Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Jan 1958, p. 12

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snd WEILY "NEVARETTE, Serurcey, sunuery 19, sve. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads |; 44--For kent THREE unfurnished rooms, with ey Orie HOURS to 5 P.M. A. to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 44--For Rent ONE sleeping front room, one light housekeeping room, central, Plenty of/ STENOGRAPHER hot water. Apply 48 Brock Street East. Required immediately at Oshawa Municipal Airport. Five-day week, many employee bene- fits. Apply in person to Miss Trevail, Aero Tech Bldg., Monday, January 13, 7 p.m. 22--Radio and T.V. Repair |36--Female Help Wanted | RADIO, TV, car radio repairs. All PIANO for student, Will pay cash, makes. Dependable work Fred Thomp-|State make and price. Apply Box 650, son, 157 Elliot street. Dial RA 3-9792.|Ti tle, Jan. 16 16 Feb.4| WANTED showcase in good condition, CORONET TV owners! For factory not more than 4 feet six inches long. trained technicians, cail RA 8-5286 or App!y 8 Richmond Street East, Clarke's 736 Cedar Street. Guaranteed job. |Barper Shop. of Jan.13 SCRAP Row furs, live poultry, fea- thers, scrap iron and metal. TURNER RA 3.2043 (collect) | 1--Accountants 18--Building Trades 32--Articles Wanted |S. T. Hopkin C any, iia AE plumbing and heating supplies. INDEX | Public a iH a {Phone RA 5-3521 Harold R. Stark Ltd., TO WANT AD [=a omaws, Cutie. 7a iter" |pimne, Scag sta engingtring; : CLASSIFICATION Hunter and Co.,|ALL types dwelling repairs, roofing, siding, plastering and repairs, chim- -|neys, new and repaired, Dial RA 3-99)1 1 =--Accountants 28 2--Barristets Gordon May. Jan. 3--Chiropractor 4--Dentists S5--=Nursing Servic 6--Optometrists 7==Surveyors 7a--Veierinarians 8--Building Irades 9--Building Material 10--=Sharpening Service 11 --Business Opportunities 11a-- Business Opportunitie Wanted between Whitby and Oshawa. RA | Please Note Deadlines now in effect for fi this column: Birth, Memorioms, Cards of IT FOUR rooms, unfurnished apartnent FOUR - room unfurnished or partly bath, e rooms, sink furnished self - contained apartment, private ba larg v im. stove, and refngerator. Apply 496 lm 3.9841. » 56309, North, Aparinest & 34 ROOM, lt oe a use tchen. THREE furnished rooms Modern kit-| -- a chen, refrigerator and rangette. Apply 143 Clarke Street, near Ritson and Eulalie. Sf NT, first floor, a YALE, Friedlander, 3 cupbuvards, ail newly \ decorated, 9 AM. SAME DA DEATHS -- y © 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 DEATHS FARYNA -- Street Ei Yale; lander, B, » CPA; J. Hunter, CPA. Dial RA S161, Feb.2 AL. Van-Mil, Accoun complete bookkeeping Aa RAS 5 ne Jan, 11 MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- |tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To- ronto; Hon. J. W Monteith, FCA; A. B. Monteith, 8. Comm, CA; G. W.|. | Riehl, CA; R. F lightfoot, CA; George | W. Tretheway, CA. RA 5-3527, i Sil. feos Street North, Oshawa. Jan 6 |BOB Clancy's Ontario RE rn ices oifers lice for small business. 184 Sond sireet | West, Room 1. Office, RA 5-0397; .iesi 605. jaenee: RA 3-7 Feb. 1 n Tvs en eg Fa SELF . contained three room ape apa ment, centrally loca ted, re rent, adults, immediate possession. = -8511. ANDREW BUTLER BUILDING CONTRACTOR Homes built, repairs, altera= tions, all trades. 'Also bricks work, blockwork, stonework, chimneys built and répaired. Work guaranteed. RA 5-0547. Prompt -- Same Day 24-HOUR TV SERVICE CALL RA 8-5286 ANYTIME all conven- MA 3.5878 Bowmanville after 3.30. THREE unfurnished rooms, oil heated; heavy wiring; sink with hot and water. Call evenings or weekend, King Street East. 9b wold | GROUND floor, bed - sitting roo wl kitchen. Sunny side of house. All u if {veniences. Apply M n Street. LL At the Hospital for Si Children, Toronto, on Wednesday, i uary 8, 1958, Rachel Anne Faryna, aged one year, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Mike Faryna, 1202 Som. erville Avenue, Oshawa, Resting at the! Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville 37--Male Help Wanted TWO experienced salesmen wanted at db T once, excellent prospects. Opening for|QNE housekeeping ro ne © or| TWO rooms, private entrance. wo field supervisor. Hard workers only RA two 5t | gentlemen or couple. ¥7 Park Tot? Deed IPP. Wiite Box 945, mes. THREE - room, 1, modern apartment for | Feb. 9 10--Sharpening Service HAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, saws, scissors, knives, etc Percy Neil, room, 8- 4 THREE unfurnished rooms 8, heavy avy duty rent. RA 5-1354 EE i eo he Service in the chapel on Saturday st 3 o'clock. Interment B Cemetery, t ymanyiile JACKSON -- Entered into rest | Wairview Lodge, Whitby, Ontary on Friday, January 10, 1958, Margaret | Jessie Hart, widow of the late Charles | Jackson, and mother of Charles G. Jackson, West Hill, in her 82nd year. | Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service Be shape} Monday, January 13, at m. Interment Littl tery, Peterborough. Lue. Come: 12- ~Dressmaking 13--Garaening & Supplies | 4--Household Repairs 15 Instruction | 6-- Insurance 17=Money to Loan 18--Loan 'Wanted 1Ra---Mortgages 19~--Persoral 20--Cartage 21 --Personal Service 22~--Radio Repairs 23 ~Women's Column 24--Morket Bosker 25--Pets and Livestock 26--Farmer's Column 27 --Fuel, Wood 28--Summ.er Resorts 28a--Hunting 29--Summer Properties For "ale or Wanted 30~Lost and Found 31 Articles For Rent 32---~Articles Wanted 34--Auction Sales 35--Employment Wanted 36--~Fema'e Help Wanted 37--~Male Help Wanted 38--Male or Female Help Wonte. 39--Agents Wanted 40--Opportunities 41 --Room and Board 42--Room and Board Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 450--Réal Estate Exchange 40--Real Estate Wanted 47 --Automobiles For Sale 48--Automobiles Wanted 49--Automobile Repairs 50--Articles For Sale 51 --Swop and Barter 52----Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cosh Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERT IONS 1.88 2.07 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.00 3.30 It not paid within 7 days the Charge rute will apply. Above rates apply only to orl | ginal orders for consecutive inser rions. Subsequent insertions ordered a1 a later cate cons'itute @ new origina, order Professional and Business listings, $6.00 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line 75¢ per month. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign figure, count q» word. Box charged !5c¢ additional. All Clossified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day ot | publication, Office hours: Daily 8-5. Saturday 8-12. REGULA 1 IONS-- The Daily Times-Gazette shall not be responsible for errors in |i advertisements submitted otherwise || than in writing, nor for more than || one incorrect insertion of any ad- vertisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisements in which error occurs. And also reserves the right MeLAUGHLIN-AL Private Patients' Pavilion, Toronto, on Friday, Januar: 10, 1958, Adelaide L, Mowbray, beloved wife of Col. R, S. McLaughlin and lov ing mother of Mrs, M. E. McEachren (Eileen), Toronto, Mrs M. A. Turner (Mildred), Miami, Florida, Miss Isabel, Toronto, Mrs. J, B. Pangman (Hilda) Magog, Quebec, Mrs. C Mann (Eleanor), Aurora, Ontario. The late Mrs. McLauglin will be resting at the residence Parkwood. Service in St Andrews United Church C4 Monday, Jasanty s wh P.M. Casket will be open ie Church on Monday from 10:30 AM. until hour of rervice | Entombment . McLaughlin Mausoleum | Union Cemetary. (Flowers gratefully Jeciined). For further information, RA NEWSOME -- In Oshawa Hasnital on Saturday, January 11," 1938, Ida Cor. mish, beloved wife of the la'e Thomas) Newsome and loving mother of Mrs. M G. Hart (Greta V.) and Gordon T. of] Oshawa, in her 88th ycar, The late Mrs Newsome is resting at Mcintosh Fu meral Home. Service in the chapel on Monday, January 13, at 3.30 p.m. Inter ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM BLAKE -- In loving memory of mother, Mabel Blake, who passed away January 11, 1957 and father, Fredrick (Charlie) Blake, who passed away Jan. wary 10, 1955. We mourn for them in silence, No eyes can see us weep; ~{Lovingly remembered by son Bill, daughter - in - law Joan and grand ehfldren. BLAKE -- In loving memory of Fred Blake (Charlie) who passed away ary 10, 1955; also Mabel M. Blake, whe passed away January 11, 1957. Not just today but every day In silence we remember. «Sadly missed by Nettie and Cliff. BROWN -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Annie Brown, who passed away January 11, 1953 Every day in some small way Memories of you come our way, Though absent you are ever near, Still missed, still loved and ever dear ~8adly missed and lovingly remem- bered by son Murray and daughter-in law Betty. BROWN -- In loving memory of dear | Joists Annie V, and Robert J. Brown, | er who passed away January 11, 1953 and Dad July 9, 1957 | What would I give if I woud ay, Wello, mother, dad, in the same old way; Te hear you speak and see you smile 'To sit with you and chat awhile. 80 you who have a mother, father, Cherish them with care, For you will never know ihe neart ache || "Hs own classification. | Surveyor, to classify advertising according to |i |Goop |2--Bar. ers 102 Highland, RA 8-5363. van.16 Soli- GREER and Kelly, tors, etc., 7% Simcoe Street South. Dial RA 3.2278, Residence, phones: M. Greer, BA. Sc.,RA 5-3368; Terence | V. Kelly, BA, BC . RA 5-2602. Feb.10 and | CREIGHTON, | Fraser, Drynan | Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, No- [tary Public, Sank of Commerce Build- ling, 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; |T. K. Creighton, QC; C. Fraser, QC; G. K. Drynan; G. L. Murdoch. [NHA mortgages arranged. Feb.2 GREER, Lee and Murphy, B risters |2nd Solicitors, 6 King Street E Osh- an.29 |awa. Dial RA 5-4717, 5 T. Salmers, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, [ete., 13% Simcoe Stree: North. Dial of- \fice, RA 5-3741. Residence, RA 5-5542. Jan.24 |CAMERON and MacDonald, Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public, 18% King Street East. RA 3-2269. NHA and {private mortgages arranged. Jan.24 |McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers land Solicitors. Clients' funds able for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, Ra '5-3566. |bon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. B Jan.20 | RALPH S: Jones, BA and Thomas H, |Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici- {tors, 65 Simcoe Street South. RA 5-3525. Mortgage loans available, Feb. 7 JOHN A. G. Barris- MacDonald, BA, ter and Solicitor, 208 Simcoe Street | North. Phone RA 8-8 Feb. Charles C. McGi)- [i108 Qc 1n ss Opportunities GOOD income--dressmaking shop. Close to down town. Call RA 5-3881 or 65 Albert Street. Jan. 17 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Jan.17 12--Dressmaking DE ESEM ARING alterations, collars ed, 25c.: mending, doll dresses and biel zipppers replaced. Pickup and delivery. RA 5-2638. Jan, 15 14--Household Repairs ROOMS papered, $8 up, painting, walls repaired. Gyproc applied, seamless. Tile floor. laid, Geo, C. Golding, FA Feb.1( PAPERHANGING, hanging dcorators' cotton, Gyptexing and painting. 0. W. Mack. EXPERIENCED pairs, cupboards trimming ete., i has time to fix it RA 5-6359. Jan. 11 FURNITURE repaired and reuphol- stered. See our materials for recover- , Bruce R Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA 3.7212 Jan. 11 15--Instructions TUTOR, student counsellor, 13 years'| experience. Appointments only, Call RA 5-1054 between 6 and 7 p.m. Jan.20| LILLIAN Mae Marsn, dance educator, Dancing school, Ballet, Tap, Baton, Masonic Temple, Fridays, Saturdays. -|RA 3-7253. May20 5f carpenters on HUMPHREYS and Boychyh, ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, ac; G. B. Boychyn, B W. A. Hiliman, HARVEY Dance Academy baton, tap, Roya' Academ» oallet, Highland. Reg: ister now. 424 King West. RA 5-6122 |LL.B.,, 6 King Street West. Phones Office, RA 5-1177; Res, RA 5-4604; Whitby, MO 82761, Money to loan, be | JOSEPH P, Mangan, QC, oar] Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 144 | King Street East, Oshawa. RA 8.0232. | | Residence, RA 5-3405. Feb.1 MANNING F. Swartz, | Barrister, Soticl tor, Notary. Money to loan. Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3 607, -4029. Feb.1 MONTEITH, | teith, Riehl and | Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To- Hon. J. W. Monteith, A. B. Monteith, B. Comm., CA; G. Riehl, CA: RF. Lightfoot, CA; George W. Tretheway, CA. RA 5-3527, 135 Sim- coe Street North, Oshawa. Feb. DONALD Blake Dodds, Barrister and Stree! Solicitor, 26% t East. Tele- phone Business, RA $-35501; Residence, RA 8.3373. Feb.1 LEARNING to dance is easy and fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 Prince Street, RA 5-0841 or RA 5-1800. Jan.30 Music Studio for All Instruments Piano Tunin ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pianos Selection of All Instruments (New and Used) 477 Simcoe St. S. Jan.30 16--Insurance CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- gage. Mortgage and agreements of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- doch. Feb." Full | 3--Chiropractors |SYDNEY W. Buffett, DC, Office, 135 | Simcoe Street North. Phone RA 5-4163 for appointments Jan.15 6--Optometrists C. H, Tuck, Optometrist, Specializing in muscle anomalies, eyesight and] ses. Evenings Mon., Wed., Fri., 68. | Invalids examined at home, RA 56143 Disney Bldg., 31 King East. Jan.26 7--Surveyors aT | Horton and Associates, Ontario FIRE AND HURRICANE IN- SURANCE. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. ~~ ALL RISK | FLOATER POLICIES. IN. | STALMENT PLANS IF DE- SIRED, Robert S. McCallum 521 Rossland Rd. PHONE RA 5.6402 Feb.6| Land Surveyors, P ing. 70 Harwood Avenue South, Alex, 728. DONALD HM, Trollope, Ontario Li RA 5-688 218 Alice Street. Feb. 3 1. agreements purchased and sold. 17--Money to Loan FIRST and sale |= Hen. | nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, RA 3-72 7232. Feb.9 second mortgages, Donevan and Associa Lane | Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor | Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA Jan.23 shop. income dressmaking "Til you see their vacant chair. | =Sadly missed by Winn and Erie, Father Guilty Beating Child TORONTO (CP)--A Fri- day found Marcel i. | 29, of Toronto guilt of man- slaughter in the death Aug, 5 of his five-year-old son, Richard | Michael | sentence. The Crown had rested its case on a statement by Bezeau that he had beaten the boy for bed- wetting because his motto was "spare the rod and spoil the child." The only defence witness was his sister-in-law, Esther Bezeau, who testified Michael lame and unsteady on his feet after breaking his hip. Defence counsel R. A. Dunn said the boy might have lost his balance, fallen downstairs and received injuries that caused his death. Dete. Sgt. BROWN -- In loving memory of a fear mother, Annie V. Brown, who passed away January 11, 1853 Like falling leaves the years pass by But memories of you will never die In our hearts you are there to stay, Loved and remembered -very day. wEver remembered by Elleen, George and George Robt. FOLLEST -- In loving memory of a fear mother -and grandmother, Ina Follest, who passed away January 12 Wonderful memories of one so dear Are treasured still with a love sincere; Still in our hearts she is living yet, Por we loved her too dearly to forget. wLovingly remembered by Elsie, Carl md Carol. LEMON -- In loving memory of a fear mother, Lucy Charlotte lemon who passed away January 11, 1951 Time changes many things But love and memory ever clings ~Lovingly remembered by son Hector and daughter-in-law Nellie. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank my relatives, friends, feighbors, schoolmates and the 8th Dshawa Sea Scouts starboard troop for their flowers, fruit, gifts and get well cards. -- Jeffery Lott. WE wish to extend our sincere thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness, mescages of sympathy, and prayers offered while sur son Jeffery was in hosoital. Our grateful thanks to Drs, Bruce Hendricks, Murray and D. Wilson. spe. cial nurses and nurses of 6B, Hospital for Sick Children: also to Rev. Clever don, Rev Mellow. Dr. Kimmerly Nurses Whits'tt and Maver; fellow workers of GM Stamping Plant, Mr. V. Davies, Mr. J. Houshton. the 8th Oshawa Sea Scouts Ladies Auxiliary, Mr. Davidson. staff -_ punils of Sun set Heights School, and to all those who helped us through a very anxious time. -- Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Lott WE wish to extend our heartfel thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, and beautiful floral offerings, reccived from peighbors, friends, and relatives, dur- ing our bereavement, in the death of a loving husband and father. -- Mrs, W J. Davidson and family Aubrey Potter testi- fied that Bezeau had admitted his son "got his clouts" but al- ways for something he did wrong, 'like bed- -wetting." i. Tobacco Board Reports Sales SIMCOE (CP) The Ontario flue-cured tobacco growers' mar- keting hoard reported that to- bacco buyers purchased 958973 pounds of tobacco Friday at board auction barns in Delhi, Aylmer and Tillsonburg. It was the largest amount sold on any one dav since the auction began Dec. 10. An official said the increase was the result of kinks being ironed out of the new Dutch clock auction system. $1200 Carried By Injured 'Derelict' HAMILTON (CP) -- Hospital authorities reported Friday they admitted an 80-year-old man, suf. fering head cuts from a fall, who appeared to be a derelict. When asked his namg~de flipped open a torn w *t fontning $1,200 in| fives and ten Police callfd to inv vised hime#o put his the ban He shri MR, Klemi Hambourg and family ex press their gratitude to ev ryone for the kindness, sympathy and flowers re ceived during their recent hereave ment. § wish to express my sincere think and appreciation to my many friend: and neighbors who were so kind (0 me during my illness in Oshawa Gener al Hospital Special thanks to Dr. BR. § Irwin and the nurses on 38. -- Mrs Earle Kane 3 More Robberies Staged In Toronto « TORONTO (CP)--Cash. stamps money in and money orders totalling about for spendi $4,000 were stolen Friday from ------ a store and Sub post office in, rban Leaside. a said the robbery was the| largest of three during the day. About $125 was taken from Plas toid of Canada Limit ed in North |Ge York, and tobls 8 r DUMDS k in were siolen fre Tools Limited in Eas. gged them already here now " off with plenty of This is just SCRAP BATTLESHIP LONDON (CP) The King /, the 35,000-ton battle-! helzed destroy the pocket battleship Bis the Second World War month. He was remanded for | had been! nn y Dov will be broken up for scrap next ) 65 Albert Street. 8--Building Trades G. T. Horton and Assgoistes, Co Commer- cial White Printing, 70 Ave. nue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax Ta, | 10 PLUMBI ng ing pipes, a. fittings, Close to downtown. Call RA a " 3.4697 CLIENTS' monies available for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and| agreements of sale purchased. Apply . F, Swartz, Barrister and Noy Public, 264 King East, Oshawa. RA - f Jan. 18--Loan Wanted WANTED -- Mortgage money, , to complete new home. Will pay 714 per cent. If interested w+ite Box 641. Times-Gazette 6f | 18a--Mortgages | fixtures, new and used, septic tanks to sewer a specialty. In- stallations at re Infor- mation and estim of plumbing. Dial $2800 -- Second mortgage. Best offer. Phone Whitby MO 8-4278. 9f WE have clients with monies to pur- chase first and second mortgages and | for sale at a discdunt. | Tenders to build. Prices | wanted to construct small | apartment building in Osh- awa. State experience. and other information, to start in 30 doys. Write Box 845, Times-Gazette, 8f Jack C. MacDonald PAINTER & DECORATOR Paperhanging and Painting Gyptex Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed 50 Nassau St. RA 3-7080 MW F.Jan.17 FOR SALE Loam and gravel, fill, road gravel ond cement gravel. For information call Cliff Brown, RA 8-8951, CEMENT RA 5-3516 OSHAWA Free estimates on footings, walls, floors, garages, stoops, etc. Our experienced crews will do a complete job, in- cluding erection of forms and placing heated quality- controlled ond guarenteed concrete. Also machine and hand-trowel finishing at rea- sonable cost. CURRAN. & BRIGGS READY-MIX LIMITED 991 Simcoe Street South FOR SALE Jon.17 \20--Ca rtage Louis 8. Hyman QC, 37 King Street East, Oshawa, RA 3-4943 Jan. 14 We buy, sell and ar- range first and second mortgages and cash agreements of sale in Oshawa and vicinity and throughout the Province of Ontario. Oshawa Acceptance Corporation Ltd., 112 Simcoe St. North, Osh- awa, Ontario, RA' 5-3568. Jan.20 19--Personal MAE'S Mending Service will once again solve your sewing problems. Free pick-up and delivery. Alterations a specialty RA 5-9843 Jan, 15 LADY desires ride to Ajax. Call RA 5-8902. 6f {LABRADOR CAMPBELL'S Jan, 12 SHAW RAG AND METAL {MANAGER required for real estate > fice. Experienced preferred, For pointment, phone RA 5-8461, MO 8- 3337, | Pickering 590. DRIVERS wanted -- | -- Must | |courtenus and good drivers. person only, Mrs. McHugh, East. Two salesmen, must have cars, $80 {week guaranteed after brief training be neat, Apply in 143 King 6f AERIAL SERVICE T.V. Aerials Installed DIAL RA 5-9135 DAY OR NITE \ Jon. 16 | wa ens Column {SPECIAL free brassiere with order for | Spirella wardrobe. Call Mrs. Alice Armstrong, 307 Division Street, RA 3-4459. SPECIAL, heat permanents, $4.50, cold | waves $5.50. Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue, RA 5-5363. Jan.26 25--Pets and Livestock TWO ) Manchester toy puppies, cheap. | RA 37480 9c GERMAN Shepherds, registered, black and silver. MArket 3-3986, Bowman- ville. "Feb.11 $5 9b ready f for ea | TELEVISION "pups, 5, $1p for females, Phone RA 5-6: BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. Jan.23 TRIMMING, bathing, defleaing, board- ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5-6321 Feb. "Dogs Love It" Ross-Miller's Dog Biscuits Mixed Midgets Kibblo Milk Bone Ogilvie Dog Meal Purina Dog Meal Jallard's Burgerbits Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA STREET RA 3-2312 Jan.20 26--Farmer's Column WHEAT straw, 30c_ a bale at the barn F. Peckover, MO 8.2438, Whitby, 9c {BALED hay for sale. Phone RA 8.5902 27 --Fuel Wood / BOWSER'S FUEL OIL BURNERS and FURNACES COAL, WOOD and OIL Wood V4 cord in 1' lengths. Softwood Slab 5 Hardwood Slabs Body Hardwood DIAL RA 3-2281 STOVE FU Prompt Daily Delivery HARRY O. PERRY PETROLEUM CO. Phone RA 3-3443 Nigh 9 {in her own Jome while mother works. -3568. p.1 | Phone MOhawk 8-4155 | after 6 p.m. Jake Shaw wlll pay you more | period. Write Box 743, Times-Garette. for your scrap iron, tin, cop- per, brass, lead, aluminum, 89 BLOOR ST, WEST THREE men needed to help handle established business, Special pay to start. Steady work. Apply Mr. Ayriss, Suite 217, 57 Bloor West, 7c 'Toronto. FULLER BRUSH CO. OSHAWA AREA 3 Full-time Salesmen, 7 Part- time Salesmen, to call on cus- tomers, 5 to 9 p.m. Also five hour. Cor essential. PHONE MR. WINN RA 3-3219 Also OPEN SATURDAYS RA 5-2311 AUTO WRECKING | Jan, 12 35--Employment Wanted YOUNG man, 21 years old, experi- enced electrician, welding and con- struction, etc. Call RA 58981, or 307 | Oshawa Boulevard North. 9b | Y pleasant young Dutch gi girl is looking for job as salesgirl in store, not experienced yet. Can start any- |time. Phone Pickering 741W12. 9c LADY would like to care for childern ASSISTANT MANAGER A fast growing and national- ly known finance company, Phone HOUS! six it rooms, Reliable couple, no Xr Urgent, RA 5-1402 has opening for young man | a 7% between ages 23 to 35 to TEL and radio, electronic train as Assistant Loan Man- echnician with car. Looking for work 358 Baldwin Street, RA 5-0146 Sy gen, Top _solory, pension (Fo0ve = RE PET plan, life and hospitalization x an, age is 00] ng or i r part time jobs Saturday and Sunday.| Insurance, profit sharing, [Write Box 635 Times-Gazette 6f| ond many other benefits pro- vided. 5-day week. Rapid promotion for right man, |LADY would like to give day care to children in her own home, 9-5. Phone 50 Apply giving history and ex- perience, SEABOARD [YOUNG rr requires pe position in of |fice, senior matriculation, four years' banking experience, student of the In- ternational Accountants' Soclety. wl FINANCE CO. POST BOX NO. 128 OSHAWA ELDERLY indy fo care for invana| Of Phone RA 5-873] for ap- man. Quiet home in village. Phone pointment, Bowmanville, MA 3-2123 9c 8b 8b JorNG girl wants "day "work. gay ee le Help Wanted TWO. room apartment, running g water, Priv sf [Suit couple. Reasonable. RA 35-8132 or hd SINGLE, Furniture if desired. 369 Drew. 1s wiring, floor. Adults only. Phone , sink and cupboards hird nl an pl furnished heated room THREE room apartment, unfurnished, sink and cupboards, heavy wirin, laundry facilities, adults only. Apply 72 Cadillac South. 4f |b COUPLE wanted to share furnished house for six months. Low rental. Chil SINGLE room, uitarmished; and _mod- use of phone, very cei Apply 180 Bruce Street. APARTMENT, unfurnished, prival 5356. bathroom. RA 8- LE Re imiam-------- DESIRABLE three room self- contained downtown apartment. Su Phone after 5 p.m. MO 8-2667. |ing, three piece 'bath, Quiet, sf : Weis. Te Mer 3Y AL wanted. No children. $60 month RA 88175. ONE ern kit for one or "two To redecorated to suit tenant. Apply 364 Bruce Street, 4f LARGE furnished room, all conven- fences. Suitable for yding couple, or stone Avenue, RA 5.7805. TWO toom apartment, light, water and heat, use of washing machine includel} rent. Phone RA 3.9618. #4 two single girls, Apply 351 Arthur|q Street or phone RA 8-1360. ATTRACTIVYLY furnished room 8, available in private home. 82 Park| Road north, 5 to 7 p.m. RA 8-8671, Jan.19 THREE large with separate entrance. Apply 34 gette, and {Street East. " ynjutyished 100! a unfurnished, in new home. Heavy 3 GROUND floor, two unfurnished rooms, Private entrance. One child Day care if desired. Reasonable. rent. Apply 397 Wilson Road South or ra 5-5365. ing. Apply 1268 Simcoe South, Goo SMALL four - room bungalow, 4 residential tes, Suitable for newly THREE - room apartment, heated. Separate entrance and conveniences. Central location. Phone RA §-1423. = Colborne Street East. FIVE room bungalow. Electric range included. Lease if desired. Phone RA 5-6958. 5t FRONT apartment, four "rooms. Pri vate entrance, gas heat, hot and cold running water. Share bath, North-west end. RA 8-8908. of FURNISHED three "room » apartment for couple, newly decorated, living- room, bedroom, kitchen, separate three- . Write Box 737, Times bright upstairs room. A {RA stata 256 Ritson Road Sou TWO - room apartment, Heat and hydro supplied. Parking space. TV lead-in. Private entrance, Apply 184 Beatty Avenue. s FURNISHED bedroom, all conves ences. Gentleman preferred. Apply 8 Igin Street East. n FURNISHED (hrei piece bath, all conveniences. RA 5-5216. MODERN four - room self - f - contained apartment, electrically equipped, best |lccation, $90. Phone RA 5-7007. THREE unfurnished room nd ga gar age. A nice quiet place fo! ults Noy children. Apply 175 Athol East. 8c LARGE furnished housekeeping room, suitable for two. Apply 542 Simcoe Street North, RA 13-4376. THREE - roomed apartment, refriger- ator nd rangette, sink and cupboards, private entrance, laundry facilities. Adults only. RA 5-3094 MODERN three - room basement apartment. Heat and hydro supplied. Hest city limits. Ideal for young Souple. one time. age 5 38--Male or Female Help |C CASH for spare time. Women, to 50. For an interview phone RA 3.4451.) ul Wanted GIRL required with switchboard ex ER Sarr i perience, to answer phones and dis-|ino A alent wanted for com- patch two-way radio cabs. Must be ins SNOW, Auditions held at Club Bay good 'n spelling. Apply in person, Mes, [riew, Whitby, from 3 to 5 p.m. eve: McHugh, 143 King East. of [0 ay * | |SHAMPOO gig] {1 wanted Souter Feauty DUE to expanding | business, there are jsaton, 24% Simcoe Street North 8f {low some Vacancies on the selling staff e John Wacko Real Estate and In- WOULD you like interesting part-time surance Office. In applying. son mit ib displaying Beautiful jableware, Nor , you will be entering a field perienc {ape pienidii or pr A Attractive o you think Somaings and Bossbiives | rnifgs. Phone RA 3-973 f' this step, phone for an interview to Mr HOUSEKEEPER, 9 to 6 pm. 5-day Wacko, RA 5.6569, 136 Simcoe Street week, competent woman preferred. |South, Oshawa. 4d : |floor. Private entrance. | 5- "4074. ONE furnished room, gentlemen only. $4.50 per week. Dial RA 3-2853. t BRIGHT housekeeping rooms on first Suitable for two girls or gentlemen. Apply 104 wa. 2 |liam between 5 and 7. TWO room apartment unfurnished, hot, cold water, private bathroom, pri- vate entrance. Apply 149 Warren Ave nue. TWO or three unfurnished rooms. 5-4092 after 5:30 p.m COMFORTABLE room share, or single, breakfast optional, close to Phone MO 8.2905, Whitby. af | | gentlemen with parking space. APPYY | INDUSTRIAL NURSE (il Paik mond sous _ For First Aid Department |. --oom and Board | Graduate of Accredited FovNe, men bf aiining | School of Nursing. Preferably Street, RA 8-143. : | with industrial experience. | Apply stating age, experience, | etc, to Box 911 TIMES-GAZETTE, WHITBY room Cannington, private and rooms, with all the comforts of home. Tray service, radio in rooms, TV, Beau- tifully located on four acres of land- scaped grounds. 24 hours nursing care, 355 Cannington, Ontario. fae. ROOM and board for two gentlemen, Single beds, 'aundry included. RA 5-4434. 248 Beatty Avenue. 5f ROOM or room and board for ge gentle men. FURNISHED room for rent. pa ked if 'wanted. _RA 8-1195. CLERK TYPIST FOR TIRE TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT Duties include formula eal- culation, filing, switchboard relief, etc, Company - paid hospital and insurance plans. Transportation easily arranged, "Lunches ladies, reasonable rates, privileges, single beds. MO 8.4280 43--Wanted To Rent THREE quiet business girls wish to rent a three room furnished apart- ment, . Central. Rent reasonable. Box 827, Times-Gazette APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE DUNLOP CANADA LTD. ROOM or room and board for two and 260 Gibbon 9f | Central, ALDERSYDE exclusive rest home, in sem-private Phone Apply 195 Albert Street 5¢ north GM, and Fittings. RA 8.5018 or apply 225 Eulalie Avenue after 6 p.m. TWO unfurnished rooms, vg opty: Children welcome. R 8-5 185 as sau Street TWO and one-half furnished rooms. Also garage. RA 13-3325, be. tween 3 and 6... oo od BACHELOR furnished apartment, mod- ern kitchen with sink, refrigerator, and stove, private entrance. Apply 124 Jones Avenue. 9a THREE nice "upstairs rooms. Vacant June 15. 246 Bruce Street or phone RA 5-6735. Er THREE - room basement Reasonable. Abstainers. to one child. Phone RA 5-369 5. of THREE - room apartment, suit fam- ily with one child, reasonable price. Garage. Available February 1. Apply 460 Eulalie Avenue, Apartment No. 2 or phone RA 8-5074. 'apartment. ROOM for rent for gentleman. Phone RA 5- 9440. pi ONE large furnished room for two working girls to share. 28 Warren Ave- nue, of FIVE - 1 hardwood room brick house, floors, Near bus FOUR or five - room house wanted to rent, honest family, North Oshawa. RA 5-9307 after 5 p.m. 4f 44--For Rent FULLY furnished two - room suite, range, refrigerator, and sink, automa- tic heat and hot water, bathroom, very central in Oshawa. Phone MO 8-4585, Whitby. 5f MODERN five - room ground floor apartment. Heated, refrigerator and stove. Central. $95 per month. Posses- sion February 15. Adults preferred. 9¢'Phone RA 8-8876. 5 37--Male Help Wanted WHITBY JEWELLERY SALESGIRL REQUIRED Fulltime position, apply after 10 a.m. to Burn's Credit Jewellers Ltd. 32 King St. W. 37--Male Help Wanted 9c on Farewell Ave. RA 57938, except Saturday. 8c URNISHED apartment, Pri tiled bath, Frigidaire, heat, lights, water supplied. Laundry facilities. Reason- able rent. Abstainers. Phone RA 370% C TWO room apartment, cupboards and sink in kitchen, unfurnished. RA See? 8c elon, bs line. 'Abstainers only, Available Pp Adults, Apply 728 Cedar or phone ma s No objections | 7° SONNE |SELF contained apartment -- three {rooms and bath. Adults preferred, | Available February 1. Phone RA 5-5748, Te - contained us 82 located at | THREE - roomed self furnished apa: | King Street E water supplied, |stove, laundry ly W. Gordon Bunker, RA §- | | NEW basement apartment, private ef trance, and thrée - piece bath, {heat, water, partly furnished, tiled on wood. South Osawa. RA 5-3044 after 6 Spm. LARGE modern new Hm room apa st | ment, heavy wiring, builtin sink 4 cupboards Newly decorated. Chili | welcome. RA 59641 after 5. * SINGLE room for seutieman, Off Pai (R re t! hone | RA 32842, n private } house, bing privitegen, 12d "adios or gentlemen. Adults FOUR - room flat, oll heated and frigerator. Centrally jocated, Avaiabi now. Phone MO 8-2398 % [ONE Jarge furnished tigi room. Parking space. pom, p Apply 63 3 SICELY Torsisbed J large bedroom, Sul able fcr one or two to beds, very central. 150 Burk, RA -3-3000. 6f [SINGLE room for Jentleman, 74 Osh King and awa Buulevarg ard South, Ritsor ONE single room for gentleman, 2 Royal Street. RA 5-850. ou 'THREE - room apartment, private em trance, private bath, oil heated, near new A. and P. Store. Apply 22 Orchard Boulevard, RA 3-4916, fod TWO - room apartment, bedroom and combination living room and kitchen, |suit one person, or quiet couple. Rea sonable rent, central, RA 32776. SINGLE room for gentleman, in pth Yale Some, in residential section, RA FIVE - room bungalow, full basemen $75 monthly. Apply 596 Athol 8 East, RA 8-1045 or Frank Hazlett, R! fern 1733, 3005 Bathurst Street, Toron! room for light housekeeping, RA 5-1904. L Heht yo b in private 0 THREE - room apartmer home, Tiled bath, very reasonable. N childreg please. Immediate possession, RA 5-2677 before 7 p.m. o THREE - room self - contained bast ment apartment. Apply 70 Wilson South. TWO {furnished housekeeping roo) Sink, use of washing machine. Cou preferred, Apply 48 Drew Street phone RA 3-4152 after 4 p.m. APARTMENT, three, four or fiw |rooms, modern conveniences, with | without electric stove, or refrigeral Apply 156 William East LARGE furnished Rousekeeping FURNISHED room. Apmly, 41 Oshawa Boulevard North, RA 8-1 5i THREE room modern Te pri- vate entrance, south end of city, woul suit business couple. RA 5-3555. Af FURNISHED | housekeeping room for ATTENTION SALESMAN 3: RA 3-7944 or 5-8823 28 < LOT for sale, 50 x 160, 365 Oshawa Boulevard North, st HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), mailed post paid in plai in sealed enve- lopes with price list, 6 samples 25 cents; 24 samples $1.00. Mall Order Dept. A-11, Nov Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamiiton, Ontario Jan. 25 HAVE you a drinking problem? Write Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 103, Osh. aw, Jan.28 WOULD anyone going fo Toronto daily arriving Bloor and Bay at 8 o'clock kindly phone Whitby MO 8-2344. 8b | ELECTROLYSIS Removal of Superfluous Hair. Marie Murduff will be in Jan. 18 Resorts HIGH school teacher, In Oshawa - Whitby area ivi interesting spare time employment. Call WAlnut 5.1635, To- ronto, collect, 8c | ot 30--Lost and Found GERMAN Shepherd dog left six miles south - east of early Tuesday morning black and silver grey its home Port Perry Markings, Answers to 165R13, LOST -- One "navy blue "topcoat, Osh- | awa district. Has Calgary label. Also biilfold containing papers; has initials J. M, Phone RA 3.2633. 5f LOST Orange - colored missing since Monday night, Highiand avenue South. RA 5.0787, Re ward 8h call Port Perry Oshowa Feb. 4-5. Phone Genotha Hotel on these dates for appointment, Feb. 4 MOVING | ca 5-7786. CALL kinds, Phone | ER Feb.11 Bud Galt for cartage of all furniture and appliance moving, and | Coarse and fine drive- way gravel $7 per load. Also fine cement gra- vel 39 per load. Phone RA 5-5279, _Feb.10 FOR SALE Sand fill 50c per load. Loaded on your trucks For further information Phone RA 5-9202. Feb. 7| ete. Reasonable rates Mar. 26 | 12 1--Personal Service |CATL fittings, 5-9845 May's for quality pick up and sewing delivers Feb, 8, Home RA TAILORING LEN PULLAN (English Tailor) For all your tailaring -require- ments, Use our experienced 24-hour dry clean vice, 10 Prince t station, Ost awa, T.7.5. till Mar. 9] | mam -- | TELEVISION sets for rent, RA 54498 | 31--Articles for Rent seven day minir corders for rent, minimum um, also $2 per day, Meagher's, 5 King tape Street "Fy eb 11 DO-IT- YOURSELF RENT-A-FLOOR SANDER & FINISHER from HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis Street East of CNR WE PAY Highest prices for Metal RA & Station Iron, ere 59 Paper RA 5.4 Free Pic Open Satu Rag Jan,20 $1 per day, | re- | five-day | Are you Interested In making more money ? Becouse of an ex- | panding sales program we require, immediately, one top-bracket | salesman. If you 'are willing to work hard, apply yourself dili- gently, then you are the mon we are looking for to complete | our staff--all Real Estate solesmen, Experienced salesman pre- ferred, but not essential. If interested, please call Bill McFeeters name ot Miwzie. Anyone seeing this dog | " before six at RA 8-1624; after six RA 5-1726, | 9b! OPPORTUNITY FOR LIFETIME CAREER One of Canada's top Life Insurance Companies wishes to increase | its sales staff in the City of Oshowa and district. Successful | applicant will be thoroughly trained by skilled instructors at the Head Office of our company. Position offers permanent year- round work with excellent salary, plus incentive bonus, also pension, group insurance and hospitalization plan. If you feel you have sales ability and are 25 to 45 years old, reply, giving full particulars of age, marital status, post experience and education to: BOX 744, TIMES-GAZETTE. | | |38--Male or Female Help 38--Male or Female Help _ Wanted Wanted OSHAWA PUBLIC SCHOOLS | SUPPLY TEACHERS Oshawa Board of Education invites applications from teachers with public school teaching experience ond qualifications for position as supply teachers in the Oshawa Public Schools Contact: C.-M. ELLIOTT, Superintendent of Public Schools, 179 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Ontario Telephone: RAndolph 5-1107 parking space, Apply 150 Division Street. THREE - room heated apartment, 5 monthly. Cupboards, hot and cold wa- ter in kitchen. All floor coverings, ! over 12 welcome. ey facilities, private entran suitable for two. Apply 253 Athol 8 East. LARGE furnished __ 100] two blocks south of Regent Theat: Apply 9 95 Albert Street. NEW six - room ranch style bungal f with all conveniences, heated, one hi mile east of city limits. Owner to cupy one room in the house. One cl $95 monthly. W: bathroom. Phone Port Perry 195R14, 5f arge furnished housekeeping , refrigerator, rangette, downtown 114 Athol East. SELF . contained two - bedroom 'apart ment, modern kitchen. built-in cup- boards, heavy wiring, knotty pine din. ing area, tiled bathroom, ofl furnace. $65 monthly, Highway 35, North New- castle, Clarence Allin 3366. if THREE large unfurnished ron ply 149 Alice Street after 5. area. Ap ef New. 3-bedroom homes for rent. Immediate possession. Phone RA 5-3539 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m, of Box 847, Ti THREE - room self - rir ge ap ment, three - plece bath, therm controlled heat, heavy wiring. A Patio Lunch, Park Road South at side. FIVE rooms, garage and garden, arate cntrance, on paved road in lage. Oshawa 14 miles. $40. Bowm ville, MA 3-2209. 45--Real Estate For Sole ATTENTION Veterans -- Two af {tive new brick homes, ready for pation, Three hedrooms, extra I kitchen, modern in every way. Onl; miles from downtown Oshawa. Close new school. Good road. Sufficient la to meet VLA requirements. quire at least $4500 cash or we m! consider your present home as payment. Builder Fred R. Jones phone RA 3-3383 days or RA evenings. PARKWOOD | APARTMENTS Now renting immediate occupancy, two blocks north of King Street on Park Road North. For information Phone RA 3-2371. AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN PLAZA THEATRE BUILDING 104 KING E. Apply to Reliable-Topp Furniture Co. -- 96 King E | | | | cl LLOYD REALTY® Insurance Realtors OPEN EVENINGS OPEN HOUSE Sat. and Sun, from 1 p.m. on 6-room bungalows, these homes must be sold. All at clearance prices. Only $1. 300 down, $11,700 full price. Some at lower down payments -- DIRECTIONS -- South on: Cedar St. to Jasper St., East on Jasper one block to Minden St. Call RA 8-5123 {LLOYD REALTY Oiawa LT0. 93 Simcoe Our Reputation The Past, et Now! . It Is In

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