{4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, November 4, 1957 === THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads [Ei eo 1--~Accountants 8--Building Trades 13--Gardening & Suppiies |180--Mortgages 21--Personal Service 27 --Fuel Wood 35--Employment Wanted |43-- Wanted tc Rent wv 1+ Please Note ounting ALL tifa irs, roofing, CHRISTMAS text and as RETIRED schoo i, 99, ve. [BUBINGSS couple requi Deadiines now in sttect for Joon Crane ee pasupanping, sory: |skhias. pinstoring. Sod re pais. em:| COURTICE SOD AND" ing cards, Bibles, +. pisaes and totem, FURNACE auires tu or par, Sime "work." Ottlos tained ire or fous © rotn aoariinems thin Glue: ... nl Pon ot Bt 1 070 204 Ponee. D8 6 S| | ANDSCAPING SERVICES = INVEST -- [ast ae Sok 'bre, "cho CLEA Ni IN G Tre Grade 18 Phone" RA [ver 5. Rests satin A lars to Sit, Aemoriom, ol Lrg 3700. Nov.3B| Counc tanks ciesned the sanitary] Lawns levelled, sodded and | AGREEMENT FOR SALE |imowinar Free pickup aod au rg TTL gt eed Box 510, 'Times-Gazet fi #8. T. HOPKINS and C: Cortifi- way. RA 5-396, Nov.18 seeded. Loam end Fill, Phone RA 85-1421. Nov, 1 HA R R % 0. Sety £9 RRY [nog work, + nd satura, anything | dng nd Honk Bt cE wo 9 AM. SAME DAY - 4 DEATHS -- Fast, Osawa, Ont RA 5.3908, Nov Jack C. MaeDonald Ho NOW Tor $8,800 22--Radio and TV. Repair| Heating Sayiomens Divison setts, 252 | BUSINESS man Rot BE home, Al 11 AM. SAME DAY , Phone RA 3-344 6 DIAL RA, 3-3492 and alls one Weer Zon igert| PAINTER & DECORATOR RA 5.6047 7% - $90 MONTHLY [BARS TV rovmrs: ol} red Thommen, Nighin Ra 5-2827 wr 37944 36--Female Help Wanted I RA 84717. Nov.29 Popehanging and Painting Nov. 1 5 YEARS 187 Elliot Street, Diai RA 3.9792, Dec. 4 : Nov. | 8{1, I; vanted for Tunch gounter. Av |44---For Rent MONTEITH, Monteith Riehl and Co., prex ALL-channel serials. 20400t roof serial, a South, i 257 vo ne le furnished bedrooms BIRTHS * [Chanered "Sine senitore Toro, al Faw Entmotes A Ww RUNDLE WILL ACCEPT 4 $29; 30-400t roof aerial, $30; 30-oot with BOWSER'S FUEL [Mmoe sis soma: ren in quiet home, Phone RA ba pHBOGITON --~ To Mr, and Mrs Hon. # 0 Moulawhy Fea ¥ VM IH 50 Nassou St, RA 3-7080 . ' $7 300 NET i Diy ba Rolland rv ranged. "a 100 i i IX - room house. Apply RA som Jumés Broughion, a son, on November |C + Ldghtfoot, . MW.F, Nov. 17 Garden Centre / A840 Nov.17| OIL BURNERS and FURNACES FREE Toom and bonrd To hotore iio lie, "at Alas Homi, Birest North, Oshawa, Nov, 6 : RA 5-6544 RADIO, TV repairs, all makes, Part| woDAL Woon and OiL ths, nda exchange for' Hint house: (FEV EN nase; Sentral lo GARDNER -- Mr, and Mrs W | Friediander, Hunter wn Co,| PRE-CAST CONCRETE Everything For Your JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD {Is Eiior bere Soh, Ranga Wood 4 cord in I legit, estos and, mina uvh chiens : invdner wish 0 the birth of YALE, Santer, Briduet May, 3 ibs, a|Accountants and As ditors #4 King ceppie panKS Garden LIMITED -- REALTOR ard Shin a7, 00. [Box sos, Times-asette 265¢ ($98 month Two A Sireot Ka '3 grown. ot. our 255: EXPERT TELEVISION Body Hardwood .... $8.00 [LADY to take ful ind metinihy Tent, lights 'aad iar Private OSffhwa General Hospital op "Friday, jangpr, 'B. Com, CPA1 J. Hunter, CPA. Evergreens, Movember 1, 1987, Nov SIDEWALK SLABS greens, N Dial fA sien. Nova AERIAL INSTALLATION DIAL RA 3.2281 Nov,29 | Phone_RA S420 after § fF 480 Drew Street. ~~~ |EXPERIENCED waitress ao Tie room, single nursery, suitable for local JONES -- Born tq Mr. and Mrs. Owen| 2__ Barristers COLORED PATIO SLABS diigo Pp pnp Thi roses | 19--Personal aot service: low prices Jones (nee Irene Murray) a son, Oe en pr pv URBING grown here, Our 100 voriet- |STORAGE space for piano for the ' + |30--Lost ofl Please to Kitchen and washing machine. dobar, ot Oshawa Geners! Hospital, JOREPH P. Mangan. QC, Barrister, les, top size dutch bulbs, |use of it. Apply Box 803, Times | Free, estimates, and Found G sens Hotel 3 Tudmphrey. No 'phon|BA_ 59150. brother (or Bryan lieitor, Mone, Joan. Office, 14% ' slit Sone Burdet Ka, Oshawa. RA sa23z| UNIT STEPS with or without chrysanthemums Gatatie: ei LOCK TELEVISION O87 wm O0g SMA NSN mostly calls. please "iat ic with dou RA_ 53405, Dec.1| ernamentol roils, LADY wishes Aranaportation 0 down. RA 433 ey male, as, YOUNG, woman for coffee bar, expert Ra aan. 114 Ontario Street or al -- ' wh Toronto / .m, - | #nced, a a rad DEATHS DONALD Biake Dodds, Barrister and shrubs etc, Grass seed and |5'pese, aly by ™ 28 One black beagle pup, answers te] Snced. Apply in person after Co wanibiy. Shildsen 17, 257 rele- ; Mike, East of a = Solicitor, 26% King Street East, Tele Brooklin nursery grown sod, Toro lawn | GENTIEMAN da Tv ins Toronto, MW.F, Nov, 18 Me os Eon RA S07, wi AVON cosmetics have opening in Whit. | welcome, RA | ---- phone Bu , RA 55501; Residence, mowers, Choremaster and Bo- AMER ON a £4 71 v room for 3 or 4 pa , Please M Profitable in. NII N cA hs IN == In the Oshawa Gen |RA 8537) ; _ Decl Concrete Products ens Hactor ond: Hllers A i A vn. p le C 5 LOST = Black cooker Janie i 5 (vi have four our i FURNISHED rooms, friends to share, / \MF BELL Bgver ay to spare, ss Rul on, m, bi tal, on Raturd Nov ml . a - s ' MANNING F. Swartz, Barrister, Soliei . lens tract 4% TRAN Helm Francis Young, beloved wite | 14 Notary, Money to loan, Henry| Phone 155 Highway 12 ens tractor ard fillers, CABBAGE roll order, for 160 Wyenwood Avena, Apartment C. vaeh Wh A, Cameron, In her 34s yeu: | Block, sis King Street East, RA 3.4607, . AW RUNDLE banquets, weddings, small orders. Ap- Toronto, Nov.1,2.4 - " o | ; o ooklin , ' I t Phone RA FOUND -- Walker and Bive Tick 4 » at the Melntosh Funeral Home, jienidence, Dial 3-4029, Dee. 1 r evenings 19 Brookli wih Fairbanks. Street. Nov. AERIAL hound, male, Vivian's Clover Farm, TWO. or three : Kong Bivvet East f rervic the f Min Tissdy, November 5 af 2| UMPHREYS and Bavehyn, Barris Nov,20 Garden Centre 0 [Giverny srmonr wre Nouquen, Road, RA 34M. Branch of a large or- |irance, thieepiece bathroom, one block Fey ilieit RD , QC; M " | = pr ww. iMerment Mount Lawn Cemetery Las Boyehyn : . 10/5 King East Sloohulies Anonymous, PO Box 303, SERVICE vetawe Plain "gold, mara Wide bard, ganization requires the rol Shopping centre, abstainers, call Bin |Li.®., AWA, 0Y.S8 RA 20016, . 3 elds T - Yntered into rest in ttle 7; R [] CEMENT 5-1764 THANITORTRTION Svalnbin ig Gal. a service of a lady book- FURNISHED home o rent, near Whit. {31--AQrticles Tor Ten keeper, must be neat irf [care for elderly lady, non-smoke Hospi tal Hamilton, on Sunday Whitby, MO 82761, Money to lay; Write Box 508, TV Oct, %7|den Mile and Don Mills, Arrive in ' +A 7. Georgina Strong Gi dec. Sczr=orough 7.45 leave Scarborough T Vv Aerials Beloved daughter of M dM - 0 C - 1 her! ren Ir hop 1 vehi ee ots year |JOMN A, G, MacDonald, BA, Toi RA 5-3516 OSHAWA |14--Household Repairs 4%. Call RA S973 Mie Installed FO he oor mondo ers | OPPearance and willing |Foe tox 50h, ees Sates Privy Arrastrong Funers) Home [ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street Free estimates on footings, | available, Phona MO 8.4035, Whitby. 2 to work, Between the GROL SD floor, a ; North, Phone RA 88511 dee 1 ROOMS papered, $8 up, paintin 1 al service h 8, wall N ee a, ims BA Bashar Baler] HoT olcors. G0I0ges, WOOP. .\rebvied. Gxpronr soiled gums | FREE=--to. those marcled or DIAL " ent Hampton Cemetery. |efe., 13% Simcoe Street North. Dial of p . Foon Ipld. 'Geo, C. Golding, RA| engaged, o free Booklet, age of 18-30. Typing [THREE - room, self 1 1! f DO- IT-YOURSELF ' apartment, Close to (fice, TA' 53741, Mewdence, KA 8.5042 WII do a complete fob, in- [872 En Dec.1| "What Every Married Man RA 5-9135 FLOOR 3 and shorthand not €SSeN- | quits only. Reasonable rent, Apply Entered into rest in the Nov. 24 cluding arection ojo arn tractor wi ih Tete" Hi for - Should Know', sent in plain, ' RENT-NJLOOR tial. Company benefits. [630 King West. 287 ™ aspital, of rday > - w ce one 0; . ¢ D i a TW 937 4: GAMERON and MacDonaid, Barristers,| ond placing of quality-con Ly e sealed envelope, alto Price ANDER , . TWO large furnished rooms, hot and oe a ase hare snd Netsrist Bun 105 | troled and guaranteed con. ens SSL tl] Lat of Druggists Sundries DAY OR NITE on Write: cod water, Couple preferred, No chil , in her 63rd r.| King Street Fas v crete. Also machine and and repairs to all typel Send name ond address with Nov.7 + ren, Apply 219 Ritson Roa th, y | private mortgages arranged, Nov. k of ho Free estimates, Phone RA ov. HARRISON & KINSMAN Box 602 Times-Gazette 27 Avinstiung al Funeral SHON and Bastedo, Barristers| Dand-trowel finishing at rea: (5.4078. Nov, 25] 5¢ in stamps to cover cost of ji om Tuerday, November|and Solicitors, Clients' funds svailable| sonable cost, FURNITURE "repaired and reuphoi.| Molling and handling, to 23--Women's Column 337 Simcoe 5. 5, RA BAZ 13 254 (FIVE © Tour Rouse, bullies cupboard ville spel on Tuesday, November|for rst morigages. 20 Simeve Street CURRAN & BRIGGS [ttered. See our materials for recover Home Hygiene Co., P.O. Box |SFENGER foundation garments. indi. : Phone MA 3.3805, Bo , 7a North, RA 53506, * Charles C. MeGib ng. Bruce R., Dalton, 78 C bon, GC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC, Nov.20 READY-MIX LIMITED nx 27212 sam harlot ov. i 146, Cobourg, Ont, vidually designed, registered corse. If you are o teacher, or If you |FOUR - room apartment with th bath in yr ov, 11 255¢ tiere, Mrs, Irene Hendershot, 208 Park tric; i iN MEMORIAM GREER wud Hab, Baar «Soli 991 Simcoe Street South YOUR local chimney cleaner, Chim. =| Ro 1. RI 1.1 Nov. EhCin Saws, Gas ora Eiger: have the equivalent in aca- North Oskaws. Pusnistd or sabusclal J tors, eto, 7% Simcoe Street Kou neys cleaned, built and repaired, Fur 1] Avhasd ad t th in g v ¢ [Dial RA" 32070." Residence, phones Nov. 19 naces vacuumed. Workmanship guaran ELECTROLYSIS heat permanents $4.50, coid| Extension Ladders; Paint demic education or business cupboards, tiled floors, TV _merial, M. Greer, BA, Se, BA 533681 Terence | eed Free estimates TA 3.2907: Nov. training, you may qualify for |heavy wiring. $70 monthly, Call XA WEHDEN + In loving memory of|y. Knily, BA BCI RA 5.2602. Nov.10 10--Sharpening Service | CHEATERFIELDS Tebulll, recovered, Removal of Superfluous Halr, an interesting opportunity to [37754 db Frederick who passed CREIGHTON. Fraser, Diyhin and lke new, Why pay more? Our'rates| Agrie Murduft will be in Oshe ases mode to order Diol] Equipment; Electric Hommer; earn $50 to $100 weekly in [TWO - room apartment, sink, i in Murioch, Barrisetrs. Solicitors, Notary| HAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran i a 4 : i is i cupboards, hot and cold running water, | your spare time, This is not heat, light and water Prlisd, One 20 waves $5.50. Page Halrds asin, Pine Avenue, RA 5.5363 ng, NO Sprayers; Lawn Roller; 10-ft, siterations and mend Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading # lonesome here without you George (Public, Bank or Commerce Building, 5 saws. scissors, knives, ete. Percy Nell, ieed, Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up | aWa Nov, 5, 6, Phone Gen- La Nov 2] Chain Hoist; Hardwood Floor h gh th But dang Weary way, |Simeoe Street North RA 3.34461 T. K 1102 Highland, RA 8.8363, Nov.16 holstering Co., 10 Bond Btreet West.| ocho Hotel on these dates Stapler; Staples; Post Hole ouse-to-house selling, DUE Lehild welcome. RA 8 r life is the same to me, Creighton N. C. Fraser, QC; Dial RA 8.0311. Nov? a 4 he El i work of importance in the -- we m------------------ e you ¥ called away GK. Drynan: G. L. Mu-doch, NHA 1 , Auger; Blow Torch; Electric THREE - room basement Spartment, ince ¥ 4 / 3. K. Dry J --Business Opportunities . for appointment, 4 . field of child training. For @ [two-piece bath, kitche pboards, and had all world to give, mortgages arranged Nov.2 15--Instruction Nov.5 bby Bring containers, Taunton Rosa] Soldering iron; 100-t. Tape; limited Ber of bl two-piece butt. Mie meu and oe at smile, RALPH § Jones BA and Thomas i. | PET Shop in Oshawa, centrally located, | /FARNiNG to dance 1s and fan ~O¥.2 Eas, fifth house, south side, RA 34083] ete. Stan's Sharpening Serv. boii i "Write to: THI a SE Andeggrect you at the door reer, Awociate Barristers and Solich\an oprortunity, Write Box 3%, Timew|ut the Oshawa Studio of Dangling, 47 Soecial ' | Dec?) ice, corner King and Burke [ET To Ti o. Loviibly remembered by Dad, Mom ren ore A as. |asetie. 25% prince Street. RA 5-041 or RX s.i060.| For thot Special Someone! |FRERW killed turkeys. RA| Sts. Diol RA 3-3224, HUMANICS INSTITUTE, [ter heating. Immediate possession, Ap- bi hers Steve, Bernard, David] LILLIAN Mae Maren, dance educator Nov.30 CORNISH JEWELLERS 55100 or RA 3.9016, Jack Frans. Nov.7| BOX 823, AJAX ply 472 Drew Street, 270 Wer Haze Dancing School, Ballet, Tap, Baton, A pre " v.29 a § tain 3--Chiropractors saga Masonie Temple, Fridays, Saturdays GILLIAN Man Maru alante sautiior, A complete line ot MIDO, |TURKEYS for Tal suppers. Phone v ' 256p| THREE - room apartment cupboards HENRY ~ In loving memory of A|SYDNEY W Buffett DC, Office, 135 RA 3.7283, A¥20| Masonic Temple, Frid d LORIE and BULOVA Watches, |Brookiin 611R5, v.18] Chain Saws, Gos end Electric; private bath, Apply 105 Agnes Street, en? husband and father, Herman|gim ce Streat North Phone KA 5.4163 RA 3.7283 A Cul d Pear! emdmT---------- /} / A 50186, 287 on, who passed away November 3,!for appointments Jan, 13 er ------------------------------ Diamonds, Cultured Pearls, etc, TURKEYS and Tonsting "hi en for Complete Floor Sanding end |37---Male Help Wanted TWO rooms must heat yoursew, 4 spec rices on turkey i i WHS. too int Home, it whe 'His Witt | d--Dantists OIL COMPANY HARVEY Dance Academy. baton, tap,| 20 BOND STREET WEST [fuels and church suspense fin snags ny| Polishing Equipment and |gey rer $17.30 every two weeks, must provide 2 ok Int Home, kwh a will; en Wil vat th Ver 'own Royal Acadery pallet, Highland. Reg Your Watch Personally RA 59248. Nov.2] Materials (new machines); [Apply Mr, Bailey, Home Dalry, 24|YOUr own stove. RA 39604, 287 Wit In ou Nearts he 7 Peter row, office hours § 10 set you up in your ow " h TN RT TT Skil Saws; Sanders; Drills; |Simcos Street Sout MODER Alway ymembered by wife and|DR. Peter Z ow, office hours 9 t ¥ oe 3 Serviced, ORDERS taken for winter tatoes i aws; sanders; is; ree \ 257¢ | MODERN self - contained four-room pris Ba 6. Open evenings by appointment. 17a] business, servicing accounts, Dane RA aa potitoes. | pr rension Lodders; Paint WANTED one ero Fisker. | apartment, TV oulet. Laundry facill on King Street East. Phone RA 59821] no gelling, A few desiroble (TUTOR, student counsellor, 13 Nov.12 Sprayers; 10-ft. Tree Pruner; [Ing - Ajax area and two salesmen for|ties. European home. Phone Picke LEEHWOOD -- In loving memory of | Res, 57283 Nov#| fonchites in Oshowa and '|experience. Appointments only 1 |25--Pets and Livestock 1 4 Ine i [Whitby . Oshawa area to sell :enl es. 937TW4, ] { N, Lockwood, who passed ry RA _5-1054 between 6 and 7 p.m. Nov 1s . Pipe Threading Equipment; x I 0 ¥ 20--C sway Bdvember 3, 1936 |S--Nursing Services District available to men with pe artage | TRIMMING, "bathing, de-fleeing, Electric Hammer; Chain a bg ig RA Wo furnisied hoitekeoping Tom Gore rom us but leaving memories! sibnLE Green Villa Lodge, Kingston Sroper. qualificaiens, This. is DRIVE SAFELY CATE Bud Galt Tor cariage of al ing, Waubea. Kennels, TA hs" Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow |5.8461, MO 8.3337, Pickering 80, 207 a ed, HW a oy |} J enn LJ ke away: ho | N raniture Iv - . i . a matics that, will always linger, |Ro8d West, Oshawa Vacancies, rath) for ee waren pid Learn tn Drive at © |able rates, RA 54410 or RA 5.4490, | REGISTERED Tuning be Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; | REAL estate sal Court_Streeet, Wille, ppon- this earth we stay $2330. Nov.3 ahead, No charges for fran MERCURY Nov, 11 months, male. Reasonable. 1004 Tape, etc. Stan's good sommisnon, W. Mhuler: Real THREE . roamed apartment, private VEL remembered by wife and fam : A & LOCAL eartage, custom chain sawing, harpening Service, corner ' § bath, central location In quiet residen- Hythe 6 Optometrists chise, exclusive territory ol« SCHOOL, OF SA, DRIVING sa Sams FE ro ---- King and Burke Sts, -- Dial [°F Whitby, MO 6.3231, 2550 |tial district, Refined rouple and {otal i ph poles, posts, stovewood, soft, hard, ir nt hy boiled located. An inventory invest 1 Place wood. Cars wanted, Ed Thomas and three your 2d dur hounds, two RA 3.3224 MAN required for parcelling and light |abstainers preferred. RA 5.7671, 2071 ' -- 5 Wek, t int, Specializing ment of $992 should earn MERCURY TAXI MO 8.3274 Whitby _Nov. § bus. Phone Brookiin 600RA. 204f . Nov.7 maintenance. Write Box 448, Times x ONE furnished Ton 2 j : wae Evenings Mon., Wed., Fri., 6-6,| $108 weekly in spare time, 45 King St, E. WEIMARANER pups, purchased from | feo ™ oe INDEX frvands a at home, RA 5.0143 will not interfere with your "a Som, McGhee, are CKO Tomistered, Any rticles Wanted WELL car dealer EE - room . aps pt, DRIVE FO WANT AD |[Dimorside slag asi' Nevsi| present job. Your chance to Nov10| RENT-A-CAR sores of 3 oan oust man for comple raining sence rst ots 50. Shien. 4 develop into full-time opera- trary hs on Joirimental to a ears high school and driver's licence, i ASSIFICATION 7--Surveyors WTR tion with much footer earn- | Music Studio for All Instruments } ~--by the week Courtice. pics phone RA 3.3056. 2501 We provide life, sickness and accident FIVE room apa iment, unturned 4 ¥F. J. Donevan an ssociates, Ay ings~--up fo b per Piano Tunin kif by tre day ADORABLE collie puppies, tan and insurance, A age and salary ex- available November 1. $125 per month, Sor Ascountarits [Surveying and Engineering. 12 11 o a month and more. Only one ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES wby the hour white, eight weeks oid, reasonably pected for d0-hour week to Box NO. |Apply 29 King Street West, 5a : " iced. RA 8.8035, 2821 y + e.Dorristers 59632 Nav man in a territory will be 521 Rossland Rd. West pri S800. ------ i | Yeoth T™WO brick and pr vercor 3 J soe, Tol nan mul | Hon and Ud Pn RENT-ATRUCK eanmir, e Selenite on ana more. | ACCOUNTANT [chr osiet tombe inet i wd Land & vors. Professional Egineer opportuni or the right man, ull Selection o nstruments Move Yourselt y . ; d=Derritts Land Survevors. Touiemi South, Alms | Trans Conede Oil Ean, arr Used va You Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, Nov.2) I. TURNER tenna.. Excellent condition. North ond, suring Services (728. 2687 Eglington W., Toronto, 539 ALBERT STREET | TILDEN WALKER Jong, Bo wa RA 3 2043 Young man 20 to 30 years (hug Avaliable December 1. A 6~--Optometrists DONALD H. Trollope, Ontario EE H ho | king for an 4 » BmSurveyors | Surveyor, 316 Allee Street. RA 8.6681. 255¢ Nov.29 |. Pickering 114 J 1. 21 a 558 wie > Joana Rot ad mii Te ye Nov.3 " Taxi, 45 King St, E. Ja=Varerinarion 13--Gard g & Supplies Mercury Taxi, 9 26--Farmer's Column (collect) for advancement to an execu- [room. One child welcome. Apply 263 8~Bullding |rades 8-Building Trades eS OSHAWA DRIVING RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM FOE oT Nov.12| tive position in Business Ad- [Cadillac South, RA 3.7268. 255 9 Building Material - -- mr SCHOOL RA 5.6553 quantity, Phone RA 56632. 2551 ministration with the Board |TWO unfurnished rooms in a new bun. ie . FOR good sod, No. 1 loam and ,jand disced, a soll levelled. ee |! for marritd couple with no ehil. 10% Sharpening Service For information, call AM Lin Experienced operator. RA Expert courteous instruction, Nov.10{BALED hay and straw "for also CEDARDALE SCRAP of Education, City of Oshawa. alow or arid Souple ith vo eu dual-controlled c ars, fully mek 1 1%BUsiness Opportunities 5.1903 9 Nov.23 | {stables for rent, Dial RA 5-1007. 286 : > rm rg Kir | Must have ot least a Grade i emont, Opportunitie CALL Alex Vida Modern Woodwork |wANT sod? You be missing & good | insured, Full information call 21--Personal Service White Totoro Tor Shia Ti IRON AND METALS a On oo rat a shone upstairs ~ aparh EE] ¢ Dh or oe Kiehon ant but \ you don't eth as hetory sl RA 5.8442 Weeks, Large o small lots. Sustanteed 100 Annis Street 2 years -accounting experi- - mT y king A 'a deliver or sell In field. RA 3-9076 - stocks, owner leaving, sacrifice price ~ ! 13m-Gardening & Supplies boards. and door frames Al A Kou , [or RA 82403, Nov or drop in at 178 Simcoe N. LATEST HIT RECORDS Leyland, RR 2, Whitby, or RA 3.4528 East of CNR Station ence, preferably with @ [ment a a -- i xindows, any v i er Si po ov.3| AND LP albums, Also small |atter 6 p.m. 252 WE PAY: ¥ Public Accountant, Adults preferred. RA 5-4569. Household Repo i . JE removal an mming ~ fire: : i " n pron : i om, | kitohen Swe [BatruCHiON GT Worion and Associates, Commer. (wood, cut with chain saw, also dry| JE) gift items, Wedding invita |DEAD farm sock picked up promiy Highest prices for fron, Please give full details of LIVING room, bedroom." utchen oo Rom tur ande cial 'White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave [body wood for sale. Phone RA 5.7754. | nsurance tions printed, 3.2679, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone personal data in written | B0CC0C ot. Pr] '* nue South, Ajux. Phone Ajax 128 | Nov. jj MELODEE RECORD BAR Novd| Metal, Rags, Poper etc. application to: Sina "ih % oy Te Nov -3432 RA 5.4159 N [STORE or office ace for rent; ap- - de TOP soll for sele. Reasonable Toy, GENERAL INSURANCE and GIFT SHOP -- RA 5-34 OSHAWA BOARD of EDUCATION imately 81% feet wide by 31 feet pI Mg oT UE vs and bi RR FE ET gp] "File Oo Sowiey [7 Cotawe, Guinea oT gona i one - AL ardw cuttings, large ov, W. GORDON BUNKER, monthly, Enquire at 169 Simcoe Stree . Decl Chimreys and fireplaces built and re lweLL rotted manure for sale 1 the REAL ESTATE Dec. 1 |lond, 810, also $5 loads. Delivered. Aare Adel rotor . |e Il r PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, 55h Nice Help Wanted paired, RA 3.4554 Novfisard, RA 53756. ov. 3 Robert S a SoTL Nevis fixtures, new and used, changing from SOUTH END . Ar Arh, ty Pi L 'McCA TAILORING S H AW Ly i So S00. SUPPLY R C ALLUM For ell Garment Repairs STOVE APPLICATION FOR PART-TIME WORK | of plumbi Dial RA 5.4241, J ley | \ { plumbing. Dia Fole: Prompt delivery, Sod In the | and Alterations, reasonable RAG AND ETAL FILL IN BELOW. AND MAIL TOBAY) Nov 2% Nov. 6 | SULLDOTING and oxcavating Diati field for truckers, : prices and prompt service. Ls BOAING Y pd 17---Money to Store or private work, Jake Shaw will pay you more > BAS 31, Taylor Brothers, 3 iH Phone RA 5-8552 4 Loan Phone Len Pullon == RA for your scrap iron, tin, copper, $ould, Yu vatk 12 Hours per week? to start? Yu 0 Nov, 12|cLiENTs money to loan on first mort. | .8-5311 -- 10 Prince St. brass, lead, aluminum, Would training in sales and service in adver- I ------------------------ | Mage. Mortgage and agreements of sal | purchased, NHA ole. paid Ae Jan.7 89 BLOOR ST, EAST x tising benefit you in Sanrying out your HESS CONSTRUCTION side- "HOLLAND NURSERY | Grelaicn, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. OPEN AFUDAYS y future plans? ,.... Yes [) New homes. additions, " A No [J oo et oun- | and LANDSCAPING le TIENTS monies svallable fo 5 FOR BETTER DRY RA 5.2311 wowed : Yo ll Ne g dations, rep' bre-t LIE sv. r ¥ : ser Ba er, RA 5.7442 and, wend moneises. Moruaees andl CLEANING CALL AUTO WRECKING garuges, ond i : Be spetiality. Free estic We do complete first-closs |n""k"gwarts, Barrister and Notary Nov. 12 For information write \ a 4 4 landscaping, nursery grown Pubiie, 2644 King East, Oshawa. RA B 330, Ti . A a Phor 937. ox, imes antea mates. Phore RA 56 on. s| sod. bulbs, nursery stock, ete. R007 nT TTT agy MODERN 35--Employment Wanted | Gozette, ADDRESS .. vier annnnnns Melp Wanted = . -- | Estimates given, FIRST and second mortgages, sale DRY CLEANERS : PHONE €ip Wonleg 4 agreements purchased and sold, Hen PRACTICAL nurse and housekeeper, fasvarsesnansnsvnt emale Mélp Wanted Framing == Trimming == -- sommeeees (HACK @nd Hennick, Barristers, 31 King ' Phone RA 5.1412, 2560 256b Street East, RA 3.7232, Nov.) 321 Olive Ave. DUTCH girl requires ¥ ily Delivery work b; y pais = Remodelling, ete. | 18----=Loan Wente RA 5.7193 Prompt Daily the day. 'Apply H. Visser, Taunton, RA 41--Room ond Beard 44--For Rent : A. JAMES ALLEN SOD SUPPLY {swt morse wanica io hese HARRY O. PERRY [H® Lt > . years, on commercial property, Excel Where odotless and expert LADY will vare for one or two chil. ii private home, near south GM plant, apartment, Ritson 'Road South, near Building Contructor Sod delivered and laid. Figld lent. security, RA 3.4173, "a8i| dyr cleaning is done. Please PETROLEUM CO, dren in. her own home, daily, Phone RA 52343. fant. school, oink, builtin pupboards, fas RA § 6126 loading, alse loam, fill, sand, |FIRET ana second morigages and| feel free to drop in and see Phone RA 3-3443 oo pre gr end i for two gentlemen. bon, > "256c . . , central one RA | oo -- - - sold, private funds. Louis §. i . - steno or receptionist work. Evenings ys. NICELY furnished three-roo base: A Ajax 431, QC, 37 King Stenet East, Oshawa, R Prop, EV, GIBSON | Nights: RA 3.7944 or 5-8823 and Saturday. Will do typing at home 7831, Dec.d WE APA EVE --_-- Proc Mas flew! ksicte wonte FOR SALE Nov. 4 | 3-4043, X Nov, 29 Nov, 18 also. RA 5.8079 2541 | BEST meals in town, all convenience, refrigerator, cupboards, TV hookup, PAL - ------ hot and cold water in each roo To |hot water, Use of laundry. Couple pre. An Tomoniies. Weniod Loam and gravel, fill, rood 11--Business Opportuniti s 11--Business "Opportunities 11--Business Opportunities 11--Business Opportunities share, close to SGM. Apply RA 5.1160, ferred. Private entrance. 904 Kitcher. Cu, boards == Res AJAX Nev i gravel and flagstone. Phone {agreements of sale. purchased our plant in operation, arovel and cement gravel, Oshawa Sod Supply - m-- WTR TI TR TTR » profuse ee For information call Cliff trans, PUT i portation. Phone RA 5.8521, 253 ern conveniences, equipped with ma Brewn, RA 8.8951, We specialize in good \ extras, centrally located, bus on, ROOM and board for one girl, Close to] Call Pickering 684 before 5 p.m. or 53 256b Rat, No ee ------ Nev. 17 Quality gS, only. . : North GM. Phone RA 8.1222." 253 [MO 8.4018 after 6 p.m. 560 JLGASSIFIED AD RATES TOP SOIL romp ely ry. e . O a nN " t v ROOM and board for gentlemen, sin. Two "enly afvrmistied [ rooms, schun dat 25 wuilos of less DIAL RA 8-8639 3 Or . . Hs bed ti} JA Kireets A S1784. gaat iy "ADBIY 303. pn wtage a y Cash Charge Civ VV 5 ee WEIS Le Six Yards Loads $5.00 _Nov. 18 ROOM and board for two gentiemen. 4S 1 88 2.07 Cp Good home cooking. Board optiopal. | THREE rooms, sink and cupboards in 6 CONSECUI | Sand, fill, cement and C. E. HARDSAND 31 STATION STREET, BELLEVILLE Apply 250 Athol Est. 207 | [Bosra RA" 3072 or 19 R Joom and MSH RTIONS 300 330 road gravel. Ph. RA Sh : ROOM 350 Sota 10r Two, WIDE to| L009. RA S017 or YW_Rowens. 200 "= Wot poid within 7 doys the 3.3162 55 Glover Road, RA 5-1721 share. RA 5.7675. Nov, (TWO ; three Jurnished. Fooms N at art n 3- . mmo ee | 0, WALT, cupboards, chen, sink, or Charge rute will app'y For fall orders, nursery stock, BUSINESS OP PORTUNITY ROOM | and board for gentleman, close bathroom and refrigerator. Private ABtive rates apply only to ori Nov.16 tulip bulbs, flag ond rockery to Four Corners. Phone RA 8-834, 253 | entrance, Apply 214 Cadillac Ave: rs A ahs Jo ids El wn 5 S------ ===| stone, A complete Landscap- ROOM and board for two friends, | 0° South, 2521 uw " au ; day week, single beds. LARGE comfortable bed-Sitting roam, it Sate sonailvil a new Loam and 1 inn Service, Nov.26 EARN, $6,000 PER YEAR AND UP WITH A MINIMUM OF $4,500 PER fen minutes fron: South' Motors, park: central, 162 Colborne Street E ois no = ing space, good meals, RA 5-8758, 282(| FURNISHED apariment, Tsirgerator, find 3% "mone for a : EY : Y PRIVATE room and board for eith . 3 EERE CTRn | Gravel Supply | "Durch Bulbs" | TT ASSURED BY A MAJOR OI. COMPANY. EE nl HB he Sgbh initial letter viation, E i ROOM and board "fo rw tle RA § "1058, ' 2560 --HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESS-- six days a week. RA § a ha aa TWO - room furnished basement aparts RO and beard for gentlemen, six |ment, modern kitchen and sink, cup --ONLY LIMITED INVESTMENT REQUIRED-- CR a Ta ol AE] ER OR hand ¢ sign figure, count os © word. Box charged 'S¢ additional. || Good top soll. loam, till, road Tulips A Classified Advertisements gravel, cement gravel, stone ffodil Hs Wiad be ir 9 am. the day of ond sand For satisfuction Da 0 Narcissus A o hours: Daily 8-5. Ba - h TE y dial RA 5-5279, : ROOM and board two gentlemen. |separate entrance. Parking space. Ne Hyacinths Also room, with single beds, two to children, Apply 73 Ritson Road South, RE) A 1 ONS-- Nov.10 no ig AR Ai --OPENINGS NOW AVAILABLE-- bch ae by . ible or ry | CALL Snowdrops : : 3 . x ROOM and board for two Eien Hy i) two men, Private shower ar wages | A CRAWFORD Top quality only For full details on this completely new plan of service station operation. Goud home, cooking. Board optional. land. entrance. ht Tleht ousokeen: Uy § inprtion of dey. ad . < . : h re ling rooms. heat. lights, het, cold w PLT yond the price : Cooper Smith Co. Apply to Mr, F. Baker at Genosha Hotel from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SINGIE beds. good menix. nundry [I 5 itor ove. 'Suite: busin 3 o RA 5-3756 irl dearly: © tin which error WY wiki | fice. 133 Cen'ral Park North. RA 3.2688 |&irl. gentieman, elderly couple ps J i a! Bruce Si t 206 ro fe Pl FOR LOAM, SR 16 CELINA ST. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th + |nes Fe TAREE room apartment, oil heated, rE] 'g according to || FILL AND MANURE . RA 3 23 1 2 « room apartment | own classification, \ " y ff ig \ No ehlldr Al 260 Huron Street, private entrance, No children, Phone 4 Nov.20 4d Wi. Arrly ron Fase [RA seuss, wel