Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 4 Nov 1957, p. 28

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Ep a Er of hk Bl i 17 TEE - 4 ; iil ! ] 3s il 1 3 Jit ; HI Ep ii £.1i i 4 Hitt gad i Ax: fi i hi 32 1a 1 HF TYE ub ind, i athe Hi fast aBRrs2isd Lhe CENTER: One of the many Old Spice deluxe seh, from $1.35 10 $9.00, ot oll fine stores. stows (left to right) After Shave Lotion $1.35, Shaving Mug $1.50, Pre-Eleciric Shave Lotion $1.25, Smooth Shove $1.25, and Shaving Creom (lather or brushless) $.75. 'SHULTON New York « Toronto sits for him | To fee Robes For Tie Christ Church Evening Guild 8¢ £1 rit 495%. A315 iE 4, H i F 23385 i aH yet A fn i hi ld Ih: sink i HE Pi abi YWCA. If in TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sea- 1Dly Healthy Ideals Tops Club Has ol i; 4 gil thn fal : i Le HITE hil {i Hi ahi i i ili li po y i Hh i} babi si 1 Hel: isd i fi Ji mm i hil bis hi diss ulus ; : ol LHR CL CE "i kr ig el if i pil i Ti pou 3 ERLE 8 { fi A ee CT Over-Twenty Club THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, November 4, 1957 © 35 ey an treasurer, George Gail; committee, Len |< s . aur, a Lively Rendezvous Saturday Dance Mrs. William Short- ' to Fi t guards. . Peter Peever, aide to eeks and flowers are sent to sick and | Donald, Mrs. Edgar v Dalton - presi und | John Booth; right de ain, Mrs. er; right aide a ida a membership of 50. Our president, Mrs, resentatives assist the Cancer, | left aide to vice Leonard n; officer of the day, a series of og MMaGee; musician, Mrs. Carl been Ronald Hewat; officer of the guard, Mrs. David Kemlo; color an award given by the De-] bearer, Mrs. Fred Ball; color sergeant, Mrs. Murray Chute; % arrow; Ti to president, Mrs. Joseph Wood very left aide to president, Mrs. Morga Douglas Coulson. en. organized lake, 1921, and Leagug's wou RD _ of Canada, was in the and ipated i organization. of rigs and get-well cards |John Fisher, Mrs wa are wives u Chevaliers of Can- president, Mrs. Leouard Stone- community. Flowers and baskets | aide to chapl of fruit are sent to shut-ins at|Balsdon; honor Contact With Refugees Fine Work Of St. Sreorys Of The St. Gregory the Great sub- | Cenacle in Toronto, a division of the Catholic Women's | to Our Lady's Shrine al Fellows. Rebekah members wh Aides are: right aide to past n . awa, No. 11, Patriarchs' ie; . e- Militant of the Department of] Cullough; treasurer, Mrs. Ray Remembers Old Folk At Fairview Ontario of the Independent Order | Smith; chaplain, Mrs. Orville i ! < Is The Watchword Of The CAC Militant, for meritorious service | color guard, Mrs. Committee of the JOOF im this | lain, Mrs. in the Independent Order of Od uct ee Oshawa branch of CAC was or- © SQ W i in , with a large 8 The Ladies' Auxiliafy Pairi- archs' Militant, No. 11, IOOF, awarded the Decoration of Chiv partment of Ontario Patriarchs Polio and Tuberculosis F Those entitled to membershi alry, several years, but our branch was : iz in Nove: , 1954, Oshawa, was instituted in June, , and i ili an are Rebekahs who have ip. i ac leadership, the work lapsed for i A t the Canadian consumer. CAC. is a non-political or organization, al rship is of 0 ew bereaved members. Christmas, has rep i# througheu§ of Centre | ie, non-sectarian, Social, Cultural | the year -- at rush parties, bame is not large | and Civic organization was form- | quets, picnics, dances. And sh§ ? on ac- | ed by Walter W. Ross in Abilene, | works t! i USA. i will onl ants [2 taken a t 4 1 | +4 - . REAL ESTATE Fireplace Phi Sorority Affords JOHN A. J LIMITED WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST ADVICE AND DEAL ON THE HOUSE YOU HAVE BEEN BOLAHO I 115 1 £33 i i! Ts 53 br fii f isd fk > 8 KC) oH ETE ji di | Hl HH] Ha TT) gma Social And Cultural Pursuits Now That | Have My Home Sted St. Mark's A WAITING FOR, OR WANT TO SELL WHY NOT SEE US TODAY SEE OUR ALL NEW STYLE HOMES No. 1 Hardwood Floors 3 Bedrooms Tile 4-piece Bathroom Patio Stier * Brick Frame From Six To Thirty In A Year | St. Mark's Anglican W.A. Grows cott; Tt vice - president, Mrs. P. Beta Sigma Phi, a non-academ- pany at social events held the om eting hen | edu YA i mee! wi cati secretary, Mrs. the church received issi ish; i a ing a -Day Mrs. Churc] to be Two cha; opportuni e ac h|with more than 130,000 members | tions where she sorority sisters the | expanded to over 45 ji Rit i HE sid) et | 0 oh 18 li tia, Hitt id it ul I £14] cll HITE dle gl FHI Ti dL! =2p & % ie LH § jedi i! Hoi] (| HC 86 . 3} = dit lg, Ga f & m= ll dil THT Hh I se TEI Byusd wall. 8) tog a il ii i hi Hi H a i He ie, EE tog Li §.2 "i Ba! tld '4% i g Fi fri, lifer $e tH] a8 Fiala THT ges ki pH FHL MEE hii ny is Lat Tie Bins H : secretary, ora : and a a . | tive s pi ceeds going fo- chen | Equipment Mrs. A. Cowan; biti sap ! ho ini ih i nh 1H: i! recording secretary, A. Abbott: treasurer, Mrs. : Christian Citizenship Mrs. J. Johaston; lit- in number. We only have DIAL RA 8.8353 | s1s00 DOWN AND $64.00 PER MONTH The Bathe Park Ladies Aux iliary held meetings every third Tuesday evening at the Bathe aven av bi ind booths Pry various park A small draw is held Is A Small Group Of Hard Workers = Bathe Park Aux. [= 'Provides Treats [1 The WMS Street United i eS oligs are held on meeting, proc ands the Kit } 1 i SHOP AND SAVE NORM WARD'S AUTO SUPPLY to co elfare ise const, of te chic alleau; E. Headquarters for . . . AUTO MIRRORS @ CAR WASH BRUSHES @ RADIOS e@ AERIALS TUNE-UP KITS e CAR ROBES . Andrew's W.A. "Norm Ward's Auto Supply is 79 SIMCOE ST. N. Alibi at THEHEE 1 NHI li & 2 24 fides fh 3 ne It i Ad i : il ft li $s Hi: Hi] EA TERT $5.000,000 by the year J sons iy pr out the Uni es Pray an man; og on sn of 1.000 x rea: RS Mis anda 8 Ladi is pe Pov tablis e current as ve pe fing a 3 90 THE DARY TIMES-GAZETTY, Mendey, Movember 4, 1907 Centre Street WMS Beta Si Invokes God's Help For Missions | Es = Red Cross Homemakers Bring Color at Troubled Homes "Alliance Fn a Band

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