- A TIMIS-GAZETTE, Seturdey, Jean 1, hy : OSHAWA AND 13 Injured ; : a ; DISTRICT NEWS In Accident CASES REMANDED | | Three persons were injured in | oles sass before the Oghara a traffic accident on Highway 2, Imanded for a short period. Ern-|between Oshawa and Whitby, at | Pickering Township, charged today. |with being intoxicated in a pub-| Brought to the Oshawa General |lic place, was remanded until Hospital were May Tessier, 18, land Ja Jan. 17. Edward Thomas|447 Oakwood avenue, Toronto, and James Dunn, both of 1134| (minor bruises and abrasions): | Queen street west, Toronto, char- Marion Montgomery, 18, 108 'ged with attempted theft, were|Rosedale avenue, Oshawa, (lacer- |remanded for sentence also until ations to forehead and shock); Jan. 17. an sau street, (shock and hysteria). CHARGE AUTO THEFT phe injured were treated by Dr. . 0. Anderson. Same Meld, 1 Grentl 0. AMIE, 5p, npr [theft of an automobile, belonging Epi oy ie tome ot Ho Alired Robjusol b 3175. Nelson of tne Wayside Inn driveway, and 4 y Wee {was struck by a westbound car, Was remanded for one week, |driven by Edwin Gaupholam, 19, | DRUNK FINED of Norio; ak thes Biichiy | The impact drove the: Bushby Woodrow Edgar, no fixed ad- \opicle into the southerly ditch of dress, was found guilty of being the road. The accident was in- | intoxicated in a public place by|yestigated by OPP Constable | Magistrate James Rennick at Ross Allman, Whitby Detach- Oshawa Police Court Friday. He ment {and Marion MacInally, 203 Nas- Bushby, 18, Main street, Picker. awa -- have been lool GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN The citizens of Oshawa district will have the opportunity one week from Monday night to do the "Wayside Inn" at .1:04 a.m. ; . . gat Ausicy, Rosebank road north | | right by the Cinderella Kids. | We refer, of course, to Whithy's very famous hockey team, the very excellent Dunlops, which leaves New York Jan. 29 for Oslo, Norway. Council will be asked to decide what this city intends to do, if anything, to honor the Dunnies. |LOOK OTHER WAY Mr. Hofstetter for the school. | For too many months tool It's a large Eskimo soapstone many people -- sepecially in Osh-'carving of a woman scraping a ng the sealskin with her knife, The other way when the Dunnies are carving is by two Eskimos, Eli- mentioned in laudatory terms, |jassiaplk (or Little Elijah); and City Council can undo much of his partner, Johnny Emikpa. this wrong January 20. They They are leaders of one of the can vote the Dunnies an outright largest camps along the coast gift, or a public reception. and are well known outside that But, even if council only votes area for their soapstone work. the team a box of cigars, it will They live 40 miles north of Port be paying some recognition to | Harrison. The Eskimos are ac- the scrappy little Dunnies. {tive in this work in the summer _Thore is a better than even and carly fall. {was fined $10 or three days in {jail, north from Colborne street to , | REMAN DED FOR SENTENCE | east Beverley street. a is | Andrew Peter Torbic, Elliott D . ; | Lake, was remanded one week] CAR SNAPS POLE " ) 4 for sentence at the Oshawa Pol-| A car was wrapped around a ice Court Friday, after being|hydro pole, snapping it off, in a LEN ale Naa CER TEMPLE LODGE, AF AND AM. No. 649, INSTALLS OFFICERS "At a recent meeting of the | organist; Bro. Benjamin Stred- | secretary; Bro. Thomas Gros- | John Cornish, junior deacon, | director of ceremonies; Wor. | : " thur street. officers of Temple Lodge, AF | wick, junior warden; Wor. Bro. | art, senior deacon. Back row, | and Bro. Arthur E. Bathe, jun- Bro. J. Grant McIntosh, treas- Salle snd genie Sirests O° Jan, C. Srown, XN. 0 bn crashed and AM, No. 649, for 1958 were | David R. Coulson, immediate | from left -- Bro. T. H. Camp- | jor steward. Absent when the | urer and Bro. G. R. Crawford, !iried to ride to Montreal in the into the pole Total damage was installed and invested. The new | past master; Wor. Bro. Jo hn'| bell, tyler; Bro. James A. Bar- | picture was taken were: Bro. ; senior stewart. car with another youth, until ap- estimated at $500. . officers of the lodge are: front, | Russell DeCoe, worshipful mas- | ron, inner guard; Bro. A. | John Carey, senior warden; | preliended at Belleville from left -- Bro. S. J. Locke, | ter; V. Wor. Bro. O. D. Friend, | George Barron, chaplain; Bro. | Wor. Bro. Joseph A. Anderson, | --Times-Gazette Photo | : PARKED CAR HIT OBITUARIES MRS. J. E. BRENNAN [tal at the age of 39. His many, tomobile, owned by John Stuart|Mary St., on Friday at 12:40 p.m. "As a former school teacher, 0 in| F particularly" the Mrs. McLaughlin always retained | Week at the branch's annual din- Flonk, RR 1, Orono, most (Continued from Page 1) ri women. ; X SE y ORILLIA Mrs, J. Edward|friends were shocked by his sud MAYOR of Whit: JERMYN ---- jeeslistic Shproach i] He Inte & pote that yas as Don pd cepa Rar Vd Estimated gt Yo. a 3, v- | S were §. y sud- of Whitby ristian w life was felt in|president o e om: : 3 - Brennan, nee Hariett Eaton, 97,/den passing because such good «1 am sorry to hear of the om op A Ny School Council that he 31d! president, Ken Durno; secretary, THREE GRASS FIRES Te hee oo uppers Bag Dee ming om passing of Mrs. R. S. McLaugh- whom she Worked, and J serve Tauzhiln Jae leadershis which George Russell. » ' 8 lin. as an example for the young ed in the establishment of| on Jan. 1. since his heart operation on De-| 'iThis entire area has lost a women of today." the teaching of music in the ele- y Born in Euphrasia township on cember 12, 1957. However, early good ee Tg as well 5 {mentary schools of Oshawa. Rev. E. Ralph Adye, a former of snow. At 10:30 Dec. 23, 1860, daughter of James New Year's Day, his wife and|as a very much-loved benefac- MRS, R. E. WILSON, "Her name will be perpetuated rector of All and Lavina Eaton, Mrs. Brennan his brother Fred were called 10/tor, in her passing. Division Commissioner, in education through the Adelaide Church, Whitby, has been has been a widow since 1943. |his bedside where they remained| 'She will be warmly remem-| The Girl Guide Movement |McLaughlin School shortly to be Pointed senior secretary of the/p.m. at Nipigon She leaves her daughters, Carie until the end, late that afternoon. hered and long revered by the in Oshawa lerected. | Upper Canada Bible Society, quickly put out. {(Mrs. C. A. Louch) of Windsor,| The entire village mourned his|great and the humble people of "The entire Guide Association 'On behalf of the board of edu- ART DISPLAY Reta (Mrs. J. W. Piatti) of Osh- passing and expressed their sym- this district, is deeply saddened by the passing cation, we extend our sincere awa and her son, Charles Wes- pathy to his wife, the former| "To her husband and family I of Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, sympathy." SENIOR SECRETARY STREETS CLOSED Because of repairs the follow- prints, assembled Hollman, from the corner of Met-|An automobile, driven by Cedric| Whitby and Oshawa will never A parked car, owned by On- | | | y A : now -- when they need our sup- Officers of the Ont C tario Motor Sales Ltd., was hit " competitors here this week in the CITIZENS PAY TRIBU TE Jor le 200 in he minds Of), coh oF the Ontario Gasoline Friday at 4:40 p.m. by another POrt. big bonspie] at the Oshawa Curl- | : | Retailers Association elected this automobile, driven by Anne|CALLING (WAYWARD) ing Club. Friends recalled that oh Bloor her interest in education. It is of Der in the Genosha Hotel were: street east. Total damage to both | Seventeen paintings and wood- > by the|this in Oshawa during the week|iha Whithy Dunlops, is a physical ley Brennan of Toronto. There Helen Ash, and his three small are six grandchildren and 10/children, Deborah, 5 ,Gayle, 3, rg HR Tit and Afred, Jr., two months. » . webster conduct-| ge ig also survived by his par- rR funeral Service at Dbo- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adair, 3 ® ros. eral Home on Jan. Newcastle; two brothers, Fred . and Harold, here; two sisters, ao Prema, Sam Flag' in Mrs. E. C. Turner (Luella), Osh- Tami alerson li god awa, Mrs. Al. Brown (Marj.). rg T bo od Ch hi One sister, Irene, Mrs. Fred "Bato ® Bop an aries Kirkpatrick, predeceased him. in awa ac as pall- Alfred, who was born in Bow- , manville, Feb. 26, 1918, lived most of his life in Newcastle, ex- {cept for a few early years spent FUNERAL OF |around Bowmanville, Newton- GORDON 1. SALTER |ville and Crooked Creek. The funeral service for Gordon, On Feb. 19, 1942, he joined the 1 Balter, who died at the Osh- Canadian army and served over- awa General Hospital on Wednes- seas in the United Kingdom, cen- day, Jan, 8, was held at the Mc- tral Mediterranean area and con- Intosh Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. tinental Europe as a gunner and en Friday. 'a proudly received the medals Rev. John K. Moffat, minister earned by his service. He was of Simcoe Street United Church, mobilized July 23, 1946 eonducted services. Inter- Opn July 29, 1950, he and the! Interment was in St. James Cemetery. extend sincere sympathy." "She was always keenly inter- ing streets will be closed tomor-| cut that the team will bring| The child on the back of the back the world's championship carving is typical ar Mr. Hof- to Canada; and with it they will|stetter, in that it depicts how bring great honor to Ontario spoiled Eskimo children really County, Thousands in Europe are. Young children are con- will become aware for the first stantly on the mother's back un- time that there is a Dake called til too heavy to carry any longer Whitby, and that ere is a and Eskimo women are extreme. found guilty of the theft of an au- traffic accident opposite No. 3154 ving automobile city nearby|ly strong. called Oshawa, !AN OLD FRIEND be able to repay the Dunnies for ty ham er Judge F. J. "Scot- what they have . [He served as county judge of Ry rent > food Jrouth oe Ontario County and local judge stand idly by and wait until the go, the nigh court of justice from Dunnies win the championship to ara on' 9 "1951, to Sept. 28, 1954 honor them. The time to do it is Judge "MacRae was one of the HUSBANDS he succeeded the Special memo to would-be way-'D. B. Coleman and "i husbands: late Judge preceded Judge John B. Pritchard. Belfast- it doesn't pay. anymore, to born of Scottish parents, Judge {run away from your wife in the MacRae now serves in the Coun- The Oshawa fire department hope that you won't have to sup-|ty Court of the County of York. {was plagued by three grass fires port her, Friday due to the continued lack am. a grass toe Saints Anglican fire at Baldwin street; at 2: . g San p.m. at Verdun road and at 10:20| / { street were Will very likely reach out many vention of the USA. They are Two Oshawa district represent- Why? |atives of the United Steelwork- The Provincial laws are (00 ers of America are due to leave this weekend for, Washington, Also, the long arms of the law D.C., to attend a national con- thousands of miles to get you, George Patterson, president of especially if your wife is on re-|[ocal 2784 and Doug Kay, presi- lief. dent of Local 1817 . Jack There was a good example of McKenzie, starry" forward with |ested in all Guide activity. Her | MR. T. K. CREIGHTON, Q.C. |gracious manner. and quiet life | "The whole of Oshawa and, as was a true example of Guiding. | well a wide host of friends else-| "It was through her interest where will be shocked and sad- that we are the proud owners of |dened by the sudden news of Guide House, donated b: Mrs. McLaughlin's passing. With and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin. wide interest in people and af-| 'Her memory will always be fairs across Canada, she was cherished here and her life will first and always firm in her loy- be an inspiration to us all in the alty to Oshawa, its citizens and days to come. institutions. "Friendship and personal ser- vice she practiced as a respon- Execu : 0 sibility. In particular, sufficient in Oshawa can never be said in praise of| "Mrs. McLaughlin served 12 her devotion to the Oshawa Gen-| years as honorary president of eral Hospital, the very begin-/the local YWCA, and for eight nings of which can be said to years was a member of the Na- have been inspired by her. And tional Board of the YWCA of yet the hospital is only one of a Canada. Since the beginning of great many social welfare in- the planning of the local YWCA stitutions which owe their success |i 1944, Mrs. McLaughlin had| not to her support only, but to gisplayed an exceedingly keen! her zealous personal interest and interest in the work of the local direction. In Mrs, McLaughlin's| ,ccoeiation. | MISS RUTH HIGGINS | tive Director of the YWCA by Col.\McLaughlin. She was a most won- MRS. FRANK McCALLUM row and Monday: Athol strect|Agnes Etherington Art Centre, When city police sent a detective |equcation" instructor at the Pres- Past President of Oshawa YWCA | éast from Wilson road south fo|Queen's University, K are igh DRelo 5. 50 pring ack ton High School and commutes "The City of Oshawa and the|€aSt limit of Athol street; East.|being exhibited in the auditoriuma hishanc CABTECC FL, TO SuP-|from that town for all the games. hol e willie b ave An i ©/lawn street from King street east of the McLaughlin Library until poet. 3 B.C city pol oo nese |. + . Oshawa members of the hl ole oon LA as suffered ait, south limit of Eastlawn; Cadil-|the end of January. The exhibits, igtoris, i) on a pi ot tase: Kinette Club are making plans ragic loss in the passing of Mrs.| ac avenue north closed from|which are the work of several ore ars id oF oll ose for their forthcoming Mothers' | b Colborne street east to Beverley famous Canadian artists, are for Pom! a bic ava gy ss 4 Ul|March on behalf of the Ontario derful person. No detail of any street: Central Park boilevard sale after the event. s is a big drop from IOrmer| ; ier Canadian Foundation of project or problem was too small| ed years, and here's the reason: |p ion velitic This year's drive not to be given her fullest atten- a MAGISTRATE SICK Wayward husbands have more| oS eS oat Tog at ween the tion. There was no person -too|tributed much to Magistrate F, S. Ebbs has been fear oF the ov these days, Kiow. hours of 7 and 8 p.m, when Kin- com-| [small or insignificant that Mrs. munity. We will miss her very confined to bed since Tuesday due| a HEL SERV SA 08 OC €C ettes will call at Oshawa homes. McLaughlin could not give her much." to a recurring attack of influenza. A | { ublic charge. whole-hearted attention and inter-| The Oshawa police court magis-|P " | Something unusual in the way est. We have lost a person we| MRS. JOHN E. HARRIS | ¢. oc nects to be back in the These cases -- where a hus g 's W i: A H , ed 14 of strange addresses appeared on RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED I extend sincere condolences to | ici i .lawa Post Office on Thursday. Col. McLaughlin and family at| 'Mrs. McLaughlin gave of her- ey bot de Oy ps The postcard, which was mailed the time of their bereavement." self, her time, her thoughts and A general membership meeting Intrigued by the costs of such|from a point in Austria, carried : [her energies to the many organ- of Local 222, UAWA, was held BE ror {he taxpayer -- as in|the name of the family, but the MRS. H. L. DONALD izations and activities in which/the Union Hall. Bond Sires :|the Moncton and Victoria cases|only address given was: President, Oshawa Home |she took part for the general pub. Thursday night. Resolutions con |-- we conferred briefly this week| "Air View of General Motors and School Council: |lic welfare of the city of Oshawa. |the coming UAWA A PE |with Mr. H. G. Chesebrough, the|of Canada, Limited, Oshawa, On- "The death of Mrs. R. §. Mc-| "I have been associated with ference a 'leity's welfare administrator, who |tario, Canada." Laughlin is a great shock. her in the Women's Volunteer | WEE END BIRTHDAYS gave out the following informa.| In spite of the scanty address, "She founded the | Oshawa | Organization, a committee which .tion: the post office managed to de- Home and School Council, Nov.|functioned during the Second! Congratulations and best wish Bignty percent of the costs of|liver the ard. It was. for SOMETHING UNUSUAL was in the Oshawa Union former Helen Ash were jed| death Oshawa has shffered a se-| | Yosmotery, {in St. George's Anglican ares vere and special loss. To her| oe Was Japecially ny ol The Pallbearers were Harry Newcastle, and have since enjoy. husband and family will go the FIoV'G% F3 © Ter young girls "aidwin, aval pips; in ed the blessing of their three fine Sincere sympathy of all." |away from home for the first "Par 0 Miller, ictor Phair children. He was a fine husband i ~and -Anson Phair. |and father and worked diligent. W. GORDON BUNKER, ly to take care of his wife and Business administrator and MRS. MARGARET J. vi | g ** Following a hy Ines "ihe (amily until il health forced him| Oe er th occurred at Fairview !0 quit about a year ago. El nce n lshould at a dodge, Whitby, on Friday, Jan. Though he was not able to do In the death of Mrs. R. S. the Christian "10 of Margaret Jessie Hart any hard work he still enjoyed McLaughlin, the city of Oshawa Ui n widow les Jack <1. She many hours among the flowers of 13% oy one of its most public was in her 82nd year. his garden and made toys for SPirited citizens, Her i purpose of the 16, 1920, and {was the first presi-| World War; the Provisional Plan-|©S 2 dent of that erganization. "Mrs. McLaughlin the Home and School Council. School. was the {ning Committee which investi- | function to the highest degree. | started the Home and School at|Adelaide House for her; The "Her other chief interest in the Mary Street, King Street, and|Women's YWCA was that its program Centre Street Schools. Later she which she had been currently ac- times emphasize expanded this work and started|tive, contributed much with her Welfare League, alert mind and new ideas. contribu. ship of women and girls devoted Ontario Federation Home and er, a-noble woman, who was held {with genuine affection by those gated and set up the machinery | time. Adelaide House fulfills this/backbone of our organization. She for the present YWCA named in| Gradke, YWCA and seek to build fellow- She also played a key role in the, She was an indefatigable work- wall, the anti-Communist investi- gunna, RR 3, Oshawa; Nancy ! "IVAN" TAKES REVENGE | BERLIN (Reuters) -- Jergen 19, an East Berliner, {has been jailed for five months for painting the anti-Russian slo- gar "Ivan go home' on a facto) gating committee of free jurists reported Thursday. An East Ber- re extended to John A. Tre- such arrests have beén paid for|Mr. and rs. Erick Bohm, 443 by the Province since last Dec. Ridgeway street, Oshawa, Ont. 1 and 20 percent by the city. Pre- | STS viously the Province paid 60 per- cent and the city 40. The Province started to pay the bulk of such costs about three years ago when it decided that such arrests usually hurried the | restoration of the errant husband as the family breadwinder and thus saved the Province -- the Mother's Allowance Department Fy His children a . tions to education facilities have|to the task of realizing in our 3 PER the late Yo 2a Had vd Sh EN Nite show im- benefitted a grea: many people. |common life those ideals of per- ed was born at Bury -- St, Ed. provement after his operation, munds, Suffolk, England, on!Alfred was scheduled to come March 1, 1876. home to his family and friends in "= Mrs. Jackson came to Canada a few weeks. About 48 years ago and prior to| His body rested at the ilorris moving to the Oshawa district 26| Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, un- 'ears ago had lived in Toronto, til noon on Saturday, Jan. 4, 1958, say and Peterborough, She when it was moved to St. was .a member of Calva., Bap- George's Anglican Church, New- tist Church. castle, where the rector, Rev. + Predeceased by her husband in D. R. Dewdney, conducted the 1918, she leaves a son, Charles funeral service. The hymns, G. Jackson, of West Hill. 'Abide With Me" and "0, Vali- Also surviving ar. two sisters, ant Hearts" were sung. Mrs. William Kitson (Eva), of Veterans of Newcastle with Bowmanville and 1liss Cassie members of the Bowmanville Hart, of Suffolk, England and Branch of the Canadian Legion a andchildren : : formed a guard of honor. Pall- Jae moral service will be hearers were Messrs. Lloyd All- wu a '5 Armstrong Funeral dread, Cliff Flintoff, Bev. Jaynes, pe. 2 p.m. on Monday, jack Voutt, Ross Cobbledick and Jan. 18. Rev. C. M. Keen, pastor|, § i ' of Douglas Walton. Interment was in Mr Calvary Baptist Church, willig 4 Head, Cemetery, Newcastle «conduct the services. Interment A i The many beautiful floral tok- "will be in Little Lake Cemetery, | op spoke eloquently of the high "Peterborough |esteem in which 'Alfred was held : ALFRED A. ADAIR by his many friends. here were « Newcastle was- saddened on tributes from the Newcastle Vet- "New Year's Day by the sudden erans' Association, the fellows, "passing of one of the young vet- the neighbors, Karl Weyrich and -erans when Alfred Adair passed employes, Woodland Products away in Toronto General Hospi-land employes, Bowmanville Mrs. McLaughlin's keen interest sonal and social living to which| upstanding in the community at large we are committed by our faith has assisted many young people as Christians. to become better citizens, She, "The board and committee possessed a truly great life; un- members, and staff, feel that in selfish, generous honorable and Mrs. McLaughlin's passing they useful. have lost a real friend, one who The kind of service she gave was deeply and sincerely con- will mark her forever as a great| cerned about the YWCA, not only citizen. Her memory will bellocally but as a national and cherished and revered by thous-| world movement." ands of citizens who have benefit- ted because of efforts she put; MRS. GERTRUDE COLPUS forward over the years in the! Oshawa Board of Education work she loved so well. '""The passing of Mrs. R. 8. Mc- # extend to Mr McLaughlin Laughlin brings a sense of sad- and family my deepest sympathy | ness to all of us who are left be- in the loss of a loving wife and hind. Yet in our sadness there mother, - must be a feeling of thankfulness 2 that we were privileged to know MES. hE ARMSTRONG: | her and work with her in one of "Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin's keen her many fields of actios, The |interest in the establishment and |Home and School movement was maintenance of our YWCA inne Of her major interests and it i |was in the early days of the Oshawa will long be remember-| ovo ent that I had the oppor- ed by the people in this commu-|fypity of close contact with Mrs. {McLaughlin and I am grateful Branch of the Canadian Legion, and proud to have had that op- the truck line of General Motors, | portunity. A great lady has pass- Oshawa, employes of Subway ed from our midst, but never Lunch, Oshawa, and members of from our hearts." Newcastle Fire Department. "THE LIBRARY WORLD Knowledge Of The Past 'Assists In Evaluation The following reviews were . written by a member of the staff of the Children's De- slaves to freedom. Indeed, Mrs, {Tubman has been hailed as "the American Moses" because of her aitinent of Se McLaughlin |g, oioits in leading her enslaved NEGRO IN NORTH brethren to safety. Later during AMERICA ,|the Civil War, she fought side by There is still muéh truth in the Side With the Union Army and, id savin "To intelligently (because of her resourcefulness o ying : and courage became known as understand and evaluate the pres- "Ge 1 Harrier? ent we must read to gain a more |, ¢ra arriet'. "Freedom »|Train" is the exciting story in i intensive knowledge of the past." tor ofthe life of Har. MR. AND MRS. CLIFFORD HARMAN "The news of the passing of Mrs. R. S§. McLaughlin comes to| us as a severe shock as to thou-| sands of Oshawa citizens, The late Mrs. McLaughlin was a very generous-hearted citizen, always kind and gracious, and we join; that large group of people who will mourn her loss." |many years later, he gained his MRS. E. A. COLLINS, "Mrs. McLaughlin was a fine,|who worked with her and knew|lin court convicted him of "anti-| __ money. citizen who con-'her personally." social" behavior. The Province has ruled that a -- wife can't get Mother's Allow- ance once the Province knows where the errant husband is. Frequently the wife becomes a public charge until the husband! gets back to work. Mr, Chesebrough is convinced that there are fewer errant hus- bands in Oshawa today because of this policy. The Mother's Allowance De-| partment even has its own train-| ed personnel to track down way-| ward husbands. Principal (seorge Roberts of] OCVI heard from one of his for- mer OCVI teachers this week. The writer was Murray Hofstet- | ter who taught History at that | school for three years prior to his departure last June. | . Today he is located at Port Harrison in the James Bay area where he is a teacher and resi-| dent educator with the Depart- ment of Northern Affairs. The letter was accompanied by a large, brown box which con- tained a most unique gift from | STUDIO 75¢ for all sets of negatives at Horn- sby Studio from the year 1939 to 1954. We must make room in our files. If not picked up within ten days, these valuable pic- tures will be des- troyed. HORNSBY Logeman, 217 Hillside Ave., H. L. Pascoe, of Columbus and C. H.| Tuck, 74 Burke St, who are celebrating their birthdays today! and to s Dianne Hickey, 458. Albert St. and William J. Lock, 551 Simcoe St. N., who will cele- brate on Sunday. TO INDUCT MEMBERS The meeting of the Rotary Club at Hotel Genosha on DETECTIVE F. H. FAYLE | : Police Officer Named STUDIO Justice Of The Peace iii i=swsl ra sos Oshawa has a new justice of|senior justice of the peace, as-/to relieve Mr. Igel of some of the bere ZV dma, sal SUIT | freedom from slavery in the Unit. {ed States, It is an intensely grip- !ping story, beginning with a bar- barous inhuman raid by a group of slave traders in Africa. "THE FIRST BOOK OF NEGROES" by Langston Hughes. From the days of the slave |trade, the negro of America has come a long way in his unrelent- Area Commissioner, Oshawa Girl Guide Assoe. sincere personal sorrow {heard of the passing of R. S. McLaughlin. She was fectionately termed gracious qualities were a living| ample for our girls to follow, Her memory will live on in our the peace. He is Detective F. H. sisted by Det. Fayle. As the city extra work. Fayle, in charge of the identifi- "It was with deep regret and |cation department of the Oshawa| : that I police force. The new justice of re. the peace, who received his ap- the Chief/pointment Friday morning, will Girl Guide of Oshawa and her assist the present Justice of the syer necessary. Peace William Igel. ; Fayle was born lis growing, so is the police "I will continue in my present " position and I expect a great deal of help from Det. Fayle," com- {mented Mr. Igel. Mr. Igel, who Chief Flintoff explained that was born in the Ukraine, came to Mr. Igel had to be called during|Canada in 1910. He started with night hours and Sundays when-|the Oshawa Police Department in With the ap-|1920 as clerk and interpreter, and pointment of Det. Fayle as jus-|was appointed as justice of the| tice of the peace; he will be able/peace in 1936. {SPENDS DUTIES | | mittee, will preside. C.B.M.C. PRESENTS (Christian Business Men's Committee of Oshawa and District) Missionary Journalist Rev. HAROLD FULLER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF "AFRICAN CHALLENGE" at their monthly dinner meeting MONDAY, JANUARY 13th 6:30 P.M. To Be Held In The Private Dining Room Of The SOUTH END RESTAURANT ei Bloor St. E. at Simcoe . . .. Come and enjoy this non-demoniational Ghristian Fellowship. No definite charge for dinngrs. Free will offering. SPECIAL MUSIC BY HOOPER BRQS. ~Also action-packed pictures of angfent and modern Africa EI ubman's life of given the story of Mrs. Tubman's fews. ] n. Si courage and sacrifice. This fa-| 'underground railroad" by the Ralph ne audpereuts ofjwas a lovely woman. This city| mous negro woman was born a means of which she led slaves to|gjavos {has suffered an irreplaceable slave on a plantation in Mary. Sraedomn, LIBRARY BRIEFS loss." land, To gain her freedom, shel No doubt many readers would) The Little Pe 's | performed incredible feats of like to gain more knowledge and will be held as ie oF iy Thou NYE, courage and endurance and, upon understanding of the lives of on Saturday afternoon in the] Oshawa Board of Educatieh reaching safety, decided to gojother American slaves. Highly auditorium, Films are especially| 'The city was shocked Friday Ct; Fayle for 'his new position back and show. others the way.|recommended is the biography chosen for younger children and|to learn of the sudden passing of |to the Oshawa Police' Commis- Overcoming appalling obstacles entitled = "AMOS FORTUNE, parents are welcome to attend. |one of Oshawa's great citizens. |S\°0- Det Fayle then made his and literally facing death and/FREE MAN" by Elizabeth Yates:| On Jan. 18, by popular request, "Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin' will [OVD application and was ap- torture every inch of he way, In this fine book the reader is the Puppet Show featuring "Tom long be remembered for her in. Pointed as of Friday. Mrs. Tubman crossed the mous given the story of an African Tit Tot" and 'The Frog Prince' (terest .in people, her concern for| "Det. Fayle will carry on with Maspn-Dixon He ee ie Fines qo the time of his cap w 1 be repeated in tie' Boys and|their welfare and the genuine en-|his present work," said Chief amled more tha L ure in his native country untl,!Girls Library at 10:30 a.m. 'thusiasm which she engendered Flintoff. "Mr. Igel will remain as! "My new job will still be con- inected with police work," said |the smiling detective today. Chief of Police H. Flintoff stat- jed that he had recommended Dine ee hh Mg Tubman, but it is also more, [128 (Tusade for freedom and hearts forever." Dont" Ho Spi gif Io ng peop eoramon interes|It iS a heart-rending, revealing|§dudlity. During these years, ot Tope where Je yu ob ee conaern regarding th {look into the souls, the hopes and | cE 0 People have contributed RAY HOBBS, . |high school, He joined the Osh- . I po Bg Ro i Bhi un dreams of a people who though much to our culture and well.| Chief, Oshawa Fire Depart. awa Police Department in May, | f eed and negro. peoples in the once enslaved have always been|PeiN8. This book for younger| 'Oshawa is going to miss Mrs, |134. He will have a record of 15 | thern United States. For the aD important and vital part of Teaders tells the story of several R. S. McLaughlin, She was one of [Years service next May. Starting ™ sou Ee iets wh muy the national heritage of the Unit-| Well-known negroes. There is athe finest women it has been my 25 & beat man, he was promoted or Js and girls Who Jha ed Stale. {sketch of W. C. Handy who wrote privilege to know. I recall in 1928 © detective in 1954. Always inter- | ton involving other young peo| The life and work of Harriet| He 5. Louis Blues"; there is when we were using the old Fire ested in police work, Det. Fayle| we would recommend the fol-| Tubman have also been written in She oi Of rest uph, Butiche, Hall at Richmond and Simcoe | 128 grafiuated i I in books about the negro an outstanding work of fiction by dy yore rd See. She oud be present ty printing a cation ) ato : Hildegard Hoyt Swift 1 | e pres me. In irect various social groups' rum-|Printing and photography) at Ot- i rage Jn Abe A imam a biog. title: yHE Oy sa Jade the he was awarded the Nobel Peace|mage sales. She was always in|taWa just prior to his promotion SCHOOL OF NURSING i raphy by Dorothy Sterling is the FREEDOM". Here again we are in tae or oat egotation lhere Di ching' nutes what | Sutscuve. story of Harriet ; the charity may have been. She gryyy, POLICE WORK HOSPITAL Commencing Wed., Jan. 15 7:30 P.M. FEE $2 -- 10 WEEK COURSE For Information Phone RA 3-4024 '