§: playoffs. 'Bullfighting In fl tourists who fill the expensive ll seats at many of the fights. { y ; yet x 3 W a RS SS es SAR : WHERE FOOTWORK REALLY COUNTS In Paris, Roger Arbus, left, | ing. The new French sport and Jacques Cayron show how | called 'Judo - Savate", en- to throw an opponent with a | ables a fighter to really bring combination of Judo and box- | up a haymaker from the floor. 'HOCKEY SCORES, STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Marlboros Pete OHA-NOHA Senior A St. Michs WL TF A Pis. Barrie 28 13 3 184 134 59| Guelph 24 16 3 162 162 51|xOttawa 17 21 2 123 138 36| 18 24 0 151 155 36 ponents 16 24 1145 169 33 3 Guelph ». |] . x Joins 'Dunnies Will Meet (Goose) Gosselin, two-way left- winger for North Bay Trappers| of the OHA-NOHA Senior A ser-| Sunday, before they go overseas i. to represent Canada in the world TORONTO (CP) -- Doug Har- Bockey championships vey, vice-president of the Na- y Pp ps. tional Hockey League Players' has been negotiating for Gosselin owners have agreed to meet for several weeks but the Trap- payer representatives in Florida pers, still fighting for a play offinext month in an attempt to ¢ They finally decided, however,| Harvey, all - star defenceman do release him if it meant he with, Montreal Canadiens here Seould help the Canadian team at if, a game tonight against To- start Feb. 28. owners agreed last week to the Gosselin joins Jean-Paul La- Feb. 4 meeting. mirande of Quebec Aces, the de-| Harvey said Senator Hartland seeking. led the move to arrange the In return for Lamirande the meeting. Quebec Hockey League club will "Senator Molson met with of the American Hockey League.|sented a list of 24 demands," efencemen Bud Hillman and Harvey said. '"He said a couple b Duncan. |of them seemed a little unreason- ' - discussed." onster S 1 1 | Harvey said owners agreed to Pp e bring player representatives to Is Under Way mention a specific site. | e said the Feb. 4 date was GRAVENHURST (CP) -- The chosen so the players association WHITBY (CP) -- George, 'Pl J jes, will join Whitby Dunlops ayers Whitby manager Wren Blair zgsociation, says league team spot, were hesitant to let him go. settle the differences. Oslo when the championships ronto Maple Leafs, said Tuesday fensive replacement Blair was Molson, new owner of Canadiens, get two players from Springfield Canadiens players and we pre- ------ able but nothing that couldn't be |clals are vacationing. He did not first annual 80 - rink Muskoka could drop its $3,000,000 anti-trust mixed bonspiel opened Tuesday suit against the NHL, its clubs § with 38 rinks competing in the and owners, If such was decided first draw. !at the meeting. The suit is sched- The rinks played two games|uled to go before a U.S. court] an FIGHTS LAST NIGHT tered begin play and Saturday the qualifiers meet in knockout By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS one for each end in which a rink| Boston®Virgil Akins, 147, St. + scores--with the leading point. | Louis, stopped Tony DeMarco, getters drawn together in each|l147. Boston, 12. (Akins retained Play is being conducted at winks in Gravenhurst, Huntsville and Bracebridge on the point sys- tem--five points for a win and] Florida, where many club offi- Ottawa 3 Pembroke 8 No Longer The Same! By HENRY BUCKLEY |equal terms with the smart set, has his country estates, - his MADRID (Reuters)--The bull-| zt arican car--and he passes fight is passing through a period unrecognized among crowds that of crisis and change. would instantly know Di Stefano That it holds its own against or Kubala, or any other of the ever-increasing popularity of|Spain's soccer stars. soccer and other sports is due in I Tie ia" one: of the top. half part to the thousands of foreign dozen matadors, he can ask from | 100,000 Peseta: ($2,000) to 500,000 A |pesetas ($10,000) a fight, accord- There were 726 bullfights inline {5 the importance of the Spain in 1957, compared with 743 15,5 ~ in 1956, 693 in 1955, and 595' in| 1954. So the bullfight as a com-| He .is not less courageous than mercial proposition remains a his predecessor. No one can be prosperous national actin called a coward who, day after The bullfight is undetgoing day steps into a narena to pit changes resulting from conditions Nis skill against animals weigh- in the world today. |ing half a ton and which are as Gone is the tough, reckless swift as greyhounds. matador, hard-drinking, fond of RISK LESSENED women, over-generous, idol of the) But the matador today has [pation--the figure portrayed 50 more to live for and less to die {graphically by Ernest Heming-\for than had the matadors of | way. Today's matador is more likely ures, such as Joselito and Juan |to drink orange juice than/Belmonte, fought for a genera- brandy. He rubs shoulders onltion -of spectators born with the | lother generations. The great fig-| | Whitby Wins | Over U.S. Team In Ist. Period | HIBBING, Minn. (CP)--Whitby ilove of the brave bulls in their Dunlops held off a fighting United | blood. | eis fyational hockey team here | The matador today finds that Tu®8day night and took a 6-3 de- many of those in the best seats cision in the first of a two-game |do not even speak Spanish. He Canadian-American series. They knows that the true aficionados meet again in St. Paul tonight. |of "los toros" are fewer every, The Ontario squad took a com- day. |manding 3-0 lead in the first per- The smart manager who per-iiod and held the U.S. team on suades the matador that he can even terms for the rest of the fight frequently with only a min-|game. imum risk of death has become| The Canadian line of Bob At-| an outstanding figure of the bull-'tersley, Spain BOSTON (AP) -- Virgil Akins, the battling church deacon from St. Louis, was headed for the welterweight elimination tourna- ment today after blasting former champion Tony DeMarco into probable retirement. "We're going to go along with our original agreement with the National Boxing Association and the world committee to enter the championship tournament," said Bernie Glickman, co-manager of Akins. " 3 | While the 29-year - old Akins | Biant ors Big Sociens. and| looked forward to the tite trail, Small bulls lacking aggressive tory factor, accounting for five ih as Bite Wpl Iago qualities are chosen by this type/the six Whitby scores. Charlie| eating absorbed hefore being |of manager. The tips of their Burns got the other. {stopped in the 12th round Tues- {horns often Je sawn of. This! The big line got all three first- | 30D ht {does not make a goring less dan-|period goals to set up the lead.| Hoge gerous, but it does upset the/Samolenko scoring twice after |, Despite Je sdvice ol Jour du. accuracy with which the bull|Attersley got the opener. Gordie or Yeast a poi of 308K » De- | 14 12 7 130 105 1516 3 94 118 14 13 5103 103 1120 2119 147 921 4 81128 8 51 80 55 85 33 33 24 Kitchener 22 S. S. Marie Chatham Windsor North Bay 17 only. Tuesday's Result Sudbury 1524 1 120-141 3 St. Cathaines 4 xWhitby 6 20 35 21 Thursday's Games xWhitby games count for op- Guelph at Hamilton ponents only. | Barrie at Peterborough Tuesday's Results Exhibition Chatham 3 Kitchener 4 Sudbury 2 North Bay 1 Sault Ste. Marie 3 Windsor 7 Tonight's Games North Bay at Sudbury Windsor at Chatham OHA Senior A Eastern Division WL 27 6 12 11 18 16 17 17 14 28 11 23 count ineligible Quebec League {Montreal 4 Quebec § {Shawinigan Falls 6 Chicoutimi 2 | Western League | Saskatoon-St. Paul 3 Winnipeg 4 Maritime Senior A T F A Pts. symmerside 4 Charlottetown 8 3 197 116 57 /Quebec-New Brunswick Senior A 20 105 = Matane 2 Rimouski 3 31 3 37 Okanagan Senior 57 198 29 Penticton 4 Kelowna 6 27 173 94 Kamloops 5 Vernon 4 three Western International for Trail 6 Rossland 5 Thunder Bay Junior Fort William Canadiens 2 Port Arthur 2 Eastern League Clinton 4 Philadelphia 7 Niagara District Senior B Erie 8 Welland-Crowland 14 WL TF A Pts. Ontario Junior B 23 8 4 166 113 50 St. Catharines 3 Guelph 11 17 16 2 123 127 36/Welland 4 Niagara Falls 8 Whitby xOttawa Belleville Pembroke Kingston Cornwall xOttawa wins points but team playoffs. Tuesday's Results Kingston 4 Belleville 9 1 1 31 1 1 Tonight's Game Cornwall at Ottawa OHA Junior A Fort St. Cath Hamilton xOttawa games count for op-| Whitby Dunlops 6 U.S. National 3| gropes for the body of his en-|Christian of Warroad, Minn., fin-|\ro. ® 0 con odin or 2 pote ang his brute force and he often uses/iod with brother Rog Christian| [this strength' to "pick" the bull(giving him the pass that beat THROUGH FICHTING | These are the current tricks of straight down the middle from --__~__ [the trade. the blue line at 17:20 with Gag-| In "the "thire trae he two ORFU Votes For Meredith scored first| ericans at 1:54. { i . TORONTO (CP) -- The Ontario May Decline |dians the Americans nap- Rugby Football Union has voted | T . T [the puck near the blue line and linemen. i ennis our |Johnson got that ome back ,for|@PProved by the Canadian Rugby [the Yanks at 17:03. * |Union, will apply to all running tralian tennis stars, Neale Fra-\at 18-14 with Attersley and Sam. not apply to pass plays or inter- threatened to bolt the official] yop " | Delegates at the ORFU annual Australian overseas tour because jon on HeRGEFSOn Was ia the Dis meeting Saturday decided that in s pocket money in the United|9; stops. John Rigazio had 25 in designated as flankers will be The Australian Lawn: Tennis field. However, if there should be Association's finance committee F b 1 E more than one flanker on either players $5 a day pocket lowing foot a agles Sloses: to the ball will be allowed while they are playing in the U.S.| | . ave New Nest [necessary expenses. The US.| PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The! from the line of scrimma : . : rts 2 nL -- ge. Two |Lawn Tennis Association pays 68,000-seat Franklin Field, owned |backfielders are permitted to player. Previously the players Philadelphia Eagles of the Na- mage line at opposite sides. were allowed $7 daily for inciden-| tional Football League in a move! The four senior ORFU clubs-- [the Australian selectors Tuesday|adelphia." _|standardize their budgets with Itey are reconsidering whether| Frank McNamee, Eagles presi- regard to players' salaries. The French, Wimbledon and U.s.|lum where the club has played championships. The use of Franklin Field pro- WILL OPEN GAMES tour. Players travelling privately league. The move is expected to|British Empire and Common- usually get higher expense allow-!silence complaints of other teams wealth Games at Cardiff, Wales, emy, the matador. The mounted ally broke the spell for the Amer-| : ne 3 i : _|spent the night under the watch- \picador in the ring is chosen for|icans at 5:54 of the second per [ful eyes of handlers. with his lance while it is still on Canadian goalie Roy Edwards. | «aq as I conc d |its feet, it is mortally wounded.| Attersley then blasted one pony Pig ion fighting non and Al Treen helping. | | . St teams squared off at two goals yg » Russie Stars Linemen To Block | ~man short, the Cana. ping af 7:28 with Burns stealing|to allow unlimited blocking by getting through unassisted. Paul The fuling, which has to be SYDNEY (AP)--Two top Aus-| -Gagnon closed out the scoring plays from scrimmage, but will ser and Ashley Cooper, have olenko assisting. ceptions. of a decision to reduce their|period and had seven of Whithy's addition to linemen. backfielder States. the American nets. allowed to block anywhere on the Monday recommended allowing side of the line only the man : | | Under existing rules linemen and taking over payment of all| are permitted to block 10 yards [the Australian association an all-|,y penn State University. Mon- block 10 yards on running plays owance of $25 a day for each|day became the mew home of|but they must cross the serim- tals. |league commissioner Bert Bell Kitchener, London, Sarnia and Cooper and Fraser informed said "saved pro football for Phil- Toronto Beaches -- agreed |they will be available for the|dent, announced the switch from circuit will again operate with a ey tour, which covers the the 39,000-seat Connie Mack Stad.|12-import limit. {most of its games since 1940. If they do not go on the official vides Eagles with one of the LONDON (Reuters)--The Duke tour, they may make a private largest seating capacities in the of Edinburgh will open the sixth ances than official team mem- about the small cheques picked July 18, Buckingham Palace an- bers. {up here by visiting teams. {nounced Monday. Virgil Akins Blasts De Marco Into Retirement to list are former U.S. Davis Cup- B. Bragan Wants Indians To Run! CLEVELAND (AP) -- It may come as a shock to the Cleve land Indians but their new man. ager, Bobby Bragan, wants to teach them how to rum. And Bragan has asked former Olympic sprint and hurdles champion Harrison Dillard te help the Indians develop that extra burst of speed. Bragan, currently managing Almendares in the Cuban base- ball league, arrived from Hav- ana Monday for his first look at Cleveland. The former Pittsburgh Pirate manager talked in the club of- fices with another newcomer to {the Tribe, general age! would not agree to any other » B 3 anager "title" bout which conflicts with (rok Lane. former St. Louis the NBA-World Committee tourn- nered as anager. Then he cor- ament agreement. ere lard, who works in the Indians' public relations office. READY IN FOUR WEEKS Bragan asked the track star to We made the agreement and attend spring training to teach plan to meet George Barnes (of {the Indians how to run properly. Australia) or Vince Martinez,"| 'The Olympic coach in Cuba, : : | he said. "Virgil will be ready to Raudo Ruiz, go again In four weeks." B32, has, Deen" wolling |with some of the The World Committee and the down there," Bragan balpgyen New York State Athletic Com- the results have been very 'good id mission refused to go along with| "Of course it takes months of a recent NBA vote sanction- practice, but I think that if Har- ing a championship bout between rison would begin working with Isaac Logart and the winner of/some of the players at spring the Martinez-Gil Turner fight, [training you would see a great won by Martinez. The NBA also|improvement." {ruled the winner of the Logart! Marlins Will Stay {bout should meet Akins with the In Miami For '58 {championship at stake. More than 15,000 fans jammed | {the Garden but official figures) MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -- Miami {Marlins of the International | Baseball League will remain in listed the attendance as 11,833, with a gross gate of $80,815 and| {Miami for at least another sea- son under an informal deal a "net" of $63,107. The bout was np not televised or broadcast. worked out by the city commis. sion Monday for purchase of Mi. ami Stadium. Marlin owner George Storer VANCOUVER (CP) .-- Leading| agreed in an informal session to players from at least five coun-|Pay the city $40,000 rental on the ties have been invited to take|stadium for 1958. This 'money | part in the Canadian tennis cham-| Will be turned over to Jose Ale- pionships to be held here July 28- man, owner of Miami Stadium, | Aug. 2. as 2 down payment. He has | The tournament will tie in|asked a total of $850,000 for the |with British Columbia's centen- park, oe of the finest in the nial celebrations and topping the| eagues. : list of those invited is Sweden's| A $350,000 payment is to be Sven Davidson, ranked second Made to Aleman next October. among the world's amateur ten-|If it is not, the $40,000 down pay- wg stars, | ment oid he Saekifiesq and the ' | property would revert to Aleman. Among others on the invitation | The decision gave Marlins~a {go-ahead for Friday's schedule- making meeting of the league 4 Toronto. |said manager Rip Valenti. | "Even if he wants to fight again, I'm the guy who holds the con- tract and I'm going to decide this time." Akins, who knocked out De- Marco in the 14th round less than three months ago, again had too much ring knowledge and too many fistic bombs for the 26- year-old Boston slugger. Akins floored DeMarco three times before referee Eddie Brad- ley mercifully called a halt at 1:53 of the 12th round. Glickman said that Akins | Tennis Stars Get Invitation To B.C. {per Tom Brown. 1955 Canadian champion Noel Brown of Califo- {nia, Italian Davis Cupper Nicola Pietrangeli, Japanese star Kosie| [Kamo and U.S. Davis Cup play-| |ers Barry MacKay and Ron| ORILLIA (CP)--Gordon Hop- Holmberg. |kins' rink, representing Orillia Australians likely to be invited District Collegiate Institute, Sat- include Mal Anderson and Bob urday won the District Three Howe. playoffs in the @ntario schoolboy Officials say almost every rank. curling championships. The rink ing Canadian player has intim- will enter the provincial finals im ated he will attend the tourney. | Lindsay next Saturday. " WINS CURLING PLAYOFF, You successive draw. Massachusetts version of world's In opening ceremonies the Welterweight title.) mayors of the three communi- Charlotte, N.C. -- Art Swiden ties, Mrs. Wanda Miller of Grav- 198, Pittsburgh, outpointed. Wa- enhurst, Glen S. Coates of Brace. an Thomas, 205, Charlotte, 10. bridge and Donald Lough of Chleago--Rudy Ellis, 159, Chic- Huntsville, led parades around 280, stopped Joe Schmolze, 163, the rinks and at Gravenhurst, Minneapolis, 3. Sam Rothschild of Sudbury, pres- EEE {dent of the' Dominion Curling As- sociation, threw the first stone. Jamaica Horseman Tiger-Cats Will | In. Buying Mood ? . . ' . | TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian Visit Lions Lair horses, like their wealthy own- VANCOUVER (CP) -- British Jamaica if one of the island's Yankees Sign Up Three Minor Stars NEW YORK (AP)--Outfielder Zeke Bella, {returned their signed contracts to New York Yankees. Bella, 26, hit 317 with the Den- ver farm club of the American Association last season in 76 games. Carroll, 21, played third base with Richmond of the Inter- national League last year. The {es, may soon be wintering in Columbia Lions will play the most prominent financiers has his pire Stadium Aug. 1 in a presea- of 22 Jamaican companies who The Vancouver team will play ajcan trade mission, but he is games are in Eastern Canada, est race track. but unfortunately, Mr. Issa said ture into Eastern Canada. ban prevents them from being At present there are 10 racc terest means the season will be R k entire winter season." t Ref oc e e eree to attract the larger racing here saw Montreal Canadiens game's former great met in an Whites, led by ex-Montrealer El- Blues headed by former Ranger * the British Columbia , Hockey professional hockey players. tribe Sunday, took his bow as former bonus player batted .213 whole evening, continually circl- who had an 18-9 record with Grey Cup champion Hamilton. W5Y son exhibition football game, |i3 here primarily 'to increase ; Calgary Stampeders here July also chairman of Knutsford Park against Montreal Alouettes Aug. The trade mission's slogan is The games in Ottawa and Mon-|in an interview, this doesn't yet -- imported from any country ex- Record Crowd | days at each of the island tracks. 'S) extended considerably and "we ""And by building up the purses VANCOUVER (CP)--The larg-| stables from Canada and the star Maurice (Rocket) Richard oldtimers game Monday night. mer Lach and former New York | Neil Colville, 10-2. Benevolent Association which Richard, named an honorary referee wearing a war bonnet. in 136 games. ing around the boards autograph. Binghamton, N.Y., of the East. Tiger-Cats at Vancouver's Em-| A. E. (Abe) Issa is a director trade as a member of the Jam- 26. Their other two exhibition| ytd, which owns the island's old §.and Ottawa Rough Riders Aug. "If Canada's got it, we'll buy it," treal will be the Lions' first ven- apply to horses. A government cept England. but Mr. Issa says increased in- On Hand To de hope to have racing during the for our bigger races we expect est hockey crowd of the season {ipjted States." in the role of referee as 30 of the About 5,500 fans saw the Ranger Bryan Hextall, sink the The game was sponsored by provides help for needy former chief of the Squamish Indian The Rocket never left the ice the! Dick, 21, is a lefthanded pitcher ing programs and hockey sticks. 'ern League. NEW REDUCED PRICE BEST QUALITY STOVE OIL ® Prompt Delivery GALLON @ Courteous Service ® Reasonable Price TELEPHONE RA 5-1109 VIGOR OIL CO. LIMITED 96 BOND ST. WEST OSHAWA ina BUICK ? ¥ 4 ¥ ; ¥ infielder Tom Car-| roll and pitcher Ed Dick Monday | i 4 F Buick SPECIAL 4-Door Riviera . It all adds up to the big buy for "58 THE AIR CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. | B-58 Dynastar Grille--stunning highlight of the fresh new get all this y--" Look what you get-as standard equipment -in the big and brawny B-58 Buic: SPECIAL "that's priced just a few dollars over the smaller cars! psoas sre re a SC apENaRaBns SEE AMEREE a8 Nuno BERBAST, Sg FETE Ctr ETE LL Ih] : A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 1.3 33% 333 3 3% 333 fashion that's in every SPECIAL for 1958, Mighty B-12000 Engi develops 12,000 p of thrust behind each piston stroke. Gives aimost limitless power reserve. d Rugged X-Braced Chassis with I-beam construction--nesties you in the brawny security of the industry's solidest chassi 3 Famous Buick Rotoflow Torque-Tube Drive--transmits the drive thrust directly to the rear wheels in a solid power lockup. Drop-centre design allows exceptional roominess inside. 4 Big Coil Springs--buoyantly cushion your ride with the world's most effective torsion steel suspension system, 360° Visibility--larger rear window and broad expanses of glass at the sides and up front give you fully usable visibility, with minimum sun heat and glare. : True 6-Passenger R provides extra inches for' headroom, kneeroom, hiproom and footroom--plus spacious entrances--for 6 adults. New Interior Luxury --every SPECIAL gives you a wide choice of colors, fabrics, and trim. Dual Vista-Vision Head Lamps --have 50% stronger' "'brights"--25% stronger "low" beam. Hefty Buick Roadweight--gives your SPECIAL as much as 800 pounds moré car than similar models of the well-known. smaller makes. Large, Long-Lived Brakes--new metallurgical advances and Increased braking area assure cooler stops and longer lining life. Road-Hugging 122-Inch Wheelbase--stretches out long enough to give you true big-car feel--yet it's plenty light on Its feet. "Velvet Wall" Sound Silencing -- scientifically seals out road nolses, heat and vibration. Hood, dash, floar, roof, and trunk are all fully insulated. Sheet metal is weather-protected underneath. Improved Ball-Joint Front Suspension -- makes steering easier and more responsive, levelizes stopping. Choice of 7 Value-Packed SPeciALs--2- and 4-door Sedans, 2- and 4-Door Rivieras, a Convertible, and 2 different Estate Wagons. Plus a Long List of Other Extras of No Extra Cost! o Horizontal Redliner Speedometer » Trip-Mileage Indica= tor « New Tamperproof Ignition e Direction Signals eo Crank-Controlled Vent Windows e Armrests on All Doors e Oil Filter--Full-Flow Design e Automatic Glove Compartment Light e Sliding Sunshades e Dry-type Air Cleaner with disposable filter StepOn self-locking parking brake ¢ Anti-rust fuel line system--plus, on Sedans and Rivieras, Parking Brake Warning Light e Deluxe Steering Wheel e Trunk Light Back-up lights on cars equipped with Dynaflow. Plus the World's Finest Options At worth-while extra cost that will return dividends at trade- ' In time, you can equip your SPECIAL with the spectacular new Flight Pitch Dynaflow or the advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow, Buick's luxurious air ride, and all of Buick's fine power accessories. All engineered to the highest standards of quality and precision ever set by Buick, #See The Patrice Munsel Show, alternate Friday nights, CBC-TV When better automobiles are built BORN WHIT 266 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA B-58 BUICK BUICK will build them Sw TAL MB C5 N J . 08 wereetss BY MOTORS LTD. WHITBY, ONTARIO