Famous Psychologist To Address Nurse Group At McLaughlin Hall ausplees of the sociation of the Osh the com will hear an Under the Alumnae A awn General Hospital bined nursing groups address by Dr, eva Gerstein on Monday evening at McLaughlin Hall, The subject will be "Human Relations" Dr. Gerstein national president of the National Counell of Jew Women of Can i, B85 Bh PD holo gist eduentor - admin or mi health and welfare proponent a the local, national and Inter: tional levels HE throughout Canadas. Through he capacity as mental health weel co-ordinator for the Canadian Mental Health Association she did much to weave the close working| relationship be! ween press, radi and TV, Into a team to communi cate accurate Information and break down rampant misconcep tions in the mental health fleld Dr, Gerstein has contributed to adult educatior through practical ly every medium known to this floid Tor articles on mental | KEEP YOUNG DIET Successful Dietor Shares Her Reducing Secrets By IDA JEAN KAIN | Mistakes are for learning, To profit from an experience, one should take from it only the les son to be learned If you have tried time and again to stay with semi - starva tion fare until your mind rebels at the very thought of diet, what do you conclude" That you lack sufficient will power? That you simply cannot reduce and there is no use In trying? Do you blithely ignore the most fatien ing habit In your present eating pattern? If so, you are nol profil ng from past diet experiences To get out of the diet rut tune in to the story of an over weight who tackled her weight problem from a fresh viewpoint This enlightened dleter writes 'It has always been a chore for me to go on a diet, and my mind would rebel every time attempted to stay with reducing fare, | knew where my bugaboo eating came in, So I thought, ' won't go on a diet and 1 won't forbid myself my favorite foods I'll just stop the second servings and I'll quit eating after sup per.'" TERRIBLE HABIT The dieter adds Was wrong | when watching TV 1 would consume a lot of food. This terrible habit was pll ing pounds on me. 1 bhelleve | could have eaten wood shavings anything, while watching TV! 'I resolved to break the habit Now when 1 feel inclined to eat "I knew what In the evening, | take a juley ap ple and eat It ever so slowly, en joying It thoroughly. If 1 am thirsty, | drink a glass of bulter milk, sipping It slowly | | By CAROLYN WILLETTY Canadian Press Ball Writer OTTAWA (CP) w= There seems little chance of =» uniformed blonde ever #lippiug Into the RCMP force, But there may be hope, i THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, November 9, 1957 § of 0 woud for women "red Rouses Jealousy In Mistress Should Maid Give Notice? MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Dear Mary Havorth: 1 am only | |» housemald, past 21 ough! 1 |here from Kuroye--looking after [three hoys and doing all the { [housework. All was fine the firs yenr; but now my employer--cal {her Mrs, R, -- Is haiking about [my work, my outings, friends, everything, The only reason I can |give for this ehange is that she in jealous he could be good « looking Af she had more taste in clothes, but {she doesn't care aboul fashion, and | am quite the opposite, ] {am pretty, attractive, simple, wear little or no makeup, don't talk much, like to be tidy, and got lots of compliments from men-hut don't care for them Mr, I, 1s & very nice man who gives me English lessons once or twice a week (which he sug gosis); and he buys me every week a magozine or newspaper from my country=-bul the same for his wife algo, and we trade {n the living room she always manages to seal me far from her| ether, and never leaves us to-| gother, even with thi Once she had to be away over. night and summoned her slster inlaw to stay here Now 1 have to he home by mid night; once when 1 came In at 12:30 she made such & fuss thal I almost stopped going out, Al parties 1 have to watch the time and excuse myself and naturally my boy friend has fo leave too, Mrs, RR, knows the boy and his family, whom I usually see on my day off--as | don't care about her husband at sll, and want her to know it, But she complains if the boy rings me up, and about the noise of his car when he brings me home! so now he doesn't call any more and drops me off down the sireel | could give health themes appenr regularly in national 'magazines, her spoken yords have reached thousands in face to face contacts In leclure halls, study groups and leadership training workshops: her audi ences Include professional groups home and schools, service groups omen's elubs and employes of | ndustrie she frequently heard ove CBC Nn und will reach the re Canadian I'V audience hroagh CBC hy her weekly. par telpation in "Open House" in the fall. Her articles appear at fre quent nterval in Food for hought" and sclentific journals She has guided the educations) program of the National Council (I leave her of Jewish Women of Canada for| 1 shall be most grateful foi more than a decade, ploneering |Your suggestions, N, N in the development of Golden Ate | -- wl li wd CHILD GUIDANCE ation, She Is married, and Is the ' . nth Don't Let Chil Make A Slave mother of two sons age 15 and 8, | By G. CLEVELAND MYERS Ji Xow may know a person who has & hard time making up her mind. or sticking to a choles or |deeision, This may occur in all [sorts of situations ~~ whether to "Encouraged by the weight loss wear this dress or that, to go to I began simple exercises . , and the party or not, to purchase this now I do easy stretch bends item of attire or that overy morning for fifteen min.| This Is a drawback in an adult utes, This helps me to feel alive and extremely difficult to deal und shape up with when a child is involved, "I am 45 and am often taken . for a lot Younger 1 have 7 PROBLEM CHILD grandchildren, 1 am 8 0" tal) A tot, 3, may ask for toast and and welgh 170% now. 1 want to Jam. Offered this, he may ant get down to 155, Thanks for your Only butter on his toast. Again he dally elumn." may Joluse snus. Somanding jam " ' lon soft bread, and so on, PERFECT PROGRAM His mother, about to go shop Yours 1s a perfect program for ping at the corner, asks the permanent welght control, Psy: youngster, 4 If he wants to go hologically, you are on the right along. He says "No," and con you many more instances of her sharpness and nagging Shouid | stay and sup port sll this: or go? I. am sup posed to stay with this family for four months vet and don't like to break my word, Sometimes | think Mrs. R. will be happy wher ado course, for the best way to break tinues at his play. As she enters or have your physician present let his ugliness cause you to shif! a bad habit is to habit in Its place shouting, 'I want to go along." You turned your weak spot into Kven after she has him dressed, A strong one by substituting keep: he again may decide he wishes to Ing-young calories for fattening stay home calories while watching TV, Most! Of a youngster, 2, his mother Important, you've got your mind writes from Florida pulling for you "He screamed for water, when Your best weight fs 155 pounds. /we gave him milk at the table It In the welght at which you will| His daddy nicely got him the wa feel your most vital self and look ter, hut he wanted just half a years younger. Congratulations! 'glass, Then, when his daddy put a good the car, he comes running and Relieves you of all the washday | chores and most of the children, | complete] RTA ty Oy aving very wel, ant, Bu the pi A By ever fd rh in her shoes--with x husband and three children, and » winsome Young household helper Just oul her teens, rather preens herself as your sold-be Val] imagne hat oul 2H 25m much gs recently, or hours crux o the mal ter is that Mr. R. Is the elusive troubleiaetor, He Is more aware you in Purson-io-pareon way, | than the sltuation or than court: ony, calls for. And you Are ac knowledging his awareness, or playing up lo It, with your own rand of payehologles come hither -- without departing from coats' ever arises, the force cere tainly will do something about it, rH an RCMP offic far, a women's division hasn't even been considered, The duties of the force don't eall for|™ tially as & rural does little work In | politan areas where a police: woman almost Is a must, An RCMP spokesman said he doubts whether uniformed women RCMP officers ever will be nec- 8 ie oRsary, When the force needs a police woman---to search a female fain oner, for instance -- a reliable| woman is sworn in as a tempo rary matron, SPECIAL CONSTABLES Women have served as special constables in the force, which now numbers 4,863 uniformed men serving in detchments from the Arctic to the United States border, Women stewards or wallresses in RCMP messes may be sworn propriety on the surface, per: ApS | rs, R., too, Is aware of this interplay of awareness between! her husband and you --~ and un happy about it; and antagonistic to you because of it, MAKE, THINGS EABIER I think you could make things easier for yoursel! in the situa tion, if you were to put Mr, R, oul of mind and cater exclusively to Mrs, {please her and do right by her, by pleasing Mrs, R,, | am sure yoy would please Mr, R, very well too-~and with none of the tension that weighs on you ' | Your olf of - particulars dere condensed) indicates that you probably weuldn't go out of your way to avoid camaraderie with Mr. i, = which puts the burden on Mrs, R, to run Interference, in ungraceful ways Is neces sity, which she resents, A | sour hot feeling for you, Bo don'l blame her, an self and Mr for the hresk down of # one-time pleasant em ployer-employe relationship As (or wha! to do, my Idea | oe It through for the length of time promised And meanwhile be falr to Mrs n in thought, 'word and acl That way you may part friends vith her good wishas, when you move on to & new situation. M.H Mary Haworth counsels throu her column not by mall or per onal interview, Write her In are of this newspaper d's Tantrums Of You poured some out, he screamed nd of or ul over +g aver he r soene, dd | "If we refuse him when he acts {this way, he practically forees {himself unconscious by scream ing and holding his breath." PARENTS ARE SLAVES What a tyrant this tot is, what slaves his parents are! Often | |get letters about a tot who gets what he wants in rage because his parents fear that, if denied, he might become unconscious due to a temper tantrum, My reply, In part, to such let ters is this: If you have the slightest fear that a tantrum might cause phys. ical {Il to a child, ask your phys! clan to check the ehlid's heart | If ® lines In Clusters © ' ® Babies And The Q. Yo 1 true thet mere bobles are born when the meen hv full then ot other mel A. Ne, but this Is « pepuler end world-wide netien, A dostor In Danville, Pennsylvanie, recently decided to prove or disprove this ancient belief, Records of almost 10,000 births showed ne In: [crease In deliveries at the full moon, In feet, births at the new moon outnumbered deliver the full moon by 3 te 2. It's ./Inedical Mi Fuia 00108 Sav mou in as special constables, Some years ago dietitians working for the force were special constables now they've listed as employed civilians Special women Furthermore constables men or never wear a uniform it's against the| trying to| | | tends to more than your: Stay on the job ' "HOW DOES THIS Waiting for the birdie with forefinger raised ready to point him out is Kim Louise, daugh. ter of Mr, and Mrs, Phillip Pitcher, Sharbot street, Osh awa, Kim, who was one yea old on October 26, Is the grand when you are sure a tantry will oceur, Then when this youngster re fused to accept what he asked for and, instead, demands something else, be the refuser yourself, Do not honor his whims, Hold yourself to your decision - Health, Knowledge / | ror? Through 'New' Diseases Moon ice force andy (Likes Ottawa House \Prefers Farm | To Rear Children OTTAWA (CP)--Mrs, J, Angus MacLean, wile of the fisheries minister In the federal cabinet, says "'u farm is probably one of the best and safest places" to rear children She wus Interviewed al her rented home in Ottaws while she kept an eye on Jeanie, 4, Alldn, 2, and baby Mary, Mrs, MacLean had "mixed fee) ings" about her hushand's ap ntmen! fo the Progressive servative cabinet, "I oan honestly say It E |gront 'thrill, she said, "But we But we full-time Ottaw fouled it was going to mean alt 7) together, Mrs. MacLean was hors Gwen. dolyn Esther Burwash in 8 small ity near § fhe gave up her work as a profes sions] dietitian when she map ried in 1062, : She would like to see her thild- ren grow up In Prince Edward Island--preferably on the Mae. Lean farm, now in the hands of a cureiaker, "I'his farm Js the kind of place ou Just don't abandon. There's a ot of sentiment tied up ia it Why, Angus's grandfather wot tied there in the mid 10th century. More important, she sald, 'a farm Is probably one of the best and safest places where children oan grow up, They can have a free existence and many In orosts,"' : "My husband 'loves farmin * |and did quite a lot of it dur - bis periods st home whin he was a private member." ¥ (LESS TIME NOW Now, as a cabinet minister, he Id nave much less time for to his fi MONSTER BINGO hrm niles from Charlotte. n, Mr, Macless, » Adyoarold farmer and RCAY veteran who) has represented Queens constitu. | : trip home at Lew) PPE A 3 tow! WEDDING HEADLINES Mondoy, Nov, 11th pM RED BARN Ses Coming Bvent, Page 3 ency since 1051, had his family move (no Ottawa so they could be This year's bride may choose | front with satis, Tt ean be pur: & simple, classically - designed | chased In any fabric desired to gown and top it with an ornate match the wedding gown, such and unusual headdress. The ope pletured above is A oAp mM phembroldered Alencon lace ramed and bowed at the centre length, of Imported silk illusion Is included By Tracy Adrian 4 serpy -- -- of A / law for anyone not in the force |Mountiedn-a skirt appears in the to wear an RCMP uniform, ex. current MeGill University musi 4 4 cal satire My Fur Lady | copt on the sags, { In the show, a willowy Con Perhaps the mos stable Renfrew--in scarlet tunic {and a gold stripe on a dark skirt ~Huards a Jovrnor-genersl | And traditionally, part of the annual Miss Canada costume Is a red, Mountie4y je tunie tightly belted into a frilly, well-above- the-knee skirt In case anyone wonders, the RCMP motto Is "maintain the | right," not the Hollywood refrain that "Mounties always get thelr man." recent 75 CELINA ST. Between Athol end Bruce Sts. We SPECIALIZE Cold Waves | Cutting and Styling | An tafleia or peau de sole. A a double fullness vell, fingertip OPEN FOR BUSINESS kL BEAUTY SALON in Permanents Tinting r Appointment DIAL RA 5-0872 Continues See This Drapery Birthday (5 colors) To Cover 3'6"' Window . . To Cover 7! Window ... To Cover 10°6' Window .. LOOK, MUMMY ?* daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Law: rence Horne of Oshawa and Mr, and Mrs, Charles Pitcher of Halifax, Nova Scotia, apd [4 Jrandday hier of Mr, and rs. Douglas Gillard, Oshawa, «Photo by McKinley Studio When you carefully and reason ably say No to this child, don'l SIMCOE SOUTH at ATHOL WARD'S 38th ANNIVERSARY SALE MONDAY-TUESDAY NEXT WEEK! Special! NEW ADD-A-LENGTH "FORTISAN" DRAPERIES $998 $19.96 +. $29.94 See the many other grand money-saving buys during the last two days of our Anniversary Sale. WARD'S Phone RA 5-1151 $ CHATTER EE $5 i wel to Yon, MY WHERE YOUR MONEY ie1Va SMART SHOP Buy it... Try it... BACK If you don't agree Playtex Girdles "I am pleased to report that | have lost 18 pounds In five weeks and am now losing at the rate| of a hall to one pound a week | ironing high time, says the decter, to discard the superstition that the moon influences the time eof Q. Hove oll common diseases been present since men arrived give Complete Satisfaction Also, | am calorie conscious and I am gradually re-educating my appetiie, and no longer overeal at meals. I can honestly say that on this new plan of control | haven't heen hungry once Celtic Jewellery Is Being Revived Because Princess Anne gave Princess Margaret a small hand made Celtle hrooch for her hirth day this vem here every Hkelithood that th tyle of Seol tish jewellery lonable Producin ich lery essentiall \ | demand un a t | of crafts This 1s hy either In the vill hecome fash: jewel! | the han men "we nj ( f ' | I \ en nt home « vouston a Glasgow, 17th entury ing which, once in open county Is now surrounded hy shipbullding yards and engl neering works In addition sign It such modern coffe ancient Celtle de introduced into objects as sliver being and tea spoon rings, toddy ladles and bowls in silver, pewter and eopper-work oid is today found all over the 7 Ibs. for only 1.22 apparel, bath towels etc, - 1c ouch extra bb. Shirts Iolly Maished | Auff-dried and folded. on entre Mo pach ROYAL SNACK BAR MRS. M. HEWITT, 9/ Simcoe St.-- RA 5-5232 Be Safe and Say ~ "The Toronto Launderers' Way" NDERERS LAUNDERERS ES Ymei A new laundry service designed for you. All flat pieces ironed. Wearing AND DRY LEANERS N rd 175 OSSINGTON AVENUE, TORONTO PHONE LE 5-214) Sove money by visiting one of ow coh and Sorry sores In the borihioun. Cirmiaie bmmisw Kone oe Die Wi thos cm soni birth, Q. Doss "When It ralms, It poun' apply te sleknem? A, It seems to, Some people may go through life without serious trouble while others seem to be sek much of the time. Doctors ot the New York Mespital.Cor- nell Medical Center went over the records of almest 3,000 per sons, They found that ilinem usually oceurred In clusters" Periods of ill-health lasted sev eral years and were followad by long spells of good health ateria dows not retlect the epinien of all do din L} onally attending the patient, Letters will be answered in these columns SCIENCE EDITORS, Medison Square Station, New Y Kam n MEBICAL MIRROR is hasad on quires the skill and knowledge whith only & physician eon apply Drug on this sarth? A. No one can say for wure that common diseases of today heve been present since the origin of man, About ell that is known Is that some germs or disease-pro ducing agents have changed In the capacity te cause disease. | This Is true of the influenzal virus and the germ that couse tuberculosis. Mow these change ara brought about is a mystery An English doctor thinks that Asian flu may be due to a com men that ha heen changed hy atomic fallout influenza virus ve entific publication A. Magic Controller Girdle . . . ference instantly or your money Days upon proof of purchase! SIZE CHART & MAIL ORDER FORM GIRDLE EBxtrn Small | Smell ' Medium | Largs | xn WAIST | 20.25 0.20 0 32.04 | 3540 NIPS | 32.26 WAR | 048 | a Reitman's, Dept. MO, 3510 51, Lawrence Bivd, Monten! 12 . Quebec Please include 15¢ fo cover mailing . Include Sales Tax where necessary, Sond the follawing Playtex girdle @ 8.98 Send the fellowing Mayiex Big @ 3.95 or 4.50 Feels like a Second Skin 150% \F - Quan Wain Nip Ata Jie The diagnosis and treatment of P.O. BOX 3% 10, N.Y, Prov, Sizes A, B, C 32.40, White... Note These Outstanding Features! Never Loses its Original Shape see and feel the dif. refunded within 30- ONLY 99 Pink Only Won't Tear or Split=Washes and Dries in Seconds B. Playtex Bra... criss-cross front for perfect sepa- ration and fit! Embroidered Nylon with Elastic Sides. 3.95 Block... 4.50 Q haowao 29 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, RA 5-6221 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE, RA 5-436!