TIMES-GAZETTE HOME OF THE WEEK HOME DESIGN No. 295 Neat and trim, this bedroom home of cedar shakes and brick construction boasts a full basement with plenty of room for recreation. Large closets are found in the sleeps ing areas and the kitchen fea- tures a cheerful work area with a corner sink under a window. The large living » dining com- bination is well lighted by the large picture window and in- cludes a fireplace at one end. There is a guest closet in the separate entry hall which is made private by an attractive trellis partition. With a breeze- way leading to garage, ample storage and cabinet space in the garage, plus a gabled roof and colorful planting box, this home invites a second glance. Standard Builders' blueprints costing $9.75 a set may be ob- tained for this design No. 205. For further information' write to: The Builders' Page Editor, The Times - Gazette, Oshawa, "70 Low Cost Homes for Cana- dians", price 75c., includes this ' design and may be obtained at the newspaper office or by writing to this same address. Ue ARAGE Tw gre Mo.208 | 020 Sg. * $Su0o] Borwer La NG - DINING "Pw h- 1 ©6335 cu fr" GAR. 356 Son | The Building Editor, Oshawa Times-Gagzetle, Oshawa, Ontarfo. ( ) Please send me further details about how to obtain ay Builders blue prints for home design No. 295 A Home Planner book entitled ( ) or enclosed please find 75¢ for which send me New Book ef Plans entitled "70 low cost make remittance payable Name IN THE HOME WORKSHOP By RUTH W. SPEARS Many steps may be saved if cabinets for things in constant use are near the stove and sink. It is with this in mind that these space - savers were plan- med. They are designed to fit common sizes of pots and ns and the usual containers lor seasonings. Some are on the shelves and others are fitted to H thought to protecting Homes for Canadians." (Please to The Oshawa Times-Gazefte.) * |Queen YOUR GARDEN By A. W. RUNDLE Our Southern Ontario winters, mild though they are in com do necessitate our giving some| many our less hardy garden specimens. | We will hard a the ob-|2 vious to the experienced garden-| er, and just run over, in brief, the more noteworthy points in this regard. Your roses will certainly be as- sured of surviving the winter if the simple procedure of muilch- ing, or, alternatively, mounding up some dirt around the base of the plant is carried out when the ground is well frozen and the plant completely dormant. The|rhod eabinet floors, The length dimed may be The ro pan rack is terraced dish rack (Elves: access to eve ati 418 is 40 cents. The chen es Packet of five pat- terng of other step-savers is $1.75 postpaid. Address orders to the Home| Workshop Department, The Times - Gazette, Oshawa. Canadian Navy Thanked For Rescue KIEL, Germany (AP) -- Wes (| Germany Friday officially thank- ed the Royal Canadian Navy for its rescue of 861 shipwrecked Ger- mang and Italians in 1940. Rear-Admiral Bernhard Rogge expressed Germany's gratitude to Canadian Capt. A. G. Boulton commander of a squadron of three Sestroyers now making a souriesy call here. e 'rescue was accomplished by the destroyer St. Laurent after 3 Setman submarine sank the tish ship Andora Star July 2, 1040. The Andora was carrying 2,000 German and Italian infern- ees to Canada. | Admiral Rogge said: "Only through the courageous and self- less action of the crew and ship's commander, in spite of the dan- er of German submarines, could 1 victims be saved, The Ger- man people and especially the survivors of the Andora Star will Bot forget Ss Teycve action." ogge delivered his message of 'thanks at a reception given for the officers of the three visiting 'Canadian destroyers, the St, Lau- rent, the Nootka and the Sag- Renay. The St. Laurent here now is the second Canadian ship of this name 'and not the one protecting against Te temper: in sp | green boughs or strawy manure. {has served the congregation as {nine years in the present new church. itself atures. Another function it es is in holding back too early growth ~ for example a Febru- - ary or ch thaw. Some of the more satisfactory materials for mulching roses are straw, ever- plant Roses are not, however, the only plants which need a winter | mulch, Other small trees and] shrubs of more delicate constitu-| tion will also require similar protection. With the latter types, a manure mulch is best since it parison to the rest of Canad, | Of ering "bulbs" Futpose this serves is to main- ie SR Winter Protection For Many Plants Necessary To avoid broken branches after a heavy snowfall, bind ihe |boughs of low, rounded or midal evergreens with bi iol |" The more tender, summer flow- such as gladioll and tuberous rooted begonias {should be lifted mow, and house |plants be brought indoors. Any |pe '| garden plants which you wish to [keep with you as house plants {over the winter should also be potted up now, before the heavy frosts do their damage. Your dahlia tubers should be put in winter storage after the first kill- ing frost. The increasingly popular broad- leaved --rergrecs such as the require some od "recon, Perhaps Ba 1 Lp iy transpiration of moisture from the leaves goes on throughout winter, the plant will suffer un- less the roots can supply enough water to compensate for this loss of water above. Here again, a good mulch of oak, beech, pine leaves or peat moss will ald, not only in guarding against da from very severe frost, but will also help to maintain the soil acidity required by these speci- mens. By following the above simple rules, we can go a long way in|on will fertilize as well as protect. counteracting the harmful effects of a possible very severe winter. NORTH OSHAWA Impressive Ceremonies - On Church Anniversary VIOLET KIRBY Correspondent NORTH OSHAWA -- The 47th anniversary of St. Stephen's Unit- ed Church in North Sstava was selibrated oi Sunday was fou by the late Louis Dearborn. 8. G. Saywell minister for the past 21 years, A fine new addition is now near- ing Sompletion and will house the Sunday School, church parlor and kitchen facilities, Stephen Saywell introduced the uest speaker, tha Rev. Hugh rozier of Whitby, who conducted hoys' choir of Uxbridge, under the direction of"Mrs. Dulcie Colby and accompanied by Miss Jeanne Pearson on the Loy provided special music. Junior Church attended service, with Mrs. Susan Saywell and Miss Dorothy Fish and went formed the 1940 rescue, ich per-(to the altar for prayers before DIAL FOR THE FINEST READY-MIXED CONCRETE going out to classes. the 11 o'clock service, The Colby {of the |lay the corner stone at a At the 7 o'clock service Mr, Saywell welcomed to the pulpit the Rev. Donald R. Jay, assistant minister of Trinity United Church in Peterborough. Presenting spe- cial music was the men's quar. tette from Kedron under the di- rection of Mrs. Ross Lee. St. ghens Choir sang "Jesus Kneel ide Me" accompanied by the Men's fiartette under the direction of 8S. C. Rundle, After the Revd dy Mr, Saywell thanked the choirs and cler, and visitors who had made ihe anniversary espec successful He invited all to the fireside fel. lowship hour in Sunday Sch Lunch was served by the ladies > hen's WA. Saywell also noted the i the new addition is making and flout oa Sun- day morning, N . Nel- ile Dearborn of (Ry d e te be held after the morning ser- ce. The Woman's Association of St. of FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE e . |Mrs. S00TY CLAPBOARD QUESTION: Our house has a Ya ard siding that has 3 soiled from soot and dust, 4 want to we clean the ANSWER: Wash down the sur- faces with a solution of trisodium Pllonphate or washing soda, about a cupful in each pall rg water, scrubbing, wet down the surfaces with clear water and start the work at the bottom of the wall, worl up- ward. To prevent permanent dirt | rier §, the area below the surfaces that are PR cleaned should always remain wet, Thor- rinsing with clear water should follow. STICKING WINDOWS QUESTION: Our windows are hard to move since we had metal weatherstripping installed. What can we do? ANSWER: Parraffin rubbed on all the surfaces of the flooves which the windows slide should c: "J |help. Or some well-stocked hard- |W ware stores now carry a special [died "stick" to be for easing used ! |windows. If the metal weather. ? | stripping is : [rub some ~ |all the metal surfaces. e cause of sticking, dered graphite on FELT STUCK TO TABLE TOP QUESTION: The table pads for my dining - room table have green felt underneath. This has stuck in several spots to the fop of hie fable. How ean it be re mo ANSWER: Try washing the table top with a thick suds of a mild soap, then take up the aids xopalat.. How Can al | damp clothes and the felt is still stuck, pe rubbing lightly with 0000" steel wool and thick suds of a $0ap. Snow His { fail, the remedy J St Complaely hr is ha Eylog av resin varnish, |. um 7% not affected by hot dish- es, water or alcohol. All rubb 2 and wipi should be with grain of wood. VAPOR BARRIER SupsTioN, Can a va put on pla wally? 1 an to install insulat- ing board ANSWER: "Two coats of alum. _--. paint t applied over the plas- terboard will make a satisfac. tory vapor barrier. VARNISH NOT QUICK-DRYING QUESTION: 1 refinished our floors with a "quick-drying" floor | Th varnish, after having removed previous varnish oa Livated ji |varsith remover, Varnish has not eek. Ho dried, even after a How can this be reme- ie . glam, bar- ANSWER: It is quite possible that all traces of the varnish re- mover had not been Sompletely washed off, thus interfering wit the hardening of the new varnish coat. The only remedy now is to take the present finish and|® stait the work all over again. Be sure to follow label directions very carefully in using varnish remover, STAINED PLASTIC CUPS QUESTION: Is there any way to remove tea and coffee stains from plastic cups? ard and shows all marks quickly. ANSWER: Make a solution by mixing one teaspoonful of javelle water or one of the liquid laun- dry bleaches in each cup of the (warm (not bot) water and allow stand for an hour or so, Then wash with scouring powder and rinse well with hot water. ® CLEANING RUBBER TILE QUESTION: What is best way to clean a rubber tile floor? its of black and white rubber ANSWER: The fact that the floor lack and white tile makes % diffieut to keep clean, The puly thing you could do would be to scrub the floor with a mild soap and water or one of the ep Sleaning compounds Rade especially for rubber tile, hat 5 aratlons are enerally | ers, Use 5. ou 'good brand of self . polishing wax for finishing, AMMONIA-STAINED FLOOR UESTION: How can I remove stains on my hardwood floor, where household ammonia was accidentally spilled? ANSWER: Scrape off the fin ish a etal auanily Then apply a ral quantity of a Saturated 80} o tion of oxalic ac (poison). a this to remain overnight, then rinse off thor- oughly with Soar water. When he wood is d iy smooth th the sur- rl with "000 sandpa wip- ing off the dust. Then Boneh up {he area with the same material {hat was used in the original finishing. Informality Idea Of Queen Mother SYDNEY (Reuters)--The head of the e minister's depart. ment, Allen Brown, Mother Elizabeth has asked that her tour of Australia be "informal." Brown sald Friday the Queen Mother requested that state ban quets and tedious formal engage- ments should b» cut to a mini- mum, Brown had private audi- ences with the Queen Mother in London to discuss the tour. "Her Majesty told me," Brown said, 'when you are having functions, let them be functions where I can get around and meet people and talk to them.' and New" Zealand early next year | | "IN THE HOME WORKSHOP SAFETY-LOCK GUN RACKS PATTERN "405 er Stephen's held thelr meeting in the auditorium of the church on Thursday evening, Mrs, Ray Smith, Presiding. Mrs. Francis Crawford's group was in charge of devotional period. Mrs. Nellie Palmer read the scripture, Mrs. Norman Gilbert led a Thanksgivin Ri sive reading, Mrs. indsay read the Woy the last meeting, Mrs. S. Rundle gave her report as treasurer. A contest was songucred RA Mrs. Crawford who prizes to Mrs. Kirby rl gg Gilbert. Gifts were handed in dur- ing roll call for the bazaar or Christmas Fair, Dec. 7. Plans r nch was Beraed by [ohare . W. . Mexander, Mrs. R. Am- brose, 0. Burgoyne. Mrs. Madge Lindsay plans to ve a lecture on Safety precau- s in the near future. The for Woman's Association will hold the Christmas Fair Dec, 7 in the church auditorium. Friends of Mrs. Samuel Bur- e|goyne are sorry to know she is confined to hospital and hope for her speedy recovery, BADGES PRESENTED The Guide and Brownie meet- ing to present badges was held Thursday evening at the Qyeen Elizabeth School. Mrs. R. E. Wilson, District Commissioner, was in Slunge. r opening exercises, Susan Pearce, Donna Gilke, Gail Knipe and Diana Plerce received their ithe. Wilson presented merit badges to Elsie Fice, first aid and home nursing; Carolyn Lee, needle work, first aid and home nursing; Julie Chormley, first ald, home nursing; Ann Yonson, first aid, home nursing and best swim- mer, first class pin; Carol Evan, home Sursing, first ald, swim. ming, first class and pin. The big award of the evenin, was the presentation of She. wi round cord by R. E Mrs, son to Ann Yonson and "Carol ate These were pinned on by «their mothers, Mrs. Alex Yonson and Mrs. John Evans, Guide and Brownies entertained hell mothers With a play on PERSONALS atulations to Mr. and ohn R. Rundle, who were married recently in Detroit, and home in North Oshawa and else- where. Mr, and Mrs. 8. C. Run- dle, the newlyweds, will make their new home in Detroit. Sympathy of the Nel mborhood is extended to Mr. Mrs. Sharpe and Dennis ot hares brother, lovisg rpe's a mo- tor accident north of Peterboroug last week. {-- READY-MIXED CONCRETE By RUTH W. SPEARS The hunting season is at hand and now is the time to make a rack that will keep your gun safe but ready. Pattern 405, which gives actual-size cutting guides and directions for the two racks shown is 40 cents, It is one of five patterns in the Sportsman's Packet No. 24. Price $1.76 with refund or exchange privilege b.| not satisfied, ers under add 10 ¢. service charge. Address orders to The Home Workshop Department, The ted \mimes.-Gazette, Oshawa. CHARGED IN SLAYING (CP) Thursday was charged wi the oct, 26 knife-slaying urd Donat Chev- rier, 58. He was ordered to ap- pear for preliminary hearing ov. 000 Japanese |the country against nuclear bomb Jap Youth Protests Atom Bomb TOKYO (Reuters)--About 250, students Friday staged protest rallies throughout tests carried out by the United States, Britain and Russia. More than 30,000 persons meet- ing at Tokyo's Hibiya Park called for an "immediate and uncondi- tional ban" on such tests, Meantime, Prime Minister No- busuke Kishi today pledged unre- mitting efforts by his government to secure a nuclear test suspen- sion, which he said was "funda- mental to a lasting world peace." Paper Cocks Eyebrows At Flying Wite LONDON {Reitery)--The tab. Told Mirror Friday be if a Bria army army FETE stivice 4 airliner , , owed her to pilot hy 1 sald the paper's Diary colul "The questions in Partiament nd th s would go - . ul bona he Amer weeks, But cans can do it without fearing a question in Congress or a Senate investigation," The comments were provoked A the arrival og of ak Gon. ohn F. R. Seitz, chief of the military mission to Iran fly hi wife, Miss Landis, on their w home via Cairo and Paris. The columnist sald he asked the actress whether she had any flying experience or a licence, "Gracious gy she sald, "I've never had a lesson in my life. id| I've just watched the other pilots, Man, 98, Proud Of Cooking Art VICTORIA (CP) ~ In his 98th year, Edward Prescott prides himself on his cookery,' Looking far younger than his years, he says his favorite pas- time 'is cooking and putting up." His wife ded in 1030 and he has spent the last eight Joa "batching" with J. R. Saunders who is nearly 87, The cooking is done Prescott and he was surp learn that he had a aafural Hale for the culinary art, In their home is a storage cu board filled with this summer's a THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTS, Setwrdey, November 2, 1957 _ 13 Research Money Flows Once More wi op arth, the tun of Two months , under the efor basi Hse con of was Fo sil at Si Jo dr Koo whats 8 dr cls "lt 80% resid at df a Yad be he oid hot be Fa 8 re a com Tame fence McElroy . Army, Navy and ht To Hon searc) restored moneys fay the development; pe evaluation of new weapons. re putalk, the Boviet Union's gana mm gh fring satellfte, Sentaluly Jaks sivertiment mong thom, ¢ be iy IH not achievement, at uneasiness has been Aaj entin W Washington over ln s proved ability to do Americans have test fire an intercon bal fotie RE and then follow it by shooting an artificial moon into outer space, Another probable factor is the difference of opinion about the value of research known oh h ve existed between Mc! dolce. predeces ry former defence ec retary Charles Wilson, who Tamed the original a gust, or is > A i ded busines: | man and brass Thek sort of 80 3 mia EE ite - . +4 tience r type researc which produced no immediately preserves. "The two of us put it all up," he said. "We didn't have to read how to do it; we just put a up.' DOG MOTHERS TIGERS BERLIN (AP)--A lady shep- herd dog has gallantly "entered the West Berlin zoo and adopted two tiger cubs in need of a mother. Toe | cubs wore, born 8 two ays Ago e an a jer who refused to nurse them. The shepherd, hunted up by zoo. officials, However, is doing the honors ¢ heerfully. More than 5,000 night school students, some carrying effigies of British Prime Minister Mac- millan, Thursday t lashed Litheir "ban the |strations. The clash broke out after the release of a Japanese note to the British government asking Brit ain to suspend' her pro, Christmas Island mid-Pa winter, nu Representatives of the Japan Council Against Atomic Bombs visited the British, U.S. and So- vi emi MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE Ralph S. Jones Barrister & Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. South Dial RA 5-3525 STEPHENSON'S GARAGE $ Church St, RA 5-0522 WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING FRAME STRAIGHTENING | WHEN SOME GAPS Gar | AAS, THEY TRY MO MAE | A MEAL OF Tos "YOU BUILD FOR THE FUTURE WHEN YOU BUILD WITH HENDERSON'S CONCRETE BLOCKS You get a reliable cost "bon struction with our new concrete block construction w they ere equally adaptable te the &on- struction of your home, your dorm, the community, ghee! or a commercial building, Ask the men who are experienced in concrete block, A Hendiison Block neighborhood contractor or architect -- to specify Hon- derson Concrete Blocks ka 7. Chevrier was stabbed 65 times with a small penknife, to hand over written requests for conclusion of an agr to suspend nuclear tests, Oil Burner con be your PAY ONLY $275 DAY Canada's Finest, Completely Installed with 200 Gallon Tank. | YEAR GUARANTEE RA 5-1109 OIL RNERS financed through HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN ART BOUCKLEY THORNTON RD, §. NIGHT RA 5.9567 OIL BURNER CLEAN-OUT SERVICE mn y Lil fii Im Ivy, lh HEEL Orage a Glad Sling 00l. iwho are honeymooning at their(f* | nN. ZS extrarcom , , , 4 . = dollars a month , . -- -- MAKE YOUR HOME YOUR CASTLE! wre Yours to be proud of . . , ~t Let us show you HOW you may add that 4 --- =: Enclose that outdeer perch for only a few BE A SATISFIED BUDGET-BUYER = ROOM ADDITION Your home can be easily en- larged fo provide extra living space by a room addition, An average size addition can be built for Mh, I Ripe i -- 2 pT i > ui] FL money! \ money! $7 money! for home ; 7 = ' a bedreo finishing 0 | about [en [<3 [ou | Sim i FAMILY ROOM modernizing You con complotely modernize your home on ousy budget forms ~~ Ample financing Is now avaliable for all home improvement projects even though your home is mortgaged. Three years to. pay and no money down. See vs for full details, mic ROOM Utilize wasted attic space fo. a § beatiful roam & can 1 1% PANELING un an -- Lilt Jo; m or playroom by _ the attic, In most coos lh fate 2 a EEE ---------- The whole character of old, uninteresting rooms can be changed by the use of beaut A family recreation center is a "must" in medern homes. A" family room can be built in the basement or added to 1 20 ful wood paneling. An average size room can be 10% por me. pon I paneled for about Plans... Materials... Contractors, «+ Financing OSHAWA BOX & LUMBER | CO. LIMITED 436 RITSON RD. N. -- RA 5-4704 RA 5-7541 ¢ Quolity Controlled Mixes ® Delivered To The Site At Your Convenience o Free Estimates NO CASH REQUIRED. Shop at the sign of the Little Chief The One- Stop Home Improvement Centre. Phone or drop in to-day, » FEEF FTES FER E RE EPA Tre a When the forms ore in ond you're reody for 3 Sontrete for that WALK, DRIVEWAY, TERRACE, STEPS, FOUNDATION ~'OR WHAT NAVE YOU = toll vs! We'll deliver promptly the type end mount of concrete you need. For the beet in Ready-Mixed Concrete = = CONTACT US TODAY! CURRAN & BRIGGS READY-MIX LTD Budget Buy For As low As 900 Monthly = ASSN S=ERNIELCAV= MBER COME AN de aa Fone RA 5-3516 991 Simcoe St. S. "OUR BUSINESS IS CONCRETE" 1270 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA