] i i k (LL i eo Sg A wre ld -~ veo Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 BI ER pi THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY § 1048 SE -------- Please Note in effect for this column; Births, Memoriams, Cords of FThonks -- 9 AM, SAME DAY DEATHS w= 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 BIRTHS INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | ==Accountonts 2e~Berristors 3==Chiropracter 4-Dertists S==Nursing Services G-=Optometrists TeSurveyors I «ANDERSON .. To Mr, and Mrs, Bruee Anderson. (nee June Gibbons) of Frenchman's Bay fonerty of Oshawa, on October 31, 1087, dsughter, yistance Jane, »t Ajax Geners) Hos: al, CARR «Mr, and Mrs, John Carr would like to announce the birth of » daughter, Janice Lee, on October 31, 1957 at the Oshaws General Hospital, "BEED -- Mr. and Mrs, Leste R, heed pee Joan Archibald) wish to an. nee the » son, Chri "Aan, on Wednesday, October 0 OT, At the Oshawa General Hospital, A brother for Susan, John and Leslie, RIEHL -- On Friday, November 1, AL. Oshaws General Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordan W. Riehl, a day ter, Deborah Isabelle, A sister for and Hugh ROBERTSON Mr, and Mrs. Athol Robertson are happy (0 announce the BIN of their son, 8 Ibs, 7% ozs, on Friday, November 1, 1957 at the Osi awa General Hospital. A brother for John and Christine, STACEY Mr. and Mrs, Ernest R, Stacey are happy to announce the ar val of God's gift of » daughter, 8 Ibs, 4 02s, on Thursday, October 31 at the Oshawa General Hospital, WILLIAMS «Mr, und Mrs, Elmer Williams announce the arrival bf their » October 30, 1957, at the Osh on ono: Hospital, S~Buiiding Irades Building Material 10==5harpening Service 11 ==Business Opporturiities n ios i ha 12=Drassmaking 13=~Gorgening & Supplie | 4==Household Repairs 1 8 Instruction | 6==Insurance 17==Monsy to Lean 18-~Loan Wanted 2) ==Parsonal Service 22~~Radie Repairs 23 =~Women's Column 24--Morket Basket 25-=Pets and Livestock 26~Farmer's Column 27=~Fusl, Wood 28-=Summer Resorts 280~~Hunting 29-=Summer Properties For Sole or Wanted 30~Lost and Found 31==Articies For Rent 32-~Articles Wanted J4=Auction Sales 35-=Employment Wanted "DEATHS BELLIS ~William ¥,, 52 years, Oc- dobar 26, 1957, at Windsor, Beloved son of Mr, and Mrs, George Bellis, Osh Awa, Doar brother of Mrs, Charles Aggort, Brantford; Mrs, Dorls 8W, Toronto; George and Albert Be): Ls, Oshawa, Resting at the James H, Sutton Funeral Home, 937 Ouellette Avenue. Funeral servies Thursday, October 31 at 11:30 a.m. Rev, G, A, Wuskell officiating, Interment Windsor Grove Cemetery Capron Na In the Oshawa Gen a elon PE fancls Young, beloved wife of John A, Cameron, in her 34th year, Yésting at the McIntosh Funeral Home, 18 King Street East for servies in the Chapel on Tuesday, November 5 at 2 Tm. Interment Mount Lawg Cembtery SUMMERS, Edward Alvin ~ Sud denly in Bowmanville Memorial Hos pital on Saturday, November 2, 1997, ward Alvin Summe beloved hus a of Ena D, Weegar, resting at the eral home of Northeutt and Smith, 8%, Division Street, Bowmanville unt Monday, November 4, Funeral service in Trinity United Church on Monday, November 4, at 2.30 p.m, Interment st Bowmanville Cemetery, "SUTHERLAND In Oshaws, On farfo on Thursday, October 31, 1957, baby Donna Wyn Sutherland, r of Mr, and Mrs, Robert A, Sutherland, aged 2 months, The funeral Wav held from the Armstrong Funeral #. Oshawa Friday, November 1, 2 Bm, Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery 4 IN MEMORIAM hSORNEAL big A loving. memory of or, Lydia Cornoal, who passe #Way' November 3, 1045 pansy n in the month of November ood by an open grave; We watched them lower our mother Whom we loved, but could not save i We knew our awaken Her soul in its silent olay; So we laid our hearts beside her And silently walked away plver remembered by son Tom daughter-in-law Mil and grandsons thoughts could mot TAWS -- Cherished memories of finde ish and, father and rand: ir, aries, who passed vember 2, 1954 » sway No Too dearly loved to be forgotten, dovingly remembered by wife, Eva, Awighters Dorothy and Margaret, sons iid Ivan and Eddie and grandehil ren Contracts For 36-Female Help Wanted 37-=Male Help Wanted 38--Male or Female Help Vyanted 39-=Agents Wanted 40=~Opportunities 41==Room end Boord 42-~Room end Boord Wanted 43-=Wanted Teo Rent A4=For Rent 45-Real Estate For Sole 450--Real Estate Exchange 40~-Reol Estate Wanted 47 ==Automobiles For Sale 48~=Ayutomobiles Wanted 49-~Automobile Repair S50-=Articles For Sale 5) ==Swop end Barter §52-~Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or lem Cash Charge TIONG nn 207 6 CONSECUT INSERTIONS 3.00 3.30 it not paid within 7 days the Choroe rate will apply. Above rates apply only te erk ginal orders for consecutive inser: ions, Subsequent insertions ordered of a later cote cons'itute e new origina' order Professional and Business listing $6.00 per month for 3 lines do Each additional line 75¢ per Hai} Each initial fetter, abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign figure, count as © word, Box charged tbe additional. Classified Advertisements MUST be in 9 am. the day of ublication, Office hours: Dally 8-5 urdoy 6-12. REGULATIONS The Daily Times-Gazette shall not be responsible for errors In advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any od vartisement. noi beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisements in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising accord ng to its own classification, 1 consecut IVE INSER Y==Accountants | 8---Building Trades 33. Guiddning & Supplies 15--Instructior, [20 Comms. CL BOB Clancy's Dillane Accounting Bery: ices offers complet bookkeeping Aoty: ice for small ely 184 Bond Hi Room 1. Office, RA 5-0007; Re RA 37605. of (ALL types dwelling repairs, siding, plastering and W. |neys, new and repaired, Gordon May... BPTIC way. RA D-3086, roofing, repairs, ehim. al RA ALL v.28 tanks , Sionned the "ennitary Nov.16 Cartifi od Public RINE dS 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ont. RA 53500, Novi GREER, Lee and Murphy, Barristers and Solicitors, § King Street ar on awa, Dial RA 5-47 717, MONTEITH, Monteith. Riehl yo Chartered Licensed Trus- Jaen, Ajax, Oshawa, hy PEK 5 § 1 , Mangan, 3% ieitor, Money to. ou orfiee, 14 Wri PRE-CAST "CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO SLABS CUR h UNIT STEPS with or without ornamental roils, Brooklin w Concrete Products Phone 155 Highway 12 evenings 19 Brooklin Nov,20 Street East, ing, RA "a ce, RA 53405, DONALD Blake Dodds, Barrister Pe Solicitor, 26% King Siinnt East, Tele: phone Business, RA 5-5501; Residence, RA 8.5373, Dee.! MANNING F,'B Swarts, Barrister, Bolicl- tor, Notary, Money to loan, Slanty Block, 26% King Breet East, RA 3 Residence, Dial 3.4029, Dec.1 HUMPHREYS "and Boyohyn, | Barris. ters, Solicitors, R. D. Humphreys, QC; G, B, Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, LLB, 6 King Street West, Phones Office, RA 5.1177; Res, RA 5:4604; Whitby, MO 8.2761, Money to ee ) MacDonaid, BA, Barris 101 meoe Stree! san el JORN A, G. 1 ter and Solicitor, North, Phone R 7. T, Saimers, BA, | FarrieE i oie, 13% Simooe Street North. Dial of. L fies, RA 54741, Residence, RA 5.5642 Nov. 24 CEMENT RA 5-3516 OSHAWA Free estimates on footings, walls, floors, garages, stoops, etc, Our experienced crews will do a complete job, in cluding erection of forms ond placing of aquolity-con- Yrolled ond guaranteed con- crete, Also machine and hand-trowel finishing ot rea- sonable cost, CURRAN & BRIGGS READY-MIX LIMITED 991 Simcoe Street South Nov, 19 CAMERON and MacDonald, Parristers, Salloitors and Notaries Public, 18% King Street Ea RA 32200, NHA and . es arranged, Nov. hell | Basted, Barristers and Solicitors, Clients' funds available for rt arighgon 20 Simeoe Street North, 53866, Charles C, MeGib- bon, ac; gr stedo ,_Nov.20 GREER and Kelby, Barristers, Solicl tors, ete, 7% Mimeoe Street Rout Dial RA 32278, Residence, M, Greer, BA, Se, RA 65-3368) V. Kelly, BA _BC1 RA 5.2002, Nov. If TGNTON, Fraser, Drynan and by Barrisetrs, Solicitors, Notary Public, Bank ot Commerce Building, § Simcoe Street North RA 3-446 a, Creighton, QC: N, C. Fraser, aL G, K. Drynant 6, L, Mudoch, NH mortgs, arranged Nov 2 RAL Jones. BA and Thomas Hl Greer, Associate Barristers and Boliel tors, 65 Simeoe wee! South. RA 5-352 Mortgage loans available Nov 7 3--Chiropractors SYDNEY "Ww Buffet! ne, Office, ioe, 135 Simeos Streat North. Phone nA Jue H for appointments 4---Dentists DR, Peler Zakarow, office. hours ie 6. Open evenings by appointment King. Street East, Phone RA 5.0521 Res, 65-7283 Nov.24 | 5--Nursing Services | MIDDLE Green Villa Lodge, Kingston Road West, Oshawa Vacancies, grad uate nurse In attendance, RA 5.2330 v4 v3) 6--Optometrists | ©, MW, Tuck, Optometrist, Bpecializing | fn muscle anomalies, eyesight an i glasses, Evenings Mon, Wed, Fri, 68, Invalids examined at home, RA 5-01 Disney Bldg, 31 King East, Nov. 26 | 7 Surveyors ¥. J. Donevan and Associates, Land Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor Street East, Oshawa, Ontario RA 5-56! Nov. 24 @. 7. Worton and Associates, Ontario Land Surveyors. Professional Egineer ing, 70 Harwood Avneue South, Ajax 728, Nov.10 priv Nov.10 Phone DONALD HW, Trollope, Ontario Land Surveyor, 218 Alice Streef, RA 5.0081 ACTOR FINED MALIBU, Calif, (AP) -- Actor Allen Jenkins 57, .has lost his driver's licence for 30 days after pleading guilty to a drunk driv- Ing charge. He also was fined $250 when he appeared in justice court Thursday. Jenkins was ar- rested Aug, 3 after his car was involved in a minor collision Pipe Line Work Blasted By Builder TORONTO (CP) Tullis N Garter, president of the Canadian Genstruction Association, sald Friday he is convinced Trans Ginada Pipe Lines Limited does not want Canadian contractors to (the Northern Ontario section the pipeline Mr. Carter sald he was critical of Trens-Canada's method of ob. taining tenders and sald it has invited 12 companies to submit fenders for the section®to he built between Port Arthur and Bury fe sald in an interview eight of the comranies are Amer Gan, twa are Canadian subsid laties of American companies and the other two "presumably Canadian =1 am positive they don't want Canadian contractors on this job" he sald "Trans-Canada is merely act. ing as an age nt for. the govern. ment," he added. "I think all Canadian contractors should be invited to bid." Mr. Carter sald it was Trans Canada's opinion only experi enced U.S. companies could keep up to schedule on pipeline con struction, He asked how Cana dian contractors could hope to gain experience unless they were given a chance He said members of the On| tario Roadbuilders - Association own $112,000,000 worth of machin. ory which costs $8 000,000 a year | 'o maintain and said there is no| indication any of this mac! hinery | would be used on the northern project Government Help Sought For Ailing Oil Industry CALGARY dit 'industry is wavering what some industry cal' a temporary recession, Few, however, are willing to say may not extend up to two years (CP) ~The Recogn| zing the seriousness of Satisfactory" ems will be studied further at a| went to Ottawa to confer future meeting with the federal the situation Premier E, C. Man- ning with. Prime Minister Diefenbaker Fhe world . wide post by shipments from the Mediter rapean and from Venezuela California and the Pacific west United States Saskatchewan, a latecomer ft the Canadian oil picture, boosted its production cub-off a market for a day previously Carl Nickle, Dally nig da expert in oil affairs, predicted 'rough has to more Wood star than 100,000 barrels daily. This Ing 'painful bruises after Alberta butted by a totalling at least 50.000 barrels bull ring in Seville, publisher of The Oil Bulletin and a recog-|Miss Gardner is in London incog Fri times" |charge Alberta his Edmonton office Friday fol under! lowing a conference spokesmen | with the prime minister and Fi. {nance Minister Fleming on ex. it port of oll from Alberta He said the talks were "very and that the prob. fovernmen Star Bruised, Suez slump in tanker rates has mean! that Alberta oil is being replaced " Butted By Cow LONDON Sf Holly Ava Gardner Is nurs cow in a a newspaper says, The London Daily Mail say nito recovering from a cow' on the ranch of bull luheéad for the oil industry dur.|fighter Angel Peralta ing the nex! two years. He urged poverament action lo offset the {ended the ¥ fump f "Prem er Manning returned to/ neck. | The Mall says the cow kicked her | in Ottawa | being private London Nov.3 8---Building Trades FOR good sod, No, 1 loam and gravel For Information, eall AM Lines, RA 5-1905 Nov, 29 GALL Alex Vajda Modern Woodwork ing Shop, We do betler faster and cheaper job or modern kitchen cup hoards, and door frames. All kinds Sl windows, any size or design. RA Ft ov 'I, Horton and Associates, Commer White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave Phone Ajax 728 Nov. 10 |STONE mason, 0 years' experience, {a types stone and masonry work G. cial nue South, Ajax Masonie Temple, RA 37283. 10--Sharpening 5 Service HAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, now, saws, scissors, knives, Sto, Perey Neil, 102 Highland, RA 8-836) Nov.16 Business Opportunities REY, " Ho) disced, Iandseaping, 1, ol levelled, Experienced operator, 27, HARVEY Di Hoyw AT , baton, jand. West, RA 5-61 June} RENT-A- CAR WANT sod? You'll be missing & bet of you don't call a be before you We deliver or sell field, WA 39076 |W. Nov. 10 good | TUTOR, Sydant counsellor, 15 yes: TWA 1084 ong ed Noy.16 { ==by the week ppointments only Tan --by the doy or BA 52493, TREE removal snd trimming ~ fire wood, eut with chain saw, alse dry body wood for sale, Phone RA A400 ov, Tor Vid for s¥le. Reasonable Jen, RA 5.08 WELL rotted manure for sale A jue vard, RA 54706, why the hour RENT-A-TRUCK Move Yourself TILDEN Mercury Tox, 45 King St, E, RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM RA 5-6553 DRIVE SAFELY Learn to Drive ot MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING RA 5.4771 | ae | MERCURY TAXI 45 King St. k. Nov. 10 Oshawa Sod Supply 16--Insurance Nov.10| Phone 22079, (25~--Pets and Livestock ADORABLE collie puppies, OC nd white, he Fs Bava iby Budgies, ready Aiming, Jali arin, Broad, 114 Vila Sires armers mn PULLETS for sale, Tbe. quantity, Phone RA BALKD Tiny and sri for sale," ain stables old, each, 56092. also for rent, Dial RA 51097, ion White colle Marg: a 132--Articles Wanted SCRAP: Raw furs, live poultry, CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis Street We specialize in good quality sod nly. * Prompt delivery, DIAL RA 8-8639 Nov.18 C. E. HARDSAND 55 Glover Road, RA 5-172) 21-Personal Service CHRISTMAS text and every day greet. ing eards, Bibles, plaques and mottos, Brown's Bible Book Store, Bond Street West, Deed GENERAL INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Robert S. McCALLUM RA 5.6402 | Nar Pras IRON] Pl) A Free plokup and delivery, LATEST HIT RECORDS Nov.6 | AND LP olbums, Also small For foll orders, nursery stock, tulip bulbs, flog and rockery 17--~Money to Loan gift items, Wedding Invita- stone, A complete Landscop- ing Service, COURTICE SOD AND LANDSCAPING SERVICES Lawns levelled, sodded ond seeded, Loom ond Fill, For Free Estimates Call eD, KNOWLTON RA 5.6047 a Nov, 1| Dutch Bulbs" Tulips Daffodils "i Times 02 rT n opportunity, Write Box 335, Waton | Fridays, Saturday » May2 Part-time business requires persons with $675, The work is light, dignified end re- quires about 2 hours atten tion per week, Your capitol is secure at all times and you will have money every week, Please write us a few lines about yourself giving addres and phone number for a per- sonal interview, Box 413, Times-Gozette 0ct,23,25,29,31 Nov." FOR LEASE with room facilities and quarters, on main highways in Oshawa ared, Reasonable rentals, For information write Box 341, Times-Gazette Service stations lunch living OIL COMPANY Will set you up In your own business, servicing accounts, no selling, A few desirable franchises in Oshawa ond District available to men with proper qualifications, This Is an exceptional opportunity for men who want to get ahead, No charges for fron- chise, exclusive territory al- located. An inventory invest. ment of $992 should eon $108 weekly in spare time, will not interfere with your present job, Your chance to develop: into full-time opera- tion with much greater earn- ings=-up to $1,500 per month and more, Only one man in a territory will be selected, This is on unusual opportunity for the right man, Trans Canada Oil Company, 2687 Eglingten W., Toronto 255¢ Chimneys and Hraplasys built antl a paired. RA 3-4 i - v9 PLUMBING and ving pipes, ittings, fixtures, new and used, changing from septic tanks to sewer a specinity. In stallations at reasonable rates. Infor mation and estimates free oh or Aype Mal RA 5.4% oley of plumbing Novi | RULLDOZING "and SXCAVANNE, Dial INA 33831. Taylor Brothers, 32 Charles | Street Nov.30 HESS CONSTRUCTION New homes, odditions, side. | walks, concrete floors, foun. dations, repairs, etc, Pre-fab garages, and kitchen cup- hoards ¢ speciality, Free esti mates. Phone RA 5.6937, Nov. 5 Re- ete, Framing == Trimming Kitchen ' Cuvboards pairs Remodelling, A. JAMES ALLEN Building Contractor RA 5.6126 FOR SALE Loam and gravel, fill, road grovel and cement gravel, For information call Cliff Brown, RA 8.8951, _Nov,17 TOP SOIL "| Six Yards Loads $5.00 Sand, fill, cement and road gravel. Ph. RA | 33162, Nov. 16 Loam and Nov.13 | 13--Gardening & + Supplies ~. SOUTH END SOL SUPPLY Prompt delivery, Sod in the field for truckers Phone RA 5-8552 .. Nov 12 HOLLAND NURSERY and LANDSCAPING RA 5.7442 We do complete first-class landscaping, nursery grown sod, bulbs, nursery stock, ete, Estimates given, Nov, 10 AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, Field loading, also loam, fill, sand, gravel and flagstone. Phone Ajax 431, Nov. 4 Shell Oil Co. of Can. Ltd: 31 STATION STREET, BELLEVILLE EARN $6,000 PER YEAR AND UP WITH A MINIMUM OF $4,500 PER YEAR ASSURED BY A MAJOR OIL COMPANY. Gravel Supply | Good top soil loam, fill, road gravel, cement gravel, stone and sand. For satistuction dial RA 5.5279, _Nov.10 4 CALL A. CRAWFORD up ood beauty and| the back of the | op n shaw, centrally located, | Narcissus | ours money to loan on first mort. age Mortgage and agreements of sale purchased A Nov, 26 a Fraser, Drynsn CLIENTN and second mor'guge Pibuie, 3.4007, VIRNT agreements purchased and sold, nick snd Honnlox, Barristers, Kast, RA 37232, years, on commercial property, lent security, VIRNT agreemonis wold, Qc, # 14 4043, tions printed, MELODEE RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP Simcoe Street South Phone RA 5.5584 morigages arranged, and Mur. Nov a monies avaliable for first Mortgaghs and rehased, Apply aris, Barrister and Notary 2% King Kast, Oshawa RA Nov 11 339 Dec, 1 "TAILORING For all Garment Repairs and Alterations, reasonable prices and prompt service, Store or private work, Phone Len Pullan «== RA 8.5311 10° Prince St, Jan 7 reements of sala ¥, Anle Hen Ll] sng Nov, and second mortgages, reel 8--Loan Wonted 500 first mortgage wanted for three Exce RA 34173 mortgages "Hl FOR BETTER DRY rivals a ob reassed. and CLEAN | NG CALL and sreond Hyacinths Crocus Snowdrops 1op quality only, Cooner Smith Co. ! 16 CELINA ST, RA 3.2312 § Nov, 2( A. W. RUNDLE Garden Centre | Everything For Your | Garden Evergreens, grown at our nursery suitable for local conditions Hardy roses grown here, Our 100 variet- les, top size dutch bulbs, chrysanthemums. in blooom, shade and frint trees, berries, shrubs etc, Gross seed and nursery grown sod, Toro lawn mowers, Choramaster and Bo- lens tractor ond tiliers, A, Ih per { Hatrin, (awa. | FIRWT mortgage for wale, trustee in vestment, | discount for prompt motion, $32,000 re | quired | tion utd, ahawa, hr MODERN DRY CLEANERS 321 Olive Ave, RA 5-7193 Where odotless and expert dyr cleaning is done, Please feel free to drop in and see our plant in operation, Prop, EV, GIBSON King Street East, Oshaws, RA | | | 8o0--Mortgages "good first mortgage bearing U tent interest for sale. John ¥ 112 Simeos Hireet North, Osh RA 5.3008, TTH Nov. covenant undoubted, small Agceptance Corpora North 2501 Oshawa 112 Bimeooe Street RA H-3060, ~ INVEST - Nov.29 AGREEMENT FOR SALE 22--Radio ond T.V, Repair | ALL-channel aerials, "20. foot 1 roof nerial, $201 30-foot roof aerial, $39; 30-foot with rotor, 8701 UMP' antenna, $18; Buffalo antenna, $15, Conversion - moving re. | Bibi Day or nigh: Rolland TV, RA $8,800 % - $90 MONTHLY 5 YEARS WILL ACCEPT $7,300 NET RA 5-6544 JOHN A; J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED = REALTOR ~ Nov, A7 ADIO, Tv opine al makes, Parl Fred Thompson. IL) warranties, ha 107 al 3 792 ov.2 rs 'S AERIAL SERVICE 55¢ lens tractor ard tillers, A. W, RUNDLE Garden Centre 1015 King East RA 5. 1964 a Oct, 27 14--Household" Repairs |G |r | ph | 19 Personal | NTORAGE space for use of LADY ton 30606. ROOMS papered, #8 up, painting, walls CABBAGE roll made T.V. Aerials Installed DIAL RA 5-9135 DAY "OR" NITE Nov. 7 (Ne "piano "for - 'the it. Apply Box B03, Times azatte, i 2861 transportation "to _ down Toronto dolly by 7.45 am, 2 ENTLEMAN ATTVIng Fort som for 3 or 4 passengers. Please hone RA 5.4328, aril. "to order, for mall orders, Ap repaired. Gyproe applied, Tis dvors laid, Geo, C, Going, Bis 8.7207 1 | bd tween 12 and 204 Osh ALTERATIONS and repairs (0 All type of houses. Free estimates, Phone RA 5.4078, Noy, 25 FURNITURE repaired and reuphol stored, See our materials for recover ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 78 Charles Street RA A7 Nov, | You iT "chimney cleaner, Chim: |neys cleaned, built and repaired. Fur naces vaovumed, Workmanship guaran |teed Free estimates RA 3.2007, Novo |@ MENTERFIELDS vebulll, recovered, [like new, Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable, Satisfaction guaran toed, Mattresses vebullt, Oshawa Up holstering Co, 10 Bond Street West, | | Dial RA 85-0311, Nov.7 | 15--Instruction LEARNING to dance 1s easy and fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 | Prince Street, RA 5.0841 or RA 5 100, LILLIAN Mae Mars, dance eal, Dancing school, Ballet, Tap, Baton, Masonic Temple, Fridays, Saturdays May20 RA 3 728 | ply "25 Fairbanks street. GARDEN tractor with roto til r WAVE you » drinking sale. Low prien. Phone RA ies" or | Alcoholics Anonymous, PO i WA, V 3furrow Ease plow very good condition, 1 3-furrow Wiis Chalmers and hydruile lift plow, nearly new. ol 3 Jn furrow Oliver plow, hitch, neorly new. crawler, good i Ay Ferguson tagter good nh tion, 1 WD, 45 Allis Chalmers tractor very condition, 1 Sedore backend loader to fit Ford or Ferguson tractor, Apply Alfred Fisher, Ashburn, Ont, Phone 6 3R4, Oct,24,25 26,31 Nov, 1,2 vel Wood FACTORY iond, $10, wis Call RA 51626, FURNACE "CLEANING Immediate Service HARRY O, PERRY Heating Equipment Division Phone RA 3.3443 Nights: RA 5-8823 or 3-7944 BOWSER! 5 FUEL | OIL L, WOOD and OIL Wood, Va cord in 1! forgtiu, Softweed Slab Hardwood Slabs $7.00 Body Hardwood $8.00 DIAL RA 3.2281 Nov,29 STOVE 5 OIL FUEL OIL Prompt Daily Delivery HARRY O, PERRY PETROLEUM CO, p Phone RA 3-3443 Lost an Found "hardwood cuttings, 1arge | YADY will care for one or Toads, Bay ered. __Nov,18| 3.2084 SURNERS ond FURNACES Nights: RA 3-7944 or 5-8823 Nov, | Eost of CNR Stution WE PAY; | Highest prices for fron, Metal, fogs, Paper ete, RA 5.3432 RA 54189 Frese Pick-Up" = Open DUTCH girl requires the day, Apply, H.: Vi piety poly ver, TT two own home, aady . dren in her own RA so28, yous: Hod a Eig Ho STENOGRAPRER desires steno or receptionist Werk. nd Saturday, Will eo. WA SOO, i YOUNG married man, ment as 'mechanic, constru ment, and Jory Jnay. ", nx Ag months' doriont wiion oll TR Attractive ance, Jlonsing Jassanaitty. phone Val, RET EE Ny: wants har J work, al 07008 after 1 CE 36--Female Help Wanted Cra PAR Sod 6 $08, A : AT for ousework fake fake ful Sha 8 pm. os Ww wo Apply LADY man's Phope Phete RA Nov, 3) problem? 7 Write | Box 103 Nov. 20 23--Women's Column [SPENCER foundation garments, indi: viduait designed, Tofistered oorse: tiere, Mrs, Irene Hendershot, 200 Park Road North, Nov.20 4003, FREE-~to those married or engoged, © 'free Booklet, "What Every, Married Man Should Know", sent in plain, sealed envelope, alto Price List of Druggist's Sundries, Send nome ond address with | Sc in stamps to cover cost of mailing end handling, to Home. Hygiene Co,, P.O, Box 146, Cobourg, Ont, per #4.50, waves $5.80, Page a hal Pine Avenue, RA DRENNMAKING, siterat end. he el dresses made to Ch Bia |24--Market Basket FRESH killed ohare 55100 or RA 3.8016, TURKEYS for (All suppers, Phone Brooklin 811RS, Nov.18 uppers, Plain i ring, Phone naeription, FLOOR polishgs sonable §old, man's wide hand 3.2048 after 8 oi rit for Rent bit a g or nda Whitby. allable, Phone MO 8.4055, 3 0g AY Nov.2 rere of @ orgs on or- ganization requires the service of a lady books keeper, must be neat in appearance and willing to work, Between the (i DO-IT-YOURSELF RENT-A-FLOOR SANDER « FINISHER from HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe §t. 5. RA 3-4425 Nov, age of 18-30. Typing' and shorthand not tial. Company benefits. Write: Box 602, Times-Gazette 254¢ _255¢ TURKEYS and roasting _ohioken for sale, special priges on turkeys for ban. quets and church suppers, RA 85302 or RA 5.9245, Nov.21 ELECTROLYSIS Removal of Superfluous Halr, Marie Murduft will be in Osh- awa Nov, 5, 6. Phone Gens osha Hotel on these dates for appointment, ORDERS taken for winter Ppoiatos: Phone RA 3.3250, 25-Pets TRIMMING, ing, Waubena Kennels Nov.5 | REGINTERED hunting Music Studio for All Instruments Piano Tunin: ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES 521 Rossland Rd. West New and Used Pianos Full Selection of All Instruments (New and Used) 539 ALBERT STREET _Nov.29 i months, male, Reasonable. RA 177. For that Special Someone ! 1h CORNISH JEWELLERS A complete line of MIDO, LORIE and BULOVA Watches, Diamonds, Cultured Pearls etc. 20 BOND STREET WEST Your Watch Personally Serviced, WEGINTERED, blond American span. fel, mine months, beautiful dog for show, good pet for children. Reason or selling, small baby allergie, 2) RT Pups, seven weeks oid, Hex: istered, male, $40; female, 833, J. WB, Dubroy, first concession, Dunbarton, Phone Pickering Soowd, ash TRAINED fox and deer ound, two and three year olds. T. R, Hall, Cola Nov.12 bus. Phone Brooklin 608R4, | OSHAWA DRIVING | SCHOOL Expert courteous Instruction, dual-controlled ¢ ars, fully insured, Full information call RA 5.8442 or drop in at 178 Simcoe N. ® Nov.3 [ki 20--Cartage | CALL , Bud Galt for oar able LOOAL on poles, Ila »M til] To Why 1 1--Business _Opportunities 1 1--Business Opportunities] 1--Business Opportunities 1--Business Opportunities IMARANER pups, rol d from we MARANE k Jon Rona ered, Any one knowing source of statements oon. trary to this, or detrimental to the % |good reputation of the Kennels at 1 | Courtice please phone RA 5.80 531 Cartage of il Jurntiire moving, ete, Re tes A 54410 or RA §- Nov, 1 ! hy wi SPRINGER spaniel pups ae, oe Hy 4 months old, Good hunting Foon and wanted, Ed Thimas, Will sell reasonable for wick Nov, Bowmanville MA 3-310 nds, LU Sood pels. Chain Saws, Gas end Electric; Saws; Sanders; Drills; Extension Lodders; Paint Sprayers; Lawn Roller; 10-ft, Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading » you ere ah toch; or if you have the equivelent in ece- demic Shi - business Haining, you may Sally for Equipment; Electric Hi Chain Moist; Hardwood Floor Stapler; Staples; Post Hole Auger; Blow Torch; Electric Soldering ron; 100.ft, Tape; etc, Stan's Sharpening Serve ice, corner King end Burke Sts. Dial RA 3.3224, Nov. pi "$50 to $1 i n your spare time, This Is not houseshi-houe Malling: but n the fiid of 4 chi reining wis. For a men and oa "Waite LH HUMANICS INSTITUTE; 7 Chain Saws, Gos and Electric; Complete Floor Sanding end Polishing Equipment and Materials (new machines); Skil Sews; Sanders; Drills; Extension Lodders; Paint Sprayers; 10-ft. Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading Equipment; Electric = Hammer; Chain Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; 100-ft, Tape, sete. Star's Sharpening Service, corner King and Burke Sts, -- Dial RA 3.3224, BUSINESS OP -HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESS-- --ONLY LIMITED INVESTMENT REQUIRED-- --OPENINGS NOW AVAILABLE-- For full details on this completely new plan of service station operation. Apply to Mr, F. Baker at Genosha Hotel from 7 pm. to 9 p.m. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th. 32--Articles Wanted ov, ail BOX 829, AJAX 37--Male Help Wanted RET sont wilviman, aur socom commission, W. Mek lor, 36 Prince Street or dial ed or Whitby, MO 8.3831 28 BILLIARD room a Wan referably over 45. A ny ards, Street Bowmanville, MA 5 Ariat wie Bo H.R ACCOUNTANT Young men 20 te 30 years of age who Is looking for an 7 PORTUNITY SHAW RAG AND METAL Jake Shaw will pay you more for your scrap iron, tin, copper, brass, lead, aluminum, 89 BLOOR ST, EAST Also OPEN SATUDAYS RA 5.2311 AUTO WRECKING 37--Male Help Wanted A Sales Career is offered to the established ond well regarded to 45, Selling experience not complete training programme, sales Company pension pl mission on all earnings available Nov, 12 opportunity te qualify. himself for advancement to an execu tive position in Business Ad ministration 'with the Bea of Education, City of Oshawa. Must have ot leost «a Grade XII education end et least 2 years accounting experi- ence, preferably with « Public Accountant, Please give full details of personal date . in written application to: : OSHAWA BOARD of EDUCATION | Oshawa, Ontario i W. GORDON BUNKER, Business Administrator 255b CAREER OPPORTUNITY right man in this area by an old- organization, Preferred age 28 necessary os we will provide a Salary to start $300,00 per month to the right man, Full come and unlimited scope for advancement and top an, Blue Cross and Surgical Plan Send full particulars to BOX 436, TIMES-GAZETTE. ha ~