power brakes will also be avell-|gho was released on $300 bond. able at extra cost on afl models| Another officer of her group ear. Mot comply and the city as will Chrysler's smooih, rell:|jior was freed on bond, ordered police to arrest all off able Power lite pushiztion muto- Three pro Segrogationiat organ. cers of the group who matic paum ie ato atic | 12ations obeyed the ordinance and found In Little Rock, DSOR ~ The dual head. series of Plymouth cars, Belve-|convert| doe ag be available on a introduced in 1957 by Chrys, dere, Save (nd Plaza, In clud- gravy ms Ton bar = Kid eibie neh all V-8 models, |ler of Canada on its higher: of body Lar buretan 1 models will be standard equip-|sue sik sods. a Todas ar V3. Va | ment on al 1958 Plymouth pas-|hardtops, four-door range, con wh le arr | sepgre car w|vertible and a full Fange of sta: fost TE be available at xira i" NCAAP Head dual headlight system," | ion wagons, s, Including two and j/408t as pat of 8 power pack for states J. C, McGuire, Sharal d-door six "wagons sales manager of the Chrye.ir onithe Interesting ting four8oor door nine. The low lines of the a | ¢ Plymouth-Fardo division, "has| bas. oct yao i Ee Lo omridty a? The he ut Arr t d "he j proven to be guch an important B pow road really narrows safely feature, and is so Poplar Sta Bo © the rear of ole rons ari. Al "own es e Ld down going through thet gorge | fom th sing pln of View "a" vdy motels excep th gia uch rnin' ; ES : as 8 standard item throughout our|[0UF + door, nine - pas of paver nd road.h fond [} ; ut n al Be : 3 If your cor ever gets in @ "wagon" and 'the econ e|ity, The 8 . " ora 4 futuristic note tight squeeze," we'll straight "J F CANADA Is | glare, by providing better light- | exterior colors and 80 recom "BicGuire said, the new lighting g(coube, the corvaration will offer Se Sattied on LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) y things out in figtime, Our. CHRYSLER 0) ANADA Is | glare, by providing or ¢ a choice of six cylinder or remapder --- A) on things in jiget system reduces headlight glare car's wo Boy Nesp The Arkansas president of the 2 y workmanchip Is tops , , , end offering dual headlights as stan- | ing patterns and by positioning | mended two-tone combinations, night, im. engine, rs dard equipment on all three of | light where it will serve the | ., yy 0 4 jengtny list of op- proves lghine pater allow.| Three basic power plants will Fas up, rising (suddenly | oi? | National Association for the Ad- yn gt its' 1958 Dodge lines, the Cru- | driver better, The entire Dodge | 2% a" 4 4 iver to seo danger be offered on Plymouth models|the rear querter ¢ ve fos vancoment of Colored People sur- il (A o ce sader, Regent and Mayfair | lineup will feature Torsion. | tional equipment items such as ge A quickly and allows |for 1058, Where a choice exists|fo_ form form the econ SUNG | pondered to city police Saturday = Ung squeeze' on your pocketbook, (pictured above is the Regent | "AIRE" suspension; micronie | Total-Contact power brakes, (for lens design without comprom between six cyiinder or V-8 power y lifes night a few minutes after she ar- Always at your service! "9 4-door' sedan). Lighting experts | air filter; improved six cylin- | Constant - Control power steer- |ige since each lens is ed|the buyer can have either the AL eo el will rived here from New York, claim that the distinctive new | der or V-8 engines; a wide | ing and, on some models, power ina lanonomical and feliable 251 of te Chrstin double. Mi LC Bate wi shart 2 - ; lights greatly improve night range of interior fabric and | windows and power-operated cublc-inch six eyclinder engine or that wra our fly to Little i, SER E driving safety by reducing ' color combinations; 20 solid | front seat. Hine lights are used, while on the, vowatiol Shiysier, un euble. back af 1x] Hg t Hock 2 vie oy Sadie McXEEN S RELIANCE VIC gh-beam all four lamps are|inc helgh io | BIG IMPROVEMENT turistle | oak of of the e, [for her arr 1 Fish Scanciny ad's compression) Fo "She was charged with violation | 317 BLOOR ST. WEST RA 5.9672 Y C 0SSWORD ges of polio hn . { Canada will fuel s0aIDy | nd a Sompresion DAIL R : ewe the irs ket a "1666 a otal of ight dif i. [-|ratio of 8.5 The four-door ing are, are ww og avallable/of a recently- ed Srdinanoce " nine months of 1957, nk body models in the three Pe LE aed Cand the' throughout the pier 1958 Ply.'which requires the NCAAP ' outh Mne, A mew Constant. THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Jose Chrysl Feature Frail Hl or pn ry = av BF An extra-cost op (certain other groups fo submit!t IY 4 or S tion on all models. Total-Contact| confidential files to the city clerk, nena Sete records Thitadhtts ACROSS 6. Morticlan's 28. Cuddle 1. Head cook coach up S.A leveler 7.Common 39. Part 9. Partridge suffix "of . noise 8. Flat' (mus) | 10. Singing / JA mia be" 1. Construe TIO LIA! 12. ren n Mat : p CITIAPIETS] MOGE gin IEE the bright new star of Canadian motoring 16. Music note 20, Tantalum 17. Lampreys (sym.) 35. Young owl 43, Lifesaving ' \ 19. Irish 22. Perform 36. Adolescent Service 4 province 26. Ahead years (abbr.) 21. Stair mats 27. Pacifie 42. Polynesian 44. Greek 23. Water god island drink letter 24. Like 25. Exclamation 27. Forward 29. Exclamation 81. A narrowing 34. Kind of soup 37. Flower 38. Cry of pain 39. Skin tumor Do-It-Yourself Homes Cutting Down Butlers ot LoHINgTON, Blldm) group been turned over by the duke to Ashington gree w a oon te that. They Te a help. publicize - a movie. story TI bo Nadi the. " us| "they lamented Fri. experience ps "terrify. day, hg men who might go|ing."" As part of his new chores-- into the profession are attracted far from the 110-room mansion of 0 other jobs with more free time the duke--Boyd found himself and higher wages. riding in a Rolls Royce in Holly. The butlers, about 15 of them, woot and farmed out Fo tele. all out of uniform, but sticking to|Vision program first prize to a gomewhat subdued suits of dark|L0S Angeles family who won his blue and grey. appeared to greet Services for a weekend, James Boyd." He is butler to the| Boyd, 40, with grey eyes and 3th Duke, of Bedford, lan Robert|wavy dark hair. has all the RP of Woburn Abbey some aplomb you'd expect of a butler, 40 os from London. He says he really*lost it just once Boyd, the only one who came |with the duke and had "to retire dressed for thc part in stri for a titter with the footmen" trousers and black jacket, has hoy a guest dropped a monocle n the soup. THEATRE GUIDE wv Biltmore -- "The Young Don't Cry" 1.04, 4.03, 7.02, 10.04 p.m. "No Time to be Young" 2.37, # $.36, 8.38 p.m. Last Complete ; Show Starts at 8.38 pm, ph Brock, Whitby ~ 'Barrett's of \ Wimpole Street" and "Emer-| gency Hospital" Evening - Shows 7.00 pm. Last Complete| » . Show at 8.20 p.m. pet 4 Marks -- "Lady of Vengeance" Guns Quick" 145, 435, 73 ; B-A's exclusive new Velvet compound Gun is Quick" 1.45, 4.35, 7.25, 10.15 p.m. Kast Complete Show ; Starts at 9.00 p.m. : tively . --- 1A Girl Goes Calyp- "Sputnik" takes to the am 1.10, 6.20, 8.58 p air! Russien Communism : stalling from carburetor icing. "Girl in oy IN Silk Stock. | Its clean-burning performance effectively | s" (Adult) 2.32, 507, 7.42,| celebrates its 40th year! 1% p.m. Last Complete Show Have they beate a the . ® at 8.35 pm. Western World in oth Regent -- "The Curse of Frank. | y In il ' sto tam $0 ble" and k pio pH 2] Color, oP 2 3 t f Te | | ivi Read this week's PS engine rumble" an nock caused by Shown Daily a tar Weekly -- on sale i i tenti 1000 pm. "X Te Wikiown: | everywhere pre-ignition. You get all the potential pm, he $ . -- power from modern, high-compression engines. OAM There's more driving enjoyment in the » > Y,) A 0 _ velvet-smooth response of your car when you r . : fill up with new B-A Velvet 98 gasoline... I BI! | NG U 3 2 the best gasoline ever sold. [J I pay them off with a cash loan from Drive in and see your Mr. B-A today. CITIZENS FINANCE We like to say "Your loan Is OK" When bills plle up--and they always do around ths fime of year--the easiest way fo take care of them may be to total them up, and pay them all off with @ cash loan from Citizens, This way, you'll have just one easy monthly payment, Your friendly Citizens Finance Loon Manager con advise you on this and other meney problems. Let him arrange o loon for you with a repay ment plan that fits your budget, Citizens Finonce hes @ reputation for fast, courteous, confidential service. if you, like, oll arrangements can be made by phone-- then just come In to sign and pick up the cash. Give my @ call or drop In to see us soon, BORROW #50 to $2500 .» CITIZENS FINANCE COMPANY tI Masso THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL 104 Brock Sas 5, Why, MO 8.2367 F COMPANY LIMITED Oshawa residents call RA 3.9691 (ne toll charge) Open Friday till 8 p.m, Saturday till 12 noon ! : : Ls Loans made in Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering and all nearby towns &OAN QrLrices IN ALL PRINCIPAL Siyiss Wink Ll ® Farkit