I ll oO pe ese HO es Ari AI A Wr - ] THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Mondey, November 4. 1957 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Mendoy, November 4, 1967 19 Organized In 1923 Ritson H&S pe 5 HIRE BS -- = | VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. LL 2 f = i Trio Plymouth"S7 Exclusive Styling With YOU In Mind! Raised Fo Meet your friends. ; At the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Friday night. 37 stores fo serve you. Open Friday nights until § pm. Be sure fo shop where there is never a parking problem. IT'S A PLEASURE TO-SHOP AT THE CENIRE Po i i er ga § 3 ga fT iY MORE HOMES ARE BEAUTIFIED AND PROTECTED WITH P HOUSE PAINT ~ THAN WITH ANY OTHER BRAND Looks Better, Losts Longer And Is More Economical ! i ted by the millions « « « they far outnumber home- paint. Their experience proves that SWP House SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SWP HOUSE PAINT IS WEATHERATED for your protection AGAINST: © Excessive Loss of Gloss ® Rapid Erosion ® High Dirt Collection - ® Color Fading ® Uncontrolled Chalking ® Checking ond Cracking ; Park a Thrill-Power Plymouth Alongside Your home and the style show begins! SEE US ABOUT GETTING Sp House Paint Assures You For here's the smartest looking new beauty. that ever dressed up a driveway . . . or YOUR NEW THRILL-POWER of All These Advantages MA caused a flurry of excitement in your neighborhood! PLYMOUTH TODAY! \ ' ; ® Faster, Easier Brushing © White That Stays White "n 1 . ® Tough, Enomel-like Film © Keeps Itself Clean "w. Mh : a Styling. Your Free Copy of the Sherwin-Williams ® Uniform Coverage ® Uniform High Quality Theill-Power GO. v : i f © Totel-Contect Brakes. "Home Decorator and How-To-Paint Book™ --- Tor sor Bright . a i ie WATCH FOR THE NEW 1958 PLYMOUTH * Tonion-Airs Ride. is here waiting for you! . « - COMING SOON TO OUR SHOWROOM! san Se arom ooo And Push-Butten Torque-Flite As- SWP HOUSE PAINT IS tomatic Transmission. "QUALITY CONTROLLED" IN RAW MATERIAL . . . IN THE LABORA- é ; « +» « IN MANUFACTURE . . . IN : «+ «+ ON ACTUAL HOMES \ . . . CONTROLLED TO WITHSTAND EVERY CONDITION HOUSE PAINT HAS TO MEET Be sure of losting - bisty. smd srotection 1 po) LIMITED : *~Your Home, Garden and Hardware Supply Centre™ pr Point HA ond wp KINGSTON ROAD EAST AT CITY LIMITS RA 35-8851 oNLY 139 KING ST. WEST YOUR PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER-FARGO DEALER RA 35-3557 aif a a SS SE Ei --