Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Jan 1958, p. 17

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nes emg > J8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZEYTE, Wednesdey, Jenuery X3, 1700 f =+%=THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads [:5 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades 16--Insurance 25--Pets and Livestock 32--Articles Wanted 41--Room and Beard |44--For Kent . | . T. Hopkins and Co , Certified (ALL types dwellmg repairs, roofing, (ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up|TRIMMING, bathing, defleaing, board. |USED washing machines, $2, regard. [RESPECTABLE young man fo share(TWO partly furnished sekeeping Please Note INDEX Babgie primed By te rE Street siding, plastering and repairs, chim-|{to 20 percent, nine months to pay for|ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5-6321, less of condition. gr RA 5-6376. 16f apartment. Call RA 5-3142, 18f | rooms, use of vasiing aa Soupls Deadlines now in effect for TO Ww ANT AD East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 3-350. neys, new and repaired, Dial RA 3-9911.|personal service at your home. Leal Feb.1 TEN pianos, Will pay cash. State make|ROOM and board for gentle to| Preferred. Apply 48 Drew Street, RA this column: Feb.2| Gordon May. Jan.28 RA 53-7413. Feb. | CUREBRED English Setters, four|and price. Apply Box 804, Times Ga: (share room with single beds. Five 34152 after 4 p.m. 17e Births, Memorioms, Cords of | FALE, Pieslander, Hosler asd Co. " hing, (plain and months, male, female, Rea- atte. h.16/days a week, Phone RA - BH INGLE, room, Thanks = ma, CLASSI FICATION AE RING hel ing, Pua esti-|. FIRE AND HURRICANE IN- [sonable to good home. A. E. J. Miller, ONE bedroom dre: wooden ward. [PRIVATE room with board, five-day gentleman, Pg 9 AM. E DAY . =A lander, B. Com. CPA: J Hunter, CPA | Mates. Call G. Abramoff. RA 3-4871.| SURANCE. AUTOMOBILE Valley Farm Hoad, 370M2, Pleaeiy, robe and desk, in ood condition. RA (week. Call RA 58434 or 200 Division Apply 180 Feb.3 SAM ecountants '» ng Feb.22 INSURANCE. ALL RISK St dat MODERN three - room furnished jean, #| 5-6628. 18c DEATHS -- | 2--Bartisters Dial RA . 5-1621. b.2 z . |GERMAN Shepherds, registered, Cr 5 ny 4--Auction Sale ROOM and board for two Dutch gen./ment with bath, bulltdn 11 AM. 3--Chiropracter ML.» Van-Mil, Accountant, eomplete| CARPENTER work 'of all kinds. We| FLOATER POLICIES, IN 000, ul $s , cupboards, DIAL RA 33402 [| oe Sossefie wri BA Sind Sha sppctes 8, Win cea" STALMENT PLANS IF DE. [il diver Mame SR. Repth : EE aE oo S--Nursing Services BOB Clancy's Ontario A Serv. : IRED. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for AUCTION SALE BEST meni 5 Town, sigie Bed, |RA 59641 3 io 8 pm. 1 offi lete bookkeeping serv-| RECREATION rooms, kitchen cup- : é--Optometrists es tor potty [rey 184 "ond Street boards, verandahs, houses remodelled, Robert S. McCallum Sain: Sang Sra. a Ji Stirtevant's Auction Room, modern Convenience ges, Close '596 jo, Jodth BIRTHS 4 : Yer; Boom 1, Offic, BA 3.037) Hout liarduvod fours, Sie ia, B4 £1988.1/0/ 521 Rossland Rd. W. : 7 33 Holl St, Thursday Even- |Street. Feb.13| beds, very central Juve iatione ii ae th, Riehl ---- TALL mg mg TT Tee PHONE RA 5 6402 26--Farmer's Column ing, Jan. 23rd et 7:30. (ROOM and board for i 8--Buliding Trades MONTEITH; - Monteith, Rie a ro Saye ta ? . EAD 1 k picked up promi Doors open at 7:15 share, single beds. Close to north plant. 9--Building Material Starternd. Accountanls, Licetsed Tras of BW. Save tl elt orca Feb.6| Pram or Do marviior MA Sos 7S ope A Home cooked meds. Two blocks dom THREE room modern apartment. Pri. tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To-|shop, prices reaso DO . Feba7| S-piece Chrome Suite; Sink; Fo a Nw Tar| Yate o entrance. a men de d RA 5.3558, . Ki couple. Phone RA 2 ah, Ss ome To Loin --liovise 1 byw | Cole, TE KE COB |anaaat t M ehl, H - A 7 bale. Dial RA 5-1097. v 3 y id are e beds OONLIN -- Jerry and Jean Conlin|| !1e--Business Opportunities iW. Tretheway, CA. RA 53527, 135 Slime Jack C. MacDonald [FBT and second mortgages, sale(*raw, 30c. Per plete; ¥% Bed ond Spring; [garage to rent. Phone RA 5.0197. 17¢/FO . greement: hased and sold. Hen- eo ; og RR) SR i goo Sect Horth, Obama: Teh #1" PAINTER & DECORATOR [Bick and Hemmick Burrsiers, 3 King| 27 --Fuel Wood Dining Room Chairs' and |43--Wanted To Rent A 17, 1958 at the Oshawa General Hos-|| |3--Garaening & Supplies 2--Barristers Perethonoing. end: Paintin Street East, RA 3.723 €b.9 GLEAN, ary, hardwood cuttings, #5 Tables; End Table; Cord |--oeu heated" Sout tal. A sister for Danny. Thanks to p aperhanging 9 |CLIENTS' monies ae for Eons and $10 loads, delivered anvwhere.| Table; 'Rangettes; Drop Leaf - al FOUR Toom apartment and hath ng! op or partly furnished apartment, near . King. 14--Household Repairs GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Soll , Gyptex and second mortgages. Mortgages and|Dial RA 81326. Feb1Sl Table; Piano and Bench; Kit- |pubhic school for business man by Powmanville, also garage. Available 18 Instruction th, ree Estimates pply " 'ebruary 1. RA 56133. 1M i . chen Tables and Ch 0 March 1. Phone RA 3-9661 15f GATACEY -- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tl 16--insurance h g "se RA $3500 Phones: All Work Guaranteed Pini Swarts, "Bi aer a ey BOWSER'S FUEL piece Soles any og ol THREE ~ room self -- contained apart|VAR GE 3%, completely farnished n, Gordon William (Billy) || 17--Money to Leen V. Kelly, BA, BC. RA .10( 50 Nassau St. RA 3-7080 [3.4697 Feb.11 tallic Cabinet; Electric Fan; [ment on ground floor. Quiet middle- apartment, oo hres . um Shark 3 L. uary a AN She 18--Loan Wantea CREIGHTON, Shot Re and M.W.F, Feb. 17 180--Mort OIL BURNERS and FURNACES Floor Lamp; Day Bed; Win. aged couple,' Abstaiuers, no ipancy very central. RA 3.3335, 8 am to prother for Sandrd - Susan, 18e--Mortgages tary Public, Sank of Commerce Build ud COAL, WOOD and OIL dow Table; Wicker 'Chairs; | Gazette. IID. smite dl 19--Personal ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; ANDREW BUTLER FIRST mortgage money wanted. .- Wood V4 cord in 1° lengths. Grass Seeder; Full Size Con- |SELF-contained thres room apartment,| THREE unfurnished rooms, heavy duty a 3 N. C Fi » $1500 on $6000 home, 7% per cent; x sink and cupboards, third 20--Cartage Creighton, QC; N Taser BUILDING CONTRACTOR $2500 on $12,000 farm, 7 per cent, tinental Bed, complete; Cook- Geniral, Retsonable, For single Indy. ying, ik 34 cupboards, ox 21--Personal Servis ac; *a. XK. Donan; _G. Le Murdosh ; ; Osh Acceptance Corps, 113 Si Softwood Slab ...... $5.50 i Utensils; Dish NHA mortgages arran, Feb. Homes built, repairs, cltera- awa Acceptanc TDS, mcoe ng ensils, ishes, and 23-Redio Repos SHA no ano anges : cs tional Mh brick- =| Street North, Oshawa, Phone RA 33508, }isrdwood Siebs . . oy nr Se Ten Add --For Rent ONE furnished oom for 'tw two ris te 23--~Women's Column Shd Solicitors, 8 Kink Sirest East, Oth: work, blockwork, stonework, |r Body Hardwood .. . cash. Frank Stirtevant, auc: |ii0 siesn furnished Toms. two main: rons. DUETTA -- Passed away ia Oshawa|| 24--Morket Basket awa. Dial RA we Jan2%| chimneys built ond repaired. [reasonable discount, Write Box 806, DIAL RA 3-2281 tioneer, Dial RA 5-5751, utes from Four Corners. Hot water, IMMEDIATE possessi: Four Gaeral Hospital, Oshawa, Ontario,|l 25--Pets end Livestock z, oT, Work guaranteed. Times-Gazette, 13¢ Jan. 29 180 [sink and cupboards. Apply 109 Celina | apartment in central oy All prota da January 20, 1988, Garnet|] 26~Farmer's Col 13% nen, 2 i Roe North. Dial RA 5.0547. Street. Phone RA 5-7205. 16f | ities including TV antenna. Adulls ny. of 342 Mitchell Avenue, in his fice, RA 5.3741. Residence, RA 5.5542. A . WE have clients with monies to pur- 35--Employment Wanted | unis uniommisicd ross mosis Tin: i! oid : Tr. Restin t the Gord iy 27--Fusl, Wood Jan. 24 Feb. chase first and second mortgages and THREE unfurnis rooms, newly sm -- £ at the Gordon 2 R for sale at a discount. WOMAN requires housework daily. ished, front private entrance. 531 Mont. furnished rooms, Wii oy Ruastam Funeral gr ah Begun esorts CAMERON and MacDonald, Barristers, Louis S. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street Phone RA 5.7446 after rave Avenue, RA 35-7130. 16f Klchen Sullbin Hn Suphoards, Nok, wij est, Picton, 0. nera 280--Hunt d Notari Public, i os % Whe oo. Thursday, Jamuaty 33, st 30]| 200 griunt e_ ia Vor tle fotictiors. AL Notaries Public, 15 Time now to do those fepcin East, Oshawa, RA 3-443. Feb. 14 CELLARS cleaned, a, i $65 monthly Tenis three. large unfur. wa ire: close oe 10 hos Splint RA 5.528, terment Hicksite Cemetery, | oy Wanted private mortg arranged. . to your 0LUSE O11 ony ne © . snd: Sonar or brush. Anything inside or Mahed gy Chose i SGM. RA ase Roam d, Ontario. a carpenter work. Want a cou- We buy, sell and ar- : | outside. Shy Sar Wilson, 279 "dar, |g%F0L" FOUR - room R apastuiqut, also two-room ASHBY -- To David and Ellen (nee Smith) a daughter, 7 lbs. 14 ozs, on|| !|0--Sharpening Service ronto; Hon. J. W. Monteith, HEH 32075, Bowmanville. 8 17--M January 21, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 11--Business Opportunities A. B. Monteith, B. Comm., CA; G. 30--Lost and Found and i - Jan. 16,20 ple rooms built on your pre : an.16,20,22 gd gi 31--Articles For Rent for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street sent home or a room changed range first and second hs and Solicitors. Clients' funds prc i a Tm Freres basement. la eA rt! ady woul e part - time mon Pi IN MEMORIAM || 32--Articies Wanted North, Ra $3366 Charles C_MeGU-| over, Also cupboards, 'cobin- | mortgages and cash work or" sewing, 'References Hest, and hydro spied. IV lead le faciliien. mA S100, d 34--Auction Sales bon, &C; Edgar F. Bastedo, GC. | QP BETTY 6d job agreements of sale in Phone RA S370 17¢| 184 Beatty Avenue. 16 NICELY furnished modern Kitchen 35--Employment Wanted you need done. Phone now icini WOMAN Will give day care To child In | STGRE, heated, excellent Jocation, Tea: Dod, Sitting room, Bath, private patie : d Th H. Oshawa and vicini h A 5 s g entrance. Laun tactliti NINSMAN -- In loving memory ef|| 36--Female Help Wanted RALFE 3. Jones, pet Ana and Solel RA 8-1189 after 5 p.m. id | 5 own home. R 8720 17¢| sonable rent. Apartment No. 7, 63 King Immediate Eo os. He: my dear husband, Thos. G. Kinsman,|| 37--Male Help Wanted tors, 65 Simcoe Street South. RA 5-352. 16c| and throughout LADY Gesires day cleasing, ful or haif (Wes, Bowmanvile. ES passed away January 31, 198. 38--Male or Female Help Wanted ||Mortgage loans available. Feb. i FO Province of Ontario. days. Willing to do ironing. Good ref. APARTMENT. 'bested, thiee = vooms, Noging ean Ser take awry: 39--Agents Wanted JOBN A. G. MacDonald, BA, Barris. R SALE Oshawa Acceptance "Apartment 7, 6 King|Private bath, large rooms, wink ove a heart holds di ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcos Street P 36--Female Help Wanted wiring, $0. Apartment 7, cupboards, all newly Secorated, imme- diate Fond memories linger every 4 40-0 unities ¥ i i H st, 3 16f fod memaries Sater svery day, pportuniti North. Phone RA 8-8511. Feb.ll Loom and gravel, fill, road Corporation Ltd.,, 112 5) EXPERENEEE We: 3-9841. 14¢ Tou - room unfurnished apartment, || 41==Room end Board B Barris. : HEATED epartment for rent, four % Ay" Trmembue bY Bia Wile | 42--Room end Board Wanted gd tL bY op. pri Hy QC; gravel ond cement gravel, Simcoe St. North, Osh- ie, iriing su, Avy Sox i rooms, no_children please, RA '5.0212 STIRACIE e o d A3VWarted Te Ret G. B. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hiliman.| For Information call Cliff awa, Ontario, RA Kh ha N . 74 Bond Street East. 16f(na, private SIAN 5 loviag mem iid oa af or Rent LL.B. $ Xing y Sires tat Photies Brown, RA 8-8951, 5-3568 adults, live in. References 2 we FOUR room apartment, private Bath. uiiness couple preferred, stalnery, A4--F 4 ; S-4604; . : t ntral, Passed away Jamusry , 1986. ji 45--Real Estate Por Sale Whitby, MO 82761. Money to Joan, i Feb.17 Jan.20 Prompt Dally Delivery Pons RA 3.9194 between 5 and 2 ROPID: bie dy Tangs, Senuu- 6 THREE - - oom apartment, heat, hydre ® do not need a special day 45a--Real Estate Exchon i A ot ew 3 Special eal oe joREFE--F "Mangan GC Barrister, 10--Sharpening Service 19--Personal HARRY O. PERRY |iabiEs -- Touseholders only. Sell THREE - room basement apartment, mo | HEP tral, RA 51430. For the days we do not think of you || 46--Real Estate Wanted "Office, 14% beautiful TV shell lamps at Florida [objection to one child. RA 3-9700 Are very hard to find, 47--Automobiles For Sele ot But, Oshawa. RA £232, | BAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, | TRANSPORTATION wanted #0 401 ana PETROLEUM CO. prices, in spare time. Free samples. |SINGLE newly furnished room, suit| GROUND floor duplex, four rooms, tile S8adly missed by daughter Irene, soo-|| (3 Automoblies Wanted Residence, RA 35-3405. Feb.1 10; Highland. RA 8.8365. + Feb. 16 | cunedy Road. RA $7013. ia Phone RA 3-3443 Phone' P! 523, col. 116 Verdun Road South. RA bath. immediately Wilts Box 813, aw Cecil and granddaughters Mart. | ol lect. 17¢ . Bod Sana - |. 4s-Autemetiie Regaine AN ING Farts, Barer Sency| 1 1--DBusiness DP MOULD like passengers io, Toremte,) \jigpiy: RA 3-7944 or 5-882 | Z6stevans Bo S100: WISH Times. Gazett 13¢ || 80--Articies For Sale Notary. Money to Jon aA wt ast end. Leaving Fa Vietnity, Feb.18|Reply statin Te FOUR room apartment en | THREE large rooms. All conveniences, IAN ud loving memory of | §)--Swop and Barter Bick, hoi Xing Stiet Ea Fev.1 [FOR Tent -- i house, 3) a.m. Phone RA 37004. . " [ete: Write Box 808, T expe anes, ae, trance. Gas range. Adults. Apply ie: ase RA 58525. 103 Mill Street. 17b Wy parents: father, Thomas Rissears: ence, 1 Be e-------- business section. Presently used for . 2 ul Verdun Roa who passed away January 23, 1986; and || 52--Legal Notices v7 Monteith, Riehl and Co.,|dressmaking shop. Ideal for barber, HY TNI ie isha Noses), 29--Summer Properties $23 weekly for wearing lovely dresses FOUR rooms, front part of house, Kit- ONE room, furnished shed, mother, Minnie Kinsman, who passed SIFIED AD RATES Oren Accountants, Licensed Trus- tailor, hair . dresser, real estate, taxi|iopes with price list. 6 samples 25 For Sale or Wanted given to you as bonus. Just show North| livingroom and two bedrooms, apr 339 King East, phone A RAS 3-7862, away February 7, 1921. CLASSI A Oshaws, Stratford, To-[stand, etc. Ample parking space for 15| cents; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order American Fashion" Frocks to friends. |Shen, WVinroor, nC FRO heciOrS ot Asleep in God's beautiful ful garden, 25 words olen © J. W. Monteith, FCA; lcars. Appiy 71 Albert Street. 12f Dept. A-11, Nov Rubber Co., Box 91, RANCH style winierized cottage with No canvassing, investment or experl-| PIF? LIL, THR lth CTR ad Just west| NEW three room unfurnished basement Away from all sorrow Eharge [IA B. G. W.|G50D income dressmaking shop Close | Hamilton, Ontario Jan. 38 | carport ence North one RA 3.8300, 16¢| apartment, self contained, heavy wir- meday when ae 3 GONSECUTIVE CA; ®lto down town. Call RA 53881 or 63|F Er Gl Ted ads. F lake-front lot, | Fashion Frocks, 'Led. uf Prater: inj only. RA 35-1356 after 's shall all be together again. INSERTIONS 1.88 2.07 | Albert Street Jan. 17|FILL jobs fast with Classified ads. For Sn tad OB 3 sg buy, Phone |Boulevard, Department Z 2604, Mont: LARGE furnished robm, central, on|s: .m. 168 Floringly remembered by son Geors. | ¢ CONSECUTIVE ' coe Street North, Oshawa. : a0. 77 an ad-writer dial RA 3-3492. Port Perry 480 R 14. Feb. 13 real, P.Q. 182 bis line. RA 5-9892. 4 TEATED apartment, res Touma and a NGRTIO aon 30 | Sosa maori. Boies ATMRTMENT Vik 5m uve on arking pony ol tor LM dpe CT EE RE itor, gir 4 oho! nonymous, x sh- ree - pie y ¥ not paid within 7 days the Phone "Business. RA 5.5501; Residence,|commercial site Whitby. Detalls by re- A y Jone BOOKKEEPER TYPIST i partly furni Cal 3 ae Charge rate will epply. RA 8 Feb.1 quest, Fish and Chips, modern build- LOST -- Seven-months, dark grey fe- tiled on wood. South Oshawa. AS TWO comfortable furnished bedroom: ing and i Full price $11,500, ' will male, German Shepherd. Phone RA : o 14f|one with single bed, one with double f ir rs tt rrr Ajax, G, Newell, Broker, 143 Pickering A aa Br ble oe 5-5194 or Brooklin 62 collect. Wanted by local store, for RA 5-304 after 6 p.m. bed, very Sentral. Apply 12 Elgin Sweet | general office work, good sal- | Two front rooms, heated, ground floor, | East RA 5- tions. Subsequent insertions ordered Free pick-up and delivery. Alterations(y0ST --Two hound dogs, one a ? ung floor, [| ate ioter sate constitute & new |SYDNEY W. Buffett, DC, Office, 135 MONEY THIS WEEK a specialty RA 5-9843. Jan. 15(plack and white, one female, brown| Ory. benefits. Apply Box 818, |hot water. Apply 248 Toronto Avi CLARA Oatway family wish to J 7¢ [FOUR room apartment, immediate express their ol thanks and Fog original order. Jimmeoe ee Phone RA Sie YES isi . * and white, around Burketon district.| Times-Gozette, in own hand- Heated. RA 5-7458. 16¢ preciation to their many relatives|| Professional and Business fistings, [27 *" . OUP eXCUSive: Operator's ELECTROLYSIS Reward. RA 3.3133. 18¢| writing, giving qualifications, LOVELY three roof SEeCCrent, ont| ATTRACTIVELY furnished _ rooms slghbors, GMC shipping, | $6.00 per month for 3 lines daily. | 5__Nursing Services plan guacantees you 'money _ |LOST -- Large male hound, white with| experience and references. le a Ta Sens, Available dn private home. #3 Park and heavy rejects department. Special| Each additional line 75¢ per mont! every week. This plan is on Removal of Superfluous Hair. [black and brown markings. Vicinity of PP d Nofth, 57 p.m. RA 8-8671. Feb.1f hanks to Dr. W. Sands, Rev. J. N i i Tome, Newcastle 4 ig Pp J . 17¢/12 2's p.m. rd hii a : J N.| : Each initial letter, abbreviation, Sours Haven ROM oom Hi ie o part-time basis until you Marie Murduff will be in Courtice. Phone | RA 3-9077. 18a ETT TE Toom basement modern apart- for the kindness and sympathy shown | $ and e sion figure, count as a l|oC "ny up patients, every care given,| decide to make it your full- Oshawa Feb. 4-5. Phone [LOST -- Bank book and $i8 in cash, Eo 0 Eo Eir Sehr. apart: ment, with heat hydro supplied, = A 0 Jon. wb k doa mother and grand. || Word: Comites oa edditional. fi 7 "service, television, ste, Ha time occupation; 2 to 3 hours Genosha Hotel on these dates Monday ahernoun. Finder please Poche SALESLADY 337 King West. RA 3 913. Vit west 'of city limits. "RA 54074. 18 : e Nortneos, MUST ba in by 8 OY ou) Satuy, 0. Weekly. Pee ' per week is required. No for eppeiniment, Feb. 4|LOST -- Tay yellow Sou Sluis AJAX Plaza a uitle Line en in T wish fo extend my on. or 24 sll Daily 8-5, selling, Just make collections eb. " for any . Aj yr 77 Street. 18¢ h Home announces : watch, with black band. Vicinity off For ready-to-wear, between 617, | App! Qptario relatives, friends, Aang and for Sgturday 8-12. AE OD iron for| and replenish the merchan- : ' College, Park Road South and y ' Jouable 'rent, Tested. Witte Box 17¢ | SIX - room ranch bungalow, plus four garde wna oe, Rowers tha || REGULATIONS-- convalescent and elderly ladies. Our| dise. Liberal company finance For: that Spevial Someone! |gingrove, Shopping Centre, Reward.| 20.25 years of age. Part-time -- Spariment. Wiichenetie rooms in basement. Phone Pickering blood donors who eame up to Toronto The Daily Times-Gozette shall | staff of eight includes wo registered plan available wim starting A complete line of MIDO, [RA 5.3707. 13f FRE room ipa i h Witchenette] yop 18¢ and gave blood for me, Many thanks to| net be responsible for errors In ||nurses and offers nursing care of BRO Cole) Tot ont $675 require LORIE and BULOVA watches. |LOST -- Black and white male hound| er permanent. Top Salary. [ma 59100. 300 Jackson Avenue. 17c| THREE - room basement apartment, the and nurses of the Western | advertisements submitted otherwise || fessional sta Elgin Street, Bowman. i" hich i Diamonds," Cultured Pearls pup. Vicinity eof Courtice. Reward. , in new home, close to Homital, Toronto, for all their help, || thon in writi nor for more than ||3-5731 or visit 21 Elg reet, Awan. ed, which is secured with o / 4 Phone RA 3-5046. 17 Must be embitious. Apply JHREE rooms and a two room apart transportation, built in eup- and thanks to Drs. Sturgis and Kim.|| one Incorrect insertion of any od- ville: . stock and equipment. Write etc, : Private 17¢ | boards, ne trans bath, separate en- merly, also the nurses at General Hos.|| vertisement, nor beyond the price Box 722, Times-Gazette CORNISH JEWELLERS |31--Articles for Rent Fashion Village. Phone RA ory 392 Drew Street. trance. Apply 216 Chadburn Street. 18f pital, Oshawa. -- James Th harged f: c Tamers I] oa artemenia i hen erer ANDEN Jan2,4,79,11| 20 BOND STREET WEST |TELEVISION seta for rent, 31 per da, COE ile George Street: | if | THREE unfurnished rooms, siove and ENAPP -- In the midst of our sorrow || occurs. And al the Your tch Personall seven . day minimum, also tape re-| $-2722 for eppointment, in kitchen. One child wel- Wwe wish to express our heartfelt thanks to classify Ai Ripon Ba 12--Dressmaking cf ii Supders {or Tent, 33 yer i Pb ity ge A Seiler 1A ST, wary and appreciation to o 1 ini Meagher's, 5 1 tives, friends and neighbors. for bio fs own classification, N U RSI NG HOME PRESEMARING, alterations, collars Feb.20 Snintmum, eaghers, Feb.11 Jan.22,25 | couple. Apply Box 620, Times- SIX - room house for rent, RA 5-4039. 18 kindness and sympathy shown us in the a -- ---- turn 252.; mending, doll dresses and Gazette 17% loss | | costumes, zipppers replaced. Pickup and 0-- C FILTER Queen -- Ask about the new een MA ] Wanted has beloved husband and inthe | PRESIDENT RECOVERED ST WEST delivery, RA 5-2638. og 15 2 artage rental plan, It saves you money. The 37 ale Help THREE - room apartment, Iarge TOOMmS, | mee yoo poo itches te thank Rev, Mervin Bur ro ye cially | SANTIAGO, Chile (AP)--Re- K | NG . MOVING and cartage.- Phone RA fines' cleaner on the market. Phone SALESMEN wanted to detail a terrific private full bath, heavy wiring, heated. | io sink, hot and cold water, two bed. Diy ran ph Bury tr ws won| covered from a botet Tress ol 1 13--Gardening & Supplies [37 CO eb.11 [RA 3:7938, 1096 Simcoe Street North. introductory offer on & new fast selling Must be seen to be appreciated. RA| Noms. 95 Nassau Street. 18 » : nit, i Seid ths hI . 'Whi al product. aining an pies of Geningt, the pallbearers, stomach upset, Chile's 80 - year.| Exclusive rest ond convales- [TREE trimming and removal, Wood (CALL Bud Gall Tor Gurtage of all|gmay™ | Uipy residents call "MO [household product. Sales training and FOR rent -- downtown, beauty parlor |yiv', SX © douse, Bese SCM. Mel otors, and the 14 President Carlos Ibanez was! cent home, Private and semi- [cut with chain . Free estimates. kinds, furniture and moving, . Mr, J. Taras, Wednesday evening, n FOR en could aon De used 85 offices | APPIY 354 Malaga Road. 18¢ tosh Funeral Ho 1 . z and efficient management of the send | back at work today in the govern | private rooms. Situated on 4 |Sat RA STIS. Es 18 «ts. Reasonagle zates; i un p.m, Cadillac Hotel, and RA 5-5380. 17¢| NEW five - Joom ge Jif» contained apart loss. -- Mrs. Marie Knapp and family. ment palace. acres. Tray service, lounge, (14--Household Repairs wind DO-IT-YOURSELF SALES organization in Oshawa al ONE Furnished Toor, Withes Taciiics, | °1 Including stove and refrigerator television ond radio. Nurses | emer repairs to all ¥inds 21--Persapal Service RENT-A-FLOOR opening for young man with car for| co of washing machine and TV. Suit- plant, RA 88187. rH RA i i ir ti nce. sales and service position. Full train. dor t ingle ladies. Apply Eo INTERPRETING T Cow Tater inquiries invited, | inom enone RA S407. Feb.\7| GATT May for tually swind Homt| SANDER & FINISHER | me given, All bones Salary, 'com 201 [0 ve Snel laden. APP S51 oon ac sie oun: ow rates. Inquiries invited. FURNITURE repaired d reuphol- |fittings, pick up and delivery. RA mission and car allowance. Singer Sew: Oil heating, modern conveniences and PHONE RA 5-2330 y Sieted) Ste ber materials for recover. |5-9843. Feb, 8 from ing Machine Co., 14 Oman Street, Oui YERY sentra, Tree Too and gun- TV aerial. Reasonable rent for right ™ ng. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. | xp 'E window cleaners. Wall washing, KINSMAN [ava Phone RA or. Appoint. [ 100m, 1 n| tenants. RA 5-8476 4 Le te entran d bath. Next to Union Feb. 14|RA 3.7212. Fen 11 fo ener, reson unt: | HARRISON & { ment. Itc vate entrance Street East, ion WO Safarsisied_ Totes, sspassle om Con ressiona y 50 i emr------ - - CHESTERFI 5 x A . j : : ; g 1 1 Election ptometrists like new. Why pay more? gn or: Jastier service. bi 337 Simcoe St. 5. : Feb12 Il S h? erator, rd a aha "Phon uding Hert, uss, water need V4 Ava : U er Bru h Co i able February 18. 4 . re aran- Tefrig C. H. Tuck, Optometrist, Specializing ae Mattresses rebuilt. Ei Up- 50243 after 5.30. 17t 'Phone RA $-1980. 18 in muscle Auomalies, eyesight and 1] holstering Co 10 Bond Street West. Ch d Electr 1 Evenings Mon., Wed., Fri;, 63 $ ain Saws, Gas ond Electric TWO single furnished rooms. Cooking (Two - room house, complete with aue Campaign Under Wa ft, Erm Wed Dt |B so whl TAILORING | Genii Snhoncors | OSHAWA AREA IER ins to il Si, Soin ve, ram tod Som oo. Disney Bldg., 31 Kiug East. Jan.2s ROOMS papered, $8 up, painting, walls LEN PULLAN Polishing Equipment and : 5 : one +9520. and electric hot water, close to Shop- By JOSEP Syn e_ applied, _founiien. jals hines); 3 fulltime salesmen, 7 port- |G esN {00 Toom apartment, un. ping Centre, $50 per month, Dial, RA " y 3 PH MACSWEEN |of the Democrats, has not ex- 7--Surveyors Tile floor. laid. Geo. C. Golding, RA (English Tailor) Materials (new mac ings i Time soemen To coll ones |CIERN two . rom rive. hh ping. { Rs anadian Press Staff Writer [pressed an opinion on Kennan |g; S-7297, Feb.10! For all your tailoring require- Skil Saw; Sanders; Drills; tomers 5 to 9 p.m. Also five [$13 weekly, RA sai0e, THREE rooms, upstairs, Children wel- G, T. Horton and Associates, Ontarl i : The United States congr 1|who was amb to Russia (Land surveyors, Professional Enginecr.| EXPERIENCED carpenters on Te: ments. Use our experienced Extension Lodders; Paint delivery men at $1.25 per [Street 15¢ | come. Apply 508 Albert Street. 188 election caripaign is under way as_well as a state department |ing. 70 Harwood Avenue South, (hax, pairs, cupboards, trimming etc. mow i J Sprayers; 10-ft. Tree Pruner; ial LARGE h TOM. | THREE - rool rtment, unfurnishe and already hot--and confusing-- Policy - maker when the Demo-|728. Feb bis fe 10 fa 4 2A SPW im i or Be Pipe Threading Equipment; hou Sob Sesandiet: Street Norn, Ra sasta Simentled. Syose 10 Sout General. Motors, although the voting is not until| crats were in power. DONALD H. Trollope, Ontario Land CROWN DIAMOND : : " Electric Hommer; Chain PHONE MR. WINN orth, - Chil February November. Perhaps Stevenson felt that Surveyor, 2i Alice Street. RA 3.6881, DECORATONE RA 8.537] stgtien, Othaws, Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow RA 3-3219 Beh ang" enrance A ek ile [12 Call RA 3.9045. 18¢ b. . oh : . large rooms, upstairs, hot, cold President Eisenhower is asking Acheson, as Kennan's former . ; Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; 17c, Vacant February 1. 820 Sylvia Street,| THREE larg, Ul h e Democrats to leave defence DOSS, Was the man to reply, es.|F. J. Donevan and Associates, Land TTS. till Mar. 9/ 160 ft. Tape, etc. Ston's 15| water, heat, Hghts and water {nciuded, pecially since their names have Surveying i PAINTS 22--Radio and T.V. Repair; i i | t, Oshawa, Ontario. RA a W Sharpening Service, corner FURNISHED rooms, friends to share.| moo Pe eanwhile his chief assistant been closely inked an portant 58632. Jan2%| Custom-made colors in flat, |TV aerials instaiied, $20 up, 20, 0, Ww | King and Burke Sts, -- Dial SALESMEN $6 weekly, light housekeeping. Close tog, oi poy i Nem: plone Sherman Adams, goes about Kennat's bon for wih 1|800P income -- dyessmaking shop.| satin finish, and gloss. foo, 5 Travelling Wave, ete, Rolland Tv, RA 3-3224, d district. N li. |vard. 18¢ aming the Democrats for the P fava) Clust ioeiomown, Coll RA 5388) Gr! Crown 'dotin (rubber bose): (SA ZW. | van14 Feb.21( awa ond disiuct, New appli |FIRRIEEED apartment, Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, | Of foreign forces excited wide at-|85 Abert A017) paints, ond alkyd enamels TV, car radio repairs. All ance, first time sold in On- | FURNE i r y makes. Dependable work Fred Thomp | 32----Articles Wanted tario. Sells on sight. Large four quiet living business iris. Phone Boreas War. Shist Eiocas i Germany, where several of the am, 157 Exot strest. Dial RA 2370 for shudent Wil pa cash commission, Apply in person RA 3413. 13f] $100 MONTHLY ppears that Eisenhower, fol cial White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave- TTT rT pr----r-- - State make a oe. Apply Box 650, ednesday afternoon an TWO unfurnished 8, private en- : ow Rewspapers. Blo 0 TT Sonth, Adax. Prone Ajax 728, COOPER SMITH CORNET (NV, JWnrel For factory (Tymas-Gasette. Janl6| Thursday ~moming, Room trance, sink in kitchen, mo children| 7-room furnished home. sheer away from the more brug) y oh. 0 4 736 Cedar Street. Guaranteed job aspects of the campaign. The pol-| [Cr¢i8n minister, reacted angrily | FyGMBING and heating pipes, fittings, | smi l CEDARDALE SCRAP 17¢ [ONE furnished housekeeping Toom for| Coll Bemeice H. Patrick such spokesmen as Adams ang! . -- Vice-President Nixon point out that Kennan, now at I a iy es, Tafa ; Prompt Same Day 100 Annis Street | TWO unfurnished rooms, mewly deco- . 1 16 Celina Street 24 HOUR Fost of CNR Station ar a esman rated, and Kitchenette, in basement, This at least indicates a settled Y20Ced studies, Princeton, N.J., a RA 3-2312 - WE PAY: hot water heating, clots to Shopping Six room modern bung- Democrats. He holds that "'our [neys built and repaired. Gas lining in- Metal, Rags, Paper, etc 1 rat i - al, 'Rags, Poper, e crats, who control Congress des-| withdrawal from a Position once malied. , Furnaces vacimed, Any 15--Instructions Residence RA 5-4159 for GM. dealer ld} I Ist. 102 Wilson Rd. S Ja president, have vet to come Srongly Sold Sous indicate to pyr ; Feb.14| LILLIAN Mae Marsh, dance educator, CALL RA 5-3432 Free Pick-Up Ajax. Opportunities un- |si1o monthly. Call MO 8.2527, Whitby, Ll orward with a clear and unified H La . any intentions to dispute the ALL plumbing and heating supplies. |, onic Temple, Fridays, Saturd r i poly. Acheson, secretary of tion.' De SE a ark ou RA 37253. Th Na RA 8.5286 Jan20 Salary or flat rate. En hone m Uxbridge, Phone 33. state under former President Tru-|; t would be political suicide for Royal Academy pallet, Hi, | : man, has felt is necessa to re- i po , Hig! . | with all conveniences, heated, one. half pudiate proposals on the a] the Russians to agree to such a Jack C. MacDonald ister now. 424 King West: RA 8.0134 OSHAWA Ajax 1357 ask for [NUR Sor ity timits. owner to oe:| New modern two bed- recently enunciated by George F | Withdrawal of their forces now . LEARNING fo dance is easy and fun . Mr. Nichols. Sopy one toom in the house, one SH room apartment, imm- , " ne heaval among the satellite coun- P h d Painti In the state department. operhanging and Fainting Jan. 30 ; in Until recently little had been LFi€S that coud well spread. to the Gyptex an RAG AND METAL |38--Male or Female Help COMFORTABLE fusnision "Toom_ Loy Phone RA 5-1177 9 s Eben; out of tie campaign Sirect East, Ottawa, Gatario. | RA de cade For exclusive territory, Osh- |Shopping Centre, 137 Rosehill Boule. : X jon, for th the U.S. lag in missiles and the (cotion in Europe, including West 8 Building Trades and duronamels, (our quel ving business in. Phos SENTRA lectures were printed in full by G. T. Horton and Associates, Commer- Quality As Usual At Feh 4[FIANO for lowing his custom, will fry to MeWSPapers. But Dr. Heinric 796 Cedar prea 307 Genosha Hotel, RA 3.4978. 13 Must be responsible. party. "| against some aspects, fixtures, new and used, changing i.om r S------------------------ i- Iteal infighting' will be done by Ee ist Joi to And Used, Chingy Si 0) IRON AND METALS . girls or boys to share A Mi! Real Estate, RA 5-3692. ACHESON EMERGES tached to the institute of ad-lof plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241 speaks only for himself, not the [YOUR local chi 1 -- Chim- Highest prices for Iron, H H Republican strategy. The Demo- R local chimney cleaner i Feb.20 TV SERVICE phen p Reliable married man |street, RA 8.9780. 7 glow, Occupancy Feb. pite the popularity of the Repub- hool, Ballet, Tap, Baton, Open Soturday limited for right man. Contact J. H. Morrison And in any case. says Acheson, |255 Simcoe Street South. Feb. 13 [HARVEY Dance Academy. baton, ap. ANYTIME Many benefits. Phone |New six - room ranch style 4 17f hawa Stud ~ i Kennan, once his right-hand man PeCause it would lead to an up- PAINTER & DECORATOR, [at the Osawa Stud onal or TA. i000, ELECTRONICS 17§5-2000 between 6 and 7 p.m. mi ediate possession, heard from Acheson "io 1 Soviet Union itself. TUTOR, student counselor, 13 years' --00017 school, and' hospital. RA 53686. 17| to 5 p.m. after 5, RA No one knows this better than Free Estimates . experience. Appointments only. Cail Jake Shaw will pay you more . highly successful lawyer in pri- | Nikita Khrushchev, hence Ken All Work Guaranteed BA S108, Jan 3 CAMPBELL' S LT tue l fat You miele Part-time help for [ONE room i Sa wa EF; 5-4604. took power. But he has PY 3 deans nan's plan is impractical from| 50 NessouSt. RA 3.7080 i | per, brass, lead, aluminum. evening work. Salary [park Road South. 1; active polifically in a quiet way 21 Viewpoiat, in the contention M.W.F.Jon.17 [Music Studie Tor All Initriments AERIAL | 9 BLOOR ST, WEST and commission. Car [Two rooms and kitchen, sink and built: Re Real Estate For Sale and now has emerged with a new | FOR SALE ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES required. Phone RA [in supboutds, 550 monthly, Hyd Ed SIX room ranch style bungalow, brand Also book and public statements] fnew, stone and brigk, three bedroo med at Tnocking. doen en! Woman Foils Thug New snd Ysed panes SERVICE OPEN SATURDAYS | 5-5181 between 9 and [Rowena street. = Ere Rome at iq res bedrooms, nan's theories ' : Full Selection of All Instruments RA 5-2311 5:30 p.m. [Four - yoom apartment, all conveni-| piece bath, all hardwood and tile floors, STEVENSON SILENT Coarse and fine drive- (New and Used) = . |ences. One child welcome. Apply 910i" heating, full . basement, laundry SRemnan on a woes of tecture) b@Uded By Police I $7 per loa 477 Simos W. 5 T.V. Aerial AUTO WRECKING ON. tn orisaia Tomi --ery emia. [DUM om. Wah ound; emat oeiiony -- i » st of erra broadcast by the BBC, proposed] TORONTO (CP) -- Mrs. Mar.| OY 9rove $7 per load. Loe ee on fon30 -V. Aerlals RO Ee I ra ral Road, immediate = possession. $11,900. that the Atlantic Pact powers and| jory Sanford, teller at a down-| Also fine cement gra- LEARN HAIRDRESSING Installed Feb.12 NEED WORK? Elgin Street East. 180 Reasonable down ZEyiment, accspled, 16f the Soviet Union withdraw their {town branch of the Toronto-Dom- CHEERFUL, modern apartment, built- forces from the heart of Europe, | inion Bank, Tuesday foiled an at-| vel. $9 per load. Phone Women wanted, greatest op- DIAL q C R P 50c brings list and details [fn cupboards and sink, bathroom Son" [86000 down, balance on suitable terms /\ i i venience, heavy duty w hy hat a zone be esablished in cen-| tempted holdup portunity, better pay, plea- of fifty firms who want brand new six roo 'ral Europe fiom winch Acleat Assistant Chief of Detectives] RA 5-5279, sant work, catalogue free. RA 5-9135 You 18 front, aluminum doo rt eanons would be barred and|John B. Nimmo described her as : ___Feb.10| Write Marvel Hairdressin hat a Jeghited ermany Be "the bravest woman in Toronto." | Feb. Je Schools. Branches: bey DAY OR NITE R p | I f Ont nly a limited military force A roughly dressed man pushed Otttawa, "Canada's National s aw furs, live poultry, fea- awa, Ontario. Acheson, believing that military| a note in the counter o Mrs. FOR SALE System.' Cenade's N 23--W Col AL thers, scrap iron oa, 17¢ Store for rent. and economic power Is the basls| Sanford at the Yonge and Ger- Jond19| = -- omen 's Column 41--Room and Board for plumber, electrician at of political strength, repudiated|rard Streets branch. It read: "Do| Sand fill 50c per load. i L-- |SPECIAL free brassiere with order for I. TURNER ' ' |FIVE room house and garage, auto- these ideas on behalf of the Dem- not touch the alarm. Put all the] Haul yourself. For fur- 6--Insurance Spirella wardrobe. Call Mrs. Alice n FURNISHED room for one or two| etc. $40 a month. |matic coal furnace, heavy duty wiring, ocratic varty. He called them money in the bag." The man| hor inf ion Ph CLIENTS' money to Toan on first mutt. | 3-445) + 0 Division Street, RA RA 3 2043 geutlamen. pone iF desired. APPY 23. Ph RA 3.9248 oft BE I eh TR handed a bag over the counter er information one gage. Mortgage and agreements of sale "ulalie or phone 8-1773 one - arter In Can adian eves, it seems odd "T will not," Mrs. Sanford re. RA 5-9202. pe hased. NHA mortgages arranged. |SPECIAL, heat permanents, $4.50, cold (collect) ROOM or room. and board for | a 6.30 p.m. $8000 full price, five-room clapboard that Adlai Stevenson, titular head! plied. w Fab. 7 Jarprrion, Frater, Divian and. Mor. [waver 33.50." Pugs Hairdressing, 3% men, near morth eily limits. RA 3-3261 / bungalow, 195 Ritson Road South. Call Toa eb.2|Pine Avenue, RA 5.536 Jan.3 Feb.12|, ju] 18¢ (Toronto, WAInut 32-0459, bt to work at home for them. | ARGE private furnished bedroom. cedar lined closets, tiled walls in bath. Send to P.O. Box 183, Osh- Clone to Pedlars, Phone RA 8-5438. 18h room and kitchen, large combination m-------- ving 1a hing ig second shower and asement, many extras. Call Suitable between 6 and 9 p.m. 112 Harris Court.

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