the public, begin- are sponsoring a St. John Ambu- FOR MISSED Phone Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Call 7.30 p.m. the industrial employees, how- Second OF WHITBY CURLING CLUB Thursday, January 23rd, at 8 p.m. IN THE WHITBY ARENA (Upstairs) 00! 3 Phone MO 8-4476. 17¢ APARTMENT for rent -- Three rooms bath. One child welcome. Available February 1. Apply 146 Perry Street after 4 o'clock. 17¢ FOR Sale -- Lady's winter coat, blue, new, size 16, 1; e Phone MO 8-3185. 17b in the deep freeze laboratory through control of temperature and humidity by means of pre- cise instruments. Commons Has Large Crowd handsomely sustained. Mr. Pearson of lacking the cour- Mr. Pearson was bitterly need- age to make a real attempt to led by the Conservatives and by upset the government. There js always the possibility amendment. He was questioned that Mr. Diefenbaker will decide] that his party's fortunes would He said it was offered because be best served by an immediate] the Liberals were fresh from fresh appeal to the electorate. their national convention whieh! : elected him last week and had CAN ARRANGE Lid : adopted a. platform that he| He can arrange it any time he thought should commend itself as Chooses. He could bring in a one needed to meet the country's/measure so formulated that it present, problems. | could not be swallowed by any of . |the opposition groups. KNEW WOULDN'T CARRY | There are 113 Conservatives, However, he said he knew it 106 Liberals, 25 CCF members, carried could not carry and he said he|19 Social Credit MPs and two In-|the monentous 1956 pipeline de- did not want to defeat the gov-'dependents in the 265-member ernment. The Conservatives were! house. too anxious to be defeated, he| The opposition could turn the said, They wanted the opposition) government out any time it chose But his first Liberal non-confi-|to take the responsibility of forc-|to cor bine against it. Mr. Diefen- Both votes turned out in favor of ing an election. {baker could present a measure An election at this time would that would force these groups to hold up progress for two or three so choose. months and prevent any meas- Or, without having been de- Liberals--that it obviously could ures being adopted to meet grow- feated, he could go to the Gover- milk receiving station estimated | not gain support from any other ing unemployment, Mr. Pearson nor-General and ask for dissolu- to cost $35,000 is to be built on a said. ition of Parliament and no doubt| But the government could letihis advice would be acted upon.| OTTAWA (CP)--More than 700 persons"lined up three and four abreast in the halls of the Parlia- ment Building Tuesday night in the expectancy that history might be made in the Commons. Security officers at the main door said another 500 persons were turned away, being told they did not stand a chance of crowding into the limited specta. tor space in the Commons cham- T. It was one of the biggest crowds in years, possibly even exceeding those which thronged to the Parliament Building for bate. The magnet was the two votes of non-confidence in the Progres- sive Conservative government. the government. BIG PLANT DURHAM, Ont. (CP) -- A new six-acre site in Durham by the FOUND -- Man's watch, in new hous- ing area south west Whitby. Owner may have same by identifying and pay. ing ad. MO 8.4007 after six. 17¢ PANT cuffing and alterations. Reason- able, Phone MO 8-20; 1013 Centre South, Jan. 27 FOR Sale -- 1947 Ford, winterized and eady to go, $135. Phone MQ 8-3226, 14f FOR SALB $14,500 Attractive brick. 1VYa2-storey house 'with attached garage, on o quiet residential street close to school, five blocks from new Post Office. This home hos three bedrooms and 4.piece athroom on the second floor; 14' x 20' liv- ing room, dining room and kitchen and two-piece bath- room on ground floor; recre- ation room, hot-air oil fur- nace, hot water tank, laundry tubs, etc., in basement, This home has been redecorated and is in first zlass condition throughout and must be seen to be appreciated. Exclusive listing. BOWMAN & GIBSON Insurance & Real Estote WHITBY -- ONTARIO " "There I was, roll- ing merrily along behind the sand truck when sud- denly it's tail gate swung open." REMEMBER . . . When you had your oil changed last ? LET US DO IT FOR YOU Our work is guar + + Pickup We'll check your car from front to reor. aonteed. Washing . . . Lubrication . , . Tune-Ups . and Delivery . . . Wheel Balancing . . . Firestone Tires . . . Batteries . , . Licensed Mdchonic. GEORGE'S 'FINA SERVICE "Where Everyone Goes To Lat George Do ft" PHONE MO 8-4232 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY United Co-operatives of Ontario, | Jan. 16,17,22,24 | SOR