Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Jan 1958, p. 7

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TWO-TONE EVENING To see you through the peak | med with braid which can be season of winter's formal occa- | plain or beaded. You can make sions, here is a simply-styled | it in a dark color with a light little evening bag whick will | contrasting color, or vice ver- blend with any formal attire. | sa. This adaptable little even- It is made of grosgrain in two | ing bag requires no pattern and contrasting colors and is trim- | can be made in one or two PERSONAL |evening. Music, court whist an Miss Jo-Anne Mosienko and refreshments rounded out Miss Frances Minacs, senior Pleasant social evening. plano students, and Robert Henry and Jean McNab, talented young Howard Abbott, Wolfe LODGES AND SOCIETIES . REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 held its first meeting of the year on Wednesday evening in the lodge rooms. The Noble Grand, Sister Alice Lanning, presided assisted by the Vice Grand, Sister Lena Harper. Visiting Sisters, Jenny Perry and Victoria MaGee from Sun- shine Lodge were 1 d by Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3, Mrs, Herbert Bratley (Whitby). A visit to Sunnybrook Hospital will 'be made on Sunday, Janu- ary 12 by Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Cope, Mrs. D. Rae and Mrs. John Hogan. A visit to Fairview Lodge for January will be made by Mrs. Fallon and Mrs. Bratley. Two members were reported still on the sick list. An evening meeting and social will be held at the home of Mrs. Herbert Bratley, 225 Perry street north, Whitby, Monday, January 20, 7.30 pm. February 3 all THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, January 11, 1958 7 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES on Thursday, January 2. The president, Mrs. John Poch, the Noble Grand and members, The roll call was called by the secretary and several of the offi- cers were absent. JESSIE PANTON EVE. AUX The last meeting of the year 1957 of the Jessie Panton Mis- presided. Roll call showed 14 sionary Auxiliary of St. Andrew's!members present. The secretary, made to the sick and also to the shut-ins during the Christmas season. A hearty vote of thanks on behalf of the lodge was ten- {United Church was held in the|Mrs. Edward Hubbell, gave her |chapel of St. Andrew's Church. | | Miss Helen Yule president, | * presided and opened the service| with prayer. | The worship period was con- {ducted by Miss Jean Hunter and | (Mrs. T. E. Sutherland. | "| The Study Book on Japan took " 'the form of questions and an-| |swers. Miss Grace Anderson took | {the part of a Japanese woman 7 land Miss Nellie Scorgie as a Canadian. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given. Returns from the bazaar were very satis factory. Letters of appreciation from re- ! cipients of roses were read by : Miss Scorgie, flower secretary. A : large sum was voted to be sent to the Fred Victor Mission in To- report and the treasurer's report was read by Mrs. George. Waite. Members were reminded that f° the bingoes were again being held : on Wednesday afternoons. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bailey Hennick and Mrs. Evelyn Harrington. The next meeting will be held on February 6. ilronto and another to the Sun-|§ i day School. The Misses Mima Pringle and Nellie Scorgie were| named as auditors. Refreshments were served by the North Group. HOLY CROSS WA The WA of Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church held its first meeting of the New Year on Tuesday evening, January 7. Mrs. James Hanson presided. Mrs. Elmer Des Roches read the BAG ithe treasurer's report. The sick minutes of the December meet- £8 ing. Mrs. Stephen Bondfordi gave & | evenings. For the simple sew- |oonyener, Mrs. Leo Karnath, re-|§ | ing instructions, simply send a stamped, self-addressed envel- ope, plus ten cents for hand- ling, to the Needlecraft Depart- ment of this paper, requesting Two-Tone Evening Bag, Leaflet No. S-5737. land Mrs. Richard Walker, Har Trainmen's Wives {mony road north, last Saturday (M {ported flowers were sent to one} {member sick in the hospital. The | welfare convener, Mrs. Joseph Callahan, stated that several needy families in the parish had |been given hampers of groceries, | {toys and clothing during the | Christmas season. | Mrs. John T. Mullen consented § to act as press repocter during non. Mrs. Hanson thanked the mem- the members back| singing students, will perform for Kingston, visited in Oshawa last men was held on Tuesday eve- who had been unable to attend the members of the Lyceum Club| weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-ning, Januay 7, at the CRA. The meetings for some time. and Women's Art Association on/liam Weir, Oshawa boulevard [new lodge is named for Mrs, Ern-| Monday afternoon, the January south, and Mr. and Mrs, Peter est Howard, secretary-elect. meeting. MacDonald and family, |avenue. Mrs. R. G. Langford, Whitby, | attended the formal opening of Mr. and Mrs. Gallery, Toronto, last evening their daughter, Mrs. and was also a guest at the din- Rosenblum and Granddaughter ner prior to the opening. and their niece, Mrs. entertained at the home of Mr. from Rochester, New York. Eulalie David ter, | Plancke, conductress; Michelle, from New York City, Blanche Pelow, warden' George|Jane Knowlton, chaplain; The Canterbury Singers were Litsky and her daughter, Ellen Anne Sobil, inner guard; a | Shirley Sobil, | The following officers were in |stalled: Sister Alma Virgin; pres |ident; Sister Bess Monroe, vice: Peter Levine, president; Sister Jean Hosking, jon Tuesday, the Georgian Show at the Art Luke street, have as their guests, past president; Sister Elita Helli-| annual "Night of Cards" was dis- Ver a|cussed. It was planned to hold Sister|this card party on April 15 i Sister |Holy Cross Hall. Following roll well, treasurer; Sister Helen Lowe, outer guard; pianist; Blanche Pelow, delegate; |Bess Monroe, alternate dele- gate; Sister Alma Virgin, legis- {lative representative; Sister Bess [Monroe, alternate legislative rep- jregentati re. Brotherhood is an international organization with headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. There are over 900 subordinate Lodges United States and Canada with The Ladies' Auxiliary to the in the | It was decided to start the |weekly card parties for the win- -{ter months in Holy Cross Hall. -/Mrs. Leo Karnath and Mrs. | -| George Blatter will be hostesses January 14. The won by Mrs. Joseph Harrigan| and the lucky cup was won by| Mrs. Stephen Coe. | Refreshments were served by the social convener, Mrs. Hugh |Brennan. The next meeting will {be held in Holy Cross Hall Feb- ruary 4. CONNAUGHT PARK AUX. | The monthly meeting of the {Connaught Park Ladies' Aux-| {iliary was held at the club house| |the absence of Mrs. Roberi Gan- | ¢ Form New Lodge | The inaugural meeting of the hers for their help and co-opera- arietta Howard Lodge No. 608|tion in making the Christmas par- Miss Margaret Gillow and Mrs. [of the Ladies' Auxiliary of thety a success. The president also Island, | Brotherhood of Railroad Train-|welcomed i WHITE AND GOLD Sister| call the draw on the doily was Sister Sister Sister Sister | A striking princess style in winter-white adds a brief touch of gold. The short-sle>ved bod- ice has a tiny Chinese neckline. The fabric, brushed arnel jer- sey, sweeps into fullness in the skirt. A small gold pin com- letes the enchanting effect. his fashion is hand-washable and irons in minutes. It has a velvet soft texture which is rich to the touch and luxur- ious to the eye. approximately 80,000 members of the Brotherhood families. Organizing officer was . Mrs. Arletta Howe, Canadian vice grand president of Windsor. Hon orary officers who assisted in the Folk Songs And installation were from St. Thom- as, Sarnia, Windsor and Toronto. ge of) meeting of the Duke| Arts convener, was in char the January The Lodge will hold its regular of Edinburgh Home and School meetings in the CRA hall, Gibbs Association. After a piano solo, fat its first meeting for 1958 held songs 8 fith; assistant, Mrs. Thom a s|is perhaps MR. AND MRS. RICHARD H. DONALD Following their marriage in | garet Barbara Ceresia, is the Assumption Roman Catholic | daughter of Mr. Peter Ceresia Church, Windsor, Ontario, Mr. | of North Bay and the late Mrs. and Mrs. Richard Harry Don- | Ceresia. The bridegroom is the ald turn to the waiting guests. | son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Harry The bride, the former Mar- | Donald of Whitby and grand- SOCIAL NOTICES | cars booms 4 ome] Oshawa. Following their honey- moon in Bermuda, the couple ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Holt- street. |Allegro Vivace, by Linda Badg-| Christ Church W.A. Elects President For Fifth Term rousing game of musical chairs. | She then gave an informative] with Christmas carols, she - ex- Inote in church music for they be- Mrs. A. S. Evans was elected gan as secular songs and dance needed in the coming years and |the mothers of Mr. Gordon Ter- thick have been found in north-| as president for her fifth term|tunes, when men and women| of the afternoon branch of the|celebrated Christmas by dancing| ley, a pupil of the school, Mrs. opening of the Gertrud Parkin led the members in a|School, this was no longer reces- Their Origin Forms Interesting Talk At H&S Mrs, C. A. Parkins, Music and The principal, Mr. A. §. Win. Secretary, Mrs. Murton Walter. ter, thanked all parents for their co-operation during the time was necessary to have some classes on a shift basis. With the e Colpus sary. Mr. Winter announced that a Italk on the various forms of folk survey was soon to be taken of 1 : : : 1 | songs and their origin. Beginning Sehon] and pre-school children by | Reddick and Miss Elsie Lyon tie e plained that carols were a pagaa 'nis will enable the department Prize. | Department of Education. to estimate the number of schools to plan accordingly. FLOWER IN BUD ful fu- | mony road north, Paula's | yi 9 a Deanls a grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. S. J. McCully and Mrs. F. A. 18-month-old daughter of Mr. von Gunten, all of Oshawa. and Mrs. Earl Matthews, Har- | --Photo by Ireland EW Alice Jackson Evening Auxiliary Installs Officers For 1358 Mrs. Bryce Brown was install- The incoming president, Mrs. led as president of the Alice Jack- Bryce Brown, en ok eharge. son evening auxiliary of King| three committees. There had Street United Church at its meet- heen 22 home calls, 11 hospital ing held on Tuesday, January 7, calls. in the church parlor. | The following dates were men- | The other officers are as fol-|tioned: Oshawa Presbyterial, lows: Past president, Mrs. Frank| February 20; World Day of Pray- |Hunter; first vice-president, Miss er, February 21; WMS Family [Mary McLean; second vice-presi-iparty, March 14; Easter Thank- dent, Mrs. Murton Walter; vice-|offering, a not luck supper with president younger groups, Mrs. the afternoon WMS, April 1. Robert Brown; recording secre-| wr... mpoward Brown made a re- tary, Mrs. Kenneth Proctor; as-| MF on behalf of the Mission sistant, Mrs. William Bickle; COr-|pond and it was agreed that a responding secretary, Mrs. gs gonation be given Mrs. Brown Dwigit ers; treasurer, Mrs. to buy "World Friends" for the P. A. Tresise; associate helpers, |, ion Band members. Mrs. Albert Hatfield; community Miss Muriel Wilson took chalue friendship, Mrs. William Brad-| a di hid Ok Lonk arg bury; temperance and Christian| 3 citizenship, Miss Isla Barker; lit-| Bradbury read the scripture les- erature and missionary monthly,{son. Miss Mary McLean led in Miss Muriel Wilson; Christian the Study book op Japan, tig stewardship, systematic giving land supply. Miss Bernice Proc. Japan, at home and in the on ee realy, Mrs. Doug Refreshments were served. The officers were installed by Mrs. Howard Brown. | The retiring president, |Frank Hunter, presided at the |meeting. Reports of 1957 were. {given by welfare secretary, Mrs. | Chester Robinson; recording sec- Iretary;" Mrs. Kenneth Proctor; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Dwight Myers; treasurer's re- port, Mrs, P, A. Tresise, showed {that $761.62 had been sent to Presbyterial treasurer; commun- lity friendship secretary, Mrs. William Bradbury; temperance Mrs. WIFE PRESERVER dered to Sister Harper and her evening meetings and socials will be held in Simcoe Hall the first Monday in every month in- stead of the usual fourth Thurs- Sister Lena Harper gave the day. The next regular meetin report of the visits which were will be held in the Legion Hal on February 13 at 2 p.m. NOVELIST TO BE WED MONTE CARLO (Reuters)-- Friends of Francoise Sagan, 21- committee by Sister Dixon for their excellent work in visiting the sick. A Jeter was Jeseived from the m grand master citing the help) of all the lodge members in pro-| , he al aot, disclose the exact Vill work ior be unemplosed. wow he --- e e grand as for do-| : nations towards the penny sale a Sance, Tryear « a vs. which will be held at the birth-| ~ ee OS day party in April. Join her y. was decided to purchase new | items for the regalia and Broth-| er Frost offered to look after this item. Sister Eva Hastings requested that more of the Sisters attend the CP and T bingos which are held every Monday night, pro- ceeds from which help to carry on the very worthwhile work the CP and T are endeavoring to do throughout the city. Lodge closed according to ritu- al after which refreshments were served by convener, Sister Ada Tonkin, and her committee. SILVER CROSS WOMEN The Oshawa and District Chap- ter Silver Cross Women held its regular meeting on Thursday afternoon in the Legion Hall. Mrs. V. A. Cope, president, pre- sided. Fdward Holland, secre- tary, read the minutes and cor- respondence. Mrs. Charles, Gibbs year-old French novelist, said she told them at a cocktail party Thursday night that she would "in about a month." and Christian citizenship secre- tary, Miss Isla Barker; literature If you're forever getting wet and missionary monthly secre- tary, Miss Muriel Wilson; stew- ardship, systematic and supply feet doing some particular chore |like laundry, you might invest in la pair of plastic shoes. Made with plastic uppers and vinyl |plastic foam soles, they dry 4 ba The president, Mrs. Frank|, : » "1 quickly. And since they can- be Hunter, gave her Tepart Top 15% wiped clean with a sudsy sponge, {they're good for gardening and | Mrs. Owens announced that the other muddy tasks. gave the treasurer's report. It was decided to send a dona- tion of $25 to the handicapped at Simcoe Hall. A Spring Tea, and sale of work was discussed and will be held in the Legion Hall on April 10. Mrs. Edward Holland will be in charge of the tea room, assisted by Mrs. John Hogan, and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt, sale of work con- vener, Mrs. Fred Langley, as- sisted by Mrs. Frank Fallon, and CLUB CALENDAR | | MONDAY Ritson H-8 Assn. Cedar Dale H-S Assn. Lend-A-Hand Club Lyceum Club Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Harmony H and § Assn. South Simcoe H-S Assn. Rundle Park Aux. Sunset Heights H-8 Woodview Park Aux. TUESDAY King Street H-8 Assp Woodcrest H-S Assn SA Home League Christ Church WA King Street WA Canadian Legion Aux. Court Oshawa, IOF Calvary Baptist YWMC North Oshawa WA St. George's (Ritson Grp.) Beta Sigma Phi St. Stephen's WA Rendezvous Club 16th Group Committee Pythian Sisters SA Prayer Meeting Queen Mary Lodge 7th Scout Mothers' Aux. King Street WMS 13th Scout Mothers' Aur Cedar Dale WA Pearl Group | St. Christopher's PTA THURSDAY Girl Guide Ex-Council this is what counts... daily beauty treat "Promise me you will invest a few lovely minutes in yourself--each day-- and I'll promise you results to be achieved in no other way!" 1. cleanse with Ardena Cleansing Cream my way and see the difference in you skin! 1.50, 2.75, 4.25, 8.00 2. tone with Ardena Skin Lotion. Refines texture, removes last traces of cream--without drying. 1.50, 3.50, 5.50, 13.00. 3. smooth with Ardena Perfection Cream, with natural vitamins, to lubricate, to retain the radiance of youth. 2.50, 4.50, 8.25, 13.75. Fo | Court Charlene, COF next meeting of the Home and| |School Council will be on Tues-| |day, January 28. The theme for| . ¢ [this meeting will be Citizenship. he ancien. Chinese ea money 11: Oly ended in when $ The classes of Mrs. Phyllis were found growing wild in In. |for the attendance banner and 4 LOST MONOPOLY PLENTY OF SALT Refreshments were served by Layers of salt about 1,000 feet willegar's class. least Alberta. WA of Christ Memorial Church|to these tunes. Two Christmas| é dating back to ancient in the parish hall on Tuesday|times played by Mrs. Parkin evening, January 7. were the "Coventry Carol" and The other officers are as fol-|"The Twelve Days of Christ- lows: Honorary president, Mrs. mas." After being banned by the H. D. Cleverdon; first vice-presi-| Puritans, the carols have since dent, Mrs. Harry Wood; second become a most joyous part of vice - president, Mrs. J. W.| Christmas celebration. | MacDonald; recording secretary,| Mrs. Parkin then discussed sea Mrs. J. M. E. Drummond; as-|chanteys and work songs and sistant recording secretary, Mrs. their beginning, and the songs of Harry Pearce; corresponding sec-| Stephen Foster, which originated retary, Mrs. H. W. Ward, treas-|in the music of minstrel shows. uer, Mrs. Herbert Coggins; dor-|The negro spiritual was first re- cas secetary, Mrs. W. H. Grif- corded during the Civil War and | America's greatest | Abthorpe; social service, Mrs. |true folk song. Mrs. Parkin play- | H. A. Twilley; educational secre- ed many of these songs through-| tary, Mrs, F. E. W. Thomas; out her talk and encouraged the Living Message secretary, Mrs. audience to join in singing many | G. W. Constable; Little Helpers, of them so familias to all. Mrs. Fred Brown; United Thank-| The president, Mrs. William offering "and extra cent - a day Owens, conducted the meeting. secretary, Mrs. James Scarrow. |The minutes were read by Mrs. | A pot luck supper was enjoyed |D. L. Bowen and the treasurer's by the members prior to the report by Mrs. E. F. Coppin. meeting which opened with pray- -------------------------- ers and a special remembrance for those members who have fo SENIOR MEMBERS passed to a higher life. The annual reports of the offi- (ELECTORS) of the cers indicated a happy and suc- {cessful year. Mrs. Evans thanked all the members for their con- YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN will reside in Oshawa --Wild Studios, Windsor forster announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Frances. to Mr. Philip Tkaczuk son of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Tka- czuk, all of Oshawa. The mar- riage .is to take place on Satur day, February 1 at 10 a.m. in St Gerirude's Roman Catholic Church. Do You Want Bett ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Suddard Oshawa, wish to announce t their to RA 3-7021 18 of da 4. SIM Mr. David son of Mrs. Percy. F _ Oshawa, and the late Mi ;. The marriage is to take Call MOTOR CITY CLEANERS COE ST. tinued support and for all the ASSOCIATION work done in His name. A letter of thanks was receiv- ed from the student of Wycliffe College who is receiving the bur- sary this year, which is given annually by the WA. Election of seve members to the Board of Directors will be held from January 13th to February 8th, 1958. The list of nomi- nees is now posted at Tickets were distributed for the er DRY CLEANING ? Adelaide House and bal- RAA.6498 SOUTH RETAILER DOWNTOWN $ TO THRIFTY CANADIANS STORE HOURS DAILY 9:00 AM. TO 5:30 P.M. EXCEPT WEDNESDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 12:30. OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. TILA TW Sh I -- ey Sali TINE SAPO S THE STORE FOR FAMILY SHOPPING A WONDERFUL "BUY" FOR THE DRAPERIES ey THE var A grand variety of patterns and colours in this lot bought especially to save you many, many dollars. Brocades, prints and fancy designs in long wearing Barkcloth to choose from. Shop early for greatest SHOP DOWNTOWN AND SAVE! HOMEMAKER VALUES TO 2.29 YD. now 1.19 YARD election. convenience. TELEPHONE You may © play "Harvey" by the Pilgrim Players to be held in the parish hall on January 30 and 31. lots may be secured at the office in regular of- fice hours. All members are urged to vote, DELIVERY LAYAWAY - --For your cc CHEQUES Baby be GUARANTEE --Merchandis refunded Our services are designed for your use and DEPENDABLE -- Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years. ~--Two. deliveries doily within city limit. nus and ZELLER'S rder by telephorre: RA 3-2294. onvenience at no extra cost, pay cheques cashed. e satisfactory or money 21 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 3-2294 | | | | St. George's Eve. WA Happy Doubles Club Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild St. George's WA Kate McLaurin Aux. St. Andrew's WA Harvey Hunt Auxiliary Sunbeam Chapter, OES Centre Street WA | Challenger Group 17th Scout Mothers 'Aux, St. Mark's WA LJ ELT) 317 Brock S., Whithy MO 8-2338 Relieves you of all the washday chores and most of the ironing 7 Ibs. for only 1.22 16¢ each extra Ib. Is etc. apparel, bath towels etc Sr is Foe Juff-dried and folded. on extra 18¢ each ROYAL SNACK BAR 97 SIMCOE ST. S. -- RA 5-5232 Be Safe and Say -- "The Toronto Launderers' Way" O RONTO AND DRY CLEANERS 175 OSSINGTON AVENUE, TORONTO PHONE LE 5.2161 Save money by visiting one of our cash and carry stores in the A new laundry service designed for you. All fiat pieces ironed. Wearing N Northtown, Cloverdale, Bayview Plaza or Don Mills shopping centres

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