Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 12 Dec 1957, p. 23

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| "CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | Preference Of Hungarians - (Continued from Page 22) S50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles ACCORDIAN -- Salant Special. 120WHITE porcelain stove, burns oil or | T id Reason-wood, Good condition, $30. @wo 45-gal- [bers of the Commons external af-|fugees include Ukrainians who able. RA 8-8428 or apply 237 Johnstonlon ofl drums with taps, $§ each. 303 |fairs committee Wednesday ques-|had been oppressed by commu- | 287( Lakeshore. RA 3.7685. 2% tioned the preference given Hun-|nism. base. Excellent avenue after 5. condition. As Immigrants Questioned For Sale - OTTAWA (CP) -- Some mem- peg North) said the European re- | |garian refugees over other Ambrose Holowach (SC -- Ed: | BRADLEY'S FURNITURE ~~ feome't'cannin (rms Jeger, Sots ons 297 SIMCOE ST. -S. Se Bn gaooes was more than 1,000,000. ' * FREE ... FREE °* FREE DRIVE-IN OPEN TILL 9 P.M. Arborite top Step and Coffee Tables, |garians while tiiousands of other| Hostess Chair with any chesterfield suite. Irefugees are left stranded in| ; DoLL room Suite purchase, ina-fi i th Bed- + dl Spring-filled Mattress or Steel Spring wi e |" Mr, Matthews sald the Hungar- WARDROBE 20-pe. Dinnerware Set with any chrome kitchen Suite, | European refugees wanting to/monton East) said many of the W. D. Matthews, assistant un- ,dersecretary of external affairs, | {said more than 200,000 refugees istill are in western European War. Mr. Matthews said progress has been made. The original number of European refugees ~N H. W. Herridge (CCF--Koote-| [stor West) said he can't under To Dress Up Doll stand why Canada accepts Hun-| | Europe. {ians were left in an impossible| | position because of their revolt |against communism. If Western {countries had not done something {for them, there would have been ~ 11-pc. Living Room Group, consisting of leatherette combination |" . 3 A 3 | chesterfield suite; 2 arborite top step tables; matching coffee [S€FIOUS implications for the West. | table; table lamps; cushions, etc room suite, spring-filled mattress, steel spring, pillows 25-pc. Chrome Kitchen Suite, large size extension table, 4 sturd. ¢ ily constructed matching * chairs, 20-pc. dinne ; Hungarians : A Sree atching " chairs, =Pe...CIpnerwore se 5995 | Alistair Stewart (CCF--Winni-| Chesterfield Suites, apartment size styling. N XMAS SPECIAL 3-pc. Sectiona Reg. $249 .. 3-pc. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bedroom Suites, huge é-drawer double dresser roomy 4-drawer chest, full size bed. Save $40 21" Motorola Console T.V. Sets, walnut or blonde 24" Westinghouse Electric Range, brand new model. Only $-199. Automatic Dryers, Westinghouse i a Cedar Chests, Lone, Honderich, Heirloom, All finishes. {time appointments for senators $ From . Hostess Chairs, all colors and styles. From T.V. Swivel Chairs, smart new style To clear XMAS SPECIAL .. $199 {CAN'T SEE WHY 12-pc. Bedroom Group, consisting of 3-pc. walnut finish bed- | Mr. Herridge said he under- dresser lamps, |stande that but that he can't see $139 {why other European refugees rd \ } not given the same treatment as mm ture Takes | $119 ro 3905. | Care Of Senate . $279.50 OTTAWA (CP)--a 76-year-old {senator said Wednesday that the $199 Ibest answer to criticism of life-| $199 {is that Nature prevents them from sitting in the upper house] |too long. | | : S, nylon coverings, Senator John J. Kinley (L--| $34.95 Nova Scotia) said that when he Platform Rockers, dozen to choose from, nylon and leatherette |entered t he chamber 12 years coverings Recline Chairs by Rest Reg. $89.50 Lomps_galore, Step or Coffee Tables, arborite tops, walnut or blonde $9.95 suppose there is a corporal's Corner Tables, $59.50 . onic, automatic foot rest. Quality fabrics $48.80 |ago the number of his Senate Iticket was 97. Today it is 36. 2 $69.95 "It can easily be seen that Na- -- by! Vv cc ine 50, f o " . floor, table, T.V., dresser, pin-ups. 25% off Senate, too," he said. "I do not| [ture looks after changes in the (3 = 2 genuine walnut, limed cok or mohogany. Reg guard of senators who were Wo s .s .. $39.95 members of this chamber when a i Hassocks, all colors, shopes and sizes. From $2.95 Liberal government took office 22 IGA FANCY & Mixed Nuts SMILES'N CHUCKLES Elegante Asst. Chocolates: 69: Each Item with 2.50 Bonus Bucks DEL MONTE CHOICE UNGRADED Bonus Buck Food Features For Hearty Holiday Appetites - LARGE EFFECTIVE THURS. THRU TUES. DEC. 12, 13 14, 16, 17 Tangerines SEE. DOL. 29¢ Easy to Peel California Navel PINEAPPLE. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE "7 35° | Oranges sx» so 43° SHO SAV! DYLS IGA 166 ALICE STREET OSHAWA Low Prices Every Day GLECOFF'S [EA 174 RITSON RD. §. OSHAWA 4 PHE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTR Thursday, December 12, 1952 23 288f Years ago.' a - - : KERRI RE E sobs, ANNE ADAMS wer| AYLMER PEAS ior 31¢ | Prepare Now for that Holiday Dinner Low Prices Every Day --Swap and Barter . from daughter's own dresses, de- ? a a sams wei nasi LASY CROCHET |Canadian General [igh Sorin' a ile = sister | BURNS wher Cranberries CELLO 25¢ ; it c piece bath, Laundry tubs $12] wardrobe for her doll. Printed CHUCKWAGON DINNER . >, Pressure system $65. Sump pumps. (T k Ov P Pattern includ dri PS Tin m-- ---- Plastic, copper, steel piping, shower | . | 1aKes vor ost {Pattern aneludes ess, ape, : . . IGA . esbinet. Installations tor whit ave ® | UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) petsicoat and panties. -- «|| PUSS/N BOOTS if Crisp and Crunchy California ou. Cunns, TA ar ad |The United Nations said Wednes- Printed Pattern 4798 For CAT FOOD 15.05, 35¢ SIZE Cc 52--Legal Notices [ gd "4F |day night that Lt.-Col. J. G. dolls 14, 16, 18, 20 inches tall. See ins Celer 2 36 25 C d | 9 Pay | Bertrand of Cana wil Suncead paiters for Yardages, i pat INSTANT COFFEE Y : BILSKY'S Notice to reditors | : > . Lt.-Col. Christian Moe of Norway rintec jree ions dn each pat-| Book : and Others | BERS Spo © I Pont Some "Tb okt iY to w| MAXWELL HOUSE sor 99° | Adds Zest to the Meal IGA MARKET : . commission, coins (stamps cannot be accept. | ' 1-1b. GOOD SIZE : y s 5 . Pleas c ne esate or an" | BL laser hom oof ofr Se Pies sis | CADBURY'S CHOCO 57 | Lettuce 2 + 29° 120 wnson ros. 7 ; ; N a is ved "'pro-Is- LE NU] "R. Deceased. . A - SET |rael leniency" and Bowed to r STYLE order to ANNE ADAMS, MONARCH -- CHOCOLATE OR WHITE . ¢ OSHAWA All persons having claims | v 4 ral EI er oid co. Pern Dept. shana. OB CAKE MIX Pkg. 35 Quality Controlled Table Fresh Brand Low Prices Every Day ars | RE wer zw 25° | Oni 'we 19° late of the Shy o Oshawa, ; and lsrael 'were consulted Nov. Mine Blast JAVEX LIQUID Bottle 25 nions POLY BAG in the oun of ntario, Pp oN 26 Moe y N Manager, 0 Se 4 bo 6 4 [Bertrand and replies i ia Kill 4 Men IGA SERVIETTES bo 3 33¢ With 2.50 Bonus Buck : rem---- MM -------------- .D. 1957, ired | ! A Ae with t. ondervoned | IRONS Be | Doaltre Assn Plamsl BUS 2Ien { wsoces i" Fol particles In wing. of D RB Poultry Assn Plans Jol, 5c y ca moe | CORN FLAKES is. 27° MEATS COLLEGE HILL IGA S0 ) BE » such claims, on or befor. the | | Research Program [Gir members of a six - man | DOMESTIC SHORTENING oh 330 | Loin Rewst OPO. 534 CUBERT STREET 19th day of December, A.D. a ed 1957, after which date the | Ra : TORONTO (CP)--Directors of gravevard shift and injured a i" 2h TO 3 1B, : executors will proceed to dis- . the Ontario Poultry Producers' Slightly the other tno a the 5:15/] WITH $5.00 BONUS BUCKS [4 OSHAWA" tribute the soid estate, hav- Association have decided to de.| Company officials sai e 5:15 Bottle 1 n AVERAGE LB. velop a fee-collectine program of a.m. blast in Peerless Coal Com- BAYER ASPIRIN of 100 79¢ Low Prices Every Day Ing regard only to the cloims ' : i of which they shall then have research and education under the pany's No. 3 mine apparently] notice, Ontario Farm Products Market. | Was d by an dation ] » E d B53 i ing Act, of gas. they| Killed were George Simmons Tender oin n LB. DATED ot Oshawa, this Meeting here Tuesdav ~ ; ituti 4 : : LD 25th dey of November, A.D, |agreed to a new constitution per- of Greenwood, Ark., and L. D.| FROZEN FOODS 3 t0.3% Ib. average -- a Ons m---- | mitting the association to become Sewell, 36, Gene Moore, 35, and incorporated. | Joe Martin, 47, of Paris, Ark. The TO, FRASER : Members 2danted & Yesoiution bodies were recovered within | | Fraservale R CENTRE ¢ : 2 u {supporting th: Ontario Hog five hours. | 15-0Z. i CUT, LB. 5 Simcoe Street North, By ALICE BROOKS Producers' Association in next| Kenrick Richardson, 50, of Fort RASPBERRIES 35¢ 0as OR 0 S ' BECKSTEAD'S IGA OSHAWA, Ontario. | Angora, so popular today, Spring's Plebiscite oh the Jog {smith and Frank Miller, 48, of PKG. : gi Tad " Imakes ideal ehet rc Marketing plan. anc ano ner M rlest . Ark., rvived the Solicitors herein for the | for Bs Te ae ete Sippers backing the Ontario Federation Catiesion RL nib, and COURTICE Pictsweet Fancy Executors: straps suit the tailored type. of Agriculture in its drive for apices 12-0Z. Burns Shamrock Cryovac Boneless . Mary Kelly Alloway, Pattern 7254 crochet direc. change in Teghlations BOVEINING| "Owner W. H. Lewis said the E < Low Prices Every Day Déncld: Miller Alloway, tions for small, medium, Jarge VO!NZ on marketing programs. |mine located in the Excelsior | PRES. Corned Beef BRISKET Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 1pjitle wool, oo FIVE CENTS S d W Smith, was taken out of produc- r---- | a9 - 1 "a I i AS rosuneD woromisy [com for tis paiers tame: WOUND WAVES flor oot 3 harks 40 foceise c ---- " ay \cannot be "arncepted) to lei y 2Y3-3 LB. AVERAGE--LB, A day night credited Vincent Pierce " i : 33-year-old former police and fire Dept. Qehava, aries bit se ARR 15-0. Cc Sliced X chief of Kingston Township, with TERN NUMBER ra Oil Resources TINS V Cc HOPE'S ICA whose throat was gashed by a more for a y of | BEEF LI ER 18. 29 : broken windshield in a two-car Hail Nee ber of our Alicel CALGARY (CP)--Sound waves * : crash. Pierce stopped his car Two complett patterns are print. Pitched so hizh they cannot be 14.0Z. TableRite Sliced and applied pressure to a sev- ed right in the bool plus a detected by the human ear may NIBLET ¢ . V4-1B. Low Prices Every Day ered artery in the neck of Mel- variety of designs that yon wil] unlock the fabuleus oil resources TINS c ville Boyle, 30, until an ambu-| want to order: crochet, knitting, of Alberta's Athabasca tar sands. » . di Boyle is in critical condition. toys. dolls Sonic Oil Separation Ltd., an Ed- * Detergent White or Blue With 250 Bonus Buel «@ ro ini ---- ---- {the oil from the sands. cl . Tests now are under way to Sc OFF 10c OFF 5c OFF PKG. | determine an eauipment design * . C : Cc € Cc SOUTH END IGA which would make the process | 12.0Z. 24-02. LARGE SIZE With 2.50 Bonus Buck 1. Excavat tion, Ataveley {collog.) edge Advantages of this method are L Pri E Pay. : ow rices ver a ?. Fines 3: Eluded 25. Image temnerature, separate oil from ! * s , : ma. (poss s a few s s i i 20, Miss poss.) sand in a few seconds. Other Yenosha Hotel With This New! Churchiln «+ . disgust ; reauire minutes. ---- -- $2. Dish Forehead : The Athabasca tar sand area is RA 3-4641 "BBEBY DARLING" 24-inch TableRite Meat a Eo 14. Tree (Jap.) . oy billion barrels ef oil----more than * 15. Textile 9. Fooled - the combined total of all the LJ u screw pine . Femal Person Yesterday's Answer ot ler known reserves on _earth { 4 3 17. Skin tumor party 31. Put on 38. In this | only GALLOWAY'S iGA | wu ] Vi size for each slipper included. So Cs iles ? : ictor Albert Henkelman. field about 18 miles south of Fort With Free 2.50 Bonus Buck v : Daily , 0 De " i ' v OO Vike Tues Times . Gasete. Household ris [| ay Unlock miners were looking for new { IGA Choice saving the life of a motorist, Send TWENAY - FIVE CENTS | craft Catalogue, ! Fancy Whole Kernel PORT PERRY lance drrivel 20 minutes later.!embroidery, huck weaving, quilts, . It was learned recently that bus HB a -- -- --o-- -- monton firm, holds patents to a process which employs high fre- TableRite Sliced DAILY CROSSWORD | QUeATy SOIN], Waves Jo. extrac ance 6.02 , + CROSS Begone © 22 Cup : A feasible for large-scale extrac- Ye WHITBY 5. Subsides . Lurk 24. Pale : said to be tha. it can, at room i IGA HALF PRICE OFFER! | Get Perfect Results Every Time tion of \ 26. Stores known methods of oil extraction 13. Strangle Rice beer [RIe[RIOIDIE] [said to contain an estimated five 18. Cry of pain . Tear 34.1t is silent place 19. Passes over Driving ice (mus.) 40. Afresh r . AIpX 21. Drop and rain 36. Tree . 42. Outcast i i 2 FY oom Bator Crarie | 5 Soon All Vinyl, Plesile, Washable - An Ideal FREE 1 2 5 0 A IN BONUS Low Prices. Every Day ss Mea : | mas Gift. ® i Indians (E.1) detective ; . 39. Deplete t . \ Gardner . \ > 4 r-- im J 30. Rely ¢ 7 { 32. Finishes s 8 " : id | Sento y |FREE Bonus Gifts with "Bonus Bucks" | moumosons % b AR dade IGA : \ ¥ THIS IS. ALL YOU NEED DO... ( Every, 4 ye FE ? : \ : % Woah gg § EXTRA CASH : Each week a number of food products are selected as "Bonus Buck Features'(. They PICKERING Low Prices Every Day 41. Wool. ' 03. Indian' i | ¥ FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE will be available in IGA Stores from opening time Thursday, until closing time the watercraft I WE LL REMAIN Opin following Tuesday. When you buy these products you are given one or more certifi- a ; cates which have a premium value in "Bonus Bucks" of $2.50, $5.00, $10.00 or {h- 8.30 SATURDAY UNTIL 12:00 NOON 3 $20.00. fi 18 i i \ FA] 1 in BELLVUE 4 Be sure you pick up a handy "Savings WaTlet"" at your IGA Food Market, then each LANDSDOW/NE [GA FINANCE COMPANY jr time you shop at this store, slip your "Bonus Bucks" in it for safe keeping. Just keep 29}4 SIMCOE ST. S, saving IGA "Bonus Bucks' until you have enough to equal the value indicated for SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE RA 5-1121 : ? J : : ; OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS any item in the Premium Catalogue. All premiums can be claimed in this manner. OSHAWA WATCH QUR WEEKLY ADVERTISING FOR BONUS BUCK FOOD FEATURES Low Prices Every

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