Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale $1500 DOWN New brick bungalow, Creror St. 3 bedrooms, forced ! air oil heating, 4-piece bath. Purchaser to have choice of tile i and cupboards. Possession 30 days. Full price $10,900. $2000 DOWN- ! 10-room insul stone home on Mill St., excellent income home, «large lot 126 x 175 ft., heating is forced air with oil, 3-piece bath plus 1-piece, large rooms throughout, garage. Asking ! ] i 45--Real Estate For Sale 46--Real Estate Wanted WORKING men want homes with $1000 down. If you can help please call W. McAuley, Realtor, 26 Prince. Dial RA 3-2512 or Whitby MO 8-3231. Feb. 22 WANTED -- One bullding lot, inside city limits, or close to city RA 3-9491. 18, 47 --Automobiles For Sale 1954 Pontiac deluxe coach, low PRIVATE SALE Brend new, ranch style bun- galow. Three bedrooms, large living room, modern kitchen dinette, four-piece bath, ex- tra stool and shower in base- ment. Very good location by S50--Articles For Sale |50--Articles For Sale 32---legal Notices |B F. Goodrich Stores, tires, batteries, Thrifty budget plan, RA 5-4543, Feb, 2 '48 1 ton Chevrolet in good condition, and one German Luger gun, complete with shells and case. RA 3-323, 13¢ HOU D buy, sell $100 down will completely furnish your home. This inciydes chesterfield, bed- room suite, TV. refrigerator, kitchen suite, washer, electric range, occasion. al tables, lamps, vacuum cleaner, pol- isher, rug. etc, Barons Home Furnish. ings, 424 Simcoe Street South, Feb. 2 ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica, 24° vol- umes, 1957 edition. $250 or nearest contact Community Furniture Store, offer. Phone RA 3-7814. 17 |also your Necchi - Bernina Sewing Ma- Centre St, near public end separate school. Close to High School. Open for in- .spection every evening from S$ . 8, 77 Fairbank St. For one owner, two-tone paint, nearly new battery, muffler, brakes, 5, plus extra snow tires. A real bargain. Apply 856 Mary Street or phone RA 35-8154 after 5. 18b 57 Dodge Hardtop, radio ichine dealer. 19 Prince Street. Phone AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes. |RA 8-1131; after & phone RA 5-1423, Prompt service. Free estimates. Order | Fi eb. 7 now for early delivery. Chair and table Tentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, [FINEST foods, lowest prices. Shop al ways at Glecoff IGA Supermarket, Oshawa, Feb. 18 pitson South. Open nightly till 0. Fres i mantel radio, more information phone RA 5.5520. Come ond see it. and many other extras, new ear con- dition, $2300. Will take trade and can arrange finance. RA 52591 or RA 3-2311. 18f $2500 DOWN 'Full price only $8,350, 6-room frame home, Colborne E., eil 'heating, 3-piece bath, hardwood and' lino-covered floors, storms and screens. Only $50.00 monthly to carry. $2500 DOWN «Lovely 6-rbom 2-storey home on Thomos St., just off Simcoe; "large rooms throughout, living room 14 x 19 with fireplace, * hardwood and tile floors, oil heating, 4-piece bath, good velue 'ot $12,200. E $500 DOWN "Large lot 105 x 110 feet, Taunton Rd. W., city woter. Full © $1200 DOWN Lot 50' x 120', Dean Ave., sewers and water, close to schools and shopping. Full price $1,900. CALL MR. ADDISON RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR CHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 'REAL ESTATE McLAUGHLIN BLVD. , Seven-rcom brick home with garage, just 2 blocks off Simcoe St. » & : S ! * N., spacious living room and family size dining room. Large »modern kitchen with many extras. Four bedrooms, heated by oil. " Be sure to see this reasonable priced home, suitable for a large - family. Excellent location, close to O.C.V.1., public end separate * schools. VALLEY DRIVE Lovely six-room brick bungalow. Just e little over a year old. Owner transferred. Three bedrooms. N.H A, resale. $70.00 per month principal, interest and toxes. 5% mortgage. Many extras. Full price $12,500. » SPECIAL +. Quick possession may be obtained on this six-room brick ane-end- ,, a-half.storey locoted In Sunset Heights. This tastefully decorated home features 25' long combined living room end dining room, with stone fireplace; large bright and cheery kitchen; one bed- "room and 4-piece bath on main floor. 2nd floor consists of 2 ! lorge bedrooms with 4-piece bathroom. Many extros. Because of delivery. Ww hi an in good condition, cheap. RA 57743. 17¢ | oor compressor, 1% hp, new; also HUDSON Seal fur coat, good rifl and exchange, For furniture bargains ' THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, January 22, 1958 19 Toke notice that all creditors and others having any claim against the Estate of the late Hattie Winnifred Moffat who died on or about the 31st of October, 1957, at Bowman- ville, in the Province of On- tario, are required to send on or before the 25th day of Feb- ruary, 1958, to the under- signed solicitor for Robert Yardy Small, the Administra- tor of the Estate of the said Hottie Winnifred Moffat, Hospital Marks | 9th Anniversary At Port Perry MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR PORT PERRY -- The Com- munity Memorial Hospital has celebrated its 5th anniversary. Mrs. M. B. Dymond, president of the Women's Hospital Auxil- portable Pr 4 Pp size 40. Phone RA 5-1607. 18f for quick sale. 286 Frontenac Avenue. your new TV from Eilectro.| RA 39216. Feb, 8 '88 Meteor two-door, four tubeless white walls, two-tone, sun visor, oil fil- ter, directional signals, radio, new muf- fler, exhaust and tail pipe. RA 5-2879. 25 Brock West. 184 's3 Pontiac sedan, two-tone, hydro. matic, signals, radio and heater, wash. ers, good tires, other accessories. Ex- cellent condition. RA 3-9603. 18f NEW 1958 Bel Aire Chevrolet two-tone, will trade for older car, house or lots. Phone RA 35-8162. 13f $10,900.00 Harmony Road North, nearly new, modern bungalow, six rooms, oil heoted, one half acre of land, garage. Big value. U. JONES REALTOR home, Phillips, Westinghouse, Sylvania, KITCHEN and dinette suites, drasti. Motorola, at Parkway Television, 918 ally reduced, Some one-half price Out Simcoe North. Feb. 21 they go! $29.88 up. Save now. Barut LARGE mirror, Washing machin, iron. Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South, Feb.17 ing board, rollway bed, like new.| . 8 way -- Serta, their names, addresses and full particulars in writing of their claim, with a statement of their account and the nature of any security held for the same, if any. lary extended a warm greeti to those who were present, ne Herb. Brooks, the first chair- man of the Hospital Board, who took part in the official opening on Jan, 7, 1952, was present and told the story of the hospital's be- Phone RA 8-1773. 16c| $20 off they go! Save Out WE buy, sell and exchange used furni-| terms, Baron's Home Fur- ture, BA 3-3271. Apply 444 Simece Aishi ig Simcoe South. Feb.17 Street South. ____ Feb. 8 7ABLES -- Coffee, step and occasional LADY'S Hudson seal fur coat, size 13.|tables, Some reduced % price. Out Accept good binoculars. Write Box 809 they go! $5.88 up. Save now. Barons' Times-Gazette. 14f| Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe §. Feb.17 RA 5-6412 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up [to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay |For personal service at your home eall i |RA 5-2802. Feb 9 18c SAVE up to $1000 on 3 rooms of furnl- CHESTERFIELDS and sofa ag /CHESTERFIELDS and sofa beds -- ture and appliances -- unbelievable but|y oehier, Sklar, Restonic, etc. In nylon, true -- 22 pleces -- actually less than ;onair and friezes. Out they go! $77 r 1956 Pontiac deluxe sedan, peer fully equipped, sacrifice, full particu- Mars, except price, given by dialing RA -1183. 144 | '51 Pontiac coach deluxe model, good| lean car, A-1 condition, one owner. | A 5-1355 after 5 p.m, 14 TWO Ford three-ton trucks. Best offer Phone RA 5-8552. . 14 COUNTRY LIVING MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms, large living roorn 24' x 12', modern kit- chen, hardwood and tile floors, and oil furnace. Situ- ated on large lot close to school ond just 10 minutes from Oshawa. Coll Jim Loverty at RA 5-6544, | 1956 Fairlane Ford town sedan, good condition. Apply 435 Brock North, Whit- by; MO 8-3000. 17¢ 56 Ford Custom line tudor has auto-| matic transmission, crash pads, etc. A real clean, low mileage automobile, | 174 | ou are the , p. Save now! Easy terms. Barons largest ever offered -- drive in today i to Oshawa's discount store -- North Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe South; Simcoe Products, 894 Simcoe North -- | __ Don't delay -- Telephone RA 5.9762 for | FORD tractor, three HP Simplicity full information, 16f | garden tractor with plough and Pele inno SAAR --_--l 4 YOU can be sure if it's a |bar. RA 35-3482. automatic washer or dryer from Park- MASON and Risch upright plano and way Television, 918 Simcoe North. bench, $60. Phone 33J Brooklin. 182 Feb. 21 jE DROOM suites -- including single, TV set, 17-inch, in good working order, doable and triple dressers. Out they go! engineer's report says "very good con- $88 up. Save now! Easy terms, Barons dition." Cheap, Best offer. RA 3.9192,'Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. after 6.30 p.m. mio. Cosa Feb. 17 SINGLE bed and mattre also coal. | USED tires, most all sizes $3 up. oil space heater. RA 5.2879 or 25 Brock Goodrich Store, RA 34543. Feb Street West, = ~~~ ~~ 17, NTIQUE, '27 Landau Chev. Phone MOFFAT electric range, 4 burners, | Blackstock 2. Jan. 10, 17 $545 down. Seaway Motors, Dundas West, Whitby '83 Austin sedan, brown and beige, very clean. Economical transportation, | priced to sell. Only $495. Seaway Dundas West, Whitby. 171 | 205 gives you choice of '49 Fords, "49 Pontiacs, '49 Chevs or "50 Meteors. Sea- | | way Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, | 17 | |e Ford, price of car, bill owing to| |garage. RA 5-4661. 161 | {1047 Monarch sed | tion. Will accept trade. Phone RA 53-8162 | i 17 t! OR $1500 DOWN $1500 10 minutes from. downtown Oshawe, large modern 5- room bungalow, large mod- em kitchen, spacious living room. Many other features too numerous to mention. Also o double garage. Don't miss this one call Jim Laver- ty at RA 5-6544. John A, J. Bolahood Limited, [1947 Chev., good condition. Rebull | motor, $195, Call RA 5-6019 after 5 pm 17¢ | {lon tap drum, $30; commode chair, $50. Phone RA 3- ONE man's and one lady's bicycle. 56. rat ---------- Lam | Both in excellent Sondition, having been 18 inch Mall chain saw, heavy duty, used for only a few months. Best rea- new chain and blade, in excellent con. |sonable offer. Call RA 58618. 1 dition, §70. RA 3-9951 after 5 p.m 17¢ | CHEST type deep freeze and refriger SPACE heater, 30 gallons of oil, 45 gal. |ator combined, 7 ft. length. Phone RA ; | 5-3125. Spares single bed, $6; hgd cage, $2.50. Call GRAND new, 12 gauge automatic shot 225 Ritson Road SUuth after 1 p.m. 17¢ BRA ils ye model, 58 30- ADMIRAL 17-inch TV set, good condi-| inch barrel, full choke, ventilated rib. tion, $70. Used al' channel aerial, $25. |Cost price $179.95. RA 8-8180. Jan, 23 5-8040, SKATES new and used. "Oshawa's No. | = 1 skate exchange'. Used skates $1 up Metal Craft Co. Best offer. RA 18 180 | 45 Chevrolet deluxe, good RA 3.7208 16¢ {radio and heater. Phone BUY DIRECT ater 8 RRA ; FROM BUILDER > | SEE THESE TERRIFIC Two model homes, 14 | DEALS storey, one bungalow. These | OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. beautiful homes will be sold Very clean $195 | less then cost to responsible NASH SEDAN $195 buyers. See builder (E. BLY MOUTH. 99s D'Angelo) on sight 8 a.m. with $ 1950 1950 METEOR, to 4 p.m. Must be seen to be paint 395 | eppreciated. : 1951 DODGE two-door $550 DROP IN OR CALL. 1337 Minden St. Hill- ALWAYS A GOOD DEAL. side Heights Subdivis- | ion, Phone RA 8-505] = 1949 1951 ROBINSON | . | work ton. New skates $4.95 up. Largest selection RAILINGS in town, Drayton Cycle, 204 Fond Street | East. Feb. 7 USED hy rt; d irs, all " puaranteed Paddy's Market. PORCH, STAIR, PATIO Taunton Road, 1 mile west of Hamp. FREE ESTIMATES RELIABLE SERVICE PHONE COLLECT WZIST HILL Residence ATlantic 2734 Open nights till 8.30. MA 3-2055 Business ATlontic 2-215 Jan, 15 C. O. J. SYNOTT, Prop 4 tires 760 x 15, white walls, very good| condition. Phone RA 35-8551 before 6 16¢ R.R. 3, PICKERING, ONT, Jan. p.m 51--Swap and Barter FABULOUS savings during ¥d. Wil son's Furniture Sales. Spring - filled mattresses, Simmons, Marshall, Res COMBINATION TV radio and record player, ofl cook stove, trailer, plumbing supplies, for large TV, power saw, or tonic, Serta. $25 discounts, Large choice now. While they last, from $19.50, Wil- what have you! Chinn's, RA 3-7088. Feb. 2 son's Furniture 20 Church Street Jan22, 2 FABULOUS savings during Ed. Wil son's January Furniture Sale. Bedroor suites large dresser, chest of drawer: four - panel bed, January clear ol price, $85. Ed. Wilson, 20 Church Street, Jan.22,2 FABULOUS savings during Ed. Wil son's January Furniture Sale. Kitchen chrome suites, odds and ends clear out. Act quickly for this while they last, Five-piece suites, $27. Ed. Wilson | 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS : Feb.2| Action, CCF Says Toke notice that after the said day of the 25th of Feb- ruory, 1958, Robert Hardy Small will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said estate among the persons en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice and the said Robert Hardy Small will not be liable for the soid assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated at Toronto, 20th, 1958. ALBERT O. L. BURNESE 10482 Kingston Rd., Toronto Solicitor for ginning, and reminisced on the problems, highlights and achieve- Mepis oe oan five years. ong other ished guests who spoke briefly were Joe Dow. son, the present chairman, Earl Martin, who has been a member of the board since its inception and the present superintendent Mrs. Everett Hook. Hon. Dr. M. B. Dymond, MLA, the guest speaker, brought greet- ings from Premier Frost and his enthusiastic remarks showed the keen Interest he has for the local hospital and its success. In his remarks it was brought to the attention of all- 'that the Port Perry Hospial is the only hospi- tal in the Province of Ontario which completed the year without a loss. It is through the loyal Support Robert Hardy Small of the people in and around this| Jon.22,29 Feb, 5| district and the results of hard - - =~----=| work on the part of those entrus!- Labor Act Often iim, i meh ree ba Deters Union January been obtained. The members of the Hospital Board consists of hard-working men who give their services freely and unstintingly-- no large donations or huge sums | of money are at their disposal. | Tht rates at the hospital are com. | parable to those of any hospital in| ntario, and in many ec | TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario lower. The patients Y rep. CCF party said Tuesday that On-| around-the-clock service, which; tario's Labor Relations Act often entails three shifts of emploves, | |operates to hamstrung lab or|plus many other facilities. Much| {unions rather than promote free of the credit goes to the Women's {collective bargaining. this In a brief submitted to a legis- lature select committee investi- | gating labor relations, the party | said the act: | Hospital time. Dr. Dymond made special ref- erence and paid tribute to the late Mrs. Falconer, of Toronto, who : .__|spent the summer months at! | .. is not based on a genuine Caesarea and was at one time a {recognition of the vital role ofl former patient. Mrs. Falconer| {trade unions and collective bar-|took a great interest in the work! gaining in a democratic society, carried out by the Women's Aux- | but rather on a grudging accept- iliary and was a loyal supporter lance of the fact that unions are of this organization by raisin, here to stay." | funds and Sonsting artiejes which x v to purchase a "re- The brief suggested the labor or. Deer . relations board be given full con- rey. bed" (for operative pa-| trol over the prohibition of un-l "rproigh the generosity of some {fair practices. Requirements on 2 qjtizens it has been possible to union seeking certification should procure quite a number of new be eased and requirements on pieces of equipment during the those seeking de - certification past year, among which were the should be tightened up. | sterilizer unit for the formula Auxiliary during HALF-SIZE STYLE 14% 24% By ANNE ADAMS This Printed Pattern is a pleasure to sew, a pleasure to wear for busy household activ« ities, It's designed especially for the shorter, fuller figure -- to fit perfectly without alterations. Pattern 4869 Half Sizes 14'%2, 13'2, 18%, 20%, 22%, 24%. Size 16% takes 3% yards 35-inch fabric. Printed directions on each pat« tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS (50¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS; STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of Daily Times - Gazette, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. CROSS - STITCH [20 Church Street Jan:22.24| |WIN a $209. Stainless steel cookware] set on a free draw at Glecoff's Super-| market, all this week. Open to owner being transferred this home Is reduced by $1,300. N.H.A. RESALE Here Is ¢ home you con move into and all the work is done. . Tastefully decorated, five-room brick bungalow, located on Wind- "> sor Ave., the landscaping is excellent, three bedrooms, heated by + forced hot air oil, Floors are hardwood and tile. School end bus. . Reasonable down paymint and balance on a 529% mortgage. BEFORE SIX PLEASE CALL RA B-1624, 12 Prince St., or RA 3-22685, é Simcoe N. . AFTER SIX PLEASE CALL * RA S5-1726 RA 5.8489 IN THE ESTATE OF SAMUEL RUNDLE CLARK, Deceased. ALL persons having claims against the estate of the sai SAMUEL RUNDLE CLARK, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Re- tired Foreman, deceased, wm died on or about the 7th day of June, A.D. 1957, are re- quired to file with the under- signed solicitors for the ad- ministrator, full particulars in writing of such claims, on or before the 12th day of Feb- ruary, A.D. 1958, after which date the administrator will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shell then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 20th day of January, A.D. 1958. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, MOTORS 574 RISTON RD.S. RA 5-6518 ALWAYS 25 Used Cars to choose from TRADE UP OR DOWN Liens Paid Off Clean Cars Wanted Wilbak Motors 137 King St. W. RA 5-0732 Rusnor Construction Ltd. NHA. HOMES $1500 down fully completed. Ready to move in, near school. Two homes off Wil- son Rd. S., three homes at Sun Valley Court. Act now. READ THIS Builder instructed us to sell three ranch style homes in Apple Hill. Ready to move in, going at a sacrifice price. HAMPTON 35 acres with good creek and buildings, running water and bathroom in house, with good highway frontage. Priced right for quick sale. Also many good ranch style homes with attached garage. ten) nightly. Free delivery. Ritson South. 18f FOOD freezer, 15 cubic feet, Woods, | good condition, two years old, cost $495, {sell $325, private. RA 57405. 18f AS new, Juno cleaner, beautiful condi tion, $40 off list price. Phone RA 3 7938] after 6 p.m. RA 5-6443. 18¢c| i pcr | SIX piece dinette suite; used refriger-| ator, in good condition. Apply 92 Glad. c | stone Avenue. al RL {TWO pair ladies white figure skates, size 6, $4.30; size 5%, $2.50. Apply 19 | Patricia Avenue i . 18a LARGE oil space heater; one pair girl's figure skates, size 3. Phone RA 5.3370. 18¢ | - Bill McFeeters. . Don Poole .... RA 5.0201 RA 5.0771 18¢ JOHN WACKO REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE $500 ! !! . That is all that Is required to guarantee yourself @ new 3-bedroom Reg. Aker .... | | Steve Macke . . FOR THE VERY BEST IN COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS -- WINDOWS Priced To Save You Money l room, automatic bottle warmer, . and an up-to-date modern in. U t d Church cubator for premature babies ni e The donation bequeathed to th hospital by the late Miss Abigai | : : DeLury in memory of her| | Lleric vies | Brother, Ralph E. DeLury, was § | . {used to procure an oxygen tent, TORONTO (CP) -- Rev. Dr. grain i id George Albert Little, 74, temper- gra po er ance lecturer ang, wiiter 2. 2 have difficulty in getting re-habil- ormer editor of Unite urch'jtated. The Auxiliary, itself, has! Jmdey school publications, died) spent 2pproximately $700 or uesday. | green nen for e operating Dr. Little had been assistant to | Foom. I {Rev. Dr. Crosley Hunter at To-| Two Brownies, Linda Kyte and |ronto's Trinity United Church for | Nancy Staniland, representing the a year before his death. | Blackstock Brownie Pack No. 2| Born in Princeton, Ont., he Was | ene Present wit, their Tawny | » ad | Owls, Mrs, Gw | |at Presbyterian churches in Jin i Dorihy ry go a {nipeg, Guelph and Kenora, Ont. | sially presented a new \ to before becoming associate editor the hospital for the ch U8 of Presbyterian church publica- ward along with a numb: of | tions in 1923. 3 | Quaint Title atulted animals made With the formation of the by the Brownies. United Church he became an as-| Another highlight of the after. | | sociate editor of Sunday school|noon was the presentation of an | publications. engraved silver cup to the par- | ents of the birthday baby to com. Feb.17) SABYAN MOTOR bungalow located just off Park Road North. These are beautiful brick bungalows, landscaped with many extras included. Close to schools, bus and shopping. This is about the only central location left in the north-west district. You have 3 plans to choose from. All homes are low priced with low carrying charges, Terms are arranged to suit you, the purchaser. Inquire now about our install- ment plan. FIRSY COME FIRST SERVED. GROCERY and BUTCHER A long established neighborhood business with ne chain store competition. This business is termed os A-1 in saming classifi. cation. Solid brick with living quarters attached, double gorege with smokehouse. This is on exceptional opportunity for the right * party. SPECIAL 1 |! ' For the young Investor or investors willing to work. An established business going for sacrifice price. Owner must sell because of ill health. A goi concern. Minimum price, Maximum profits, MAKE AN OFFER. N.H.A. RESALES . Two homes on LaSalle. Brick. 3 bedrooms, decoroted end lend- scaped with many extras. Close to school, bus end shopping. Exceptional value with mortgage at 5/2 %. MUST BE SEEN. OPEN EVENINGS RA 5-6569 136 Simcoe St. S. RA 5-6569 Member of Oshawa and District Real Istote Board 18a LOU-PAN DEVELOPMENTS IN HARMONY HEIGHTS We are pleased to be able to offer five new solid brick bungalows being built in Harmony Heights where oll services are prepeid. A choice location with all conveniences to Protestant and Separate schools and churches, new shopping area and bus service, Two models to choose from and all homes include the following: Electric hot water heater Aluminum storm windows ond screens Electric light" fixtures Electric stove cable Solid masonry construction Brick down to grade line to give that low appearance. Ceramic tiled bathroom walls Ceramic tiled bathroom floors Laundry tubs Sidewalk gravel drive Aluminum storm. door Front lawn sodded Total price of these homes only $12,175 with down poyment of $1,516 ond $1,567, N.H.A, mortgage to cover belance. $500 deposit and the balance when you move in, Contact Exclusive Ager CADILLAC AVE. S. Just 1Y2 years old is this 5-room brick bungalow which elso feotures aluminum storms and screens, landscaped, partial stone front and other extras. The mortgage is only 512%, with monthly payments of $54.00. Asking only $11,700 with $3,300 down. er 5:30 coll Joe Moga at 5-9191. OSHAWA BLVD. N. tdeal for subletting--attractive storey-and-o-half brick, extro- large rooms, ook floors, extra stool in basement, Must be seen to be appreciated. Only $11,000 with $2,500 down. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE na Simcoe Street South Dial RA 3-9325 or 5-6551 After 5:30 Die « Waite, 5-2339 Everett Elliott, 3-9290 Jos Mega, 59191 18 | SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN Buying or selling OSHAWA, Ontario Solicitors herein for the administrator Dr. Little graduated from the Yale School of Alcoholic Studies in 1943. He had worked with Al- cholics Anonymous since its form- For Immediate Delivery Call JACK SHERIFF memorate the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haddon of Black- water, were the proud parents of the boy who was born on the ac- JOE BARNOSKI 18 BOND ST. W. Phone RA 35-7231 Open Evenings After Hours RA 3-7086 180 LLOYD REALTY Insurance -- Realtors OPEN EVENINGS $1300 Down $1300 These homes musi be SOLD. New N.H.A, é-room ranch bungalows, 3 bedrooms, spark- ling ceramic tiled bathroom, forced hot cir fired by oil, | front lawn sodded end fin- | ished drivewcy. These homes | carry for $65.00 monthly. Unbelievable low full price only $11,739. Why pa more? Phone RA 8.5123, osk for BOB HARRIS, $1000 Down $1000 bungolow centrelly located with private drive, H.D. wiring. A home that will be gone if you don't act NOW Coll UG. GOWER -- RA 8.5123, ! Off Rossland Rd. West | This lovely 6-room rug brick |! ranch-type bungalow is spo- cious throughout and finished beautifully, N.H.A, financing and just one at this low down payment of $2,100. Yes, $2,100 for Oshawa's top dis- trict, This home is com- pleted and immediate posses- | sion is available. A must to see -- call ot once: DOUG. HURST -- RA 8-5123, $1500 Down $1500 Never before could such ¢ low down payment give you a five-room new N.H.A, bun- golow with a finished recre- ation room, that could be rented out as two rooms if you prefer, - Don't wait, call now -- RA 8.5123 ond ask for LLOYD BOLAHOOD, Call RA 8-5123 LLOYD REALTY {Oshawa) LTD 93 Simcoe St. N. We toke the guess werk out of REAL ESTATE . , . | | 180] |48-- Automobiles Wanted LAKFSHORE Auto Wreckers want| cars for wrecking. Fi SALES & SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. §. OSHAWA, ONT, TEL. RAndolph 3-346! Jan.26 For a new Chevrolet, Oldsmo- bile, Cadillac or O.K, Used Cars' come ond see. "HARRY"" PELESHOK ot ONTARIO MOTOR SALES RA 5-6501 Jan, 28 'eb.8 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS Any make or model DODD MOTOR SALES 314 Park Rd./S., RA 3-9421 Feb.2 CASH FOR YOUR CAR ' MACKIE MOTORS | WILSON RD. -S. RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 Feb. 10| 50--Articles For Sale USED washer parts and repairs, all work guaranteed. Paddy's Market, Taunton Road, 1 mile west of Hamp- ton. Open nighfs till 8:30. MA 3-2055. Feb. 18 CHAIRS Rockers, relaxers, hostess, oc- casional chairs, drastically reduced. From $9.88 up. Save now! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe 8. Feb.17 LAMPS -- Trilite, table, boudoir and TV lamps. . Drast'cally reduced. Many. Ja price. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. Feb. 1 CEDAR chests--Some reduced a price Lane, Red Seal, Heirloom, Out they go! Save now, Easy terms. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S. Feb.17 ONE General Electric automatic wash- er, equipped with- new sud shver, prac- tically new. RA 8-1611 after 6 p.m. 17f GREY fur coat, sjze 42. Apply 76 Col- borne Street East.' 17¢ |47-- Automobiles For Sale 47--Automobiles For Sale Marvin Roy CLARKE, SALES [Jon2029 Feb5 FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION KoolSide Metal Awnings they open ond close from Sputnik IT wide he bose. | Visible Again PATIO COVERS--CAR PORTS | TORONTO (CP) -- Sputnik II PORCH RAILINGS | will again be visible in Canadian | skies starting today, the David Ask to see the only door with Dunlap Observatory says. double porthole construction Observers are advised to be on --for double strength, Phone the alert five or 10 minutes be- RA 3-3775 Day or Night. fore the predicted times, search- Jon 31 ing the northern sky for a star- | like object travelling "quite rap- idly" towards the south. Observ- ers may only be able to see it for six minutes. Predicted times and positions of the satellite for observers in Ontario: Jan. 22, 7:25 p.m. EST 308 Bloor St. E;, RA 3-7333 | (high in sky); Jan, 23 6:34 p.m. OPEN SATURDAYS (in Eastern sky): Jan, 24, 7:21 mwf,feb.13 p.m. (In- Western sky); Jan. 25, ------ 1 6:27 pn. (high in sky): Jan. 28. BOATS 71:2 p.m, (in Western sky), and PETERBOROUGH | {Jan. 27, 6:16 p.m. (high in sky). FRIENDLY EFFORT Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould- ed plywood, fibreglass. Norway's Seaman's Mission Mou | d e d mahogany Wiping cloths for every pur- | pose. Washed end steriiized. Suitable for industrial plants, garages, offices, etc. LGREENBERG & SONS LTD. By ALICE BROOKS Easy as playing tick tack toe. Cross-stitch these gay motifs on towels -- to brighten your entire kitchen. They're quick, fun to do -- and so pretty! Let daughter help with this cross-stitch! Pattern 7281: trans- | fer 6 motifs 5% x 7% inches. Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to Daily Times - Gazette, Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- TERN NUMBER. Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS more for a copy of our Alice Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue, Two complete patterns are print- ed right in the book . . . pins a ° variety of designs that you will want to order: crochet, knitting, embroidery, huck weaving, quilts, toys, dolls. ? and were assisted by the mem- maintains 32 churches throughout hull. Evinrude motors. 50--Arficles For Sale the world. 50--Articles For Sale TEE-NEE TRAILERS Layaway plan, no finance charges. Foctory approved service. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ontario Phone 87 Open evenings and weekends Feb. THE VERY BEST windows. "WINTER SEAL" -- (See the new Jal-O-See.) "KOOL | Fireplace Equipment and Toronto prices, Wroug ATTENTION LerORE BUYING SEE US We carry in stock: angle iron, channel iron beams, reinforcing rods, flats, used 15 PRINCE STREET pipe, 45 gallon steel drums. : < a x I GREENBERG & SON LTD, J) LES EVENISS -- RA 3-2707 308 Bloor Street East | "WINTER SEAL" -- "'KRYLASTIC" weather-proofed Storm-Screen Aluminum Awnings ond Canopies. See the newest in adjustable awnings. 'KOOL-SIDE" -- Awnings ond Canopies. "They open and close from inside." "BEAUTI-DOR" -- Shuwer enclosures, LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED COSTS NO MORE Aluminum Combination Doors. LITE AWNINGS" -- Ventilated ht Iron Railings ond furnishings. RA 5-4632 DON HOWE -- RA 5-0313 | | Jan. 28| Phone RA 3-7333 | Free Delivery mwf feb. CMC TRUCK 1954 -- 3 Ton Special, body, fitted tarpoulin, condition. $1250. DOWTY EQUIPMENT, CANADA LTD. Ajax, Ontario Phone Ajax 223. Ask for Mr. Jarrett fully equipped, heavy duty closed stake excellent STORM WINDOWS 94 B RA 3 M. RA 3 H. Maynard RA 5-1646 1 5d| 13 DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU UNION MADE IN OSHAWA NASH ALUMINUM DOORS JALOUSIES ruce St. -2219 Glecoft -705i ation in Canada and set up a tya] date of the hospital anniver- summer home for alcoholics in|gary Jan. 7, 1958. Ontario's Muskoka district. | At the conclusion of the birth- oes SH SE ST |day ceremonies the guests were| ~-- | taken on 'a conducted tour Tobacco Sales | through the hospital and the high- lights of the year's accomplish- n . . | ments were explained, by mem- H tH hP t bers of the staff. 1 10 on The Womens Hospital Aux ary was in charge of the refresh- TILLSONBURG (CP)--Sales at| ments, The alcove at the head of the three auction warehouses of hte main corridor made a de. the Ontario flue cured tobacco| lightful setting for the beautifully marketing board Tuesday hit the arranged tea table with its spark- highest mark so far this year, but|ling silver and centred with a failed to reach the 2,000,000 pound | gorgeous birthday cake specially volume set by the board as its decorated by Mrs. Reg. Boundey goal. |for the occasion. Mrs, Dymond, "We are quite certzin tomor- gowned in royal blue and wearing row will see the 2,000,000 pound a small white satin hat and Mrs. mark reached," a board spokes- Hook, dressed in the traditional man sald Tuesday night, nurse's outfit of sparkling white. An estimated 1,750,000 pounds presided over the tea table and of flue - cured tobacco passed Poured tea for over 100 guests, through the ini at Tillson- burg, Delhi and Aylmer, up ap-| preciably from the 1,467,000! DAILY CROSSWORD pounds handled Monday in the, first day of selling under a new agreement with buying compan-| ACROSS 2. Largem ies that permits 30-bales to a 1Game of continent pallet, compared to the previous chance 3. Tattered 10. 6. Island off cloth Java 4. Gold (her.) 9. Glacial 5. The shore ridges 6. Tried 10. Famous 7. Fate school 8. Away from (Eng.) the coast 11. Ship's prison 11. Unadorn 12. Shake 12, Wealthy 14. Wine vessel 13. Concludes 15. Vermin 15. Avoid 16. Indefinite ~ 18. Famous article movie dog 17. Radium 19. Food for (sym.) horses 18. Capital (Va) 20. Pixielike 22. Trudges 23. Half ems 24. Coin (Siam.) 25. Source of sugar 27. Russian seaport $0. Entered military service 82. Overhead 33. Regret (dial.) 34. Lice eggs 35. High priest 36. A cave 38. Dutch painter 39. New York canal 40. Sagacious 41, Lairs 42 Solar disk DOWN 1. Ceremonial N. Cutler RA 8-8642 Jon, 28 bers of the auxiliary. SIPIUIR BAS|L [AB] SICIOIP IE] LIOTLICINF | 21. Touch 24. Fruit drinks 25. Float. ing mass (T]L[MS [AN] oR] 1 |E[L NPV RIE[S MIENIOR = TAR] S IBIEICIAIL IMIS ice H]1 JERNCI0[O[F [E1 Yesterday's Answer 87. Metallic rock 38. Theater success 40. Burmese native bull 31. Locations 35. Comfort