ie THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, October 31, 1957 271 Ei 45---Real Estate For Sole 45--Real Estate For Sale HALLOWE'EN SPECIAL WITCH would you rather. do ~~ own a home or rent one? Not a GHOST of a chance to beat the price of $11,450 for a solid brick split level, You don't hove to SHELL OUT g high down payment -- $1,550 is all for this beautiful 3-bedroom home, It's no TRICK, but it will be your TREAT to see these homes in Oshowa-on-the-Lake or in Whitby, OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR Phone MO 8-2527 Whitby, RA 5-5207 Oshawa 130 BROCK ST, N. WHITBY A%5--Real Estate For Sale 50 ACRES OF BUSH With ao creek runnin through, off Highway 115, Full esking price $700.00, Must be sold. J. BARNOSKI REALTOR 18 Bond St. W. RA 5.7231 or 3-7086 Oct.29,31 100 ACRES -- $12,000 WITH TERMS {| form, ploughing dohe, Clean buildings, ag eight room home, modern bath- room, trout stream, bush, quick p i OPEN EVENINGS Walter R. Smith BROKER 346 SIMCOE N. DIAL RA 3-2911 2 a3--Real Estate Por Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale $2,000 DOWN! RAMBLING RANCH BUNGALOW TWO-CAR GARAGE $14,900. Yes, sir, only $14,900 for this spacious é-room home on | acre of land only 4 miles from city limits, school very handy. Carries like rent. 2 weeks possession, This will sell on sight, o coll now , . . RA 3-2254 ANYTIME LLOYD AYERS 'REALTOR 44--For Rent NOW RENTING Parkwood Apartments Oshawa's Finest Apartment Location: Park Rd. N, end King St. District. ® 2-Bedroom Apartments © Many, Many Features : o Early Possession For Information Apply 167 PARK RD. N. AM For Ret AF Automobiles. for Saleiio-Autamobiles For "Sa: 3 Don't Push - 7% THAT OLD CAR IN THIS WEATHER BUY ONE OF THESE 1956 PLYMOUTH Plaza two-door, sport tone style, paint in two-toge blue, turn signals, custom, heater, beautiful in every way. ! NH 1956 FORD two-door, V-8 motor, radio, white wall tires, spot- ess. 1955 PLYMOUTH Plaza four-door, tum signals, wheel covers, - white wall tires, guaranteed transportation, 2540! 1954 FORD felr.door, " son. Him se LLOYD REA LTY radio, fully reconditioned. 'a 1954 NASH Airflyte four-door, custom radio, white ond red mee 93 Simcoe St. N. two-tone, large comfortable car, id RA 8-5123 1954 DODGE Crusader, two-door, radio, seat covers, in pleom- <» OPEN EVENINGS ing bi : > 1953 METEOR tvo-door, tom radio, 28,000 mil - NORTH WEST te Reem adh. TV 29000 ies oA, Beautiful 5-room bungalow this cor, 10-uere lots Jus dar 530 | MArket 33988 a 24] with carport, 3 bedrooms ond 1952 PONTIAC four-door, automatic transmission, custom vadio, wl large kitchen, ceramic tile bath y RISTOW & OLSEN perfect 's car. wv pi fh i i fb NASH Rambler two-door, eustom radio, hurry for this ies Fully lundscaped. | This is o popular model. os .H.A. resale. ow as CHRYSLER Windsor four-door, luxury et e price. { Located i uiet residen- on REALTORS tial pd hy off Simcoe $2000 own: Je reiongble PONTIAC Deluxe four-door, dependable transportation. $2,500 DOWN , Six-room, two-storey home on paved street, exceptionally low taxes ond situated in ex- St. N. This two-storey brick 8-5123 AUSTIN four-d fon $125. 1 celent north end location. dwelling of six rooms is an -- deol family home. Hos no- 4 INCOME HOMES 4 MERCURY two-door, new tires, good running cor, onlpas Live rent-free ond let your. ? TRUCKS wo Early possession. For appoint- ment call Hilda Ristow at + tural im throughout, ani hardwood floors, open fire- place, oil heating ond large A 2 Ju, home for arage. Possession 2 weeks, homes. Coll RA 8-5123. 1952 FARGO halfiton express. RA 5-6165 or RA 5.3605 LLOYD R 1952) CHEVROLET one-ton panel, evenings. EALTY 1951 FARGO half-ton, automatic troensmission, NEW 58 MODEL 1950 DODGE two-ton stake, BUNGALOW wner transferred. Co.-op 623. (Oshawa) LTD. YOUR PHOTO CO-OP : ; Hurry for our closing out sale on 1957 Chrysler ond Plymouth ™* WITH CARPORT RALTORS cars. Tremendous savings. : Builder's 'special ot special $1,500 DOWN bi VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD, + $6,500 Full Price, Carries ot terest. A very neot and tidy 5 large rooms. Bright family or CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO TRUCK $50 monthly, home of 4 rooms, with nice sized kitchen, 3-piece bath, kitchen ond living room, three bedrooms, ultra modern 149 King Street West RA 5-3557 Oct. 31, Nov. 4: '5? Meteor, two tome, with radio. Low, 1953 full basement, furnace, heavy bathroom, Lot 64 x 110, Oldsmobile 88 sedan, power mileage, very good condition. Onelequipped, Immaculate duty wiring, electric water heater. Garage cement Apple Hill district. Price re- duced to $13,800 for quick condition, trade owner. RA considered, terms available, Dial RA &« i#5 Chevrolet station wagon, +|8840 after 5 p.m, 25% floored. Good garden space sale with $3,000 down and dition, .radio, heater, lights. | PRIVATE sale '56 Nash M with sevetal fruit trees, Lo- $85 per month on balance. Best cash offer, RA §- radio, heater, signals, 10,000 condition, JH Cwiwww "8g hd rerevew sew ree / k i HR water Apply 47 Nassau Street. FIVE - room apa.tment, unfurnished, | modern, heated washer, available November 1. $125 per month. Apply 220 King Street West, 2524 PENSIONER with own home has ac- commodation for one or two elderly RA 5-5010. 2540 i RH 7 ROOMS - $1,400 DOWN Here is a home quite adaptable for sub-letting, with two bed- rooms in the downstairs section, and two rooms up. Complete with oll heating, garage, etc. This home con be had for as low as $75.00 a month, KENDELWOOD ACRES ATTACHED GARAGE Rarely eon we offer @ $20,000 home for the amazing price of only $16,800. This is o spacious é-room brick bungalow, and hos fireplace in living room, end" basement recreation room, complete with oil heating, laundry tubs, and large landscoped lot. This home is available to the wise buyer on terms, NORTH EAST SECTION -6 ROOMS Here is on excellent home in immaculate condition throughout. This storey and a half brick home is located on a paved street, and includes storm windows, venetion blinds, garage, etc. List Price $11,450. Terms. NEW N.HA. HOMES - $1,700 DOWN We have new N.H.A. homes, complete with oil heating, three bedrooms, brick, laundry tubs, ond all the extras, in all sections of the city. Call this office for further Information, OPEN EVENINGS and WEEKENDS 8 a IN Raglan ~ three rooms on sgeond ated, floor, furnished or A E88 | inside, Room for one car. Phone Brook. 4 3 ssession at once. One Hin 826, R 3 Po Se SMALL STORE FOR RENT Or ground floor office, very central, on Prince St. West side between Gray bus station and King St. Phone 8-8175, 1952 1951 1950 1950 1947 stove. Bus stop at door. Apply 623 Olive Avenue. 249( room, single beds, use and washing machine, RA 0 2531 45--Real Estate For Sale BRICK and stone 5% room bungalow, north west, near Catholic and public schools. Owner will take few lots on payment. RA 56727. 91 Ontario Street NEHA approved lots, sewer and water, --_ separate bath, Close to th : te y sou RA 39714. 2501 ) rooms, hot waver, heated, ground , Apply Toronto Avenue, 251 FUR? [ED bachelor apartment. Cen- ftral, Phone RA 5-3054. '| reasonable. W = MecAuly Realtor, 1 o room f or unfurnisifed, | Prince Street. Dial RA 32512 Whitby. from city bus. Night and Sunday butipso $3231, Nov. If Avply 617 Masson 8. BY ooerssmn fiveroom bungalow, new . Handy man's oppor: tunity, Phone RA 88355 or RA i] ne ee arm 2540 450--Real Estate Exchange FOUR - room ranch type bungalow with bath, in exchange for larger house or farm, or will rent. RA 3-7088. 250¢ Harry Chinn. 46--Real Estate Wante. CASH for. reasonably ced property. Hurry and call W on Realtor, 26 Prince Street, RA 3.2912, Whitby MO 83-3231. Nov, 3 ONE acre building lot, close to City of Oshawa, Write Box 419 Times-Gazette, * 248¢ WANTED three-bedroom house, North. west section. Would «consider new house or older house In immaculate condition. Private, Please, state full particulars to Box 447 Times Gazette. 253 room kit- Basement, 320 Verdon Rd. ally ce rooms, SMALL building, 8 x 10, painted, suit- able for sleeping cabin or too! house, ood condition, Port Perry district = =x Wilson, Realtor or three furnished rooms, heat: east end, clo 27 BOND ST. EAST RA 5.6588 a. ards, Kitchen, sink, six years old. Has asphalt drive, fen Bill Norris, Ajox ... 1290 "Mary Boshkovich RA 3-7413 d, st doors and windows, extra Eine ve | Lage closets and cupbourds Tri pecs th, 252 Fronk Sworik . RA 3-2763 Fronk McCann RA 8-8921 2540 bathroom, forced air ofl heating, hard. wood and tile floors. Immediate pos. session, Berniece H. Patrick, Real Estate, 1439 King East, RA 53692. Mabel Coulson RA 3.9139, Ossie Arm- strong. RA 50457. 2531 NEW, five-room bungalow, south of Eulalie on Chadburn Street. Reason- id OVELY three - room basement apart \ private satrance. ofl heated, cou; . Available December after 5. Can be seen 252¢ cated near Ritson Rd, S. ERNIE HOLMES Let me show you this one. Call Jay Goyne ot RA 5-6165 used as second car, $900 a Chrome perfect. [Dest offer. Write Box ry 0 REALTOR or RA 5-5378 evenings, 31 Bond St. E. HARMONY AREA RIE a RA 5-2363 Three-year-old brick, centre hall, three bedrooms, all with double closets, double sink in 252c(20 per cent. Don Holmes, RA 8-8532 Mary Fiehn, RA 5-1779 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save months to 254b able , three . piece bath, ay Apply 539 Albert Street $1003. 2 «| after TWO years old, alow with car port, oil heating] gp land, $7,900 Darlington Bivd. A 5-8592. 252¢ ing of A ents Limited, Oshawa , Mr. J. B. Merritt, RA « room unfurnished self down payment. Phone RA 35-6694 5 p.m. 235% six-room clapboard FOUR - room nouse, oil space heater. Good well. %-acre lot. west, one mile north of Sunderland. 2500 with $1000 down. Phone Sunder nd 10R3. Three miles Nov.29 jown, $630 total. 66 x 660 lot, on de " Hancock Road, Courtice. Balance own ' | terms. Box 529 Times-Gazetle, Write wh house with _ at three bedrooms, i desired, Park Road South corner, NE' th tached garage, natural finish. Complete with storm doors a 1126 Hortop Street. windows. Apply nd 2049 couple. 252¢ , | West, RA 24 USE with 2 od for owner. $4700 down, would ex- change for house near Courtice g. nt over $5000. RA 5-8669. HOURE sale on Fernhill Bivd pearly mew, ranch. north 1500 down, S-room bungalow. Some . Port Perry. $5,700. Estate, 43 Bond Street AN two apartments, four not 2541 hn Ea) air oil am % ed, aluminum shone a nd awnings. m- screens / 41.600 GM. Phone RA 52564. 2521 rooms for rent. Ap Oshawa Boulevard North. 253 t, de- , sult two, 5.4813. 2526 central, ly 141 5. velf-con . Apply RA unfurnished rooms, immediately. A . or Phone RA [furnished house! room suitable for two gentle- down. Full price $9,300, Located at 303 Anderson St. Whitby. Phone MO 8.3980 for inspection, 2491 Brand new five ond six room modern brick and stone bungalows in new sub-divi- sion. All large rooms, with large kitchen, cil heating, hot water tank and laundry tubs. K. and R. Construction. PHONE RA 8-8355 AND RA 8-5234. Nov.26 1adies, very central, Phone after § p.m. 23 semifurnished for rent. 32544. 232 PL _six-room split-level Contact Olive Howe, MO 82527 or Oshawa RA 9 pm, ; 2c room apartment, private and po Pog Available Nov. le rooms. Apply 104 rest. East. 22 furnished hou stove, refrigerator, P- ate home. At bus stop. Suit uple, RA 3.4067. 253b home Real- m bungalow. Outside con- $55 monthly, City limits 131 Arlington. Phone RA COMMERCIAL KING STREET WEST 13-room brick home -- in good, clean, modern repair-- 85' frontage. Zoned com- mercial--suitable fo income or any type of business. You con see this tonite. J. BARNOSKI REALTOR 18 Bond St. W, RA 5-7231 ---- RA 3-7086 Oct. 29,31 rent for right couple or ly furnished basement serial. Apply after § Road North, 253¢ ned bastment apariment and private entrance. e. RA 85-1222. 253 . room unfurni vate home, prival th, TV aerial, ground , lose to school and . Apply 84 Westmount 0. 2584 4 stooms with bath, . unheated, hot water posses. Box 443 253¢ irge furnished rooms Located on Warren 3.2835. 253 furnished basement bathroom. Rent $65 in exchange for [RA 3.3398 after 4 Equipped farm, commutin distance of Oshawa. Well maintained, 93 ocres, excel- lent buildings, house 9-room brick, Completely modern, Immaculate inside ond out. Bankbarn, well set up for convenient working. All equipment in excellent repair. Most of it new, New steel implement shed. Full price $28,000. Half down. This farm must be seen to be appreciated. Goodman Arkwright and Anderson 64 Lindsay St. S, Lindsay 249¢ 2530 at 9 Mill Street. | rtment. Four-piece and built-in cup- . Apply 304 wiring x tk house, central. 4 RA 8-5455 Phone Sis furnished, up- 1 conveniences dow -woman, or . RA 5:2914 1 254b h rooms and , private en- sslon, wo king 38 Bond Street 254c monly, Call hell Avenue. 254¢ poms, 1180 t Phone RA 2541 ment, pri- heated, cup- Street. 253¢ served per uth. 2538 apartment, rage, laun- new home, late posses- 2534 partment, for firls. Phone RA 2531 , central, Im- Apply 231 Arthur "ie Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER $500.00 down, $45.00 monthly; full price $3,650 for this ottractive, small bun golow. Hydro, tiled well, 1 acre choice garden land with fruits, Maple Grove district, $3,000 full price for this re- built storey - and- a -half, in Burketon, New tiled~ well, heavy wiring, builtin cup- boards, asphalt roof, Low down payment, $40.00 monthly carries, $2,500 down -- full price only $8,850, Almost new 3- bedroom, brick and frame bungalow in Bowmanville. This very attractive home has forced oir oil heating, four-piece bath, electric hot water, tiled floors, utility room with. laundry tubs, 52 King Street West Bowmanville Market 3-2453 or 3-2762 354e SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. REAL ESTATE 6 SIMCOE N. TAUNTON RD. E. | year old, 5-room brick home, situated on lot 78' x 220', one block from school. Featuring 3 bedrooms, heated by oil, toste- fully decorated, 4-pg, bath with tiled walls. A real nice suburban home, Full price $10,500. SUNSET HEIGHTS Five-room brick bungalow with garage located on a fully land- scaped lot. Close to schools, bus and shopping. This six-year-old home is comprised of 3 bedrooms, living room and size kitchen. Heated by new furnace. Home throughout is in im- maculate condition. $3,000 down. N.H.A. RESALE" Here is a home you can move into and all the work is done. Nicely decorated, five-room brick bungalow, located on Windsor Ave, The londscapi is excellent, three bedrooms, heated by forced hot oir oil. Floors hardwood and tile. School and bus. Reasonable down payment ond balance on a 52% mortgage. OWNER TRANSFERRED You moy obtain immediate possession on a spacious five-room brick ranch style bungalow with breezeway, and garage. This executive type home is located on a fully londscaped lot on Bessborough Drive. $4,000.00 down, balance $100.00 per month grincipal and interest, BEFORE SIX PLEASE CALL RA 3-2265, AFTER SIX PLEASE CALL Bill McFeeters RA 5.1726 Steve Macko .. RA 5-077) Don Poole ... RA 5-8489 Reg. Aker ... RA 5.0201 2540 HARMONY HEIGHTS Oshawa's most desired subdivision -- best of location -- con- venient to schools, churches and shopping. Fully serviced lots oll paid for by subdivider. N.H.A, loans now avoilable -- homes now under construction = 4 models to choose from ---- all homes include the following ie Electric hot water tank Laundry tubs Copper plumbing 2 aluminum stom doors. Forced air with oil heating, Electric light fixtures. Sidewalk -- gravel drive. DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,995 TO $2,545 Contact Exclusive Agent-- Lloyd Metcalf REAL ESTATE 3%, SIMCOE STREET SOUTH ° Aluminum storm windows end screens. DIAL RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 AFTER 5:30 DIAL: -- Joe Moga 5-9191 Everett Eliott 3-9290 2540 A: J SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE Whitby Professional Building, Lloyd Metcalf 5-6983 Open Evenings RA 5-8461 RA 5.5321 Pickering 590 Whitby MO 8-3337 Beautiful bungalow on No. 12 Highway, over 200-ft. frontage, this little home has every convenience, modern kitchen, two bedrooms, nice living room plus loads of extras, such os propane gos ronge, propane gos space heater, all drapes, cur- tains, venetian blinds and oll garden tools, plus a very neat 2- room cottage. Don't miss out' on this bargain, let us show you this now. Full price $7,400 with $2,500 down, balance on one mortgage, $60 monthly. Call and ask for Art Virgin. $1,000 down, one weeks possession, lovely 6-room brick bungalow with attached garage, large living room with corner windows, modern kitchen, 4 bedrooms, aluminum storms and screens throughout, Full price $9,300. Call and ask for Grace Neil. Small acreages, gravel pits, farms, in surrounding area avail- able in all price ranges. N.H.A. Homes, 5 - 6 rooms or more, Brick, Oshawa - Whitby « Pickering locations. Very low down poyments. Call and ask for Herb. Reynolds. Home, RA 8.1513 kitchen, 12 feet of twindow in living room, finished rec- reation room, aluminum storms and screens and com- pletely landscaped grounds, Priced aot $15,900 with terms. To in.pect call Ron Douglas ot RA 5-6165 or RA 5.3605 after six, FAMILY SPECIAL 3-year brick split-level, Cen- tral Park N. Charming livin room, with dining area, i bedroom and bath on first floor, 3 bedrooms and lots of storage space on second. Finished recreation room, ot- tached goroge. Well land scaped with A yord. For appointment call Jean Pea- cock at RA 5.6165 or RA 5-4330 evenings, ' RA 5.6165 - RA 5.3412 19 Athol St, West Oshoweo PHOTO CO-OP 2540 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Limited -- Realtor THIS CAN BE YOURS FOR $1,500 DOWN Here is @ comfy onewear- old bungalow with "living room, dining room, modern kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 4-pc. tile bath and mony other extras, Full price only $9,900, and with terms to suit the purchaser's budget. Phase [oc Appleby at RA STOP LOOKING BUNGALOW BASEMENT APT. We are going to sell you this home os soon as you see it -- with 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. bath, hardwood and tile fioors, garage, etc, Your income from the basement opt, with an extra stool, will practically meet your monthly payments. Phone Jim Laverty at RA 5.6544, NEW - NEW - NEW $1,000 DOWN BUNGALOW Can you afford to pass this buy? Toke a look at this brand-new home for $1,000 down and full price only $9,200 -- and low taxes. Features 3 bedrooms, 4-pe. bath, oil furnace, close to schools and bus. Phone Howerd McCabe RA 5.6544, NEW - BRICK - NEW BUNGALOW See this brand-new brick bungalow with a reasonable down payment, which hes 3 bedrooms, large modern kit- chen, oil furnace, 4-pe. bath, sood location, Phone Pat O'Donnell RA 5.6544, OPEN EVENINGS Don't list your House Til you Phone BOLAHOOD Oshawa's Most Realtor JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Limited -- Realtor 169 Simcoe St. South at ot Progressive A Members of Oshawa-Whitby & District Real Estote Board. | ' N\ 84a Member of Oshewa Real Estate Boord . 254¢ McQUAY & KIDD REALTORS Office: 1 mile west of Whitby on /No. 2 Highway Open until 9 p.m. Daily WHITBY -- MO 8-3414 OSHAWA DIRECT LINE-- RA 5-6632 No Salary Requirements $12,500 ~-- New 6-room solid brick bungolow ready for immediate occupancy. Three rooms, coloured fix- tures in ceromic tiled bath. room, full basement with forced air oil heating, $3.000 down, carries for $77.00 monthly, including taxes. Cartage Business OSHAWA -- $1,500 month. ly turnover; 3 trucks -- 24 ton, 1%4 ton, and pick-up. Handtrucks, blankets, dollies, etc. Only $7,000, with $1,000 down. Call Mr. Allin, Oshawa RA 3-3053, Pickering $2,500 down ---- Six-room home on No. 2 Highway, in the village, Very large living room, dining room, kitchen, bath. Full basement with forced cir oll furnace. Large lot. Call Mrs, Margaret Rap- sey, Pickering 699.J. Henry St. Area New, five-room solid brick bungalow on a 50 x 165 lot with all services. An ottrac- tive plan, convenient to all schools and 'churches, Full basement with forced air oll heating. $12,900, with terms, Lakeshore Property Ideal for small industry or other business that needs lake frontage, 17 acres on shore of Loke Ontario end only Va-mile from Bowman- ville. Small stream with 3 acre protected inlet, level land, ideal for boat building. $17,000, with excellent terms, Call Walter Frank, Bowman- ville MA 3-3986. 50 Acres With fair buildings. Lend Is all workable. 35 acres fresh seeding. This is a good farm for the handyman and affords a good chance to get started farming. Full price $6,500. 11 miles from Whitby. Call Ted Coates, Brooklin 621R6, House & V2 Acre On highway close to Whitby. 1 V4 -storey home with all con- veniences. Detached garage, mature shade trees, nicely landscaped. Six rooms, all of good size. Ideal location for children, Asking $11,000, with $2,500 down, Subdivision Property On Highway Neo. 2, near Whitby. Has two other front- ages on two good roads. This is a good location and has many possibilities. 70 acres. no buildings. Call Mrs. Lee, Whitby MO 8-3920. $1500. DOWN Immediate possession for this four-room and bath Ajax home on sewer and water. Quiet residential street, paved rood, Carries for $58.00 monthly including principal, interest, taxes and insurance. Why rent ? Members of Oshawa-Whitby & District Real Estate Board 254e and heate! afte; P. Call for Help! We have several clients anxi- ous to buy 3-bedroom homes, central to schools, and with reasonable down payments. Don't hesitate, if you want fost action call RA 3-2254, LLOYD AYERS REALTOR LL BAR ie Wr 9408 47 --Automobiles For Sale 5-783, Apply 1326 Cedar Stree! price. Seaway Motors, King Oshawa. Buying A Car? BEFORE YOU DO SEE "HONEST ED" OR "IRISH STEW" BUYING a ea? "Honest Bd' or "Irish Stew", vise you to {rvestigate then a 1958 Hillman. $495 down and month will this complet~ full sedan, Dont buy » gas eating buy an ical Hillman. display at Wellman's RA 3-431. custom radio. A Seaway Motors, pay. ic . WE will buy your 1983 to 1956 automo. | Pera") service at your home cxil WA bile today and pay you highest cash ' 5] "Hon Nov.20 of i549 Pontiac sedan, § 3230" cash Phone '57 Chevrolet sedan delivery, heater, low mileage, excellent condition. p. 6 p.m. RA 5.4400. '85 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, radio x. Can be financed. RA 5.7582 um. RA 5.4400. 249( ir "BETTER USED CARS" |%fiew at we ® CERTIFIED CONDITION ® THIRTY-DAY GUARANTEE ® EASY TERMS o WINTERIZED '86 Chevrolet. halfiton ek Bills White Rose Station at : 'dé Pontiac mechanical Lid Call M, hi condition, ardtop. xee A-1 shape. Bar. A 3-5683 Bowmanville after 254¢ '51 Ford Deluxe tudor finished in ebony black, Interior like new, moter real good. Only $395, Seaway Motors, King West, Oshawa, 252¢ condition. Ter 5-0693 '50 Pontiac, heater and sun-visor. Good 'ms arranged. Phone RA h bd after 5.30 WRECKING 42 Ford W selling block, all parts; also "55 Call RA 5.6007 ton pickup. Chev. V-8 4 Pontiac custom built, big eight, good condition, $200 cash. Phone RA 5-9843. 254e SEE "TED" CAMPIN AT ONTARIO MOTOR SALES For 6 new CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE, CADILLAC, er an O.K. Used Cor RA 5.6501 Residence RA 5-5574 Nov.28 MOTOR SALES LTD. Mercury, Lincoln, Meteor curs and Mer- cury Trucks, Safe Buy Used Cars. Two loca- tions to serve you bet- ter. 1271 Simcoe St. N. RA 2.4675 71 King Street West RA 8-1431 Nov.9 1949 FORD COACH---good mechanical condition, good body--new brakes and ex- houst system--best offer over $225, Can be financed --apply Monty's 'B-A, Sim- coe Street South or Tel. RA 5-9314 after 7:00 p.m. 253d SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAK:R VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE 334 RITSON KD. S OSHAWA INI ARIO TEL. RAndolph 3-3461 Nov. 15 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN -- hydramatic--excellent engine ond transmission--good body -----very clean inside--new brakes and exhaust system --good reliable transporta- tion--best offer over $525. Con be financed. Apply Monty's B-A, Simcoe Street South or Tel. RA 5-9314 after 7:00 p.m. 253d NO DOWN PAYMENT 1951 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Custom radio, New Tires $28.90 Per Month WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. WEST RA 5-0732 2534 '58 ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME SPECIALS! nd $4 Sound reliable cor. CHEV: 'sv iiin da $495 Deluxe two-tone. METEOR Refinshed and re- conditioned, CHBY, .. .. as $545 Two-tone, radio. 50 1958 Morris strator; 1956 MGA ! car. Very low mileage, Call Gordon Wade, RA 3-9293. Nels Hyland Automobiles, » Morris-Austin-MGA = Dealer... 1750 Danforth. HO. 1-7547. 254e .: #8--Automobiles Wan a RS SN el 5-181 or RA 5-1182, Nov. $e Tak Highest Prices Paid For ™ GOOD CLEAN CARS: Any Make or Model i DODD MOTOR SALES ™ 314 Park Rd. S., RA 3-942] 5 Nov. 2"* wi or Oxford prooit | $495 Custom, Very clean. CHEVY, ........ $895 Deluxe, two-tone, FORD ....... $129% Customline. Signals, white walls, Deluxe. Signals. HILLMAN . ... New guarantee. FARGO Ja-ton pickup. Radio, two-tone, excel- lent condition, Best offer takes it. And Many More ; At WELLMAN'S 1958 HILLMAN NOW ON DISPLAY Drive in style for less per mile. $1395 CLEAN CARS WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID > TRADE UP or DOWN. LIENS PAID OFF red WILBAK MOTORS 'a: 137 King St. W. 7 RA 5-0732 Cory 4 Nov. 50--Articles For Sale oe RENT a portable television $1.00 on day. 7 day minimum. Sun -- rent. $2.00 per week Meagher's Blea: tric, 5 King Street West, ster, buy a Hillman. 80 ft. super bea 11 channel $495 Down -- $49 Per Mo. completely. installed, one year ny ranty, $49.50. Kelly TV, RA 55121. NONQUON ROAD Red PORTABLE fron heel RA 3-4431 chine. with display. Tack. gen Ta Cons OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. 3 tre Street Gouth, Whitby. Phone 2420. 2540 5 50--Articles for Sale Nov. (C THE VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE WINTER SEAL"--"KRYLASTIC" weather-proofed Storm-Screen © ' windows. "WINTER SEAL" ---- Aluminum Combination Doors, =u (See the new Jal-O-See). "KOOL LITE AWNINGS"~--Ventilated * Aluminum Awnings and Canopies, .See the newest in adjustable awnings. "KOOL-SIDE" -- Awnings and Canopies. "They open _, and close from inside." "BEAUTI-DOR" -- Shower enclosures, .- Fireplace equipment, and Wrought Iron Railings and furnishings. Toronto prices. LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-4632 LES EVENISS -- RA 3.2707 DON HOWE -- RA 5.0313 _ Oct.28"" DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU wil ww E = Shoe hf Don't buy a gas-hungry mon- 1 Ey d on Page 22) UNION MADE IN OSHAWA NASH ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS DOORS 94 Bruce St. RA 3-2219 M. Glecoff RA 3.7051 JALOUSIES H. Maynard N. Cutler RA 5-1646 RA 8-8642 Nov.