2] i pe "PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY im Married recently in a double { Stuntt, is fhe daugnjer Vy Mt " g ceremony at St, Andrew's and el ay Stuart ad ited Church Mr. and <i 8 Cliurep wep Mor. na | Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kno, all the former Miss Bernice May ! Successful Dance Celebrates omen; Women's Editor Jo Aldwinckle, mH i] 3 Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdoy, November 2, 1957 by E "28 LODGES AND SOCIETIES Joos at Home and Abroad, jive her report and complimented the members on the quality of their and the number of arti- i HH] RFs 83 i PRINCE PHILIP CHAPT, 10DE The October meeting of the meeting were read by Mrs. K. R. Wagg, secretary. Mrs. B. T. Wi gave the treasurer's re port. expressed their the evening meeting en Jubilee Chapter to hear Miss Flizabeth York speak, Mrs. F. N, McCallum, educational secretary, gave her report and stated two ursaries had been paid, one for $150 and one for $200, to two stu- dents to ald in furthering their studies. Additional help will be iven if needed. Also, ks had Bo sent to the library of the adopted school at Kukutash, Mrs, McCallum was authorized to pur- chase suitable Christmas gifts for the pupils. Mrs. F. J. Plerce, Canadiani- zation and Immigrations conven. 4 |er, reported on the tea given to New Canadians and suggested printed invitations be sent to future mew Canadians inviting them to attend the tea. Mrs, W. L. Butler, secretary of Serv- ~Photo by Ireland | the Tuck Shop at Fairview Lodge 98 on October 18 and Mrs, Butler aid, for volunteers for Novem- Mrs. Butler, had siafied «i To White Nylon [restore it with these four simple steps: deter gout, warm water and the wash cycle of automatic washer, To Restore Life ve Tout their sparkle; you can Wash with an 23 ® N af gi 4H { garments may not nesd al of| removed, since before they become|tahle matter can water, ir olor remover and Strong Resolutions Emerge From CWL National Meeting SASKATOON (CP) -- The 37th tional Catholic Women's Mrs, Meclntyre Hood, World Affairs convener, gave an inter- Russian Pp Mainds met in the UAW Hall, on Tuesday, October 29, to discuss the social activities for Christ mas. It was decided to hold a social evening in the Orange Temple on Decem 6 for Union members and their friends A children's party is to be held in the Masonic Temple on December 20 for the children of the Union members. OSHAWA LIONETTES The October meeting of the Mrs. Frank Taylor, Ways aod Means convener, suggested that each member of the Chapter be responsible for two tables of bridge or the raising of four dol- lars in cash, as a money mak- ing project for the chapter. Miss Stitt very kindly presented each member of the Chapter with a copy of an article which appear- ed in "Echoes", entitled, "You Should Know", by Mrs. Kath leen Drope. 1t is as follows: Osh Lionettes was held at Simcoe Hall, The president, Mrs. John Kent, presided, The minutes and the treasurer's report were read. It was decided to give Mrs. Norman Gower $20 more for Christmas corsage supplies. Each member was asked to get ten orders for corsages, which will sell for 75c. and $1, children's corsages 35 c. Felt stock will CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Mary St. H and 8 Assn, Albert St. H and 8 Assn, North Simcoe H and 8 Assn, Westmount H and 8 Assn, Women's Welfare League Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Sunshine Rebekah " Lesfue convention ended Wed- ty with 13 resolutions r ing from calls for stricter Seg of firearms to a request that federal government de- nounce Communist regimes. The most stron olution said a petition will be for- warded to Pi Minister Dief- ehbaker and External Affairs Minister Sidney Smith urging the Canadian government to "use its influence to bring Shon free voting 'procedures' China, Poland, Hungary and other na- worded res- and articles for her own ward- robe, "I used a hand machine at SCHOOL OF DANCING 'D.EA Ballet, Tap, Tos, Char acter, Baton. Pre-School; Fridoy and Soturday et the Masonic Temple, Centre Street, INFORMATION: tions where "more than one- third of the peoples of the earth are dominated by Communist re- gimes." - Other resolutions asked that a CWL member be appointed to the Senate, that subsistence policies for immigrants be enlarged to include medical needs in first year of residepce, and that the Succession Duty Act be amended] to increase basic exemptions from $50,000 to $75,000 and pro- vide for payment of succession taxes in annual installments, The league urged greater su- pervision of radio, television and y TUESDAY Knox Presbyterian WA Queen Elizabeth H and $ 8. A. Home League Christ Church WA wCTU Kinette Club Ever Ready Class Centre St. (West Grp) also sold, Ld The Hallowe'en party was dis- cussed, each person was asked to bring refreshments for two. The club decided to hold its December meeting on December 2 at the Hotel Genosha, where a buffet lunch will be served after h a Superfluous Hair Permanently Removed rol and thermy, your true self, free 8th Anniversary, Golden Jubilee The 8th annual' birthday ball Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Banfield, | -, of worry ond ome a ~ FREE Consultation RESULTS GUARANTEED St. George's Guild games and gifts are Alice Jackson Aux, 9th Scout Mothers' Aux, SPECIAL TRAINING | day night past, at the Ontariojand Mrs. W. Hart, Dr, and Mrs ying Club Recreation Hall. | T. Orton, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Hundreds danced to the music of Bind, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rundle, Abble Darch and his band, in the | Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Storie, Mr, ly decorated surroundings./and Mrs, K, D. Gahan, Mr, s. J. A. Ballantine convened Mrs. the dance and had as her capable|G. D, Andrews, Mr. t esistants Mrs, Walter Libby, |Gregory Kane, Mr, and Mrs, Wil s, Emery Baldry, Mrs, |liam Hastings, gory Poirier, Mrs. W. A. L.| Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Culp, Mr. born, Mrs. R. G. Kelly, Mrs. and Mrs. G. W. Cross, Mr. and| . W, Barr, Mrs. Douglas Lang- (Mrs. T. Kidd, Mr, and Mrs. R. fhaid, Mrs, L. R. Sawyer, Wallace, Mr, and Mrs. C. Wal The decoration theme was in|lace, Mr, and Mrs. C. Williams, 1d, to correspond with the name |Mr, and Mrs. P Hermansen, Mr. chapter, with large gold and Mrs, J. Souch, Mr, and Mrs, ards of yellow chrysanthe-|A, MacPerson, Dr. and Mrs. D, at the e. The program | Langmaid i sal anned by , G. hy . W. A. Hol spot dances. re A were won by the follow- & Jackson, . R, [Mrs Prides Chapter IODE was held Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Jones, Mt, | ri 1 and The elimination dance was won and Mrs, By Mr, and Mrs, M. Flannery, During intermission, a couple the Oshawa School of Danc- entertained with an exhibition ballroom dancing. Mr, and s. T. K. Creighton graciously ed as patrons and together th the er Mrs. alter amme, and Mr, Famme they hed the large number of sts. Mrs. Bob Ross, Gregory Poirier. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Shaw, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Sliter, Dr. and Mrs. R, 8. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Winter, Mr. and Mrs, T. Lowe, Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Greer, Mr, and Mrs, E. M. Kuntze, Mr. and Mrs, Bud Henderson, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Bino, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cranfield, Mr. and Mrs, T. M y, Mr, and Mrs. L. Free- born, Mr, and Mrs. John Griner, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rose, Mr, and Mrs. Hayward Murdoch, Mr, Among those attending were: Dr. and Mrs. W. D, Warren, Mr, and Mrs. J. V. Saunders, Mr. and s. Emery Baldry, Mr. and . J. A. Yanch, Mr. and Mrs. Don Courtice, Mr, and Mrs, C. McCullough, Mr, , Mr, and Mrs. D. Jackson, Johansen, Mr, and Mrs, T, Mil " and Mrs, Ron Wilson, Dr.|ner, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Steph Mrs. A. Jerry Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs, Gravel, Mr, and Mrs, and Mrs, William Baker, Mr, and|B and Mrs, Ed|Bert Neil, Mr, and Mrs, Aage|A PRIZE WINNER Miss Anne Wallace has been | Jogo. Her subject was "Can i| adian Sculpture" Mim Wallace is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wallace, Jones present a member of the staff of the CBC in Ottawa. Victoria Lodge, LTB 11th Group Committee Daughters of England Holy Cross WA. Onward Group 15th Scout Mothers' Aux. WEDNESDAY LEICESTER, England (CP) {Girls at Gateway School here will be given a course in technical drawing to prepare them for careers as designers in the air. craft, engineering and building in- dustries, MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa ot the Genoshe Hotel, November § RA 3.4641 Phone for eppointment eon these dates. ! 8. A. Prayer Meeting GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. 18 SIMCO™ 57. 5; Uownlown RA 5-1833 Osham Northminster WA. Queen Mary Lodge All Doubles Club Rundle Park Aux. 3rd Scout Mothers' Aux, Women Teachers' Assn, Harmony WA 20d Group Committee Albert Street WMS CP and T Fund THURSD. AY 80-80 Club Sunbeam , OES St. George's Eve. WA Happy Doubles Club Calvary Baptist WMS Simcoe Street WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild St. George's Aft, WA Evelyn win group Challenger Grou, King Street S FRIDAY Centre Street WA (East Group) | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ¥ D. Ormiston, Mr, and Mrs, Wil- liam Lock, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ramshaw, Mr. and Mrs, C, Dew- hurst, Mr. and Mrs, E, Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mac! , Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson, Mr, and You, A. Toms, Mr, and Mo. R RHEUMATISM Suffering pain, discomiort Mrs. C. L. Kell, Mr. and|son, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Driscoll, Mrs. R. E. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Dr, and Mrs. J. Maroosis, Mr, . Jack, Mr, and Mrs. S. R. and Mrs. Don Branch, Mr. and King, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cox,|Mrs. Lloyd Short. Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Kinsman,| Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Gomme, . and Mrs, Don Black, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lofthouse, Mrs, T, K. Creighton, Mr. | Mr, and Mrs. Howard Kane, Mr. Mrs, R. C, Day, Mr. and|and Mrs. Robert Mills, Mr. and . E, A. Bassett, Mr. and Mrs.| Mrs. Donald Burns, Dr. and Mrs. . Burr, Mr, and Mrs. Alan Cay,|S. MacDonald, Myr. and Mrs. T. . and Mrs. J. C. Howson, Mr.|Jack, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Et Mrs, P. H. Horton, Mr. and manski, Mr, and Mrs. Norman . E. Parry, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton, Mr, and Mrs, Gorrie, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. Keith ence, Mr, and Mrs. W, Wil. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. John son, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wil- Stead, ny Mr, and Mrs. Ray Davis,| Mr. and Mrs. James Howard, \ and Mrs. William Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John Houghton, Mr. Mr and Mrs. F. Eddolls, Mr.|and Mrs. Mel McMahon, Mr. and and Mrs. Peter Simpson, Mr. and |Mrs. J, Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mrs. Alan Hilts, Mr. and Mrs. |Flannery, Mr, and Mrs, J. Morley Q. Js it heat or humidity thet couses wintertime dry nose P A. It's low humidity (lack of molsture in the air), To be com- fortable et 72°F, room air should have a relative humidity of about 40 per cent, This means that the air should be 40 per cent saturated with moisture, Ralph Schofield, Mr. and Mrs. M,|Walker, Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor, W. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Philip|Mr. and Mrs. Walter Libby, Mr, Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. J. Top-land Mrs. W. J. Henry, Mr. and pings, Mr. and Mrs. J, McIntosh, (Mrs. Thomas Cook, Mr, and Mrs. HALLOWE'EN "DANCE i SAT., NOV. 2nd rvenr 53% NIGHT 'VARCOE'S PAVILION xmeston ro. &. LES BROWN MOONLIGHT SERENADERS . FREE . . . Permanent -- by Powder Puff Beauty Salon for Door Prize Plus Many Other Prizes DRESS OPTIONAL Admission $2.00 Per Couple OSHAWA FINEST BQ CHICKEN WE'LL BE SEEING YOU | With Even under these ides!" con- |ditions the nose has trouble {keeping up, Every 24 hours we breathe about 500 cubic feet of air, In passing through the nose (the oir is warmed to almost 98.6°C (body temperature) and about one pint of water is added to raise the. relative humidity to 95 per cent. A pint of water is a lot for one nose to supply. Reduce the relative humidity of room air to 25 per cent or below, os is the case in many homes during the winter, and the nose loses the battle with the furnace, In disease and old age it simply con't deliver that much water; | drainage stops and germs toke over, Humidifying air in the house during winter months isn't (easy, A nose and throat special- | ist recently discussed the prob. [lam before a medical meeting, He had tried all kinds of experi- iments and still didn't know how ito moisten a house, ~ * Wintertime Dry Nose © Polio Q. After a child hes been given three polio shots, how often and for how long should he receive booster injections A. The question connot be an- swered at this time, In most children, three polio shots pro- duce good resistonce or immun- ity to the disease. If no further injections are given the protec- tive substances in the gradually disappear. give a fourth shot to kick the immunity beck to protective levels isn't known with certainty, Material In MEDICAL MIRROR is based on vahous scientific publications and does not reflect the opinion of all doctors, The di 2 of di : the skill end knowledge which 'only a physician econ opply by personally attending the patient. SCIENCE EDITORS, P.O, BOX 396 Madison Square Stotion, New York 10, N.Y, Published As A 'Public Service By 28 King St ¢ Oshawa ---- ZELLERS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY SHOPPING HOURS DOWNTOWN DAILY 9:00 AM. TO 5:30 P.M, EXCEPT WED, 9:30 AM. TO 12:30 P.M. CANADIANS "an mL "DOWNTOWN" HOOT MON! THRIFT DAYS J OUTSTANDING SPECIALS DAILY DURING THRIFT DAYS "A 3-2294 at ) 4 "DOWNTOWN"