CE A de de Be doe Sh, sh A A » a » - NOTICE OF BY-LAW " THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, October 31, 1957 Aunt \e . Tipsy Motorist Gets One Month A Whitby man, Russell Walker, (had driven from Haliburton to 31, of 113 Brock street north, was| Whitby with his brother-in-Thw. sentenced to one month Tuesday|He sald that when he arrived in when he was convicted of hav-|Whitby, his brother-in-law was ing the care and control of a|asleep and he did not wish to motor vehicle while intoxicated. rouse him, so drove to Garden It was Walker's second offence street for a sleep. He maintained under the charge. He appeared he had no intention of driving hetoto Alagistrate 5 Bd ih the car. e y eourt, ver's ll- NERVOUS CONDITION 1 e wi p Senter as suspended for two Both. he and his' wife: testified PC E. Collinson, of the Whitby that he had a nervous condition detachment of the OPP, told the(and Is taking medicine. They court that he had investigated a|stated that this may have led car parked on Garden street, [Police to believe he was intoxi- north of the third concession of cated. Whitby township shortly before! His mother<n-law, Mrs. J, Me- midnight on September 7 and|Gann, testified that she had seen found all the doors locked and|Walker downtown in Whit Walker asleep behind the wheel, |about one hour before his ar He sald he pried open the ven-|rest and smelled no alcohol on tilator and got th door open to{him, "I would not say he had awaken Walker, been drinking." He sald Walker was intoxicat.| His Worship accepted the testi ed. Cpl. Rae Willlams and PC{mony of the three officers and Doug. Thompson, of the same|the conviction followed, The one department, told the court that/month sentence, followed when they had also observed Walker he learned that Walker had been following his arrest and he was, | convicted of driving while Intoxi. in their opinion, intoxicated. cated in July two years ago. Walker told the court that he Walker was represented by had had only two bottles of beer Terence V. Kelly of Oshawa, that day, both before noon. After|Acting Crown Attorney was Rus. consuming the beer, he sald, he|sell Humphreys, QC. EEpLE silt X23 3 i357 k- 3 i AI 3 l 23 ; s 0 : : i tS 2 iid Li § a Le f 2 i § iis communi winning distinction in musical competition and It Is desir 'WHITBY SPORTS > AIA [EERIE ¥ di ~third mill SPOTLIGHT OSHAWA GM WORKERS COLL:ECT CANADA SAVINGS BONDS the de of the inl pos ng On Tuesday night hundreds | to - Dominion Bank to collect | the past year, This was the | banks take turns in performing pr gol eB of a " of the svorkers from the Osh- | the Canada' Savings Bonds | second night the bank was | this sefvice. Shown here are | for the support and oid of By WREN A. BLAIR a oer lig ay | which they bought through the | opened to take care of the diss | two of the lineup at the bank, 30d Whitby Brass Sond the main branch of the Toron. | payroll deduction plan during | tribution of the bonds, The ~Times-Gazette Photo prodbiing iA bribing ho) = FIRSTBIRTHDAYTODAY [sn SCims iid ala hs, i ick |HIGH SCHOOL NEWS "MERE ti } Senior "A" race, make their Initial v \ R d C WHEREAS this by-law ' | hi subm ectors ' Celebrating her first birthday | anc granddaughter of Mr. and Qyoning. Tekote fac' tiv seller, uitsuetion Yo » ie ot Whe e TOSS ER on <lows ot El « foday is Sharon Marie Adair, Mrs. John Adair of Whith d through Friday and Saturday, Arena manager Art Moore has » ™ " ' above, She is the daughter of | V% John Adair 0 y: an " thel hel ie ro ain asked us to remind subscribers that they must pick up their action held on the 2nd Me. and Mrs. Thomas Adalr | Joseph Foster, of Halifax, tickets by 6 p.m, the day of the game, Getting back to the Corn- $321 S ore 1 Y unior Tl eam of December, ating 0 Senden - votes were cost for : wall Chevies and the coming tilt, we also tind via jhe first Feisine * * and votes were : DG of scoring statistics that a newcomer to their club, namely Reg -- ' AT UXBRI E Grigg, leads the Eastern section in scoring. The "Chevies" have em ers & or 3 mi- 1na S op The er oRE ' PA probably added more new faces than any club in the circuit, and Murfcing) Courclof pring although early season prediction called for the Belleville McFar- The Whitby Branch of the| By CAROLE BARRONS and (Rots who was waiting for it in selection by a trio from the class. wi i . lands to win the league title won last year by the Dunlops, those Canadian Red Cross are badly BILL BRANT the end zone, Then, with only|Included were Betty Cornish on hitby. enacts os follows: : ' in the know are now calling Cornwall to win the bunting. All this| on" ees" of" additional members| The Junior Football team has|seconds to go in the first half and|the violin, Carol Cornish on the of course makes a highly interesting race, and puts every game inn the sewing room, stitchers are beaten all competition in their|only several yards needed for thel accordion and Ernie Galloway on| 1. THAT a fund by estab. : LJ doubt, required to operate electric ma-| district and; nov: will enter the|touchdown, Bobble scrambled| the saxophone, lished and maintained : chines, on such work as hospital COSSA semifinals, They earned over the line making the score| Then Ernie Galloway presented] means of en annual levy : 0 on inue Chevies have a top metminder in the person of Ray Fred. pyjamas. bandage makers, 'o|this privilege las. Friday as they|12.0. Both converts failed, a solo on his instrument, This| on emount up to but ' ericks, who last season played pro at Three Rivers. Other new- tid bandages for, the use in the Won out load nls 1 tho ' They In the lagt half the tide wap followed by a very humorous cadi ovadire n A i yd ] ' { brid 4 urn e Port Hope squads on Tan uv re pi es this i Lf He gowiabip's by law was| comers Include George Aitkin, last season with Stratford In- The free blood service has been the seore was a 12.12 tie, a 4 repeated what Whitbyites had ac. = eA ue Kon Nor. Municipality from Jbenture ns Rl the way is now| Simultaneously, the councils of| dians; Ted Szydlakowski, former Guelph Bilimore; Doug |extended to cover all hospitals in| point edge | rom the evious| .omplished earlier, y the final ion, Next on the program was a| the final possi clear for the Uxbridge Cottage/the town of Uxbridge and the] MacPhee who performed at Halifax; Hughle Campbell, big Metropolitan Toronto, as well as game Sha} e it shem Ry stay gun the score read 12-12, m: 'uiix, [sword dance by Myrna Saunders| the support ond ald _ Hospital to continue its building Township of Uxbridge were con:| a limited service in other areas] re and wa for further com-|of course, Whitby had 'won, and finale was another selection] Whitby Bross Bend. \ a : and supplies are in great demand petition, On Wednesday the Senlors ye from the, tri, fol'owed by a duet TT will contribute a total of town will grant 000 and the six newcomers, and they join last season's proven perform. fror the starting whist! ope making their " . ,000 by debentures, following] township +%6,000, | ers, like Moe Savard, Joe Lepine, Bob Bingley, Pete Pay- Wels Jewing Joom a open % Ui (inal ood of Ay 3 Bo te for the semi-finals but resulls| A Masquerade Dance will be| granted annually to end assurances made some months paigED $20,000 | ette, Guy Henrl, Ron Mulr and others, Looking things over, |til < owclock. Workers enjoy a keen team from Port Hope fought| Tom this contest were not avail-held in the school this Friday| administered by three 0. . | | one has to concede that Manager Ray Miron has put together |pleasant afternoon together, and|lo overcome the deficit on their| Able When this column was writ- night, Judging of costumes and| bers of Council, to be One. of the mingicipal councils, Si0¢¢ the three municipalities CL ME ub. Then, of rag Ferg Honea he by thus [tea is served he, shoulders, In the first few min-'®": the presentations of the prizes| pointed biennially, who gr SR ho, dred FC Rony a Sl Tan, oh Some, he Mver, bee mater (Vis HOSEA ie thers wero on han ive] Tho Assembly on, Wodnendy wi ake' place uf 10 pi] ot o tats rp. ak + a ' { | fumb d tud Co are Ww hleti ing at Je hohe of glee council hag put on an extra vs on to raise| they handed Rudy Pilous' St, Catharines TPs a couple of weeks vi, ospital visiting commitiee fumbles. No hatm, alos Hom bd pres was he oyable. Xo Card and 50c 0 a ete Upon the final passing of by-law. Reeve Morley Bain, War- funds by public subscription. back gives plenty of evidence of power. Yes sir, this one every Wednesday aon Dom were leading 60 by the end of M.C. was George Sioyable and| guise is required for admittance,| this by-law, ell uniforms, ine " : ' They have raised an additional Saturday will be a dandy. Of course haven't all games 80 far |iwo until four, Visitors go fo two|the first quarter. the program isted of a struments and equipment be- dea of Ontario County, reported Hotend| that the five members of council 320.000, says Board member Gor | this year displayed some top notch hockey, infirmaries and two cottages, but| These points were gained on a| variety of different acts. gh Ah met at the home of Councillor| . | with a larger membership, addl [pass from Leonard Bobble to Ken' It began with an instrumental ther Luke to. give their $16,000), Also arriving for the use of the the Town and Country . , , Pembroke Lumber Kings still show |tional cottages could be yf rir ¥ BUTT R ADIO Sond sol become. 7% bros. by-law a third reading. {hospital board has 'been about|gons of power, ms they battled Belleville McFarlands right in|to Red Cross, 1$27,000 of a total grant of $36,000 The object of th isl i Mr. Luke had been unable to i Belleville Tuesday night, before finally being edged 54. . . . New e object of the visits is to ERSONA Witend the meeting in the town-| om, (he provincial goverameat. centreman Barfon Bradley has now joined Belleville, and he Shear, ind encourage patients, . RCA Victor ©9 Ri NOTICE "a Ship hall because of a heart at-(nie® unde TOON ON satisfy the|scord a goal in this encounter. Bradley played pro at Seattle in|P¥PEEAl Y,Jhose who do not have M vy J foren ue copy #ack, The vote on the third read-| nontractor who has been asking|the Western league last season. . . . Kingston CKLCH have run bring to 'the iene Ee The 1st 20d Troop, Seouts| weeks. with, th ---- 3 pe iy a --_-- . that the Jartly completed build-|into some untimely trouble, They announce that their 'goaltender oivn"ihe outside world, Addition. and Cul Ln uxiliary are . the vote of the electors 'at 'Here's Advice Bon work Mae parton as re mon atTatol mh. Boston Souths amar bers, Would: be mosh Wei holding 8 bessar and fed on Fri| Mr. Georss Graham, of New: ) the some fime ond at the ' . h > W h oa 1st, at the Coun-| castle, celebral 0] , i As the situation now stands,|Senior's contract from the Bruins, who gwued him. The ' "are one of the most ave Sovempy 16 the convener: day today, His friends wish him Suma plots on the Section ; ' says Mr, Coulter, it Jpbears that had just purchased Senior last week from ener, for 3 urgent needs, If the visiting com- ship of Mrs. I. Hicks, assisted by| many happy returns of the day po £0r Hallowe © (ihe eourt action slated for Novem-|They say they will send Norm Defelice to the Limestone city club, [mittee is to continue, drivers willl wetnhers of the group. Conveners and the Deputy Retumi i ber th In Whithy, will not be Tommy O'Connor, Bobby Attersley and Charlie Burns are|De required to drive members to| son "ten tables are Mrs, G. Stott, Mr. and Mrs, N, Bradley, of Officers appointed to , hel Tonight is Hallowe'en and in|Decessary as the contractor will]: * * y ' y and from the hospital, either G. McLe d Mrs. A. Oshawa, Mrs, A. Barnett and Created 7. the sald election shell take 4 have been paid. the current leading scorers on the Dunlops, each having 5 points, every week, twice a month, or Mrs, C. G. McLean and Mrs, A. yoo Barnett, of Port Individuel the vote. Whitby, as elsewhere, goblins and "yo remalning work on the hos. - - That was certainly a bad plece of news regarding the accldent| even once a month, If the driver| MAIO. Whitby, attended the Ihanksgiv- Requirements ghosts will be on the march. To|pital is estimated to cost another, to Chuck Scherza, playing-coach of the North Bay Trappers. Scher-| desires to join the visitors, that Best) wishes for many happy ing Church Service held last Sun. AND that Monday, the fie sure that there will be as fron. Yet to be received is a/za bas been flown to Boston to have eye surgery performed by would be welcome, but just gel:| wedding anniversaries are ex- day at Seagrave, after which Authorised Ih Hid "wr hour. of 16 1¥9/, @ 1:8 ii: k § F381 1) 2 El $3 EY 233t 33 ed >] 62" defenceman who gained great fame in the Marilime pe i The three municipal-| sidering a similar by-law. The major league, and of course Reg Grigg. This makes at least for use in Blood Donor Clinirr, | Friday's game was a spectacle ited Port H es = wi tle grief as possible on Novem. |$86,000 grant from the federal|one of the world's leading eye specialists. There are very few|ting them there and back is an to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Barnett spent a few days Dal 1st, Chief Constable George|government and the remainder of| players around today gid Ap guys than Scherza, and urgent problem, || aded who aro celebrating thelr Visiting her dauhter and dotin- 9! o'clock in the forenoon at Rankine has some advice. the provincial grant, we had spet a great deal of time with him reminiscing over| 0 YOU Cin spate two hours 817th wedding » anniversary on law, Mr. and Mrs. N. Bradley, STAFFORD BROS the Counell Chamber In the \ He reminds householders that last seasin's play-olfs during our recent two games with jie ing oh Wane dev sr: Thursday, October 31st. shawa, . Jon adh Hoy: has been toni a poor n for . Trappers. Our hopes and prayers go with this fine man that his| R "H "Redell, 407 Col tree! d a, ofl The King Street Home and place peices ihe garbage. dobins Part-Time [eve will be spared. . . . Kiichener Waterlos Duichimen wen again west, Whitby. mba TT vise t ols School Association, under the Naruanic) Werks Bp iy he pling uesday night dumpl ult Greyhound n Kitch oa daughter, Mary, teacher at/convenership ol 8 AJ, s garbage cans as they wend their North Bay Trappers moved into first place in that league when WDHS, While in Whitby they are(will hold a rummage sale and MO 8-3552 ming' ond of ow final wm » - garbage Gay, he sass, Friday Commissioner they again dumped Sudbury, Doug Maundrell, President of $500 Settlement i guests of Mr. and Mrs, Larry home aking an Sahirda at the a ------------ | ---- Cler pans out on Friday morning this |the Whitby Minor Hockey Assoclation, presented the Ross Lowe Ruest, of Athol street. ounc a ree In charg week, not Thursday night. lie Juby Sownahip pone will Memorial Trophy to Goaltender Barry Campbell on Jerry's Men's Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gagnon home baking 1a Mus, Yred James, AND that on Tuesday, the hme is over and those lawn| of fk! lo Study e POSRILIIILY | Wear Juveniles, here Tuesday night. Campbell was chosen the Made In Case and children Carmen and Leo| athe any orem ort ' 3rd doy of December, 198% airs might just as well be stor-| self of the services of the Whithy| Most valuable player in Juvenile ranks last winter. . . . Whitby have just returned after spend FOR MISSED Py at oat ed in the basement tonight. If| Industrial Commission on a part/has organized a mew Whithy Yacht Club, and they officlally got| A Beaverton trucker, Alvin|ing a few days in Rouyin, Que: Clerk's Office In the Town of y are not, there Is a fair|time basis. At this week's meet-|things under way at thelr Omega banquet the other night The Frederick Harris, 28, received bec, where they visited Mr. and DAY-BY-DAY Whitby, the Ti n Clerk shall Shanes Sha et od. be | ng bo the township planning | club has set its objective at 300 members, and we pass along $500 i Jetilement in a Sell a Mrs. Odina Gagnon, PAPERS attend' ond Sn up. votes ) P +| board, such a suggestion was put heartiest best wishes to this latest sports group in Whitbyy, . . . ntario County Court a William John Youn: in Paha. Chief Adds' that. his men "ns (Cheago Black Hawks 'recorded a 10 shutout over Detroit Red Why veslercey. Defendant nl ole Guneral Hospal wher wy ores maine | IN WHITBY | 5%, we i Beg Re Board member George Loft- Wings Tuesday, and that was Glen Hall's third this season. Looks| Aurora. Presidin over the case|She underwent surgery, Herl, n het he » yl ig the ot hai tor he niet 10 louse Suggested to the board that|like Jack Adams' trades are coming back to haunt him, The|ias Judge John E. Pritchard, | friends will be happy to learn ok Du iioate Bridge AND that if the assent of alicious damage by pranksters means of adver stos he Gu ome Hawks are currently in a secondplace tie with the New York| The case arose from un accl:|{hat she ls improving nicely. "Noth and South: Mr. and Mrs. Phone the electors Is obtained te who may be carried away by the| prospects of the {awrshis oo °| Rangers. . , . Fred Etcher and Don McBeth continue to rest com-|dent on May 30th, at. approxi-| They wish her a complete recov: Bowman 80%; Mr, and = Mrs. the sald proposed bylaw It Poigit of the evening. A resolution was passed In the TADS 18. hospital, although somewhat restess at the slowing [malely 4:30 am. on the Don er: Wells 8134; Mrs, Wilign and Mrs, MO. 8-3111 | be akan into caruideres + For the kiddies of the town, the hoard that the "planni down of their very busy and active lives. hv eeding| Mr and Mrs. Charles Ander al ; Mrs, Hunter an Couns BAH Club of Whithy 3. again recommend fo th ing owe) 1 is dumb Suck in §.jortherly son nd Jamly of J akonto, yet Mh callivmay T2; Mr. andi} it you have not received your ppd iki spl fro a- parade; entertain. , Po .| | X " w rd treats at the town' hall town Ph he fou iL of we | When the Yerhakel vehicle pulled og fo y KJ Thbitson. off East and West: Mrs, Baxter! Times-Gaxette by 7 P.M., Call after the expiration of one i 1 tivities get andervay atisetting up a join Industrial Com.| Y ASSIFIED ba the a Jorv de Station sitioted Wellington street, ad Min Torythe 104; Mr, sd Torn rom as doe of the OT ot Do o | Mission, er 10 at least avail them and made a Jeft hand turn, HAX| Dr. and Mrs, Barker, of Col.(and Mrs, Maundrell 81: Mrs BELL TAXI tice, and that such first pubs y ne ed, selves of the serv the lied 1 : . H 5 " A A Treats and a show will be fea- Whithy Tndustrial Comsnission on YOUNG couple with one child, requires| ROOM for Rent Suit ; dod off Ty Ju, ad ge Unavine. Sonn, have returned Io Hull B00 AE on u ne AR cols be fication was made on the tures of the evening to which a part time basis." - one or two ¥ ghway causing|thelr home after spending twol|Pringle and Mrs. Kennedy 77. cols must ploced before 24th day of October, 1957, children of all ages have been| The township of Whith ar roan _shartmant, Whilhy orfiili, with stine 'Mfehen : privileges. $861.43 8 his truck, He JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, invited. the town of WIIhY on thee giles. | Welt 008 Timendasonn. | oo sail mmr dS. did However 'mish the Verake Town of Whitby. 4 by on three sides, [Write 84: Gazette. 53 FOR Sale -- 1983 GMC W yehicle, and there was no con- = ---------------- Jetty - ton plek up. | FOR --- i X : : tact, {TOR Rent Two Jeriished Tama. One owner, Good "condition We va: The police were called, and in: T 0 w N 0 F w H | T B Y ----- 305 Perry Street. Net vestigated the accident, ¥ 20] -- -- == | FOR Rent ~ shed , I BROCK E05 [rsp EE 5 ee ab sty NOTICE OF SITTINGS || pyr KINSMEN CLUB tock dia au Waanago, te said bo armed | OF COURT OF REVISION LOST ~ Zenith Hearing Ald, near cor shago, He said he earned FOR R - Two " EVENING SHOWS 7-9 P.M, two Morin Phone MO 03004." 3156 Bip JL Guatre Soulhs entre per day, and since his South Sia truck was in the garage for re- Take notige thet the Court of Revision of the Town of | \ NOW PLAYING SATURDAY gMATINEE 1:30 FOR Rent -- Two, S-room apartments. | or ie Sur TTY wi 10 days, he made his claim Whitby will Sittings ig the Town Hell, commencing | OF WHITBY rt udson A A ' Tot. Apply 336 Kent Street." Phone. Mo|tAke trade. Phone After tho court adjourned for | Wednesday, November 13th 1957, at 10 weleck AM. to i Ligad® en [44 293 FOR vent -- Two room apartment.|10 minutes, a settlement for $500] heer and d e app 9 A " : | rte ompletely furnished, bed.sitting =oom | was reached and ted t f the Town of Whithy fer the year 1957 for texetion pure FASTEST GUN vers | omt Stoy i, rm SE Rio Byres Shinn Avo Judge Joi Prichard for bs| pos fo the ear 1938. ' INVITES ALL CHILDREN EST GUN ALIVE") (North, Whitby: MO 8340. ae > -=| endorsement, And further take notice thet ell persons whe have ep. 2 pealed against thelr ts, are hereby requested to Il OF SCHOOL & PRE-SCHOOL AGETO ITS M-G-M presents | LARGE three.room apartment, private| Must be sold immediately d d. ANOTHER BIO WESTERN DRAMAL [labor Centre 'busines couple prsfen| docrifice, 3-bedroom frame FBYP A Holds SH" Dated at Whitby this 24th doy of Octobar, 1987, 1] | red. MO 8.2908 2830] bungalow, forced air oll heat- IN R. FROST, Clerk, l ] | WANTED to vent -- Young onupie with] $01, aluminum. _ storms _ and Town of Whitty. ANNUAL CHILDREN S two children require small house, or screens and awnings, im. Rk | M t : [four room apartment, Whitby, Ajax] mediate possession, $1,600 equ ar ee district. MO 8.4145." 28%! down, ull price $9,300, On T the FBYPA of [CLEARING -- Men's broadcloth dress Located at 303 Anderson St. Faith brad de FRY , shirts from the regular $5.00 line with] Whitby. Phone MO 8-3980 apst Chu eld a reg [ree Sie ale. Price $2.95 and $3.95, for inspection gat meetin 3 ta jork) of of {Mercantile Dept. Store. 201 . allowe'en Party w mas- HT : | FIOTURE framing Jone. For quick . 249% Queraders. She Jueeting was 0} on | See The Exciting New 1958 service phone MO 8- nytime. © sing son ohn | : | iin: my. ASPHALT Madtey, " & . : = TORCHLIGHT PARADE... CARTOONS. . bial wemwmeos] CHEVROLET | Pld Phene' MOT +3300; lots eri DRIVEWAYS and announcements were given # PRIZES FOR COSTUMES . . . REFRESH. ons wir pin newi | CONCRETE WORK sted" or the evening eniiad NOW IN | MENTS, FUN FOR ALL AND IT'S FREE toe sapttant ony Nin rer, SL LIGNE MO 8-41 14 | wat sett aems tn we Sonne | tgs || JOIN THE PARADE AT THE WHITBY EERE PHONEMO 8.4114 pti bi vii | URRY DONALD'S [| own iat Jrues GREGORY JACQUES AUBUCHON HM |/ror Rent -- One furnished b on., Wed, Fri, Nov. 15 Devotional service was closed | . Also [cordian, $83. MO 8.2466 2 CEMENT GRAVEL Hallowe en games were played | i SHOWROOMS Ing room: for sale almost new mee rayer by Glen Baker, several | [ i ARLE car FUT gn 1. after which refreshments were | "Chdsing The Sun" [HH i Tories pousOlver [ies us vers misine yi | Open Tonight Until 10 p.m.--Door Prise |] TONIGHT AT 7 PM nitted collar, Sizes 4 to 5: size or o 3. het Cartoo oto 12, $1135. Mercantile Dept. Sire 1.40 yd. Agram Campaign ; : DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY "iy ar ss 4 i i eo Fill supplied for delivery The next regular meeting on ' "" -- RIN | November 12th will be a crokinole MO 8.3304 or RA 5-4831 uscle Beach Tom -Novelty Ei eos Soave. Nag» Mua ERIC RANTS N social Ir charge of the executive. | (300 YARDS EAST OF TNE FOUR CORNERS) OCT. 31, 1957 | kitchenette. Adults only. 308 Pe Harvey Lainson, of Oshawa, will fr | Slrest, Whithy, "ov. 8] J MWE Nov. 25 |be the special speaker, ! © Well sewage Temi TS CITE IVE HINA EE