Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 12 Dec 1957, p. 4

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~ / : : \ : ® 4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, December 12, 1957 : = BY 8-1 " z i Whitby PUC Group Sings "hear in 8 Manger "8 : hd ht i ngs : § id Te Dunnies Win [Holds Meet | Silent Night' [esis te The regular monthly meetin' 'ne thoroughly enjoyed and was y The last re; meeting of of the Fireside Evening Auxiliar, te, a Success. e meeting the Whitby PUC was held Tues | was held at the homie of Rev. and prayer, Tr er Eth omDloyees| Mrs. John Smith. The president, Mrs. Donald Tutt, was in the BIGGEST SALUTE cl opened present. It was brought out ai The ¢ with| Anniversaries of the birth, ac- First place Whitby Dunlops, Smith scored twice and Charlie hair. : last night walloped the Kingston| Burns sank his second of ihe|gmpiovtce had a sorvice recone |X CHristmus poem and the sing-|cession and coronation of the sav. CKLC's 8-1 to boost their stand-|night in the third to further theior "25 "years: Arthur Wigston 'Silent Night, JT Sreig a ess gun salute ai ing six points ahead of second Dunnies' cause. Anderson, withisg years: Miss Marcia Ross 3d hardson accompanied at ower of on. place Pembroke Lumber Kings. assists from Linsman and Colvin|ye re. Hi 'I, Pringle, 32 years corr The game was played in Kingston|spoiled Long John Henderson's (with town commission) ; | Fim IR ! oF Seti Te and fans saw one of the best|potential shutout at the 12:34|Gey, 2 v gxhiblions of the season by the point of the third. wile. a0 3 ars; Harry Wation, ; ] ; James Sle m Whitby had three stars in their x Sany gt * Ele Dy pray. : Honey 'Stadon, He Chaclie Burns 1. Whitby, Tom O'Connor After the dinner meeting, the n She Réquiremeots and Sid Smith, playing coach, (Myles and Burns 3:55 commissioners returned to the dedi 2. Whitby. Burns board room to Wold their regular' "yyy "yp, o the Authorid racked up a two goals, one assist tay Other 'Whithy goals 'were| (Myles, Sinden) ........ 7:07/meeting. ba oe scored by Tom O'Connor and| No penalties. Tenders for oil heating in the ' Bus Gagnon. Assists went to Second Perioa PUC office building were Spened, the p STAFFORD BROS. Frank Bonnello, George Samo-|3. Whitby. Sinden but no decision was made unt! on Williams. lenko and Gordie Myles, each| (Tom O'Connor) ......., 6:28 more information with regards toe liow and Mrs. E. Monumental Works with two, and Alf, Treen with|4, Whitby. Sinden valves and types of burners is Sigh L one. (Smith, Bonello) ....... 15:57 received. e unces Although for many seasons bit- 5. Whitby. Gagnon A further 256 feet of 12-inch|g f MO 8-3552 ter rivals, the game saw only| (Samolkenko, Treen) ... 18.11 cast iron water pipe was approv- and three penalties handed out, two| Penalties: Gagnon, Whitby, ed for Hopkins street. to Whitby. The win puts the Dun-| slashing; Thompson, Kingston,| UNION CONTRACT nies well ahead with 28 points tripping. sad, est fe imcaote, CL yp, THEFT Change ron sure (| JEFFREY'S squad sti n the Eastern On-|6. , Sm 4 URE tario Senior A League cellaf. | (Bonello) . ........eess. 8:52/84 BD union (National Union Tom O'Connor and Charlie|7. Whitby. Burns of Public Service Employees) to Burns rapped in two in the first| (unassisted) «+... 11:43 Whose contract expires . 31. PLEASE JANITOR To discuss the request more fully, period, to give the Dunnies the|8. Kingston. Anderson : 4 .34|the commission will hold a spe- lead. In the second, Sinden scor-| (Linsman, Colvin) 34 al ting Dec. 17 to discuss] © PINKY TOYS SERVICE led twice and Bus Gagnon sank|9. Whitby. Smith {his counter to give the Dunnies| (Samolenko) 13.35 the issue. It would appear that ODEL CRAFT Windows cleaned, floors wash- 5 : Ted 0" Whit-| the union demands approximate: n y- 3 2 ion 150. lead over the by, Booking. Ted O'Connor, Whil-|} "1000 per annum for each em- a4, waned and polished, walls ployee in the union, We Specialize in Office LETTER TO EDITOR ji. ielobue Ea ERs STORE [050m ci | | Si will be meeting with the MO 8-4233, Whith |Ontario W Res v ' itby For years now, Port Whitby has|swer and respond to any fire | mission in Ber 2 0 BR 200 Brock St. S., Whitby |been forgotten, utterly neglected, | alarm in quick time. sibilities of borrowing money for |We have been an isolated com-| I would like to see the general a new filtration plant and neces- munity as far as council has been public granted the privilege of sary feeder mains estimated . The fi tal rea- visiting Brock street school. They close to $500,000. Souserned The findaments! ¥ to| could see for themselves the con-| a } |ditions that still exist and for Ao \y | which we were assured prompt a consequence the. idea seems tol ators that we are referred to. there was. any fhought of indus- loyal citizens in the town of | |we receive our tax statements.|;tmost co-operation providing Lions Club held their annual | ed by all the happiness atten- | group of the children are shown | distribution of gifts. | PORT OF WHITBY President, | |bor was one of the busiest on the hone I Drop In And Ask For Vic Vanluven In the ensuing years, Port of The | | [until January. : | YP MEET : |" Mrs. D. Marshall closed the we residents have had to contend Supreme Court, sitting at Whitby. |] A" ef must be pleced efor BROCK STN. WHITBY FOR OVER 25 YEARS WHITBY The ladies of the United Church very beautiful solo, "Bethlehem," | Women held their regular De-| LONDON (Reuters) -- Gordon didates for council in the recent| uahte Singleton, manager of assembly hall, Mrs. L. F. Rich oem OFFICERS Plans were made for the 25th/Duncan, a director of the Cana-|have been a bunch of a F fx) | ALL | y | gitators| , grdson Hejcomed the mexiibers Installation' of officers for the Anniversary Dinner to be held in dian Bank of Commerce, were and that the only solution to our gw. Ji the COL ial Me bank h | a pened 4 | February. : among the guests at a small in-| problem was for us to move. | Bennett Outfitters in * June of| Mrs, L. F. Allen-Bittle took thei, 0 honoary president, Mrs.| Year by the group was allocated and Prince Philip gave at Buck- hag been spent in the maintenance Quantrill, The treasurer's report son: Ist vice a ~ la ' | a A "oh : : ; president, Mrs, C. |when it had reached a very de-| In November of that year was. given by Mrs. E. Bond. The cig plorable condition, some powers Mirla Brot died. At that time, For Your Further Mandate To Me world ls, a eras Mrs. E. R. Elliott; treasurer, : TLIGAT | HALL AN ASSET Yiich Dayinent had Deen, stopped} \ ' . g were | Mrs. E. Bond: chureh 1 ip, 4 ringing the amount claime ond; church leadership, 1 | "1 promises had been kept: andjtas pak 10 Sioe on. id become better and better. | know that | can count e s M. G. McCarty, |L, Smith; social welfare, Mrs E. desi pr-- |Mrs. H. T. Fallaise; visiting, native but to declare the fire hall Kitchener Branch of the bank, |F. Farndale; telephone, Mrs. A. i " ies" ive 8- phone, Mrs. A.|slaught last night, as the "Dunnies" racked up an impressive 8-1/0, 0 5 Cr 0 amen had been ac-| Branch, it was found there were wson, Mrs.' R. Vanhorne; par-| Whithy police station, during the H, MacCarl, Mrs. Augustus: play their best hockey on large ice surfaces. (Kingston is one of |given an equal opportunity to an-'ion Bank. police chief George gp. ¢ gram, the group leaders. squad. Last season when the Dunlops were called on to play key nent connection between Port y i : action by the School Board many Wein a Why in Bon |BUTT RADIO WITH OUR "Wai : » have legitimate causes to be dis-| be, "Wait until it is estaplisned | satisfied. If we are shown some TELEVISION trial areas. Whitby. y There is quite a sizeable revenue|they see fit to recognize us as OSHAWA LIONS CLUB HOST AT CHRISTMAS PARTY collected from Port Whitby, each rare , oe noe of Whitby, PAPERS |year from taxation, but what have ! | Christmas Party for children at | dant upon the festive season | | South Ward Ratepayers. " n . north shore it was known as the Port of Whitby. The crews on the J dgm nt . I sailing Vessels Who had ee u e A. J. 8-31 | Stove Oil can be purchaisy in any amount ot this sion to visit this harbor either to | on , an T discharge or pick up cargo made Totals $1636 # you have not received your "OPEN EVERY EVENING AND SUNDAYS" ® St A d ¥ church. The business meeting | ovo SBE del boy Woe | Was this week granted judgement | was finalized with the decision to y ; in th unt of $1636.88 against United ( 'hurch - n Iew S carry over the election of officers| have been known as Port Whitby. |i | 36 amon Tk Brot, BEa) ofl BELL TAXI WA H 1 M meeting with the Benediction. [vert these past few years must| ny Justice Gale declined to issue e A |= certainly be as obnoxious as we|; i . i a Or) ; Oo d e Following a Christmas pot luck| have maintained. It Was a major Judgement agains} Tig 2state for) { WA*"held their Dx bi i the piano bY cember meeting with 238 members Churchill, Canadian minister of| election. The only consideration| ihe 'King St. E. branch of the i 1 coming year was taken by Rev. Chrigimag psalm. : oA | The money raised during the|formal dinner party the Queen| How much of ofr tax money| 1955. The bank, he said, held a devotional. Minutes of the last|y™"ni™ goin so ediate past|to the different funds within the'ingham Palace Tuesday night. |of our fire hall? The fire hall has|that any monies owing the bank pe core) stake, Broughton; 2nd vice-president, a | Jorslip H, Vite Was sacl. bY Mrs. R, H. MacCarl; 3rd vice- that be chose the time as very|said Mr. Singleton, there was a and Mrs, W. Carroll "" president, Mrs. Joes. Ward; re-| @ appropriate to warrant a visit balance of $325 owing on a note; afar dd ; | from the Ontario fire-marshal's and overdraft in the account of Mrs. k. Fairman, Mrs. Ross Hall, Mrs, A, M. Price; broadcaster, | : the sum that was mentioned had! In June of 1956, five cheques) Mrs. W. E. Davidson and Mrs. Killens; press correspondent, , By WREN A. BLAIR feel sure that the official who|John Bennett Outfitters, totalling lan asset rather than a liability. and one in Lindsay. When all J R. Colwill; pfanist, Mrs. R. Rich-|w i ity ying- Smi re- | F T'S ich {win right in the Limestone city. Playing-coach Sid Smith, centre {cepted, the hall would rank sec.|insufficient Funds to Cover ther Thirty-seven dollars and 61 sonage, Mrs. S.- Murdock, Mrs. standings. It also brings out two other important factors. One is alarm at No. 1 station, Thus the| E. F. Bastedo, QC, of Oshawa, months of October, November ilti LEE aaa i A B : o : ' TDET, | quilting, Mrs. F. Curl; social,|the largest rinks, 200 x 90.) This i thi the club will Y i ber, A , g ' ' h s is something e clu anc D mber, At ent, JBO0.Mrs. C., Heard, Mrs. J. Anstey; encounter quite often in Europe, and we look for this to be as | HARRY W. JERM N Rankine reports that two $2.00 establish a workable and perma-| Most of the area has been de- ; . a 2 i clared an industrial area, As a| We certainly are not the all RCA Victor RC) { SPECIAL NEW PRICE I cdn assure you that we resi- | : ON |dents have lived here and paid fontideration gud 8 litte jee 118 Brock St. 5. Whitby MO 8-3707 || bj R GASOLINE : : la il . 3 janes fo the town long before| realize that we are good and| She i § 3 ; i ee A | The only considera¥on that we| "Wwe wish the new colinei | ' ; & 3 i 3 r | $ cil every) : ®t » {ever received is once ayear when gyccess and assure same of our FOR MISSED For the Best Deal on Members of the Oshawa | Tuesday. The event was attend- | an enjoyable time. Here a | Christmas Tree, following the |we received in return? John Harkness, | IN WHITBY I the"CRA Building, Gibbs St., on | and, as a result, everyone had | with Santa Claus, around the go --Times-Gazette Photo | Many years ago, when the har- | | reference to the Port of Whitby. | GC | Toronto-Domini Bank | Th by 7 P.M, Call SLE SR HE il VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. e terrible odor with WHICH Toronto in an action heard in the dinner, the St. Andrew's Young AT PALACE DINNER |issue on the agenda of some can-| o, eet- a ing on Tuesday evening in the/Mrs. R. Richardson. present. Mrs, %. Sloan presided. |trade and commerce, and James|that we have received is that We|Toronto-Dominion Bank. in Osh- J. M. Smith; the officers are as| guarantee, signed by Mirla Brot, meeting were read by Mrs. H.| resident, Mrs. L. F. Richard- been neglected for years and| were guaranteed. f on . cording secretary, Mrs H. Quan-| #5 ; The program "Life of the trill; corresponding secretary,| # |office. $11.88 and three cheques, on | shall endeayour to help the Town. of Whitby Mrs.- H. Quantrill, Mrs. M. R.| Miss L. Pellow: u M : ; : Davidson, Mrs. WUD DEL Foomn, ert. [been spent, on our fire hall, I|were issued over the name of on your continued co-operation to support these J. Ward. Mrs. Ross Hall sang a Mrs, W. E / : i ill ; visited would have had no altér-|$4400.0 Four wi i { 3h J. ll sang a Mrs. W. E. Davidson; devotional, IB Yup Welt casitd 1 shel endeavours | shall make as your Mayor in 1958/59. {Mrs. F., Ollen-Bittle; cards, Mrs. Kingst: K i i Dunl on- Police Hold rds, Mrs gston CKLCs fell before a mighty Whitby Dunlop |If the suggestion and plan by one|five arrived at the Oshawa ' ardson; assistant ' 5. y S i v L t ti al a. paula pin man Charlie Burns and defenceman Harry Sinden all tallied twoiong to nome. For a very smail| It was this latter amount that ry ' ' 0S Iticies [stey, Mrs. C. Heard. Mrs. IL, |£08ls- Single. markers went to Bus Gagnon and Tommy O'Connor. |sum, a siren could be installed His Lordship ruled were not I : | That shoves the Dunlops into a solod six point lead in the group | which would coincide with the guaranteed. | gents shave been turned into the C, Heard, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs, R. that although it has often been suggested otherwise, the Dunlops firemen in Port Whitby would be represented the Toronto-Domin- one shown up to claim it k rg : Whos klichen, Mrsa R. H. Phair; pro. much an asset to the Whitby club as to the Russians or any = Dlle vy nnd, he pat of Me ements hits Serveq by games on large rinks at Maple Leaf Gardens, Hol chener 354 Nort leather wallet containing $33.81 Bay, they thrived on it. The other item evident in last NIghUs |, \p"0 0 (on stake, will do delivery REALLY something new in the gift blue™plastic wallet containing. 30 win is the fact that Sid-Smith particularly needs big ice to show uni" gad jobs. Reasonable rates. 'irees|line. Men's ties with a metallle thread. cents plaid umbrella, biowrn DAY-BY-DAY his best. He has played extremely well out of town on larger cut and removed. Phone MO 8.3938($1.50 each, in a gift box. Mercantile plastic wailet containing $1.00 | rinks, but admits that he will need a bit of time to get accustomed |after 5. _ ___. uan 10iDept. Store, 289¢ i. cs ar dl i i v, i is Y tO le pairfof colored lens glasses with y to the smaller ice here in Whitby. We mention this, because we ROOM to rent, for one or two gentle: FoR the man who has everything darle brown frames, and key iy PLIcATE BRIDGE th know this is a real problem for him, and he's not the first player men. 120 Brock North; Mo 5047, 2c Plastle raipcoat. So handy at the home chain containing 13 keys. Tis ae Ton on > to come here that's had to overcome this problem. Some fans FOR sie = aos Ford gh Cd Fe og She 5 L; price $2.95. All Xhese articles are in the Tuesday's Duplicate Bridge may think Sid isn't showing his full potential at home, and this| = __ Tred TT RT dei I Bac Whikby police station, and are 2 z p ge. li h ; '1l be all right d don't f his real [CHOICE Xmas trees, Balsam, Spruce, FOR a better suburban coat. Select our y P , North and South--M d Mrs | 1S one of the reasons. He all right, and don't forget his real goo mn Shcky Parking Lot, contact| Cashmere finished coat. It will not matt unckaimed. Wel dS and Mrs asset will be on those big rinks in Europe. {Jerry Ravary. 200 Pine Street, MO|or pile. Four colors in sizes 34 to 46; Ropirted lost are the following, Yells, 80%2; Mrs. Freeman an |8-2810 or Red McCoy. Dec. 26 price $25. Mercantile Dept. Store. 289c| arte rt es, one key ring with four Mrs. Bowman, 67%; Mrs. Bea | Saturday night here there's a top attraction on deck. |;ix mn eason. [WANTED - a | keys; one $5.00 bill; large wallet, fon and Wise Lawler, Sou: Mr! Sam: Pollock 'and his Oftawa Junior Canadiens will be the. |F pao ne aN lees A anwta|boy four | black, in Lolo¥; Jed plastic peticil a Eas Be. cl god, 654. | - visitors, and if this game resembles anything close to last |South. Dec, 27jMary Wes, 8 : i fase. gl Shc a YR ow a ag Wests: 2d Mes Sunday's ter in Hull betw these teams, then fans are |THREE room apartment and bath. (FOR Rent -- Self contained Three Too: | 7 articles have not. been found or Barrons 821%; Mrs. Baxter and in for a real hockey game, Of course th § plenty of feeling Ay Hie. or RA 80004 Arai pny Tv, rr 1 have not been turned into fhe Miss Forsythe, 81%: Mrs. Kean| right mow between Ottawa and W , esyeclally following | = One small child welcome. MO 8-004. | { police station. | rs. Maundrell, 67. Whitby's 7-2 win over Russia, and the Habs' {wo losses of 6-3 {aoME._ \nediation, Wi W method, 289¢ er ------------ is in eo ett | and 10-1. Subsequent remarks by Pollock haven't endeared him |," Tliary way. Walter Ward, Whit |ROOM and board for two gentlemen, or his club to the Whitby team, so there should be plenty of |by: phone MO 8-252. Dec 23 |gsingle beds, private home, 311 Chest. 289c NN NN WHITBY | fireworks in this one. Don McBeth, who has been out thus {crue ™ olin" Cli at 916 Brock|"Ut Street East. \ AR -- RO C | far this season, may make his home return to the line-up, [Street South for quick service, price DENTIST -- Dr. J. H. Wall, 102 Dun NANNING x LJ Phone MO 8-3618 | although he will likely be used sparingly for a while, until his rome. Modern line 'of moulding dar Street West, MO 8.3803." Office 5 leg is fully strengthened. Tickets for this stellar game here nings by appointment, Dee. 13. FOR rent -- One partly furnished base- | Saturday night, go on sale at the Arena box-office at moon RE AeA d: 1 now PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7.9 0M. | 'wmorrow. clndition, $20, MO 8.2466, san 3 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 | { SHY | THE TOWN AND COUNTRY . . . Don't forget the big booster | CHRISTMAS TREES. NUE FINE OR COARSE | elub Christmas party ight in the upstairs b { hall of the : ! $7.00 per load delivered . It's § to all Booster members and a good time should west. MO 8-4204. Arena. It's free to a ste! 8 | PHONE MO 8-2660 ¥ on "BREAK THROUGH THE ¥ 3 be on tap for everyone. . . . We'd like to pass along best hes FOR Rent pent, i ERIC BRANTON " 7:1 §l to friend Cliff Gordon for a speedy recovery. Cliff, who is a miglly four rooms and bath, MO 8-2660. bh CHINA GATE...or die! i faithful sport writer for this distiict, is back in 'the Oshaya CRRISTMAS TREES for sale by St. Y: . "Bi iy General Hospital again, after only being release da shprt time Johns Anglican Meow Club, on_ gic Tues., Thurs.,Sat.,Dec.21 > A. Age 02 y PE VIN. " back. We're sure he would welcome cards from all friends anc h Free delivery. Dec/ 21. ' fans in the area. Hope to see you back shortly, Cliff. . . . Moscow Selects whipped a Stockholm All-Star team 7-3 in Sweden the AERIAL Ieee oatalled, $39. Tn: NOTICE other day. The Selects are on their way back to Russia following dependent Servire MO 8.2081, Dec. 23 their Canadian touf. . . . Bob Ballard, who is president of the | FO Rent -- Large bright Tom, sult. Independent Soles and' Serv- 3 i able for one, groun r, pply + P . cs op ier ts OF BI Thoschs malard, na ofthe IoTon Bee Coun or MO STM, | Or mina serves. om Other Gift Suggestions . . . Toronto Marlboro's and some recent criticism of the Whitby Dun- oii person who removed clothing] Must b on a cash basis. Large lops. "Not only do I not share his views in hockey," says Bob, {from car at 306 Perry Street please re- or major repairs maybe poid > CX Take beter ao tod han res Mov 65 En th TUS) en's ponent, | 2 GIFT CERTIFICATES - SKATING OUTFITS McBRINE & SKYWAY LUGGAGE material with heavy quilted lining and| hove forced us to adopt this « « : * brand of hockey dished out by the amateurs in Canada, than that | they saw in pro. Of course there are a few people in Canada Who | pisingly Tow go p? Ts Srarhgement of payment for echo the same sentiments. . . . Whitby Dunlops showed a great Mercantile Dept. Store i Tues., Thurs., Sot. Dec, 14 Open Every Night Except Saturdays 'Til 9 p.m. until Christmas Independent Sales: MO 8-208) 200¢ | + DUCTION + RELEASED BY 20h CENTURY.FOX {on Banting Ave., in Oshawa, Tickets may bé purchased from any Rout = 2 Jecorated {var Toon 119 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-347¢ x o f/member of the Mercantile League or at the door tomorrow night. | [XN Tl ie, "Phone aL, ek | Phone MO 8-3886 ering. i We've sot ours | 2% Tues, Thurs. Sat, Jan. 10] rE SSPE TET TT TT TIES AS ARES 2 8 4 RT , AREER ERE RE ER EE EE ER EE EEE effort here Tuesday, when they came back after being down 4-1 FOR Sale -- Davano bed by night and _ chesterfield by day. $149, two piece. In-| ' [ to Belleville at the end of the first period. Charlie Burns line che : : i | racked up five of the seven goals. Gordie Myles and Tommy |dcPendent Sales: MO i ___ 20 WASHING MACHINE | % O'Connor 'each notching two, and Charlie getting the other. Gor- FOR Sle --- Hwo pair CCV skates aud TROUBLES ? | (die particularly was flying all night, and is showing great form sis pair. MO 8.4158. Size 8 and Ai. 200c as f : . Just a reminder that the Benefit stag for "Sonny" | ; : We repair all wathing me- right now . . ; ; Fer pea CINEMAScOPE 8 FOR Sale -- 30" GE range. Full fac-| chine "makes, Reconversion & 9 Scero, who Broke his leg in Mercantile hockey competi ion peccut tory: warranty in factory cartons, $199 work All work guaranteed . , " " lly, 1s i f » New Polish Hal A : BENE B RRY ANGIE DICKINSON NAT KING coL y, is on tab for tomorrow night (Friday) at the New Polis a a Son TAR E. GASKIN kh kkk kk hkd® . . *

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