Board). Since Korea he has been campaign. ed to the Office of thelof war as a war- Joint Chiefs of Staff. fare Colonel Hansen had a front- Weapon is as as his- row seat at the Panmunjom show |tory, but it 'has remained for and he writes about it with|world communism to perfect and clarity and conviction. This is a advance it to a leading place in| strange story about a strangelthe red arsenal. use of prisoners 8s "12 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturdoy, November 2, 1957 psychological old TELEVISION LOG # €BCRTV Channel 1l--gamiltos CBI T-TV Channel 6-Toronto ' WROC-IV Channel 5--Rochester BARONS THE NEW BOOKS 88,000 POWs In Korea FAST... EFFICIENT SERVICE WGR-TV Channel 3--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo P.M. : Weather; 6=Mr. Fix-lt: News » #e-Death Valley Days 2~Golden Theatre Perry Mason Keep It In The - iselle . = ve Gun, ves ' 10.00 P.M. What's it For { ke " 10.30 P.M. --t 1.80 WP. --Ranch Party yd a Parade 'at Boone qr wii 'MacKenzie 1i--Highways to Health Coun 6--~Game 11This is the Life 6-You Are There 4.30 P.M, 11--~Rev. Roberts Lassie 5--Omnibus 5.00 P.M. 11-Dr. Fu Manchu 6~-Fighting Words 4---Seven Lively Arts 3-Texas Rangers 580 P.M. 6.00 P.M. -- Amateur Hour 41 Love Lucy $~Captain Gallant 30 P.M, 6. 11--Playhouse 15 6~Father Knows Best S5---Men of Annapolis 420th Century 10.00 AM, S-Arlene Frances 1 Lite Margle ly 10.30 AM. S--Treasure Hunt 4--Arthur Godfrey 2-Corliss Archer 11.00 AM. s--Price Is Right 3-My Favorite Story 11.30 A.M, 8--Truth or C Colonel Kenneth K. Hansen of the U.S, Army has written a dra- matic story of the "'anti-commu- nist heroes" in his new book, "HEROES BEHIND BARBED WIRE," (D. Van Nostrand Com- Limited). The heroes are the thousands of Chinese and North Korean prisoners of war of the United Nations Command who chose to remain on freedom's side of the Bamboo Curtain after the Korean armistice. This is a fine story of hope for all freedom- loving peoples everywhere; it is also. a unique case book for all who deal with the minds of men, A total of 88,000 of these Chi- nese and North Korean prisoners of war wrote a rare account of their disillusionment while be- hind barbed wire in Korea. Colonel Hansen records their side of the story in a simple and moving style which ph, Write Freedom Story the men and their families. The comedy was in the ingenious methods the prisoners devised to turn the tables on their inter- viewers during ¢ these grotesque propaganda sessions. Only three per cent of the total number of prisoners interviewed chose to return to a life under communist rule, all of which represented a disastrous loss of face for the communists and a sweeping victory for the cause of individual freedom. ACHILLES HEEL Mr. Hanson Baldwin, the dis- tinguished military critic of The New York Times, best summed up the significance of this histor- fc event when he wrote: "Pan- munjom has again revealed the Achilles Heel of any communist or any dictatorial government. Moscow can never be sure of its 'land in public relations for Gen- munjom, can Moscow be sure of the armies of its satellites and friends... . Colonel Hansen is well equip- ped to write such a book. - He was chief of Psychological War- fare for the United Nations Command during the Korean conflict and also directed the prisoner of war program drama- tically described in this book. He enlisted in the infantry in the Second World Wgr, gradu- atc from Tank Destroyer OCS, served as an operations officer eral MacArthur, He was com- missioned in the regular army in i946. In 1950 he was appoint- ed to the staff of the Psychplogi- cal Operations Coordinating Com- mittee, Department of State (forerunner of President Tru- man's Psychological Strategy] armies. Least of all after Pan- Board and President Eisenhow- BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES VIGOR GASOLINE STANDARD 39: + TAX INCLUDED HIGH TEST a3. TAX INCLUDED Stove Oil can be purchased in ony amount at this station "OPEN EVERY EVENING AND SUNDAYS" VIGOR STATION SERVICE VOUCHER Save this ad - it'. worth $1.00 on any service work' ® (0 o WASHERS o TELEVISION _® VACUUM CLEANERS © APPLIANCES o REFRIGERATORS | Any Make or Model OIL King St. E. . . , ot the Townline er's Operations Co - ordi BARONS' 426 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH sizes their strong determination to abandon the shackles of slav- ery. Colonel Hansen's story begins in the United Nations com- pounds on Koje Island before the Korean armistice. The UN learn- ed a valuable lesson here = that h and thoughtful treatment 4--Strike It Rich 2-Star Performance .00 NOON 2--Mid-Day Matinee 12.30 P.M. 8-It Could Be You 1.00 P.M. S--Feature Movie 4~Matinee Playhouse 4--As the World Turns 3-Helen Neville ride 4--Meet the Millers 2--House Party can prove a more potent weapon than the Kremlin's brainwashing methods. Colonel Hansen points out that the prisoners were carefully screened and only those who de- clared they would forcibly resist repatriation were admitted to the non-communist camps. , This is an ecxiting story Colonel Hansen tells how these men found a greater freedom of opportunity behind barbed wire than they had ever been allowed in their own homeland. LEARN TO WRITE These unfortunate products of RADIO & ELECTRIC RA 3-2265 ---- LETS SCORE AGAIN! WITH THAT OLD OSHAWA 3.00 P.M, 11--Movie Matinee 5---Matinee Theatre 4~The Big Payoff 2--American Band- stand Soviet tyranny learned many useful things. They learned to read and write, they studied agriculture and also learned many useful trades. All of the time they were able to cele brate their religious and folk fes- tivals. They also enjoyed sports and recreation. These anti - communist prison- ers, under the terms of the armistice, faced a crucial test of their determination from Oc- tober to December of 1953. Each prisoner was individually interviewed in a demilitarized zone near Panmunjom and sub- jected to "explanations" by com- munist officials regarding their final choice. Readers of Colonel Hansen's book will Jim deep tragedy and high comedy too as these men collected, leaving a deficit of only face their big test at Panmun- $75,000. They hoped to raise thisijom The tragedy was the threats by collecting into November. made by the communists against 2~Playhouse 7.00 P.M, 11~Father Knows Best $--December Bride S-Silent Service b-Lassie b=You Ask For I 7.30 P.M. 1U----This Week in Football TEAM SPIRIT YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW TO PUT OUR COMMUNITY CHEST OVER THE TOP AGAIN. IF YOUR CANVASSER HASN'T CALLED ON YOU YET ... DON'T WAIT, CALL THE COMMUNITY CHEST HEAD- QUARTERS AT ONCE AND LET US HAVE YOUR DONATION. WE HAVE ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT TO MAKE OSHAWA THE WIN- NER IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN . . . BE PART OF A WINNING TEAM AGAIN . . . BE GENER- OUS ... BE PROMPT. CALL 8-8744 AND LET US HAVE YOUR DONATION ! 159,600.00 IS URGENTLY NEEDED 3.30 P.M. 4~The Verdict is Yours 4.00 P.M, 6---Open House 8, 4--Serial Stories 4.30 P.M. 11, ¢-Howdy Doody $-Trust Your Wife 5.00 P.M, 11--Five O'Clock Show ez-Nous S---Wonderous World 4~Fun to Learn 3-Superman 515 P.M. 4---Children's Theatre 5.30 P.M. EVV Pewee Bellvue's Complete Financial Service = provides CASH 's United Appeal offici-| said there will be no exten- ven hough the month-long campaign was 13 per cent--more than $1,000,000--short of its $8, 906,952 objective, Chairman John 8. Kilmour said | deficit is not met there will 'e to be a 'reassessment of Bes" among the 94 social agen- "GOING TO MAKE IT" "However," he added, *'there's much more to come and I know we're going to make it." In Ottawa the Community Chest was $3,723 over its $690,309 objective. Donations were still coming in. ! London, with 81.5 per cent of | its $571,000 objective raised, de cided to extend its campaign be- cause the United Appeal is only a year old and officials felt at- tainment is a life-or-death mat- | ti Hatton had only 76.5 per cent | of its £960,000 objective. But| United Appeal officials said de- I contributions would add $164,000 to the $735,000 already EE ER EE SE IN SE With offices in principal cities we provide cash quickly through Pk Loans made on sigrature-auto-furniture. Many budget- tailored plans like our famous "Package Loan" , . . the plan for debt consolidation . + » ONE ACCOUNT! ONE PAYMENT! ONE PLACE! Whichever plan you select, you will find 'the difference with Bellvue the service.' BELLVU OPEN FRI. 'TIL 8 P.M. 29%; SIMCOE ST. 5, OSHAWA -- RA 51121 WHITBY = MO 83-4291 an eT FINANCE COMPANY ah ~ NIXON ILL | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice-| President Nixon was confined to his home today with what aides sald was a 'slight case of virus." | NOTICE TO OSHAWA CITIZENS PCW PERE SEW SN Starting Monday November 4th : ROSSLAND [OAD WEST will be closed to through traffic to permit the construc- tion of a crushed stone base for pavement > irom SUMMERVILLE AVE. TO GLENCAIRN ST. Work will proceed as rapidly as weather conditions and approved engineering practices will permit. W. B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. a ---------------------- a a TE YOUR GREATER OSHAWA Community Chest Campaign