€ THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Mondey, November 4, 1957 THE DAILY TWMES-GAZETTE, Monday, November 4, 1957 Comm OBE PY Cr EEE] a TO penays DON'T BE A Sputnik | RG SCAT Fo SHOP KELLY'S TV-APPLIANCES age . . ; ; = sad in the comma a. booth oh ident, Mi | SPORT COATS -- to safeguard their civil and eco- » go: : ident, Mi DSe | 4 5 Since the rst B and PW Club : _ Eile fison; SLACKS -- Every Style 95 : St. Loui i i i Souri, n 1919, after World War 1 = nn THEY'RE HERE! membership has Teacheq halt i i i . nl million in 23 countries of the 95 oo idson; | 1 ; 15° world. ee / Pe : Il SUBURBAN NU-STYLE COATS to ; | 4 The Charter President of the ; } | ; )shawa ub ras Mrs. Ma cid i ay rr pg Tig ns May Vig" |} - FORSYTHE FAMOUS SHIRTS . & elford, Dr. ir, Miss 2 a. EE Sy TN sgt | shies osawa oo 8% 127 WASHER d DRYER YEAM rosart, aw . a h 53 ; | | SHIRTS IN OSHAWA 2 caps nia WINDBREAKERS . . 7.95 fo 16.95 ALL-NEW . "CUSTOM-IMPERIAL" , i e No. ¢ Jor was - ; | pn {by Mrs. E. 4 | Ql . cont alii i 3 hs surance y v p a ial | : e man- AWEES veni i Ivy League, Americon Lo-zy Look s an as-| MISS ROSE HA 8 . c., are | tee o f the CP and T Fund. And Lorge Choice of Others. eets (nurse in theory in the Interme | TE earn: cers a Presi- suse diste Year ai the Oshawa Ges-| dent, Lice Hors Pre: vice- | k president, Mrs. M. Coakwell; re 3 ine stertary. Heo. he 27 KING E RA 5-1232 Woshen and dries load ater load faster -- ot ess cost them any a few of the Club's interesting | Gee: treasurer, Miss Dorothy hs a meetings during the past year: Smith. | The project at present is to p: vide an electric clothes dryer for | trude Col 's T Lee. nder | A panel discussion, construction east of Wilson road. | local lawy ers, Gilbert Murdoch, To_encourage hetter cholast John Greer and George Boychin annual. | Provided aluable information to = x entr ras "Wi : i | 3% . 5 ! CLEANEST CLOTHES! es PRA The 'big reso te 3 year ay : . LINT REMOVAL! DRIEST SPIN! by US. Testing o. Inc. Largest Ii A ' on the world. "sweeps" away lint, scum, dirt--ocross the tub ond out '58 FRIGIDAIRE through 90 Automatic LINT EXITS never to retum =CUSTOM IMPERIAL" SINGER ; 2-CICUIATOR RING a Dryer with "No Vent--No Plumbing" Filtrator get them all at X @ Temperature Selector--drying heats for oll fabrics 3--ENERGY RING @ Automatic Time Control--from 15 to 145 minutes pump, done this power-pulses sudsy water info surging currents that gently @ Ozone "Sunshine" Lomp aul oh with a new ® flex clothes, opens fabric pores to whisk out deep down dirt @ Press-Toe Door Opener Whatever you to make or ' season nm tl 81 KING ST. W SINGER . . . for here we have every- Pa ornamented for a a F3 © RN £ % * And, for your added convenience : an Air Step lost de- RN A 3 - r ; SINGER now carries a wonderful ignad fo give. ou 5 Zi -- RA 5-9181 line of Fabrics for home sewing |F ; aw TWO ES TO SERVE YOU at money-saving prices -- and a 24 HOURS A DAY smart selection of patterns in the latest styles. Yes, now you can get all your sewing supplies in one convenient, pleasant place . . . your SINGER SEWING CENTER 14-16 ONTARIO ST. OSHAWA DIAL RA 5-5443 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TILL 9 PM. » a a a ys