Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 12 Dec 1957, p. 5

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N ™\ \ WHITBY and DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Officers Complete Exams Elected For The Term arn, lon Oe Vo in the assembly hall of the United Well, now that the fall exam-(league competition with Port Church on Tuesday, Dee. 3, at inations have been completed and| Perry and Uxbridge this year as|3 p.m. The meeting was onened) the results of these returned,|the latter have moved into the by the president, Mrs. J. Breck: most students now know the sub-| Georgian Bay District section of enridge, who read an inspiration jects that will require the most| COSSA. al message. : attention during the next several] The final dance before Christ- After the business was dispens- months. The completion of the mag will take place in the audi-|ed with Rey. John Smith took exams last Wednesday was fol-|torium this Friday and is to be|the chair for the election of offi- lowed by the usual celebrations sponsored by the Students' Coun-| cers for 1958. Mrs. M. R. David- throughout the town and bY cil , An added highlight will be son, presented the report of the Thursday proceedings were back| ihe presentation of several taleni- nomizating committee which was in full swing is WHS. tu. ed acts by students of the school. scoepled. Biughion. 3308 very n Friday a : .m., Stu- phi i y s.. R. y p This colorful event will, as ysusr beautifully "And There Were | accompanied by, J THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, December 12, 1957 § y Dinner... y Prices in your dents of all three of the Grade|scour between the hours of 8: i 11's boarded bus d left for| : i | Shepherds," ! . nda 5 AIC sal and 11:30 pm. and prices have) er Vernon Rowe at the piano. From Quick Snacks fo Su , Toronto where they enjoyed an t 25¢ with your Activ- , afternoon at the Royal Ontario] Hoot Set at 50¢ a so/ Mrs. L. G. Heimpel had charge d at Low Everyda Museum. This is an annual trip|come out and help make this Of the worship service and was hin you nee a which is designed to assist the annual affair a great success, | assisted by the group leaders. A Everyt ing k t students in their study of the fncidentally, dress will be casual. jorvice, wiih began Phi) fey d Union Foodmar © course in Ancient History. Last week a very successful Din of ia Ay tied the Eriendly Gran BASKETBALL Athletic Night was held and this io 50 "gown through the cen- Basketball practises for both|Was a great help to he Boys |{ ries as the missionaries of the girls and boys began again this Athletic Association as they Ar cross went on from land to land week and it is expected that now about to make a gumbet and from nation to nation to the exhibition games will be played| trips out of town to play baskei-|, ocent day, Singing of Christmas by the male group on Friday. ball. As well as the dance in the carols was a part of the service These were originally scneduled 8YMm many games such as/i, which everyone took part. to take -place in our own school|Crokinole, ping pong, and chece Mrs. Breckenridge thanked but as a dance is goipg to be rs were played in the mam hall. ar Broughton and spoke of how held that same evening the ar- Another interesting note is that! her back in Whitby. Mrs. Breck- rangements are being changed. the yearly Christmas Dinner wil!| enridge also thanked the execu- Whitby is entered in a league/be served on Dec. 19 in the tive and members for their kind with Ajax, Bowmanville, and cafeteria and tickets for 60c are| co-operation during 1957. . Port Hope. They will not play in'available in the office. The meeting closed with the - P---------------- mmm singing of "In Christ There Is No 4East or West" and prayer. Mrs. Candlelight [Hillcrest H-S [bi onsite, yp | EFI gate, =. agi held #in the United Church on . 4 i \ ; i (but £0 vith salt. Sift 1 cop flout ; y into bag. Service Held [Holds Meet |woevcvenmeDee®. | LOPE RENE | spriakl light | \ 2 ji L Let Le Whitby United Church Cana-| The Hillcrest Home and School od : g ke 4 4 : dian Girls In Training will hold| Association held their meeting in| f° JJ1€@ otorist ht butter or MArGATINE Wow + oovy meaty their annual Christmas candle- the form of a Christmas party - { # to in a heavy ski around edges. Brown lighting service this Sunday, Dec. last Wednesday at the 'school. - y in ceater illet; skillet with tight 15. Every youth organization in| The president, Mrs. E. Snow, was um ¥ ----t edly : ob covet 1 hout or util the church will join the proces- in the chair, thé minutes of the sional which will be in candle-| last meeting were read by Mrs.| william Stewart, R.R. 1 Cobo : : light. Teen-age girls will conduct E. Rivett conk, was fined $15.00 and costs fi chicken. the entire service based on the The meeting opened with carol(in Whitby Magistrate's traffic Now you can outside; Yours can't help but and moist inside. meaning of Christmas. singing led by Mrs. Doug. Wil-| court yesterday, by Magistrate Miss Gina VanDeuren will lead jjams. Games were played, cards |A. S. Mitchell. Stewart was the service assisted by Nancy| and dancing were enjoyed charged with careless drviing fol- White Anita Underwood, Judy| "po. 1 was served by the moth- | lowing an accident in the town- ) White and Linda Law. Those tak-| 06% 1 inder samen, Grades ship of Reach, Number 12 high- per) ing part in ihe cadle lighting way, in Greenbank, Nov. 8 pageant are Helen Lamory, Rose Mrs. Stewart was riding in the SHOULDER Marie Bond, Carol Snelgrove, vehicle with Stewart, and her CHOICE GRADE -- Cherry Smith and Jean and Joan head went through the wind- x ) airman. in shield, causing lacerations to her| 1 STEW Everyone is invited to attend Rotary Club |face. The Stewart car failed to CHOICE GRADE ( cut INTO CHOPS AND ¢ ™ Ia and take part in this beautiful {make a curve in the road, &nd and inspirnig service. |smashed into a telephone pole. x t Damage was mbstly all to the » 0 S ee {front end of the Stewart vehicle. | LB. s | Magistrate Mitchell fined Stew- ¢ Song Service The expansion of the poultry art $15.00 and costs. : HEREF ORD : 12 OL n i s i few Held Here et, eis Vl oquekwesr 9 ¢ CANS the|0f the Whitby Rotary Club at| WHITBY inner PKGS or The regular meeting of their weekly luncheon meeting FBYPA was held on Tuesday. {pei JeCPC% ? k| . oy S . Speaker was Fran Des. 0, 2 7:30 p.m., with 257 "ging" Ontario sales manager PERSONALS present Song service was led by of Ralston Purina Co. The firm ~~ LIBBY'S FANCY the president, Barry Jones, wii shortly begin operations in| Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hare have after which Bob Kirkland opened | shortly Jeg. pe t ; t y. their h me on Cray- 4/2 new plant in Whitby. returned to their ho y PARAMOUNT FANCY 160Z. jith Tey ; ho ; ML Senge ay i Egg production, he noted, is a don road after visiing helt 398, ¢ CANS the boys. big business in Canada today. br dh Hare, 3 Lorre 22a 3 Announcements and offering Dilly sousuimption funs 10 eae [frends 'in Wilmington, Ohio. SAl SOCKEYE Ne. V2 Spec |sumption nears the five billion] The many friends of Mrs, Steve Aa] Speaker fof the Svening mark. The popularity of eggs in| peleshok are sorry to learn that Canadians' diet was explained by|she was in Ajax Hospital. They Church, Oshawa. Followig: the he fic that eges ost Jess than yjsh her a prompt recovery. meeting the choral group prac- wo hi Der Ln ow splendid] tied: special Christmas Inuste. sources of protein and fat. Port Colborne, and Miss Jean ow ok ee ing be in Not only. have there been|Dougham, of Noranda, were re- ge of Ruth Green's group. OL mY e © roduc.| cent guests at the home of Mr. changes in egg pro and Mrs. George Brown and Mr. | sweeping Children At [of view: ut "erc"have' Buen anc, Mrs, Mex Broyn, Tog zie | sweeping changes as far as the 2 aa of Hallet iis rray {hen is concerned. Undomesticat- gots . A oR LESS AT. GRAND ONION Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Rose, of HERE'S PROOF you GET THE BEST - ia Yule Part |ed fowl used to average about, Mr. V. Wenta, of Toronto, spent ¢ Y 50 eggs per year per bird. Leylas} Week end a the guest of Mr. MAPLE 2° xs 39 breeding became more scientific, and Mrs. A. C. Smith, of Hickory | The Brock Street South home producers were pleased if they street. | 5 LEAF CA FANCY 45 C i MIXED NUTS nhl 1B UICK FROZEN 2 ; a 49° OLMSTEAD QUICK FR es . \ 29° p PAPER™~2% SMELTS uo me ious sketches and also Christmas mendous changes in recent years, Kendry, Mrs. Warren MacMillan, WA § songs. A film was shown entitled said Mr. King. Canadians 15 Mrs. B. J. McKinnon, Mrs. E -- and School Association held their! could produce a bird which would , "The Littlest Angel," by Rev. G.|years ago shunned the broiler. Arthur MacPherson, Mrs. Stuart Christmas ¢ J ka NERS Creams, Gums - MINK STOLE CONTEST WIN > a Christmas party. The program provide 150 eggs per year House of Windsor Chapter I0DE was under the convenership off With present feeding methods) who attended a dinner held at Mrs. J. Sackett, assisted by Mrs. and selective breeding, birds are the Guild Inn last Monday eve- B. Duff and Mrs, Z. Carlaw, The Dow producing from 250 to 300 ning were: Mrs. John Davies, party was held for the children |€88S per year. Mrs. Murray Detlor, Mrs. James of the school and the parents. Another aspect of chicken Gartshore, Miss Eve Gatti, Mrs. The children performed in var- farming has also undergone ire- John Harvie, Mrs. Ralph Mec- . LAMB, MRS. Sally HURDLE, MRS. bh ST. Su . ¢ : VE., , ONT. 10 Nn 1596 GREEN, A a. HAMILTON J CAR Ries 12239 Fr od ig Go AVE a PLYMOUTH BD Tension Grows As Nato BISCUITS <2 | Talks Come Nearer oLD DUTCH By JOSEPH MacSWEEN | will not surrender any degree of instance, France, without French Canadian Press Staff Writer |Britain's national sovereignty in agreement. Grinding pressures are building| the NATO reorganization. er hol mistrust of Ango-Amer. NATC the deadline nears for the| President Eisenhower has|other field. There have been fears 8) NIAGARA F December meeting in the form of Among the members of the . Nieholson. Santa Claus made his| Now, in Ontario alone, 20 mil- Robin, Mrs. Bruce Williams, die visit and distributed gifts and|lion broilers are consumed an- Mrs. Don Dulmage and Mrs. " rouse an 12 or. pks- i SN INS bags of candy. nually. Clarence Freek. | «5 MRS. G A CAREY, MRS. S. HOPKI! ' i TEE ag . ©. . $8 PLYMOU : . n list of 60 consolation prize winners posted CHRISTAAKS CANDIES CUTROCKMIX | ob CHEEKED les 6 ror 29° we 29° | pelicious App PRICES EFFECTIVE SATIN MIX FRESHLY ESL hw oN 2 1 oz. 19¢ : DEC. 1%, 13, 14 by mail. ET ein axis. | suown vividly how important the that the U.S. and Britain planned 1 3 meeting i s isi .|to seize a dominant role in'NATO shooting off letters to the heads | "0 i His Yesision lo a and might even oppose France in of NATO governments, obviously ae: not vel completely ol North Africa Ly insisting upon ne- hopes for propaganda advantages Ais "Get FOMPELEY Seared. gotiatioh over Algeria, where the by confusing the thinking of West- | : stern allance | prench want to bé recognized as ern peoples. His timing couldn't/is a complete reappraisal . of de paramount. P w= 29° | COLE PKG. have been better fences and strategy and the econ-| NORTH omies of the NATO countries. DUNDAS AJAX PLAZA Eisenhower's role is difficult ' v : J Ws BY streer : TH9P.M. WHIT THURS. & FRL JAN MILD 9 e GREEN ONIONS Jc Comper Union Stores. All winners have been notified /d spate ° 0) He raises hopes while at the same time hinting darkly at ter- ' ible dangers. He Sathkly at the because the prestige of the U.S., |' dream of East-West disarmament |28 the most powerful. of NATO || and 'trust. Dations. has jallen to -its lowest | To countless persons living for nwo cecades; { years in fear of war, this: dream [FORMULA OFFERED f -- . --however unlikely of fulfilment] The U.S. has been trying to|! . --sounds like paradise and goes allay fears -- particularly in far beyond even the most ambi- France -- that unwilling NATO |/ tious hopes of the NATO meeting. countries would be dragged into | MACIC WORDS nuclear' war by unilateral Amer- || ican action from French or other: But Bulganin sounds like the missile bases. _. preacher who was "agains in." "iy yiiving for acceptance of || So, to "outlaw. war," as if that could|2 formula by which nuclear m aia " BIG "be done simply by a handshake siles would not be fired from, for | / , or a few magic words at an East- y ; West summit meeting. . . is IT Kk What Bulganin well knows is Fire Brigade by ; 4 [|] that Russia, with its technological advaiipes, never was ni better} / propaganda position. This will C 11 d | i J . 7 : : change Kd the West £iches up, | dalle 0 Lar Giont Christmas Stocking ....... 2 Wallets t em! % | 7 so the Kremlin can be expected yp, younteer fire brigades Miniature Camera "is Wallet ench everythi i io wre Tying possible were called to the scene of a from the current situation, am % , : the EE neutralist_countries Durning 1954 Jardiop model car, | Deluxe Carving Set Wallets " parked in a laneway off Colborne 4 | 1 as well as in the West. pred adie ohnile Ry ro | Vote To Elect Giont-Panda Doll . ..:............ Wallets Actually, Russia's continuing The car was ow 3 I ' : : ned by Vie Hryt- . attack o the NATO, meeting, is sak, 120 Brock DO on soci, Ty § Twin Gun & Holster Set Wallets holds promise for success. Rus- Jas being Sriven athe time by GORDON Selected Planters and Vases ........ Wallets sia apparently feels NATO has a, : ? good chance In FEnrope there The fire was assumed to have I Electric Kitchen Clock ; Wallets are fears that the meeting may started by a cigarette, and dam- ( age was mostly to the front seat Insulated Ice Bucket Wallets be a flop in the face of historic| 2% i i li and dash. The car had been park- . changes in defence alignments. oq" gon approximately half an WHITBY Zippered Record Album Wallets MACMILLAN PLIANT hour before firemen received the Prime Minister Macmillan of | call. TOWNSHIP Copper Tea Kettles Wallets Britain has indicated to the House| Whitby fire brigade were also! i of Commons just how great these called to the os of 4. D. Hill, COUNCIL : H 8-Inch Boudoir Doll Wallet changes are. In a statement that| R.R. 1, Whitby, late Tuesda would have been unthinkable even|night, where they wer: id Saturday, f Leather Wallet and Key Case. ..,.. Wallets 10 years ago, Macmillan refused upon to extinguish a chimney fire December 14 - ® promise Parliament that he caused by an overheated furnace. _- . CSIR AE : ry i -- x 3 r a rT x KXXXXREN: Cream and Sugar Set .. 3 Wallets Fruit or Vegetable Bowl .. 12 Wallets HERE S ALL YOU Do! ; 3-Pc. Clutch Bag . 2 Wallets Just save $25.00 in accumulated Grand Union # "Steak Knife and Fork Set .. 5 Wallets cash register gift tapes and put them in your handy % Brass Wall Plaque 4 Wallets free wallet. You will notice that each free Bonus # Baby Towel (Pink or Blue) . 3 Wallets Gift requires so many wallets. When you have ¥ Enamelled Bread Box .... 3 Wallets saved the required number of wallets, turn them Canister Set to Match ...... 3 Wallets in at your Grand Union Supermarket and receive 4-Colour Flashlight ...... 1 Wallet the free gifts of your choice Gef your free GIFT Sheffield Bread Knife .... 1 Wallet TAPE wallets at your GRAND UNION. Step-On Refuse Can ....... 4 Wallets Wedgewood Dinnerware 4 Wallets NX; SSS SSSR SSNS RRR SSS SRS A NRA AT RRAO, ?

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