Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Jan 1958, p. 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, Jenwery 11, 1958 3 Telephone Service Rates Are Raised New Rates Effective At End Of This Month is being widened to encourage tele-|the ing use of long-distance dial service on a station-to-sla- tion basis. Station-to-station day rates a reduced for all distances greater than 92 miles. Station-to-station rates have some increases and Streamline City Council Business Increases of 10 cents per month for two - party resid phone service in Oshawa and of 20 cents for one - party residence lines will go into effect on Fri- day, Jan. 31, according to J. W. Lowry, Bell Telephone manager here. The new rates were authorized Oshawa City Council is stream-|four standing committee meet- 4 lining its procedure. Instead of ings separately they will be held holding four council meetings ajon the two Mondays of the month it will have only two, but|month that the full council is not more emphasis will be given to meeting. business in standing committees.| Another inovation will be the The council meetings will be|blending of the four committees held Mondays of the first and|into two meetings. Finance- third weeks of the month. (assessment decreases up to 320 miles. Be- 1 | But the elimination of two with city property which council meetings does not mean work, just the opposite. The ald- will meet r ermen think they will not only traffic and police liaison, will meet together iso in- cludes fire protection and, gener- the council is cutting down its|al purpose. The board of works with transportation, in an order issued by the Board of Transport Commissioners on Thursday. The increase for one-party flat rate business service is 55 cents {monthly and for two - party busi- tween 320 and 700 the rates sre increased, and beyond that they are generally decreased. Person-to-person rates in- crease up to 800 miles and re- be able to cope with the same| Alderman Christine Thomas ness service 35 cents monthly. main stable above that distance. amount of business but with more told The Daily Times: "We are| A comparison of the present The night rate is generally in- efficiency. |giving this change in procedure |, ioc and the new rates for typi-| creased Actually they will still have aja six months trial. It would ap-| | classes of service in Oshawa NEW ONTARIO RATES meeting every Monday of the pear to have many advantagesic,.. The present rates are in| Following are examples of the month, but two of the Mondays and if it has any weaknesses we brackets. new 'Tales authorized In Ontario. instead of being of full council shall be able to discover them in 1 h inst the old is n D | righ th trial tod." RESIDENCE n each instance the rate will be devoted to committee this six-month trial per One-party Line -- $4.35 ($4.15), bracketed: . 4 gatherings. Another advantage expected The feeling of the aldermen to result from the changes is|an increase of 20 cents. Brantford, St. Catharines, Sud- was that under the.old set-up the that controversial business which| - Two-party line -- $3.40 ($3.30), bury, Welland, Kingston: 2-party, RICHWAY « 24 | ! ny LOR WAY, Li OSHAWA TO CLUB PROPERTY 21 MIL Job Seekers Almost Doubled OTTAWA (CP)--Persons apply- ing for jobs with .National Em-| ployment Service almost doubled between mid-November and late December, Labor Minister Starr told the Commons Thursday. Registrations totalled 698,153 at Dec. 26, against 352,144 in mid- November, A year earlier, they were 387,327 4' The December figure is the ' highest since the National Em- ployment Service was set up in 1940. from Jan. 1 to Dec. 1. Mr. Starr gave the figures to! Mr. Starr gave no estimate of the Commons in response to a absolute unemployment. The last question from Paul Martin (L--| government estimate was made HICHWAY #9 ; ; ES id, .30),, 4 Galt, Orillia, Owen Sound, embroke, Stratford, Woodstock: arty, $3.20 ($4.10), business, 80 ($7.40). | P |2- $7. particularly hard hit by unem- ployment. The minister added that the job registrations with National Em- ployment Service do not repre- sent a true figure on Increased unemployment. It had been increased some- what this year by the fact that fishermen were included, by re- laxation of regulations governing married women and by -advanc- ing of the date for seasonal un- employment insurance benefits EH The Christian Business Men's| Committee of Oshawa and dis- trict, at its monthly dinner meet- ing next Monday night, will hear the editor of Africa's most widely read magazine, Their guest, Canadian - born Rev. Harold Fuller, went to Ni- geria in 1951 as an appointee of the interdenominational Sudan Interior Mission. Although train- ed in newspaper work and experi- enced in free - lancing, Fuller, a| Prairie Bible Institute graduate, had renounced his love of journal- ism and expected his ministry | would be a preaching one. How- arrangement of both council and|was thrashed out in open before, an increase of 10 cents. |$3.60 ($3.50), business, $10.38 . (committee meetings resultéd in|will now be given more Thorough Jr ensin Telephone -- $1.25) ($9.70). almost no free evenings for coun- preparation and consideration in!($1.25), no change. | Belleville : cil members. committee before it is submitted, Multi - party -- $3.15 ($3.05), an! Guelph, Te hathaw, Coral Also instead of holding the'to open council. increase of 10 cents. Bay, Oshawa, Peterborough, St. i BUSINESS Thomas: 2-party, $3.40 ($8 : od One-party Line -- $8.95 ($8.40), |business, $8.95 ($8.40). 1ssionar 0 an increase of 55 cents. Two-party Line -- $7.10 ($6.75), {an increase of 35 Cents. | ht PBX Trunk -- $13.45 ($12.60), Tell Of His or |an increase of 85 cents. | Extension Telephone -- $1.75 . 1($1.75), no change. - ; Multi-party -- $4.75 ($4.60), an Court Airs # : |increase of 15 cents. | : [LONG DISTANCE HIRE " | On long -distance service, there i |are varying ups and downs in| Blast Case 'the rates with an over-all boost of around one per cent. The circumstances surrounding Generally, the new scales Te- a dynamite blast, which destroy duce the discount for night calls|ed a weigh scale shack owned by and put much of the additions} Curran and Briggs Limited, at costs on person-to-person calls. Pic! ering last Hallowe'en nf The spread between person-to-| causing damage estimated | person and station-to-station calls $2500, was aired before Magis- ; trate James Rennick in Oshawa Police Court on Friday. Three Pickering Gl LO HE ph, ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON, | betiwveen 2 pa. and 4 p.m. the Oshawa Ski Club is holding an "open house" party to mark the official opening of the new SR clubhouse shown in the lower | picture. As wel! as the club house, a new ski jump which | had been constructed on the club site will be 'on display. | The club members are hoping | Essex East), whose automobile-|Dec. 17, when the figure was cal- manufacturing city of Windsor is'culated at 292,000, as of Nov. 16. ever, while still in language school, a need arose for an as-| sistant editor of African Chal- lenge a magazine his mission had just pioneered. Ten months later he was editor-in-chief. Today, with a staff of over 50 and a circulation of 180,000 in the English addition and 50,000 lin Yoruba, his colorful periodical li 22 countries by people EL Emergency Gas district residents, whether they Service Planned foe oh are interested in skiing or not, will attend their party. In the upper picture is a map indicat- Oshawa City Council is to set|1951 an advisory ' committee at all cultural up an advisory committee to|ghoul ucators and |issue permits to several lessees Shull be Sonyened {0 Jere Ute becoming an integral part in the | | | REV. HAROLD FULLER COMING EVENTS | that many of the i ping Most Patient Like Service meee as: At Hospital p.m. Tickets 75¢. Auspices of St. Ger- trude's CWL. 8b BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, JAN. 11, 8 P.M 20 regular gomes, share the wealth, 4 $40 jackpots to go, one special $150 to i o RESERVE Friday, Burns' Night at St. 'Whitby. DANCE, German Canadian Club Ukra- indian Hall corner of Simcoe and Bloor, Saturday, January 11, commencing 8 p.m, © January M4, for Andrew's Chareh, a | For several years the Oshawa | General Hospital has followed the {practice of sending questionnaires to patients, after they return home, to ascertain their opinion of the service provided by the hospital and its staff. Acting upon the replies received the hospital is endeavoring to improve its service to the public of Oshawa and surrounding districts. During the period from June to October, inclusive, this year a total of 1322 questionnaires were sent out. Four hundred and thirty-six replies were received. Woodview Community Centre MONSTER BINGO 8 PM, MONDAY JANUARY 13th More than $1,000 IN PRIZES Including 2--$250 JACKPOTS 1 et 57 numbers 1 ot 49 numbers 1 $150 JACKPOT 20 'Games at $20 5 Games at $30 DOOR PRIZES RED BARN Turn left at North Oshawa School, one block past A & P Store. BUS SERVICE TO THE FRONT DOOR $1.00 Admission Includes 1 CARD run-down of the replies if can be said that the number of persons pita! services far outnumbered |those who felt that improvements could be made and were not sat- |isfied. One of the questions asked 'in |the questionnaire was: Nursing is one of the most important parts #of a hospital service. Do you feel that the nurses were skilled in {giving personal care? All of the 405 persons answered in the af- firmative. Three hundred and seventy of the 385 who replied felt the nurses were really inter- ested in the patient as a person. Three hundred and fifty-seven of the 394 replies felt the nursing! staff was prompt in doing things for the patient. While most people o bject to being awakened in the morning, the questionnaires showed this] was not the case among patients. | Only 78 of the 401 replies stated| the patient was -awakened too early in the morning, The great| majority felt the hospital sched- ule was so arranged to provide |adequate rest. A large majority | felt visiting hours and regulations were satisfactory. Regarding food the hospital asked whether portions were too large or too small; just right; was the food to the liking of the| { patient, did you like your coffee| or tea; was it hot when it reach-| 9b ed you and was your food served MONSTER BINGO SATURDAY, JANUARY 11 17 PRIZES OF $10 1 each of $20, $30, $40, $50 Share The Wealth SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 10 $5 BILLS FOR DOOR PRIZES Dec.27,28,Jan.10,11,24,25 Feb.7,8| ing the location of the club of gas stations who will supply | development of West Africa. Pro- The committee will consist of i governors and iS per of Africa's first branch of the |{CBMC at Lagos, Nigeria, and has {been active in Boy Scout work Would Suspend Driver's Licence : Robert Arthur Corby, 128 Tyler crescent was found guilty of fail- ing to remain at the scene of an accident, bv Magistrate James Rennick, in police court here Friday, He was assessed $150 and costs or 30 days in jail. The magistrate recommended suspen- sion of Corby's licence. Corby had been involved in an accident at the intersection William and | on township youths appeared on charges of failing to use care in dynamite. The hearing was marked by protracted argument etween Crown Attorney A. C. Hall and counsel for the defence. Richard Lapointe, 16,3 Camer~ on street, Pickering, and Peter Woodruff, 16, Pick plead | guilty to the charge. They were {remanded until Monday, Jan. 18, in custody. Joseph Pridmore, Brougham, was remanded one week. The of charge against Wililam A. Lish- |attractively. While those who were not satisfied the! vast majority were pleased and satisfied. which is in the Newcastle area, near Kirby. |gas in an emergency after regu- [ducing about 3800 Christian de-|there as well. His wife is the for- there were lar hours of business. one police repr ive, three cisi a month it is considered mer Lorna Parrott, of 141 Alma George Russell, secretary of Service station operators and an|to be as effective as many dozens street, in this city. the Oshawa branch of the Ontario| alderman who will be chairman. |of missionaries. | At the CBMC dinner, which is Retail Gasoline and Automotive| Council has referred the mat-| gays Fuller: "This Is the time being held in the private dining Service Association, told The|ter to the property, fire protec-|¢o. biz business in Africa -- and|room of the South End Restau- Mary Nov. 16. Fred Knapp, le avenue telephoning police, Corby driven off. had hit the rear of his car. While man, 49 Church Picker. rag Be John Walte Street, Pickering." oid ad that dynamite had been gathered (Daily Times: '"The gas will not|tion and general purpose commit-| church must not fail in ex-| 1 i [be supplied at the station but will|tee to bring in recommendations Dloiting ft tor Christ." Because Mr Pullers sil shows oe |be taken to the person who needs for appointments. of the magazine's success, Chal-islides of his work bringing out it in cans." | The association has recom-|lenger - type magazines are the contrasts between ancient The association made the ap- mended that three service station|springing up in numerous coun- and modern Africa. Special sing- Burn Buildi plication to the council recently operators, Mr. Russell, Alltries around the world. ing will be provided by the local following a request to operate the Statham and Don Cooper be ap-| npr Fuller was a charter mem- Hooper Bros. quartet. '6-Month Term Accused Given The attempted theft of a brief preceding Hallowe'en. been "frightened" and * of the blast." Woodruff denied that he ha been in charge of the ay japon tne op coil, Ba ad onl of dynamite without hurt to ht oe {by several boys on the svenind Hi scared 3 Without going into a complete g who were satisfied with the hos- ; caus crowds of spectators would|three men aboard a missi i if f s ators F ssing fish- |interfere with the experiments. : To Obtain Data : : OTTANA (Cr Nationa FILES Service By TG of Yalodiiiog 1b the savory commit Assault Case Celebration Is Dismissed 'Ends In Fine search Council scientists are put- The association asked the coun-| Preston, Joe Bissonette and Stan ting the torch this month to eight cil that under a bylaw passed in|Bowers. A Hungarian refugee, in Osh- awa since early 1957, was involv-| A honeyinool celebration ended a fine abandoned structures in the St. S ed in a case before Magistrate in Lawrence power project area to find out what happens after a CAUSED BLACKOUT MONTREAL James Rennick bef: the Osh : 4 James Rennick before the Osha- Jaies Rennick at police court to. "p i Court Friday. Harold Friday. fire starts in a house or building The eEperimons form part of {town of Tele are 'collecting i) slack op Canada s mounting (CP)--A sudden, money to aid the studies of the ot unexplained increase in the city's Negro children of Little Rock Profitt, 24 Barnsley Court, Scar- Mikolos Popovic, 476 Albert boro, was found guilty of being street, had been charged with as- aie driving. He was E ' ; in Sault, ccusing bodily harm to his e and costs or 20 days former landlord Walter Wright, ling liquor in his car was dismiss- In 1956, latest ar for which lectricity figures are available, 628 Cana- i he SE ninute. blackout | Arkansas." Rude Pravo says the Tele children are staging plays in jail. A second charge of hav- 196 Athol street east. The charge ed on confiscation of the liquor. was dismissed. OPP Constable Carl Preston dians died in 80,746 fires, com- Quebec Hydro officials said bared Jou de Previous Jear Thursday. Hydro-Quebec engin- and selling waste paper and scrap 79153 Tan $102 Callin, O'eers were working now to pre-metal because 'they are deter- > $1,004,775 In vent such a failure happening mined to help the Negro children, victims of discrimination in Little yt testified that he had followed th: Mr. Wright told the court that ow e after a recent fire at his home, oo of Je accused on Highway his former tenant had come back on Nov. 19, 1957. The car of to demand furniture he had seiz- the accused had been weaving » again. The buildings to be burned are Rock.' in an area to be flooded by the PRESUMED DROWNED : ! p from side to side and th ed for unpaid rent. He said that DS , another [Popovic had given him a shove $ar: attempting to pass it had to power project, Their precise lo- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (CP) which hurt his back. brake sharply. After apprehend- cation is not being disclosed be- A massive air and sea search for . . ing Profitt, h . Popovic emphatically denied 8 8 came 10 the: con 8 clusion that the accused was in- the charge in Hungarian, transla- |toxicate . s ted by J. Szikszay, member of d. He found seven pints | DEAD AT 107 { TURIN, Italy (Reuters) -- Ida Bevilacqua, claimed to be Italy's oldest woman, died here Thurs- day at 107. {boat was called off Thursday. The council hopes that infor- The three were presumed to have mation from the tests .will help been drowned. They were Ed Cot- develop construction techniquesitrell, Ted White and William! TWO SERGEANTS KILLED which will prevent rapid spread- Cooper, all of the Port Simpson; FORT KNOX, Ky. (AP)--An ing of fires, It also hopes Star. area north of this coastal city. Sxplosion inside the turret of an ion will be gathered on better | tank on a firing range killed i ways to fight fires, on types off FUNDS FOR NEGROES [two army sergeants Thursday. the Oshawa Hungarian Culture a pe pear po] Re TE interior finishes which should be] VIENNA (AP) -- Czechoslo-|The army said the two were Club. Gyula Kiss, another Hun-'that in his o rt po pnylified avoided and the effects on hu-|{vakia's chief Communist newspa- killed while obtaining firing data. |garian refugee, substantiated peen Intoxicated ofits had mans of carbon monoxide gases.'per says school children in the'An investigation has been started.'Popovic"s statement. Profiti told the court that the |car was weaving due to a defect- {ive steering mechanism and wind on Highway 401. He said he had been drinking four pints of beer during a honeymoon party of a relative during the evening. He denied that he was intoxicated. Crown attorney Alex C. Hall |called the courteous manner of |the two arresting officers 'law enforcement in its finest man- ner." 4 LONDON (Reuters)--The first Soviet movie house with a wide] screen will open this month in Moscow, the Soviet radio an- before Magistrate had found the accused case was the charge against Ro-| T - bert Richard Gide, 4. 74 King New Firm Is James Rennick at police court) . Organized Here {Friday. Glide was found vig ok and sentenced to six months in| | Jail, | |" "Roy Nesbitt, 304 Simcoe street| Ralph H. Vickery and F. Jay [south, Apt. 6, testified that he Goyne, both lifelong residents of in the Oshawa, after working as man- basement of the apartment build- ager and salesman for other ing on Jan. 7. Two lockers had leading real estate firms for' "a been broken open and a brief number of years, have opened case, belonging to Ivan Erwin, their own firm which will be |Apt. 4, removed from one of the known as Vickery and Goyne |lockers. Golf equipment had been Real Estate and Insurance. taken from the other locker. Mr,| Their office will be located in Nesbitt held Glide until police the Rose Bowl Building, "39 arrived. Prince street, Oshawa. iy Crown Attorney Alex S. Halll Both men are past presidents told the court that the accused fof the Oshawa and District Real had a record of several convic-'Estate Board and belong to vari- tions dating as far back as 1933. ous clubs and boards in the city. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of Sunnyside Park Neighbourhood Association will be held in the Club House at Sunnyside Park on MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Election of officers for the 1958 season. Financial report on the Sunday Bowling Club. We urgently request that you (THE RESIDENTS) of Sunnyside Park Area come out to this meeting and help to orgenize your park and curb JUVENILE DELINQUENCY, Remember, the children ere your responsibility. They need your help to become better citizens. If YOU DON'T help them! WHO Will? nounced Thursday. 12 KING ST. EAST Buehler'st MEAT SPECIALS! MONDAY ONLY! PHONE A 3-3633 TENDER s 69° TENDER WING STEAKS CLUB STEAKS 2 « 99° NINE QUEEN SCOUTS TO RECEIVE THEIR BADGES FRESH MADE COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE ° «= 1.00 FRESH MINCED CHUCK | will be presented with Church on | Queen Scout Badges. Shown | members of the | here, with their leader Scout- 7th Oshawa Boy Scout Troop | master C. Collard. are the At the morning service in St scouts who will be honored. , from lef are George's Anglican Front row, from left, are: Burgess, ayne Rogers Sunday nipe Douglas Lloyd, Bill Kelly, Gor- | master Collard, Ronald don Moulton, George Thomson | and David Barnes and Eric Mitchinson, Back row. | --Times-Gazette Photo | their t, Murray Scout- Blyth | STEAK . 65°

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