Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 12 Dec 1957, p. 17

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od losses incurred in caring for in- provide that the necessary ton- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, De. 1 os digent patients from the Town-|sent be granted to Mr. Cleveland] $-G E, Thursday, December 13, 1957 . » | ownshi ( hecks |ship of Whitby. This was ap-|without payment of $300, provid- {proved for payment. | led no additional dwelling be 2 . | The reeve and treasurer were erected on thiscproperty. : |authorized to issud cheques on At the concluSion of a discus- n ral er S86 {the account of the Township ofigion on the planning meeting i {Whitby in favor of several ac-peld in Oshawa recently, it was MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT, was decided that Mr Hatbron be counts. |tesolved that a vote of thanks be Correspondent approached on the brush to be y VISION extended to the Oshawa Planni BROOKLIN -- The construc-{removed, to enquire if he would COURT OF RE o Board for the informative meet- be interested in undertaking this| A sitting of the township court tion of Powell road was again|/ fer. of revision was held immediately ing. discussed at last week's meeting|job. The matter was then re or rollowing the council meeting. Ralph Reeson requested that a of Whitby township council. Wil-|red to Merill Ross for a report on tO RC frieon reported that a consent be granted for sale of liam Heron was given authority|the balance of the project. Copy| --. H. ia i 150 ft. frontage on No. 12 High- lof the crossing plan was supplied house has been demolished on to contact solicitor Ralph Jones) g P! {M-68 in Brooklin and requested Way, between the Andrews and to endeaver to obtain a settle-[to Mr. Ross. : [that the court reduce the assess- Marine Storage properties on Lot ment. The offer of services from| --oot accordingly. 22, Concession 6. A previous con- William Ballard reported build-| Municipal Planning Consultants Tina ? sent was granted on this parcel ing permits issued during No-|Co., Ltd., was discussed, and PLANNING BOARD but the sale was not completed. vember totalled $132,200, most of since the City of Woodstock had| At the meeting of the Plan- Mr. Reeson now requested that these being in the Meadowcrest employed this firm for some ying Board, William G. Lawson this previous consent be transfer- subdivision. |time, a check was made with made application, on behalf of red to-the mewssagrchaser. The No satisfactory water supply|Mr. Hill, secretary of that Plan- Trans - Canada Pipe Lines, for consent was grant has yet been found by the Law- ning Board, and a faovrable re- consent on the sale by Robert ---- --- lor Homebuilders Co-op. for their port received on services render- patty of 1098 acres of Lot. 23, TIMING DEVICE FAILS proposed subdivision. Trailers ed to date. concession 7. Consent was grant- EDWARDS AIR FPRCE BASE are being used as residences,| It was resolved: 'That the ed. Calif. (AP)~A U.S. Air Force and Mr. Ballard was authorized reeve and clerk be authorized to| Terence Moore, Whitby, ap- fighter - bomber "streaked at to proceed with enforcing the by- have Municipal Planning Consul- plied on behalf of Mr. Langford, nearly 1.200 miles an hour over a law in these cases. [tants for the $1200 maximum, and to sell 4.6 acres of Lot 26, con-| measured course Tuesday but The question was discussed, of the initial offer be for $1000. cession 3, to Mr. Colquhoun. Con- (as thwarted by failure of a tim- allowing an approved mobile] A Planning Board recommend- sent was granted. ing camera from claiming the of- home camp. No definite decision|ation, that some provision be William Manning requested ficial world speed record held by be reached until planning con-|made for promotion of the indus- consent to the sale of a portion|Britain. The record of 1,132.136 sultants can study the matter|trial possibilities of the township, of Lot 36, Wallace, Farewell and miles an hour was set by a Brit- and present a report to council. [was received. Kellar Plan, lying west of Lee ish Fairey Delta research plane. Mr. Roblin appeared to assist] Mr. Lofthouse suggested t his avenue; to the Charles E. Daw-| John Koehx, operator of Bever-|could be best achieved by ap- son Construction Company. Con- wych Gardens, in his request for |proaching the Town of Whitby, sent was granted, providing the a permit to erect a portable possibly pay a portion of the ex- customary payment of $300 is] addition to his present tool shed.|penses of their Industrial Com- made to the township. | Neighbors agreed with this, and mission, and accordingly receive; Mr. Cameron, of Cameron and) a permit was granted. consideration, When potential in- MacDonald, requested that the| ustries are located. This matter consent granted on Sept. 9 last.on| WATER SUPPLY was tabled for consideration by the Cleveland sale of a portion Dr. McKinney, MOH, reported 1958 council. of Lot 21, Concession 2, be re- AN % on an interview with Mr. Gal-| The pension plan for the em- viewed. Since the sale was to A 5 braith of the Water Resources ployes was again discussed and Mr. Hubner, an adjoining owner, | BUN Nar Commission, and stated, "'that|deferred for consideration by the to add to his original parcel, it| Srp hans wee Sit the present policy with regard to|1958 council. {was asked that in this particular oR INARY 11710 new work would provide for the| A request for a grant of case the payment of $300 be Pa Ce Commission going through the $1264.92 was received from the waived. It was resolved that the entire process of calling tenders, Oshawa General Hospital for original motion be amended to raising the necessary money and/ -- a a -------- supervising the work, even in- cluding local supply maing Ki "Of course," stated Dr. McKin- = = = Bey COT OU Complete High-Fidelity Sound System Adds approached officially only after) a - - - an agreement has been reached | Thrilling New Dimension To Your Enjoyment with Meadowcrest, and the peo- : ple in the water area have ap- = proved the project." With Hugh Ormiston appeared on behalf of the board of School Area No. 1 to request a bylaw f to raise $80,000 by debenture is- sue for the construction of a six- room school. Another problem was the need of a contour survey of the proposed location for the use of the architect. The sug- gestion was made, that the board contact Donevan and Associates Ll - for this information, as that area had been previously surveyed by that firm. A bylaw covering the| proposed debenture issue will be prepared. Model HF21F21X -- 21° 3 3 i The use of the basement of Lowboy Combination High- .- - 3 i ADMIRAL CUSTOM CLOCK RADIO with Telechron ADMIRAL DE TUNE TABLE RADI special x3" the Whitby Township Hall for an Fidelity TV and Phonograph { is clock, powerful 5-tube circuit and automatic ; oval spe alter. 5 tubes, Vernier tuni 8. Elegantly emergency classroom came un-§ featuring: High Fidelity . p ume . High- i i 4 i i Et Teall] aici High, _picelity 9 ; : po Suateol. igh styled cabinet available } styled cabinet. Choice of § two-tone colour that School Area No. 1, Whitby Fidelity Amplifier, -High- ; 2 a 0 coming ions is / Township, be allowed to use the Fidelity 3-speaker Sound : basement of Whitby Township System, Admiral-built 4- Hall for kindergarten. classes] speed Record Changer with when necessary, at whatever ac- heavy-duty 4-pole motor. tual expense the township is put Slim-as-a-Dime"" cabinets to for feed, caretaking, etc., etc, with new 110° Admiral The expense will be agreed upon "Black-Beam" Picture Tube. by he Hiall Committee and the § Aiuminized end Optic Fil- sc . tered. Golden Picture Frome. PREFER OLD NAME Transformer -. powered cir- The recommendation of thelj cuits: New All-Top Front county road committee was read|f funin9 with dial light. Sep- regarding the re-naming of the, orate Bass and Treble Tone Storey Bridge as the Anderson] Co7'ols: Push-button On- Bridge. Mr. Anderson expressed Off. Builkin. .;82-channel his belief that the old historical Uhre ney eptianal, names be retained in such cases. ©: © h "vie only, Jn It was resolved "that the council] "on, mehegany er blonde of the Township of Whitby ap- "°° finish. preciates the recommendation | pn Soe RY, Fa | sch li idge, . y ge," but recom Model 4126X Hint the historical vame be EXTREMELY HIGH TRADE-IN ADMIRAL PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH--plays all retained. ; § : The site of Polling Booth No. record sizes, four speeds. Turnabout pickup 4 "% ADMIRAL TABLE RADIO -- petite, gay, terrific] 2 has been changed from Bert ALLOWANCE ON THIS MODEL cartridge for LP and 78 RPM records. Twin y AC/DC. Acoustically matched speaker. Y speakers. Tone Control. 7 models, 4 colour styles. © "Printed" circuit chassis. Choice of 5 colours. Model 275X Blair's residence to the Robert Thornton School, due to Mr. Blair's residence not being avail- able for that purpose. : The Pept, of Municipal Af- Dd airs acknowledged receipt of the appplication made for a quieting yi pn order to establish the incorpora-| 3 tion date and boundaries of thi township. i Communicati ton The Sours i Hranen| 306 KING STREET WEST RA 5-1685 Commissioners, dealing with the 3 Harbron crossing of the CPR. It We Invite You To Come In Today And See Our Selection of ADMIRALT.V. «53 | Sp | 5 J ADMIRAL 14° SLIMLINE PORTABLE TV with all- a] ADMIRAL PORTABLE RADIO--plays up to 1200 With the New SLIM-LINE Look 1B new 110° deflection picture tube, aluminized | hours on sight Sasips Lotteries, "RoloSwope rr A 3 : . and optic filtered. *Power-Tower" antenna. Also- § : antenna. 8 transistors. Unbreakable case. 8 : ? i : : v v i Ti § Here is only one of the many models we [i "i eum ian | 10" and 17" screen sizes, Wide zange of colotya, Pol Trodéle, 6:colour styles. can offer you . . . : | L$) Ba--_- : wl ] ep 2 | hii ; of i te 3 rg ene \ Model C21E11X. New "Slim-os-a-Dime" 21" Off-the-Floor ey 1 i _"r Hi Console with all-new 110° Admiral '*'Black-Beam" Picture i Tube, Imperial "330" chassis. Golden Picture Frame with removable picture window. Aluminized and Optic Filtered. New All-Top-Front tuning with dial "light, Full range FM sound system with Heavy-Duty 6' Speaker. Inclined speaker mounting. 4-Hour "'Life-Tested" ot foctory. Built-in 82- channel UHF-VHF Tuner (optional, extra). In walnut ma- hogany or blonde wood finish, AS ol Te \ LITTLE %0D : dl a IIR 4 Model 296X S : 1 = ADMIRAL 7.TRANSISTOR POCKET PORTABLE i ADMIRAL DE LUXE CLOCK RADIO -- lulls you to sleep... wakes you up, shuts itself off. Luminous RADIO plays up to 400 hours with 4 small pen- # i : : light batteries. Powerful circuit and speaker. ] clock hands. Phono Jack. Choice of 3 two-tone OR USE YOUR PRESENT TV AS A | fF = light batteries. Powerful circuit and speaker, \. ck hands. Pho 5 | : S ! y - E: case. e of 1. colour combinations. SUBSTANTIAL TRADE-IN VALUE : i . : Sart ¥ in non-breakable case oice of )\T ] i . BALANCE ON EASY TERMS REE ! } 1 Sl Closed Al Day Monday PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-3043

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