To Dry Dock ™ OWEN BOUND (CP)=~The fish s ing tug E._ DM Purvis, A gr on Griffiths Island 20 { miles north of here in Georgian ; y i : Bay last Mhursdar, was towed | the Tug Tow ed THE DAILY TIMBS-AZETTE, Pridey, November 1, wr "w Er; - Ls CU into drydock here Ananday 'Sound across the fo ake. A smaller tug from Wiar- ton pulled it from the rocky arm] H. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LTD storm, | The Purvis will be in drydock . " for about a month for repairs, d Air the 1 oe oth "wl riven agro four-man _erew waded ashore, | on thé Grand Opening of the otan Charshd "TREASURE HOME FE Ti OF IDEAS" a is that a 78-year-old woman had conducted » campaign of lousy m nd Is 00 ira fo separa hor 9-year. FL R TILE y , fr the marchioness and secure him FLOOR COVERINGS or hersell, The marchioness, daughter of INTERIOR AND an Indian Parsee hi priest, 4 Iai d . EXTERIOR VIEW OF THE TREASURE HOME OF IDEAS a rT © CABINET HARDWARE ---------------- - author Peter Vieming, Mleging that she had broken a term of | home design are featured in the sharpener, and waste disposal lawful {the life of Hermann Kassinger of ler and decorator; 1 be "floating hearth" are two of the |, St, 3 d ideas" in the new Grand-/A W, Rundle, landscaping: Sal-|union / Thursday authorized a The model house will be open ondon borough of St. Maryle home of ideas' in the new Gran way Morte, plastoringy siren strike" of | Pan-American: World 95 KING ST. WEST (mosaic, Its attractive gothic de- ful position' In soclety." Tt sug. (home of ideas has Jartioular loom. : V Home" can be seen without|*IEn, set In plaster, is impressive. gested that streetwalkers could (significance for Mr, ---- _--_-- ) * | Treasure Home [twpurwives [Builder Makes [if marasit by IE On Professional P tion between them in the Ba ! rolessional rar : . LO) ™ hamas courts in which the mar-| O Publ Cole sommes. Wadsesdny| JR d Progr chins had calmed damages Vm." T Ek Ra pus pen (o) u 1C [recommended that prostitutes be P1 og for The aid eicemint Y not! {put on a par with professional counter-claimed for damages for | The latest ideas In building and| combination mixer, grinder, knife women and their actiVities made! Saturday will be a big day in amie tiles; John Ronals; paint ibe | | cLaughlin -- ---- -- Kassinger "Treasure Home of unit is bullt into one of the coun: p H, Kassinger Construction Ltd. |Coal and Supplies, heating; North | « Jdeas", In plcturesque Grand-|ters Iv The Mad fot og Jidllante 901 Colborne street, Oshawa, {Oshawa Plumbing, plumbing; AUTHORIZE STRIKE | BOWMANYVILLE view Gardens, A cherry-plank wall and 8 gad store owners In the wot On that day his "tressuic Ontario Floor Sanders, floors;| NEW YORK (AP)~A clerical for publie inspection for the first new ideas incorporated in the Iv: a report said prostitutes|view Gardens subdivision will be [ time on Saturday, |Ing-room, The latter is made of should he recognized as profes open for public inspection, and Burghardt, masonry, and|Alrways mployem at the Cape One of the most outstanding {n. [reinforced concrete covered with! sional women and given "a right-| The opening of the treasure Betty Haydl, drapes and broad: |Canaverdl, a. missile testing novations of the "Treasure artiouar , centre, No strike date \ [1] e, T .| All the doors in the house are hg prevented from soliciting since he only received his | sng ot tho huss hi he, Af, 4 Ss 1, he hee a be... fm sli nce non vocvt 00000000000000000000 ' board has a light in it, tred by the government, | ber, mplit lee lng lamplit sundeck Full picture windows, 12 feet| Iouses, apartments or rooms| Mr, Kassinger, his wife and | Made with reinforced concrete, igen the living room, and a approved by civic authorities two children came to Canada on the carport is set off with attrac, onination pleture window: and should be used as one-woman!Christmas Eve of 1951, At that J | tive V-shaped concrete Column sliding glass door In the dining brothels, the report said, and the (ime, said Mr, Kassinger, 'I was | A ddor from the carport 10 the woom "will give the occupants alprostitutes could operate on already to shine shoes if necessary recraation room provides easy good view and a feeling of roomi- call-girl system instead of solicit: | - entrance to the house, Ness [to get work, ness, ing er he vorked for a year Hermann Kassinger, the build woes | "The profession should Dai 0 ie had then in hi or of the house, pointed out that| . {termed 'personal services," Il|manville, Mr, Kassinger settled this entrance into the recreation Canada Promotion suggested, These "personal ser: in Oshawa, In 1954 he formed| room from the carport enables vices"! could be advertised dis (his own construction firm, Since the owner of the home to enter S h R jected {cretly In the personal want-ad (nen his progress has been rapid. | tain for an evening without hav:| cheme e) (columns of newspapers, In bar: | He started the development in ing guests walking around the| WINNIPEG (CP) ~ Commerce Der shops, clubs and service: qi andview Gardens some tim e { CONGRATU TIONS Fest of the house Minister ¥, L. Jobin of Manitoba Men's centres {ago. Now he has 23 homes in the | LA "ee The top of the carport forms has splashed cold water on a pro- development, built and occupled In the | part of a wrap around patio posal to glve away thousands of FORMER SLAVE DIES Mr, Kassinger employe 11 | which Is attractively adorned one-sere plots of land to Amer] DETROIT (AP)--Mrs. Fannie subcontractors in the bullding of We were indeed pleased to be chosen to do with a twenty-two foot flower box ican radio and television stations, pattiway, a former slave who re- his "treasure Home of Ideas" on which are mounted three magazines and newspapers to be! membered going to Civil War They are: Armstrong Electric, H, KASSINGER CONST. LTD. the insulation and lathe work in the lamps ' used as tax-free prizes In con. hattlefields to sew for soldiers, electrical work; P, Goreskl and The kitchen of the model home tests {died Thursday, She believed she (Sons, insulation and lathing; Is any housewife's delight. It fea:| Mr. Jabin said he did nol agree wag 100 or older, Harlelgh Manufacturing Co, cer tures a futuristic lay-out, design.|to offer 4.000 acres of land In|~ H. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ed for convenience and attrac. Manitoba for such a project, but | " tiveness he sald he was willing to discuss | TR A Most Impressive Is a "centre the idea with 8 Blick, Winht | he Tl : "peg radio station owner, who et oat, "oe ons cas Cvs [EAM " bi Tour! riation § p sombles an island in the middie our Blick sald the Manitoba OF IDEAS of the floor, is an attractive hood |, uernment had Jromived him | "TREASURE HOME OF IDEAS" with an exhaust vent, to carry £000 acres of land, [ | away cooking fumes, "Canada would get $2,000,000 | I The oven is built right into the worth of advertising," he said. | -- DY w-- cupboards thus saving a good| In a statement, Mr, Jobin sald | y ! deal of space, The cupboards|* perhaps the current idea ls not themselves are made of teak: the best and I am inclined to wood which is nicely set off by agree that it is not" LIMITED I the Na Kora (Japanese Asp) + ald further discussions | anelling of the kitchen walls, might develop "some m : pas "ood centre", which is alable promotional event.' i 8 King St. West RA 65-4761 in Grandview Gardens . _-- . were pleased to supply much of the OSHAWA ongratulations | | i KASSINGER CONST. LTO. | BUILDING SUPPLIES || PLUMBING P. GORESKI & SON for the AND HEATING "LATHRITE LATHERS" Port Perry ' A79R3 TREASURE HOME OF IDERS' | co. coer Const, Li a -- STORRAR | "Treasure HOME - for Modern Homes Qe BLOCKS | BLOCKS | 830 Simcoe St. N. RA 6-3716 STORRAR DUNBRIK LIMITED | CONCRETE BLOCKS PHONE RA 5-0631 We Were Pleased that a the H. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LTD. (Congratulations | has chosen | H.Kassinger Const. Ltd. Ke | MCLAUGHLIN HEATING | | - "orooras H. KASSINGER CONST. LTD. } ,o, xing steer west RA 3-3481 --by = ON THE GRAND OPENING as ' or THI | EXCLUSIVE HEATING CONTRACTOR HENDERSON "TREASURE HOME OF IDEAS' For His Grandview Gardens Model Homes TT. FLOOR FINISHING | and featured in RA 3.4412 --bren The ont. Foor sanpers [| 'TREASURE HOME OF IDEAS' | sce: rms 1184 KING ST. EAST RA 3.7251 *A DIVISION OF McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD BLOCKS BLOCKS In the