Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 5 Nov 1957, p. 4

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Re RR EE Re perm per ARREST REDS a | 'Whitby Building [sma s WHITBY and DISTRICT & WHITEY SPORTS Shows No Let Up i= ios documents, leaflets and a print Building in Whitby showed mo{and two factories. The ing press from their homes. let-up during October when per-|cial building is under consiruc- otro for the construction of 20|tion by Len-Rae Limited, imme | ISLAND DISAPPEARS By WREN A. BLAIR new homes were taken out at the|diately west of the Whithy Pro-| ; ionon portugal (Reuters)-- town office, Total building for the| fessional Building, The all sland od off the month reached $386,850, R A permit was Issued to Andrew} wed 3 nd oltsiee wolcane The Whitby Dunlops unleashed some of their scoring power|Harding, building inspector re-|Antennae for an addition fo their|AZOr A Submap here at the Arena Saturday night, drubbing the Cornwall Chevies|ports, plant on Beech St, Another small Bow Port gamp y 102, in a fine display of hustling hockey. The "Dunnies" were| There were permits issued foriindustry, Lofthouse Pattern Com- ANI T I » snapping the puck around in splendid fashion, paying particular|17 single dwel ings and Iz Semis pany Limited, is constructing a|A.N.1. repor attention to moving the rubber to the front man, As a club they |detached houses. Largest of thelgall plant on Hophing BL. south Welling- skated much better, and gave evidence that the badly needed ousty' wil be A yelting oh prnarican Stee) week's rest, did much to restore the club to its potential. A big|Robson, of Oshawa, Contractor is|ly has fts plant i 2 FR crowd took in proceedings, and they got a great bang out of see-|T. 1, Wilson Lumber, of Can-|iust west of Pig IGIDAIRE ing the club rack up this convincing win, Only spot to mar the nington, Bl imits, "SHEER LOOK" tilt was the uncalled for punch, which Joe Lepine tagged on Charlie r. Harding, not r the BUTT RADIO »707 Burns, after a previous fight was all over. Burns and Lepine had |amount of the permit, stated that tangled moments earlier and order had been restored. Charlie og Fong] will be ge wi AND APPLIANCE skated over to pick up his stick and gloves assuming that things|% '¢ ted FOR MISSED Brock St. had cooled out, when suddenly Lepine brought up a roundhouse ODO. re issued for three punch, opening a cut which eventually took three stitches to| arages, one warehouse, one al- P APERS close, over Burns' eye. Burns, streaming in blood, went wild. |{eration to a dwelling, one addi- Teammate Harry Sinden attempted to keep Charlie out of things,|tion to a garage, one demolition IN WHITBY mainy because he knew he couldn't see, with all the blood, and|of a shed and three signs. Harry had all he could do to suppress the hard skating centre,| Permits were issued for a pew who in the midst of his anger tossed punches right, left and commercial and office building Ph centre, at anyone who tried to hold him. Afterwards Charlie took one [plenty of kidding in the room for not keeping an eye on Lepine, |ana the whole incident provided bi? good natured banter, as hurc un MO. 8-31M the club ha enjoye: i A ppily enjoyed their fine victory | Hovtn hove sob meshed your Tickets go on sale at the Arena box-office this evening, : for the big game here Thursday night, between the Pembroke ncreases Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Coll STAFFORD BROS. Lumber Kings snd the Dunlops. New club owner Wally Lensor, has made no bones about the fact that he's out to take the Over $50,000 has been r BELL TAXI Monumental Works measure of the Dunlops this season, and only a couple of | wards the St. John The Evan | 318 Dunoes EL weeks back he made the statement, that "as far as he was |gelist Church Building: Fund(§ AP cells must be placed before MO 8.3552 concerned, the only real question at stake in the Eastern [Campaign in Whitby, The fen Senior "A" race, was whether or not the Whitby Dunlops er |teams, headed by Mr. J, Clinton the Pembroke Lumber Kings would end in first place." Well |McGee, General Chairman, and at the moment Pembroke have a share of top spot in the race, |Mr: Francis J. Melntyre, Momo- and the "Dunnies" need a win over the Kings to gain a tie |Fi2! gis Chisisinan, Wade they ris with them, The Pembroke club raised a few brows over the |i. = t the Second Memo- y li h h week-end, with a convincing 6-3 win over Ottawa Junior i, Raster, Meeting last Sunday i. 0 n $ ng ican ure Canadiens in a regulor league game, They also hold a double |afternoon. | victory over Kingston, and extended the Belleville McFar- This meeting marked the suc- | PORT WHITBY lands of the limit before losing out 5-4 last week in Belleville, [cessful conclusion of the Memo- Should be some tilt here Thursday. rial Phase of the appeal, which tat i, Am sh The "Dunnies" went through a brisk workout last night in 000. Father Austin sta a ' he "personally has been amazed preparation for Thursday's game here, and following practice they rfl agi in pedo niggers took in films of games played overseas in 1955, in preparation for ty ha Wednesday, November 6th from 5:30 to 7 p.m. the coming game against the Russians Nov. 22 at Maple Leaf pacts Nag id pi hay Y: 3 Gardens. Films were provided by the CBC, and they showed the |patner Austin also stated that he In Sunday School Room PLACE 8-TON ROCK IN RETAINING WALL AT HOSPITAL game between Canada and. Russia, which Penticton won 50, and now feit the goal was 'within Admission: adults, 1:00; ehildven 12 years 4nd also the game during the same tournament between Canada and | reach very soon" and urged the y LV; Czechoslovakia when the Canadians won a Jubious 5-3 verdict. men to continue their efforts on) ! under 50¢. o { {Actually the Czechs looked the stronger of the two European |behalf of the new church, Xce SSsive 123 2) O S clubs, but later the Dunlops were cautioned not to use the 1955 During the meeting, Mr. Fran " | films of cis J. Mcintyre pri the , Plan Largest the Russians, as any criterion of the present St. Francis Statue Challenge tro- Stone Fence : strength of the Soviet club. Following the showing Bob- phy to Mr. Carl M. Parise, Cap- * [J hd : 3 Ww Before this year is out, Whitby by Bauer (who has joined the coaching staff of the club) spoke iain of team No. 4, in recognition | i will have the largest stone fence 1( ) ( } 1( )] 15 1 1 Ia 1C at some length on the problems the, Kitchener club encoun- of his team's efforts in the past MOST REASONABLE PRICES in Fav section of the province.| tered in 1956, when they lost 2-0 to Russia. A question period week which enabled them to take The fence will be 1000 feet long,| "Do you find your driving be:| "During that month, no fewer iful picture, Last October, 27 lost followed, during which the players asked many questions and over the leadership from Captain ' ON : | i : Bobby obligingly tried to answer all queries; Milt Dunnell (Sports|Joseph Corrigan's team No. 3. nine feet high and 18 feet wide. havior improves when you see a than 116 persons lost their lives|their lives. Four were children Mr, McGee, the General Chair- e foave will be 13 hard| police officer or vehicle?" | in 96 separate accidents. There! Editor of the Toronto Star) and who has been overseas on several | Vi | | , closed Sunday's meeting were, in addition, 1796 in which|0f only two years of age. They occasions, gave the boys his opinion of the progress in hockey in| ™aD. ¢ to admire. Jemever Le i Clef Cuhstatle George Rankine. injuries occurred, ran into the side or the path of al Europe, and altogether from both the film and the talks, one got | {ho ihe men to sét out wa i i inest work ever in STANDARD NEW SUPER HIGH TEST front of the Ontario Hospital by, It is hard to believe that any- moving yehicie. Riowing 20 fear, the opinion that the Dunlops have their work cut out for them parish's history, and announced . » | tLeir only roperty. In fact, only the face " one would attempt to overtake ; this season. These other countries certainly know our national that the next meeting, the First 9/10¢ 9/10e ¥ it, visible only from the lake, | yon J oie Shel, and pass ator car on a ous and EC OD: game, but good, and a victory in Eurove, particularly when General Report, would be held SAL will be oper. to the public because yor own accident. It means ou five people lost their lives in a|these tragedies by alert and played out of doors, etc., is going to be no easy chore for our | next ursday evening, Nov. 7, GAL. i 0p Abd Feat oe wall will ore consciously breaking the law head-on crash in just such ecir-| thoughtful driving. local pucksters, 8:00 pm. in St. Bernard's |or have been driving inattentive- "" Auditorium. ; Not only will it be the largest|\\ "Eiiher one or hoth of these Ce look sometimes A grmaining victims: ail The Town and Country . . . Kingston CKLCs bounced into a first | TAX INCLUDED TAX INCLUDED actions are present in more than your ear to wander across the but one of the collisions took place tie in the Eastern division race over the week-end, with Whith A ea ® MOTOR OIL « TIRES Jence around here, put 1 5 com- ks a TRest 90 per cent of all motor vehicle c 'tre of the road? Don't do it!|place after dark. The problem is successive victories over Belleville and Cornwall. The Chevies lost accidents Thi th f eight fatal 1derly [three i fter a flying start, and this East et * STOVE OIL IN ANY. QUANTITY A g s was the cause of atal how can we persuade elderly three in a row after a flying start, an s Eastern race gets one hui: iid Weighing ni pACRative Spoed i mat gallisions last October and oom-| Jegple jaa while Beadiighis 4 ih confusing every day. The CKLCs really pulled an upset, B li OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS | frequent violation and is a main tinues to cause . » seen at a goo! stance, a hi ink. , , . Th J M8, Cher, engines 18 COE" Setactn a Olah "Are 30% her Smpiad one. darks Hohl shousren I Dc wane om eke Shp pind ne reas an sign OWING (Dive In And Ask For Vi |last year, s was the direct! rlect a 'stop' sign 'or drive tically invisible except at ver: ' a by the Ontario cause of 25 fatal crashes. In 13| through an intersection without close range, Who Sng deny thet and afterward team affjsials including soach, Lary gltierina, Whitoy and District Bowling VIGO OIL Co. t of Public Wotks, HY- cases, drivers went into curves hesitation? Just remember that it is much better to wait and he Manager George Mowatt, along wi alt and Harold Brown an rg Standing: AA rs > -e Engmeeting Division, 105 swiftly and were thrown from | these very actions were respon- completely sure that no traffic others were seen in a huddle, no doubt deep in the throes of who Builders 17, 23,467: Jokers 15 ROCK ST. N. that the wall will stop ero ihe road as they lost control Ta sible for 11 fatal collisions in Oc- is near than fo risk being injured to keep and who to let go. The Juniors will once again operate JuTCETE ih FACT! JOkePS oh the bank in front o the | another 12, drivers lost: comtrol of | tober Jast year. IE, killed in attempting to cross|/in the central Junior *"C" group. . . . Both Henri and Maurice Ris & a wii: Osh, --- adminl ration tad thei their vehicles on straigat'roads.| "Pedestrian deaths make a pit-Ithe road?" Richard look very good at the top of the N.H.L. scoring both 'Un8SSY Sarees Uh Ay att Forme lh p> having potted ten goals. . , . The Attersley, Gagnon, Samolenko Tigers 9 23085; pe He } line looked strong here Saturday as they potted five goals between |) sig Fittings 11, 23.337: hospital | ° gg as 10 feet of property in Osh M ba B L Cob. . e e- | - WwW them. "Sammy" had the hat trick, with Bobby and Bus each : gctions there 102 year b awa an { oning Y a Inotching one . . . Frank Bonello also went well netting two first Dr 1G 2 Tae | TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY rocks used for the wall are . period markers. . . . See where young Jackie Cole, product of the , ct 4 18119; B-R Transport 4,| > rried in Queenston and haul- Fined $10 * Oshawa Minor Hockey League, potted a goal for Hap Emm's 15707; Barclays 1, 20,877; Cut.| Clerk's Notice of First Posting: of by truck to Whitby where they Infr tion S Barrie Flyers over the week-end, . . . Peterboro Petes are finding ting Room 1, 15,222, | » put in place by a crane. When! An Oshawa man who told the ac 5 een the going mighty rough again this season in Junior "A" play. First section winner, Sober Six. | Voters' List Job is completed, late this .\ inet a passenger had steer- Pete fans had hoped for better things this season, but so far Ted Congratulations fellows for your | x, the wall will be ackillled, oJ his ear into a ditch was yes.| Whitby town council members the building by-law in the three Kennedy and his club bring up the rear. fine showing. | VOTERS' LIST, 1957 i | cases, - High triples -- B. Ferguson of the bank. The job will|terday fined $10 for careless driy-| Were told last night that there : : : | mat Detween $30,000 and 390.000, gdh ne 1) tor sarele driving Were at least 70 infractions of the| ie 70 infractions against the 803, D. Wiles 682, K. Johnson Ld . ' ' | ) zoning bylaw, he said, all occur. 676, R. Childs 673, H. Corner 670, | a: : . £2 Jen year, another 1000 feet|.. ro Joseph Farrell, 31, of 169|loWn"s zoning by-law and a num-|red in the areas designated as Bowmai wille High J. Edwards 665, B. Morrison 661, Municipality of Township of Whitby, : retaining wall of identical de-| aE ved belore| DET Of cases of builders construct- single residence. Nearly all in- J. Gartshore 661, R. Game 658, County . of Ontario will be bulls to the west of Mo atrate Hl on A = the .n8 homes without permits, In a fractions, his report stated, in- P. Sweet 652. | 0! ty : present wall, J report to council, asking whether|volved the owners having tenants i -- i -- - | Whitby traffic court. or not to take action against the or boarders or roomers. (®) £5 ac S] oC $s High singles Dlg of Notice is hereby given that | have complied with Section 9 po PC Ron Rankine, of Whitby, offenders, Building Inspector| Councillor Willard Dodd told IH. Town 260, W. Sweet 260, B. of The Voters' Lists Act ond that | heave posted " at my $30 Costs told the court that he had inves- Robert Harding reported that he'the council that bh. knew of one . * 3 Tot day L] in sl i LLA eported Twendale 258. B.|| office at the Township of Whithy, Brooklin, on the tigated an accident on Anderson had found 70 infractions in single case where the building i t r,! By A N F. BAILEY HS is on November 15th at Hayes 260, J " : | f oll titled to vote In St. on Octobér 7th and found Far-| residence zones alone with more/who is also i Amid Bowmanville High School foot. | the Port Perry High School. Melrose 255, J. McCarroll 254, C.|| of October, 1957, the list of ell persons en! " | V oe sad municipality of oo a v rell's car in the east ditch. He to come from other zones, had inspected u home and asted hall squad defeated Blackstock AT UXBRIDGE Sleep 248. The moc Bl there for inspection. or otorist said that marks indicated tha! Council, after discussion, au- if any more than the one family| igh by a score of 12 to 7, Sat-| Uxbridge High School r a h rt ; Farrell had been proceeding ihorised the inspector to take/lived there. He had been told that| Bow . ver: 00 tten po | And | hereby coll upon all voters to take immediate pro- Christopher Albin, 21, of RR 1,/south on Anderson St. and his action against A who have only the one family resided there, VHie High School. she Bo Seed Blieudance . ab thet WHITBY ' ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according Newtonville, was yesterday fined Car 'eft the pavement on the west not secured permits and asked said Councillor Dodd, then helyille team began the game with|with prizes for various costumes.| i to law, the lost day for appeal being the 14th doy of Nevem- and cost ix d jail] tide; travel ed 72 feet down the him to report what action he heard voices in the basement andl heir second string boys, but mid-|At the Georgian Bay District PERSONALS ber, 1957. costs or six days in Jalliyest ditch, then crossed thei takes on the other 70 infractions. | discovered that there was a ten- way through the game they re- COSSA Girls Volleyball tourna- he was convicted of care- pavement, leaving skid marks 52 qv. 1uiding inspector's report 40t In the apartment | placed their rs with! ment held at Sutton last Satur- f Dated ot Brooklin, Onterio, this 31st doy of October, driving by Magistrate A. D, feet long, before jeaving Je to council stated that his investi-| Counelllor McAvoy said that it/the first team, when the Black-/day, Uxbridge High won the Miss Kay Golench, of So 1957. ns in the Whitby traffic pavement wm * ih iteh gation indicated that at least|is 'utter nonsense" that the|stock High School squad were Senior Championship ir. the finals Credit, was week en gue t of ; 7: oom 8 1 a oy 'three builders were working on council should be consulted about| pushing the Bowmanville boys by an 11 to 4 score, and Brock = onnie ) I MURRAY ROBINSON, 9 feel from the road. new houses without permits, Injc forcing a by-law. He added, back against their own line, {High School were the Junior Street. | Clerk, Township of Whitby, ' Ernie Stoneman, of the Farrell stated that he had been one case, he said, a contractor that if any of the alleged offend: It is interesting to note that/Champions. Schools in the tourna-| a. and Mrs Roy Rogers and i itby Police Department, told accompanied by a passenger who hag erected four houses and built ers had just cause, they could|this same Bowmanville team ment were Uxbridge, Brock, yi. 'Ralph Skinner and children, | cuort that he had investigated had grabbed the steering wheel, seven basements, without per- appeal to council, He asked that have won &ll their games this Port Perry, and Sutton, [of Barrie, were callers on Sun- accident at the intersection of causing him to lose control. He mity for any, He stated that there the, zoning-by-law be enforced. |year . against Port Hope, and| Uxbridge have begun their|day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | ria and Gordon streets on said that the one side of the road wag no water or sewer service! He made a motion that the Whitby District High School, by magazine campaign, and after|w. Simpson r 14th. He said that Albin's had been dug up for a sewer line yet installed for these homes. building inspector be asked for an|iarge scores, but the best they | the first day, magazine sales oO L | had left the roadway and and the passenger apparently" 1, ..oiher case, he sald, an- early report on what action ha |1rke do against the determined| totalling $560 were reported, Mr, Charles Astrop, of Toronto, | k a guy wire, pulling down a feared he would hit the rough bo "0onies ior had set footings been taken. His motion carried.| Blackstock squad was win by a| A tri-school dance was held at| Was Sunday guest at the home of | 0 pole on the back of the ground. He sald he had heen gor (hree new houses without a| --= |five point margin. Blackstock Blackstock Friday night, with his daughter anc son-in-law, Mr. | A riving a ear for six months nermit and in the third case, one BLEAK SPOTS High School, who do not enter| students. from 17 [ Nominations for 1958 Officers. | ora ne Ste Fail Kile. o coor BRANGH 112, CANADIAN LEGION Worship registered a con. His Worship ordered the fine builder had set one footing with- Tors the higher parts of moor-|into any league, but simply play|/and Blackstock attending. About rane street, i had a record other driving and instructed him to attend a District High School Juniors, who ghes were co-hostesses at a ; I Brock High School held their|® one act play wili"be presented | the hostesses, > J WHITBY | frst football' game of he _year|at_Blackstock. Mrs. Austin McKay and chil- WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6th » Phone MO 8.3618 | YOR Rent -- Completely furnished, two| FOR. sale + Wrought iron. dinette October 24th, in Sutton. Brock 3. pustn BY AN ' . id 250 ing machine, Laryboy chair, pair of Mrs. John Kalan, of Palace] 3 : out the fal season Gordon Joc stret GENERAL MONTHLY MEETING Last Com lete Sh 8:20 |duplex. Five large rooms with many|.. ---- | Meek was the only injury report-| : plete ow ©: built In features, tiled 4 place bath (PANT cuffing and alterations. Reason-(ed from Brock. He came home| e aming (1ining and interlined with chamois AERIAL 'intalled. maved, repaired,| The Brock High School Hallow- |) es" JENNIFER JONES Size 17. Megulnr $39.95 to clear $14.95 (also Channel 17 UHF installed, $39.00, 2 {in r 50 mph zone, was warned ite Dunk. Sore, Whithy._ HE Tes Jet Viction, POPPY DAY IN WHITBY TO clear, Ladies' beige wabardine car. FOR Rent -- Two, §.rpom apartments, tume party, and some very in-(\'oerc. Ponaid wilted ron 0 Regular price $17.95 clearing at $0.95 [8-314 : 203} everyone concerned enjoyed the Barrons, in the Whitby traffic : : any een (SYCIYORE cONCRIES enioyed the co) TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario SUNDAY, NOV. 10th ' OF and ' stove, self-contained. Busi-|iady; also one wheel chair for sale. |Special occasion. court that he had followed Tims'| asked the provincial government ANNUAL VETERANS CHURCH |unfarnished, with day care of one orl gervice phone MO 8.4005 anytime. season: two electric motors, 1:3 HP. Brooklin, Phone GI9R6 A total of $961.30 Was nap the cruiser did not gain on cach hog-grower to sell his hogs 5 "o'clock 258b| Lane, and Barbara Grass. Win drum; two bedroom apartment, Whitby or Were Eric Lane, Barbara Grass than 60 mph. Ontario Farm Products Market-] advance. All are requested to join in this service. . b J } TIS. travelling at 75 and fined him . ' in ar FOR Ee args _Cotoman aves] WASHING ~The top room in the campaign g5 and costs or six days. When Md for hogs which the growers ANNUAL REMEMBRANCE DAY | My rir > sid vae bl rles 3 is, : ros. Il . BE TROUBLES? | Miriam Harris who receives a been charged with speeding at| Charles McInnis, Toronto, pres 6:30 p.m. $1.50 pid #511] chir n 1k 6 Reconversion a box of chocolates or flowers wccused he could expect to lose bers of the government's decision ALF. REARDON, AW. F. DENYER, estimates. Reptic tanks cleaned | n and levied a fine of $10 or thrée days in jail and placed out a permit exhibition games, are making ar-|175 were present, costs. He learned then that! Farrell on suspended sentence yg, way (ngtructed to enforce nel 1% high a8. 3,000 Tent rangements to play the Whitby 'November 22nd there will be | Hugh Js, Stan wa May. B.C. w H l T BY | two commencements, Port Perry baby shower held 'in Honor, of | ces and fripled the fine driving course in Whitby : . " hatve ue further commitments jig), School: and Blackstock Mrs. J. Vickery: who was the Te- | 7 s . 1 8 year, High School:"TV announcer "Joel|cipient of many lovely and use : ; AT BROCK SCHOOL Aldred will be at Port Perry, and| ful gifts. Lunch was' served: by | room apartment, bed sitting room and |table,, pl ass top, four match 4 dren, of Toronto, were recent [Kitchen private' entrance. Abply Eo an RCH aru vieking| were beaten by the very elose S eeds At 75 guests at the home of Mr, and 8:15 P.M, . alnce Stree J + Evenin : ; ean } Pp ening Shows 7:00 P.M. Ok Root Binder Tented. eo | ENE {ables "hij fn new: condition. ® out the fall season, Gordon (Joe) | IMO 8.3022 after 7 255¢ able. Phone MO 8.3360; 1013 Centre| fp, H P d { 4 2 {from the game with a dislocated | rr Egg re | South Nov, 27|chonlder. 8 | A resident of Myrtle, convicted og Io ucers AT RDAY N Vv 9 h ' - + yesterday of speeding at 75 mph ' . t JOHN GIELGUD Meroantile Dept. Store, Whitby, Nov. Independent Service, MO 8-2081, Nov. 23 nt. ce wat meld a uisday that his next speeding conviction Ask Postpone " | coats with biack leather collars and private bath and entrance, by November | teresting costumes a ared, licence Donald Wilfred Tims, 25, H H Wear Q Poppy in Remembrance. BILL TRAVERS VIRGINIA McKENNA (buttons, Extra heavy nylon lining. 1st. Apply 326 Kent Street. Phone MO| There was a good attendtmoe and| appeared before Magistrate A. D. | e 1scite | Mercantile Dept, Store, Whitby. Nov, § _--_-- glar Rap J Ala Bla RI jn 2 5 tO ! . AE! \ . dorec ul | H1 4 BARI | | | ho) | FOR Rent -- Four roomed apartment FOR Tet! ie oF Pensioners with widgw | Which was an addition wor the PC Morley Nicholson told the Hog Producers' Association has | alg omantic couple preferred, MO 82398, 28¢c| Phone Brooklin 603 R 3 2%6c | car north on Brock St, then along| to postpone a plebiscite on whe: PARADE i and I ' > . he Ayo ha - | rm FROM PORT PERRY Highway 12 to Brooklin. He said ther to continue the present sys- : : 5 : AY, IY 8! (81D S | RI Mo | I ay Com Abpriment | PICTURE framing done. For quick Port Perry High School have that he pushed fhe cruiser to 80 fem of marketing animals Fall-in 6:30 p.m, To Whitby Baptist Church, [two children while mother works, Apply No. Sompletsq Riva) campaign doy and 85 Iph but failed to gain on through a producer-controlled co- £ M-G-M's NEW CINEMASCOPE AND METROCOLOR ROMANCE Brose Sheet Senin Boh ONT -- Ralmeont taken by, mistake | Pete uw total OF STOR 10 hel op ah RATT A FOR Sale ~ Grain Grinder: used one LOST + Salncoat taken by mistake ab|neited a total of $368.25 for the pc Ron Rankine also testified| The alternative would be for MOND Y, NOV. 11th 2970] prong 4 wt ; Phone MO 8-2108 2586 - forougnt Bn and. 2% a ane Tims until the accused slowed independently to meat packing ANNUAL REMEMBRANCE DAY FOR Rent -- Small five room hi 3 bre .S p prSec 5 g y Pe | FOR Sale -- White enamel annex oll Dundas strect East, oll on salesmen were David Milne, Eric down at the intersection fo High Companies. Both ty pgs of mal CENOTAPH SERVICE @ Jistove, with grill up top; 90 wallon oll {MO 8-3976 after ways 7 and 12, . d that ac keting have strong Support. Un- Ww '85 Chev, sedan, tone. 410 ne 9 anti inate ! ims' passenger sal C* der the co-operative plan, oper- ' i «HE MENACES WOMEN IN A Dundas West HOGAN, TWO ONe. Sih YOUNG couple with one child, requires NTS Of the. Certificate of Merit| cused had travelled no faster ated within be framework of the Parade at 10:30 a.m. reaths will be placed in FOR Sale Baby's carriage, crib and|Pickering district, for Tecember 1. Gerald Reader; David Milne, Lin 'shin convicted T 4 oar bed. Phone MO Siam © gen Write 643 ThmerGazette, pe "*" asa da Diemert, and Miriam Harris His Worship convicted Tims alfjng Act, the packing companies heater, liké new, $70. Phone MO | was LIA which sold a total of advised by Chief Constable transport. to central assembly ) : 268b | MACHINE $307.50. Captain of the room was| (eorge Rankine that Tims had|Yards BANQUET |camera, and the faculty member| so at si avening .|ident of the association, told f f - KITT. flame 4 Madde | e ) |52 on that same evening inside ) : - All Veterans Invited waren | Manone Must De. poet Pg + ir all washing ma- |of the room J. E. Bavter receives! ihe town limits. His Wor: ip told Monday's meeting of 300 mem- | k iaranteed > 3 . \ 4 axl at { 'onduct slebiscite on the . : | Ard Bh This is the time of year when his licence on his next appear-| to condu af HOME _ insulation, hiowing method. | E. GASKIN Sadie Hawkins dances will flouz- ance on a speeding charge. Tims scheme . stemmed partly from Poppy Chairman, President. anitary why. Walter Ward, Whit PHONE MO 8-3886 {1sh, but the only scheduled Sadie had paid the fine for speeding agitation by the Ontario Truckers phone MO 52363. Dec {| » Dec, 8 Hawkins dance which has been|in town out of court and Shippers Association, '

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