Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 4 Nov 1957, p. 39

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BE TI 8 ndeewd soho STTISA EMIT ¢ Gi Anahi don TIAGO Cie - unt Combined Name Rez. - : - CE Many Faithful Members Serve |St. David's Society| T™¢ PALY THES SAZETL Mende. Merember 4 1057 2 + 'Tonekela, Others First, Motto | Of Valued Members Of i te | Knox Presbyterian Church WMS | Has Women's Club 1 5 jes' Aug Patriarchs Militant Of Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE | tian is 2 scp ia intrating comparicon. : Yomon: got oor resbicin Garh, Soorl of Homer, Che re 3 gun: won women wio| |S High Order Of Oddfellows fend of daahuele (saidie dold sei sald wt 8 Sesser hme Mad swdelote § % OR wdmeeal odbaell FTTRTUHIRUT THAS BR TE » : H . ely of Knox Presbyterian Church, | Goforth of Honan, China. are a group of Welsh women who Auxiliary of the Woman's Mis- - I' A Osh was organized on Feb.| To the women of our church an | meet the first Monday of every Society of Simcoe. Street ial : 18, 1925 when the following offi- | invitation is extended to join the | month. "Fhe Tannery Ladies' Auxili Church organized on A A H cers were elected: President,| WMS and lend a helping hand to| This enables them to plan some has had a very successful ay at a meeting : Mrs. (Rev) A. C. Reeves; Ist|its great task in the world today, |of the events which take. place | '€% aC 8 Weey I ay IE ES th Avon Ross vice-president, Mrs. Jas. Cor-|that of hastening the day, when | during the year. Among them be-| Lo FREHOEs, BOTA oF Our charitable work is dons mack: 2nd - vice-president, Mrs. |the knowledge of the Jord shall Ne he Saud angus: Males Our president is Sister Pearl | mostly for residents of Fairview Miss Jessie a Sreasuren, Sover the earth, as the waters boetiner on this occasion to pay |Badour; vice - president, Sister | Lodge. Small radios and twe RES Tp ie its {3 iF i i Bl I sil af *|izenship secretary, Miss Tidings secretary, Mrs. H. M.| President, Mrs. James Cor- Day ing the summer there is a|ter Doris Craggs: sick convener, | joyed the bus trips we sponsored. Mountjoy; literature secretary, Gilchirs!; Welcome and Welfare mack; 1st vice - president, Mrs. | OWHES B98 SUOREEE FOE FL Sister Viola Magee; auditors, Sis- | We sent a CGIT girl to summer "Miss Evelyn G . . secretary, Mrs. Wm. Dandie; |L. H. Beecroft; 2nd vice-presi- Po | ter Josephine Tripp and Sister |camp and helped with a boys' %. press secretary, Miss Marian dent, Mrs. M. McGregor: secre- | children. | Myrtle Magee baseball banquet, and donated te Leask. tary, Mrs. A. T. Findlay; treas-| Atl Christmas we have a chil- | Bingo committee Sisters Pearl | current chacitable drives. The motto of the WMS is "The |urer, Mrs. D. M. Polson; Wel-|dren's party. Badour, Myrtle Magee, Doris| We hold a picnic in the sum» World for Christ" and the so-{come and Welfare secretary,| There are over one hundred | Cragzs' Viola Magee, Mina Wil-| mer for families of the Auxi ciety's aim is to stimulate the|Mrs. S. B. Coles: Glad Tidings | members in the society. son, Florence Kitchen, Yvonne and a Christmas Party for interest of the women of the secretary, Mrs. T. L. McEach-| The officers are President, {Shepperdson, Rita Goodfellow, Tazuery Workers children. church in Missions both at home | ern; hale secretary, Mrs. J. A.|Mrs. David Munkley; vice presi- | Louella Homes, Grace Gledhill,| The ies' Auxiliary help in and abroad. It is a disappoint- | Swindells. dent, Mrs. S. J. Simpson; secre- | Josephine Tripp. any way ible the men's Local ment that so many women are| It is interesting to note, that|tary, Mrs. B. C. Nott: treasurer,| The only means of raising '205 to which they are affiliated. 3 utterly indifferent to that great|two of our original officers are| Mrs. A. Evans; sick list convener, | . \ task that the Master left behind | still with us, but we regret very Mes Gerald Sul; press Topusier. . ili a i Gol - : : to do. All must face up to the much that we are losing two of | Mrs. Rol . vs; : InL 0 Pr T H-S . . Srl fact that the Lord's I com- | our members in the near future. | Mrs. Murdoch Mackay, Mrs. ean T OoSperous mes Down through the years the = mand was "Go ye into all the| Mrs. Robert Meek, a faithful | Isaac Hughes. Mrs. David, Push : name, Harvey-Hunt, has been a ns . ' world and preach the Gospel." |freasurer for so many years, is|Mrs. R. Williams, Me Mos, : Dal Sch 1 Let each one of us ask herself [leaving Oshawa, along with her |Jones, Mrs. Thomas Roche, Mrs. as 1S a 00 this question. "What am I doing | husband to make their home at | Patrick Chappell Sr. . to carry out this Seuiinand? Chippewa, Ontario, and Mss S. Li Cedar Dale Home aud fhe present time the Association ry The ideal society woul come | B. Coles, wife of our minister, . ool Association was organiz as supplied a mimeograph ma- Y 0 u R Cc A R D E S E R Y E S | T into being, when every woman | Rev. Stuart B. Coles, along with Helping Hand Aux. early in 1924 with Mrs. F. Robson | chine to the school, sweaters for member of the Christian Church | their children will be moving to as its first president. the hockey and baseball teams, THIS WINTER! became a member of the Wom- | Medicine Hat, Alberta. Has Met Regularly The earliest records available | shorts for the Annual Field Day votional part of our meeting. We pray that God's richest begin in on hat gear the ac- Sonissalty, Crusis for he plan o Monthly meetings are spent in | blessing will follow them to their vities of ssociation in- | ers of winning teams, ua Protect your investment with this attractive a study pir -- the | new Bos and that our loss will| FOF Over 40 Years cluded the purchasing of a piano | pins for Grade, 8 students, alse 8 book designated for the WMS as | be another church's great gain. : J for use in the school, milk for for the gr t Garage. i's a REAL BUY in either size. a whole. Each member taking Es The Helping Hand Auxiliary the children and a number of During the past year we had some part throughout the year. ' was organized over 40 years ago, a . . a speakers on Health, Citizenship, 12 fe. x 20 % including Two Epo Woo look after the de- St. Gertrude Ss CWL when it functioned as a Sunday 4 On account of financial distress and Parent Education. Funds for 14 fe. x 20 fo overhead door. voitonal part of our meeting, . School class on Sundays, as well | during years id the the yearly activities were raised . The Welcome and Welfare Sec- H Ei h Cc as meeting once a month at a|it was found necessary 1s 2 by a booth at the field day at a place to store retary receives the names of| 1414S L1J t TOUPS | mid - week evening meeting. |school in a ens and. book, | Alexandra Park, a bazaar and a »| along with other IODE chapters d i . NO CASH REQUIRED PEOTIE Coming Troms Ohas Tands aig Unlike most Sunday School] DY Providing glasses a S| candy sale. »|in the region also help prepare garden tools too. , and it is her duty to call and|, St Gertrude's Subdivision of | ® ering Hand Auxiliary | for indigent pupils. Balls and | "po Lo purchased -|and serve lunch to New Cana- i a Nat > give them an invitation to wor-| the Catholic Women's League Bitar ed n et in the same | Pats Were also sapplied to 1934 | SPOTts equipment for the school dians receiving their citizenship > ship and extend a friendly greet-| Was organized in February, 1952. aye -- Frog a the perid oy ues. | in recognition of the winning - A. :| papers in Whitby. ;. | Substance to support those who Budget Buy For As ing to them, and make them feel | Since then there have been 4 ;| teams. There was a Grade : ns fe ls unds to carry out these vari- 3 : § grown and now totals young married women. Of the original 15 members 10 are siill active in the chapter. Meetings are held on the fourth g £ : 2 fa 1 Fe 13 ] 5g B= MRS. WALTER FAMME sumers Association, Red Cross, Women's Welfare League, Civil Defence, and Hospital Auxiliary. Donations have been made to: The National Emergency Relief "| Fund, the Korean Project Fund, + | The Peace Garden Fund, and the Provincial Chapter"s workroom. Cartons of pocket novels are also sent to Canadiana troops in Korea. The Golden Jubilee Chapter, HAL i i gE 5 4 » " pi x 3 : toi close companionship is a mark-| euchres and bridge parties, sales a : Nu, ; are able to go and preach. at home in their mew eaviron- many Social and fund - Talsing ed characteristic of this -group, | of home cooking and candy, lawn rong Mall Fong F. L. Baldry and Mrs. Alfred | O'S Projects oe raised in nUm-| oo operation with the other or- ment. / Co as, piv _ ADDUA'| which is felt by mew members| socials, afternoon teas, and| 4 oF TN ted to the vie, Ballantyne. bi ous ways. The Snapler, holds ganizations of the WMS family Low As 1600 Monthly A bale of clothing and quilts is intima Party, and sup. | Who have joined our Auxiliary. i : esi. | torious football and hockey teams o The Honorary Regent is Mrs. | joper aud 2yally, eos in | for united activities, calls on sick, a Ee aa plied the ms on To For a_number of years How _ | and.there was a Christmas treat TK right and Pod Night of Cards is held sach year : The group receives a yearly |of the Garden Party. the Auxiliary has stopped meet- i for the children. in January. V. i : > in a 2 ; ' 2 ; ing on Sunday, but keep up its } | Following is a list of the pres- Stint, Each meeting features a | sates ary. i ua mage J 4 DON'T DELAY ANOTHER DAY -- DO I NOW) . allocation from Toronto Presby-| During the past year, the 4 ; peaker, an throughout vities, . i i i i y ivi i thly meeting. i . ent slate of officers for 1957.98 terial, which is met by volun- membership was divided into mon educational * ' film, or a brief 1h year, and for the past {wo years a 3 . a tary contributions. eight groups, each with a group-| Some of the activities of the il wi .| President, Mrs. George Thom- late interest in 10DE Work of | borg luncheon for. the © Loria | shiD. 5. = 5 SNR A 4 SRR iL ele (FY 2 six _principal| "Members of the chapter work | Hunt Auxiliary tries to carry its | | VN{EE-- a kK objectives as stated in its broch- | hard to make each event a suc- | share Ne SAY x x Tribute should be paid the in. Helping Hand Auxiliary are help-| Lyman Gifford as president son; vice-president, Mrs. Alym |] foe taithfal Ee dio the A cial executive includes: | BE the Susday. School, buying 1941. Elliott; vice-president, Mrs. Joha N | | 3 Cc J:\'A FE past years, especially Mrs. John | president Mrs. A. Neil: Ist vice.| Cradle Roll magazines and pa-| During the war years the Asso- | Moore; recording secretary, Mra. SIRE NI Te ' COMPANY . ox © Seaypmrt= v : Di pers, helping and visiting shut-| ciation, while still contributing to | Harry Blanchard; corresponding rE y ite Memmoron president, Mrs. G. Digman; 20d | ing gp Christmas and Easter, giv-| the school and its students, also secretary, Mrs. Alex Wasiluk; in The WMS to many of the la- vice-president, Mrs. W. Arm-|ing money to missions, making was able to donate much in the | treasurer, Mrs. Gerald Godfrey; ure. They are: The 1956 membership totalled 1. To stimulate patriotism. Sess. Thanks to the response and 64. At Ho mn the : : »g | Strong; 3rd vice - president, Mrs. | pegjackets, pillow cases, and | way of knitted goods and clothing | executive members Mrs. Bem 2 To f co-operation of the public the |64. end of irst year dies, as did also the Women's 2 Poet » » my oster unity in the em-| Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE is | the financial remittance to head- iati V. Kelly; corresponding secre-| other gifts for cancer patients. |to the bundles for Britain, this |nard Lounds, Mrs. Albert Hutch Association of the church, conse- . gt pal HS 11 3. To assist the N able to continue it swork in Osh- . quently most of the members| ary: Mrs. C. Qullerts; record. | The officers of the Helping | Was Sete Wiih the Soopefalion | In% MES orion Bikquaid, Mea ada in farth uth Ia Can-| awa year after year. i bave received this great honor. ing secretary, Mrs. J. . | Hand Auxiliary are: Honorary with je in Cross. s up to Flicler ey: . tion thering efyea- > To Mrs. David Archer, Mrs. Seam, rs, 8. OBrien; SPIf- | president, Mrs. J. K. 7 tervening years up fo! : . John Buchanan, Mrs. A. Ww, |!ual director, - ¥. Mahoney. | president, Mrs. Russel Coulson; Bet o herish Ho Hemury o| Duke of Edinburgh Smith, Mrs. A. Sparks and M:s | In this time, much has been | secretary, Mrs. Alex Arkwright: 5 h foe Shey Chas. McLennan is owed a debt accomplished. Any funds raised | treasurer, Miss Madeline Kelly; aid to Peact and war to give H&S As 3 ti , of gratitude for their loyalty and | have helped to build our new | pianist, Mrs. Chas. Read; flower personnel ee ax servis sociation . devotion to the cause of Mis-|school and church. In addition | convener, Miss Hazel Barrie; 6. To Fon, higher citizen. sions, as well as to many others. | to these activiti es we have repre- | sewing convener, Mrs. J. Shortt; ship ves all citizens, oe ish Youn and Stron Two Thank-Offering meetings | sentatives at the Red Cross| Ways and Means, Mrs. Gordon and Pant Fry : g 9 are held in the year at which Svorns, TB asSoeiatien, Hospital | Magee, Mrs. Douglas Xe; per, conveners ome School Asso- v there are special speakers. The | Auxiliary, Well « Baby Clinic, |press reporter, Miss elen Pi] Shaper, Pa Poni Eom Foy formed during very first guest speaker, in No-'Fairview Lodge. Boddy. further these aims, the last decade, nome of which Educationally, the chapter has || x donated funds to the i Bo Edinburgh Chapter for scholarships to aid |Home and School Association. : worthy students. Locally, the |SParked into formation by the 2 chapter presents prizes for pro-|OShawa Home and School Coun- CO.'LTD. Ne ficiency in English and History cil and Suided Hrviign Fa initial TT -- to students in Grades 9, 1 organization an _ function: and 12 at the OCCL It aso rpos. | S1ages by the first president, Mrs. 81 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE RA 3-7641 sors (wo adopted schools, one at | Stephen Saywell, it quickly be- McKarrow, Ont., and the other | C2Me an active and integral part . More Owners Are on Georgina Island. Books for |°f the educational program of their libraries, pictures, Christ- | the South Eastern section of Osh- i $ tu AEM. E 3 By EMG and SELLING mas 'treats, izes | @Wa. With parents' meetings : . a 3 A se s Ss, games and Prizes | ighlighted and guided by- in- 8 YH oO A D L Oo Oo M - Rr : . pa i i , | formed and distinguished speak- ers and lectures, the Association Ee a ne Be wall fo wall ad rug sizes rough PHOTOQ-C0-0P ~ See - For value, service and convenience, shop at large samples in your own home the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE. Un- WHY limited free parking with 37 siores fo serve FREE ESTIMATES WITROUT OBLIGATION you. You're sure fo save fime and money. : NOT YOU? ASK OUR EXPERTS ABOUT i | 9 SMOOTHEDGE INSTALLATIONS : IT'S A PLEASURE : THIS SERVICE AVAILABLE ONLY i rn) (Sy, Sua "10 SHOP AT THE NA | THROUGH MEMBERS OF THE SF Caen hg hb S| Jo. M2 Mon The modern way to lay wall to wall carpet. OSA HT Sarit coe Hall. Last year this time amounted to 350 hours and the chapter also stages a birthday party with entertainment for the | E.

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