Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Dec 1957, p. 8

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cers are Mrs. Gerry King, vice- president; Mrs. Max Coleman, president; Mr. Frank le Vay, principal; Mrs. Leonard Weeks, stalled st the December meet- ing by the Reverend Leo Smyth, regional spiritual direc- tor. From left to right the offi THE EXECUTIVE .of the pewly-formed Catholic Parent- Teacher Association of St, Christopher's School® was in- Officers of New Parent-Teacher Association Installed At St. Christopher's School The St. Christopher's PTA wet Mrs, J. V. Doherty of Toroftojcer as he or she was installed on Wednesday, December 11, for|introduced by Miss Pauline Boyle|and then wished the unit success its December meeting. Mrs. Max brought greetings from the east|in its future endeavors. Coleman presided. Mrs. Lenoard regional CPTA of which she is| Mrs. Frank LeVay, principal Weeks read the secretary's re-|president. She spoke of the grow-|of St. Christopher's, thanked the port and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, (ing force of the CPTA and stress-|guest on behalf of those present. the treasurer's report. It was de-|ed that fathers should be en-| The entertainment program elded to change the monthly couraged to attend meetings and|was turned over to Mrs. ITY secrefary, and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, treasurer. Mrs. Fred LaSalle Heads Association resident of the Maxwell Neigh- rhood Association at the De- cember meeting. Others slected Stan Taylor; cards, Me Bercy Mout joy od 's. Percy es presided for the meeting. The treasurer, Mrs. | Frank Bartlett, showed in her re- incre balance port in on hand due to the bake sale and | motion picture night, both held' during November. It was decided to hold just one meeting a month combining the business and social meetings, this meeting to be the first Monday of each month at 8 o'clock. Mrs. attendance prize for the Arrangements were made for the annual Christmas presents to the '"'oldsters" of the community -- i |cock kindly offered to take eare of this. FISH DISH Finnan haddie is smoked had- dock, a fish which closely re- sembles cod. --Times-Gazette Staff Photo Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 meetings to the third Wednesday |be given an active part in the|Beaupre. Eli Peters, a pupil of of every month. Reports showed] Yo ae ame organization. Mrs. Edward Kehoe Miss Marian Hinch, sang two/§ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, December 20, 1957 Mrs. Fred LaSalle was elected; | Winacott are pictured following ANNUAL FUR STORAGE DRAW! STORAGE NO. Os 2882 Mrs. Marie Mills, 314 Simcoe St. S. OSHAWA ; CANADIAN WILD MINK STOLE STORAGE NO. NP 6475 Mrs. Ernest Heighway 72 Wanita Ave. PORT CREDIT SAPPHIRE MINK STOLE ATs | SA OF SA WED IN PRINCE ALBERT CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. | of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bonnell PRECIOUS METAL of Prince Albert and the bride- | Because of its value, the weight their marriage recently ' in | groom is the son of Mr. and | of platinum is generally ex- wi Prince Albert United Church. The bride, the former Miriam Evelyn Bonnell, is the daughter manville. The couple will make their home in Peterborough. FINE DINNERS AYLMER,. Ont. (CP) '-- A oman"s ingenuity has created a that the bridge and euchre held expressed thanks to the speaker. |Christmas hymns, and| ge on December 4 was a' complete|The Rev. Neil Gignac introduced Upon The Midnight Clear" success and the president thank- another special guest of the eve-|"Hark The Herald Angels Sing." ed all those who had helped. It|ning, the Reverend Leo Smyth,| Pamela Fudge, a pupil of Mr. Le was agreed to purchase a selec-|regional spiritual director who| Vay, played two selections on the tion of supplementary books for was present to formally instal accordion. the school library and also sweat-|the new officers, The guest ex-| A sing song of Christmas ca- ers for the boys' hockey team. plained the dutjes of each offi- rols was held with Mrs. G. Mc- i {Ghee at the piano. The prize on a draw for the GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES LI Vas wn 37 5, V. | Refrest ts were served by Mrs. Beaupre and her group. Conant H-S Assn SA HOME LEAGUE who spoke briefly oa the origin| th _|of carols. The "'carol" was essen- od yd Jecting of the So ally a dance type music and it| held on Tuesday afternoon, De-|Was only fitting that this happy eember- 17. |dance music should be chosen to It was in the form of a Christ-| express the Joy of the birth of mas party. Mrs. William James|Christ in our Christmas carols. led in the singing of some| Mr. Young played several of the| Christmas carols, followed by|lesser known carols on a record |in ayer by Mrs. Brigadier Victor! Dean Young. [Se 5a Christmas refreshments were, A sale of Christmas surprise | bined areas 9 Conant and Dr. served by the Cheerio Group. packages was hold. Refreshments| Corio" Schools. Mrs. William Saunders was in|/were served by Mrs. George Wil-| | & sharge of the devotional period./son assisted by the mothers of | Yided by Ly & Dr. Cation Little Eleanor Sargeant sang|the children in Miss Betty | School under 8 ae on o ; = -a-bye". Mrs. Saunders Parkes' room. {Roy Godfrey. The entertainment read a poem, "A Letter to Santa | consisted of two carols sung by Claus", Mrs. Melville Smith gave| CENTRE STREET WMS {the members accompanied by talk on "Christmas Around the| The monthly meeting of the David Potter on the piano, two orld", describing some of the, WMS of Centre Street United | selections on the piano by Lloyd ends Church was held at the home of |Bell, two plano selections by jegents Christmas in other|y Gordon Wonnacott on Wed-|Linda Godfrey, a film entitled : nesday afternoon. Mrs. Wonna-|"'The Other Wiseman", shown SUNSET HEIGHTS H AND 8 |cott opened the meeting with a and narrated by Mr. F. R. Brit- The regular meeting of the|short recitation. jen, a piano duet by Tuy ma Bunset Heights Home and School| The roll call was answered by| David Potter, a song y Association was held with the|12 members and three visitors. | odirey, r Jiang solo lav. president, Mrs. A. C. Clifford, Mrs. Wonnacott took charge of rence Bell. earol singing ted fv presidin [the worship service and gave afMr- Briften, 8 BCeorC tr ed Mrs. W. B. McCullough read Christmas reading. Mrs. A. Bit-( PY ra Sodire Ms Spay the minutes of the previous meet-|ton and Mrs. Percy Fletcher sang|>) J1s. GOCPeY 08 FC PU Ing and Mrs. A. C. Clifford gave|two duets, "A Christmas Lullaby" | 5918 2 by Daphne By ele the treasurer's report. Mrs. A. and "Blessed Songs of Christ-| P40 0 re thanked Mrs W. Wilson, convener of the night mas", which were much enjoyed.| oars "20% Cette Peters, of cards held recently, gave her| Refreshments were served by|yice - president, * conducted the the hostess and a social hour en-| routine business in the absence of joyed. |Mr. E. K. Campbell, president. STH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX. | The principal, Mi. H. Wilkin show slides of her trip to Europe| The 5th Scout Mothers' Auxil-| fret uy Ms. -- door oy ave at the January meeting. iary held its monthly meeting|won by Mr. R. J .Switzer 4} It was decided to allot a sum last Thursday at Northminster PR r of money to Mrs. Alex Yonson, Church. President Mrs. The Christmas spirit was much idence at the December report. Mrs. Jack Langmaid, program sonvener, stated that Miss Grace Trull, kindergarten teacher, will Frank the mothers of the pupils purpose of starting a library for made to give each Cub Pack and|pet, Mrs. William Stauffer, the Home and Schoal, of books Scout Troop a Christmas party. Mrs. Sidney Marshall and Mrs. ining to parent - child rela-| Mothers of the Cubs and Scouts|joan Smale. Dpships. Mes. 2 C. Clifford re. donated toys, which were taken | =-------- on the Home and School|to Simcoe Hall, to be distributed| 'ederation conference held re-lamong the needy children pr SOCTAT, NOTICES gently. The attendance prize was| Christmas time. won by Miss Jean Rains' room. | The members of the Auxiliary ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Earl Huntley, on behalf of | held their Christmas party after] Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Jeffs an- the Association, presented a gift|the meeting. Games were played nounce the engagement of their to Mrs. E. G. Storie in apprecia-|and the prize winners were: Mrs. | daughter, Joan Louise, to Doug- tion of her work as president of| Earl Hurst, Mrs. Harry Keys, |las Jack Klein, son of Mr. and fhe Association last year. |Mrs. J. D. Guiltinan, rs. Kelvin James introduced] Mrs. Wallace Holmes and Mrs. | i i I. Var hy aus introduced rs.| The marriage is to take place on music in Oshawa Public Schools, G. R. Jarvis served refresh-|Saturday, January 11, at 3 o'clock ments. at Adelaide House. B&4BeBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBABABHBABEBEBABHBEBBABABEBEBEBEBHBEBBEBBEBEBGR iT'S FROM BIRKS Ld . BOUDOIR LAMPS In DUUULULUUEUURUD ADD DHDURELRADIDUD UL UL UL UD URES IUASELEDHE HH 486808088886 588880303038888686888 The soft warm glow cast by these delightful boudoir lamps can do 80 much to enhance the personality of your bedroom! Tlustrated in the Old Candle Holder" design, decorated with roses of palest pink . . . lamps that are an excellent value for your own home -- y a welcome gift for the Spring bride; each 500 pair 1000 BIRKS JEWELLERS ARARABABAGRARARIRARIBABARARARABIRABBABIRA30BABABABBBHB630868888388 ECT TIT IvIe Tae MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY mn 430080080300088880088008888003088008808808 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SE DAR RY BE R080 80 00 80 B0B0E 0858060008084 0EA8RIRIR0R323BI08IE bl 3 |player. Mrs. John Liston thanked meeting of Conant Home and & Mr. |School Association for the com- Refreshments were served by ; inl 65 ww publications chairman, for the|Johns presided and plans were| Grades 4 and 5, Mrs. DL : aan : y id Jewel colors featured in the new winter fashions are vividly effective in this Canadian de- | sign, The slim satin sheath | with its softly draped jacket, made in such shades as red, royal blue or emerald green. Note fashion's favorite bow trim closing the jacket front. {Mrs. Jack Klein, all of Oshawa. = Wi 18 8BEBaBEBEBEBEBEBABHBEBEBHBHBUBEBEBOBEBUBYBUBABUBEBEBHBLBEBEBEBABE: | Christmas Meeting | The entertainment was pro-| £ \ PERSONALS 75 KING ST. E, OSHAWA Mrs, Everett Winacott of Bow- pressed in_ounces, as with gold. (Opposite Hotel Genosha) fascinating farm business. Mrs. Al Streib is raising pheasants for table birds, and recently pre- pared her first 200 pheasants fo: market. Plans for Christmas and New Year's are taking shape. Sons . and daughters are coming home "4 for the most sociable season of © [the year. The social department # | would like to share your pleasure "#7 lwith others. Why not dial RA ~~ 3-3473 right now with your holi- day social note? The more, the merrier. 4! With their uniforms only 4 week old the 20th Brownie Pack held a Christmas party for their mothers at Maxwell School on Tuesday afternoon. This group has been organized by Brown |Owl, Mrs. George Parfitt, assist- ed by Tawnie Owl, Mrs. William |Milne, and Packie Willow Milne. The program included ballet dances by Sharon Yourth and Alice Killen and a tap dance by | Sharon Wilbur, Barbara Rose en- ~ | |tertained with a recitation. "Sil- |ent Night" was sung as a solo by Janice Parfitt accompanied by Mollie Johnst: The Br y . Wilbur i % accompanied by Mrs. and conducted by Mrs. R. " Bishop, sang a group of carols including, "Who is coming on @ Christmas might," "The Twelve |Days of Christmas," 'The West- canes and tangerines. Tea and cookies were : |served by Mrs. Edward Maid- man and Mrs. Charles Thomas, {held at the Scout S.|evening was the entrance of San-| Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Le-| Gallais of Vancouver, British Col-| umbia, were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. T. Morehouse, Amylene apartments. The 1st Oshawa Scout Moth- ers' Auxiliary held its Christmas meeting with Mrs. Gordon Var- num presiding. The meeting was hall and 32! members enjoyed a turkey din- ner. The leaders of "A" and "B" packs of Cubs were dinner guests and received gifts in ap- preciation for their work with they Cubs. The Auxiliary held a short | business session, and games were played. The Daughters of England Lodge 26 held an enjoyable Christmas party and entertain-| ment on Tuesday evening in the| Orange Hall. The evening open-| ed with carol singing and there| was dancing and games. Party| favors and balloons added to the gaiety. Tables were tastefully decorated. The highlight of the] RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS DOWNTOWN OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. UNTIL DECEMBER 23rd, INCL. ta Claus to the tune of 'Jingle Bells" and gifts were distribut-| ed from a gaily decorated tree.| Refreshments were served by Sister Beatrice Hurst and com- | mittee. The next regular meeting | will be held on Tuesday, Janu-| ary 7. There will be installation of officers for the 1958 session. | Preceding the meeting members will meet at Simcoe Street United Church at 6.30 o'clock for Beautiful Styles to Give Your Room A New Feeling : the president and secretary of the Mothers' Association. supper. 3 00 DOWN BURNS 32 KING ST. WEST is NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT 00 WEEKLY CREDIT WELLERS RA 3-7022 Je BIRKS CHRISTMAS GIFTS «+s In@xpensively priced! There's absolutely no gift that gives the same pleasure on gift in the famous "Blue Box"... a gift from Birks! And just to prove that when you shop at 2 assured of the best selection at the fairest prices, we've illustrated 2 BIRKS dB 3.PC. SET! HANDSOME "ARBORITE"-TOP TABLES A GIFT THAT WILL DELIGHT THE ENTIRE FAMILY! -- Sturdily construe- ted, well designed Living Room Tables with stain-&-scratch-resistant "Ar- borite" tops . . . in a choice of walnut, mahogany or tanned oak finish. hristmas morn, as the SES AARORA RA AARARARARARANRA RTD irks you are some of our inexpensive gift fancies . . . any one of which we know she'll love Ligh ter mother-of-pearl) ik Rates Ask Trey mother-of-pearl! 2.75 peat) (mother-of-pearl > yo peml) GRIRARERABERHBEREBIBIBABEBER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 33 ; J Set consists of a generous-size Coffee Table and two Step-Up End Tables to match, A truly superb 2 Gift, and so very practical! Value-right. SET ... ® GIFT-RIGHT! TABLE LAMPS FOR AN EXTRA-SPECIAL GIFT -- choose from Zellers assortments of extra-attractive Table Lamps in popular 26-inch height. Among the many types featured is the decorator-smart "Oyster" design with three-way switch two of the light in the 'Oyster Shell" base. Black, brown or white, with 9.98 RORMN ZELLER'S [a WNT [¥ (<> eile 21 SIMCOE ST. §. RA 3-2294 modern-design fibre-glass shade. Long-lasting, de- corative, and ever-useful. Value-right. Our services are designed for your use and convenience. DEPENDABLE --Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years. TELEPHONE --You r-~v order by telephone: RA 3.2294 DELIVERY --Two + "'veries daily within city limit, LAYAWAY --For y r convenience at no extra cost, CHEQUES --Baby bonus end pay cheques cashed. GUARANTEE --Merchandise satisfactory or money refunded. oilt Compact {ug IRKS ELL ERS 5 ARARARARARARARARARARARARIRARARARANANANRANARIRANANAR ANC A

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