W's an EXCITING Sale of Fabrics. An IMPORTANT NCEA JEM SALE : A Sale at to the fine past achievements of EATON'S hig "Spotlig ts." It comes wi a of "BIG BUYS" in Fabrics for '58 , | . with NEW WEAVES, NEW PRINTS, NEW COLOURS . . . all specially chosen by expert EATON buyers from renowned mills in Canada, Great Britain, Abroad. Here are cream- -of-the-crop values , . . fabrics that offer THRIFT and INDIVIDUALITY in your sewing for a gay new Spring and Summer. Because of the response expected from this Sale, we cannot promise deliveries on our usual schedule, but deliveries will be made as promptly as possible. 3%" colourful "Wabasso" Cotton Prints at a great saving! ! Buy ond sove! New patterns for 1958 and lots hos ings A iY pr ond crisply finished washable cotton prints Pox home decor purpose: Gprons, smocks, quilt-making, children's wearl Small end bi florals, geometrics, Paisleys in a patfern range fo delight you! redo tones e, red, green, equa, rose blask » Wot ogri ied Bd hy Bio: very design. | EATON Spotlight Sols, yord.., @ ANN A 35" imported washable Cotton Percale Prints from ) SA! ' imported from a promunent American house expressly for this big sale! Fine i | Crisp- ond easy rcale prints wit! characteristic glistening finish! J bog iligy oud oo 'li love fo, their colours and designs and go auciities, In small, medium and large Jorals conventionals, n ties, gots fs Wd Posie iach, lar for children's fashions your own cofiage anc for - very BP oradominent colours of aqua, green, pink, blue, red, yellow, mouve, black or white-with-colour but not In every design. Come early and choose from this big range! EATON Spotlight Sele, yord clos mtIRA 35" imported "Sanforized" Washable Cotton Gh yt Gi shable cotton ging n various Ordinarily .69 Sie+"tecia and" big. choice of classic, colours! wiend and "Sanforized" for @ minimum of yi r wash hd ern Have these for Summer dresses, cott s e . or. % png In red, powder or pink. 14" checks in red, copen, pink, powder, mid-green, yellow, brown, meuve, moss-green, Caribbean- blue, black. 2" checks In wd, oper, pink, 'mid-green, 1" checks in red or black only, all with white. EATON , Lo Nate gem, oy green, copen blu blue [1 Id-eolour, grey. EATON Spotlight Sale, yard 35" "Sanforized" Printed Flanneletie in many FH Look at the price! Come early and choose while he ange complete hase the type of cotton flannelettes that sell like "wild fire", A eh ose, firm, but Bini roi By light weave finished with a lovely soft nap and f n @ wide range of mew and pretty patterns plus oid favourites! Rose gar ¢ tiny rosebuds, florals, children's quaint n gns mOVeHy So. nal Che ellow, powder, ili aqua, white-with-colour. For mighties, pylome: end uh!"E EATON Spotlight Sale, yord ---- 35" plain and novelty "Sanforized" Woven Coton Denim! of m t USA And here's a Dig saving on G po e 1 . Denims_as rugged for wear @s they are right in pF hic er sports wear! They're 'Sanforized'--so you ean count on goo a grand lecor in cottage recrection-room I r en's roor ( chain -- cushions, 28) Plain colours Inciade Sie Ble medium-green, tan, teal g0id-eolour light grey, brown, navy, black, red, khaki, turquoise, pink, yellow, lime dork-green, stripes end check: in various patterns come in similar ton. ATON Spotlight Sele yerd ri ip-dry Woven Gotion Ginghams i in 1 gay plaids! Ordinarily .98 Theres o rainoow of lovely, new shades keyed fo this season's lighte: e ond size effects to suit your type. Finely wo sy 1 ash and "drip-drv"' for easy care! Gingham plaids for a Summer dr r yourself and for Shiidrer} Predominantly in blues, greens, pink, yellow, mauve, turquoise, brown, sersl, also striped effect in purple and deep rose--all with contrasting colour. CATON Sotlight Sale, yerd 42" "Celanese" crease-resist 'Shantung.¥ Weave Rayon! apple ight' a, -- blue, mauve, gold-colour, grey. EATON Spotlight Sale, yard ip-Dry Printed Cotton Skirtings They're crease-iesist, hand-waoshoble ana drip-< r easiest Sum r Smart sotton skirtings picked from the new 958 erop! | Ww hv in print , . . RY In design and striking In eolour-combination! Scenic effects, Pease -patchwer k effects, We ean't take space to nar n so come and choose yourself for full-skirted dresses, whirl skirts, sr uch, All are splendid weaves. Colourings go from light to dark EATON Spotlight Sale, yord You'll prize the Ordinarily 1.19 icortwear, for dresses! We've secured them in plain eolours and x (very subdued). They're treated for wrinkle-resis a ho able f good weight that make up well into sheaths, ye J y ing aad shades and populor darks. Choose a Summer white, navy, black, yell reen, turquoise, periwinkle, rosewood, mauve, tweed effects in 80" Flocked Novelty Nylon Sheer in many lovely colouring! Nylon sheers tha Ordinarily 1.98 ening Vecr now .. . Summer sale en n patterns and colourings! Colour ful ny uhite in in Howared effects and groceful conventionc bridesmaids and little flower- fir s, for childrens od summer wardrobes. Grounds of light blue, light green, pink, equa, mauve, rose, yellow, white-with-white--but ot | In every design. EATON Spotlight Sale, yord 35" "Everglaze" drip-dry Plain Polished Colton! Ordinarily 1.49 | yun ne enties: "earores. you. want for good washing , resistance to wrinkles. A fine, smooth, firm we e a that add to Its handsome appearance and dur J f on choice for dresses ond full skirts to toke south for Summertime wear A new orbit of colour Includes 1958's i of white, ice- , sky, lipstick-pink, petal-green, French blue, periwinkle, medium-blue, lemon, yellow, pink, light aqua, natyral, mess-green, red, navy, black EATON Spotlight Sale, yord 9 35" English "Sanforized and Mercerized Cotton Tricoline! Ordinarily 1.55 oy TW 000 Li Hols) aan ond woshes estilo 3 has @ light sheen ond takes to the loveliest of colours, is + Sanfor ri for laundering. © fine shance to buy yards of it at a low price in the big sq for Summer frocks, Pare children's smocked dresses etc In white, pin i Powder end lupin blue, yellow, waotermint, aqua, maube, naturel, Sigh Roi B ro' ,aribbean-blue, tan, fine, kelly or moss greens, apricot , . . light grey, PRI Spotlight Sale, yard 44" imported Printed Acetate-and- Cotton "Pongella"! Another notable purchase trum a well-known in the USA cured for eur great sole! A range of eolou "ul prints for the new 1958 $€asc Hand washable end crease-resistant! A fine smooth weave with a lovely soft she done in fresh-looking erns and lively 'colour-effects that hold the promise of mony smart fashions. Suitable dresses, full skirts, blouses, what you will. Included are predominant tones of light ond medium blues, light and medium Tots greens, mauve, black, turquoise, woldseojour, réd, ten, rose, copen, grey, and whit te-with- colour. EATON Spotlight Sale, yard --_______ 3%" erease-resist "Sanforized" Plain-Golour Irish Linen! Big savil Pig on this colourful linen from Ireland! An excellent Queility weave "Sanforized"' for better wast ng and treated to be crease-resistant ymmer wear. This for the classic two-piecer you wear practically everywhere . . for taileced dress, dusters, sheath or sports togs Our range of mew-season shades Inclu White, copen, rose, aqua, mauve mid- , pink, yellow, Reseda-green, powder, toast, Kime, moss-green, geranium, charcoal, gold corour, brown, navy, black. EATON Spotlight Sale, bd 35" "Everfast" reas radlel Printed Polished Cotton! "Everfast'" fabrics are exclusive with EATON"S! Don't mise Ordinarily 2 50! thee stunning cotton sat: $s in their handsome prints! Here's beauty-with-ecsy-core for WY yi wear! A 1958 gathering of the new smort in small and medium florals, conventional designs, large dots, and Paisley effects, Wonderful choice for dresses, full skirts, housecoats , . . for Southern weor and Sum- mer evenin: wear! Predominant tones of the mew clear blues, pinks, green, yellow, aqua, rose, jon, i ved, navy, black . . . all with contrasting tones, but not in every design. ATON Spotlight Sale, yord 45" lovely Cotion-and- Rayon Hand- Washable Satin Prints! With the renownec 'cvergloze" finish for crease c A group of 'satin ints to charm you for the designs are of the sort yc ol silks . , . really ced ond allover florals done In small, med and lorge sized patterns , flattering, muted colourings. Here's print excitement for dresses and full Predominant tones, ell with colour-contrast, In equa, powder, pink-mauve, beige, Rac fons Sete; ord mo" mid-grey, rose, violet, pink, brown, white-with-black. Spotlight e, yord wnt American maker's new patterns "Spotinghbrr Noma" prints have proved extremely por of good woshobility end wearabllity, Again we offer th an extensive selection of delightful spaced florals, allover design, new shodow-dots! Lightened ond jovaly | In colour for this year, mostly soft pastel prints on light grounds, pred he "Oh , teal, mid-green, lilac, yellow, sopphire-blue, tangerine, Sold ones Hime, brig blue, red, grey, turquoise, moss-green, EATON Spotlight sale, yo - - 27" and 36" well-napped Soft White Gotion Flannelette! Buy in EATON'S great Spotlight Sole and make a big sc 7 wide. 36" wide ng on these splendid quality cotton flannele Purchase in 10-yard lengths ond moke ori extra saving! Here is one of the homemaker'- favourites . . , @ fine, firm weave with ¢ nop that's suitable for cosy Winter nigh ns 3 . . . for bobies' diapers . . for innum he cottoge uses. You'd be wise fo tuck oway a good low prices. EATON Spotlight Sale, yord HE: | im for 2.78 3 yerds for 3.75 35" "Sanforized" plain colour Washable Cotton Broadcloth! Our big Spotlight Sole brings this populor cotton broodcloth of a price thot merits buying @ quantity! This ls en excellent Conodion make . . . @ fine, close, firm weave for good service . . . "Sonforized" for good loundering. And It comes In on outstanding range of shades for the new season: white, powder blue, pink, scarlet, lemon, yellow, maize, equa, light brown, natural, epple green, silver-grey, Caribbean-blue, copen, lime, orchid aentique-gold-colour, royal, Spanish moss, rose, pastel pink, epricot, citron, lipstick-pink, gold- wolour plum kelly, navy, wine, block. 35" "Everglaze" Sculptured Cottons from U.S.A.! Drip-dry, beautiful cottons with the fomed "Ever glaze" finish for spot-and-soll resistance! These simulate ellover embiolderies end are done In two-tone effects or In colour with white embroidery effects. They're the prettiest out for Summer wear . . . finely woven, sculpt wed In picturesque floral patterns and avallable In lovely, singing eolours that Include: white, a, oink, yellow, medium blue--but not In every design, 3%" "Evergiaze" crease-resist hand-washable Cotton Prints! Ordinarily 1 191! Specially purchased for this big sale! Printed cottons with the "Evergloxe" ------ finish which gives them soll-spot-and-wrinkle-resistance. Floral designs to everyone's taste--small, medium and large sized prints, also 'conventional stripes and dots In a great variety! Fine weaves with a lovely lustre , , , Just lovely for the gay dresses end whirl skirts you'll be wanting this Summer . ond for blouses, housecoats, children's wear and home decor! Predominantly pink, blue, green, yellow, equa, llae, brown tomes, grey, red, black, white-with-colonr but not In every design. 35" Dan River "Wrinkl-shed" "Sanforized" W Ginghams! an niver Finki-shel aniorize oven uinghams High style ginghoms for gay new fashions . . . woven of fine combed cotton yarns + specially bought for this outstanding sale! You'll like their crea se-resistant quolity , , , you'll love their vibrant eolours! Rainbow plaids and colourful checks . . . all woven right through , = , and so adding to their good washing and wearing qualities. Crisp, fresh end charming for your Summer dresses and blouses, children's wear, home- decor! Predominating shades: Yellow, aque, pink, green, blues red, mauve rose, tan, black: 36" Fine Wale Corduroy | in a riot of new shades! A specially popular fine cotton corduroy with a velvet-soft pile for handsome appearance end supple 'hendle'. Hand-washable ond haord-wearing! This fine wale weave Is Fashions choice for sports and com- pus weor and for colourful, practical togs for the youngsters. Remember it, too, for those useful duster coats that live a busy life in Summer! In plein shades of white, copen, Caribbean blue, baby blue, turcucise, powder, raspberry, royal, yellow, shocking pink, sheli-pink, rust, kelly, dork green, moss green, Mme, coral, mid-grey, wine, golden-nugget, red, dusty-rose, ligh. belge, dark brown, light navy, black. 38" Drip-dry "'Sanforized" crease-resist Printed Cotton Ordinarily 1 391 It's the biggest season ever for prints so be sure and see the printed fine : eombed cottons we've collected for you here! Prints for every taste and type! A wide variety! Small and medium sized florals, conventional patterns, dots, others! Fine, firm, washable, duroble , weaves In new-looking designs end Includi on predominating tones of aqua, blue, rose, mauve, pink, moss end medium greens, yellow, grey, tan, brown, light brown, navy-with-colour, black-with-colour, white-withe colour, grey-with-colour, but not In every pattern. 36" English "Drip-dry" Braemore "Sanforized" Broadcloth! Ordinarily 1.49! 1 A491 A splendid quality finely woven eotton broadcloth made in England . . . speciolly purchased for the Spotlight Sole! It's "Sonforized" ond 'Drip-Dry"' for easy ears . . « hand-woshable « « . cre + « + crease-resistent to shed the wrinkles! Comes in a wide choice of new, lovely colours for Spring end Summer. Included are white, yellow, light blue, rose, copen, pink, eque, royal, Indien turquoise, chartreuse, grey, mauve, red, tan, charcoal, geranium, p each, hyacinth-blue, brown, mess-green, gold-colour, natural, light end derk navy, Night green, black. 35" Drip-dry "Sanforized" Printed Polished Cotion! Ordinari ly 1 9! An outstanding purchase brings you printed charm bv the yard in this group of crease-resistant lovely polished cotton sateen! Hand washable, fine, firm-bodied weaves with mony a delightful design to choose from. Here are cottons with a lustrous finish that odds to the beauty of colouring! Allover florals, spaced florals, novelties, me dium and large dots, geometric and Paisley patterns with gay promise of pretty Summer dresses, blouses, housecoats, skirts, chilaren's dresses! Predominating blues, greys, brown, pink, oque, red, yellow, beige, turquoise, mouve, Moss-green, medium green, black, navy, white- with-co'our. 56" "Celanese" Rayon crease-resistant "Sherwood" Suiting! Ordinaril 1 79 ] The popularity of "Sherwood'-Celanese-rayon sulting grows end grows--here, A vrainarily 1.77: the big sale you get it at @ very worthwhile saving price! This Is an exceptionally n.actical and serviceable weave . . . end hand-washability adds to it: virtues. A medium weight for Spring ond Summer. Comes In lovely elear shades of white, pink, light blue, royal, turquoise, yellow, dark powder, red, ten, wine, emerold, hunter green, brown, light navy, navy, black, also mixes In light or medium greys, charcoal, rmouve, blue or beige. Look to your Spring sewing mow--and BUY! is rful flecked i i 54" colourful flecked Wool Tweeds in new Spring range! H Tweeds! Tweeds! Tweeds! And whot tH t! The rt and the eolourful 4 Ordinaril 3 95 ! thot make a big bid for your i ni pm ru plecer:, jumpers, skirts and dresses! Wool tweeds In the smal flecked effects so easy to weor . , . ond In a most flottering orray of clear, fresh colours right in tune with Fashion, See these handsome weaves and moke your choice at a blg saving! Predominant tones of naturéh._pink, turquoise, gold-colour, beige, light green, prwdgr light blue, equa, rose, tan, grey, chorcoaol br «mn navy black. 3 2 d E b id H kh 39 35" imported Embroidered Polished "Everglaze" Cottons! H H Huge purchase from well known mill in the USA. . . , note their low price end A Ordinaril 3.95 ! be sure to see these beautiful cottons! Lovely, lustrous ond finely er with the "Everglaze' finish imparting crease-and-spot-resistant-qualities. Hand-washable, of course. They would be enchanting for Summer day or evening dresses, graduatinn dresses, bridal wear, full skirts, sheaths, blouses! In white-on-wmre, beige-on. e, pink-on-pink, brown-on-be blue-on-blue, maize-on-maize, blue-on-white, pink-on-white, equa-on equa, navy-on-navy, black-onb!: ck. " Real Silk plai "Non-Slip" Shanlun 40" Real Silk plain colour "Non-Slip" Shantung! 1 H Shantung is a spring favourite and here Is a very desirable dress weight real Ordinaril 4 95 ! silk isin 2 pls rat its own: It's "non-slip" and spot-resistant! This, we suggest iui the versatile two-piecer, for dresses, sheaths or blouses. It comes ato notably low price so 1 your oraef in early to be sure of the shade you want. These new-season tones are flatterers: white, entign blui, watural, light blue, turquoise, silver-grey, persion 9 grey, tortoise, wedgwood blue, dior rose, mavy end black, os indisnensoble end smort os ever! 36" x36" wide Pure Dye Silk Luxury Prints from Switzerland! Rio Ordinarily 6.95 10 BIS! 1 re, "med morass won ome Tare. doaretve paniea Pere ove silks from the noted houses of Switzerland! Luxury silks thot or. slated for o sell-out!' Handsome Honan typs . , silk prints in softly blurred effects . . . butterfly-bright or in muted tunsual colourings! Florals! dots! Novelty designs! The light and the delicate! Theliant and the dusky! In colourings you must see for yourse!f! 33 and 36" wide. EA N SPOTLIGHT EATON SPOTLIGH SALE YARD . EATON SPOTUGHT SALE YARD EATON OTLIGHT SALE YARD ON SPOTLIGHT SALE YARD EATON SPOTLIGHT SALE YARD EATON SPOTLIGHT SALE EATON SPOTLIGHT 38 SALE YARD EATON SPOTLIGHT #* EATON SPOTLIGHT Fi SALE bd YARD EATON 1 SROTLIGHT 9 SALE J YARD 3 EATON SPOTLIGHT SALE YARD