JA THE DAILY TIMIS-GAZETTE, Mondey, November 11, 1957 | Canada To Produce KEDRON award Costume Prizes ~At Masquerade Party KEDRON -- -- A masquerade Haire, of Oshawa, on Saturda was held at Kedron Rec- | afternoon Other Kedron guests Centre on Saturday eve-|at the wedding In King Street , with prizes awarded to|United Churgh, and at the re. Gloria Mountjoy, Donald Werry, ception in thé church parlors, in- Norma Woodward, and Maya cluded C, Douglas Love, Mrs, Sorensen, C, KE, Love, and Mrs. i. A Mrs, Rosnak, Mrs, W, Davis, [Werry. and Mrs, W, Werry conducted &| pilot and Mrs, James Pengelly, program of games for the young- | immy and Muriel Anne have or _folk present. Square dancing been visitors in the Foster Snow was enjoyed, to conclude the den home, Congratulations to Mr, | Wyening, and Mrs. Pengelly on the ar- VISITATION PROJECT rival of their second son on Oc- ~ Bixteen teams of visitors were tober, 3, at Oshawa General ymissioned for thelr task at|/0spital. Mr. Pengelly has now service marking Visitation |¥0n¢ to Montreal, where his work y, on Sunday morning, The takes him for a time, v. R, H, Rickard spoke on| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover left eo Church -- God's Instrument (on Friday morning with their son r the salvation of the world," |John and his wife for a two-week [ack Francis spoke to the con- vacation motor trip to Florida. regation about the afternoon's| Several Kedron ladles were Isitation project among dinner guests of Mrs, , Frank Hancock contributed two Percy Langmald, Oshawa, on I solos. Lovely chrysanthe. |Tuesday ums were provided for the ser-| Mrs, Harvey Crossman was ice. by Mrs, H. Farndale and among prize - winners at an eve- Mrs: R, E. Lee {ning of bridge In Simcoe Hall on A film "Pllots and Alcohol' | Wednesday was watched by the Sunday Best wishes to Mr. J. Elliott School scholars, Narration was|Who has been a surgery patient by Charles Sutter, Following a this past week at the Shouldice motion by Mrs, Lorne Tregunaa, Hospital, Thornhill, seconded by Mrs, J. Dyck, it was| Misses Marie and Helen Cole, passed by the Sunday School Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Bert members that a Christmas con. luke and Olive Luke, Toronto, cert be arranged with each class | Miss Doris Batty, Brooklin, with contributing to the program, other local friends, were guests Grant Spencer gave a temper. at the Harold Werry home for an ance reading, evening anor om Saturday, lverett oun oy suffer JUDGING TEAM [nasty bruises in a fall this past Ontario County Judging team week when the ladder from which members have been meeting he was picking apples was knock with Durham County and other ed over by young cattle. , ny teams for special coach-| Church services will be held at : uring. the past week, andthe usual morning hours next continue to do so until Win- Sunday, November 10 at 9.45, to Canada will produce 390,000 ears turned out in both 1956 and 1965. more are looked for, Ward's sald, fourth - quarter ear production cember Ward's sald including| FAMOUS REGIMENT and 75,000 trucks for the entire| The truck count is 26 per cent Truck output currently stands ai planning than last year, when|14,973 units built last month, | The Seaforth Highlanders of output, 163,005, with another 12,000 ex- The statistical publication em-| Britain were formed in 1778 by below 1966's 98,000-unit nearly 100,000 automobiles were forth 0 . 350,000 Cars For Year ves 0's. 98.000-unlt_ou 0 The estimates mean automo. but parallels 1965's 75,000 count. [pected before the end of the year. completed in October to Decem-|phasized, however, that the 80,000 Kenneth, Ear] of Sea WINDSOR (CP)--Ward's Auto-\pile output will fall seven per motive Reports Friday forecast|cent below the 375,000 unitsibeen produced and about 57,000imore cautious approach" tolprogrammed this October - De- To this week, 203,105 cars have Ward's sald It detected 'aber, Some 80,000 new cars are|unit automobile target stands as|™ the second-highest final quarter|in Canadian history, . @8F Fair time, It was the privil- permit attendance at the Soper oge of the teams to enjoy the mass meeting for any who so de * splendid leadership of Durham's sire . Agricultural representative, the late-Mr. Summers, until his sud * den death last week Local Junior Farmers, with , Ontario County associate repre hi Suiative Sidney Me Ronsid were $50 for not hustling and called mording that thelr coach of the the American Hockey Club to an vious day was dead, Kedron |®X!ra practice session * Junior Farmers were among the Some of these players think : many who gathered at the week. they have been working too + end to pay tribute to this fine hard," sald Watson. "They can { friend of Junior Farmers. work a lot harder, and they y |w + PERSONALS | Bisons, tied for fourth in the ! Mrs. Douglas Love was ma. league, were beaten 81 here + don of honor for the marriage of Wednesday night by Providence * her sister Norma Booth to James/ Reds. COACH FINES BISONS BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)--Coach Harry Watson Thursday fined every man on the Buffalo Bisons The smartest shoe | cannot conceal § The slipshod look of a run-down heel! wpa cen \ \ ASK YOUR SHOE REPAIRER for Canada's largest selling THIN HEEL LIFTS... CATS PAW Run-down, lopsided heals can ruin your well dressed appearance ., cause foot and posture troubles, too. Let your shoe repairer make shoes like new again, in minutes with famous CAT'S PAW Thin Heel Lifts! They fit any heel size or shape, . . give long, level wear with non-slip safety... won't shift, chip or spread. And, for the greatest walking comfort of your life, get... CAT-TEX scientific wonder soles Look for both on new shoes, too Cat's Paw: Moltite Rubber Co. Lid Drummondville. Que Presentin MERCURY, 1958 ... and introducing the longest, most, luxurious automobile ever built by Mercury ... the exciting, all-new ... truly magnificence unlimited Joaf while you eruise--give the economy of overdrive, more power from less fuel, Mercury for '58 is longer, wider, heavier. You enjoy a spacious, steady, always quiet kind of ride that you have always associated with high-priced limousines, Altogether there are 17 exciting Mercury modgls sn three series--Monterey, Montelair, and the brilliant new Park Lane. Never bef as there been a car that does so much for your spirit, so much for your comfort, so much for you--Mercury for 1058, Want your luxury big--but lively? Then Mercury for 1958 is your kind of car! From the all-new Park Lane--1814 feet, 4450 pounds of quiet comfort--to budget- _ priced Montereys that are within a few dollars of the low price field--Mercury offers you the spirit of a sports car, the luxury of a limousine. Entirely new Cool-Power Marauder V-8 engines cut power-wasting heat--are far more efficient, quieter and longer lasting. New, low rear-axle ratios let the enginu I ---- ba ov THE BIG MERCURY/1958 The NEW 1958 MERCURY-METEOR will he on display TOMORROW at BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. at our showroom at 1271 Simcoe St. N., 'And Our Downtown Location at71 King St. W. OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 P.M.