a "ree WEE A TV WW eG wr WE WEES Q VW IQPITIWTAUC ys vss sees erm metferf tm smstrsn eas mm py Color Schemes Are Fun rier ivy color Jack 'com |prefer lively colors lack confi} 4 | . dence in their decorating skill anc 9 For Decorating The Basement ste to "cae" ees an gre 00IWOI S in their homes. For them, decor "Go wild with color!" is the keep interest away from the win- ating-a playroom offers a golder Jisice of ie exper Ie Soe iow wal. "opportunity to throw inhibitions tc aders axing : ye ; i . the winds and have fun wi rooms this. fall ee. ae ce coor DOWNTOWN OSHAWA "A room for play and casual|consultant suggests combining! -- entertaining is an active placeigafety with decoration by using] APPRECIATE EDUCATION | and colors should be lively -- bright yellow paint, striping el | i even shocking," maintains Wil-\pandrail and top and bottom steps| ONDON (CP) -- The head | {Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 irid D. Sinclair, color consultant. with ap bars of black mistress of a girls' school a Bonn eR a hs Sl ete ei np eesiee «ie | TiS. iS 'ONE place. where 8 whj a y+ Honor Oak says more pupils are | {10 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, December 5, 1957 homemaker er tmid(" ich Wil Sed. De Saver} staying on after school - leaving | - about her taste in decorating.| AS Ii any paining project, age. "Parents have come to real- Paint each wall a different color|h008ing the right paint for the jze "that employers stress the if you like!" Mr. Sinclair sug-|TEDt Job is most important. yajue of as long a general edu- Interlude 0 1d Songs Features gests. But since a basement re.| If the walls are finished with cation as possible," she said. ceives little or no sunlight, keep! Plaster, wood or wallboard, latex ™ : : } away from the cold blues and paint is excellent. It is easy to . Sweet A e nes Dance t Airport greens. Concentrate on active yel- 8Pply by roller or brush, dries in J low and orange tones with rosy!@ matter of minutes and stands up % The Oshawa Chaper of Sweet/Miss Donna Vice, Mr. Francis browns and pinks. well to washing and Tough feat: q ; aA Adelines held an enjoyable dance|johnston, Mrs. Margaret Horn-| A problem faced by anyone de- MeP!- A special masohry paint, is at the Ontario Flying Club last'hy Mr. Francis Parise, Mr. and corating a basement room is what| ideal for basement walls. Pipes| Specialist. in _amart, budget i x . ) I fashions for the mother-ro-be! © A Friday evening. Mrs. DouglasiMrs. Carl Parise, Mr. John to do about the inevitable plumb. Bad piber Meal fixtures Should OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE - _ 4 Knowler acted as mistress of Rousseau, Mrs. Laverne Rous- ing. Some people prefer to bury" (Sel (BY the way. I Tom Is A RA 5.9731 | : |cer s and arra nts for|sau, Miss Vicky Yakimyskea. the pipes in the walls by paint- ahi > | f ig J the dance were made by Mrs. Mr. Douglas Armstead, |problem, the pigment in orange a i Mr. ing them the same color as) : Eimer Down and her committee, and Mrs. Robert Hofman, Mr. their background. They are less|PAint Is a good rfist inhibiter.) | including Miss Patricia Knipe, and Mrs. L: Laurence McKenna, conspicuous that way but there's and Mrs. Robert L. Johnson, no escaping the fact that they +4 Elizabeth Anders d 'Mrs. Mi "ornish, Mr, rt iexist | Watch Thi hace | Sanity Wh STON. 2 i heise Mole Sotish, pert 4 Sinclair has another sug- NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT I ie 3 Column for Tops In Values Spot dance prizes were won by Tullio Roni, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. gestion. "Have fun with the Miss Marilyn Armstrong, Miss Mp, #3 Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Baker, Miss| Hubert, Mr. Garnet Palmer, Miss nines! i ivi . | : bs TE * |Merle Cornish ey hk Robert Margaret Clark, Mr. David pibes Paint ther Vivid contest: 00 00 | - . Kerr, and Mr. an rs. W. A. Carstairs, Miss Kathy Totten and he ay AT THE RECEPTION Kudla, Miss Donna Vice won the many others. th Mayr decoration. Deal . Ld OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Charles | Mable Gibbie, is the daughter door prize. . ~7 |the furnace and oil tank the same DOWN WEEKLY Skea cat the cake following | of Mr. and Mrs. William Gibbie | A musical interlude was provid- {way. A cherry red water heater their marriage recently in a | and the bridegroom is the son |ed during intermission when the Parisienne Sets can be quite decorative," he double - ring ceremony at | of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Skea, all |Dulcitones, the Blendaires, t wo . claims. CREDIT FAVORITE FI N AN Christ Memorial Church. The | of Oshawa. be Ed x Osliava Barbershop Auarisiies,| Her Own Fashion As for basement windows, they f 1 CTION AND CLASSIC bride, the former Miss Janice | --Photo Cd. Punkari (an e Swee elines each san| BOOKS BOYS 5 Brie. the former 1M Ee a group of old favorites, The| MONTREAL (CP) -- French 2X® Always too small and should JEWELLERS 288 or GIRLS : . : re rR Pre v y es of fi ite st ill i ing. Mrs. Bird is the former pp.oo Fairhart, Douglas Chute cause they stress individuality in Window frames should be the pag avourite stories illustrated throughout in color. Dulcitones were Dewy Tutton,| women are considered 'chic' be- I & i ne 3 . | arefully selected and approved juvenile read for th e PERSONALS Gloria June Lovelock, daughter and Robert Tole; the Blendaires, Selecting and wearing clothes, TE the Yall ang even 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7022 group of 7 to 14 years. Fifty titles to choose a a of Mr. and Mrs. John Lovelock, Leo MeKay, John Rousseau, Don Says Baroness Monique de Nervo the eve. In arranging furniture I brilliant color, glossy sponge proof finish. Kwartha street, Qshawa, Gavas and Elmer Down. of Paris, here to promote sales hati eins. d iia effaced as much as possible. «Mrs. Stephen Saywell will open : : ._ for French glove manufacturers, | the. Winter Fair and Tea to be! yr vou have guests at your Amiens those seen "Women in Fiance don't wear Bal, 4 Wt 2 gs 8 Yo Wt Wt Wt ' po Si Wo Wi i| CHRISTMAS GIFT HEld on Saturday afternoon, De- : {were AF, ang Vrs. dress simply because it's fash- psathcachich such ous achchigh fob ud gd y 1 cember 7, at Queen Elizabeth house over the weekend or at any \iss Margaret MacGregor, ) iy [ 4 ouse ove : i nply because it's fash. #1 #| SALE PRICE sehool. North Oshawa, under the time during the week, or if you Kenneth Tink, Miss Helen Cole, ale vo he, sald "They adapt ] J ices of the WA of St. Ste. have been visiting in other cen-nf. Grant Herron, Mr. Leslie "All details fi t ohen's United Church. tres, please Sa, he Social De- |Scott, Miss Reba Graham, Miss shade to eee Jom Sucking | pra : partment at 3- and record the poen Merrill, Mr. George Mur- portant. And no woman can be! «Mr. and Mrs. John Bird whose visit. Showers christenings, and | hv . : A . |phy. |described as well-dressed unless I mifrriage was solemnized recent- presentations are always inter- | ' Igeein Williamsville, New York, esting reading for your friends| Mi, ana Mis. ruce Dowty Mr |she wears gloves and a hat. | ! OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. were honored at a party held at and neighbors. There is no charge M uJ aki M 8, qd Mrs. | : . the Pontiac Inn last Friday even-|(for this service. {Mrs. Paul Juakin, Mr. and Mrs.| Thirty-one carpets woven for! V eee eee ei. | Barry Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Queen Elizabeth's coronation in on t - " : Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Elm er|1953 covered KEEP YOUNG DIET Down, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Shar- 3.000 ds 20a of more than 1 "GLORIA" 14" pie rard, Mr. and Mrs. Donald See-| ------ --- {ley, Mr, and Mrs. D. G. Knowler. | i A ' » . ; | A . =With The Right Psychology | Mr. and Mrs. B. Widdecombe, j : THROW your Christmas A LL VINYL DOLL |Mr. and Mrs. Peter Francis, Mr. RA With vinyl head, moving eyes, rooted satan hair. | : Hh . g --- . : . 2nd me ¥ IoTman Wi snjuz, o | its i#| Dressed in pretty taffeta dress and bonnet. Real, "Reducing Will Become Easier [i Le Mea, "Sis Paine 5-3144 CJ MONEY away! life-like skin, Unbreakable. - ' g {Beacock, Mr. Donald Gavas. | For tree Estimates | y ud i IDEAL GIFT FOR ANY LITTLE GIRL "i. By IDA JEAN KAIN brakes on your efforts to stay) Mr. and Mrs. R. Stovin, Mr. : : S------------ "Jt is not difficult to lose weight.|With a diet. {and Mrs. §. Clark, Miss Nora ® Installation. [4 e is no guess work about|BE HONEST |Pilkington, Mr. Harry Green, | 4 . CHRISTMAS GIFT dieting. Calorie arithmetic is an| For enlightenment, do some! Sraterien by the See y SALE PRICE e Exact science. But, since overeat-|fact-facing. How do you honestly real desire, down to the last! and. 3 l ing is mentally induced. you have/fee] about the necessity of cut-|shade of feeling, you can readily tobe in the proper frame of | ting calories? If you are inclined (see that when your attitude to- Sutommmede find to put the science of DU- ty resent the fact that you must ward diet is wrong, your mind pores. n into practice. And that is|leave out some of your favorite will not let you stay with low > ; where psychology comes into the high calorie foods and make | calorie fare long enough to get Sonation und ih. & OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Picture, some permanent changes in the results. . o R > No doubt you have wanted to|way you eat, that very resistance| The day you make up your "Kirsch" Rods iF | feduce for years, so analyze why|sets up a mental tug-of-war. S0,\mind -- and inwardly believe-- end Tracks. . y you have failed in your diet at-/when you go on a diet, you are that normal weight will bring Ce ] ' gmpts. You may think you lack simultaneously trying to B%lyou far more happiness than |essss=i ® Breodloom. INFANT'S power--but the will is al-{ahead and reduce, and holding overeating possibly could, you 3 > ways there, abiding in full power. back from changing your food|yill no longer feel compel ¢ Bamboo Drapes { NYLON DRESSES It 3 some alte of mind that | habits. take Te or to eat 5g ------ " a" "a l weakens your will, AlS0, you are apt to feel a bit|serts. Your satisfaction in every- | ) ' In short, some part of your sorry for yourself because you day living will come from eating HOWARD'S : : : COMPLETE WITH SLIPS mind is convinced that when it|cannot eat as you please and re-\for normal weight -- since that a comes to a choice of being over-|tain normal weight. Resentment will be your real desire, DRAPERIES 3 17 BOND ST. E RA 5.8543 100% nylon. Very pretty with several styles and weight or giving up your favor-|and elf pity can render the will] There it is: Change your atti-| 926 Sime St. N p= » , designs. Sizes: 6 months to 2 years. Dainty colors; ite foods, you really want to go practically powerless. {tudes of mind and 'you can oe Jt. N. \ aaa i y i AD white, pink, maize and blue 3 PRATER TL mE on eating 33 usual 1t is his, jn Since ihe inner part of the Shange your weight -- and your | BD 0 (90) 8 GAD SE SD 0 DODD JD 0D ED ED dada . hkl Whe. P Ze. ond. Dide. ..... 4 Spey ner stance at puts e mind ows ively your life. a a Vin SE * Ey CHRISTMAS GIFT SALE PRICE ® ) Hear a World of Sound ...on Tape! HEAR A PHILIPS TAPE RECORDER NOW! ALL STORES 15.95 bila al he. - 5 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PER WEEK 90 MINUTES PLAYING TIME. MAGIC-EYE MODULATION CONTROL. SUPER M SPEAKER. FAST WIND OR REWIND, SINGLE SPEED. ASK ABOUT TR2 (TWO SPEED) AND TRS : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE KING ST. W. & STEVENSON ROAD 4 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. We. oN oe © 0 o BEAUTIFUL BOXED BRILLIANT BROOCHES Eight lovely settings to choase from. Genuine im- ported rhinestones, In smart satin lined gift boxes. Ideal gift for mother or daughter. CHRISTMAS GIFT ; SALE PRICE ° SCA = ON A J ) DA, TR WE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY MEN'S & LADIES' "NEVER FAIL" CIGARETTE LIGHTERS FIRST QUALITY ONLY Terrific value. New designs. Gift boxed. Chrome finish and baked on enamel colors for durability. A perfect gift, CHRISTMAS GIFT SALE PRICE \ € & SN PO 7 0 a DA, EE Model TR-1 iy 150.95 COMPACT, TWIN-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDER IN ATTRACTIVE LIGHTWEIGHT 2. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 2. rr Et DELICIOUS CHRISTMAS CAKE EE, OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.I. .W. Woolwerth Co. Lid. 16-18 KING WEST, OSHAWA . } IRE d T'WO STORES TO SERVE YOU HORWIC REDIT JEWELLERS HL 2 REN Se 20 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 3-7133 RA 5.8443 » ~~ va Ng