Women's Committee Cancer Soc. | Merry Mates Invite | ™® DALY TWE-GAZETTE, Mander. Moremi 4, 1957 37 § THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Mondey, November 4, 1957 married women, and Swimming Honorary president, Archdea-| Moore; social convener, Audrey Able Staff, Volunteer Workers Is Service Of Comfort And Hope |Couples ToJoin |e Su Ru Gevrion "seet and Boer Francs pic som a ; & . - = se 7 » Fai id resid i P : Christ Church "Merry Mates™ | oo idents, J and Bill | and Ross Scott, Carolyn and Ray 3 - | Merry-Go-Round Fair, a -| 1s S er The Women's Committee of the ) always a trained nurse -- Mrs. |i . | vice-pres is, Joan Direct Activities At Y W CA able contribution has been made ; ident, Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario| 0. D. Friend carried on this work | fied commie of ths ron arers tion | Lock; secretary, Joan and Jack | Webster; press reporters, Stan 3 i County Unit, was formed in i The Young Women's Christian pps Suary. 18 a, this year celebrate its 12th an- 8 < a miversary as a local association. To : This organization has endeavored fo fill the needs and demands in eur growing community by pro- viding a varied program of ac- tivities for social and physical fitness as well as instruction in many crafts. it "341s 24 YER LF q32E g figs 2d Ld Hh i SgEngfle ELV BE 48 E Be2 i 1 Is : iz OSHAWA DAIRY LID. "The Dairy That Satisties" 81 un A . i x ings, A . Buttermilk i ies. . a T e 2 am, a | The program department, staff- aT 4 ci ij ucation . ed by a director and an assist- a n © , endeavors to ires Ege ic t " y i yar- | vorthw y planning a var- | H re oviding in- | - > activities, and where | xecutive e usicipal, provincial | "The Dairy That Satisfies" possible, beginning new classes } when an interest for such is girls, men and married couples,! Through the efforis of the shown. A Badminton Club for | Keep Fit Classes for girls and! World Service Committee and that To Build Right, Start Right With... AAXLUMBERAND | OF = BUILDING SUPPLIES MARKET gi Come and see for yourself why It's fun, isn't it? Seeing how other le have re-modelled their old homes . . . modernized out-dated equipment . . . -- i but why not go one step further... DO THE SAME ee, TORE thousa nds of Oshawa o nd You can, you know . . . USING OUR MANY HELPFUL SERVICES. It takes a heap of quality to make a home sweet . . . district hk cusewi ves contin ue to ond QUALITY MATERIALS are what we sell, quality materials and the kind of service that makes building and home improvements really fun. Only the best, we know, will satisfy you when it comes to materials for your home. So we Shop and Save at A. br P. ! suggest -- LOOK TO US FOR QUALITY MATERIALS. : LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY, EXPERT | A&P Food Stores have enjoyed tremendous popularity ever since the SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION company's inception: WHY? . 3. Be- cause A & P made it their aim to give the public VALUE for the dollars they . . ; . spend . . . PLUS . . . an unexcelled ® Odk Flooring ® Arborite ® Insulation Te to thousands of citizens of e Cedar Shingles ® Wallboard ® Asphalt Shingles Oshawa and vicinity who have found ST by experience thot IT PAYS TO SHOP ® Plasterboard and Siding AT A & P FOR THE FINEST QUALITY ® Metal Mouldings ® Lumber of all FOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE ® Nails in all sizes descriptions PRICES. Be Sure of Utmost Quality, Insist That Your Builder Uses "AJAX" Building Materials YOUR LUMBER NUMBERS. ARE A | A XX YOUR LUMBER NUMBERS ARE PICKERING AJAX DIAL 366 LUMBER DIAL 1045 OSHAWA Company WHITBY DIAL RA 34513 DIAL MO 8-3171 ® Prepared Roofing For Your Convenience . . .