THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, Jonuery 11, 1950 11 gos SOME SHE GIVES 600D| [OTHERS SHE LOADS UP | | | GOLLY, YOU AN* ME Safety Standards WOULD YOU SIGN THIS KNUC (il | | XATomE TREATS | | LOOKS, WiTH BRAINS, A LOT © | | | PASSED UP EYALLOR : PAPER, ASSUMING ANY: TO | {Ah MOST FOLKS PERSONALITY EAN | | TALENT AN... IT, DIDN'T WE, Gl or U1 urners : DE MOB : ABOUT ALIKE../ | | SOMETIMES WEALTH! TORONTO (CP)--The Ontarly ! fuel board Friday ammounced compulsory registration for - all-~ contractors installing oil-burning * equipment so tat uniform safety standards may be enforced. hd Chairman A. R. Crozier said some municipalities now have hye laws governing the installation of ~~ oil-fired equipment but many oth. ers do not. Under the new system. - all installations must be made fn~* compliance with the Canadian standards code. op Contractors must register with the board by March 1, payirz a' 7 . So licensing Ji ey rule. VE BUCKS For ELL -// ZT | V//F8F7 WHEN I BULT YOUR NEW Lay oF oes not apply to installations / 7 how Ne vers ~~ VAR] 0OGHOUSE OUTSIDE, . made before Jan. 3 GRANDMA JUNIOR, I KNEW I WAS IE CH] Included in the registration pew = MAKING A MISTAKE IN nin | a Li] |quirement are all persons whe = THE LOCATION... | 4 iE ; install repair or service gas aps... a ! ; pliances, fuel-oil appliances, gag piping, fuel-ofl piping or vents, PROBABLY ME JUST LIKE SHE DID DAD! +o OKAY, TLL SHOW HER! III EAT rr AOA HT TIS LF MUST TAKE TESTS MONTREAL (CP)--About 2, 000 Quebec drivers over the age of 70 have been notified they must undergo physical and driv-" ing tests prior to issuance of. their 1958 permits. Similar checks - have been ordered for all drive" '|ers involved in accidents in which persons were injured. SALLY'S SALLIES MUGGS AND SKEETER SITS IN HIS AVS an 5 j TI wots | NIG JR Ah: | ip i HIS MOTHER 1 1S AT THE = ; J Sl PTA MEETING ++ 4 J ibe Leaffi§ py Y'MEAN SAD SAM LEFT MEA GOLD MINE AS WELL AS 71/8 CASH? THE LONE RANGER 0 So ig me Sy. Bd din mend "I don't think he'd like te play poker Saturday night, but I'R ask Mm." NOW WHA -g FESS Bis SONCHALID COULD a FOR EMERGENCIES A NICE LITTLE DD YOU SNAP THIS CALL THE POLICE CHIEF IN ¢ THE TROOPERS | Elo Vere WIFE FLARE UP PICTURE OF THE TWO US OFF ON IMPORTANT ARRESTS AND LIKE THAT? 4 HE 15 A HEAVY CONTRIBUTOR Plastic Wall Tile 6 Colors to Choose From, Regular 40¢ Per Sq. Ft. NOW Per Sq. Ft. : 500 3 avel Jie) PE To ate oF oush water svaliahle 21 ON | ee Fo ves Millwork and Building Supplies Open Evenings | 1279 Smee N. RA 34694 wewror the... NEW 1958 PONTIAC AND 1958 BUICK "Uni s pm. CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 260 "cov {BOLVENT | = 00Ks BIT | : ps RLOOKING THE SECRET AGENT X9 DOOR COVERIN A FRONT ROOM ¥¥ POSSIBLE, OVERLOOKING THE J HARBOR, So KoolVent-Nash 94 BRUCE ST. RA 3-2219 BUZ SAWYER SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE OSHAWA FOR MISSED PAPERS AND OSHAWA'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE UNITED TAXI RA 5-3541 If you have not received your Ti G phone. your car- | rier boy first. If you are unable z 3 I CAN'T! CAN'T, 1 . BEF Oi YOU HEART sToLE to contact him by 7:00 p.m. SNL CHORE, WANT TO ll BECAUSE I... OH : : VENTIN MILES HAD TELEPHONE UNITED TAXI GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK WHAT THE USE 2!' i . ONY \ AND TELL US WHERE YOU ¥ wl 4 : ) a ) PORT ne i Calls accepted between 7 E 1 HID THE LOOT 3 7:30 p.m. enly. QUEEN. WILL HAVE EVERYONE BEFORE You! DONALD DUCK MILES SHOULD T 3 i) { HAVE BETTER EY SENSE, » 'Try a different FLORIDA hg mie rg NL ; ALA LR Al | ' : N At Ge voN : : 3 VACATION BOOSTERS ILL'CLIMS INTO LISTEN TO MY SPEECH, A SHAVE AND FRANKLY, I DONT SHOOT OVER. J] | Know Why 1 > WORKED SO HELL COME BY AND Bn MR WELLS WILL : 7 ¥ CHANGE EVERYTHING i YBE RUSTY RILEY / WHILE RASSLIN' "TH' OTHER k NGHT, T HAD A TOE HOLT _ a ON A GV al S01 20 ENCOURBGING REPLY] There's a spot for you and yours _-- Fro han a hese bio gf on the safe, uncrowded beach at Gu rE Re prin A HERE, AND 1 Winds. Old Mr. Sun and the warm Gulf : ; of Mexico make beach and water sports R SE AY A pp Binh JOB WHEN THE fun for oll the family. Golf and other A SCIENTIST TO WOIK ASSIGNED THERE r ON ROCKERTS! FOR SOENTIFIC BILONS pe sports ore convenient 100. INISHEDE A Nom Come to Gulf Winds, largest colony p LN oy -- > of vocation aportments on Florida's TA | - 15 8 FTE ; g BAY | : ZA eu R } / Eres : el % "Ee i West Coast. Everything is Jurished. UINCEY/ \E mr 5 me - not hotel rooms, but aparte saris dK 4 SNA 0 $ = ] CAN YOU SUGGEST A ; These ey yiont YOU WANT 3 2 : ; : at TT \ PLACE TO GET RID OF 7 if A p 1 ments personn TO TELL 1 rs. a 3 THIS BOX OF OLD RAZOR / ZZ [Ne Morrison's Imperial House Resteurant \ ; S ? > ? ° z [und Cocktail Lounge in connection, Write today for folder and rates. Taylor Carr, Manager Gulf Winds VACATION APARTMENTS 6805 Gulf Boulevard St. Talerzburg Beach, Flerida 9 7 Ki mrs Belen oe Wt gies med