"C. RUNS ORPHANAGE-IN KOREA A soldier with the heart of a : Samaritan and the soul of a . missionary is SP/3 Thomas T. , Collins from Troy, N.Y. Oa 'duty in Korea, Collins has . founded his own unofficial or- phanage in Seoul. Collins began 'the project with a buddy, Jo- . seph 'R. Bacon, on seeing the * plight of homeless orphans. . freezing and hupgry in the streets of Seoul. They rented a musical Ente One Huge Fake -- Dr. Neel VICTORIA (CP) -- Dr. Boyd feel of Toronto has a capsule sdefinition of modern musical en- tertainment--"one huge fake." The 52-year-old dean of the Royal Comservatory of Music at Toronto says this definition ex- tends to all modern musical en- tertainment--serious or' popular '--on recordings and television. He had no "pet hates" on the subject, he explained while here as guest conductor of the Vic- toria Symphony Orchestra. * just have opinions." He especially had opinions con- cerning "singers who sing out of i / } Guatemala Readies For New Elections GUATEMALA (AP) -- Guate- mala's Congress Tuesday appear- ed in line for the task of electing the country's next president Rightist Gen. Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes had piled up a big lead from Sunday's election, but seemed certain of falling short of the needed majority. Ydigoras 'Fuentes, whose sup- porters in the capital staged bloody riots to nullify an election last October, expressad confi- dence that Congress will choose Bhim if it has to decide the issue. = If it doesn't, "I wouldn't make srouble but the people would." yA 62-year-old rightist leades % Unofficial returns from all bu 30 of the country's 322 municipa! Aties gave Ydigoras Fuentes 140 B02 votes, leftist Mario Mende: "Montenegro 98,238 and moderate «Jose Luis Cruz Salazar 97,768. : Lipstick Wiper :To Get Treatment .SOUTHAMPTON, Eng. (AP)-- "A married man who went around .miping lipstick off young girls' mouths was ordered to get medi "eal treatment. © 'A magisirates' court was told that Thomas Gibson, 20, had a «habit of creeping up behind Sir! in the dark, throwing onr «arm around he rneck and wiping voff her lipstick with his handker wchief. - His only explanation to police wwas: "I just got an urge." | the | Certificates Seals Given To Students VIOLET KIRBY Corrresnondent NORTH OSHAWA In St. Stephen's United Church, at the| Sunday evening service, Sunday school classes received their Rob. | ert Raike certificates and seals! for scriptural knowledge The combined Sunday School classes presented over $200 tal-| ent money for the past year to| [the building fund. I Certificates were presented by Mr. Saywell to: Linda Latimer, Latimer, Terry Lang, Bromley, Mary Ricky Crawford, | Charlie Crawford By Mrs. Carson Heard to Cathy Shemilt, Timothy Platt; | By Dorothy Fish to Jennie] Brock, Cathy Neal, Donald Old-| |field, Naomi Platt and Kenneth ING La 1b; Mich 1 5 i | By Lenore Dalby to Michael jwo-roum pivale Apartment, | Cook, Jane Powell, Elizabeth and installed a small gas | Devouish, Bruce Heh t to Dal stove for heat, Warm quilts ace | y Marilyn Hencershot to Uae the beds for those who seek |Rusnell, Michael Thorndyke, shelter, Collins' family pitched Sandra Corby and Avril Devon 3 3 : ish; SO thing 2 we | By Jacqueline Thieubaud to ha 2% |Barry Rusnell, Carol Hopkins, Th RE et pes {Cindy Lou Glover, Gary Oldfield ey come to get warm and to 3 9 Hh y get some food," he said. and Douglas Heard; : By Wallace to Karen When they find some place to no. TX Ray ro al Carmichael, go, they simply leave." rtainment | | By Mrs. Ruth McKenzie to {Donna Powell, Ann McKenzie, |Jim Tomlinson, Patty Neal and Robbie Cook | By Norma Carmichael {Teddy Brock, April Carte Michael Norwick, Ricky Gresik {Alan Wwioht Kathy Platt, Swe Weaver. ; tune," and "the modern craze, ,y Carol Alesauwer to Fay ©T never keeping on the beat |Fish, Ronald Carmichael, Mar- For anyone with a keen rhyth-|\jene Mullen and Gary Smith; mic sense, that's torture," he By Mrs. Violet Corden to Judy said. |Hopkins, Margaret Powell, Jan- TOUGH CRITIC |ice Wilton, Gail Gordon, Vicky "You can be a singer today | Brown, Jill Heard and Gail without any voice at all. Unless you've got a nricrophone almost between their tonsils, you can't hear them. And yet, if you can make $3,000 a week, nothing else matters." He said the "whole of this mechanized business is getting seal), Kay out of hand: it's a farce yy "The average long-playing rec- ord is a fake, compiled of a se. ries of little strips of tapes for 'best performance.' In the! old days, when we had to do it nipe; By. Mrs. Ruth Kerry to John Cook, Judy Corden, Wayne Adams, John Thieubaud, 2nd David Thorndyke; By Mrs. David Duchemin to Jacqueline 'Thieubaud (5th year Wallace (8th year jon wax, you couldn't get away with anything--the old 78 way is the right way." He said the public accepts this because it is all they are giver in most places. "The public has so little chance of hearing real singers in the flesh; but in places where it's available, they lap it up."' Dr. Neel is best known for the smal, orchestras he formed in England and Toronto to play works not often done by large orchestras. He chose a program of Wag- "y, ner, Schubert Halvorsen and El- gig.7 gar for his appearance here, "Yes, I'm curious." "Well, I don't think I slavishly = » follow any particular routine, but Miracle Cushion 1 get a grasp of the NEWS first -- Holds False Teeth Tight 52 especially the Pictures." "Same here. I see they've added a new full page of pictures." "Then I go for the sports pages -- the financial news and comments and then I want the writings of the Sore Star's special contributors. 5 "In the meantime I know who is 8 b 1 R Tanda reading the second section!" ions are a triumph "You've guessed it. My women of dcienss. 8 yoi- folk can't do without their fashions i Rhat --beauty hints--home care and tie re-lining that : gets rid of the cooking, and so many other fea- annoyance and tures in a woman's world." badly fitting false teeth. Snug eases sore "Don't forget mention of the irritated gums due to loose fitting dentures. serial story . . . and the comics, Applied in a few minutes, makes the "» wobbliest plates stay firmly in place -- gives perfect comfort, Eat anything -- talk, laug! -- plates 'stay put', Harmless to gums o dentures. "WHAT DO YOU LOOK AT FIRST, BILL?" ou mean in this Toronto Daily " £00. "Say! when one starts to go over sven a few of the contents of the elitr. tat 2iod i Toronto Daily Star, isn't it amaz- ug re-liners can last from months, | i wi Stays" soft and pliable -- does not Sawer. (0 how much the Star gives--in and ruin plate. Peels right out when ree News, entertainment an placement is needed No daily bother with education." adhesiv set Snug brand Denture Cush- " is! i pL Soup rung Dopters Cush. "Sweis!... and all for a dime. $1.50, Money back if not satisfied. At all drugista Read The Toronto Dally Star, G, T.FULFORD Co., Ltd., Brookville, Ont. A Million People Like You, Ts. DOME IMF SeeON Ww seal), Marilyn Neadepshot (7th ed over to the bullfing fund. ma. wopre year seal), Carol Alexander (8th(stead of exchange of gifts, money | Mile. year seal), totalling $25 was counted in enve-| Mrs. Roy Rickard took over Mrs. David Duchemin present-|iopes for the kitchen fund. {the business section of the meet- led the intermediate girls with| Mrs. Madge Lindsay read the ing. Plans were discussed for the leeals: Joyce Fish (6th year),|minutes of the last annual meet-\World Day of Prayer service to Linda Scott (1st year), Donna ing. {be held on Feb. 21, A program Wood (6th year), Marlene Dalby| It was arranged for the women for the 1958 meetings was drawn (6th year). to hold a special service on Feb. up and submitted to the mem- Junior Girls received their 9. A spring bazaar was also plan: (pers for appproval. seals from Mrs. S. E. Rundle: A very interesting talk was Margaret Saywell (6th year), |given by Mrs, Roy Ratcliffe on Louisa Brock (4th year), Sharon |the establishment of the first uni- Cook (6th year), Gail Branton versity in Japan by Christian mis- ned. Officers installed by Mr. Say- well were: Presidemt, Mrs. Ray Smith; vice president, Mrs Francis Crawford; treasurer, MEWS WEOLE CRRRIEU Dy Mies) TTI WATLT TIMEB-EAERT TR, Wi Grace Webber. A financial re-|-- GENSOERY, JORGE BE, TYEE TY port for 1957 was given by the treasurer and the highlights of| the year were given by Miss Gwen Shaw. The class closed the| year with a substantial balance on hand. It was decided to have a skating party for the February meeting. During the evening an election, MONTREAL (CP) Con- of officers took place and these giahle H, Armand Savaria is a were installed by the Rev. Roy jandmark in downtown Montreal. Rickard: president, Alastair| eo 1933 he has been standing Rickard; vice - president, Grace|at the intersection of 'St. James (1st year), Shirley Wood (2nd year), Linda Weatherup (6th year), Diana Brown (lst "year). Lynn Dickson (1st year). Intermediate boys, presented by Mrs. Marjorie Ferries: Teddy Glover (4th year), John Hall (6th year), Bobby Kozak (1st year), Mrs. S. C. Rundle; secretary, Mrs, Madge Lindsay; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Nelli Palmer; press reporter, Mr Norman Gilbert; social convener, Mrs. E. Moth. Mrs. Ray Smith thanket Mrs. Geralt Long for her willingness | Dennis Sharpe (1st year), Orval Wood (3rd year). Mrs. Francis Crawford pesent- ed her class of boys with certifi- cates and seals: Mark Platt (9th year), Danny Corby (6th year), Donald Hall (1st year), Alan (2nd year), Delbert Oke (Ist year). The Woman's Association of St. Stephen's Church held their post- Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Gerald Lang, Beatrice |street. There were 24 members| present. Mrs. Francis Crawford was in charge of the devotional period. Mrs. Nellie Palmer, Mrs. Lena Gilbert and Mrs. Wallace Butt and Mrs. Greta Strong. Mrs, Susan Saywell was guest of the evening. Stephen Saywell thanked the ladies for their co- operation and efforts for the past year and installed the officers for the comin~ year Mrs. Ear!a Moth gave a good report as convener, and will con- tinue for next year. Mrs. Flor- ence Rundle, treasurer, an- to nounced that $785 had been turn- charge of Mrs | to entertain the group. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson |and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown, {all of Toronto, were visitors at ithe home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis |Crawford, Orchardview. World Prayer Day Services Are Discussed MRS. RAN ym, |Cook (5th year), Robert Knapp | COLUMBUS -- At the January urer, Mrs, Murney F 0 ! meeting of the Women's Mission-|the givings for.the year of 1957.|are transferring their member- ary Society, afternoon group, Mrs. Arthur Grass presided and Hiemstra, opened the meeting with the read- ing of a "Prayer for the New Year" by Edgar Guest. A hymn|ning, February 5 at the home of partaken by the Mrs was sung and reports fir year of 1957 were read by secretaries of the various mittees. The worship service Wallace the was Scott, - ducted by Mrs. Harold Hiemstra, | I lice in Columbus United Church on|Fred Samis, Enfield, e/ WMS held their January meet-| {Smith, | sionaries. The Evening Group of the| ing at the home of Mrs. Frank| The meeting was opened by Mrs. Donald Watt, the president, who led in the Lord's Prayer. After several matters of busines were taken care of the new offi cers for 1958 were installed by Mrs. Arthur Grass, who is hon- orary president of the group. The worship period was con- | | assisted by Mrs. Murney Flem- Webber; secretary, Gwen Shaw, assistant secretary, Dianne Gim- blett; treasurer, Robert Laviol- ette, assistant treasyrer, Bever- ley Gimblett; pianists, Grace Webber and Joyce Wyres; flower committee, Loraine McKenzie, Dianne Gimblett and Marie violette. After a panel game was enjoy- ed the meeting closed with re-|were Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Wot-! freshments served by the girls of the class. At the regular morning serv- La-| {and McGill | traffic, He has been a member of the Montreal Police Department for |35 years and has spent 33 of {them directing traffic--a record {with the police department. | Streets directing I" Saturday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith ton, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ra |Cowling, Whitby, Mr. George Rooke, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and ing who read the meditation. Fol-| Sunday, the service was conduct-|Mrs. Fred Griffin and Ivan, Un- lowing the worship a conversa- tion on the life of women |Japan was read by Mrs. Hiem-/the male quartet, Donald Wylie. [Stanley Webber, Gordon Pere- Brenda stra and Mrs, Mrs. Hiemstra also read an in- teresting story on the life of a|were accompanied by Mrs. Wal- Mrs. Hosken Smith of Hampton. | Japanese woman in Hong Hong. | Mrs. Watt presided for the re-| mainder of the business and a report was given by the treas-| Mrs. and| Lunch was served by Mrs, Fleming The next meeting Ars. Wylie. ed by the Rev. Roy H. Rickard. Alan Scott, man and Donald Wylie, who lace Scott on the organ, During the service Mr. and Mrs. Grant Webber and family were welcomed back ship from Harcourt United Church in Guelph. Following the service the sac- | into the skating party at leming, on membership of the church. They | Arena. Transportation was kind- ion, and Mrs. Richard Griffin in|Special music was provided by! from Union. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and were Sunday supper Mr. and |guests at the home o On Saturday evening the mem- bers of the Intermediate Girls'| {Sunday School Class enjoyed the Brook Jin ly provided by Mrs. David Beath, [Mrs. Lioyd Miller and Mr. Frank |Smith. After the skating the girls returned to the home of their Constable Is Downtown 'Montreal Landmark But he does not know how to drive a car, He has never had a driver's licence and has never had a desire to own a car, Says Constable Savaria: "After {herding motorists through that |in ersection all day I can't see any fun in driving." {at 63, he says he's in the best |of health, and has never been seriously ill. In 33 winters he has suffered frozen hands or feet, but he admits the tip of his nose was frozen during a sub-zero spell in His daughter, Mrs. Gerard runet, says he can "run like an 'athlete, He goes to bed early. He |occasionally smokes a pipe, or cigar, but never inhales." Constable Savaria can retire any time he wants. In Montreal |a police officer can retire any (time after 50 years of age if he as 25 years service, and must |retire by 70. Constable Savaria was asked | he would recommend his job joa young man. "Definitely," he said. BACKACHE |taused by RHEUMATISM, vill be held on Wednesday eve- rament of the Lord's Supper was/teacher Mrs. Frank Smith for SCIATICA or LUMBAGO may Donald Wylie. The members of the Live Wires com- Class of Columbus United Church ed Sunday met on Wednesday evening in the in| Lower Church Hall The worship service and busi TO YOU B-A exnresses its appreciation to the people of Canada | who, during the past year, used over one and one-quarter billion gallons of our products - a record year. % % %» adherents the members and games and refreshments. Those present were Joan Miller, Eliza- be promptly relleved with Mr. and Mrs. John Miller visit- beth Hayes, Donna Hayes, Kaye RUMACAPS. Don't suffer! and Mrs. Robert Drummond, To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs Drummond of Willowdale. Again in1958 at the home of Mr. {McKenzie, Kathleen Beath, dra Clemmensen, Sharon Scott, JohntPatsy Rickard, Barbara Henry, | : { At your druggist Doris Henry and Bette Grass, San- |Try them today. --- % Ourthanks we offer our assurance that this Company will continue in its determination to provide the finest petroleum products ever sold. FEletRtbnis One of many Oshawa homes sold in December on 0.R.E.B.- Photo (Co-Op rEFTARRELY PRESIDENT AND CHARMAN OF THE BOARD SEP RENE Our Photo Co-Op Service is available only through our members. Call the: member in your neighborhood today. OSHAWA REAL ESTATE BOARD THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED