Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 12 Dec 1957, p. 25

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Business Must * A SR a i Lm 0 he. aN 'THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE VOL. 86--NO. 290 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE Rid Education | TORONTO (CP)--Business, in- dustry and governments must in-| | erease their contributions if -Can-| lada's educational problems are |to be solved, says a report issued| | Wednesday by the Industrial Foundation on Education. It says: '"There is no hope of extensive improvements in en- dowment funds and it is impracti- cal to raise student fees above their present level." The foundation and its report & an outgrowth of the Na- itional Conference on Engineer- \ |ing, Scientific and Technical corporate giving to jversities | Manpower held at St. Andrews, might be one per cent profits {N.B., in September, 1956, under hefore taxes. | /the sponsorship of a wide ranga| Actually the rate of giving in| of business and industrial firms. 1955.56 was about .09 per cent-- It has been suggested, the re- or less than a tenth -- of this| port says, a re ble goal for' t Distinguished Array OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1957 Stricter Mine Rules Committee Urges Better Inspectors would . i My | Prevent Future Disasters Canadian Press Staff Writer. royal commission that investi- gated the 1956 coal mine disaster By DAL WARRINGTON | Halifax lawyer Donald McInnes, said a better type of mine car HALIFAX (CP)--A provincial coupling should be devised--one that won't unhook accidentally. A three-link chain is used now. at Springhill, 'N.S., r d stricter mine safety regulations Other r ions: Power cables, should be placed If |and better inspectors to prevent [and protected so they can't be another catastrophe like it in the damaged by runaway coal cars 50° 'To Attend NATO Talks GOLDEN HOUR XMAS CANDY cil Golden Hour Assorted CHOCOLATES 1-LB, BOX 89° "BEST BUY" DONALD DUCK "BEST BUY" MIRACLE WHIP "BEST BUY" AYLMER CHOICE "BEST BUY" ALKA SELTZER | By ALAN HARVEY There is a general recognition | Canadian Press Staff Writer [that the United States, as usual, LONDON (CP)--NATO"s "'sum- will dominate proceedings. Satis- mit" talks in Paris next week faction that President Eisen- will attract perhaps distinguished gathering of minis- proval to attend the sessions is the most hower has received medical ap-|. byl future. "Nova Scotia Mines Minister E, AM Wed or rock falls. Mine rescue squads should be said he will call a meeting of coal ficers in a few days to review the ters since the peace conference tempered to some extent of 1919, but commentators aren't backward glances. The Financial looking for any miracles. .i_ Times says bleakly that the worst A restrained, in some ses | single feature of the diplomacy of cases sombre view is takeh of 1956 was the '"'total. lack of in- the heads-of - government meet- |telligible American leadership." ings at the Palais de Chaillot. The Manchester Guardian vis- Everyone concedes the import-|ualizes State Secretary Dulles| % regulations and' decide what ac- be ' - ition should be taken. | e fo The commissioners said | 5 broken electric power cable gave| | off the spark that triggered a coal | | . {dust explosion in the Cumberland | § ~ [Railway and Coal Company's No. | 4 mine Nov. 1, 1956. day night or d and trained by the pro- vincial mines department instead company and miners union of- |of the company. They should in- {elude no men over 40. RESCUE STATIONS Underground rescue stations 2 should be set up in various parts of a mine and stocked with food and material for blocking out poisonous gases. The commissioners said both "SALAD DRESSING 43+ BLENDED JUICE 29° _, TOP QUALITY MEATS JUALITY BEEF -- SPECIALLY SELECTED Thirty-nine men died as a re- Mines department and company sult of the blast, which caught | officials knew of the dangerous 118 men underground. Eight-eight|location of the power cable be- | were rescued after being trapped fore the explosion but did noth- |up to 3% days. |ing about it. ' of Ifa is one of 11 sculptured [CARS BROKE AWAY ' However, they said, "the explo- heads on display at the Ameri- The investigators said six! sion resulted from an unfortunate can Museum of Natural His- {loaded coal Twp? combination of circumstances for tory in New York. It is the only from a train being hauled up a which no blame can be attached collection in America of one of mine slope. Ine iuudway oo. to any individual." the least known and most pu.z- [cut the cable. No. 4 mine has never resumed ling African art styles. A Ger- The explosion spread deadly operation. Harold Gordon, come man archeologist made dis- |afterdamp -- a poisonous gas--! pany president and general man- covery. {through the mine. Twenty-three ager, said there are not suffici- {men who tried to escape died ent markets for coal to make it |" breathing the gas. worth while to repair the dam- SMALL 34 LARGE 68- FEATURE! "SCULPTURE PUZZLE This cast of a portrait head from the sacred Nigerian city ance of the occasion, but the coming to the conference table strategical complexities of the ready to imbue the alliance with/ missile age have put a damper a new philosophy, based on a on enthusiasm. merging of sovereignties over a "So much needs to be done wide area, but cautions: that the meetings can, at best,| 'There is a danger that the be only a new beginning on a purpose and philosophy of the very long road," says The Times American® government will be in a lengthy editorial review of lost or obscured in a tangle of the challenge to NATO, dark sophistries." REPRESENTATIVE PREDICTS ~ One-Ton Sputnik Could | Neutralize Dew Line Bronte Boy | TE AK SOLO BRAND ROUNDS MARGARINE | LJ or ROAST 3 MIDDLETOWN, Yonn (AP)--| iC just used the lowest number Designs 2 Representative James Patterson given me," the congressman Stage Rocket (Rep. Conn.) says that Russia's said Sputnik No. 5, a one-ton affair CAN'T REVEAL DATA a S. C being rushed to completion! Asked if he had any informa- [ "right now," will be potentially tion about satellites No. 3 and 4 TORONTO (CP) -- Ten-year- able to: Patterson replied that he had, [] 1. Neutralize our Distant Early but "I would have to get clear- Warning radar network in the ance on that" before talking Arctic about them P) SH wil AB about 60 food items ranging from Of Aconic Mining Corporation dd Wiliam, Frederick dian of sirloin steaks to macaroni, shares on the Toronto Stock Exe 1 Jam radio and television Patlerson called for "a super- FEATURE! communications "anywhere in accelerated crash program" in 1 SWIFT'S TENDER, DELICIOUS 3. Broadcast ; : Th stage rocket with » '~n nae The bureau issued the first of trading in the stock Sept, 20. the world." rocket and atomic weaponry, and ganda. Peamealed COTTAGE ROLLS .- 49° WELCIL'S PEAS 49+ 20-0Z, -0Z, 19 TINS JAR 18-02 TIN pag SE The commission, headed bylage. Monthly Picture To Probe Of Food Trends Mining Shares OTTAWA (CP)--The bureau of| TORONTO (CP) -- Roland F, statistics plans to give a monthly| Wilson, QC, of Toronto has been picture of price changes among appointed to investigate trading The son of an elecirin~' - sued early in November as part : ppped neer, George Hahn, young Will of the consumer price index. Pep ad Wo ped 3 om iam correspon.ca au i A later report this month willlAug 6. Later it recovered search with Werner von Braun, include most of the information slightly and moved to $3.60 be. director of the development oner- used to cast the food subindex|fore easing again. It was trad- ation division of the United States issued Dec. 4. The breakdown of ing at $1.38 when susended. Soviet y two miles a second. He says he its reports Wednesday including} wy "Wilson said he will investi- propa- said he hopes his fellow mem- His statement, he told an services committee will support SWIFT'S TASTY, MEATY will launch it early nes; informati on which went into de-| gate 'whether there is ground for mer, termining the food subindex is-| uiinar action. bers of the congressional armed American Legion audience here his plan for "getting an atomic- Tuesday night, was based on in- powered airplane off the SWIFT'S PREMIUM BREAKFAST SAUSAGE SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRANKS » 99° uw. 39° GRAPE JUICE ee m5 24-0Z. BOTTLE 2 gest BUY aginz COOKE 31° 15-02 TINS Gs herr SEEDLESS SAUCE | "gaISINS 25° 29 15.0%: PKG. 15-02 ™ "SUPREME GUARANTEED NYLONS S1-GAUGE-JS-DENIER | 89: GAUGE 15-DENIER, g8- SARAN WRAP 25-FOOT 39+ ROLL WAGSTAFFE'S RED GLACE CHERRIES 8.07. 3 7 ¢ PKG. PLANTER'S BLANCHED SALTED PEANUTS 12.02. 43+ PKG. PINK LIQUID VEL LARGE 43+ TIN GOLD MEDAL POULTRY DRESSING 12+ REVLON CLEAN AND CLEAR FACE CREAM LARGE 85¢ JAR \REVLON : SILIv~RE CASTOR 85° FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES EXHILARATING ! DIFFERENT FLORIDA TANGERINES 33. BRIGHT, FLAVOURFUL, NO. 1 LARGE LARGE SIZE 176"s 'HOTHOUSE TOMATOES 27 GARDEN FRESH, ROSEBUD RAPISHES MILD, FLAVOURFUL, NO. 1 PARSNIPS 19° CRISP, GREEN -- NEW CROP TEXAS CABBAGE . 8° CELLO BAG EACH 9+ 24.07. CELLO formation that was being re- ground." ; vealed for the first time. He noted that Russia recently 24-HOUR CIRCUIT disclosed she has the first "Most reliable and athorita- atomic-powered surface ship, an tive sources," Patterson said, ice-breaker. have informed him that Sputnik! "If the Russians beat us to the, No. 5 would be placed in orbit punch (with a nuclear plane) we 22.000 miles above the earth Will lose not only another point which it would circuit once every in the psychological phase of the 24 hours cold war, but perhaps the entire "Other satellites in the making score in the technological contest will traverse the earth at lower We are waging." altitudes and may be utilized as Jombrarnying vehicles," he DIES FROM BURNS aqaaded. Asked why he referred to the. ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- A one-ton satellite as No, 5, since 76-year-old woman was burned to the only two are known to have death in her frame home here been launched by the Russians, Wednesday. Police said Mrs. Patterson told reporters that;Norah Dockstader was alone in "my information" is that the big the house when a stove fell over satellite will be number 5, 6, or 7./on her. army ballistic missile agency. A reporter who interviewed the boy found himself listening to a technical discussion well over his head. William, who began studying rockets and astrophysics three years ago after his father gave him a book about it, says his rocket will be four feet long and made of aluminum. It will in- clude an initial power stage, a cargo stage and a nose cap, the | cargo stage te fall to earth by parachute. Fuel will be solid, a combina- tion of ammonium perchlorate and ei ther rubber or asphalt. The young rocket enthusiast has half- completed a model of his miss- ile, designed to reach a height of one mile. food prices will follow about three weeks behind the Sommer | price index thereafter. Reds RB buff On Dec. 4, the biireau reported e tits food subindex, based on 1949 | prices equalling 100, dropped to | T F |22 Som ni a month earlier, ry or a under the impact of lower prices | [for pork, beef, grapefruit, cof-| UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) fee, sugar, canned fruits and Prince Wan Waithayakon of most Canadian-grown fresh vege. Thailand said Wednesday he will tables, | make a new appproach to Moscow pi B dap By an ifort 10 i achieve ives on endin, L BREAK HUNGER | repressive measures against the PRICETON, Eng. (Reuters)-- Hungarian people. All 626 prisoners at Dartmoor Prince Wan reported to the Prison ate their lunch Wednes-| General Assembly Tuesday that day--the first time since a hun- he had been rebuffed in attempt- ger strike began a week ago. The ing to open talks aimed at per- | strike began as a protest against suading the Soviet Union to with- 'prison food. |draw troops from Hungaty and {the Kadar regime to hold free For soft, fluffy washes: | elections. Jury Returns | | | Sealed Indictment LOCKPORT, N.Y. (AP) -- A Niagara County grand jury re- turned two sealed indictments. Wednesday in its investigation of the tenement fire that took 18 lives in Niagara Falls Nov. 16. "fleecy laundry Rinse oN N The easy way to keep your washables new toting and soft. Towels, chenilles, sweaters, diapers, blankets, babyclothes . all fabrics will fluff up beautifully after rinsing with rinse water. You'll be surprised at the difference it makes. | | | Fleecy. Fleecy is so easy to use -- simply add it to your last Try Fleecy and see! BIRDSEYE FREEZES FLAVOR STRAWBERRIES ne 39° GREEN BEANS 25° BROCCOLI SPEARS 29° 10-0Z. PKG. 10-0Z. PKG. TH SPROULE'S CORNER KING AT RITSON SUPERMARKET 948 SIMCOE N McKENNRS | SPROULE'S | KINGSWAY CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL 'S A RED & WHITE FOOD STORE NEAR YOU MAPLE GROVE SUPERMARKET MAPLE GROVE BROWN'S MARKETERIA BROOKLIN SUPERMARKET KING EAST NOW LE SIZES Handy 2) 32 oz. flees Bottle NEW Economy 64 oz. ANOTHER QUALITY PRODUCT BY JAVEX SFR R X08 ALS WatRABLES | The jury also urged a program ito enforce the New York state | multiple dwelling law in Niagara Falls. It said it found the law violated repeatedly in Niagara Falls but added that With only |three persons in the building commissioner's office, "strict en- forcement is humanly impos- sible," Fifteen of the 18 victims of the fire were childrén--all members of two Negro families that oe- cupied the three-storey frame building, a former hotel. The cause of the fire has not been determined. Newspaper, CBC Trial Adjourned TORONTO (CP)--Trial of three Toronto newspapers, the CBC and radio station CKEY on charges of violating the Lord's Day Act were adjourned Wednes- day until Jan. 15. Magistrate T. S§. Elmore or- more ordered the adjournment after learning that [the Ontario Court of Appeal has(yet lo deli- . ver its judgment on )an applica. tion. by the CBC that it is not liable to 'prosecution ause it is not subject to the act. he charges relate to Sunday operations of The Globe and Mail, The Telegram, The Star, the CBC and CKEY. Hamilton Man Freed On Charge HAMILTON (CP) -- Sergio Benedetti, 24, of Hamilton Wed. * nesday was acquitted of a charge of failing to obey a fire engine siren when his car collided with a giant-aerial fire truck last Oct- ober. * Later, Benedetti's lawyer, John Bowlby, said his client will sue the city for $15,000. Benedetti testified he did not hear the siren. His lawyer en- tered evidence in the case from the transcript of a previous trial of the fire truck driver which showed three motorists did not hear the siren, The fire truck driver was con- victed at his trial on a charge of failing to stop for a red traffic signal and given a suspended noa A R.757

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