SPORTS ¥Ob DISABLED THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Seturdey, November 2, 1957 11 RH eR Today's Football Results [ime mem em za ar disabled meets for the various categories tries rota ho resolution by the sev-| LA ws May Settle Playoff Spots Ess" By MARTY coobMaN That's because Frank Clair's| Since the Big Four rules s lots of running. Most of it Canadian Press Riders are four points back of [the points, record against pref have to come without full- Wants Mass. State The fans on Sat s gone lo Hamilton, ley iy Je 1 Ticats for oo will fed a fr pace Lj Don 3 John, po nursing Bl 'oothall spot w wo ms are ul Vion et TO order eannie inthe Intercal- only one Oftewa has only Expelled By NBA wn that's © legate Senior scramble the 2! cision from Hamilton fin three . : 1 confuses some of the coaches| piace University of Waptern "iontre! piss two, Imeeiings so far. but boasts an Over Welter Fight -- . -- on They have to decide whether fario Mustangs oJ0 plo ton | Riders outscored Als 90-87 as the ight t ge. 7:00 a m to 9:00 p .m. to go 4 out for a higher spot or Raturday to meet the inbiace teams split four Kimes this year, MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Fred J. . LLL i SS oA A re ary ayer Le ey: ie chance of sucpride in thes| | Hamilton need win only one Darch gil I mitt, tioia Boring Hs Joctetary of the : an two awa: © 3 WHILE HURRYING TTC FRG SUTABLE: |" Take Montreal Alouettes Doug meeting since the roles are ex- and it would end Uso 100 jon | bs inch pulion "of e plaosiason pad, STATHAM'S ESSO STATION iwi Sng KB Lo Ma pm og eas i Ran bd wisn of" Massachumls 1008 Simeon NORTH -and-home games against|lost none of their four contests: ° dF) nia, uae Cal Mo, ws Ji, o Ak va ae Hak pp AEE a Ri Fo Ba: BRAMLEY'S TEXACO STATION tl race niversity of onto Blues, : h The ern Tot Jlavolr Sat- [third place, might fare a Tithe it's worth usi he.» players like Tom b a a eterweight cham 1271 SIMCOE. NORTH # urday. better against the second-place Huge, hobbled with a lame back |next yéar's fobs he expected to 8 1d he uid i CROWELL'S SHELL STATION Montreal is two points behind [McGill Redmen in Montreal, and ankle injury, to insure vie. addy #34 be wou 4 Make he phd By : es igh: Ottawa Rough 3, and two whom whom he thy, 1a trail Li Rod points, to ny Toronto, or rest some action = Jomporarly a least. he a at % ap ; 5 ve v a ; ext IANT A or 0 Hamilton f ¢ one- Ly gL is at stake| Bob MacLellan, onetime Meal a healed to re- id around the first of the JACKNEY'S WHITE ROSE. STATION C08 Ti8 jeocte |[Tisercata, would give, Als, sec: acu the loaders as the Ontario Usiversly sat, ln sapecied telus io in er kins, 38 1» & unthrdos i Sia Wy en-de. A A : ACRES ge UN od oud Diace thelr home pdtoin g its schedule. Kitchener-Waterloo|past seasons, when Montreal had ir Sisthony defintiely will be|clo the welterweight picture SARGANT'S TEXACO STATION GH TO FIGURE Dutchmen, in first place with 17|first place clinched, Walker|out and half Corky Tharp still is| Tuesday night at Boston by 278 PARK ROAD SOUTH While Als might be figured to|points, welcome second - Sits rn To showed any tendency to limping. Kaogking, out DeMarco, the ' 0. t Argos. it isn't as easy|London Lords with 16 points his bene! Coach Hamv Pool hasn't said [NB 1 contender, in the POWELL"S REGENT STATION oy eure Hamition for two wins| while Toronto Beaches, winless in| PLANS RUNNING GAME Ithat Gerry Doucette will go all 14th round of their scheduled 15- BLES RE ery 31a over Ottawa Their home-and-|{11 games, makes another brave Clair has switched his offence the way at quarterback but he round bout. Akins had beer ' home series opens in Ottawa|stab at victory against the Gol: from a Jouble fullback split-T to bas indicated the homebrew will! ranked fifth by the NBA. which RUSSELL'S SUNOCO STATION Saturday. den Bears in Sarnia. la straight T and expects to belstart does not recogn champion ; gr in the he 147.5010 division 74 9IMCOR, SOUTH . Aldo, in the November Juings) DOVE"S FINA STATION fa Toes Dl FOCKEY SCORSS, STANDINGS Big Four Clubs Rms) omit Zw : By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League Name Nominees LE » Durer ol The; © "226 CELINA 1 Th Ar M MILWAUKEE (CP)--Yvon Du- OHA Junior A TF A Pts id Ibert Jack oving ere e ore relle of Bale Ste, Anne, N. B., LT F \ Pi. 17| TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto|said NBA re You t She 4d BOWER'S B-A STATION, 7 1 as luted the swig file in = Mariboreg Roches . 1 Argonauts of the Big Four Foot Dosed elimination Souramn bo) ; 261 KING FAST ¢ . ovidence 0' ; : ball Union have named half.|decide Carmen Basilio's succes RUSE'S FINA STATION 1 [J National Boxing Association's No- Ota ISes Names Than Horses Jember ratings, released Thurs Rae 2 {Cleveland 7 backs Dick Shatto and Bobby sor as welter champ. ringfield " ay Peterboro | Spring 's Result Kuntz as thelr nominees for the | 8ddy said Isaac Logart, Gil RITSON 5. & VIOLA ST, Friday (CP) ' "es Tirner. Vince Martinez and particulary when the Baroy bo in he 11ers chi Mook win Harold Jomason Coeph By Vale a ese oath Ab he fo 1 the AB SOUTHMEAD SHELL STATION 21a race horse such sof what is good taste in the public|of Pennsylvania in the lop con-|St. Michaels 0 0 | clovelang ay Soria player. Puy 1 Neliarusight division Ro ih SIMCOE JOUTH "4 AFHION, 1D, , Ir e [xe i ony fhenes phan, oe." 2 MacDosaid. coumvel for Vencliy. 2pot. he or Meine Ottawa. 8 games Pp | Providence ot Hershey phate, an import, and home-(zine's ratings, also announced FALKMAN'S SUPERTEST STATION {Nose Slowh yy 8 Hol Joe? of Motrigsey 2d Miss primsiiont. a 'opponent for the| Friday' s Resulis [Soringfield A Reamer, rn BA go Debiacay: sant: " {H WAN 3.4 aut a } Justice F. H. Barlow sa orses had not been terborough 1 Guelph 3 v ih amplonship after Moore Peterboroug! Pi Hershey at Buffalo yards and a 4.5 average and ww: . My oi Mh Bl Stole the he a two-year-old | Knocked out Tony Anthony in his St, Cathatiies | 2 ie 4 | Cleveland at Providence Kuntz 279 vardy and a 5.1 aver- ander BR Bid he va are--horse's names--as he|filly and a og. contender for last tile defence. Durelle fought avo, Peterbor ugh age. Shatto has three was d a writ allowing William horse of the provi run Satur New York .'bor Anthony'to'a't. Micbael's i th. it oy and Kuntz, with four, the florrisey Company Limited|day for a cup and saucer put i. the Rigid a St Catliarines North Bay 10|team's second-best scorer. on: L | ', " Fi, RE or ER gE ros on Ro 1 Ne 0 Cont, SME [ES pln, a | to retain the names. At he oh the Tall 6 - 4/christ and tackle John Barrow 8 ong candidates for the tro- phy. © pa oe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © bury » writ prohibits the Qutario ruled he names shoul a " eree ndaer Commission from forcing |changed, Orpen said: * ose C1] RB { M H op I fhe J names. an com famey tend Sotiing to me 1 aims e ore onors oy games count for i. Gilchrist 1s the league's lead. tended C6 Meeting | op 4 ' ents onl. ing rusher. Barrow agile at 245 Bo had Bt ihe, winies suse Rid De arco F R | noses Friday nds, has been one of the ATI10]1 S04 HY Sakl when 'Orpen or ed egs | Kitchener 1 4 Bons Rentite eague's best linemen this sea IAIN owned Long Branch race track, ' . | Windsor 2 Chatham 6 son and frequently has played | GENERAL MOTORS Swed | ued | Hi tting St Foals Game close to 60 minutes a game, "DELCO" H200 in Joa, fas 1 ar Kitchener at Sault Ste. Marle | Tackle Kaye Vaughan and OIL BURNERS the fuuning of NEW ng (CP)Clngl halfback Bob Judd were named DIXON'S i ALBEETY ST (5h pees nd «SBE RY. ont year's Co and Saucer. 1 sped ig Dees od|Frank Robinson, the Na = : by Ottawa Rough Riders as their Cajnara wea A a Camara a in thelr League rookie-of-the-year in 1056, Chicago Bears Deny Russel Trophy candidates. horse | wag entered in the Diamond Ring|fight at Boston Tuesday. advanced to the next plateau oy Di Blakes af Lovg Branch and a oo'| Akins won the fight by a knock: Deing acclaimed Thursday hae lsgenson In Club llver Knife, was|out in the 14th round A ing sophomore AP) = The \ Sun SPECIAL 1.49 | the card Ri Camara| "on the occasion of the Mrst(" thc ia ear.old outdistanced an|Times ies 14 Frid ' won tis Diamond ir ing but own (knockdown in the 10th round, Ipphestte crop of second - year Bears t Casa C sould Yawitz said "1 was counting with|gjigihles in the annual poll 'con. |coac! fog Half 1s fe hich Bors dis-| \ for your m 10 the Sliver Knits, Te Sores. Yes ] feached 12, ducted by The Associated Press. is. | sonsion, but owner George BAR-B-QUE'd Motrieny refused fo accept the he had got up to elg pe| Robinson was named on 87 of the|H omptly termed the story Diamond Ring from 'g| 'After he counted nine, he 182 ballots ca 8 Sa by by members of | "absolutely ridiculous HI presentation stand and tod down with hi Baseb rs Association) The Sun-Times said observers CHICKENS ently he still hasn't r . | DeMareo 3 i of Ameren psticivs 8 in the close to the the f Il RA 3.4461 i I i | at the 3 HILLCREST GRILL SUNOCO STATION Best of Town Line baseman Don Blasingame of| + Sonoma, C count. One noted lo Louls Cards, pt % Ma i the Shai sie a AT EE oy DeMarco was ceived 44 votes IH i ten loves was She Soles of FIGHTS .|Coach Cal Gardner LAST NIGHT'S Says It's All News| By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | His 107 safeties ranked t B b Se. New JYork--Spider Wevh, Loa. Jing In th depastment, Lo 1 | Abo Chicago, cutpointe e/had © ree less an Eyre ut bo. nior Vaughn, Los Angeles, 10. |pace-setiing Red Schoendienst of SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (CP)-- Rg 'Australia--Ricardo|the Braves. In 150 games Janet Zambonelli 205,| Coach Cal Gardner of Springfield Marcos, 172, Melbourne, st powerful wrist hitter batted in 75 Setone 201, Noreen Richmond |Indians of the American Hockey Sandy Assogna, 175, Italy, runs and scored Ju League -- Joy Webster 75.43, LARUE sald Friday he knows 7, Versa McLaughlin NOthing of any plan to call up fo #44 the Lemon League los foalle Bi gd Ron Rings on of the Ontario Hockey Associs- fhe second section with tion's Senior A eastern division, CITY OF OSHAWA |e. Who's going to win? Kingston coach Bun Cook said . NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE his week that Senior had been Mor rdered to turn pro with Spring- terrific with turned field, which purchased his con- tract from Boston Bruins of the [Rational Hockey League last -. Beever "au, " + Gardner sad he a seen, Seu Co a BIENNIAL ELECTIONS 1 (21, M5): Rltion at Trois Rivieres, Que. He Colltns 616 (380) V. Marco 615 (223 y . Dewell 610 (200, 223); added that Indians' geperal man- 02 (20)x M. McKay 600/ager Punch Imlach, now in Que- Pursuant to Section 273 of the Municipal Act, | give notice bec City, had not told him of any of submission of a question to the vote of the elestors, es D. Single -- T. Miehardson 314. Iplany for the Ontario goalie. provided for by By-law Number 3425, as follows: BY-LAW NO 3425 OF THE CORPOARTION FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS STAFFS ARE READY TO SERVE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA i bie 1 rl rh iin, ot | YOU WITH ONE OF THE LARGEST ASSORTMENTS OF oid ie for members of City "Council, IP igri A Boia MERCHANDISE IN CANADA DISPLAYED IN PLEASANT cipal question not specifically authorized by law to be sub- Mita Lh ah rs SURROUNDINGS THAT ENABLE YOU 'TO SHOP AND electors of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa for their Dw Terre oo Chas A. I Nie SAVE-AND REMEMBER THERE IS ALWAYS AMPLE FREE ENACTED os o by-law of The Corporation of the City of Tecate he tbe i ion 3 ~ PARKING AT THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE : electors for their opinion the following question: "Are you in favour of the passing of o by-law to provide thot electons for members of Cty Council be held only once every two years ond that the members so slected ow To Keep Out Cold Air! serve a two-year term?' 2.~The solid question shall be submitted to the eforesaid your windows and doors with snug-fitting Storm Sesh municipal electors at the annual municipal elections to be MeCULLOUGH LUMBER CO., LTD. You'll find our Storm held ori the 2nd doy of December, 1957, and the hours of h really adds te home comfort . . . keeps out cold oir voting, the places where the votes are to be taken and the efficient ond our stoff friendly. Deputy Returning Officers ot such places shall be the some ji : 7 as those appointed for the said Annual municipal elections, i" ! in this week for a FREE estimate on Storm Sash for your 3.--The Clerk of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa re home. You'll find our materials tops, our service fost shall attend at the Municipal Offices in the said City on the d efficient end our staff firendly. 4th day of December, 1957, ot the hour of twelve o'clock re noon and shall then and there sum up the number of votes STORM WINDOWS AND 2 STORM BOORS in the affirmative and in the negative of the said question, 4 ~The Mayor of the City of Oshaweo shall ottend ot the |i 9, 00 .. Month Municipal Offices in the said City on the 21st doy of Novem- ber, 1957, at the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon for | O 5 O a the purpose of appointing, if requested so to do, persons to | attend ot the polling places and at the final summing up of ¢CULLOUGH LUMBER votes by the Clerk on behalf of persons interested in voting | in the affirmative or the negative of the said question. By-law read a first, second ond third time and passed this 7th day of October, 1957 i' ] ] (om nh Limited "W. JOHN NAYLOR" "L, R, BARRAND" Mayor City Clerk DATED ot Oshawa, Ontario, this 2nd day of November, 1957, 70 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-3011 L, R. BARRAND City Clerk