Rc. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, November 5, 1957 13 (48--Real Estate For Sale [47--Automoblles For Sale|SO--Articles For Sale $1000 down six-room and [WE will our 1962 to 1956 sutomo-|GAS stove, three burner, excellent con. clapboard, ote close to school, bile vo BA pay you highest cash|dition, Phone RA 39248, 271 six years old. Has ASphalt drive, fenced pries. Seaway Motors, King est, USED furniture, we buy, iad wx change, to or buy all your house ,1"82 Chev, eoach, good eondition, heater, hold duseliogs, RA 851131, evenings tires, #725, Phone Bowmanville, (RA 5-1423, 19 Prince Street. Dec, 2 251 GUNS at sale prices, new and used, '5 Chev, 0 Cash . trade -Aerms, Provincial Tire and signal Helis, Co, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Beal washers ai Kelly , heater Call RA 54700. 50 off new "Wy TV, Oshawa's exclusive Beatty dealer, 81 King W. RA 5.5121, Noy, 30 NEW '58 Vrigidnire washers and dry- ors, world's fastest, rated No, 1 for cleanest clothes, lint removal and 4 est spin, Now at Kelly 7V, 0 King A v.30 43--Réal Estate For Sale |45---Reol Estate For Sale SMALL building, § x 10, suits R - room Bouse, ofl space heater, 3 |able. for sleeping cabin or ey Op ul rou well, incre Jot, 'miles 288¢ | good cy Port Perry district. |yeet, one mile north of Sunderiand, poly Box 440, Times 52500 with $1000 down, Phone Sunder | Gazette mi 293 |iand 10R3, Nov.2| 1% , Li ACTIVE Sods han alow. Blvd distriet, Convenient rehes, h RA |schools, shops and buses. Owner RA NOTth section, nearly new, ranch |FREEEH. CEM ER 12 he Sie "0 GE ATR "REL HOUSE with two apartments, four north west, meas Catholic and public |®ons:1" : rooms for owner. $4700 down, would ex- Owner will take SPECIAL -- Price from $14, shangs_for house Bear hot 56727, 91 Ontaria Strgel. 000 to $1200 for auiek sale, New six FOUR rooms, upstairs, on itsen Woad (Over $5000. 9609. room brick with stone front. i|South, One block fro water | Fubdivielon, U, Jones Broker. KA i from school, Lght| yu pey » bungalow, NHA approved lots, sewer and and best supplied. Children wélcomed. | oF Oe opor: | reasontbie. W MeAuly Realtor, 26 >5412 : RA 5-6086, Street, bed room FA bed subdivision, Hendy man's oppor: AE iy Wi wr. | WARM sunny furtihed Very central, "AD $3,500 DOWN , Phone RA § RA 5:5234, | Prince lly A " 253(' M0 83231, Every convenience ! ot if desired. A 39202 or 2 Athol East. nu Nearly new brick bungalow, decorated, three bedrooms, oluminum storms and screens, venetian blinds, Seporote laundry room, landscaped, close to school, Immediate possession, MILLBROOK 12-room brick home, on double lot, hot water heot- ing, gotage. Berries ond fruits perfect for income, Reasonable down payment. For gas stations, lunth coun- 50--Articles For Sale ALUMINUM Combination windows, doors, ond awnings, direct yuctory | prices, Cc' viol Homes Office." * ond Display Court, 28% Pork ' Rd. S., RA 8-8571, : Nov,7 HOUSE for sale on Fernhill 7 23-5087, PRIVATE sale, 'ss Pontinc 4 door deluxe two-tone, Radio, heater, turn Haal, backup wel " payment, RA iad x. I or feet condition. 351 Dunkirk, apply after 5 2581 Courtice i if i LUMBER : New 2 x 4 oll sizes. Sheath § ing lumiser from | x 4 t0 1 x 8 straight edge ond tongue ond groove. CEDAR chests. $1 down will hold your choice, Lane, Red Seal, Heirloom, ete, on | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 moos Street South, ov, 22 NEW mu Frigidaire price oily, S180 05, GRAC Pran. Rare: plies re, RA 59181, Nov.30 shape, $325 TRATES ef hs fe "~ up. atie hard 1957 Chev. two-door New skates $4.95 up. Largest sel top. 6,000 miles, Call Sordon wi * lin town. Drayton Cycle, Bond aler, 1780 4 9203, Ad BA A Dan- | East Nov. § forth. Howard 1.7847, 257¢ | YOU can be sure U i's 8 Westinghouse 1940 Ford sedan, A-1 condition. Winter. | automatic washer or dryer from Park. ized, 9250 or best offer. Phone RA Simcoe North, 5.0875. 258¢ ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to 20 per cent, Nine months to pay. For i : : Hi buy an econom display at Wellman's i951 Ford coach, good condition, Call RA 81783. w7e '$0 Ford Coach, in or best offer, Phone LARGE rooms, com. pletely furnished, including electric 1e- | heat, lights, eomtinuous bot water use of washing machine, Cen tral to Shopping Centre and Jowntown Suit 'working girl. $8 weekly, RA 5-207, i i i Parade of Homes i '8' fence posts ' clothes line poles. pa N. GREENBERG & SONS LTD, 308 Bloor St. E, RA 3.7333 FREE DELIVERY : - SINGLE furnished bedroom, Call WA [3-411 or apply 89. Cmadbura Sirest, TRFURNISHED two-room _apariment. Private Apply 183 Baseline, Bowmanville. 288 i ; i N Rossland Manor 6-room Bungalows and Split Levels, 32 way Television, 918 = w 28 ONE double bed, french walnut, mattress, Clean, in excellent spring condi. tion. RA 8.3167, 2891 " THREE ROOM self contained apartment, furnished, or unfurn- ished, suit adults, 806 Brock N., Whitby, Apt. 3, from 6 till 8 p.m. or RA 5-3214, 258e | 45--Reol Estate For Sale bath. NISHED basement » artment, , use bine. from Shopping Centre, children, 68 Westmount iret, large rooms with bath and 9... to downtown and shop- gentre. Call RA 3-9424, 88 rnished rooms, light central, Phone RA To Shmoos Bout dant rial, , laun. hom > fuenition, osuple preferred, sion, RA 85-8350. ROT Toor a ev: Pons RA 3495. 83 NED rooms, private bus, ., Immediate posses 283 pit on Pos welcome, Day care RA 58143, 284 "pn. Bond floor, Tmedinte 3 ehild desired. furnished apartment on floor Private entrance and + peivatt bath. RA 56-0747. We « yoOm apartment, heated, " wiring, wain floor. RA Solis Sooms for rent. furnished e¢ un- SGM Pla Te. Bu in private home. South, = ART i a shed, , Available De- Road North. Des.1 ber 1, 103 Wilson ne room brick house, eentral. te possession, Phone RA 85-3455 Ba it private entrance. -- o welcome. RA 5.1322. i two-room apartments, heat, Aw vx 2 supplied, A due Courtice. Phone RA 37 Jon iawED Hght housekeeping Toon | A gen en. Central. RA 35-4378 ia] +Modern: two bedroom apartment electrically equipped, best loca- tion, $105. RA 8.8676 2561 " SMALL STORE FOR RENT Or ground floor office, very central, on Prince St. West side between Gray bus station nd King St. Phone RA Lars, 2531] NEW HOMES | . FOR RENT 115.00 per month; 3 bed- rooms, Near 401, between Farewell and Wilson Road. Coll RA 5.3539 between 9 em, ond 5 pm, « yoom wifurnished partment, | a 1 25 ft. by 110 ft, located on Cubert na LO 03 BA Bom, Brand new five end six room modern brick and stone bungalows in new sub-divi- sion, All large rooms, with large kitchen, oll heating, hot water tank and laundry tubs. K. and R. Construction, PHONE RA 8.8355 AND RA 8.5234. | Ristow & Olsen REALTORS SUBURBAN LIVING FOR LESS On Townline Road North, two yeor old bungalow, with et- toched garage. Modern kit chen, 4-piece tiled both, liv- ing room, dining room, bedrooms, Toxes $128, Over on acre of land. Priced ot $7,950. Owner will carry mortgoge. For particulars coll Jeon Peacock at RA 5-6165 or RA 5.4330 evenings. $1,000 DOWN Six-room storey ond a holf off Ritson Rood South neor school with texes of enly $130. Coll Hilda Ristow at RA 5-6165 or RA 5.360% evenings. BLOOR ST, TWO STOREY Six-room brick home with a new gas furnace, hardwood floors throughout, Situoted on @ lot 60 x 140, Close to ond Bw i i. we sl Jon Miller RA -2993 enytime. NEW BUNGALOW WITH BASEMENT APARTMENT N.H.A, Resale, One year old. Three bedrooms, aluminum doors, storms end screens. Good income from bosement apartment, Close to new GM. plant. Priced right ot $12,500 with recsoneble down payment end monthly payments of only $56, Let me show you this one. Coll Jay Gore of RA 5.6165 or RA 5.5370 evenings, FOUR BEDROOMS THREE BATHS Suburban: on Number Twe Highway, ettached garage, beautifully finished recrea- tion room, laundry room, stone fireplace, breakfast room, summer house, enclos- ed ravine lot with stone bar- bacue. Substantial down pay- ment required. Inspection by colling Poul Ristow ot RA 5-3412 or RA 5-8153 eve- nings. OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY $1,500 down end one mert- gage payments ot reasonable interest, Owner's six room home on triple lot In Port Perry near new school. Ad- ditional acreage available. Immediate possession and e property you owe it to your- self to see. Call Poul Ristow at RA 5.3412 or RA 5.8152 evenings, RA 5.6165 RA 5-3412 19 ATHOL ST. WEST | OSHAWA PHOTO CO-OP 257¢ 44--For Rent 2584 NOW RENTING Parkwood Apartments Oshawa's Finest Apartment Locdtion: * Park Rd. N. ond King St. District, ® 2,Bedréom Apartments & Early Possession For Information Apply 167 PARK RD. N. ® Many, Many Features Nov.25 | Beal Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate BUY OF THE WEEK an exceptionally fine home located central to town ond with oil heating, paved drive and oll the extras Herp is Somp e on 2-storey plan, this home is with 2-bedrooms and bathroem in a self-contained opartment upstairs, four rooms ond bath down. Only $],950 down. NEW N.H.A. HOMES - $1,700 DOWN We ty. s are complete rooms, brick veneer, ond oll the extras. further information, Wilson, 927 BOND ST. EAST q a complete selection of new homes in oll ports. of the For Sale Built quite adaptable for subletting with oil heating, three bed- Cell this office for Realtor RA 5-6588 Nov.26 All with Garages or Carports. N.H.A. FINANCED Down Payments from $3,400,00 For information please call RA 3-22645 Walter R. Smith ters ond forms, inquire et the office. BROKER 846 SIMCOE ST. N. DIAL RA 3-2911 2580 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. 6 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA, ONTARIO L] Why Pay Rent? MODEL HOME Immediate Possession TERMS LIKE RENT with ' SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS NO SALARY REQUIREMENTS This contemporary bungalow features: 1. landscaped lot; 2. latest brick; 3. large roof overhang; 4. aluminum windows; 5, tasteful decorating in oils; 6. large modern bedrooms with spgcious closets; 7. glass-lined hot water tank; 8. forced warm air hating. ASK ABOUT OUR TRADE-IN-PLAN W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED RA 5-8831 LLOYD REALTY RA 8-5123 93 SIMCOE N, OPEN EVENINGS CITY LIMITS EAST $1,500 down Is all you need to move In this lovely bun- galow, Three bedrooms, oll eating, | acre tot, Full price $8,900. For more informe- tion call Doug Hurst, RA -5 CENTRAL PARK Low down poyment Forced air oll heat Patio in back Plumbing upstairs income, 5. Aluminum doors end win- dows, For an appointment to see this home phone Bob Harris RA 8.5123, A HOUSE WITH A VIEW See this beautiful N.H.A, resale overlooking Loke On- tario, Three bedrooms, lovely kitchen with dinette attach. ed to living room. You con move in right away in this hillside home. As low os $1,500 down, Coll. Doug Gower ot RA 8.5123, 1, 2, 3. 4 for SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, REAL ESTATE ~~. 6 SIMCOE Ni OFF HARMONY RD. NORTH Spacious six-room brick bungalow high en a hill overlooking the whole city. This executive home features 3 lovely size bedrooms, |I 2 beothrooms, each with ceramic tile and built-in vanity, The living end dining room walls on one side are almost entirely of glass. 2-cor garage, chalot style fireplace. This whole home Is unique ond custom built to exacting specifications, and in en area of fine homes. We would be glad to show you this home ot your conyenience, CENTRAL PARK BLVD. SOUTH 46--Real Estate Wanted CASE for reasonably cod A Hurry and call W, MeAue Postion. 1 Prince Street, RA 3.2513, MO 47 --Automebiles For Soke 68 I iiide, 1680. power brakes, stee dows, tronic dimmer, radio, nylon seat eov- oors. 5-728 1857 Chevrolet sedan dell old, run only 24,009 miles. stration contact M, J. Wright, General Printers, Oshawa, 86 87 Del Ch ach, power. shade-lite fins, Soalety belts, RA 32728, 28B7e ne, fully equipped with ring, seats and win. Automatic transmission, elec: Ufeguard tubes ete, Phone RA 4. dd § months 'or demon. $10,300 ~-- Reduced by $1,200.00 for quick sale. Five-room 1M9 Pontiac sedan, RA 35-2783. Apply 1326 Cedar Street, persona RA 52002 service at your home esll } Dec. 4 5 Ford Customline motor, completely awa, Renchwagon, rew refinished, This tiful automobile selling for only Hy Seawsy Motors King West, On tre A and heating supplies, LL mbin Phone' RA (x Harold R. Stank Lid, 50. 51--Swop and Barter | 4 ptt Aid RCA Plumbing, Heating and " 258 Simcoe Street South. Nov, CONVERT your old serial to all new, rotor and all channel aerial. Ome yr. ga 2» Wi stove, trailer, plumb. oll eook ing supplies, for 21-inch TV or what PH] have you, Chinns, RA 3.7068, Decl. guar. $60.95. Kelly TV, RA 8-8121, 49 Pontiac five-passenger eoups. We Nov, have two of these popular models to choose from. Only $198, Seaway Motors, MUFFLERS, tailpipes and pipes for Jive exha ear at the price you two bag. Phone =F Gallard Seen King West, Oshawa, '51 Ford Deluxe Custom, Hadio, new battery, new tires, good transportation at very low price. $345, Saway Mo- tors, King West Oshawa, 288 '3% Word Fairline Tudor finished in powder blue, Has er steering, install, North, RA want to pay. We Supply, Simcoe stripes. 3 estimates, Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Oshawa, Nov. AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay Prompt service. Free coat, RA 34124, 67 Cadillac North, 181 5WE cooler, electric, loe-less, first class condition. Apply 156 William Ea 284 st side entrance. BROWN muskrat jacket, Elysian cloth . hr ] doll carage all size 16, One 'As New water pow Sacrifice sale price $1405. Seaway Mo- tors Dund Whitby. 256c {WE buy, sell and exchange used fur. 09 Wout d niture, RA 33371, Apply 44 Smee Street South ov. § RUGS and Broadioom. Special $6.95 sq. yard, All sizes. Various colors. Easy SEE "TED" CAMPIN fur | for Avenue, house, Apply 325 TTS N system Buena Vista We PORTABLE typewriter, reasonable, ash register, snap Gosired. RA 34434, for cash, Terms Mf ov, 17 French Head PARIS (AP) -- Finance expert Felix Gallard joday seemed as- T ONTARIO fAOTOR SALES terms.» Barons' Home Fumiisings a Simeoe Street South, ov, 23 30 #4, super bea stalled, For a new CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE, CADILLAC, or on O.K. Used Cor RA 5.6501 Residence RA 5-5574 Nov.28 | Rogers, Kelly TV, RA 5-5121, SABYAN MOTOR SOWIOR_siectric ragors, 0) ou home, Phillips, Westinghouse, Sylvani Motorola, RCA Vietor at Parkway Tele: vision, 918 Simcoe North. Nov.6 ol NO money down $100 for your old TV ni ranty, $40.80. Kelly ORTABLE front wheel slignment ma- on new '58 Admiral, Marconi, Philips, |g. Nov. 30 F never been used. Will price. Phone RA , one year wa TV. RA 85121, Nov. ma all channel aerial, war-| post-war premier with a wid sured of becoming France's 24th range of support in the National nly. The 37-year-old Radical Social Tah Con-list passed a crucial hirdle Sun. ~ day, winning promises of sup- ULL wet of Wearever aluminum, halt 2561 sell for port from the Socialists, Con. servative Independents and Gaul. lists. The socialists and Independ- rds and servi SALES LTD. heads, cords ce parts, eom stock, Meagher's Eleetrio, § King treet STUDEBAK IR VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE West, Nov, 334 RITSON KD, S., OSHAWA TA 2 speakers and radio, Sale onl gir ONTARIO TEL. RAndolph 3-346) Nov. y § Kelly TV, 81 King W. RA 85-5121, Nov PIANOS, phonographs and accordians accepted. as trade-in on TY sets. No money down, GMAC plan. Kelly TV, 81 King W. Nov.30 FRIGIDAIRE heavy duty ranges, new '8 model, four top elements, sealed pull out oven element, 3 year guar, $140.05. Kelly Frigidaire, RA 5.9181. Nov.30 NEW '58 Marconi HLF console, 3 15 NO DOWN PAYMENT DODGE SEDAN Mechanically A-1 New Tires $26.75 Per Month WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. WEST RA 5-0732 BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. Mercury, Lincoln, Meteor curs and Mer- cury Trucks, Safe Buy Used Cars. Two loca- tions to serve you bet- ter. 1271 Simcoe St. N. RA 3-4675 71 King Street' West LOVELY antique sofa, nicely Jebel. stered in perfect condition. RA 5- mn NEW '58 push button Hi-Fi taps re eorder, Bale price $160.95, GMAC } Plan. Kelly TV, Nov30 ORDERS taken for storm sashes, Measurements and estimates free. RA 3.4989, Nov. 20 OAK dining room suite, General Elec- trie refrigerator and stove, srystal electric fixture, two A in good conditien. Apply 488 Simcoe Street North. 292 LARGE space heater, wood stove, gas range, chrome table, two chairs, electric clock, heater, vacuum cleaner, ote; Reason for selling - leaving coun: try. Brooklin 612RS, 283 UPRIGHT piano, three-piece chester flold suite, bedroom furniture and elec- trie range. Phone RA 3.7079, 257 LADY'S black seal coat, winter cloth wut, size 18, Exosllent con: : , 59 Westmoreland Avenue, Oshawa, 27 CHILD'S orib, condition, HRA 58814. 179 Park North, be BONNIE Brae girl's ool and Jeggings, hat, size 3x, excellent condition, half price. RA 85-8478, PERSIAN lamb coat size 16, Latest styling, Original cost $800. Worn a few times, Will sacrifice. Phone RA 8.8272, 298¢ nu space frul electrie motors, 1-3 HP. Phone sa188, new. Worn y Apply. 18 Grenfell Street, Osha: including all stat, 3.2670, rent. $2.00 per tric, 5 King Street West, MEDIUM heater, Sell MEDIUM size oll Eaten Saba rtd r LI 5 258 | The Telegraph said, Two Paris 5.30. CHESTERFIELD sults, 53000 after 6 p.m, rm | FRIGIDAIRE condition. Phone RA 3.7061, WALNUT book case, good RA 8.2313. VACUUM cleaner, Fresindent sed. Snap or wi - ly w have vd Reasonable, RA 2981 excellent condition, Jaciet, #10. ©: J wine 14. #70. ATI novos 436 and 1 3m, Sob PIANO and bench, medium y tiful finish, lay k- Glenwood Crasesnt good condition. 2004 Crel Ny 163 Ritson Road oth price. onk Phone RA 85-4883 ( Telrigerator, model -- GRAIN Grinder, used one season; twol," vie" 'G condition, Apply 187 MO | Nassau CHROME top rangettes, four elements, ents agreed to serve in heats, oven HA Kelly Frigidaire, RA saa, i a-------------------- lamb coat, like ONE black Persian Ro abl -5121, a, 28 THREE 83 channel UHF aerial (17) t st Kelly TV. RA with every rotor y 'Nov. 30 t, 8 major vie for Gal lard oy He already had been assuréd of backing from his own party, i/a badly divided middle-ofpthe- road grou; the Popular Repub- lican Movement, Catholic and somewhat left of centre; and NEARLY oll fired gravity futnace, nchadio all pipes, control and thermo- ced for quick sale, Phone ah "Winchester Tile, §ood condition, ge Yinche 16 Ritson reasonable, Apply orth, Road 2840 other small groups, The Communists and right wing Poujadists are almost cers tain to oppose him when he goes before the National Assembly Tuesday to ask for investiture.' GIVES MOMENTUM $1.00 per % portable eievision $1.06 per v. 26. |vide Khrushchev with just "These demonstrations of tech. nological success certainly re. kind of momentum that am- Road North , venetian blinds. Reasonable, refrigerator, Ir RA 8 excellent d pt Thursday, the 40th anniversaryef bitious rulers formerly found ful milita: paigns," n newspapers, aro and Parisien Libere, » ted the Soviet Unlon wi aunch a rocket to the moon rev fon 4) with w you, typowri Apply th 258b e An Indian foreign ministry of ficial in New. Delhi said the h degree of Soviet Secimology vealed by the new satellit "makes old on word "Human "he! ¢ | 'needs n ey |dimensional, transpla nt, Look, It must get out of the rut thinkings thinking eentury, ' power-politiey te at all 5 oul hd Ul Lhd ooring, & Street, Oshawa. tion, 238 258¢ '| Tax Board Decision Appealed FULLY automatic rangette like new, Phone RA 3.3236 after 6, o $250 cash. Phone 231 brick home just three and o half years old. Completely decorated, herdwood and rubber tile floors, 3 bedrooms, heated by oil, Just | block from St. Hedwig's Catholic Church, 'SUNSET HEIGHTS Five-room brick bungalow with garage located on a fully lend- wn , mechanical condition, A-1 sha ain. Call MA 3-5683 Bowman WRECKING selling all block. Call RA 5 RA 8-1431 Nov.9 |§8--Automobiles Wanted "TORO" Tit Arbor saw steel top and extensions complete with Toro stand Pontiac hardtop I! . Bar 0 after 284¢ 42 Ford % ton plekup, arts; also '85 Chev, V8 6007 scaped lot, Close to schools, bus and shopping. This six-yeor- |'48 Pontiac custom built, radio big eight, good size | 490d, condition, $200 cash. Phone a old home is comprised of 3 bedrooms, living room, ang kitchen. Heated by new oil furnace. * Home throughout In im- | maculate shope, Full price $11,700.00. | BEFORE SIX PLEASE CALL RA 3.2265, AFTER SIX PLEASE CALL Bill McFeeters RA 5-1726 Steve Macko ,. RA 5.0771 Reg. Aker .... RA 5-020) Don Poole .... RA 5-8489 25 L.S.SNELCROVE 1957 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, and beige, walls, under 6,000 miles, excellent con dition, Owner moving e : powerglide, radio, White: Must sell, Could 1958 CHEVROLET, brand new Including power glide transmission, heater and de- froster, full price $2,175. Cash trode or terms. Peter Drvies, Ontario Motor Soles, RA 5.6508, 2581 CO. LTD. « 43 PARK ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA LOOK $3,800 DOWN 5 room, 3 bedroom newly decorated brick & stone home Just o few years old, modern tiled kitchen, tiled bathroom, full high basement, laundry tubs, oil furnace, beautifully landscaped lot with paved drive and centrally located north of King $. In east section, Call Sid Martyn RA 3.9810. 50-ACRE FARM S room, § bedroom insulated home, 3 piece bath, electric hot water, copper plumbing, bank barn approximately 34 x 86 ft. about 40 acres workable, located on highway with bus service including school bus, Full price only $8900 with $4000. Cell | Keith Peters RA 5-876] .or evenings RA 5-4162. ( PRICED TO SELL 6 room 1)4 Storey home, clean os '6 new pin, large rooms, ell modern, full basement, oil heating, 'large well landscaped lot, private drive ond double garage, located near St. Gertrudes school and ¢hurch, Full price $8900. Call Sid Martyn RA 3.9810, $6,700 FULL PRICE 5 room, 3 bedroom bungalow, family size kitchen with cupboards, living room 18 x 24 ft. 3 very good bedrooms, 2 piece bathroom, large lot, location south west. Down payment $1700. Coll Keith Peters RA 5.8761 or evenings RA 5.4162, GENTLEMAN'S FARM 120 acres choice market garden land, well situated for subdivid- Ing, excellent buildings complete with hydro and running water 6 room home with 3 piece bath, located on paved road east of Oshawe. Call Sid Martyn RA 3.9810, $3,500 DOWN 2 storey 6 room brick home well constructed, everything of the best in material and workmanship to equal its desirable location east of city limits on No, 2 highway. If it is a better than average home you are locking for call-Keith Peters RA 5.8761 or even. ings RA 5.4162 to inspect. S0-ACRE RANCH Choice pasture land partly wooded with excellent trout stream, Tyrone area, full price $3500. Coll Sid Martyn RA 3.9810. 50-ACRE RANCH 35 acres choice workable lond, balance in bush with small stream, grovel possibilities Contractors should see this, $5000 full price. About '8 miles from Oshawa. Call Keith Peters RA 5.8761 or evenings RA 5.4162 Building Lots in Orono, Call office RA 5-8761 or RA 3-9810 258¢ Any of these cars may be purchased with $10 Down to | 361 BLOOR ST. EAST SPECIAL SALE IN "AY! USED CARS 1955 METEOR RIDEAU SEDAN, excellent con- dition, two-tone paint, custom radio with heater $1495 CHEV, COUPE, extra clean cor with refin- ished paint ... $495 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, custom radio with heater... $495 MERCURY SEDAN custom radio, heater, sharp cleon car, $425 METEOR COACH per- fect condition, with slip cover and heater . $395 METEOR COACH good running con- dition $378 SPECIAL MONARCH SEDAN good running condi tion, radio, signal lights and heater $250 Responsible parties. BUCK'S BODY SHOP | DODD MOTOR SALES | Davenport Suites |-- | DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU UNION MADE IN OSHAWA NASH ALUMINUM DOORS | XESHO as. new best offer secures, Auto Wreckers want cars Hogi Highest prices paid, RA|RR 3 Brock North Whitby. 51181 or RA 58-1182, Nov. 8|NEW lumber. drill press and Jigsaw. WANTED nice clean car '88 or '37 for| hone RA 5.4707. 2801 cash, Apply 72 Cadillac South after 5/GIRL'S winter coat like new size 11. p.m, or RA 3.9686, No agents. 257/(12 jumper size 10 boys' coats 8 and CWO "|12, Phone Ajax 928, 2088 Highest Prices Paid For SWAND Tow Dit ower sew Fone 40, 2581 GOOD CLEAN [Fs Leyland 258¢ Coffee Tables Step End Tables .... End Table with Shelf $8.98 Kitchen Cupboards, Wardrobes, etc. Choice of Finish, GAGNON HARDWARE and WOOD SPECIALTIES 485 Ritson Road RA 5.2039 Dec. | ATR compressors portable and station. CARS ary gasoline motors, electric motors, car radio, Mama record player, motor bloyele. rontenac Avenue Any Make or: Model RA 5.9216, 4 B, F. Goodrich Stores, tires, batteries, Kelvinator, refrigerators, television, Thrifty budget plan, RA 5.4543, Dec, 2 USED tires most all sizes 83 up B, ¥, Goodrich Store, RA 5.4543 Dec. 2 GIRLS' coats 314 Park Rd. S., RA 3-9421 Dec.2 ¢ CLEAN CARS WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID TRADE UP or DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS 137 King St. W. © RA 5-0732 Nov §0--Articles For Sale REAL SEAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS Now Only $16.75 each, delivered e For any two-litd window. ® Regardless of size. ® Installed $3.00 extra, 11, red with navy velvet trim, Navy tweed, size 14x. RA 5-5258 after 6.30 p.m. 288¢c KENMORE rangette with cairod ele. ments, price $50. Apply 784 Eastglen Drive, 2580 86" wood turing machine, 4 horse power motor with tools, In very good condition, Phone RA 85-2074, 288¢ CAR radio, Separate loud speaker, Grundig, $35. Phone RA 5.8883, 286f PORTABLE 3-speed phonographs, Mar. conf mantel radios. Sale $24.95, Kelly TV, 81 King W. Nov, 30 NEW F 'frigs., full size freezer chest, removable door sheives, butter keeper, 5 yr. guar, Regular $300 value, only $199.95. Kelly TV. Nov, 30 VILAS maple furniture, ing room All suites, ete. Open stock. Ea Home Furnishings, South, SALE 3linch TV sets, fa oe wood sabinets, full 179. Kelly TV, 81 King W, FOR THE VERY BEST IN COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS -- WINDOWS Priced To Save You Money For Immediate Delivery Call JACK SHERIFF SALES FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION KoolSide Metal Awnings they open ond close from inside the house, PATIO COVERS--CAR PORTS PORCH RAILINGS Ask to see the only door with double porthole construction for double strenath, Phone RA 3.3775 Day or Night, Nov.22 Ask to see our new eombina- tion doors -- they are 1)a Inches thick; and our triple track storm windows = with all geon tracks, For Free Demonstration 736 LAURENTIAN AVE, No Obligation "WINTER SEAL"~--"KRYLASTIC" windows. "WINTER SEAL" -- A (See the new Jal-O-See), Aluminum Awnings and Canopies, awnings. "'KOOL-SIDE" -- Awning: and close from inside." Fireplace equipment, and Wrought Toronto prices. ; Nov.16 40 Chesterfield, Bed-Chesterfield 15 PRINCE STREET AND | LES EVENISS -- RA 3.2707 "BEAUTI- THE VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE weather-proofed Storm-Screen luminum Combination Doors, "KOOL LITE AWNINGS ~Ventilated See the newest in adjustable s and Conopies. 'They open DOR" ---- Shower enclosures, Iron Roilings and furnishings, LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED RA 5-4632 DON HOWE -- RA 5.0313 Oct.25 ALWAYS ON DISPLAY BRADLEY'S FURNITURE DRIVE-IN 299 Simcoe St. STORM WINDOWS 94 Bruce Phone RA 5-4513 | 258e South (JUST BELOW CENTRAL HH nar COLLEGIATE) rede RA 5-1646 Nov, 1 RA 3-2219 M. Glecoff RA 3-7051 JALOUSIES St. N. Cutler RA 8-8642 OTTAWA (CP)--Revenue ister Nowlan has announced the overnment will appeal to the xchequer Court of Canada against an income tax appeal board judgment affecting income taxes of Quebec married coupl Replying Monday to a recen Commons question by Claude Richardson (L -- Montreal St Lawrence-St, George), Mr, Now- lan said the decision was made on the advice of the law officers of the revenue and justice de pattems. i board A e tax appeal board judgmen upheld a claim by a Quebec taxe payer whose marriage came ums der Quebec's community of pro; erty law, It ruled that the h band could pay tax on half his income and that his wife could pay tax on the other half. n some cases, the tax on the two halves would result in pay- ment of less taxes than if levy was on the whole amount earned by the couple. London Gets Police Dogs, Rid Shortage, LONDON (AP) -- London's po. lice department is using mors" than 200 dogs. 4 "Their use is being at leash, partly stimulated by the shorta of human recruits," says a sur vey by an organization called" Political and Economic Planni It Jeports the dogs are usefill, especially at fight -- "the mere. appearance of a police dog in ough district has a salutary ect." British policemen go unarmed; The dogs have good teeth. That has something to do with the sal. utary effect. | The police department started using Labradors, but switched Alsatians (German shepherd dogs). 1 ] ) ely. + a | Hospital Scheme 3 Won't Be Discussed: OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-. {ter Diefenbaker has indicated to the provinces that national hos: pital insurance should not be a' subject for detailed consideration at this month's federal-provincial fiscal conference. - The indication is contained in a letter sent by Mr. Diefen: baker last Thursday to provincial Jremiers confirming that the coy:® erence will be held in Ottawa" Nov, 25 and 26. He tabled the letter in the Commons Monday." Mr, Diefenbaker's letter pro- posed that the Nov, 25-26 confer ence be followed by a second" conference at a later date, He gave no indication when a second conference might be held hut pro- posed that it "consider 'specifie Nov. 28 proposals arising out of our first , meeting.' 3