Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 5 Nov 1957, p. 8

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ROTARY-ANNES GUESTS Mrs, Jack Shephard, wife | Mrs, Shephard in receiving fel- of the president of the Oshawa | low-members and Mrs, T. K, Rotary Club entertained at | Creighton, - Mrs, Frank Chap- afternoon tea for Rotary-Annes | pell, Mrs, Douglas Storie and Adelaide House last week. | Mrs, Wesley Langma red rs, James Skinner assisted | tea. Mrs, D. E. Bturgls and A---------------------- art ------------ Janice Gibbie, Ronald Skea Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony In a double - ring ceremony) in Christ Memorial Church on Saturday, Janice Mable Gibble Miss Nancy became the bride of Ronald bridesmaid, were In romance Charles Skea, blue. / Thels oune Yar Mimilasly ay, rts a ards 1 the aa ir. of bodices with dra necklines, the bridegroom is the son of Mr, They wore matching Freneh .|vells with velvet bows on thelr and Mrs, C. M, Skea, all of Osh eS WN ana. D. Cleverdon white chrysanthemums in cade h '| Mr. E. J. Hunter was best man and the ushers were Mr, 'INefl Bramley, and Mr, Karl W, Gibble, A reception was held in the rish hall To receive, the de's mother wore a brocaded of beige silk sheath dress with three . quarter sleeves cuffed with mink and beige and brown accessories, The bridegroom's 'mother was in olive green taf- feta, matohing hat and brown a blue charm crystaleite, Miss Marilyn Norton, bridesmald, and Gibble, junior cas te ' and gloves and an orchid cor age, . Vir. Mrs, Skea will return to live in Oshawa, Home League Secretary Tells Of Meeting With Queen Mother ber talk by reading the Indian version of the 33rd psalm, | Brigadier Burnell told of he trip to the International Congress in London, England, where she d all the Home League in Canada. She spoke par- Home ursday Mrs. Saunders led in| the sin of a hymn, followed repr v prever oy Mrs. Major George | roups are, Lane, A. (Bud) And Gewart, Po 1d [Heularly of her visit to the Royal Albert Hall and her personal Tea was served by the Ratobow| ..o0iing with the Queen Mother. Group. There were over 700 Home Mrs. Brigadier Ruby Flannigan League members from all parts ke briefly and introduced of the world present at this meet- adier Ethel Burnell, territor- ing and she sald how natural and fal home league secretary and gracious the Queen Mother was Kate Hawks known as and the challenging message she) ', home league sec: gave ston, Ontario | Brigadier Burnell also told| "Aunt Kate" told of some of about meeting "Rosie", the dele her experiences as a delegate to/gate from northeast India and a the International Congress in|little of her life and work and London England. She ke of her great love for the people. e theill she recelved when she visited the monument of General/ing of some of the pictures William Booth, the founder oftaken at the International con the Salvation Army. She spoke gress. of the miracle of prayer, and] Mrs, Major Victor MacLean what it meant to her, She closed closed the meeting with prayer, Brooklin Couple | "SOCIAL NOTICES Exchange Vows MARRIAGE Brooklin United Church re-| The marriage of Dorothy K.| emily Christine Van Rossel, og gg Xe daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank oionnized in the chapel of St. John Van Roessel of Brooklin be- George's "Anglican Chureh on brid: Samuel Nell Thursday, ober 31, wi Sims, eb ps Mrs. John Reverend C. D. Cross officiating. Grandy of Brooklin, and the late MARRIAGE Mr, Grandy, The marriage of Elsie Marion The Reverend 8. J. Hillier of: Noad and Mario Grbowski, both of Oshawa was solemnized in the ficlated. The wedding musle Wasi rectory of St. Gregory's Roman played by Mr. E. A. Winkler, Catholic Church on Saturday, Oc- Ajax, and the soloist was Mr, tober 36, 1067, with the Reverend Ray Kennedy, Paul Dwyer officiating. Given in marriage b her | -- father the bride wore a full-le of nylon net over white : h a short vell and ie] Roy 0. Shrigle "oad + boutuet of rod roms #84 Dorothy Ward Wed "white carnations. Mrs. Margaret Van Rosel was) The chapel of Albert Street matron-of-honor in a three-quars United Church, Oshawa, was the ter length turquoise dress topped scene of a wedding on Thursday with a lace bolero, She wore alevenl October 31, when Roy matching headdress and carried | O'Reilly Shrigley, of Mr, and Jeo roses and carnations. The Mrs. Roy Shrigley of Oshawa, ower girl was Barbara Kennedy took as his brid}, Dorothy May fn pink nylon with a matching| Ward, daughter o\Mr. and Mrs headdress and carried Fellow Robert Joseph Ward of Langley roses and carnations. The flower Prairie, British Columbia, girl was Barbara Kennedy in pink| The double ring ceremony was nylon with a matching headdress performed by the Reverend and carried pink chrysanthe- 8, C, H, Atkinson mums, | The bride wore a sheath dress Mr, Charles Gra was best of mink tone silk novelty weave n. Ushering ware % William | with a small brown velour hat r. Fran andy and Van Roes- and brown accessories. A cor sel Ju. sage of yellow roses comple A reception was held In the mented her ensemble. Church hall, To receive, the| Mrs. Robert Dove of Oshawa bride's mother chose Jk with|was the bride's only attendant pavy blue accessories. The bride: wearing powder blue peau de groom's mother assisting was in{sole with a small hat of white y with dark blue accessories. velour and corsage of pink roses. th wore corsages of red roses,| Mr. Robert Dove performed the For the wedding trip to Toledo duties of best man Ohio, the bride wore a turquoise, Following the ceremony a din dress with white accessories and ner was held at the Central Hote! wellow corsage. Mr. and Mrs (Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Shrigley &i5dv wil live in Brookiin, _ will live in Oshawa. (was solem This was followed by the show-| AT 'GET-ACQUAINTED' TEA Mrs, Douglas Langmaid acted | as hostesses and serving were | Mrs, William Minett, Mrs, | David Lander, Mrs. Stanley Lovell, Mrs. 5. R, Alger, Mrs Jack Lowery, Charles | Lancaster and rs. George [ Roberts, Seen in the photograph are Mrs. Charles Lancaster, | Mrs, James Skinner, Mrs, Mi- | chael Starr, Mrs, Jack Shep- | herd, Mrs. Douglas Langma and Mrs. 8. R. Alger ~Times-Gazette Staff Photo PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, Harold Freelan of Kirkfleld were weekend guests at the home of Mr, Freelan's sister, Mrs Percy Gilmour, Col- borne street east, Guests from out of town at the Skea - Gibble wedding were Mrs, E, McCartney, Mr, and Mrs, B, castle; Mr. and Cartney, Montreal, Out of town guests at the Me- Cullough - Willams wedding were Mr. and Mrs, John Courtls, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Dunstall, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Davidson, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Watkinson, Mrs, E. Morrison, all of Toronto; The Rev. and Mr, Paul Field, Dixle; , and Mrs. Roy Watkinson, Napanee; Mr. and Mrs, Walter ton; Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Rona thy ; Mr, and Mrs, Milken, I you have guests at your home over the weekend or at any time during the week, or If you have been visiting in other cen- tres, please call the Social De- partment at 3-3474 and record the visit. Showers, christenings, fare- well and anniversary parties and presentations are always inter- esting reading for your friends neighbors. There is no charge for these items. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boddy, Albert street, were honored at a surprise party recently on the oc- mpbe! Calgary Wedding Of Oshawa Interest A mariage of Oshawa interest zed recently in Cal | wd Alberta, Trooper Kenneth funtley, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Huntley of Prince |Albert, Ontario, formerly of Osh- awa, took as his bride, Mins {Helen Lynn MacMillan of Bow- |ness, Alberta, The Reverend Captain R. Web |ber performed the ceremony in {the Anglican Army Chapel of {Currie Barracks, Calgary, where the bridegroom was stationed. Given in marriage by her step- father, Mr, H, James, the bride wore a blue and silver brocaded hat and matching accessories, Her corsage was composed of red rosebuds. Her attendant was Miss Ber {nice Pratt wearing a silver gray dress and corsage of pink rose buds. Trooper James best man, The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, To receive, the bride's mother wore a gray dress and corsage of rosebuds, Trooper Huntley is now on his way to Germany where he will be stationed for the next two years. His bride hopes to join him there in the very near fu. ture. -- Spence was Apricot, Pumpkin Eye-CatchingColors MONTREAL (CP) Clothes up cows for couture, is in real plumping for pumpkin-col- ored dresses this winter, designer Tuy Latoche, hav | whose whims whipped hemlines : fathered to express good wishes. r, a sheath dress with a small blue|its casion of their 35th wedding an- niversary. During the evening a mock wedding provided great merriment, Those taking part were Mrs, Jules Perrault as the minister, Mr. Leonard Barker, the bride, Mrs. Vincent McGahey, the bridegroom, Mrs, Charles Todd, the bridesmaid, Mrs. Frank Foley, the best man. The honored pair were presented with a mone- tary gift and flowers from the 40 relatives and friends who had Jo Aldwinckle, Women' s Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, November 5, 1957 Simcoe Street United Church, Oshawa, was the setting for a Ww on Saturday noon, Nov 2nd, when Viola Mar- aret Rose, Williams, daughter of r. and Mrs, Alexander Warner Williams of Oshawa, was united in marriage with Laurie Nelson McCullough, son of Mrs, John Brown and Mr, Delbert McCul- lough, both of Toronto. The Reverend John K. Moffat performed the double ring cere- mony and Reverend Paul Field of Dixie, Ontario, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her fa. ther the bride wore an ankle length slecveless gown of gar- denia white satin brocade fash- joned with a slim bodice with a crossover fichu of nylon chiffon embroidered in sequins. The skirt was worn over a crenoline. A coronet of tulle leaves and pearls ield her full length veil of shell ink which was topped with a Itinger tip veil of cloud white and {she carried a pear! covered Bible crested with gardenias and pink ipinocchio roses, Mrs. Harry Lockhart of Osh- awa was matron of honor in a waltz length gown of tangerine crystallette designed with cap cented with a draped bertha of nylon chiffon in a slight deeper tone Matehjng her swirl fea headdress, iss Marilyn Wil sister = wearing midnight blue Boddy is the son of Mr. Jo- Boddy, (the former Myrtle Davey) is the daughter of Mr, and more. They were married on No- vember 1, in Oshawa for 30 years. Members of Club held a masquerade party last week. Round and square dancing, folk singing and a pa- rade of costumes provided a lot of fun. Prizes were won by Mrs, Mes, Dorothy Facies (Hula Hula " ul fg Hong a Squaw with Papoose); Mrs, Jo- Anne Crew (Huckleberry Finn), Mrs, Jeanette Montgomery en- tertained ai the plano. Guests from out of town were Mrs. M, Giroux, Fort Erie; Mrs, W. Wil. son, Hamilton; Miss B, Lee and Miss T. Corby, Whitby. Oshawa uests included Mrs, D. Fry, rs, Wilfred Barnes, Miss Alma Mitchell, Miss 8. Kozak, Miss 8. Hutcheson, Miss D., Knipe, Mrs, Henry Etmanski, Mrs. Al o ans, Mrs. N, Waters, Mrs, G. Beavis, Miss Lorna Carnochan, Mrs, ¥. Moss, Low calorie re freshments, not exceeding two hundrea calories per plate, were erved. "|seph Boddy of Oshawa and Mrs, | 8 rs. John Davey of Balti W 1022, and have lived | Oshawa TOPS| The engagement has been an- nounced of Cherry Ann Henry and Amold A. Eggleton who plan to be married in North. minster United Church, Osh- awa, on Saturday, November 23. The bride-to-be is the daugh- 'McCullough-Williams Rites Form Pretty Afternoon Ceremony crystalletio styled identically to] the gown worn by the matron of honor with a turquoise draped collar of nylon chiffon, comple ment her swirl feather head- dress, The junior bridesmaid was | Miss Lorna Gall Williams, young | sister of the bride, wearing a frock of white net over tange-| rino crystallette featuring short. pulf sleeves and a bodice of white satin brocade, She wore a {tangerine flower headdress. All {wore short white gloves and car- Iried of chrysanth in contrasting hues, The gowns were all designed and made by the bride's mother. | Mr, Joseph Murczck was best {man, Ushering were Mr. Robert |Lee, Mr, William Fice and Mr, {Roy Fice, he reception was held in Sim- coe Street Church Memorial Hall where the bride's mother receiv- ed In a sheath dress of celestial [blue and gold brocaded satin with a matching felt hat. Assisting |was the bridegroom's mother who chose rose beige crepe with chocolate brown trimming com- plementing her matching sequin trmmed hat. Both wore corsages of roses. [ For the honeymoon trip to To ronto and other western points, sleeves and scoop neckline ac-|the bride travelled in a choco-| late brown suit with a turquoise hat, beige and turquoise acces- sories, and a corsage of white gardenias and pink rosebuds. On in North Oshawa, TO BE MARRIED THIS MONTH the Bible College, ough, is the son of the R erend and Mrs, H. B. Eggleton of Bridgetown, Barbados, Brit- ish West Indies. The E. A. Lovell Home and School Association had as its ker at a recent meeting Mr, GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES George Roberts, principal of H & S Hears Talk On Problems To Be Discussed At Conference The teachers' roll call was won uy Mrs. Jane Nelson's grade. rs. Cyril Powell announced a card party on October 20 and ask- OCVI who was Introduced by ed for donations of home made | | LOCAL MODELS taking part | in the Fashion sand Function llams was bridesmaid for her|their return the couple wil live | Adaptability Ot | Under the auspices of the local branch of the Canadian Associa tion of Consumers, the three F's of Joa style -- Fabric, Fashion and Function -- were highlighted in a program presented by the! Canadian Fabrics Foundation in) the UAW hall last Friday night. Mrs. Walter Johnson, president, welcomed members and visitors and introduced Mrs. Yolanda Henshaw, the commentator, Costumes for men, women and children ranging from day- time, loungewear, casual, sports and evening, products of Cana- dian manufacturers and execut- ed from Canadian-made fabrics were displayed by three profes sional models and four Oshawa volunteers. They were Mr. Ralph Glassford, Mrs. Pat Malachow- ski, little Miss Debby Seneco and Master Gregory Campin, During the evening, Mrs. Uriah Jones, past president, drew the names of winners Raby, Mrs. . Helen Mala: R. B, Galbraith. The showing, especially prepar- ed to illustrate the best uses of Canadian textiles, and to furnish information pertaining to their properties and care, is part of a tour of consumer groups across Canada. Fabrics made of arnel, ace tate, nylon, terylene, orion and viscose, as well as the natural fibres wool and cotton, and blends of these fibres made up the garments. The widening use of blended "science" fibres, and new processes applied to natural fibres, requires knowledge of their performance. g TAKES TO WATER CAC Fashion Show Demonstrates Gat of show were Mr. Ralph Glassford, Debby Seneco and Gregory Oninpin. buth five ears of age and +. Pat Malacho fa in, --Times-Gazette Staff Photo Miracle Fabrics viscose and acetate complement each other and were seen in flannels, gabardines and twills, In children's clothing cotton and nylon poplin was f{llustrated as sturdy and water repellent for t the ent and ability of Canadian eoy- uriers, three models taken from fall collection, of the Associa. tion of Canadian Couturiers and made of Canadian fabrics were shown at the end of the This demonstration had been especially prepared on behalf of the Canadian textile industry a service to Canadian consumers. It is at present visiting efties snowsuits and the Canadian mian-|across the country. ufacturers co-operated here in making a garment that can grow a full size by remov stitching at hem and cuffs. can be made longer without sew- ling a stitch. 8 pans SIZES was pointed out that through the urging of the CAC a great| deal of work had been done to! png about the standardization of sizes, An important start has been made beginning with chil- |dren's clothing. Circumference of |chest, waist and hips, and length {of the garment will be used as a |basis for measurement so when shopping for children's clothes the consumer will soon be think- terms. : before g standardized sizes will be a reality, Advice on care of garments was given thro out the showing and it was strongly recommended to ow instructions on hang tags for best results. Information found on tags ensures that the consumer will obtain the fullest benefit |from her purchase. A peignoir and nightgown in a filmy 15 denier nylon tricot is not necessarily reserved for the bride - to - be nowadays . . . this fabric is greatly used in lingerie and nightwear of all types and in a wide price range. The use of science fibres in this category of garments was seen in Jomging pyjamas of acetate satin with| quilted acetate faille jacket, and Mr. Robert Broadbent, principal of E. A. Lovell School, Mr. Roberts is president of the ¢ CHEERFUL GIVERS Group leader, Mrs. J. D. Tane, welcomed several visitors to the November meeting of the Cheer ful Givers Group of the WA of King Street United Church. Mrs. Almond Britnell read the minutes. Announcement was made of the regular WMS meeting on Thurs- day, November 7, when Mrs. P, E. Ault, supply secretary of the| Dominion Board, would be the speaker, Also, on Sunday, No- vember 17, the WMS will have charge of the morning service for autumn thank-offering. Mrs, C. M. Loveys, Home Missions secretary of the Dominion Board will be speaker. Mrs. Robert Brown conducted) a worship service using the theme | "Let's Be Thankful'. Mrs, Clar-| ence Scott played quiet music and | also the accompaniments for the hymns, The group leader read an ar ticle from the missionary month- ly telling of an Indian woman's impression of Japan, Mrs. Bryce Brown, a member of the evening auxiliary lotro duced the study of Japan saying that the biggest problem was over-population and the question the anancse were asking was whether communism or demo- cracy would help most to solve this problem, Mrs. Tane thanked all who had helped with the meeting and re. Laroche, 34, handsome, and a comment on his chances of suc: bachelor, is one of the young|ceeding Dior {Parisian aspirants to the design with the same Montreal depart: kingship held unchallenged since ment store that Dior had, how {1947 by the late Christian Dior, ever. freshments were served by the committee in charge. in connection with this work that he spoke. He told the members of the big- gest project which has yet been undertaken by Canadian educa- dian Federation of Teachers, and it' was conference in Ottawa within the next few months to discuss many of the problems which are troub- ling leaders in education today. There will be problems consider- ed from kindergarten through to university. About 700 delegates from various organizations are expected to be present at the con- feience, One of the problems will be, how to provide sufficient mature and «highly intelligent people as teachers for the increasing popu- lation, and also adequate bulld- ings to house the increase. This would naturally call for a large financial outlay, and one of the questions with which the con. ference will be confronted is, whether a non-government or- ganization can look for help from a federal government source. At the present time the federal gov- ernment has never been ap proached for help. These and many other prob- lems are to be discussed and it is hoped that the results of the conference will have a far reach. ing effect resulting in beMar edu- cational facilities in Canada. Mr, Roberts was thanked by Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. E. H. Heavens gave a tion authorities, who will hold ay candy, and money towards prizes, The members were entertained by Ronald and Kenneth Starr, who played two violin duets "The Woodland Dance" and 'Cinderella'. A Home and School Conference is to take place at Northminster United Church from 1.45 to § p.m. on November 3. The November meeting will be held in the McLaughlin Library auditorium, | Refreshments were served by {Mrs. Robert Pritchard and her assistants, | Myers-Fiske | Nuptial Vows A nappy event took place in Christ Church, Belleville, last Thursday when Rosanna Alexan- der Fiske of Toronto and Oliver Myers of Oshawa exchanged nup-| tial vows. | The bride is the daughter of | the jae Mr. James Alexander of Belleville and the bridegroom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myers of Graven. hurst. The ¢ Mr, and Belleville. Following the ceremony the bride and bridegroom were en- tertained at a bridal supper at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Fred Mott, in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Myers will live in Oshawa. e were attended by 8. Dale Ashbury of membership report. One of the newest blends shown|8 terylene duster that can be) (was in a green dress of brushed Packed into a small space, Is {cashmere - soft knitted fabric, wrinkle resistant and will drip completely washable. The com. dry without ironing. [position of Canadian arnel anal To illustrate the creative tal.' Look for re wrigtt yellow padhoge ih Conada's mest JSgectbln) ht . «. CHRISTS 0 Arrowreo! biscuit. {nylon fibres in this construction | provides a fabric most suited to| |casual and sports wear. | Orlon and wool were seen in another fabric success -- jersey that is soft and adaptable to the | new supple lines, but most im- portant it is washable. Crepe is being welcomed back as the style fabric of the season. |Several crepe dresses were | shown, all in viscose and acetate, |one in black depicting the Orien- tal Influence. Although black is forever present in the fashion world, red, blue, green and brown were the most featured colors, Bright shades and the one - tone look, matching shoes and stockings, were the high points for the fall. The two fibres, Best for =" > Baby Specially formulated for bables! ™ ks up phi Letters of thanks were read Miss Sarah Moyes, and) from Mrs. Everett Graham. | up and down the world over. Laroche modestly refused to Unwanted Hair He has a "tie-up ---- Removed PERMANENTLY «+ +» from face, orms ond legs by the newest, fastest method (3-4 times 00 DOWN 32 KING ST, WEST J NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT | BURNS JEWELLERS 00 WEEKLY CREDIT RA 3.7022 more hair removed per treatment than by the old type) Revealing your TRUE self -- free from worry and embarrassment, ' Free Consultation Results Guaranteed MARIE MURDUFF 20 Years' Experience WILL BE IN OSHAWA AT THE GENOSHA HOTEL NOV, 5.6 PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT ON 'THE ABOVE DATES PHONE RA 3.4641 CLEANING | .++ the Oval lipstick alone 2.50 Saves (Clothes PROMPT SERVICE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY PICKWICK 434 SIMCOE ST. §. AND SHIRT LAUNDERERS CLEANERS & DYERS Dial RA 3.4832 faithfully reproduced by Juliette Marglen to make you & work of art. Never before such a rich and satiny deep true red, with the glow of a precious ruby...and never before such a remarkable lipstick -- it's oval, shaped to the curves of your lips. With matching Nail Glacé -- for sparkling | jeweled fingertips -- in our gift-boxed new Colour Set 3.75

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