ISHBURN Yule Themes At Meetings MRS. WES. ROUTLEY, Correspondent ASHBURN -- Dr. B. D. Arm-| trong had charge of the morn- ng service at Burns Church on}: nday. 5 There was a good attendance it Sunday School. The annual junday School Christmas Tree md entertainment will be held § mn Friday, Dec. 20, at 8 p.m. On Sunday evening, the YPS| teld their sixth annual Christmas || 2 Musical. The church was filled to japacity. Grant Parrott conducted a song| lervice and everyone joined in| the ing of Christmas carols. | Th orship service was led E sy Shirley Bryant. Mrs. R. Bat- |E% % sen led in prayer. Mrs. D. Wil- | 3 dams, soloist of Whitby, sang|f: "A Star was His Candle" and|}% "While Shepherds Watched." The | ° girls' 'trio of Calvary Baptist Church, Oshawa, sang 'Would You Feel Lost in Bethlehem" and "The Birthday of a King." The Calvary Quartette also sang two numbers, "Jesus is Mine" and "Living for Jesus." Miss Fern Stephen of Toronto re at the organ. A film "The Christmas Spirit" was shown. The service closed with prayer by Dr. B. D. Arm- strong. Refreshments were served in the basement and everyone en- joyed a social time together. Guests were present from Cannington, Uxbridge, Myrtle, Whitby, Brooklin and Oshawa. BIBLE CLASS The Christmas meeting of the Ladies' Bible class was held at the home of Mrs. R. Batten with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. F. Daw, occupied the chair, and opened the meeting with a short poem, after which everyone Joined in singing of "Silent Night." The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Wes. Routley and Mrs. F. Daw offered prayer. A special Missionary offering of $10 was taken and it was decided to for- ward it to Mrs. Gordon of For- mosa. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the visit ing committee gave their report. Letters of thanks and appprecia- tion were read from Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Arthur Richardson. Mrs. N. Anderson and Mrs. Wm. Hopkins were apppointed as the program committee for the January meeting. ni 1. Brea. A : " hath ley, Mrs. Walter Knight, Mrs N { Po Ashton and Mrs. Henry Doble i GRADE "A" OVEN-READY were apppointed as the visiting| HY B. mmittee. : ee et of the nominating | " 4 BACKED BY BOND committee was given and the fol- OUKG £4 lowing officers were elected for fie 2 She Snsibe year: Prosident, Mn. F A PT C TOMS {2 vice resident . x R. Es GF wing Mrs. $ 18 T0 24 LBS. F. Daw;. treasurer, Mrs. W. Gar- ' d A CHA READY TO COOK = i dner; teacher, Mrs. son; assistant teaches, Mrs. R. Richardson and Mrs. H. Ashton; | | pianist, Mrs. N. Anderson. Bt Barn mea took| STUART: _, Woo of the "program which HOUSE = oL id $ had a its theme, "Christmas." OR xen fEYNGLDSR Mrs. R Richard: Son Chrismas. a story, the Church of the Nativity. Mrs. M. Sparks read an article on] 'Love Came Down at Christ 3 mas." There was an exchange of gifts SHORTENING 1 LB. PKG. BX from the beautifully decorated Chiistmas tree The refreshment committee PENGUIN _-- served lunch and everyone en- Joyed a social time together. On behalf of the members, GINGER ALE - Mrs. F, Lynde extended to Mrs. 30 oz. Batten a vote of thanks for her Ely | SODA WATER Botte WMS MEETING was December meeting of the | MARASCHINO CHERRIES MeLarens re' 6 or. oi. 256 Mrs. Russell Batten with an at. tendance of 20 The meeting opened with a call 14 oz. to worship by the presigent. Mis NIBLETS CORN WHOLE KERNEL yf #1 ; M. Sparkes, followed AR AYLMER PEAS oF ocess 3en49¢ worn eee FRUIT COCKTAIL "FN" 2 Gn 49° containing the word The minutes were read, Le a letter of apppreciation from Mr. MANDARIN ORA NGES IMPORTED FYE + 49¢ and Mrs. Lorne Parrott Mrs. Norman Anderson read the reort of the nominating com- Bi, HOOD, WHITE or ua mittee as follows: president, Mrs: M. Sparkes: vice - presi- dent, Mrs. B. D. Armstrong; Pee secreiary, Mrs. Lindsay Death; treasurer, Mrs. R. Richardson; pianist, Mrs. N. Anderson; sup- Bian: Se asin | DERS 3 Rok 55¢ Ey FN 5 2 n; 15 Welton aa Weir, Mes H PEAS 3 Blow. 55 Sop Tg 2 gon 69¢ oble. The scripture lesson was read responsively from St. Luke, Shap. TOMATO JUICE DELMONTE FANCY 42 10 oz, ter 2, verses 1-16. Mrs. A. ing then told a a. Deen. The meeting closed with the MIXED PICKLES ROSE, SWEET 2 150 16 ox. 5 Re- singing of 'Silent Night." freshments were served by the hostess and a social half hour WAFER PICKLES ROSE, SWEET 2 ne oz. 5 gavel s Jars ERSONALS Miss Peggy Graham, of To- SWEET GHERKINS GRAND UNION 2 " or. Lt ars ronto, spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs, Edgar Heron. Mary and Faye Heron spent COFFEE the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAndless, of Scarborough. GRAND ¢ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ashton on the birth UNION 83 POUND Po $ or. 29¢, A of a son at Oshawa General Hos- rean 9. Va ot pital on Dec. 6. Several from here attended th Sani Clas rade i Claremont STUFFED OLIVES mcLarens Manz. ®7= 39¢ Scandal Magazine IMPERIAL CHEESE mcarens = 55¢ 15, 16. 93 Fined $500 : LOS ANGELES (AP)--A judge FA { FRESHPAK NCY NUTS | || of Rian Wednesday found Confidential and Whisper magazines guilty of BEAVER DIAMOND obscenity and fined each $5,000. he case against the sister MIXED WALNUTS ¢ 3 PT ¢ scandal publications was submif- ¢ ¢ H PT. PKG. ted on the transcript of a some times sensational trial last sum- ALL FLAVOURS mer which ended in a hung jury Crux of the case were stories R PRICES EFFECTIVE T0 CHRISTMAS containing sensationa allegations * einie orn won PINK CAMAY 25223¢ 252 33¢ DEC. 19, 20, 21, 23, 24 stars. EE LIL LP Sn In Spr Ss Rp Rr Rs Bhs Kh BG Bg Sgr Bs Rs Bf Bg Regs Bogs Ros sen sm hearing brief oral arguments] fro rosecution and defence. | WE RESERVE THE RIGH m prose x AJAX, North Plaza i ici 0 WHITBY, Dundas Street Fe gave the magazines until Jan. Lo nfs micaion nei: UNE Jogos Hier gs Bln Kp Kor ss Hs Mes sr sin Fikes Bis Kis Kio Mh gas Mgr Bio Kg Bo gon they will apppeal. igh ogy, Sun Me. or / . ' ful description of Bethlehem and| "='Cranberrie Virsa a Yily AS 1 43° 3 CALIFORNIA EMPEROR 3 FINEST GRADE "A" RED BRAND ~~ -- == | -- Mm = (= = nD FULL CLUSTERS BLADE BONE ¢ REMOVED LB. GRADE "A" -- KING COLE DUCKLINGS rreoResseo, 4 TO 5 LBs. LB. 51 GRADE "A", READY TO COOK ~ ROASTING CHICKENS «YS Tis 1s. 59¢ BUFFET * : : CALIFORNI A SUNKIST NAVEL FRUITED HAMS 10 TO 12 LBS. AVG. WT. LB. 79% 0 R AN i ES DOZ. 4 B¢ 3 FRUITED PICNICS + 10 6 16s. Ava. bd LB. 69¢ EXTRA LARGE, FANCY WHITE PASCAL CELERY fies Zee 25¢ '3 SHRIMP ror cocraiLs -- 5 Ls. BOX -- EA. 13.99 DATES CALIFORNIA -- FRESH _ 8 OZ. PKG. 19¢ Ago lgoLgoliyn SWEET POTATOES 2.» 25] R CHESTNU UTS oP sit 135° : HOLIDAY HOURS (BOTH STORES) Open to 9 p.m. A Thurs., Fri, Dec, 19, 20 Open to 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 21 Open to 9 p.m. Monday, Dec. 23 Open to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 24 Closed Wed., Thurs., Dec. 25, 26 ¢ wlgr olor of olgrofg oligiory rd Lm ol hor odor oy