LS Women THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, November 2, 1957 § » 8 MARY HAWORTH MAIL #4 theatre checks? Dear Mary Haworth: What do you think of a girl, 24, steady dating a man 10 years her senior the past three years, who carries her own money around with her, to pay their various dinner and her The man reimburses in : tump sums later, by check; and claims he pever has more than A with him (and his check hook), He isn't known at various laces and started off with: "Say, 'ane, do you have some mon with ou? I will give you a chec in return." Now it's a habit, Jane has everything -- looks sition and education, And ih appen to know that she has re celved two marriage proposals this past year, from two you ny men nearer her age, as well ed- jous| Jane is Should Girl Pay Man's Bills And Be Reimbursed Later association nation. wide social agency which atto Son iential service to unmar; call him Mike--isn't a very ex. lon pansive character, He is pretty uarded and self-enciosed -- to udge by his three Joa s steady dating of Jane, wi marriage, And by his habit of carrying Yirihd cash, so that neither thieves nor temptation can take him by surprise, Since she is so hard to get at (n self-sufficient type), Divi uletly happy have found at least one «gl way to be useful to him, and to encour age him to depend upon her--as a this matter of being prepared » pay their hills and let him re. urse her later, As long as the doesn't object, or doesn't appraise this oddity as a problem, and doesn't turn to you for advice about it, T see no word of | tonal Another excellent resource Is the Salvation Army Maternity Home and Hospitals -- with na- headqu 5 at 120 Wes 14th Srroet New York City, th Pagan is national oR 9 women's and children's f services there, M, H, Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mall or per. sonal interview, Write her in care of this newspaper, Cheddar Chip Dip With Sour Cream Yield 4 cups, 2 cups dairy sour cream 1% cups shredded sharp cheddar | Wid. Meet Danville the Dachshund, on il DANVILLE THE DACHSHUND his face and to make a collar, Postage Stamp To Honor W.I OTTAWA (CP) = s naittites are 46 S500 va To Woman ToUN. n a Fderath ousienal 1" Wome: | nmual Un red FIs of a | | Wom man "Ri UN, JORONTO on "4500 Na Nation avaiable to ho Day the 3 member Stat the Ls = a ts Commission of the a hob en as-- CALL DEPARTMENT The average housewife may ex- tingul h a small fire but (he Best © thing to do is to notify the fire department, * -- LONG CALLS - DISTANCE COUNTRY KITCHEN STALL, A POPULAR ATTRA CTION Some Ideas For The Home Baking Table Always Part Of Pre-Christmas Bazaa Blan for your autumn |the perfect answer to their search MOCHA CHIP FUDGE vs scheme shaping|for a quick bread with a differ. (Makes 3 dozen pieces) »! i well underway bylence and you might tell them it tablespoons instant coffee now, especially If it's to be a|improves with standing. In fact cups sugar full-scale bazaar and not just alfor that very reason, it will be| % teaspoon salt hake sale. Which will mean that|handy to heve at your house too,|2 tablespoons corn syrup with your knitting and sewing BANANA MINCEMEAT BREAD!|!% cups. milk jects completed, you can now | (Makes 1 loaf) 4 tablespoons butter Furs your thinking to cookie, cake! 1, eup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla and candy vec) cup sugar A cup of suggestions for 1% cups' sifted all-purpose flour|! oy table 1 cup whole wheat flour Y teasp paki ng p % teaspoon salt teaspoon soda cup mashed bananas cup mincemeat, drained Cream butter and sugar. Add no reason why you should harp cheese | on the subject. Your gratultous(l medium green pepper, concern, broadcast to the world, cho might be mistaken for busybody cup © d stuffed olives small onjon, minced ism, M. H FRIGHTENED GIRL Jablespoons Lemon Jaiee Dear Mary Haworth: Can you teaspoon paprika glve me the name of a place In{1 teaspoon Worcestershire my town where an unmarried sauce girl may have her baby and Dash tabasco sauce have been her friend for eight/place it for adoption? I do gen-| Combine all ingredients and years, 1 know what a fine clean-|eral office work, and if I men lh well, Chill several hours in ucated as herself, The older man hasn't wed, though he has a wonderful ition and no strings attached--therefore no excuse LABELS MAN A CAD He and Jane have been Secing each other three or four times a peek, mostly for dinner, the past| three years, Jane comes of al good, religious family; and as | and he is stuffed with soft cot ton batting, If you would lke the easy crocheting instructions for Danville, simply send a stamped, self-addressed enve- lope plus 10¢ for handling to the 'Needlecraft Department of this paper, requesting Danville the Joi, Leaflet No. C5617. i dapper and merry a toy as Ser fried the children's play- He Is very saucy, but Youn soft and cuddly, and would make a wonderful toy for baby at Christmas or any time, He Is crocheted of flamingo-color- ed yarn with a black coat, Scraps of felt and a little white organdy are used to complete go through in 7) the time when you (oF NHB: NUMBER % 1 2 1 Ya lon and simmer until the vege. tables are thoroughly cooked. Season to taste, Remove from the heat and blend in the sour cream, Serve at once, cut type she is. But 1 have tried|Just work in the establishment|the refrigerator and serve with medium onion, chopped to tell her she would have a where the baby would be born hard time trying to explain his|l wouldn't feel so alone and| Shocks if ever called upon to do|heartbroken, I am so don't " think this man is a cad, tak- fh where tofu 1 1 'ne quit ing advantage of her kindness my job, as was too worried and wasting her time, as 1 am|yng Sarton to concentrate, I sure he is. Please may I have(am living in a rooming house your views in the matter, to show|and won't be able to stay here |Jane in print, and maybe open after my situation becomes ap- her eyes. A. B, parent, Is there any place I can TAKES ALL KINDS go? potato chips or small crackers, iento, minced tablespoons minced parsley cups broth, stock, er bouillon % teaspoon paprika 1% cups dairy sour cream Melt butter in a large sauce pan and saute the potatoes, cel- ory, onfon and pimiento until the sc hg ig og hy a choco 4d al Here's a trio ho bake sale Try Your Own Potato Soup, Mmm POTATO SOUP Yield -- 6-8 servings. ¥% eup butter 4 4 cbs Sloss, diced 1 ly eut celery e semi-sweet ips (1 cup) first five ingredients, Pre to boll, stirring constantly, Cook to soft ball stage (or 238 deg. F. on your candy thermo. meter) without stirring. Remove from heat, butter and hi Litfle jars of lemon butter will sell like proverbial hotcakes, this lovely rich "butter" come back into its own in pecent years, This recipe Is adapt. od from one that's been prized down through the years, and it is heartily recommended that you Ynep a few jars on your own shelf, ready to spoon into tiny tart shells, to sandwich between gol- eggs and beat well, Combine dry ingredients and add alternately to sugar mixture with bananas and mincemeat, Pour into buttered 8% x 4 x 2 inch loaf pan. Bake F.) 60 vanilla, Do not stir, Cook to luke. warm (110 deg. F.) Beat until mixture loses g's, Add nuts and chocolate turn into Cool, Cut, it takes all kinds to make a orld. And what is one person's neat is another's poison in the uilucky |field of dating experience, Dear A. B.: As the saying goes, | I would be willing to pay for lodgings and work besides, as I {have some money saved. I was enough to get involved {with a man whom I can't have, - Jet's 50 I can't count on him, I don't Announcing in 8 slow oven (525 deg. to 70 minutes, LEMON BUTTER (Fills 8 (B-ounce) jelly glass) | eggs, well beaten cups sugar cup butter grated rind of 6 lemons (% cup) Juice of 6 lemons ( 1 cup) Combine eggs and sugar In double boiler. Add butter and rind and juice of lemons, Cook over gently boiling water, stirring fre- uently mixture thickens. e Looking for a new twist for| Evidently Jane's beau - your bake sale of bazaar? Bake -- CORRECTION of "grape jelly. from your "fruit THE ITEMS . . . LEADED CRYSTAL VASES, LARGE den cake layers, or to spread on the tea time toast. THE OPENING OF Barbaras BEAUTY SALON 75 CELINA ST. 20 Years' Experience In Malr Cutting and Styling : : 3 Yoan in Conade {| For Appointment Call Now | RA 5-0872 Candy is always a surefire oh ge for bazaars too, and chip fudge is one of the best new candies of the year. 1] 4 Easy-to-use instant coffee and|l Hhototate bits give the mocha butter the wonderful rich. and your individual touch, "a attractive marbled effect, And when it comes to specialty , as It always does at a DR RR RRR RO OR Oe. the, Joh: HANEY ang dandy! Meenagers, Follow This Routin WOE TIMIS.GAZETTE © To Banish Bulk At The Waist Here's a natural for teenagers who've dropped in for a jam ses. By IDA JEAN EKAIN the left--and continue with a ser. - curves with a A of A rejching ih movements in rhy- cupboard, Wrap both in pretty | Should read sion, Mix a little chili Powder sale, try the banana mince. with butter J for hat exis tang a tang supple w make at for pul: | thm . reach, reach same surves bit knelt Return to | paper and sell as a twosome. | en its just a matier of spread. wi A LAZY SUSAN by "DORANNE" bread for vi rolls Gives at god You "Sayers will to a perennial Should read ... Stich waist, make the word starting pos tion. Reverse hands and bend 10 to te right side--again ENROLL NOW FOR NEW WINTER TERM COMMENCING MONDAY, NOV. 4th INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION Modern Equipment, including: Bookkeeping Machines Dictaphone ~-- Ediphone STENOGRAPHIC Calculator -- Comptometer SPECIAL GRADE NINE Hlectric and Manual Typewriters OTHER SPECIAL COURSES Enroll and Commence Training any Monday on pihin on wht reach repeatedly, oligo hg on off that a dire your waistline, hy ln: "hu hed Sah nd stretc I d. 'Movement: Twist at the waist, but only a quarter " the way around, Hold the duis and bend to the ideback Then, still ho! "i twist, bend forward at that angle, Return to ing position, Now uarter twist at the waist / thin Is what ing session, But ], it won't help much to frolic the routine in a hit or , You'll get the best re- precision. movements, SRNL Satine of pull through do 8 vit an upstretch, aud i hy Jour out aw a wi is is the Jay get tha I ny» stemmed the middle, Stretch and Ri A bait a half dozen times, centering your best eo feet well Standing, A or of left hand on thigh, arm stretched overhead. jovement: Stretching all along the right side, bend smoothly to ESTYLE PERFECT smoothly, in e quarter DAY SCHOOL PROGRAM Classes Daily ~~ Monday to Fridey Hours -- 9:00 - 11:30 -- 1:00 - 3:30 Tuition -- $30.00 per month Supplies -- Cost varies with course taken, CHOOSE FROM THESE "CAREER COURSES" SECRETARIAL CLERK TYPIST counts the bulge and this exercise pull off waist to wishbone bulges. The last exercise makes for a will waist .. , "Position Standing, feet wide apart, arms arched overhead, Movement Sway, loose limber, over to the "right, and as you sway let the right knee bend Sway away over, but hath chin up. Now swing the t; and over to the other time bending the left given this lovely minutes in yourself---each day -- --and I'll promise you results to {8 be achieved in no other way!" ide. nee. As y 1. cleanse my way and see the difference in your skin! Ardena Cleansing Cream seeps deep down in the pores, Evening Adult Classes - Tuition $12.00 per month floats up hidden impurities that ordinary cleansing doesn't reach, MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS Hours : 7:00 p.m, - 9:00 p.m, Hours : 7:00 p.m, « 9:00 p.m, 13,273, 425,840, SUBJECTS AVAILABLE SUBJECTS AVAILABLE pw pio Arg I Skin Typewriting My-Speed Longhand Typowriving Plimen Shorthend Lotion. This one blend of Dictaphone Spelling Dietephone Ny-Speed Lenghend beth wicuese slows he skin, Bookkeeping Machine Methematies Bosickooping C meter removes last traces of cream. Record Keeping Penmanship Coleuloter all this without drying the skin. Aceounting Refresher Courses Refrocher Courses Gregg Shorthend Peyroll Accounting Bdiphone Comptometers nd Typewriters for Rent Maakl Record Keeping Accounting Payrolt 1.50, 3.50, 5.50, 13,00. 3. smooth with Ardena Perfection Cream, with natural vitamins, to lubricate, to encourage firm, clean contours, to retain the radiance of youth. 2.50, 4.50, 8.25, 13.75. Consult my trained specialists for the best in skin care for you . . , keep your promise , . . see the results. SATURDAY MORNING Hours: 9:00 - 12:00 noon SUBJECTS AVAILABLE Aesounting Payroll Record Keeping Shorthand Typewriting Refresher Courses Di. SPECIAL CLASSES Teen-Age Typing, 2 Afternoons .. (Cost $1.00) 4:15 - 5:00 English Spelling Mathematies . 9:00. 10:30 10:30 - 12:00 Saturday Morning . . This trim, neat, 3 eyelet wing fipped iriure sien Avie and perfect comfort. In rich, soft brown calf. Available also DAVIDSON'$ Operated by KA. Southwell i HOUSEWIVES pany ol Shiftworkers -- 2 Weeks Day Scheel; 2 Weeks Night School (Chose of Subjects) (Choice of Subjects) OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 111 SIMCOE ST. S. MRS. STELLA BARNETT, REGISTRAR DIAL RA 5-3375 PROMPT FREE DELIVERY OSHAWA 530 SIMCOE ST. 5 8 KING ST. E PHONE RA5-3546 PHONE RA 32245 MEMBER OF 4 31 SIMCOE ST. N., RA 5- pod "Goode 5 o Money Ref | 5 KING ST. 317 BROCK ST. §. W., BOWMANVILLE, PHONE MA 3-5778 WHITBY MO 8-208