Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Jan 1958, p. 4

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Unity Club Holds Annual Dinner The ladies of the Unity Club, Whitby, met in the IOOF Hall Wednesday to enjoy their annual dinner brepared and served by Mrs. Isobel Saunders and com- mittee. The tables were tastefully decorated and all agreed the din- ner was delicious while Mrs. Pat Silk D.D.P, extended a vote of thanks to the committee. At 8 p.m. the meeting 0] with Mrs. Isobel Meier presiding, all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Roll was called with 25 members present it was decided that we start quilting Wednesday after- noon Jan. 15, at 2 p.m. with a potluck supper afterwards. After Ollen-Bittle spoke of the fine con-|further business had been taken Hipyiion, are George Jother cate of the election of officers the wish that the work would|gill, who is in charge of the youth was next. make even better progress during groups, had made. 1957 was a| President, Mrs. Kathleen 88 thie year. Mrs. George McQuade busy successful year for all the Brough; vice-president, Mrs. Win- hi ice and after organizations connected with the|nje Wilkinson; secretary-treasur- Jou le bf ar 8th ver-| Woman's Missionary Society. Onler, Mrs, Donna Martin, SCHOOL BOARD HEAD 1.7. in which Paul exhorted the the afternoon of Jan. 31, the WMS| ~The Pickering members offer- William Forbes was named chairman of Whitby Public rinthians to a more liberal con. will hold a tea and home baking |ed to convene the next meeting to tetbution for the poor at Jerusa- sale in the assembly hall. be held in the lodge hall Feb, 12. School Board last night by fel- low board members at their lem, gave an inspiring talk on the Initiations were then in order 1958 Inaugural, meeting held in | Report 4 Seek ving of "ourselves to God -- with Mrs. Tena Roberts officiat- er obe has something to give ing, assisted by Mrs. Lena Pel- Colborne Street Public School. |ihat no gue else fas. The Svclety) low, after which games were i i > |is the len ves of a e This will be his eighth term in | ' - is offi members, Let us give of our Ww d Ch this office, best," she said. ar en S alr REPORTS ON YEAR Four names have been sug- played and light refreshments Police Request In her story of the year, Mrs. gested as possible candidates i Pay Hike Here (tary, gave an interesting account|the race for the warden's chair F. Ollen-Bittle recording secre- for Ontario County Council in of the activities of the Afternoon |1958. Councillors meet on Jan. 21 Auxiliary, CGIT, Explorers and to elect a new warden. A delegation of Whitby police- men presented to the Whitby) Police Commission in a meeting held yesterday at the Judge's 4 THE DALY TIMELGAZITTY, Setordey, Jenvery 11, 1958 | Afternoon Auxiliary Of WMS Hears Reports On 1357 The annual meeting-of the after- ship of Mrs. G. White, Mrs. C. 's|Rich, Miss Laura Lee and Miss Gina VanDeuren, were very ac- tive in the work of the Church and community, The Explorers also took an active part under the leadership of Mrs. Neil Mur- kar Mrs, Len Davies and Mrs. Ross Law. The Mission Band met every week during the year under the leadership of Mrs, J. Brecken- ridge, The Baby Band mothers made four quilts and several baby jackets, the latter were sent to Africa. In closing Mrs. TOWN OF WHITBY APPLICATIONS FOR STENOGRAPHER Applications will be received until five o'clock p.m. on Thurs- day, Jonuary 16th, 1958, for the position of Clerk-Stenog- rapher In the Town Clerk's Office. Applicants should state education, typing end shorthond speed, oge, marital status and solary expected, Address applications to the undersigned. JACK W, McAVOY, Chairman, Applications Committee, Town Hall, Whitby, Ontario. ex a warm to all, the president Mrs. J. Brecken- ridge, opened the meeting with tne reading of the poem entitled "Love". Mrs. E, Bowman, treas- urer, presented a very fine fin- ancial report for the year. Rev. John Smith had charge of the in- stallation service for the officers of 1958. Mrs. Breckenridge thanked all for their kindly co-operation dur- ing the past year and expressed | DunlopsEdgeKingston 6-4 Gagnon Fires Two By CLIFF GORDON 'Whitby Dunlops last night "dged iy Kingston CKLC's 6-4 in . co e the local lead to a pair of goals. The Dunnies managed to hold | the Kingston team at this stage but it was with a lot of effort that they warded off the final two minutes of determined pressure |by the home team. Don't forget the same spunky Kingston team are here on Tuesday pght for their final appearance of the sea- son. ICE CHIPS -- Bus Gagnon again was to the fore for the Dunnies as he sank a pair to make it five in two nights . . . Geo.~Samolenko continues to rap in the disk and has now scored in the last three games to shake his slump ... Connie Broden The Kingston team returned to full strength at the 1.00 minute mark of the second period and they acted quickly as the Dun- nies were short handed. Bob Paul knotted the count at one all on a solo effort fooling Edwards] with a backhander. The Dunnies showed their power and bounced a kee ntested game in King- ston. losers made a ol + Kame of it, and outscored the s-Allan cup champions 3-2 in the , final 20 minutes 'of play. The Wane fired up Kingston team ..Will be the visitors here on Tues- day night. Bus Gagnon again led right back 10 seconds later to ~ the Whitby attack with take a 2-1 lead and they never goals with single ih a pais of looked back. Samolenko was the to Geo. Samolenk trigger man on the goal with his "mor, Connie hy Ted 3 able line mates picking up assists pr. For the losers it was Bob|oR the play. Ted O'Connor from Paul, Ted Toppazzini, Youngberg brother Tom and Charlie Burns Ru Joe Levandoski each with|made it 3-1 at the 5.18 mark. The .slugle counters. Roy Edwards Kingston team came close on a wore the big pads for the Dun.|{Pumber of shots but Edwards managed another goal and is fast Jes in last night's game giving managed to get a glove or a stick|showing his style of hockey is ng John a rest after the big|il the way just in the nick of just what is needed ... The game with the Soo the night pre.|time. Connie Broden the newest ingston team played the best * vious. There were eight penalties addition to the Whitby staff, [game they have so far this sea- handed out last night with the scored his second goal of the sea- son against the Dunnies, They «'loeals coming out with five of|S0R With Smith and captain Harry really checked and skated all the . The Kingston team really Sinden getting assists on the play. way with the Dunnies. They will " #farted to roll in the final period That was all tae scoring for the be gunning to even up for this| end had the Dunnies skating [second frame and the Dunnies one as they hit the local ice on extra hard as the Radio men out. | Vere nursing a 4-1 lead at this Tuesday night so plan to be on scored the locals 3-2 in the fina] Stage of the game. band. » stanza. HOMESTERS BAG THREE SUMMARY The Dunnies were seeking thelr| In the final period which as a 1st Period 1th win in a row and theft 29th|rule is the one where the Whitby| 1. Whitby, Gagnon in their last 31 games and the/team really snow the opposition] (Redmond - Attersley).. 1.30 stage was set for a good battle, (under, the case was somewhat| Penalties: Levan. The Kingston team had one of different last night. The losers doski. their best crowds of late to cheer made their best showing in the 2nd Period Kingston, Paul........... 1.15 « APPRECIATION DAY WINNER LAST TUESDAY MRS. MARION CREWS 125 Mery St, Whitby AMOUNT WON $24 Pot for Next Tuesday $320.00 served. The officers of Benevolent Re- bekah Lodge are requested to wear long white dresses at the next meeting Jan. 15, Co-Op Guild Holds First Meeting Mrs. J. Cowx of Dundas street west entertained the Co-Op Guild members for their first meeting of the year last Thursday even- ing, Jan, 9. It was election of officers presided by Mrs. Ashton, each officer were elected by acclamation. A donation was sent to school for retarded children in Orillia. Mission Band. One member pass- All four were in the running ed on during the year, Miss Hat-|last year when Morley Bain was tie Pringle. There were guest elected. County councillors have speakers at several of the meet-| suggested that Reeves Cyril Mor- ings. Mrs. H, C. Phillips, litera- (ley, of Pickering yilage, Russell chamber, request on behalf of|i, re' secretary, sent 40 Ibs. of Morrison, of Thorah, Walter the men for an increase in wages. |} ove to Miss C. Wagar principal |Beath, of East Whitby, and Wil- No mention was made, however, |;¢"a" Girls' school in Trinidad. |fred Hart, of Rama, will be vieing (of any addition of the police staff|qy "cGIT also sent literature to for votes of their fellow coun- for the town of Whitby. [Miss Wagar. cillors. Judge John E. Pritchard said, | The CGIT. un If Cyril Morley is elected he consideration was taken up of | . will become the first warden Samolenko, der the leader-| hem on as 2850 fans paid at the|fina] 20 minutes and outscored, 2. gate. The Dunnies opened up fast/the Dunnies 3-2 in this stanza.| 3. Whitby, Samolenko As they were determined not to|Toppazzini started the ball rolling (Attersley - Gagnon).... 1.25 take the Limestone city crew for the losers in the final period| 4. Whitby, Ted O'Connor | lightly. Bus Gagnon started|as he took a pass from Levan- on O'Connor - Burns) 5.18 'hitby, Broden the counter-offer of the men, who have asked for an increase in wages, and an alternate offer has been given." He continued: "Unless they de- 'Missionaries * from Pickering village, which was incorporated as such three years ago. If Wilfred Hart is elected, he will be the the first warden from Flowers were sent to Mrs, Fraser, of Toronto, a former Whitby re- sident and member, who is still at Western Hospital, Toronto. mow, in chain saws, too, | things off as he combined with|doski to beat Edwards in the| 5. Redmond and Attersley to give Whitby twiné, The Dunnies re- (Smith - Sinden) the Dunnies a 1-0 lead. This goal sponded to this with two more| Penalties: Myles 2, Gauth Jeame at the 1.30 mark. Samo-|goals as Sandy Air triggered one Paul. lenko, a former Kingston player and Bus Gagnon added his sec-| 3rd Period (for one season), drew the first/ond marker of the night to make 8. Kingston, Toppazzini "penalty of the game at the 2.29)it 6-2 for the Canadian represen- (Levandoski) mark. The homesters failed to|tatives, The Kingston team| J. Whitby, Air capitalize on the extra man as|brought their home fans to their| (Ted O'Connor) they were slow getting organ-|feet at the 14.39 mark as Young-| 8. Whitby, Gagnon ized. The Dunnies kept up their berg rounded out a three - way| (Attersley - Samolenko) 11.43 attack but failed to score as they passing play to cut the local lead| 9. Kingston, Youngberg Mite bejug heskeq De Laud to three goals. The Kingston team ° Pay) - Linesman) " e Kingston team. n | wer i st at this st nd 10. Kingston, Levandos ; & ros managed to Told 20) Were acting fast a = age 2 a (Bear - Moore) 15.20 | president in charge. The mainjis the first furlough for Rev. and] OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian more carefully screened and en. | to 'their slim lead for the entire minute later as Levandoski sank| Penalties: Treen, Ted O'Con-|topic of business was the Birth-|Mrs. Hicks, whose home is in cijtsenship Council has completed couraged to have basic know- Lg At the close of the Srening, lunch was served by Mrs. Munns Sr., and Mrs, F. Adams. {Rama Twp., the county's most Inortherly township, in more than 100 years. Naturalization Ceremony 29% cide to accept this alternative of- 1er, | ter there will be another meeting in February." 'To Visit Whitby Two missionaries, just arrived home from South Africa, will be speaking at both services in Faith Baptist Church tomerrow. Rev. and Mrs, James Hicks, home on *% Legion Auxiliary 10.27 - \ 0 ica Plans Birthday [fou fo a Sunday. School i en es Ag Cony ns Needs Uniformity - Council Rev. E. C. Corbett, Pastor of last with Mrs. George Brown the Faith Baptist, reports that this it's right! if its Remington. fon Golden 'Logmaster" with exclusive new roller-bearing nose J boosts cutting horsepower wy Up to 20 per cent! Al Powerful new Romington chain sume has all these great features! © Exclusive! Roller-Boaring Nose for loss friction, more power, longer weer! © Exclusivel Seli-foeding choin permits freer, fazer cutting, practically without presserel © All-position cutting! © Now, improved noa-clogging air fitterl © Positive rewind, sure-fire starting every fimel © Dependable thumb-butten eller! @ Fast, smooth direct drive with power fo spare! © New muffler with bullt-ln spark arrester for , safer operation! Come In for a demensiraiion. This amasing saw by Remington does more work than any other direct drive model! Built by Mall Tool Company, Divisio of Remington Company, Inc. Selden = In § Ap. dan. 1 glinder, Vi® pitch. Bar sg 18°, 24°, 30°. 27 Us. 339.00 bers. . «initial period. Ithe fourth Kingston goal to cut/nor. day dinner to be held in the Havelock. Mrs. Hicks is the form-| stock-taking of Canadian natur-/ledge of the language and the | Legion hall on Jan. 22 at 6.30 p.m.|er Evelyn Iles, a charter mem- | a1i;ation court ceremonies. laws before emigrating. -- | with the Branch men doing the ber of Faith Baptist Church. |" yonn Kidd, council executive di-| From reports on community in- : : catering. All members who are On Sunday morning, Mr. Hicks ootor said the study was done|terests and participation in cere- ewmar, fe pol S 0 nes WHITBY planning fo attend please let the will ieach the young men's Bible ;,""y/opost how naturalization monies and receptions, it was . resident know jn, good time, {Sas i Mis. Hicks will teach| oc omonies can be made more| shows. that, the Deiat Order | y ted that Mrs. Young the youn 4 to, ' Win String With 5-2 Win PERSONALS |i bo [etre hospital, bos, B35. Hicks. wit report en is|OOFessive and _ Important 1o Daughters of the Empire ls the g [McLean is also still in hospital. mission getvice ad bring a mes: zens. {ores at ceremonies. , Mrs. Olive Howe and Mrs. Bus Best wishes for a speedy recov-|sage at both the am. and the| "ny 99 1000 report, based on lig I ae bines ecuvent, Brouklin'g Jext game is fonight Gagnon are spending a vacation |ery are extended to them by the|7 p.m. services. In the afternoon, |,,; a ia lied out By, Coniments from IODE mem ; i i n nk you cards a 0 ; s. s . d es + oy repos : c Super 8 Group wel defeated th Uni ayill gi prea vig i in Texas where they will visit|mem Many thank yo dsjat 3 o'clock, Mrs. Hicks wills ion ohcervers in communit-| DerS, acting as survey Tiers Thursday night I N Te ate . ony) e os, game' Hine Mrs. Gagnon's parents, Mr. and were received and read from the address a special meeting being les across the country, deals with| urged that post-ceremony recep- in Nday Sight oath ot A 8.30 p.m. su RY I ono 8 , . Veterans' of Sunnybrook Hospital, convened by Se omens Me Soh subjects as the type of gor. Hons cide Te es Se - : | MMA Y y ./Mrs. N. Kyle, Mrs, M. Cassady |sionary Society of he church. ide sae [COM y | Re 8 SL S ibines| 1. Brookit ist Petiod iss Does Malek ele |and Mrs. A. Ashton visited them| During their furlough, Mr. and Shitnies provided, the fachijes: zens. losing only tE I PD AVIIL a by . ory 1) erEnss Jan. 10. Her friends wish her|at Christmas time, A fine report Mrs. Hicks will make several Bos aT | Newmarket e a Pet aone ate. Toh many happy returns of the day. |was read by Mrs. N. Kyle. {visits to the Faith Baptist Church ire oy ith. | Vern Ferguson and Bill Cor-| nd op Tod 4 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Walton| An executive meeting will be and in the near future will pre-|1\) 'aish were the marksmen for 2 Newmatect Cain recently were the guests of their/held on Thursday, Jan. 16 at Bisent the ig 1 riche 3s Sion | With the exception of Montreal | T ZAYETTE Brooklin, and for the Smoke-| (Maissoneuve) |son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and|p.m. at the home of Mrs. G.|in pictures, Mr. HIGS 1s a 1268 4p borio™ hich have special . 'rings, Cain netted two, and Tes-| 8. Newmarket, Tessier |Mrs. Gordon Walton, of Toronto. | Brown. The singing o the Queenier 18 he Bible Institute 1) South citizenship courts, most ceremon- | fer, Isbister and Million each: (Million Dupuis) 8.16 Mr. and Mrs. Winston Wheaton brought the meeting to a close. 2 lies are held in a court house or|| Recover and Save--fine scored once. Danny Tureski was| 4, Newmarket, Isbister nt children, Kevin and Michael, equivalent. tou gleaned selection of fabrics for at the home of their parents, Mr. One major suggestion gle. high value at lowest || prices anywhere, on the Combines scene for ( game against Newmarket,| Penal nd Mr from the survey was the need for | " pre - naturalization contact, pos-| Germond, one of Brooklin's "Jeading scorers arrived at the| 8. Newmarket, Cain (Million) .36Brock street south. of the first period and offi-| 6, Newmarket, Million Le son of Mr. elals would not allow him tof | 7. Brooklin, Cornish 3rd Period (Tessier) (Carnegie) 40 (Chas. Paddick, will be celebrat- 9.04 Bernard Walsh, th slie and Mrs. ing his birthday on Monday, Jan. 13. His friends wish him many| Juniors Pull Goalie In Vain Attempt To Tie sibly by establishing an official district registration of aliens. | The survey also indicated a need for more uniformity in what new eitizens should know before vik e game started out fast and | furious, with the Combines lead-| Penalties: Cornish, 10.17; 3. Whitby, Perry (umastd.) 3.44 .ing.1 to 0 at the end of the first, | Graves, 10.17; Dupuis, 11.25; Cor- however, in the second riod, |nish, 15.49; Barriage (2 min. and happy returns of the day. | Whitby Hillcrest Dairy Juniors) Mr. and Mrs. Dick Johnston were edged by Bowmanville 5 to| (Gwen McCarthy) of Indianapolis, |4 as they almost upset the Bow-| were recent guests of her grand- manville crew in Bowmanville] Penalties: 4. Whitby, Simpson {they present themselves for eiti-| (unassisted) 11,12| zenship. MO 8-2344 Whitby-Oshawe District 20 years reupholstery experience. Special low prices on any odd chairs, tal | hat In Newmarket rapped in' three/5 min), 19.53; Ferguson, 19.53. | Luke, Westfall, Lane, One observer noted t jmother, Mrs. E. H. Barnes, and Wednesday night. 'Bowmanville! McBride. CHARLES A. BELL R.R.2 WHITBY PHONE MO 8-4173 iti is granted ols, and in the third period,| Final Score, Brooklin Com- |X some cases citizenship is g ' Me Barnes and her aunt, Mrs. scored two fast goals in the first 2nd Period easily, in others fairly rigidly, | McGee. two minutes of the first period, 5. Bowmanville, Lawrence { The report also quotes what | Me. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson had byt the Dairy boys managed to| (Payne) terms a "pertinent observation | as dinner guests his mother, Mrs. (tie it yp midway in the period. | 6. Bowmanville, Payne ded two more, compared 10 bines 2, Newmarket Smokerings 5. |by a recently naturalized Cana-| Fi Sampson, and his sister, Miss| whithy seemed to get nowhere| (Lawrence) Jone for the Combines. Group Asks School Board { | If Can Form Teen Town * «+ Whitby Public School Board favor of the idea, providing the 7.15 | | 4 ; JEFFREY'S JANITOR SERVICE Whithy Churches Windows cleaned, floors weash- ed, waxed and polished, walls washed. We Specialize in Office end Factory Work, CALL DAY OR NIGHT MO 8-4233, Whitby PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byrom end St. ST. ANDREW'S | FAITH BAPTIST 421 BROCK ST. NORTH--WHITBY Pastor: Rev. E. Corbett, B.Th. John Sts, REV. DAVID MARSHALL Organist: MRS. P. N. SPRATT 10 a.m.--Sunday School 1 1 9.45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m.--7 p.m. -- Our Pastor Soloist--Mitchell Glecoff Everybody Welcome EMMANUEL 1 a.m. Morning Worship 1 a.m. Beginners' Class 7 p.m, Evening Service AGES Individuol Requirements Authorized Dealer STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works ) 318 Dunes E Mrs. W, E. Summers, AT.CM. REFORMED CHURCH 3rd Concession West of Broek N, WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP (ENGLISH) ww _£ MO 8-3552 : dian. ra Simpson, of Toronto, Who i; "the second period, and Bow-| Penalties: McDonald, Richards, of their arrival in Canada i came back strong again, and al-| (McDonald) more important than the day of Firemen Answer though controlling most of the| g, Whithy, Westfall | {i "Bald their inaugural meeting last|group had | The observer added that the Gis 5 BIND sd proper <SIpeTVising, stone in the Bowmanville net.| (unassisted) . 17.51/fact of a newcomer becoming a Whitby finally tied the score at sand - also named their com- decided to look into the situation,! _. ; | Cowling 3 'milttees. | ! air yesterday, although the ther- score the winner with just over westfall (major), X Certain improvements aud see if there is capable re. mometer may have appeared!/two minutes left in the game. | es (major), Fairey |may be justified in order to =Moore, and J. Moss; Finance a request to use the Colborne ™ The first two calls simult . : DAY BY DAY 1 "Cans 1 h "Committee, Don Gilchrist and Street School gymnasium for] multane- ville in their end zone, could not Consequently also the momen * ously. They sped to a fire at score the equalizer. M iti 1 ichalyman of the board to be a school teachers. Again, the board| Meanwhile, back at the new 3 / Jail die Sobporiuniies potentially; 3 via y Dg NEUP: urday, Jan. 18. with several offered by their adopted coun-| 'member of all committees, [before to look into the matter athlelic park on Peel St., flames Lavege: Goal, Fielder; de.|Youth® organizations of various | try." f ed board for permission to/ties come first, and after that,|fro fi i hri i Le RY | Sold dances and gatherings in the they would have no objections. mafia Ble of Criimas Price, McDonald, E. Luke. [thought of fhe Church will be| potential immigrants in their own Colborne | k 'areal BOWMANVILLE: Goal, Van.|the main subject. Everyone Wel:| country, and that immigrants be | the park level. ards, McBride, Patton, Wakely,! 5 own. The board replied that the owners and farmers in south Bed-| No damage resulted from either. Clark, Lawrence, Payne, 3. Clrurel hall nam on Toesgay Luke. he vas, a and Toronto. | War. Bags of 500 brace in a day's Thomas Chong, on Jeffrey St. he Board was very much inlishooting are not uncommon. |north of the Baseline. There a (Keenan) .......... J 2. Bowmanville, Luke 2.09 ing on Monday, Jan. 13, at 8 p.m. LONDON (AP) T | ro y | NDO} -- Twenty-four at the United Church Hall. It| Ao ccs" bly e bloods ap- The observer commented: has just returned from a two|nanville pulled out in front 4 to Keeler, Watts, Westfall. ddd sees 1114 their naturalization." play, could not get the puck past (unassisted) .......... 16.04 NO GREAT CHA night in Colborne Street Public/and absolutely no alcohol or mis- Th ¢ 11 Penalties: Keenan, Luke, Mec-|Canadian '"'does not change very ree a S the 16.04 mark of the third| For Property Committee, Fred sponsibility for such an under-|. . = ay 1 operty wintry. Whitby Volunteer Fire-| yhithy removed their goaltend.| |make the moment of the first William Forbes. The first named wrestling classes by a group of Highway 401 and the CNR CroSs-| Whitby's next home game | The Young Boogie of Christan wertht If would Mana. or. he| "10 FORM TEEN TOWN before committing themselves. were heading for the same rail- fence, Westfall, Jones, Keeler; Churches attending this special| Another observer urged that no e, Street School. Thi {the north end of the park area! {come to attend. 24 Blue Blood «nly place for teenagers to gather |fordshire and Hertfordshire say|fire, the vear ; SUMMARY year. : |grass fire had got out of hand " (Payne, Lawrence) .... ROC will be installation of officers peared in court Friday after an : | jority of immigrants the moment Florida. | In the third period, Whithy| 7, Whithy, Price man for 1958, William Forbes, before giving approval, the board | on ro » (minor and major), ently prevailing conditions. ent Committee, Terry| Also, the school board received grass fires during the day. oe aid ysame:| [rooscive Or thie ReWeutnors. | i i new Canadiens a real access to n of the committee, and the supervised by one of the high well stopped by a creek. Newmarket Smokerings. first meeting of the year on Sat- | » A group of teenagers have ask-| th i ivi-| i res jemi 4 : e public school and its activi- on the field was ignited by sparks gi con. Maw, Perry, Platt, be in charge. The Christian | ada has to offer be set before | fi i " Cowling, Watts, Fairey, Rich- eels is very much needed in this] LUTON, England (CP)--Land- fill project is underway to raise y |byterian Church meets in the k. od, the closest places are Osh- pheasants since the Second World| were called to the home of! ,| 1. Bowmanville, McBride, The Fireside Evening Auxiliary | . . : hold their regular monthly meet- | After Big Raid EVENING SHOWS 7-9 P.M, WHITBY CLASSIFIED The devotional will be in charge |of Mrs. John Breckenridge and (her group. All members are urg- Mayfair apartment of Lady Mary Osborne. | It was London's biggest society FOR Rent -- One or two rooms; one FOR Kent -- 8 room house or will rent ed to attend. : with sink, quiet, partly furnished if de. '5 rooms and 3 rooms separately. All| The Vimy Ridge Lodge No, 639 raid in years. Sized. One adult. MO 8-2435. 601 Dundas Souvenisiices, built-in = cupboards, ofl wil hold their first meeting of | Among those arrested were: Gast, | , 3498. | . ho puis 0 8-3458. "the year on Monday, Jan. 13, at| Pretty Lady Nancy Jane Marie DUTCH woman would like to do wash. WANTED -- Clerk, young lady, /forig pm at the LOL Hall. Hearthcote - Drummond - Wil- 328 dng ironing ln own. home. Phone Htion and phone number to Bed s12.| The House of Windsor Chapter loughby, 23, daughter of the Earl alladtell er oy, | Times-Gazette, Whitby. 7¢ ODE will hold their first meet. Of Sneaster 2M i train besrer R Rent -- Two large rooms, newly rom "Five = apartment. ing of the year on Monday, Jan.|!0 the Queen at her coronation; |FOR Rent -- Five r apartment. | INE 3 ' | " Gocoraten, Jepurtla strane. at Old| Apply Mrs. Sobczak, Watson Street,13 at 8.15 p.m. at the home of Lord Willoughby de Eresby, 21; Ajax ight. Apply 38 Brock Street West, | Ort Whitby. 9a/Mrs. John B. Davies. Annual re- Lady May Grace Oshorne, 54, 3 a ih ani illiam James Cavendish- "It seems to me that to the ma- weeks vacation spent in Miami, 2 at the end of the second. 3rd Period #7 had NGE the superb goal tending of Van-| 9 Bowmanville, Richards #Bettool, and named as their chair-|chief to be carried on. However, Bride (major), P i Juke, ois {much his position in the pres- A hint of spring was In the period, only to have Bowmanville| Cniaor. > . - taking. br ey Doug' Maundrell; Man g men were called out to three er at {his stage of the game,| |contact with Canada more im- . eng I y The Young People of Christian|weight if it would mean for the "to each committee is to be chair- high school students, who will be ing. to find flames in a field being "Monday, Jan. 13, against the Reformed i: Mae hold their | 2 | Howevi i 4 ie bi C x wever, they did comment that|way track. This time, the Brass). ards, P. 'Tran, H. Tran, meeting. Mr. D. Langerak will\faise representation of what Can-| is formi : a | town, ioe ini Bahu GOOD HUNTING [for a dump as a sanitary land |stonc; defence, Keenan, Lane, "my Wai of St. Andrew's Pres- { the arena, and after it is clos-|/this year has been the best for| Later in the afternoon, they | Are Red Faced 1st Period FIRESIDE AUXILIARY 1.13 of the United Church WMS will| | No damage resulted there either. ' Phone MO 8-3618 presided by Mrs. Donald Tutt... ooo ning gambling raid on SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 7 er % r WITH TT 0:00 A.M.--Sunday School 1:00 AM.--Morning Service 7:00 P.M.--Evening Service 2:30 P.M. AFTERNOON SERVICE (DUTCH) WASHER 1 BUTT RADIO And #opliance 118 Brock St. 5, Whitby MO 83-3707 Oshawa. RA 54145. " ry fC Bentinck, son of a former British 5{|FOR Rent -- 3 room apartment, seif ports will be given. TREE fy sna | d, Phone MO| |HOME insulation, blowing method. | © - ANDREW'S YW [Free estimates. Septic tanks cleaned|® 0'>: ST. Al EW'S {ambassador to Poland. 9c Tre Ts IE ks Seanes The St. Andrew's Young Wo-| Lady Mary was charged with Phone MO 8.2567 Feb. 2 men's Group will hold their first keeping a common gaming house HAVE coin sae wil oe ish meeting of the new year on Mon-|at her apartment, in one of Lon-| A000 Jobe He anoninis THe Ly |day, Jan. 13 in the Sunday school don's smarest residential dis- cut and removed. Phone MO 83938 {hall at 8 o'clock. Let's start the|triets. after 5 Jan, 10 {new vear right by having a fulll Lady Nancy Jane, Lord Wil |attendance at this important|ioughby and Cavenish-Bentinck meeting. were accused of being found on TO HOLD MEMORIAL the premises of a gambling The Benevolent Rebekah Lodge house. oi 3 : , will at their January 15 meeting| ,L20y Osborne's son, 31-year. 8b drape the Chapter in memory of|0ld John Aspinwall, was charged {the deceased members. The offi | With being concerned in keeping cers are requested to wear long}2, Sambling house. His beautiful | white dresses for this coming|Wife, Jayne, a former model, meeting was taken in, too min ---- ------ Magistrate Walter Frampton al oi Ford, winterized ai FIND 80 MEN {asked all 24 whether they would DAY care given by responsible ie. 3 | HAVANA (AP)--Eighty Cuban|put up £25 and be bound over on with one child. MO 8-4506 on | fishermen aboard 16 boats whol!a promise of keeping away from WHITBY were feared lost in a storm off lgambling houses. Sixteen of them MO 8.2146 the northern coast of Cuba were --including Lady Nancy Jane \ ; found safe Thursday at Anguila Lord Willoughby) and Caven Tues. Thurs, Sot. Jan. 24 | Kev. |dish-Bentinck--asreed. FOR RENT Available February 1st, four- room apartment in new mod. ern building. Rent $90.00. Two bedrooms, stove and 'frig. supplied. Adults pre- ferred. References required. MO 8-3591 M-G-M presents = the famed " Robert Ruark novel of the Mau-Mau uprising {filmed in Africa under rT yyy PANT cuffing and alterations. Reason able. Phone MO 8.3360; 1013 Centre South Jan. 27 ROOM or room and board for gentle man. Phone MO 82646; apply Holly- wood Motel, Brock Street North Sf WOMAN wishes housekeeping position with one or two adults. Phone Picker. Ing 482 W 3 7 | fn Suni RUSS BRYANT | Radiator and Heater tor. RA 3-2512. Feb.11 FOR Sale -- 1947 Ford, winterized and Repair Service 900 Brock St IBAA Rass 2 . ROCK HUDSON ,+= DANA WYNTER SIONEY POITIER North FOR Rent -- New 3 bedroom. brick bungalow, one floor, hasemen Available January 15, Apply Street West. Whithy, t, oil heat 701 Dunl ' | PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 307 Brock Street North, Whitby Rev. O, J. MacPherson, Minister Let's All Go To CHURCH WHITBY PENTECOSTAL EVANGELISTIC SERVICES EVANGELIST JASPER SHAW, | of Fiji Islands, preaching, sing- ing and playing his guitar, SUNDAY SERVICES THIS SUNDAY WEEK NIGHTS 7.48. PM, FOR MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO. 8-3111 If you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Call BELL TAXI All calls must be ploced between LJ . WHITBY UNITED CHURCH | V. Rowe, AT.CM. Organist Rev. John. M. Smith, B.A. Mrs. Minister 11:00 A. M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--EVENING HOUR Illustrated talk on our Hay River Mission Field. Mr. Ronald Nickel of Emmanuel College will be present at both services, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11'AM Girls ond boys under 9 years 11 AM, Infont Care. Junior Worship,

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