$4 THE DALY TIMES-GAZETTE, iiendey, Movember 4, 1997 'First Year Success . one YHEDALY TUMELAARETYR. Mendoys evember 4; IP = Ct. Charlene, Order Of Foresters| For Conant £565 [S375 Fine ADMIRAL TV FOR '58 ERNE cena ERLE |] 0 OK | ] 1 ! } 3 i pr 14 {is F 3 i : : 3 fit | s1i3] | NEW "SLIM-AS-A-DIME" STYLING OPENS ... fORTARE THE WAY TO NEW BOOM PLANNING IDEAS! SALE hs New "Slim-0s-a-Dime" styling just slips into your room . . . it's the year's $1.00 DOWN most exciting style advance. Unobtrusive elegance that shows your good sn > taste -- and your good sense. The TV set becomes a piece of beatiful : ~~ furniture as well as on enteretainment medium, fits flush against a wall. $1.00 WEEKLY i 31; I If i ji i § 5 i il i | it Hil, TH 18 il fiat +4 Hes: - et i pill HM Latheth Hj il Hi lis THE : i ) i, i Ag Ii | h 11 1 § 1 i J rier ak . i . > i $ § ON A NEW PORTABLE | RA 8.1211 NEP: RES. RA 5-9748 SALES & REPAIRS For A Higher Trade-in 329 SIMCOE ST. S. ; 3 : Model T2IB4IX. 21" wood table model. i Brass legs or matching "lazy susom™ swivel : YOU CAN'T MISS bose (optionol at extra cost). New oll-top- . (| OSHAWA BUSINESS MACHINE front tuning with. dial light 'and golden pic- ta : ture frome. All-new 110° Admirol "black- beom" pi tube. Aluminized with optic filter. Two speakers (6" and 4°) with front BEE it ih ! 13 1 Ex¥ ; LH indy ] La i leg i ; by i HEE] i 3 I Hi} § i 8 fil i iH] i; fil i I 59 5% i iil : i | is i. i 2 TH fis: i 3 Hin i pi fh! Cha LH | i ; : i ii LH b i 4 ; i ond Side. project bi _producs 'or for BUSINESS !! | on | Ew oe : 3 RENT-A-CAR... RENT-A-TRUCK % ~ | \ ® More Picture Power ® More Audio Power Is at Your SERVICE"! do EEE Model C2IETIX -- New slim-as-a-dime, 21" off-the-floor Console with all-new 110 | ¥ you are moving locally or anywhere in Canada, enquiré about our Admiral "Black Beom" picture tube. Im- truck rates. We now have a fleet of modern trucks available perial "330" chassis. Golden picture frome with removable picture window. Aluminized including oll sizes . . . ¥2-ton express, for the light job or 1956 oy TE a Tan 3 : : 5 3 tic . o i You. dow'th driver's Hobmes- make: 3-ton stake for the big job. Going on holidays or a business trip? a Care FN ed in ave your own driver's g ! » . « fry one of our new cars . . . all 1957 models, with or without n with heavy duty 6" speaker, inclined speaker mounting, four-hour life tests at factory, an appointment TODAY with us for compre- i radio. Our reasonable rates include all gas and oil and adequate hensive driving lessons by one of our fully } insurance supplied free. Special overnight rates . . . $5.00 plus 10 Sai 5 SE dl Buiitin. 82-channél UNF-VIF Niner "op- : a tional ot extra cost), qualified instructors . . . before you know it Soms=per Snile: Only w svoll-deporit: required. you, too, will be a drive-yourself motorist. Othows's Largest and Most Modern Car und Truck Come In... See Us Today 1 Rental System NEW ADDRESS AS LOW AS 45 OG STREET EAST | ooo 206 1 0 DOWN i hove olf the wesries. KING STREET WEST EXPERT TV SERVICE ~ ANY MAKE TILDEN RENT-A-CAR RA. 5-6553 | nm --- von] |.FOWLER TV MERCURY TAXI 306 KING ST. WEST RA 5.1685