Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 31 Oct 1957, p. 20

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20 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, Geteber 31, 1997 ++ |THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Wes Ads EH 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies | 19--Personel 2s dats and Livestock 32--Articles Wanted Please Note INDEX RA 5-3086, ov. "y - ; ne 308 Slatiey's Ontario Accounting Serv- bide 7 tanks cleaned the sank ty FREE ealimates, gardens GENTLEMAN driving Toronto, | PL! Deadlines now in effect for ices offers Serv. | Way, and disced, landscaping, soil | room for 3 ot 4 prssengare. \Plesse Phone. BA Sans. a this column: TO WANT AD Room 1 Office, RA 54897, Rendence ALL "types dwelling Topuir, Toon Experienced opersior. KA SUZ | phone WA 3.43. ase IRA yk oad dent AY eget tr one el Com . 'Brooklin 608HA, Births, Memoriam, Cords of 3 Hii NTED vanished CLASSIFICATION [ix moron i Soma Casts ast mas pee i MA Nov | WANT sod? Youll be missing a good Sucve Saca Pela Is ditierent. I North GA. 'hone RA 5. DEA A SAME DAY |==Agcountants RA 5-3500. Nov. CAl | RA 5-2493. id 10| growth of us Ee Ask for Saca- A 2--Barristers Lee and 11 AM. SAME DAY GREER, TREE removal and a pre he Pelo In dry department stores. eR IL Ste, 5, 679 Gran- Jake Shaw will pay you more Murphy, DIAL RA 3-3492 '| 3~Chiropracter and Solicitors, 6 King Street East, Osh- wool, or with "eaal y S-Camten a A. CRAWFORD | [bots von Tor" sates Phone' RA 5.7758 vile Street, Vancouver 3, B.C. 1348 Wer / for your scrap iron, in, copper, Sorvicmn Chartered Accountants. Licensed Trus- RA 5.3756 Br .-. is Nov.16 CABBAGE roll made to" order, bo oy brass, lead, aluminum, ' Seetlon . price. BLOOR § ST. EAST $--Optomatrists fees, Ajax, Oshawa, Strath TOF BIRTHS Jses, Max, Oshawa, Steal rey hws FOR LOAM, GRAVEL RA 5.0312, ply 25 Fairbanks street. Phone RA J-=Surveyors Monteith, B. Comme CA; G. ILL AN ov. 31 . oXANTORES -- To Le { Joan (nee Fig i RF. Lightios, CA o W. FILL AND MARE oth WELL ote are for ale by {WAVE you a drinking problem? Wie OPEN N SATU AYS General 9. Material Street North, Oshawa. Nov, 6 SOUTH END --. y En ig g 10~~Shatvenirg Service YALE, Friedlander, flunter and Co,| PRE-CAST CONCRETE SOD SUPPLY pie SA SORAYA... AUTO WRECKING oeied, a na ; Nov.12 A RE Secon 5° 4 Wak red 8 SEPTIC TANKS Hereis) are to safe lander, B. Com, CPA: J. Hunter, CPA. iC TAN Prompt delivery. Sod in the Sinds, Tomi hg ug 2 ote. HL happy the arrival a thelr baby daughter, Janice Dial RA 5-1621, Ann, 7 Ibs. 6 ozs., , October Nov.2 SIDEWALK SLABS field for trucke able rates. RA 5.4410 or RA 5-498. for Bai the as eras Deter bd 2--Barristers or tnugicers, Nov, 11 Mrs. Buby md mother well; father recover- ZF iF - i COLORED PATIO SLABS Phone RA 5.8552 1s SHINE od TF wil Eien % 2B $ CASH for SCRAP $ Saimers, arrister, Solicl NG ov. aan. s RA . Nov. We Buy: MeMURTRY -- Owen and Anne ( fee RR Soe Residence, RA" 5354 LOCAL x chain saving, CRE ne (nes 5543. UNIT STEPS with: or without A soft, Hard, fire. October 30. 1957 "at Gehawa Genersi CAMERON and MacDonaid, Siig] momento! rei. C. E. HARDSAND Bs Sty waked. 54 Thom, GE ew m| Dros, Copper, Lead, Hospital, pg ® Salles ors and Notaries Buble, 1s Brooklin 55 Glover Rood, RA 5.1721 Md" close ers. .| Batteries, Cast Iron, private Nov.24 or foll orders, nursery stock, Test fi McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers Concrete Products tulip bulbs, flog and rockery RENT-A-CAR us. Tarde: h, ranteed Steel, Machinery, etc. DEATHS and Solicitors, Clients' funds available stone. A complete Londscop- stocks, leaving, sacrifice CALL : Bic Bove Phone 155 "Highway 12. | ng Service --by the week Leylace, "RR 2. Whitey, or RA 349% RA 3-7333 CZORNOMAZ -- (Also known as Cros- bon, GC; Edgar ¥., Bastedo, QC. N or gvenings 19 Brookiin Nov.26 --by tne doy DEAD farm stock picked up prom. Open All Day Saturd smas) entered into rest in Oshawal| 23--Women's Column GREER and Kelly, Barristers, pit Nov. 20 | --by the hour Phone ville, MArket Y ay Hensal Houital, Wednesday, October(l 24-~Market Basket 3 si 4 |S Jd L | 3.2679, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, : Bi ur mrt, | 2b and Lec A, Re od ~Loom Gravel. [RENTATRUCK "| M. GREENBERG & year. Funeral from the Armstrong|| 26~Former's Column V. Kelly, BA BCI : CEMEN | : ove Yoursel . Funeral Home, Oshawa, Saturday, No- uel, Wood i, T Fill Stone 1 3-furrow Ease plow ve SONS LIMITE awe, aurday. No DONALD Blake Dodds Barrister and p ry SR de gia Resorn Soleitor, apa ag Sest Fast tele | RA 5.3516 OSHAWA TILDEN good gondition, | | fuel 308° ment Bt, Gregory's Cemetery, (Friends|| 280--Hunting RA 88373, : Nov.i| Free estimates on footi | OSHAWA ACME i Allis Chalmers and hydraulic LOOR ST. EAST are asked not to call at the Funerallf 29-~Summer Properties For Sole ngs, | Mercury Taxi, 45 King St. E. lift plow, nearly new. 1 3- Home before Thursday), 283c o Waried CREIGHTON, Fraser, Dryian and wall, oor, Soroges, Stoop, | HAULAGE LTD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM furrow. Oliver plow, 3-point OSHAWA 30-Lost and Found Public, Bank of Commerce Building, 5 ' row hitch, nearly new. 1 Oliver Nov.23 31mArticles For Rent Re, ct Noh. RA 3.3446; T. K.| Will do a complete job, in | : RA 5-6553 crawler, good condition, 1 35--Em loyment IN MEMORIAM || s2--arices wanted Co yaa GL Murdoch: "8 Sluding . srection of _ form Diel RA 3-3528 Nov.10| Ferguson tractor, good condi- P Wanted (Coot toe" srs a Wand G. K. Drynani uA and placing of quality-con- IT--TPersonol Service tion, | W.D. 45 Allis |Seno of receptionist work. Bacaume SINGLE eds, mon TY Jam Swamien ont Wanled MANNING F franc Far, Sole Holle and guoreniesd ir | PROMPT DELIVERY oi Free EE Chalmers tractor very and Saturday. i do typing yenings | done. done EF our blocks east of beonagnan, whom God called 10 1 be with Séuctamalé Hit Wi Block 9% King ing a siren pant RA hand-trowel finishing po hol | T.7.5.Nov. 1.5| Phone RA 38-1431 dk Nov. i Sonditien, J psdore ae end aw. 7A i! - Him October 31, 1953, 37--Male Help Wanted y . TE=THoushoid Revoir oader to fit Ford or Ferguson | YOUNG married man, . Cindi oa a eau you, mother, 38--Male or Female Help Wonted {lores aeess and "Sor K sonable cost. ousehold epairs FOR tractor, Apply Alfred Fishes, ment as Mecham: oi Ih iis And byare a aa and orivik For ite ls' not the. ste to us [| 30TAvents Wanted Lh CURRAN & BRIGGS [Geos iscpr wii ws Wi i| FAST RELIAME SERviCE | Ashburn, Ont Phone 633R4: IuibelVuit Soins Jum, soup afte fcene 'scien. snd Tv, Big or a ly ot te hue 40--Opportunities . Boy A READY-MIX LIMITED [ial Low pile}. Phone RA 3707 be CALL oe .24,25,26,31 Nov. 1,2 | 3-204. MA LL : SPEE-DEE DELIVERY tye MOTHER ob atre children urgently (hot and cold waies in 4 needs r | share, close 46 SGM. RA 5-1168, Oel.3 If we had all the world to give, 4)=Room and Boerd LL.B., r ost, 8: i 2546 ot ha a1 the WOH bE HeRoom and oud. Office. 991 Simcoe Street South ALTERATIONS and repairs to all type To hear your voice and see "your 2~R " . Nov.1 Nov, 19 [of houses. Free estimates. Phone RA . FACTORY hardwood cuttings, large care of fll. If you provide ou Astle 43--=Wanted Te Rent J0--She: a Servic 5-478, Nov. 25 RA 5.3362 Jong, So, also 95 loads, Delivered. ment or isos fo yi ont please phone Room and 50'y0n who have & mother, Aimtor_tere ie and solitat To mes Sen fpening ®___|FURNTURE wpuired wad weapbei| CONTRACT WORK ~*~ C= i A es Wonted Gadeh ter with care, 45--Real Estate For Sale North. Phone .RA 8-85! y Have your lawnmower sharpened now, Shared. See our materials for recover EVENING DELIVERY CLERE typist with six year's exper- wn PIL never Jaw a hagriehe, || 45e--Real Estate Exchange JOSEPH P. Mangan, 102 hi and fry he ror gol RA mia B Diltea, 7 Crates ov. 1i Agent For Wilson Cleaners FURNA C E fee out anything © Th, . RA Week noth, near Siw ow 1 you see her vacant chair, | Po - : h 3 ar work Lovingly "remembered 'and' dy | 15 Real Ste Yemed King Siroet East On outa. 'oftce, sa | TI--Business Opportunities| TOU" local chimae cleaner Gin Prop. Jimmy Lave v.25 CLEANING the se BA issed by ge, cleaned, . You g Fnéress and sons William and George. || 48--Automoblies Wanted AT TT " FiLiiay Mae Maren, dance educator. Pacts vacuumed. Workmanship guaran immediate: Service NG lay I ont Ai anted to Rent 49--Automobile Repairs Thomas H. [Dane ool, Ballet, Tap, Baton, ; satimates. RA 3.2997. Noy sition immediately, Attract BUSINESS man with MONAGHAN = In lo Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici- ve appear. , MonaamaN dh loving memo Er eo » Masonic Temple, Fridays. Saturdays CRESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, TAILORING HARRY O. PERRY ance. pleasing perso Please home, M A tors, 65 Simcoe Sweet South. RA 85-3525. x beth Monaghan, who passed away Oc-| §1--Swap and Barter origage loans available. Nov.| =A 27283. Maynllike new. Why pay ore a usr a| For all Garment Repairs Hacking Eayismen Division |phone Val, RA 33 Tw T A - hoot 99, . | THREE - made a wonderful mother, 52--~Legal Notices iropractors Part-time business requires fod. Min attresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up-| and Alterations, reasonable one 443 immediate possession \ 7 peach. Arbab ERNE Co., 10 Bond Street i " : rk. Office by Eran, | Sam [En Por we | reorder enic | No RA 5.2023 or 37004 [EE le Fh, BR is light, dignified and re- |T15--Instructi ors or private work, Nov. 18 . Phone RA struction. Phone Len Pullgn -- RA MARRIED man desires work made her heart of pure gold. 25 words or less 2 "he" nis. were" hard tn him Gay" Songs Hon por week Your copital |LFARNING to dance Ts caw ana fon| 8-5311 -- 10 'Prince 4 \W "Xo 2 Taio or 8 3 CONSECUTIVE ion per week. Your capital n -- . / manville, or East Oshawa, 80 He closed her ry id i ; at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 di farm. hb OF three And apered basco. be tine. 1, ONSERTIONS 148 207 ow pair id lice Bours 915 is secure gt all times and you * |prince street, RA die ra, jon BOWSER'S FUEL S-4990. P "nd moving from mB). Cotnathes - ngly remembered a sadly n evenings Vr en ve money every week, Nov.30 juassd by daughter Dolly and son-in. INSERTIONS 3.00 3.30 King Street East. 59521 Please write oy il lines LILLIAN Mae Marsh, d od! a. 'LATEST HIT RECORDS ONL. BURNERS 3nd FURNACES child. in hy ll A gD x W'Doug and grandchildren. It not paid within 7 days the Res. 3.7283. Nov.34 about yourself giving address Dancing school, "Ballet, Tap aton AND LP albums. Also small | Whitty WOoOoD and OIL RA 3-3065. RY. : nly Charge rate will apply. 5---Nursing Services and phone number for a per= Masonic Temple, Fridays, Saturdays.| gift items. Wedding invitations | Yd 14 Sod in) longtis, EXPERIENCED finishing carpenter Above rates apply only te erl- sonal interview. Box 413, RA 3.7283, May20| printed. Hardwood Slabs $7.00 As Jari: time: work. Phene' RA wine \ 5 066 after 6, 2514 CARD OF THANKS ginal orders for consecutive inser- ||MIDDLE Green Villa Lodge, Kingston tions. Subsequent insertions ordered ||Road West, Oshawa Vacancies, grad. | Times-Gozette. HARVEY Dance Academy, baton, tap, Body H ood at a later cate constitute @ new [|uate ourse in attendance. Phone RA 0ct.23,25,29,31,Nov.2 Royal Academy plot t Hniand. Reg. MELODEE_ RECORD BAR ody Lorde saa' MOTHER and child, 3, will look after June 339 Simcoe Street South Nov.29 -- RA a, 5 Ean oo" in Jhaiu my ftieds in Brook. original order. &--Opto <irists | or r enquirfes for me while Professional and Business list merr TUTOR, st it y A Et na ar te mans | 005 pnt tor Bowral. recor precimg| TOR LEASE (cope! WAimobimntzny T3Th| Phone RA 5.5584 Q T TOUNG hn, wed fe Pris ic per mon! eyesight and | RA 5-1054 between 6 and 7 p.m. Nov.15 Nov. O VE ning work, and et Zea a ay considered. Write Box 437, Times- Ga- their prayers, that hastened my re- in muscle anomalies, covery. My sincere thanks. -- Mar. Sach «intial - letter, 'abtreviatian, glasses. Evenings Mon., Wed., Fri, 6-8. Servic tati ith 1 h $ and ¢ sign figure, count as a ||[nvalids examined at home, RA 56143 e' stations with, luncly,, | DRIVE SAFELY GOOD CLEANING SAVES ep garet Townsend. as oe, = ye Hie" aaniara, ey SE Sigh Nose yoom facilities and living Learn tn Drive ot MUST be yf 9 am. the mer 7--Surveyors quarters, on main highways | MERCURY iby blication. Office hours: Daily 8-5. ||F 5 Donevan and Associates, Land| in Oshawa crea. Reasoncble | SCHOOL OF SAFE BRIviNG LEANERS 4 kk. a Survaying And "4 «13 Bloor! rentals,.For information write RA 5.47 4 Simcoe S. -- RA 3.4832 bh: Nov.24| Box 341, Times-Gazette. | 49 King East -- RA 8-842 2534 | ds Bh ik. shal in fla : r o MERCURY La Brazills [zi msisersss jos FR Farha oy ly LE] Bl Te isernents tted otherwise Sy rveyors. ree] , . than in writing, nor for more than fe 70 Harwood Avieus South, Afax lo an oppartanty, Writs ox 33, Timer. Nev. }0 F F DAGAAORY technician, exp in chemistry Sasatial. E. F. Drew aud SINGLE furnished bedroom for I oct { t d- Nov.10 veritemen ty 1 or Saxe Music Studio for All Instruments FOR BET I ER DRY Co. Ltd., Ajax ® FS man, "home. 38 C vertisement, nor beyond the price || DONALD H. Trollope, Ontario Land A denims E Sioolie Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5.6881. ening upplies Piano Tuning | | CLEANING CALL Ol Cais goo Fa a Be i -. Illiterate as, ore rf nts in ich error ov: occurs. And also reserves the right 8 --Building Trades | ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES | Gf moll to classify advertising according to uilding Trades 52] Rossland Rd. West | K 10 de JANEIRO (AP)--Brazil|| fo Samify advertising um TEL Oshawa Sod Supply | oy Hew ond ed omer | MODERN is ming industrially, but more For information, call AM Lines, RA Nov.29 We specialize in good (New and Used) | DRY CLEANERS Prompt Daily Delivery c Poronto, Oct. ki gta iosi than half of its 60,000,000 people 35-1905. : cannot read or-write, quality sod only. | 539 ALBERT STREET KIND middie - aged wom ts housekeeper for partially blind 01 Crayd Far-sighted Brazilians are con | PIC a s. fee a sates a0 Prompt delivery. ! Nov.29 | 321 Olive A anion - setusd ust this vast pation. hy ana ian GALL Alex Vajda Modern Woodwork. DIAL RA 8.8639 RAE r | ve, AARRY O. PERRY woman. RA 3.2014. SEE LE EE ton, Cowmmpmne | RAS7I8 | Cemeame | Emam -- one vy Sao after 7. . of industrial progress if education boards, and door frames. Where odorless and-expert ATTRACTIVE three-room heated Nights: RA 3.7944 or 5-8823 YOUNG woman for coffee bar, experi: |, n¢ centrally located in Bow Is not stepped up windows, any size or design. RA 3-9851 | The government reluctantly ad ega y {Lg i. ov16| HOLLAND NURSERY | Expert courteous instruction, gn fleaning is done. Please : 0 s not "Horton and Associates, mmer- ual-controtled ¢ ars, fully 'eel free to drop | Nov. 1 ed. Apply in pe: after 6. 317 Si showing much improvement. GTO ing, 0 Harwood Ave.| and LANDSCAPING SO fort oy bei ind pd rap lp ana see Sooo and Bound ov, 1.8 | enced AZFIY In peraom after Sn separate entrance and Bathe cle ; RA 5-7442 | RA 5.8442 Prop, EV, GIBSON and Youn LOST = Dog from Courtice, seven TYPIST Time aud again educationists nue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax m. " ave decried the lack of schools. FC } § Y) 7 We do complete first-class i a has made fantastic in- 0 STONE 'mason Jem experienos, londsecping, nursery' grown. | or drop in at 178 Simeon 0% +|27--Radie ond Re montts, beagle he Black, pits, oy ustrial progress. In booming Sao Chi nd fireplaces built and re- , tock, etc. | ov, yon + Repairtan. Answers tc the name 'enny. Paulo alone, the value of metal] WINNIPEG (CP)--The Tribune paired. RA 34584. Nov ged, bulla, mrsery stock, ¢¢ | T6--Insurance ATLchannel aerials. 090% Took aCTiaL. | mere SA. Bl: For Oshawa office, five day Gast lurgical industries has increased|says 'legal authorities here" | PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, Nov. 10 $20; 30:oot roof aerial, $39; 30.foof with| LOST -- Plain Fh man's wide band.| oq week, typing essential, (A RACTIVELY Furnished 18-fold in 13 years, The chemical have ed the view that a fixtures new and used, > rotor, $79; UHE antenna, $18: Butfalo 50" 506; Inscrpion. Phone as4f| morried or single. Br orth: 87 pom, HA ba express e Vi at a septic tanks to sewer a hanging 4 on GENERAL INSURANCE antenna, $15. Conversion - moving re- 3.2048 after 5 p.m. Wri B 449 North, 57 p.m. RA pair. Day or night. Rolland TV, RA|LOST -- male cat, orange and hin rite Box |i monthly, two furnished N Times-Gozette rooms. _ Built-in cupboards, industry grew from an $8,000,000| Canadian passenger, forced to|staiiations at reasonable rates. Infor| COURTICE SOD AND ond pair. A orange an ov.17| Vicinity of Ritson Roa 001 and Clarke. rest on Saturday. Child's 253¢ phone. Very central, Apply 0B business. in 1950 to $21,000,000 in ti d estimates free on any type i continue an airplane journey ping. Dial' RA $4241, J. Foley, LANDSCAPING SERVICES | REAL ESTATE BE humming with happiness' Place u| Clarke Stoel 96,5 pet 53¢ phone. Very ce Schools are badly overcrowded. from Winnipeg because the ini Lawns levelled, sodded and | Rob S Classified Ad to solve that p Ministry of education figures in-|ternational airline lacks rights to BULLDOZING and excavating. Dial ed. Loom ond Fill obert J. bothering you. RA 3.3452. BLUE Ll hound, male dark, f _ |TWO furnished housekeeping dicate o 2s sunt of Sluis disembark passengers, was vir- RA 3301. Taylor Buvibers, 3 Nov.30 For Free Estimates Call | McCALLUM AO % LF "Fred homer, fost ty Port Posty gismics, RA S30 pris fii 2 org io Sphanle for oa: sls sor ren of elementary schoo! age| Jom ------ 1 ED. T 157 Elliot Street. Dial R. ard Street, near Duplate. have 70" public instruction be. icy "470% #2 MEY 44H ee consTRUCTION D-NowaoN RA 5-6402 of Buses Dist BA 3978 Nov.) JT--Articles for Rent service of 0 lady book- ws ies: Fmmeid Toom cau of ck of facilities ' | Nov.é EXPERT TELEV. FLOOR polishers for rent. Very keeper, must be neat in [Apply 199 King Street ote 511 some rural areas, three out pr The passenger. Per Holting, 26,| New homes, odditions, side- Nov.1| = | ISION sonable. Also Juno floor Conditioners. if ' TY UNFURNISHED apartment every four children never attend|P" of Minneapolis and a native| ou. concrete floors, foun- 17--Money to Loan | AERIAL INSTALLATION [avaiiable. Phone MO 84055, Whitby. | appearance and Willing | jocated, newly decorated, in new h school. tof Denmark who Became a nalur- dations, repairs, etc. Pre-fob 1 1" CLIENT'S money to loan on first mort. | Past service, low prices. et to work. Between the, Thre Plete bath, Frivate Soy oy the Jarger Sie, ouch 2s boarded a Scandinavian Airlines| §9r99¢% and itstien cup utc uibs A gr eaments odaie | Free estimates Chin Saws, Gas and Electric; age of 18-30. Typing welcome. Te man 8! d t ree esti- s A " 3 Maal "thinon "0 rate Sistem plane in Greenland last) C1 Spice, "ol "54937. Tulips Grlibon, frase, Brosas and giur.| LOCK TELEVISION | Skil Sows; Sanders; Drs; | and shorthand not essen- fie, "Somenisnees "Ot marker ia gelipols beduse of lio Sitculty When the plane landed at Win-| Nov.5 Daffodils CLIENTS monies rvallable for first RA 3-2433, a Jeddes Paint tial. Company benefits. |cated at Ritson Road South. RA 533883 n | H an d J A 1 ' ) 1. o PUbYC| nipeg to refuel before continuing Froming -- Trimming -- | Narcissus pp chi mor'gunes. Morigages and a M.W.F. Nov. 18 Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading Write: TWO - Toom sefl-contained apartm to Los Angeles Holting attempted arming . r ! Hyacinths ML Swarts, Barrister and Notary i Equipment; Electric Hammer; . heat, lights, hot cold water, wig that inicrantiona). Kitchen saa a phi Crocus Say 54 Vu Ev. Osmyqe, 32 CAMPBELL'S Coit; Hardwood Floor | Box 602, Times-Gazette |monihiv. RA STIS ct L pairs = W y I Coma -- \ Lonel Heart regulations forbid passengers A. JAMES ALLEN + Snowdrops FIRST and second mortgages, ae Stapler glovies; Past Hele 254 | SINGLE furniatied room for Sentiel [to stop in Winnipeg where SAS : Top quality only. nick and Hennick, Barristers, 3i ing RIAL ye ol Iron: 100-ft. Tape; 37--Male Help Wanted a i has Street East, RA 3.7232. v.90 etc. Stan's Sharpening Serve TRUCK mechanic, must be experienc | ment, newly decorated. Oil heated: landing and refuelling rights Building Contractor . aK Cooper Smith Co. 18 Loan Wonted SERVICE ice, corner King and Burke 24. steady Work. 1p pay for 8 Ready i vate bath and entrance, 140 ho r metics neigh place of of bused , Write Miss uy Dil rk 3 it only and was escorted bac! RA 5.6126 Sts. Dial RA 3.3224, Ltd, 991 Simcoe Street South, . . - A the plane by police. He returned Victim Dead =7ye MH et) rer nnst, EEE TERE TV. Amok to TTS - sold, prival - . | FOR SALE RA 3-2312 gc. 3 37 King Street East, Oshawa, RX erials DO-IT-YOURSELF Coming she foreman: erly In wr No children. 65 oS named lawyer as questioning Nov.20 | Installe / = d RENT-A-FLOOR nd, poms MODERN three or four-room il i whether an individual passenger| |... and gravel, fill, rood Jai Woman is party to the internationall "UL "Clement grovel, IA Yo Morigeges DIAL A [oriER il an SILIARD "oom. attendant wanted, | Meme, "ePOtale Shat door, Garage opa agreement binding the airline. For. information call. Cliff 1 have good fifst mortgage bearing 7 John E. preferably over 45. Apply Central Bil- ey Phone Brooklin 161J. Lane 8, KP) M3. Jrene The Tribune quotes another un-| Brown, RA 8-8951, per cent interest for, CE ES oF RA 5 91 3 5 from named lawyer ag saying he has nwt?) OOD SUPPLY [farina Simos sess" yith on - HARRISON & KINSMAN [ftroe. 23 Temperance! street South {oni os Clio located, tout : ough, was semteneed, Tue y jo been unable to find anything in definite and six months hdefinite Gfter being convicted of | international law that would have TOP SOIL Sod delivered and did. Field [FIRST mortgage for sale, Ser in DAY OR NITE 337 Simcoe St. 5. RA 428 3 | MAN required for parceling and Tight | eros, er ted, fireplace: dra having defrauded a pensioner of ce Rg Sm remain- loading, also loam, fill, sand, [discount fgr prompt action, 23.000 al Nov.7 + ier W. ov. maintenance. Write Box #48, Times hin, wail to hl Sarpeting, oT Serial, i his life savings. : Six Yards Loads $5.00 gravel and flagstone. Phone direc: WHEN "simcoe Street Nori: 23--Women's Column 32--Artic anted MEN to lay wood shingles. Apply 335|ply Box 501 Times-Gazette. ¢ Mrs. Lane was accused Alex 431, Oshawa, RA 53568 PIANOS ior students any make or Bloor Street West. 251e Sand, fill, cement and Nov.4 | To-=Fersonal 50 | SPECIAL heat permanenis $080, cod ize. Wil pty "aah Statg make hd | FXPERIENOED service sation ai an floor TOE 9--Personal Wh Page Hairdressing. 396 price fo Box 223 Times-Gfvette. Octl8 tendant Must be neat and courteous. |session. Onc child welcome. Day car if desired. Reasonable. RA 8143, a corresponded with Alvin 47% i. oof pearby Aurora through! Reds To Hold rood dorael. Ph. FA waves $5.80. Page Ha N38 9 : : QUICK, effective refief for Asthma suf- - Apply 227 Smo Street South, between 7am and 7 253 | FIVE - room brick bungalow, two lonely hearts column of a) pa id : Riddol " -- AL stationery, 50 sheets with weekly Torry abd wom Summit Conference| 33162 A. W. RUNDLE Erith Tamed ei, BOGuco 1 Sar Ln Ape a So Foon, modern col hess sen Rim under the pretext that she| yipnny (AP) -- Radio an- Nov:16 [Gunada. At All druggate, Or og, Ples. P.O. Box 576 Ajax." 39 OFFICE HELP | north section. $90 per month. R ttle her father's arden Centre SRE t it to settle |nouncements from several satel- Toronto + Oct .3,10,17,24,31 DESSHAKING. alterations and mend. W. ANTED THREE - room ished apartment alate after Mrs. Lane's pre- |lite capitan today oe clear Loam and Everything For Your ELECTROLYSIS ing. Doll sses made to order. Dial Raw furs, live poultry, 'fecthen, the tid foot Hivate entrance [that a Red summit conference Garden 24--Market Basket scrap 11m ond. Jetal, Write Box 411 LARGE Taraishot room BF ini J Times-Gazette son, cooking privileges. nary hearing Mr. Ridley Rina suicide by shooting |will be held in Moscow next week. G | S | Removal of Superfluous Hair. . If through the head. His| The Communist party bosses rave upp y Evergreens, grown at our | a : CARROTS, $1.00 per bushel this month . 4 3 51601. himse! Marie Murduff will be in Osh |only. Bring containers. T: h lished f trial, left! f th hi nursery, suitable for local s. Taunton Road - with establishe rm, will, produced at the tria and premiers from throughout East, fifth house, south side. RA 3-4953. REE - room apartment, heat $50 to Mrs. Lane. ; |the Soviet bloc will meet in con-| Good top soll, loam, fill, road condis i ons. Hardy roses awa Nov. 5, 6. Phone Gen- | . " ™* Novo 247f | nevwy wiring, main floor. RA 5 Mr. Ridley said at the prelim: nection with the celebration off gravel, cement grovel, stone grown here. Our variet- osha Hotel on these dates [FRESH killed turkeys. Phone RA (collect) 39--Agents Wanted - his | . ies, top size dutch bulbs, , 5.5100 3 FOUR rooms for rent, furnished he mortgaged his|ihe 40th anniversary of the Boll 4 (ong. For satisfuction Pp u for appointmer or RA 34916. Jaek hi » Nov. V2 |e Facts Tat us show you_Tiow| furnished, Maar SGM Plant. Abstain we have helped others to become finan. [Phone RA 5- 9719, inary hearing i home to raise the $6,000 loan. He|ghevik resolution, on Nov. 7. | chrysanthemums in blooom, ' Nov.5 dial RA 5.5279. shade'ond fruit trees; betries, Noo TLL NOV, TURKEYS for "fall mippers. Phone CEDARDALE SCRAP cially independent selling Rawleigh (goa in private hom: rooklin 611RS. Nov.18 Prducts. Good locality now available | spony n gentiema m In prival Sout said she stopped seeing him after| 5 4p 05req likely that Soviet| he | Nov.10| shrubs etc. Gross seed and re Nav. that. Lei cgi NID rush ------| nursery grown sod, Toro lawn For that Special Someone ! | TURKEYS nd 7 roasting Chicken for IRON AND METALS in Osnava (and. Durham. Weite Raw: | near King and Ritson Road. special 13 le] L] e) ©) eu PREFABRICATED mowers, Choremaster and Bo- CORNISH JEWELLERS | quets and church suppers. RA 9 or 100 Annis Street Montreas, Que. Oct. 15,31 | HOUSE for rent, Phone RA 5-630. 2 35-9245. THREE large doom. apartment. oN LANDS SAFELY ling endorse his policy of party H f ens tractor and tillers, A. A complete line of MIDO, Nov.21 in i EARN ext: [ time. No BOSTON (AP East of CNR Station I ow Ponutiful nished, private bal y -- A Scandina-| evtrol of the afed forces in GARAGES lens troctor and tillers LORIE ond BULOVA Watch ORDERS taken 10 ota s plane lost an en-\Communist countries. Red cor . . an atches, aken for winter toes. : Boar yian Airline? P Boston Tuesday respondents in Moscow have re- Delivered to X28 lot ready A. W. RUNDLE Diamonds, Cultured Pearls, etc. | Ehone RA 3.3350, Nov. 1 . WE PAY: ea ray Hen mag» a a ht but landed safely 20 min-|ported that Marshal Zhukov's op- for erection, $250 and up. Gard 2 ND ST 5--Pets and Livestock Highest prices for Iron, assortments, stationery, ribbon, wrap- |5-1730 re later at Logan international |position to this principle was the On display at Colonial Qreen Centre : BONG o REE WEST REGISTERED, blond American span.| Metal; Rags, Paper etc. pings, and novelties. Free folders show. [wo "front rooms, unfurnished, Of es eporis. said the craftchief reason for his ouster as So-| Homes, JH Pork Re. 1015 King East our Watch Pecsonlly (RECRIER, SW KRETLPI on 5.3432 RA 5.4150 |i Eh Ste CH nal tr Sh ene it ar TH gm i ¥ . K show, FOO t for child R G . carried 50 persons. It was boun Set defence minister last Satur | Skit) RA 5-1764 ma |show, good pet for children. Reason | ¢ oo pic Up Open Suturday samples. Douglas Greeting Card Com- OERN five . W Nov.125-0m, Nov.20 Oct. 1,3,6,8,10,12,15,17,19,22,24,26,31. | Oshawa. Phone RA tor Tdlewild. '. :

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